• 01 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3094 06:53 PM, 01 Oct 2022
    Bernese farmer’s 20 cows provide electricity and heat for several houses -- via biogas

    Niklaus Hari converts manure and urine from his 20 cows into energy via a small biogas plant, providing electricity AND HEAT for several houses and a development. “The main thing,” he says, “is we need the cows for their [manure].”

    This is ANOTHER reason the WEF is so eager to reach the “Post Animal Economy” — only takes a small number of livestock to provide meat, dairy, and manure for fertilizer and energy.

    To take control over FOOD, FERTILIZER, and ENERGY, they must eliminate animals from homesteads.

    — iceagefarmer


    👉 Raising chickens & other birds — iaf_birds
    👉 Goats & livestock — iaf_goats

    #EnergyCrisis #WarOnPets
  • iceagefarmer #3095 07:37 PM, 01 Oct 2022
    French refinery strikes takes half of the nation’s refining capacity offline - forcing France’s largest sugar maker, Tereos, to curtail production

    Diesel and petrol stations in France are running out of fuel, according to an industry union, as a refining strike takes its toll. The strike, which among others, took Total’s 240,000 bpd Gonfreville refinery offline as well as a couple of Exxon’s, was expected to conclude on Thursday…but Friday, reports came in that strikes were disrupting Total’s oil products refining and delivery for a fourth day — 60% of the nation’s total refining capacity.

    “There is no need to rush to the station (for gas),” TotalEnergies said on Friday. Despite those affirmations, France’s largest sugar maker, Tereos, said it had to curtail production somewhat at some of its factories after Total advised it that it would not be able to supply it with any more diesel until the end of the week.

    France was already battling a shortage of refined products, with Russia’s exports to Europe “falling” in recent months.

    [ see previous post on biogas . . . ]

    source: oilprice.com

    #EnergyCrisis #France #EU
  • iceagefarmer #3096 08:29 PM, 01 Oct 2022
    PETA Calls for Strike on Sex with Meat-Eating Men

    Recall the UN & EAT/Lancet's "Planetary Health Diet" are all about demonizing meat-eating to make it "socially taboo like smoking."

    I will just skip the part where we comment on the irony of self-selecting out of reproduction.


    PETA Calls For Strike on Sex With Meat-Eating Men | PETA
    PETA is proposing a strike on sex with meat-eating men. Men’s diets cause 41% more greenhouse gases than women’s diets.
  • 03 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3097 08:00 PM, 03 Oct 2022
    Netherlands: greenhouses and growers increasingly shutting down operations due to energy prices. Those greenhouses accounted for nearly 40% of veg in Europe...

    Video opens with a business owner heating her store with candles/terracotta: "I lost my customers with COVID, and now inflation is so high people don't have money to buy children's clothes."

    The elderly person with candle/terracotta heater is, to me, iconic of the strangulation that is gripping Europe in this engineered energy crisis.

    - iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #3098 08:04 PM, 03 Oct 2022
    Vegetable/legume company HAK STOPS production for 6 weeks starting 2023. Energy prices make it infeasible to produce, says the market leader best known for the glass jars of applesauce, peas and brown beans.

    "It is not only the high price, but also the uncertainty, says director Timo Hoogeboom. "Today it is two euros for a cubic meter of gas, it used to be three euros. We don't know what it will be in January or February. So to be on the safe side, we will remain closed."

    If it is no longer possible to pass on the higher energy prices to consumers, the availability of products may ultimately also be compromised. "If companies have to sell below cost for months, things go wrong." He does not expect any empty shelves for HAK for the time being. "But I don't rule it out for the chain, especially in January, February and March." A temporary energy ceiling for companies could help, the HAK director thinks.

    "Companies will first look at how they can absorb the costs themselves, but if that is no longer possible, they will have to scale down," confirms food economist Morren. "I expect this to happen more widely."

    source: https://nos.nl/l/2446920

    - iceagefarmer

    #EnergyCrisis #FoodWars #EU
    HAK stopt productie tijdelijk vanwege energiekosten: 'Appelmoes duurder'
    De producten zullen wel in de schappen liggen, maar voor een hogere prijs, verwacht het bedrijf.
  • iceagefarmer #3099 09:23 PM, 03 Oct 2022
    Brazilian soybean processors have halted operations as crushing margins turned negative.

    Abiove, a trade group representing global oilseed crushers in Brazil, confirmed the move, telling Reuters some of its members advanced scheduled maintenance stoppages that traditionally happen at the end of the year as soyoil prices dropped while soybean prices remained high, hurting margins.


    #brazil #FoodWars
    Some Brazilian Crushers Halt Operations
    Between eight and 10 Brazilian soybean processors have temporarily halted operations as crushing margins turned negative. . .
  • iceagefarmer #3100 09:26 PM, 03 Oct 2022
    STUDY: Gates-funded Impossible Burger poisons rats

    Rats fed GM yeast-derived protein soy leghemoglobin – the Impossible Burger’s key ingredient – showed signs of toxicity.

    If you recall, the FDA at first hesitated about this GMO "heme" to make the Gates-funded thing "bleed," but when Whole Foods was purchased by Bezos, they sold it without FDA approval. The FDA approved soon thereafter.

    Reject the synthetic food — grow your garden.

    - iceagefarmer

    source: https://www.gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/20099-rat-feeding-study-suggests-the-impossible-burger-may-not-be-safe-to-eat
    IAF - Gardening 🥕🍓🍅🧄
    A solutions-oriented chat where we discuss and share about gardening techniques, planting, soil and crop production - Read the Guidelines & Help! Part of Ice Age Farmer's @IAF_Resources - IceAgeFarmer.com
  • 04 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3101 11:08 AM, 04 Oct 2022
    Germany warns flood of electric heaters WILL crash power grid — yet retailers still have huge displays of space heaters — “dont be caught without one!”

    This is 5th generation warfare - social engineering of civilians, weaponizing a population against itself!

    #Germany #EnergyCrisis #DarkWinter

    Germans Panic-Buy Electric Heaters As Authorities Warn Of Winter Gas Shortage
    “If we don’t save, if households don’t reduce consumption, we still risk not having enough gas in the winter,”
  • 05 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3102 06:02 AM, 05 Oct 2022
    Dolphins, skunks, foxes now apparently have #BirdFlu as well — Remember : the agenda is “animals are dirty and dangerous and we must separate MAN from NATURE into the SmartCities!”

    In Maine, an elevated number of gray and harbor seal deaths have been attributed to the disease, while in Florida, officials believe a bottle-nosed dolphin succumbed to the virus. It's also been detected in skunks and foxes.

    After proliferating globally, a historic wave of avian flu has entered Southern California, where it is worrying farmers and bird lovers and could add to complications with supply chains and food prices.

    In late August, one New Jersey park had to close its trails to hikers. There were too many dead vultures on the ground.

    Bird flu spreads to Southern California, infecting chickens, wild birds and other animals
    A highly infectious bird flu that has felled millions of birds globally is in California. Experts worry it could affect our food supply.
  • iceagefarmer #3103 06:05 PM, 05 Oct 2022
    Unbelievable - Terrible timing to not be able to export grains/oilseeds:

    U.S. barge backlog swells on parched Mississippi River

    Commercial barge traffic on southern stretches of the Mississippi River was at a standstill on Tuesday as low water levels halted shipments of grain, fertilizer and other commodities on the critical waterway, shipping sources said.

    The supply chain snarl comes just as harvesting of corn and soybeans, the largest U.S. cash crops, is ramping up and as tight global supplies and strong demand for food and fuel have sent inflation soaring.

    Around 100 tow boats hauling some 1,600 barges were lined up for miles waiting to pass through one trouble spot near Lake Providence, Louisiana, that has been largely closed since late last week, shipping sources said.

    At least two other sections of the lower Mississippi have also been closed at times, disrupting the flow of grain to U.S. Gulf Coast export terminals, where some 60% of U.S. corn, soybean and wheat exports exit the country, they said.

    Shippers have been loading less cargo per barge so vessels sit higher on the water, and towing companies have reduced the number of barges per tow by nearly 40% as the low water conditions narrowed the navigable channel.

    #us #water #SupplyChain

    U.S. barge backlog swells on parched Mississippi River
    Commercial barge traffic on southern stretches of the Mississippi River was at a standstill on Tuesday as low water levels halted shipments of grain, fertilizer and other commodities on the critical waterway, shipping sources said.
  • 06 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3104 10:35 PM, 06 Oct 2022
    Like it or not, gene-edited crops are coming to the EU

    Political hacks are using the food crisis to push GMO foods, as was scripted years ago.

    Also - file this with other abusive headline language pushing the agenda: "Lab-grown meat is coming whether or not you like it (wired Feb 2018)"

    Like it or not, gene-edited crops are coming to the EU
    The only question is how strictly they’ll be regulated.
  • iceagefarmer #3105 10:37 PM, 06 Oct 2022
    Force majeure declarations have begun due to barges stopped in Mississippi due to low water levels

    This affects not just the grains harvest, but fertilizer applications.

    A logjam of ships, tugboats and barges due to low water levels on the Mississippi River is threatening to grind trade of grains, fertilizer and other goods to a halt, Bloomberg reports. Ingram Barge Company, the largest U.S. barge operator, declared force majeure in a letter to customers due to “near-historic” low water conditions on the Mississippi River. As of Wednesday afternoon, the Coast Guard said there was a queue of 122 vessels at Stack Island and 15 vessels at Memphis. Due to increased groundings, the number of vessels in tow is being restricted.


  • 10 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3107 03:53 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Ukraine stops exporting electricity to EU tomorrow. This is another blow to the #EnergyCrisis that is already affecting food production (and will be under-reported amidst the fireworks)
  • iceagefarmer #3108 08:04 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Hey. What did you do TODAY to make yourself more RESILIENT for TOMORROW?

    Have you been DOOMSCROLLING — or are you ACTIVELY investing in a de-centralized future: seed saving (food production), networking (community), energy systems (minimally solar+inverter+hot plate to cook!)

    Lots to do - use these moments wisely!

    See the IAF groups for solutions-focused chats about these topics and more

    - Christian
  • iceagefarmer #3109 08:11 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Growing stuff every day
  • iceagefarmer #3110 08:11 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Moved 3 cords of firewood under cover.
  • iceagefarmer #3111 08:16 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Just Stop. It's just not going to be appetizing.

    Portland ice cream shop pushes "insect ice cream": "it's the past, present and future of food!"

  • iceagefarmer #3112 08:17 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Lab-grown milk to hit shelves by 2024 – minus the cow and the carbon

    Welcome to the WEF's "post animal economy":

    "A new animal-free milk promising to be more sustainable than dairy but with near-identical taste and nutritional content could hit supermarket shelves in the next two years, adding to the growing roster of milk alternatives available to Australian consumers."

    #WarOnDairy #PostAnimalEconomy

    Lab-grown milk to hit shelves by 2024 – minus the cow and the carbon
    CSIRO-backed start-up Eden Brew aims to fill the growing demand for protein by brewing its animal-free dairy centrally and then shipping it to companies across the globe.
  • iceagefarmer #3113 08:21 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    I have a lot of researching to finish about overwintering my peppers. Yesterday I also used cardboard and mulch over my raised beds, and succession sowing lettuce (we can grow lettuce and greens quite late into the winter season where I am). Appreciate all of you in this group!!!!!
  • iceagefarmer #3114 08:21 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    We are building a BootStrap Farmer 20’x40’ greenhouse to grow year round
  • iceagefarmer #3115 08:58 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    Wheat jumps over 4% on Black Sea supply concerns, corn firm

    Chicago wheat rose over 4% on Monday on concerns a flare-up in the Russia-Ukraine conflict could create new threats to grain shipments from the Black Sea region

    Corn rose on expectations of smaller crops in the U.S. and Europe.

    #wheat #FoodPrices

    GRAINS-Wheat jumps over 4% on Black Sea supply concerns, corn firm
    Chicago wheat rose over 4% on Monday on concerns a flare-up in the Russia-Ukraine conflict could create new threats to grain shipments from the Black Sea region.
  • iceagefarmer #3116 09:00 PM, 10 Oct 2022
    More food infrastructure burning - Canadian bridge causes grains transport issues:

    “An entire economy is relying on these little ribbons of steel through Canada'

    A bridge burned down on the Canadian National Railway Co. line, about 95 kilometres to the south, severing the only rail link in or out of Grande Prairie and causing backlogs for the grain shippers who depend on that track to get their product to port.

    CN said the severed line only moves a fraction of the total grain coming off fields in Western Canada. But for grain farmers and exporters, the bridge fire was another example of the fragility of the national supply lines that connect one of the world’s most important bread baskets with seaports and global markets.

    A burning Alberta bridge stalls grain shipments, showing the fragility of Canada's supply chains
    Greg Sears was supposed to deliver 90 tonnes of his canola crop to a grain elevator near Grande Prairie, Alta., about 500 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, on Oct. 6. But before he left his farm, a local rep at Viterra Canada Inc., a major grain exporter, called and told him to hold off, likely for several weeks.
  • 11 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3117 08:09 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    "Not all food will be available in the future."

    Swedish 'food expert' describes the "Food Transformation" we are living through using the same language as the WEF / EAT/Lancet / UN:

    "The most central thing in human life, food, is undergoing a huge transformation right now and thinking about what will be on our plates and how it got there is exciting to say the least.

    ..."Alternative proteins such as insects, lab-grown meat and new technologies such as producing proteins from carbon dioxide and water will be a complement on our plates in 18 years but not be the main source of protein. "

    #WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms

    Ica varnar: All mat finns inte i framtiden
    Alla livsmedel kommer inte alltid att finnas på hyllorna i matbutiken i framtiden, menar Ann-Katrin Tottie, framtidsanalytiker på Ica. Klimatförändringar och geopolitisk oro gör också att fokus på svenska produkter kommer att öka avsevärt de närmaste decennierna. 
  • iceagefarmer #3118 08:11 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    "Protein from CO2" is not just technocratic rhetoric babble. It is highly funded:

    We've created the world's first air chicken and air scallops. Turning elements in the air into sustainable protein that eliminates compromise between taste, nutrition, and climate threat.
    We're on track to craft our protein flour into delicious and nutritious chicken, beef, pork, and seafood made from air that are better for the planet and your plate.

  • iceagefarmer #3119 08:11 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    Top notch interview with Gabe Brown on regenerative methods to cultivate awesome soil which can't help but grow amazing amounts of food for your family!


    Gabe Brown on Regenerative Solutions to Modern Problems – Ice Age Farmer Podcast

    Gabe Brown of Browns Ranch — a pioneer of the soil-health movement and regenerative practices — joins Christian to discuss regenerative practices and soil health as the bottom line solutions to the myriad problems we face. We discuss the Covid19 pandemic and what we can learn from it, how healthy living soil helped Brown’s Ranch weather the difficult, cold and wet 2019 season in North Dakota — and can do the same for you! Producers from homesteaders/gardeners to larger farmer ranchers can start improving their operations immediately without huge capital investment. Gabe also describes how they have actually been getting a boost in sales due to their direct-to-market approach. And of course we describe the 6 rules for building amazing soil and growing lots of food!

    #soil #solutions

    Gabe Brown on Regenerative Solutions to Modern Problems – Ice Age Farmer Podcast
    Gabe Brown of Browns Ranch — a pioneer of the soil-health movement and regenerative practices — joins Christian to discuss regenerative practices and soil health as the bottom line solu…
  • iceagefarmer #3120 08:15 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    The media is now blaming an outbreak of varroa mites for food prices in Australia.

    ( by the way there are natural solutions for varroa - see @iaf_bees for beekeeper chat ! )

    AUS: Varroa mite to impact grocery prices

    Over 12,000 honeybee hives have been destroyed since the mite was detected at the Port of Newcastle in June.

    The first 100 days of the outbreak have already cost the economy over $63 million.

    Varroa mite to impact grocery prices

    Shoppers are being warned of rising grocery prices as beekeepers learn to live with the Varroa mite. Over 12,000 honeybee hives have been destroyed since the mite was detected at the Port of Newcastle in June. The first 100 days of the outbreak have already cost the economy over $63 million.

  • iceagefarmer #3122 08:19 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    💥BREAKING: SA electricity crisis explodes

    Twitter: #MajorPowerOutage. An explosion at the 275kv Klaarwater major substation caused widespread power outage to about 50% of areas in Durban.
    Areas in the Northern, Western and Southern regions of the City are still without power.

    Substation or power plant blew looked like atomic bomb going off with the colours, this is going to be major issue #durban #eskom #ethekwinimunicipality @eThekwiniM https://t.co/N2dLq0lyNx

    Watch: https://twitter.com/Sakhilemngadi/status/1579901201126412288?t=9QZr_6cGBP7DYUgGcNcr7Q&s=19

    Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzv9yWDOuko

    Telegram: t.me/SPMmedia
  • iceagefarmer #3123 09:40 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    The BASF keystone: as goes the gas, so goes BASF, so goes Germany, so goes Europe . . .

    "Everything is connected at the German chemical firm BASF’s Ludwigshafen site, a 10 sq km industrial complex so large that byproducts from making ammonia, for example, are funnelled through a 1,771-mile pipe network to produce fertiliser, disinfectant, diesel exhaust fluid, or CO2 for fizzy drinks.

    The plant is a giant integrated process — and it cannot run without a supply of natural gas.

    “Once we can receive < 50% of our maximum requirements, we would need to wind down the entire site,” says a spokesperson.

    The consequences of a BASF shutdown would be far-reaching, not just in Germany but the entire continent.

    BASF-produced chemicals are used to make anything from toothpaste to vitamins, [and animal feed]. It's a top manufacturer of painkillers, and its largest customer industry is the automobile industry [— and AdBlue, which is required to run diesel engines, and keep trucking running ... ].

  • iceagefarmer #3124 09:42 PM, 11 Oct 2022
    Power down? Try salt curing for a low-electricity alternative

    Power cuts, rationing or sky-high energy prices? Who knows what this season will hold. Cooking without power may sound apocalyptic, but there are plenty of ways to get creative in the kitchen, all while keeping electricity use to a minimum.

    One alternative is to cure food with salt.

    From a chemical point of view, salt also has hygroscopic properties. When in contact with moist food, salt has the ability to absorb the water contained in the food. And it is this phenomenon that is interesting to note when it comes to cutting power use.

    Daily hacks: Power down? Try salt curing for a low-electricity alternative
    From a chemical point of view, salt also has hygroscopic properties. When in contact with moist food, salt has the ability to absorb the water contained in the food.
  • 12 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3125 04:25 PM, 12 Oct 2022
    Good piece : BIG VEGANISM is cover for corporate takeover of food production!

    “Multinationals love the phrase “plant-based” because it is a euphemism for the messianic, cultish, modish cause they have adopted: veganism.”

    Some of the alt-protein research in Food Valley is directed towards consuming insects (“entomophagy”); some is more focused on algae, fungi — or mycobacterial this, that and the other. But the big research bucks are flowing one way only, and that is to plant-based alternatives to meat.


    Big Veganism is coming for you
    The meat industry is bankrolling the movement
  • iceagefarmer #3126 04:26 PM, 12 Oct 2022
    Another pipeline damaged — “Accidental” — just like all those food processing plants and refining facilities.

    #eu #EnergyCrisis

    Leak detected on another Russian pipeline connecting to Europe, but Poland says it looks accidental
    The cause of the incident not yet known, but the Polish government said the damage caused was probably accidental.
  • iceagefarmer #3127 05:02 PM, 12 Oct 2022
    PepsiCo's Average Product Prices Spike 17% Year-Over-Year


    PepsiCo's Average Product Prices Spike 17% Year-Over-Year
    While the Fed sits around and rearranges numbers, equations and definitions to try and couch what is obviously an ugly inflationary picture for the country, at least one company is giving it to people straight...
  • 14 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3128 07:42 AM, 14 Oct 2022
    Massive piles of beans as barge traffic shutdown, cant move harvest:

    “Some warm and wet weather down south and I see very bad things happening." 

    Sad to see the USA cant even move the food harvested…

    #usa #SupplyChain

    Massive Bean Piles Spotted Up And Down Mississippi River As Barges Can't Meet Harvest Demand
    " ... our farmers have really taken a beating this year." 
  • 15 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3129 01:24 PM, 15 Oct 2022
    starve your digital twin!

    - Leave your phone at home
    - do analog things ( offline )
    - Use cash

    The system wants your data — deny it!

    How have you starved your digital twin today?
  • iceagefarmer #3130 01:30 PM, 15 Oct 2022
    “Many agrifood sectors are now controlled by just four to six dominant firms, enabling these companies to wield enormous influence over markets, agricultural research and policy-development, which undermines food sovereignty.

    2020 was a horrific year for food security and health – but a bonanza for Big Food and Big Ag. Food Barons made the most of the converging crises in order to tighten their grip on every link in the Industrial Food Chain. In doing so, they undermine the rights of peasants, smallholders, fishers and pastoralists to produce food for their own communities and many others.

    The Food Barrons are accelerating digitalization of food and agriculture across the chain in order to hold on to, naturalize and expand their power, despite their many failings.

    It’s time to divest from the Industrial Food Chain.”

    Although they arent critical of climate hoax, the analysis of multinational companies seeking to control is worthwhile - full report: https://www.etcgroup.org/sites/www.etcgroup.org/files/files/food-barons-2022-full_sectors-final_16_sept.pdf
  • 17 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3131 03:42 PM, 17 Oct 2022
    China stops exporting natural gas - cuts off sales to Europe (where they are already shutting down greenhouses because gas prices are too high):


  • iceagefarmer #3132 03:43 PM, 17 Oct 2022
    Germany: gas prices to rise ANOTHER 38%


    German health minister warns of hospital closures
    Many hospitals in Germany may be forced into bankruptcy due to soaring energy prices and inflation, according to the health minister
  • 19 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3133 10:55 AM, 19 Oct 2022
    Undersea cables damaged to cut communications ? More predictive media around this from US Naval Institute:

    Repairing Submarine Cables Is a Wartime Necessity

    Options to repair underseas fiber-optic cables in the event of war or sabotage are limited.

    “What should the U.S. do when the transoceanic submarine fiber optic cables that supply, at the speed of light, more than 99 percent of the international voice, data, video, and internet communications between the United States and the rest of the world are damaged or cut during wartime?

    Declare an emergency? Then what?”


    Repairing Submarine Cables Is a Wartime Necessity | Proceedings - October 2022 Vol. 148/10/1,436
    Options to repair undersea cables during wartime are limited, and that must change.
  • iceagefarmer #3134 10:58 AM, 19 Oct 2022
    GPS signal jamming causes flights to be rerouted around DFW airport (Dallas, TX):

    Is this the interference from 5G or someone testing the waters for active jamming? A lot of logistics AND farm equipment depends on GPS:


    Mysterious GPS Disruptions Spread In Texas Near Fort Hood
    FAA investigating for "possible jamming of the global-positioning system." 
  • iceagefarmer #3135 11:01 AM, 19 Oct 2022
    John Deere GPS-dependent farm equipment failures also reported. One example here. Coincident with GPS jamming (see previous post)—but can not say necessarily caused by…

  • 20 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3136 05:05 PM, 20 Oct 2022
    I have to say… it is interesting that mainstream media has started talking about the Mandela Effect.

    Are they trying to convince people that they can’t rely on their memories? Is this the ultimate goal of psyop?

    What do you make of it?

    What is the Mandela Effect? Details of its origin and some examples from popular movies.
    The Mandela Effect is when a group of people misremember an event or detail, especially if it's historical, that never occurred or existed in reality.
  • iceagefarmer #3137 05:08 PM, 20 Oct 2022
    Undersea cable CUT to Shetland, communications down.

    I’d warned once pipelines started blowing up that undersea cables would be the next bit of critical infrastructure to be targeted - here we go.

    - Get hard copies of materials you need
    - Write down critical radio frequencies for your family/group, nearby repeaters
    - Know where and HOW to get information if comms go out

    Damaged cable leaves Shetland cut off from mainland
    Police have declared a major incident with all phone lines and internet down on the islands.
  • iceagefarmer #3138 05:15 PM, 20 Oct 2022
    Food Collapse:

    Yara has now closed another European fertilizer plant - due to the cost of energy.

    Yara’s site in Wallonia has been offline from 15 September. It is no longer financially viable to make fertiliser in Europe, given that natural gas is key to the process.

    They aren’t alone. Steel producers, yarn factories, are all shutting down…

    #Deindustrialization #AbsoluteZero

    Spiralling energy costs force Belgian companies to shut down
    “In the past, we spent tens of millions of euros per year on gas and electricity; at current prices, it is several tens of millions per month.”
  • iceagefarmer #3139 05:16 PM, 20 Oct 2022
    Rapid deindustrialization presages rapid depopulation.

    The Zero Carbon pursuit is the most severe genocide and crime against humanity in recorded history.

    #Deindustrialization #AbsoluteZero
  • 21 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3140 12:14 AM, 21 Oct 2022
    Empty Shelves as Inflation Leaves Products Unprofitable

    “Not only Mars [who worked hand in hand with Rockefeller Foundation on "Reset the Table”], but also Coca Cola [WEF partner] or Procter & Gamble [WEF Partner] are currently trying to ride the wave of inflation with excessive price demands in order to increase their returns,” a spokesman for the Edaka chain of supermarkets claimed.

    The official went on to claim that a number of major companies have now halted deliveries to the chain, something that they alleged is being used to put pressure on supermarkets.

    [IceAgeFarmer: the Rockefeller/WEF partners are squeezing you as hard as they can.]


    Products ranging from Kellogg’s cornflakes to Coca Cola have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, with many shops being left with empty shelves as products become simply unprofitable to sell due to differentials in inflation.

    It comes as overall inflation hit 10% in the country in September, with EU-wide inflation for the month falling just short of 11% as a result of the ongoing #EnergyCrisis, which has in turn hiked the cost of food and other essential goods.

    Retailers in the country however have strongly resisted this, with one supermarket chain in the country going so far as to accuse major companies of “price gouging” and “usury”.

    “The situation in the industry is critical to catastrophic,” Federal Association of the Food Industry general manager Christoph Minhoff remarked regarding the feud, which has seen some individual rows even reportedly ending up in court as companies are unable to come to a compromise.

    As a result of these ongoing hostilities between supermarkets and producers, a wide variety of well-known brands have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, leaving many shops with empty shelves.

    The likes of Coca Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, Kellogg’s Cornflakes, Milka Chocolate, Ritter Sport chocolate, Wrigley’s chewing gum, along with many other products ranging from mayonnaise to pet food have all been affected, though availability reportedly varies between supermarket chains.

    #FoodPrices #FoodShortage #Retail

  • iceagefarmer #3141 12:38 AM, 21 Oct 2022
    U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists

    "It's sort of a grim situation," said Kent Winter, who farms in Andale, Kansas, outside Wichita. He said he normally seeds by mid-October but has yet to plant any.

    [ IceAgeFarmer note: I have never before seen #wheat trending on twitter … ]

    The 2023 U.S. hard red winter wheat crop is already being hobbled by drought in the heart of the southern Plains, wheat experts said.

    Planting plans may be scaled back in the U.S. breadbasket despite historically high prices for this time of year, reflecting rising global demand and thin world wheat supplies projected to end the 2022/23 marketing year at a six-year low. The tight supplies have been exacerbated as the conflict in Ukraine has disrupted grain exports from the Black Sea region.

    The drought threatens Kansas, the top winter wheat growing state, and Oklahoma in two ways: discouraging farmers who have not yet planted from trying, while threatening crops already in the ground from developing properly.

    #wheat #FoodPrices

    U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists
    With planting roughly halfway complete, the 2023 U.S. hard red winter wheat crop is already being hobbled by drought in the heart of the southern Plains, wheat experts said. The drought threatens Kansas, the top winter wheat growing state, and Oklahoma in two ways: discouraging farmers who have not yet planted from trying, while threatening crops already in the ground from developing properly. "It's sort of a grim situation," said Kent Winter, who farms in Andale, Kansas, outside Wichita.
  • iceagefarmer #3142 05:37 AM, 21 Oct 2022
    “Expert” blames climate change for the collapse in Alaskan snow crab population.

    After all, the engineered food shortages have to be blamed on YOU, and your CAR, and COW FARTS, if you are to be made to eat ze bugs!

    “According to NOAA, Alaska is the fastest warming state…” 🤡 

    Expert identifies "key culprit" in mass die-off of Alaska snow crabs
    A marine biologist with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center says the shocking numbers seen today are the result of heatwaves in 2018 and 2019.
  • iceagefarmer #3143 12:29 PM, 21 Oct 2022
    Another communications cable cut, France. Critical infrastructure hits increasing - things are escalating. #5gWar

    “a severed fiber cable in the south of France an “act of vandalism” that’s been felt by Internet users around the world.

    Zscaler CEO: ‘Major’ EU Internet Cable Cut Was ‘Act Of Vandalism’
    Zscaler CEO says cut fiber line an "act of vandalism"
  • iceagefarmer #3144 12:31 PM, 21 Oct 2022
    Meat is too expensive? Here have some bugs.

    Almost surreal to see the roll out after years of planning to push people off of wholesome food and onto the insects and lab-grown nonsense.


    Major UK Supermarket Chain Planning To Sell Bugs As Food To Help Poor People Through Winter
    The supermarket is also involved with a TV game show in which insect ‘farmers’ will pitch the bugs as the ‘next big thing’...
  • iceagefarmer #3145 03:21 PM, 21 Oct 2022
    - Bannon sentenced to 4 months in prison.
    - AJ’s billion dollar judgment.
    - Vanessa Beeley threatened with sanctions by EU parliamentarian
    - Jacinda Ardern calls ‘misinformation’ a “weapon of war”, speech needs to be regulated

    The war on truth is escalating — the message here is clear: those who question the narrative are enemies of the system and will be “punished.”

    It is even more important for YOU to ACTIVELY SPEAK TRUTH - they can’t silence EVERYONE.

  • iceagefarmer #3146 03:25 PM, 21 Oct 2022
    EU nations are jumping ship on climate commitments as the #EnergyCrisis gets real and winter hits.

    First France this morning and now the Netherlands are exiting agreements …

    It’s amazing how fast these charades disintegrate upon contact with reality, just as the ESG narrative is crumbling when profits weren’t there.
  • 23 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3147 07:10 AM, 23 Oct 2022
    Sweden “throws out the greenies”: starts overturning all zero carbon initiatives:

    Swedish government ‘threw out the mad greenies’

    Sky News host Rowan Dean says the Swedish government “basically threw out all the mad greenies” and is reintroducing non-renewable forms of energy. “They’re completely overturning everything to do with the net zero climate policy,” he said. Mr Dean described the decision as “fantastic news”. “They know in Sweden how cold it can get in winter – and they know in Sweden that you’ve got to have your heating and you’ve got to have your eating and you’ve got to have your cooking.”

  • iceagefarmer #3148 07:12 AM, 23 Oct 2022
    “Putin will cut off the internet”

    More predictive media around cutting undersea cables:

    The Royal Navy is tracking a Russian "research" ship spotted off the UK coast amid fears that Putin may be gearing up to sabotage undersea cables following a suspected attack on the Nordstream gas pipe last month…

    Russian 'spy ship' tracked off UK coast with fears Putin may cut World Wide Web
    The Royal Navy is tracking a Russian "research" ship spotted off the UK coast amid fears that Putin may be gearing up to sabotage undersea cables following a suspected attack on the Nordstream gas pipe last month
  • iceagefarmer #3149 02:21 PM, 23 Oct 2022
    #WarOnPets as CNN scolds viewers for their dogs’ carbon footprints, insisting smaller dogs fed INSECTS are the way to “save the earth.”

    The Climate Cult will not stop until they terminate everyone and everything…


    - iceagefarmer

    Source: https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-claims-pets-have-big-climate-impact-advises-buying-smaller-breeds-feed-them-insect-based-food
  • 26 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3150 05:46 PM, 26 Oct 2022
    Persistent drought conditions and high winds are creating dangerous harvest conditions for Missouri farmers.

    Missouri farmer Robert Schmidt says there were several combine fires across the state over the weekend, including one near his farm. “The farmer was able to get out some of the crops from the 800 acres that burned. The fire put itself out with the help of the fire department containing it to a wetland area.”

    “The best thing we can get is many hours of steady rainfall to soak into the soil profile.” According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor, all of Missouri is categorized as abnormally dry to exceptional drought, with 14 percent in extreme to exceptional drought.


    Dry weather sparks harvest fires in MO - Brownfield Ag News
    Persistent drought conditions and high winds are creating dangerous harvest conditions for Missouri farmers. Glasgow, Missouri farmer Robert Schmidt says there were several combine fires across the state over the weekend, including one near his farm. “The farmer was able to get out some of the crops from the 800 acres that burned. The fire […]
  • 27 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3151 02:06 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    Today is a great day to talk to random people or wear a truthy t-shirt.

    Recent poll found 83% consider mainstream media a threat to democracy. No one is buying the lies any more…but many are starved for truth. OFFER IT UP!

    Majority of registered voters say the media is a 'threat to democracy,' poll finds
    A new poll from The New York Times/Siena finds nearly 60% of registered voters view the media as a "threat" to democracy, outranking both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
  • iceagefarmer #3152 02:08 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    EU: energy CEO reveals Europe experiencing regional shortages of diesel, heating oil, jet fuel.

    #eu #EnergyCrisis #AbsoluteZero
  • iceagefarmer #3153 02:49 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    Nationwide shortages of antibiotic Amoxicillin

    … and this just the beginning as 98% of APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) come from China… who is gearing up for war. We shut down their semiconductors, they strip our antibiotics.

    No one wins.

    Good time to check on your herb garden - many plants have antibiotic aspects! @iaf_herbs

    Amoxicillin, a commonly used drug for treating bacterial infection, is in short supply. Three of the top four makers of the antibiotics report having supply constraints in the U.S. The liquid form of the drug is taking the biggest hit.

  • iceagefarmer #3154 07:48 PM, 27 Oct 2022

    The UN’s “Principles for Responsible Banking” dictate that financial institutions cease lending to “carbon emitting” industries/companies.

    About $70 trillion worth of assets under US, UK, German and Swiss banks are founding members, eager to strangulate the societies they serve under the guise of environmentalism.

    On the other hand, notably absent from its signitories are most BRICS banks - in China (0 signatories), India (0), Brazil (2), and Russia (only 1).

    This is nothing less than an ongoing attack on our financial system. It is the economic equivalent of social engineering.

    We need to fully understand and appreciate these attacks on our food and financial systems. They necessitate a rapid move to de-centralization: community based food systems facilitated by local currencies.

    Spread the word, and keep building !

    - iceagefarmer

    #AbsoluteZero #Decentralize

    The Alliance was launched by 43 Founding Members on 21 April 2021 and has since grown to represent about 40% of global banking assets. We welcome those banks who have joined from the UN Principles for Responsible Banking and Collective Commitment to Climate Action,
  • iceagefarmer #3155 07:56 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    US diesel shortage: we’ve been hearing this for months but now suppliers are actually putting out alerts:

    US diesel shortages are spreading along the East Coast amid a ban on imports from Russia, raising fears of further surges in prices for the fuel as consumers brace for the winter heating season.

    Mansfield Energy, one of the nation’s major fuel distributors, instituted emergency measures on Tuesday and warned its customers that carriers were being forced to visit multiple terminals in some cases to find supplies, delaying deliveries.

    “In many areas, actual fuel prices are currently 30-80 cents higher than the posted market average because supply is tight,” said Mansfield.

    With shortages spreading from the Northeast to the Southeast, the company advised customers to give 72-hour notice for their orders to avoid having to pay above-market prices:


    Open Thread: what are you seeing in your area?
    - iceagefarmer

    #EnergyCrisis #usa
    Supply Alert - October 25, 2022 - Mansfield Energy Corp
    East Coast fuel markets are facing diesel supply constraints due to market economics and tight inventories. Poor pipeline shipping economics and historically low diesel inventories are combining to cause shortages in various markets throughout the Southeast. These have been occurring sporadically, with areas like Tennessee seeing particularly acute challenges. Back in May 2022, diesel prices […]
  • iceagefarmer #3156 08:04 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    With only ~20 days of US supply remaining, Diesel, along with heating oil, aviation fuel and kerosene, headed towards record prices.

    “The economy runs on diesel,” said Cinquegrana. “Think of everything you buy in the store, it was brought there by trains and trucks. Construction works, etc. High diesel prices could slow down economic activity. Prices are down from all-time highs in mid-June, but not enough to allay concerns.”

    “There’s not a lot that can be done to prepare for very tight diesel supplies, so this is going to be a serious problem. I think the White House is monitoring it, but I don’t see a lot of levers they could pull that could really affect prices because it’s a global issue.”

    But you can — and should — get prepared personally.

    #usa #EnergyCrisis

  • iceagefarmer #3157 08:08 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    Tanzania starts rationing water due to drought

    [You don't need water EVERY day…]

    Tanzanian authorities on Thursday began rationing water in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam following a drought-induced drop in water levels from its main source, the Ruvu river.

    The 5.5 million inhabitants of the Indian Ocean city will go without piped water for 24 hours on alternating days, the Dar es Salaam Water and Sanitation Authority (DAWASA) said.

    "The timetable will be updated every week according to how the change of weather increases or decreases the water levels," it said.


    Tanzania starts rationing water due to drought
    Tanzanian authorities on Thursday began rationing water in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam following a drought-induced drop in water levels from its main source, the Ruvu river.The 5.5 million inhabitants of the Indian Ocean city will go without
  • iceagefarmer #3158 08:40 PM, 27 Oct 2022
    They REALLY ARE building this SmartCity in the desert - a linear structure 170km long, 500m tall, with mirrored facade, to hold 9 million people.

    Hopefully you also REALLY ARE building your own homestead (“It’s 2030, I own a farm and am happy!”) and community.

    Because their plans, for a "walled garden" 500mtall, 200m wide, and in between, “densely packed urban fabric alongside trees and plantlife and a high-speed rail network embedded underground.” -- totally suck!

    #SmartCities #Agenda2030

  • 28 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3159 07:33 PM, 28 Oct 2022
    Wheat shortage as Argentine crop disappoints due to drought

    Brazil to buy U.S., Canada and Russia wheat as Argentine supplies suffer

    #brazil #wheat

    Brazil to buy U.S., Canada and Russia wheat as Argentine supplies dwindle
    Brazil will need to seek alternative wheat sellers because Argentina's crop failure has curtailed production and compromised its ability to export, analysts said, pointing to the United States, Canada and even Russia as possible suppliers.
  • 29 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3160 05:28 PM, 29 Oct 2022
    Russia suspends grain deal after this morning’s drone attack on their naval forces.

    Also worth noting—because why is no one concerned about this?—that Russia openly accuses UK of involvement in today’s attack, as well as Nordstream sabotage.

    Suddenly direct conflict, no longer proxy.

    #FoodWars #ukraine #russia #wheat

    Russia halts Ukraine Black Sea grain exports, citing attack on Crimea
    The defense ministry said it stopped its participation in the U.N.-brokered deal after attacks on ships in Crimea, dealing a blow to a three-month agreement aimed at easing a global squeeze on grain supplies.
  • 31 October 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3161 12:30 PM, 31 Oct 2022
    Basically begging Russia to do something. Echoes of Lusitania.

    I would not want to be on those ships.
  • iceagefarmer #3162 12:33 PM, 31 Oct 2022
    With #wheat prices already spiking, many traders now holding breath to see what happens to these ‘suicide wheat shipments.’

    This is next level #FoodWars …
  • iceagefarmer #3163 06:05 PM, 31 Oct 2022
    Russia Defense Ministry broadcasts that the grain shipments in Black Sea are unacceptable.

    We hold our breath as we have with each red line crossed, but I take special note of this one as it informs the “food crisis” narrative.

    We will hear more about “Putin’s food crisis” and so on…

    #ukraine #wheat #FoodShortage
  • iceagefarmer #3164 06:10 PM, 31 Oct 2022
    Basically, those ships are sitting ducks for everybody to shoot at at will, in line with the food crisis agenda and blaming the other party involved
  • iceagefarmer #3165 06:11 PM, 31 Oct 2022
    Fear of global food shortage looms as Russia steps back from Ukraine grain deal

    U.S. President Joe Biden warned that global hunger could increase because of Russia’s suspension of a U.N.-brokered deal to allow safe passage for ships carrying Ukrainian grain.

    “It’s really outrageous,” said Biden speaking in Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday. “There’s no merit to what they’re doing. The UN negotiated that deal and that should be the end of it.”
    Biden spoke hours after Russia announced it would immediately halt participation in the agreement, alleging ghat Ukraine staged a drone attack Saturday against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet ships off the coast of occupied Crimea. Ukraine has denied the attack.

    #ukraine #wheat #russia

    Fear of global food shortage looms as Russia steps back from Ukraine grain deal - National | Globalnews.ca
    U.S. President Joe Biden warned that global hunger could increase because of Russia's suspension of a U.N.-brokered deal to allow safe passage for ships carrying Ukrainian grain.
  • iceagefarmer #3166 07:13 PM, 31 Oct 2022
    AI can “speak to” animals, experts claim, prompting worries of “manipulating” their behavior:

    • A team of German researchers trained AI to mimic a honeybee's waggle dance 

    • The AI powered a robot inside a hive, which controlled the bees' movements
    • The technology can also pick up the low-frequency sound of elephants and decipher clicking made by whales

    • However, experts fear humans could use the technology to manipulate animals 


    AI can speak to ANIMALS in a breakthrough that 'breaches the barrier of interspecies communication': Experts warn humans could use this ability to manipulate the wild species
    Scientists have taught AI to speak with bees, allowing the system to control the insect's movements within a hive. However, one researcher fears humans could misuse the technology.