• 01 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2831 07:05 PM, 01 Jun 2022
    U.S. wheat crop hit by dry winter then soggy spring, adding to global tightness

    North Dakota farmer Dwight Grotberg wanted to plant more wheat this spring to capitalize on soaring prices since Russia's invasion of Ukraine cut grain exports and left the world short of millions of tonnes of wheat supply.

    Heavy rain has prevented Grotberg from planting as much wheat crop as he wanted and is hampering farmers across the state, the top U.S. grower of spring wheat.

    U.S. wheat crop hit by dry winter then soggy spring, adding to global tightness
    North Dakota farmer Dwight Grotberg wanted to plant more wheat this spring to capitalize on soaring prices since Russia's invasion of Ukraine cut grain exports and left the world short of millions of tonnes of wheat supply. Heavy rain has prevented Grotberg from planting as much wheat crop as he wanted and is hampering farmers across the state, the top U.S. grower of spring wheat. Instead of boosting supply, North Dakota expected to plant wheat over the smallest share of its farmland on record, according to government data.
  • 02 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2832 02:42 PM, 02 Jun 2022
    Egypt BANS all transactions of wheat other than selling to the government. This is the next domino to fall as the big producers ban exports — countries that need imports (like Egypt) start to take total control of what remains and ration it:

    Egypt banned trading of wheat by third parties until the end of August, the cabinet said on Tuesday, preventing any sales other than to the government.

    Egypt aims to buy the whole harvest from local farmers, as it targets 6 million tonnes of domestic wheat this year after the Ukraine war cut it off from much of the Black Sea wheat it relied on.

    #Egypt #Ukraine

    Egypt bans third party trading in local wheat until end of August
    Egypt banned trading of wheat by third parties until the end of August, the cabinet said on Tuesday, preventing any sales other than to the government.
  • iceagefarmer #2833 07:28 PM, 02 Jun 2022
    Turkey REJECTS Indian wheat shipment claiming it tested positive for Rubella — another way this new “real food is dirty and dangerous” scare is creating food crisis:

    #wheat #india #rubella

    Explained: Why was India's consignment of Wheat rejected by Turkey? What is Rubella disease?
    In a recent report, Turkey has rejected an Indian wheat consignment over phytosanitary concerns, initiating the ships to sail back on May 29, 2022. Th
  • 03 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2834 11:52 PM, 03 Jun 2022
    How grows your garden?

    Looming Price Hikes on Food Set to Hit Americans This Fall
    In its effort to contain inflation, the Federal Reserve has launched what many expect to be an ongoing ...
  • 06 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2835 11:38 AM, 06 Jun 2022
    World War for Bread


    ‘World war for bread’ underway – Italy
    The conflict in Ukraine could cause famine, plunging Africa into a series of coups and terrorist attacks, Italy’s foreign minister warns
  • iceagefarmer #2836 05:37 PM, 06 Jun 2022
    Poles told to hunt for firewood to heat their home as European #EnergyCrisis portends a long winter:


    Poles may forage for wood to heat homes – Minister
    Polish authorities have approved brushwood collection from forests so citizens can heat their homes
  • iceagefarmer #2837 10:11 PM, 06 Jun 2022
    Rising grocery prices are resulting in three times the number of Canadians visiting food banks in some areas, according to the CEO of Daily Bread Food Bank. Read more: https://t.co/nU2QbLxDEw #cdnpoli https://t.co/F1de2rniH0
    Visits by new clients to food banks have tripled in some cities
    Rising grocery prices are resulting in three times the number of Canadians visiting food banks in some areas, according to the CEO of Daily Bread Food Bank. 
  • iceagefarmer #2838 11:15 PM, 06 Jun 2022
    The Russian government plans to allow ships carrying grain supplies to leave the port of Odessa in Ukraine, according to a report, easing a blockade that has triggered fears of widespread shortages and hunger.

    The Russian leadership has agreed with Kyiv and Ankara on a scheme to release grain shipments from Odessa, which has been subject to a blockade, the pro-government Izvestia reported, citing government circles.

    "In the territorial waters of the neighboring country, Turkish military forces will take over the demining and they will also escort the ships as far as neutral waters," Monday's report said.

    Russian warships would then escort the vessels carrying grain to the Bosporus. https://www.dailysabah.com/business/economy/turkey-russia-agree-on-ukrainian-grain-exports-from-odessa-izvestia
    Turkey, Russia agree on Ukrainian grain exports from Odessa: Izvestia
    The Russian government plans to allow ships carrying grain supplies to leave the port of Odessa in Ukraine, according to a report, easing a blockade that...
  • 07 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2839 08:47 AM, 07 Jun 2022
    Absolutely amazing: Norway to track all food purchases — full surveillance of food supply:

    Control food and you control people!

    Norway to Track All Supermarket Purchases
    Statistics Norway wants to receive several million daily receipts from food stores, signalling a new era in state data collection. Privacy advocates and the supermarkets themselves are unhappy. People living in Norway are used to
  • iceagefarmer #2840 01:07 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    Spain: 80% of stone fruit production lost

    Frosts took a severe toll on pome and stone fruit trees in northeastern Spain in late March. The production in the regions of Aragon and Catalonia suffered historic volume losses in a year in which production costs have soared due to inflation.

    "We have lost 80% of our stone fruit production," said Sergio Alonso, commercial director of the Cosanse cooperative in Zaragoza. In the case of cherries, the damage has not been as severe and we have been able to save 50-60% of the production, while in that of apples and pears we will have 60-70% of the production.


    "We have lost 80% of our stone fruit production this year"
    Frosts took a severe toll on pome and stone fruit trees in northeastern Spain in late March. The production in the regions of Aragon and Catalonia suffered historic volume losses in a year in…
  • iceagefarmer #2841 01:10 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    South Africa: ports unable to export food:

    The Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) recently said that South Africa’s agricultural sector is being hit by bottlenecks at South African ports, adding that there is a struggle to get table grapes out into international markets within 21 days – currently it takes 50 days.

    “Perishable cargo like fruit is only covered by specific extensions to cover delay and this is provided by a limited number of insurers. The number of insurers who offered the extended cover are now declining this cover due to the increased delays in worldwide shipping from 2020 that is ongoing. The infrastructure troubles we are having, as well as the result of the KZN floods, is likely to add further delays, which may result in insurers no longer offering delay cover at all.”


    Shipping industry disruption trends and the impact on insurance - COVER Magazine
    There is a perfect storm brewing in the shipping industry. Brought on by an extraordinary set of global and local circumstances, it is having the domino effect of driving global and local inflation to levels not seen for decades
  • iceagefarmer #2842 01:12 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    Even corporate media warning that world #Wheat supply is problematic:

    What’s Up With the World’s Supply of Wheat?
    The war in Ukraine, droughts and floods are all threatening worldwide supplies of the important crop.
  • iceagefarmer #2843 01:16 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    Biden calls on farmers to produce "double crop" (but does nothing to help them with the exploding operational costs), yet invokes the Defense Production Act to produce solar panels. And again raises the ethanol requirements (burn more corn for fuel)!

    This is not just climate virtue signaling - it is the state taking control of the economy and misallocating resources to green nonsense that does not solve our energy problems, while depriving funding to traditional farming and ranching that could actually produce food.

    This is an engineered food crisis.

    President Biden Calls on Farmers to Double Crop in Face of Food Insecurity
    The war in Ukraine has upended global markets, causing staples like wheat and sunflower oil to spike. How is the American government responding?
  • iceagefarmer #2844 01:31 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    Who Is Burning Down America’s Food Processing Plants?

    Who Is Burning Down America's Food Processing Plants?
    Another large egg producer was ravaged by fire, further reducing food stocks and driving up prices on remaining capacity. Whatever the reason, people across the nation are wondering why over 15 (so far) plants have been burned down in 2022. Personally, I do not remember a time in history where so much damage was done to a single industry in such a short period of time.
  • iceagefarmer #2845 01:53 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    More on #SupplyChain so broken that nations can't export their wheat — here Australia (see above, South Africa, also):

    Australia's record wheat harvest is no fix for the global food crisis
    Logistical challenges hold back exports as concerns grow over next year's crop

    Clogged ports and soaring fertilizer costs are impeding Australia's bid to boost exports of its bumper wheat harvest, worsening a global food crisis

    #Australia #wheat

    Australia's record wheat harvest is no fix for the global food crisis
    Logistical challenges hold back exports as concerns grow over next year's crop
  • iceagefarmer #2846 02:03 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    Glad to see Corey's Dig on Climate TRACE, the Al Gore - sponsored global surveillance of emissions to monitor all human activity — detecting too many cow farts? unauthorized plants? Here come the green police!


    Here was my report on it from July 2020:
    Climate TRACE: A Framework for ESG Initiatives and Social & Climate Credit System - coreysdigs.com
    The Climate TRACE coalition is packed and backed by technocratic billionaires running major surveillance to build your social and climate score.
  • iceagefarmer #2847 02:06 PM, 07 Jun 2022
    Couple WEF's "Invest in Forests" total surveillance program for all wildlands, with the satellite surveillance (Gore's Climate TRACE in previous post), with the spy grid of the Smart Cities, and you start to get a picture of the complete surveillance state the technocrats are constructing:

    WEF's Invest in Forests Exposed (June 2021):
    WEF’s “Invest in Forests” Exposed: Global Surveillance Grid
    The World Economic Forum’s “Investing in Forests” program sounds great – who doesn’t want to plant more trees? But behind its philanthropic appeal lies a global survei…
  • 08 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2848 09:01 AM, 08 Jun 2022
    New Zealand to add “cost of cow farts” to put ranchers out of business.

    This is what Rockefeller “Reset the Table” refers to as “true cost accounting:” technocrats can arbitrarily distort market forces to achieve their agenda:

    #WarOnMeat #NewZealand

    New Zealand to price sheep and cow burps to cut greenhouse gases
    New Zealand on Wednesday released a draft plan to put a price on agricultural emissions in a bid to tackle one of the country's biggest sources of greenhouse gases, belching sheep and cattle.
  • iceagefarmer #2849 09:17 AM, 08 Jun 2022
    Is US/NATO (with WEF help) pushing for a Global South famine?

    Is the proxy war in Ukraine turning out to be only a lead-up to something larger, involving world famine and a foreign-exchange crisis for food- and oil-deficit countries?

    Many more people are likely to die of famine and economic disruption than on the Ukrainian battlefield.

    “Russia accounts for 40% of the world’s grain trade and 25 percent of the world fertilizer market (45 percent if Belarus is included). Any scenario would have included a calculation that if so large a volume of grain and fertilizer was withdrawn from the market, prices would soar, just as they have done for oil and gas.

  • iceagefarmer #2850 02:11 PM, 08 Jun 2022
    Doctors baffled by increase in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS)

    Sudden Adult Death Syndrom (SADS) is an “umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people” and an increase in these ‘mysterious’ deaths in Australia is said to have left doctors in the country baffled.

    Doctors hope to roll out a new SADS registry across the country in order to monitor this sudden death phenomenon.

    Experts are Baffled…

    Doctors baffled by increase in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
    DOCTORS in Australia are developing the country’s first SADS registry after an increase in healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
  • iceagefarmer #2851 05:34 PM, 08 Jun 2022
    The EU just voted to BAN gas-powered cars by 2035 — another brick in the road to #AbsoluteZero de-carbonization plan, which also sees the end of most air travel, meat, and the shipping industry:

    FULL REPORT (4/2021):

    Absolute Zero report (PDF):
    ABSOLUTE SLAVERY: Zero Carbon Agenda Deconstructed
    What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Chri…
  • 09 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2852 09:25 AM, 09 Jun 2022
    "The Summer Of Starvation": Soaring Fertilizer Prices Unleash Chaos, Hunger Worldwide

    Keep expanding your garden!

    Soaring Fertilizer Prices Unleash Chaos, Hunger Worldwide
    The next Arab Spring won't be Arab and won't be in the spring: it will be a Global Summer of starvation.
  • iceagefarmer #2853 10:22 AM, 09 Jun 2022
    German Farmers warn food prices will continue to escalate

    The conflict in Ukraine and its economic fallout have had “a massive impact on German agriculture,” Joachim Rukwied, president of the German Farmers’ Association, said in an interview with the Passauer Neue Presse.

    “Energy prices have doubled, the price of fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, has quadrupled on average, and fodder costs more,” he explained, adding that the situation was “disastrous” for pig farmers in particular.

    According to Rukwied, food has been sold below value in recent years, and prices have to go up for farmers to be able to continue to farm at all. Inflation in Germany hit 7.9% in May, according to official statistics, reaching its highest level since reunification. The levels are also similar to those seen during the 1970s oil crisis.

    #Germany #EU #FoodPrices #EnergyCrisis

    Germans warned of further food price hikes
    Soaring energy costs will keep driving food prices higher in Germany, the country’s farmers association has warned
  • iceagefarmer #2854 10:27 AM, 09 Jun 2022
    MEGA DROUGHT (after dumping water into ocean) leaves hydropower offline, famers with fallow fields (NO FOOD):

    "I got the land, I got the people. I have everything but no water. I can't do it," said Del Bosque, a 73-year-old farmer in Firebaugh, California.

    #water #usa

    Drought-stricken US warned of looming 'dead pool'
    Tens of thousands of acres of farmland lie idle because farmers can't get enough water to grow crops.
  • iceagefarmer #2855 11:53 AM, 09 Jun 2022
    German supermarket chain Rewe: purchase limits on "critical" products - such as pasta and flour, as supply chain problems start to bite:

    #Germany #rationing

    via https://twitter.com/DrGABaines/status/1533866419087196160
  • iceagefarmer #2856 01:10 PM, 09 Jun 2022
    New rules will effectively shut down U-Pick farms in NSW Australia — read more here and sign the petition if you are in the area:

    “They currently have a proposal underway to deciminate all the Pick your own farms in NSW and want to put unrealistic limitations on the number of visitors per day that attend these farms. The current proposal they have is to only allow 50 people per day to attend the farms and a maximum of 10 days per year that these farms are allowed to open for PYO.”

    #WarOnFarms #Australia

    Sign the Petition
    Save Pick Your Own Farms
  • iceagefarmer #2857 03:22 PM, 09 Jun 2022
    Ukraine sets condition for resuming grain exports

    “No grain will go anywhere” unless Ukraine’s security is ensured, a senior official has said


    Ukraine sets condition for resuming grain exports
    The safety of Ukraine is a key factor for resuming grain exports, the secretary of the Security Council said
  • iceagefarmer #2858 06:59 PM, 09 Jun 2022
    "Large supply gaps in turkey will begin Q3." Bird Flu was confirmed in "our supply chain" in March. A top US food processing company warned of an upcoming shortage of its turkey products at supermarkets following one of the worst bird flu outbreaks.

    "Our Jennie-O Turkey Store team is facing an uncertain period ahead," Hormel Foods Corporation CEO Jim Snee told investors in an earnings call.

    Since the USDA first detected bird flu in the US in mid-February, more than 38 million birds in 35 states have died. Out of that figure, 5 million turkeys in the US have been killed, with most deaths in Minnesota and South Dakota.


  • iceagefarmer #2859 07:01 PM, 09 Jun 2022
    Bad grains harvest forecast for EU - including France, who is usually exporter

    Worsens global outlook for #wheat shortages

    "The EU is expected to produce almost 5% less wheat this year compared with 2021. It was also forecast to produce 278.8 million metric tons of all grains in the 2022-2023 growing season, down over 4% from last year, because of the dry weather.

    Production in France, which is the fifth-largest grower of wheat in the world, was also projected to decline by more than 5%. The country accounts for about 18% of European agricultural production, according to the French Ministry of Agriculture. France is also the fourth-biggest wheat exporter globally.

    In addition to dry weather, the country’s agricultural land has been hit with severe storms, that damaged wheat, fruit and vineyard land.

    Bad harvest forecast for EU
    EU grain production is projected to fall this year as a result of dry weather, according to a survey cited by the WSJ
  • 10 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2860 11:33 AM, 10 Jun 2022
    UN warns of food catastrophe

    Without fertilizers, shortages will spread from corn and wheat to all staple crops, including rice, with a devastating impact on billions of people in Asia and South America, too. This year’s food crisis is about lack of access.  Next year’s could be about lack of food,” he added.

    Unfortunately, dozens of countries may face a physical shortage of food. Millions of people may starve if Russia’s blockade of the Black Sea continues.

    UN warns of food catastrophe
    The United Nations is warning of the potentially devastating impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on global access to food. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday during remark…
  • iceagefarmer #2861 01:07 PM, 10 Jun 2022
    There is no longer a political solution to the world food crisis.

    Ukraine “safe passage for grain” talks fail:

    Ukraine Safe Passage Grain Talks Fail, Expect Still Higher Food Prices Globally
    Talks End in Failure Turkey attempted to mediate safe passage in the Black Sea for Ukraine's grain harvest, but objected to the Black Sea proposal in a
  • iceagefarmer #2862 01:10 PM, 10 Jun 2022
    Australia: Food processors warn gas crisis may shut them down and see food prices rise further

    #Australia #EnergyCrisis

    A $900,000 monthly gas bill spells trouble for this business. It says Australia's food security is next
    Businesses say the soaring price of gas is threatening to close them down, which could put Australia's food security at risk if the crisis is not solved soon.
  • 11 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2863 11:46 PM, 11 Jun 2022
    China-owned Smithfield to shutter pork plant in California citing it is economically infeasible to continue to operate there:

    #WarOnMeat #usa
  • 12 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2864 10:26 AM, 12 Jun 2022
    US Foods union relations are souring, and they "put the foodservice giant on notice that work stoppages are imminent." This means that unresolved work contract negotiations between the labor union and the foodservice distributor could result in a strike that may disrupt the flow of food products to tens of thousands of restaurants. 


  • iceagefarmer #2865 08:05 PM, 12 Jun 2022
    What’s growing well for you so far this season??

    #OpenThread !
  • 13 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2866 09:01 AM, 13 Jun 2022
    Another day another food processing plant spontaneously combusting:

    JBS plant in Green Bay:


    Fire at JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay causes nearly $30,000 in damage
    Officals say they responded to the fire around 6:30 p.m. Upon arrival, firefighters noticed flames on the roof.
  • iceagefarmer #2867 06:53 PM, 13 Jun 2022
    Today’s spontaneously combusting food processing plant is … Festive Foods in Wisconsin!

    “Multiple crews responding to fire at food manufacturing facility near Portage-Waupaca County line”


  • iceagefarmer #2868 08:53 PM, 13 Jun 2022
    WTO declares 'Polycrisis', requiring global government, as no one country can solve it — a worldwide problem/reaction/solution:

    “This polycrisis... is really unprecedented. And what is very central to all of this is that no one country can solve this crisis on its own. This is the time that you need the world working together. You need global solidarity,” she said.

    The WTO chief drew attention to export controls, which, as she repeatedly stated, should be eased in order to avoid making an already dire situation worse. [IAF: this was precisely the script from Podesta's 2015 'Food Chain Reaction Game']

    So this is the "Global problems require global solutions" narrative now for food shortages, as has also been used with "climate crisis" and covid.

    WTO warns of ‘polycrisis’
    Export restrictions are pushing up food prices and could further worsen the global “polycrisis,” World Trade Organization chief says
  • 14 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2869 12:45 AM, 14 Jun 2022
    Trucker Strike In South Korea Sparks Economic Turmoil, Risks Global Spillover

    The epicenter of the next global supply chain snarl could be in South Korea as a nationwide trucker strike broadens and is hindering domestic economic activity, which may spill over to the rest of the world.

    Bloomberg reports that the Cargo Truckers Solidarity Union entered its seventh day of strikes on Monday, causing $1.6 billion in disruptions for auto, petrochemical, steel, and other top industries.

    #SupplyChain #Shipping #SouthKorea

    Top Steelmaker in South Korea Halts Production on Trucker Strike
    The risk to South Korea’s economy and global supply chains is growing as a nationwide trucker strike widens, curbing output at top steelmaker Posco and causing increasing damage to the petrochemicals sector.
  • iceagefarmer #2870 03:54 PM, 14 Jun 2022
    China puts “digital handcuffs” on bank protesters by controlling health passport.

    A perfect display of total state power evidencing why we have been fighting digital IDs and CBDCs with all of humanity’s strength.

    #cbdc #china

    China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say
    A protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors in central China seeking access to their frozen funds has been thwarted because the authorities have turned their health code apps red, several depositors told Reuters.
  • 15 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2871 12:00 PM, 15 Jun 2022
    "Could a food shortage be coming?" Record diesel prices are crushing farmers

    “I’ve got a tractor hooked up to my corn planter out here, no diesel fuel, and I can’t afford to get any.”

    The crushing reality of record diesel fuel prices is pushing farmers to the brink and may affect food availability. <- [READ IT AGAIN]

    “We have reached that point to where it is very close to being a sinking ship,” Kotzmoyer, a legislative affairs specialist for the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, testified to state lawmakers Tuesday. “We are teetering on the edge right now. Food may not be as available because of the fuel price surge."

    #EnergyCrisis #FoodShortage #FoodPrices #usa

  • iceagefarmer #2872 12:03 PM, 15 Jun 2022
    Louisiana shrimpers face record high diesel prices — (affects not just farmers!)

    "Record high diesel prices and competition from cheap, imported shrimp are hitting Louisiana shrimpers in the wallet and driving some of them out of business."

    #EnergyCrisis #usa

    Double whammy: Louisiana shrimpers face high diesel prices, cheap imports
    (The Center Square) – Record high diesel prices and competition from cheap, imported shrimp are hitting Louisiana shrimpers in the wallet and driving some of them out of business.
  • iceagefarmer #2873 11:27 PM, 15 Jun 2022
    Stunning footage of thousands (10k+) of dead cattle in Kansas yesterday.

    It is reported these cattle died of excessive heat — while temps were not excessively high, there was also high humidity and no wind.

    Others are speculating that this is exceptional even for summer heat, and this is another blatant destructive act perpetrated on our food supply.

    What do you think?

    #FoodWars #WarOnMeat

    Article: https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/news/article/2022/06/14/heat-stress-kills-estimated-10-000
  • 16 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2874 09:24 PM, 16 Jun 2022
    “Shock report” reveals food prices could go up 15% over the summer, squeezing family finances further

    “Some families may have to skip meals as inflation continues to rise. The report also mentioned that the UK economy is facing its “strongest period” of inflationary pressure since the 1970s, with the conflict in Ukraine worsening the impact by restricting supply chains and pushing up grain prices.”

    UK: Food prices could go up by 15% over the summer, adding to the stress on families facing rising petrol and energy bills. The Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) said in a report that households are set to pay more for essentials including dairy, bread and meat.

    #uk #FoodPrices

    Food prices set to soar by 15%, pushing families to the brink
    Dairy, bread and meat may be the big risers, according to food industry research
  • 17 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2875 07:50 PM, 17 Jun 2022
    World's Largest Cricket protein 'factory' completed in Ontario — "you really will eat ze bugs":

    Aspire’s new plant will reportedly produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption. — about two billion insects to be distributed annually across Canada and throughout the United States.

    Aspire also reports that it already has orders for the next two years.

    Crickets are currently being explored as a protein-rich superfood. They contain fibre and are already found in grocery stores and restaurants, and have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional protein sources.

    Aspire Food Group completes production of manufacturing facility - Canadian Manufacturing
    Aspire’s new plant will reportedly produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption.
  • iceagefarmer #2876 07:51 PM, 17 Jun 2022
    ‘Marching towards starvation’: UN warns of hell on earth if Ukraine war goes on

    Unprecedented food shortages could spark riots in dozens of countries as Black Sea blockade adds to pressures, says WFP chief

    Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned.

    Director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced “frightening” shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia.

    “Even before the Ukraine crisis, we were facing an unprecedented global food crisis because of Covid and fuel price increases,” said Beasley. “Then, we thought it couldn’t get any worse, but this war has been devastating.”


    ‘Marching towards starvation’: UN warns of hell on earth if Ukraine war goes on
    Unprecedented food shortages could spark riots in dozens of countries as Black Sea blockade adds to pressures, says WFP chief
  • iceagefarmer #2877 08:15 PM, 17 Jun 2022
    "Due to de-dollarization, we will now need a digital dollar Central Bank Digital Currency"
    — what an amazing statement!


    NEW - Powell: "Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar." A US central bank digital currency is being examined to "help the US dollar's international standing."
  • 18 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2878 12:57 AM, 18 Jun 2022
    Deutsche Bank now expects 'an earlier and somewhat more severe recession'

    Even wall St acknowledging things are accelerating:

    Deutsche Bank now expects 'an earlier and somewhat more severe recession'
    The first economist on Wall Street to predict a U.S. recession in 2023 is moving up his timeline for an economic contraction.
  • 19 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2879 06:17 PM, 19 Jun 2022
    You see what they’re doing with their propaganda? They want you dependent of their toxic food system. Period.
  • iceagefarmer #2880 06:18 PM, 19 Jun 2022
    Somehow the “animals are dirty and dangerous” narrative always returns to YOUR animals, and YOUR garden!

    Hugely important to value our right to feed our families — foght for Food Freedom !
  • iceagefarmer #2881 09:07 PM, 19 Jun 2022
    And thus the transhuman / "modified human" category was born, on the back of a trans swimmer:

    Fina also intends to establish a new 'open' category for "other" swimmers whose "gender differs" ... but paves way for "modified/enhanced/GMO human" category:


    Swimming chiefs limit transgender participation
    Global swimming authority Fina has voted on its new transgender policy and intends to create an 'open' category moving forward
  • iceagefarmer #2882 09:09 PM, 19 Jun 2022
    As Po dries up, Italy's food and energy supplies are at risk

    Water is so low in large stretches of Italy's largest river that local residents are walking through the middle of the expanse of sand and shipwrecks are resurfacing.

    Authorities fear that if it doesn't rain soon, there'll be a serious shortage of water for drinking and irrigation for farmers and local populations across the whole of northern Italy.


    #Water #WaterWars #Italy #WarOnFarms
    As Po dries up, Italy's food and energy supplies are at risk
    Water is so low in large stretches of Italy’s largest river that local residents are walking through the middle of the expanse of sand and shipwrecks are resurfacing, but authorities fear there’ll be far greater consequences for farmers and local populations
  • iceagefarmer #2883 09:39 PM, 19 Jun 2022
    Iranian schools, hospitals facing food shortages as prices skyrocket

    Local media in Iran say public institutions such as hospital, prisons, and child-care centers are facing possible food shortages due to skyrocketing prices.

    The Tehran-based Etemad newspaper reported on June 15 that the impending “problem” could hit in “the coming weeks” and that “food supplies will be disrupted not only in hospitals but also in other government facilities such as barracks, prisons, nursing homes, and even student dormitories.”

    Etemad quoted the head of a private hospital as saying that a sharp rise in food prices has affected the quality of hospital food to such an extent that freshly made items are likely to be eliminated in public and private hospitals, with packaged foods being used instead.

    The head of the hospital, who asked not to be identified, added: “In the coming weeks, it will be impossible for many public or private medical centers to provide hot meals, especially protein-rich foods, to hospitalized patients because this increase in food prices was not seen in any hospital budget.”


    Iranian institutions facing food shortages as prices skyrocket
    low-income Iranians line up to receive food supplies in southern Tehran, 03 Feb, 2014. (AFP) June 17, 2022 Local media in Iran say public institutions such as hospital, prisons, and child-care centers are facing possible food shortages due to skyrocketing prices. The Tehran-based Etemad newspaper reported
  • 21 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2884 12:02 PM, 21 Jun 2022
    UN Food Chief Halves Refugee Meal Rations As Global Hunger Crisis Worsens 

    Too bad people can’t simply eat half as much…

    “On Monday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), released a statement detailing "the heartbreaking decision to cut food rations for refugees who rely on us for their survival."
    "As global hunger soars way beyond the resources available to feed all the families who desperately need WFP's help, we are being forced to make the heartbreaking decision to cut food rations for refugees who rely on us for their survival," Beasley said. 

    #FoodPrices #Rationing

    UN Food Chief Halved Refugee Meal Rations As Global Hunger Crisis Worsens 
    "Despite generous support from donors, resourcing remains insufficient to meet the very basic needs of refugee households and imminent disruptions are expected in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe." 
  • 22 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2885 06:38 PM, 22 Jun 2022
    You are now your own farmer! Welcome to the future.

    (And good luck doing it just one day a week!)

    “Sri Lanka gives gov workers Fridays off so they can farm to ease a food shortage.”

    #FoodShortage #SriLanka #GrowYourOwn
  • iceagefarmer #2886 06:45 PM, 22 Jun 2022
    Obligatory WARNING that crypto scammers are targeting this channel (and many) - I even had one scammer DM me, impersonating me, with my picture etc, telling me to buy some coin until he realized what was going on.

    Please be mindful with respect to ANY direct messages from people you don’t know, and triple check identities for impersonators. (I don’t reach out to people with nonsense like this…)
  • iceagefarmer #2887 11:14 PM, 22 Jun 2022
    Dutch farmers protest government's decision to cut chicken flocks by 30% for "nitrogen savings"

    The War on Meat continues...

    The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe -- especially of nitrogen -- with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

    Farmers say they are targeted while big business and industry slide, with many vowing to resist any plans to scale down or close farms.

    "It's not normal, what's being done to the farmers," 74-year old protester Jan Poorter told AFP. ""You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

    #WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat

    Dutch farmers protest livestock cuts to curb nitrogen
    Thousands of tractor-driving farmers demonstrated in central Netherlands on Wednesday, causing widespread traffic chaos as they protested against the government's far-reaching plans to cut nitrogen emissions.
  • iceagefarmer #2888 11:32 PM, 22 Jun 2022
    "The future of farmers is being destroyed"

    Some of the signs from the Dutch protest (see previous post) are pretty spot on. Where is the public support? People too distracted by media's putin-rhetoric

    "You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

    #WarOnFarms #eu
  • 23 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2889 02:00 PM, 23 Jun 2022
    AUS: Fruit and vegetable costs to skyrocket in coming weeks

    Aussies are being warned the price of all fruit and vegetables will spike in coming weeks as farmers face labor shortages and growing production costs.

    Tyson Cattle, from the national industry representative AusVeg, told Today the issues were critical and "impacting grower confidence to plant more crops".

    "They're unable to access the pickers and packers needed to actually get crops off the ground and onto supermarket shelves," Tyson told Today.


    Fruit and vegetable costs to skyrocket in coming weeks
    Aussies are being warned the price of all fruit and vegetables will spike in coming weeks as farmers face l...
  • iceagefarmer #2890 02:46 PM, 23 Jun 2022
    “Unprecedented” Summer Snow Hits Afghanistan; Similarly In India And Pakistan, Rare Mid-June Freeze Delivers Heavy Snowfall; + Unusual Cold Sweeps Namibia

    Unprecedented and heavy snowfall has struck central Afghanistan which, at this time of the year, poses a threat to young livestock and tender crops.

    Residents in various towns and villages of Bamyan province have reported snow down to an unusually low elevation, even as the calendar reads summer — unprecedented in at least the last 20 years.

    #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum

  • iceagefarmer #2891 09:09 PM, 23 Jun 2022
    BOOM ! Suddenly it's YOUR backyard chickens that are causing pandemics, not industrial agriculture. This was the plan all along to take total control over food production!

    > "If we can’t dramatically cut meat consumption then intensive ‘factory farming’ may be comparatively less risky" because “non-intensive” or “low-yield” farms [IAF: ie. anyone producing their own food other than large industrial technocrat owned operations] pose a serious risk to human health as they need far more land to produce the same amount of food [this is also a lie!].

    "This, it is argued, increases the chances of “spillover” of dangerous viruses between animals and humans because it drives habitat loss, which displaces disease-carrying wild animals such as bats and rodents and brings them into closer contact with farmed animals and humans."

    ... and this builds on that weird Fauci paper blaming all pandemics on humans interacting with nature — the goal is to divorce man from God's creation. #transhumanism

    IAF REPORT (2020) on the UN/WEF "biodiversity" & zoonotic pandemic play to herd people into the smart cities:

    new Guardian propaganda:

    #WarOnFood #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnFarms
    Spread of ‘free-range’ farming may raise risk of animal-borne pandemics – study
    If we can’t dramatically cut meat consumption then intensive ‘factory farming’ may be comparatively less risky, say authors
  • 24 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2892 03:23 PM, 24 Jun 2022
    Possible foot and mouth disease case investigated at pig farm in Norfolk (UK)

    A possible outbreak of foot and mouth disease is being investigated at a Norfolk pig farm - sparking major worries for the region's livestock industry.

    Defra has enforced a 10km Temporary Control Zone for foot and mouth disease at a farm between Feltwell and Brandon.

    The precautionary measure was put in place at 10pm on Thursday "following suspicion of vesicular disease in pigs".


    Possible foot and mouth disease case investigated at pig farm
    A possible outbreak of foot and mouth disease is being investigated at a Norfolk pig farm - sparking major worries for the region's...
  • iceagefarmer #2893 07:31 PM, 24 Jun 2022
    Intense news days like today where emotions are flying …

    … are even more fun to spend in the garden! :-) Have to say! Stay focused on what’s important and local, where you can make an impactful difference — things are deteriorating rapidly out there.

    #TeamGrow #SteadPill
  • 27 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2894 12:21 PM, 27 Jun 2022
    BEE LOCKDOWN: Australian authorities destroy bees, ‘lock down’ transport to stop varroa mite infestation.

    Everyone knows bees are critical and KILLING THEM is a terrible way to “solve” a parasite problem.

    (I have had good luck planting mints near my hives — just as menthol is used as a treatment! — I bet the folks in @iaf_bees have more ideas too…)

    #Australia #bees

    ‘Serious pest’: Deadly $70m threat

    An emergency order has sent all bees into lockdown throughout NSW to stop the spread of the deadly varroa mite parasite.

  • iceagefarmer #2895 09:02 PM, 27 Jun 2022
    Ukraine: gain exports plummet 44% year over year:

    Ukraine exported 1.11 million tonnes of grain in the first 22 days of June, down 44% from the same period in 2021, Reuters reported, citing agriculture ministry data released June 27.

    The volumes included 978,000 tonnes of corn, 104,000 tonnes of wheat and 24,000 tonnes of barley, the data showed. Ukraine exported up to 6 million tonnes of grain a month before Russia launched an invasion on Feb. 24.

    Ukraine is among the world’s largest exporters of wheat and corn. Exporters are struggling to get what’s left in storage out of the country, because Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea, like the key city of Odessa, are under blockade by Russia.

    #wheat #Ukraine

    Ukraine grain exports plummet in June
    Shipments down 44% from year ago amid war with Russia, Black Sea blockade.
  • 28 June 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2897 08:19 PM, 28 Jun 2022
    Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry farmers take to the streets !

    Not just farmers should be out there — everyone who eats !


    via https://twitter.com/RadioGenova/status/1541725369572655104
  • 29 June 2022
  • No Russian Gas -> No Eggs! Farmers warn an energy crisis is ALSO a FOOD CRISIS.

    Without natural gas supplies, there are immediate animal welfare problems on the farms. From the hatchery to the barn to the slaughterhouse, all companies in the poultry industry are dependent on the energy source. [IAF: and thus, these are being shut down by design.]

    Short-term energy restrictions would have "an immediate impact on the food security of the residents".

    The poultry industry is energy-intensive. "For the Lower Saxony poultry industry alone, including the production of poultry feed [!!!] we have calculated an annual gas requirement of around 1,735,311 megawatt hours."


    #EnergyCrisis #Germany #EU #WarOnMeat
    Geflügelwirtschaft: Ohne Gas keine Eier
    Die niedersächsische Geflügelwirtschaft warnt vor den Folgen einer Gasknappheit im Sektor der Landwirtschaft und fordert Vorrang für ihre Branche bei der Versorgung. Das berichtet die "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" unter Berufung auf ein Schreiben des Verbandsvorsitzenden Friedrich-Otto Ripke und des Geschäftsführers Dieter Oltmann an die Bundesnetzagentur. Darin betonen sie: Ohne Gas sei nicht nur die Versorgung mit Geflügelfleisch und Eiern gefährdet.
  • iceagefarmer #2899 07:16 PM, 29 Jun 2022
    “Animals are dirty and dangerous.”

    Also Fido’s carbon score is really becoming a problem…
    People with COVID-19 can infect and sicken cats and dogs by cuddling them, says study

    The study said that while it was already known that animals including cats, dogs, ferrets and hamsters seem to be susceptible to COVID-19, transmission may be happening more often than previously thought.

    "These data indicate relatively common transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to animals and that certain human-animal contacts — example, kissing the pet, pet sleeping on the bed — appear to increase the risk," said the study.

    Transmission from humans to animals can be minimized by owners keeping their distance, wearing a mask and taking other precautions, just as they would to prevent infecting a person, he said.


    People with COVID-19 can infect and sicken cats and dogs by cuddling them, says study
    VANCOUVER — Cat and dog owners who cuddle their pets when infected with COVID-19 could end up making the animals sick with the virus, according to a Canadian study. The study said that while it was already known that animals including cats, dogs, ferrets and hamsters seem to be susceptible to COVID-19, transmission may be happening more often than previously thought. The research, published this month in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, involved 69 cats and 49 dogs, including pets and a