• 03 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1939 04:06 PM, 03 Sep 2021
    I keep re-reading this and can’t believe it’s real.

    Build new systems.

    Push mass non-compliance.
  • 04 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1940 07:33 PM, 04 Sep 2021
    Everything going to plan then! (Grow your own food!!)

    Food manufacturing in the UK is under such strain due to staff shortages that some production may have to move out of the country, a retail group has said.
    Andrew Opie from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) said shortages of HGV drivers and other supply chain staff meant that the sector was "just on the edge of coping" right now.

    Food production in the UK at risk of moving overseas, warns industry
    A retail group says shortages of drivers and other staff mean the sector is "just on the edge of coping".
  • 05 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1941 12:25 AM, 05 Sep 2021
    'Perfect storm' will cause B.C. food prices to rise
    The challenges faced by B.C. farmers this summer aren't unique and could have significant impacts on the province's food-supply system.
  • iceagefarmer #1942 02:55 AM, 05 Sep 2021
    “Brazilian soybean farmers are keeping their crops instead of selling them because they expect prices to rise further as global supplies tighten.”

  • iceagefarmer #1943 05:56 AM, 05 Sep 2021
    Whoa! FBI warns of ransomware gangs targeting food, agriculture orgs

    The FBI says ransomware gangs are actively targeting and disrupting the operations of organizations in the food and agriculture sector, causing financial loss and directly affecting the food supply chain.

    Ransomware gangs started focusing their attacks against this industry sector after food and agriculture orgs have become increasingly dependent on smart tech, industrial control systems (ICS), and internet-based automation systems.

    "Food and agriculture businesses victimized by ransomware suffer significant financial loss resulting from ransom payments, loss of productivity, and remediation costs.”


    FBI warns of ransomware gangs targeting food, agriculture orgs
    The FBI says ransomware gangs are actively targeting and disrupting the operations of organizations in the food and agriculture sector, causing financial loss and directly affecting the food supply chain.
  • iceagefarmer #1944 09:16 PM, 05 Sep 2021
    Beef giant Brazil halts China exports after confirming two mad cow disease cases

    Prions in the food supply!

    SAO PAULO, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Brazil, the world's largest beef exporter, has suspended beef exports to its No. 1 customer China after confirming two cases of "atypical" mad cow disease in two separate domestic meat plants, the agriculture ministry said on Saturday.

    The suspension, which is part of an animal health pact agreed between China and Brazil and is designed to allow Beijing time to take stock of the problem, begins immediately, the ministry said in a statement. China will decide when to begin importing again, it added.

    The suspension is a major blow for Brazilian farmers: China and Hong Kong buy more than half of Brazil's beef exports. [IAF: and for hungry China!]

    The cases were identified in meat plants in the states of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais, the ministry said. It said they were the fourth and fifth cases of "atypical" mad cow disease that have been detected in Brazil in 23 years.

    It said "atypical" mad cow disease develops spontaneously and is not related to eating contaminated foods. Brazil has never had a case of "classic" mad cow disease, it said.


    Beef giant Brazil halts China exports after confirming two mad cow disease cases
    Brazil, the world's largest beef exporter, has suspended beef exports to its No. 1 customer China after confirming two cases of "atypical" mad cow disease in two separate domestic meat plants, the agriculture ministry said on Saturday.
  • 06 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1945 04:51 AM, 06 Sep 2021
    Wow. F4 - “everything is gone”

    New Jersey’s Largest Dairy Devastated by Hurricane Ida

    After severe weather associated with the remnants of Hurricane Ida sweeping through the Northeast, a tornado touched down in Mullica Hills, New Jersey, devastating the state’s largest dairy farm, Wellacrest Farms.
    The Eachus family owns and operates Wellacrest Farms, home to 1,400 Holsteins cows. The family says they are still trying to process what quickly unfolded and the damage left behind. 

    “You see this out West. You never think it’s going to be in your backyard,” says owner Marianne Eachus. “The devastation is just … everything is gone.”

    The National Weather Service has confirmed five tornadoes touched down in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania Wednesday evening during the fierce thunderstorms that were triggered by the leftovers of Hurricane Ida.

    The F4 tornado that ripped through Mullica Hills, devastated Wellacrest Farms, toppling two 80’ silos, damaging grain bins and flattening one of the farm’s free stall barns. The family reports that all but one barn was damaged from the storm.

    “We can milk by using generators for power,” Karlie Eachus says. “We were able to fix all the milking parlor mechanical issues and bulk tank issues on Wednesday evening with the help of a specialist.” 

    ‘Everything is Gone’ New Jersey’s Largest Dairy Devastated by Hurricane Ida
    “You see this out West. You never think it’s going to be in your backyard,” says owner Marianne Eachus. “The devastation is just … everything is gone.”
  • iceagefarmer #1946 05:55 AM, 06 Sep 2021
    Ballet dancers are let in - but not skilled food labor:

    Farms are set to kill and burn 100,000 pigs because of a post-Brexit butchers' shortage: Industry chiefs vent fury at Priti Patel for leaving key staff off list - but keeping ballet dancers 

    Farms are set to kill and burn 100,000 pigs because of a post-Brexit butchers' shortage: Industry chiefs vent fury at Priti Patel for leaving key staff off list - but keeping ballet dancers
    Leading figures in the livestock industry say that the animals face being killed and burned because Home Secretary Priti Patel has failed to include the job on a list of shortage occupations.
  • iceagefarmer #1947 05:58 AM, 06 Sep 2021
    “Bare shelves. Long delays. Goods that just don't show up at all.”

    Wild weather, labor and equipment shortages, and a snarled global supply chain have hit everything from chips to cooking equipment—and food. Now, around the globe, prices for staple commodities from beef to wheat to sugar and vegetable oil are steadily rising, fueled by a mix of drought, fires, frost—and COVID-19 labor shortages.

    Prices globally are up nearly 33% since the same period last year, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)'s monthly food price index, released on Thursday. From July, prices are up by over 3%. Overall, this year the FAO's index puts food prices at levels not seen since 2011, the

    First came the frost and drought. Now comes the rise in food prices
    Food prices have jumped by more than 30% over the last year, due mainly to drought and adverse weather
  • iceagefarmer #1948 06:07 AM, 06 Sep 2021
    As shortages worsen, expect governments to take more control like this:

    Sri Lanka raids sugar stocks as food shortages bite

    Sri Lankan government officials on Wednesday raided private warehouses to seize thousands of tonnes of sugar, a day after a state of emergency was declared over food shortages caused by a currency crisis.

    "The objective is to prevent hoarding," Major General Senarath Niwunhella, who was named commissioner general of essential services on Tuesday, told AFP. He denied the sugar was being confiscated.

    "Today we started with sugar and will expand this action to other commodities like wheat flour and rice too if importers do not release their stocks to the market," he said

    Sri Lanka raids sugar stocks as food shortages bite
    Sri Lankan government officials on Wednesday raided private warehouses to seize thousands of tonnes of sugar, a day after a state of emergency was declared over food shortages caused by a currency crisis.
  • iceagefarmer #1949 05:41 PM, 06 Sep 2021
    TOTAL INSANITY: Dutch cabinet plans to TAKE FARMS FROM FARMERS to “combat global warming”.

    "Coercion is no longer taboo.”

    “The Ministries of Finance and Agriculture have advanced plans to buy out hundreds of farmers and, if necessary, expropriate them, in order to quickly reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands. This is apparent from documents that have been viewed by NRC . The cost of this operation could amount to 17 billion euros. The plans point to a rigorously different approach, in which coercion is no longer taboo.

    “The other scenario, from the Ministry of Agriculture, is even more ambitious and foresees a major transformation of the Dutch agricultural sector. The government also buys the land from the farmers, which can then be used for more sustainable forms of agriculture: fewer animals [!! IAF: moving to WEF’s “post-animal economy”], less environmental pollution. That costs a lot of money: up to 17 billion.

    #WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #Netherlands

    Kabinet heeft plannen voor onteigening honderden boeren
    Stikstofuitstoot: Er zijn vergevorderde plannen om honderden boeren uit te kopen en indien nodig te onteigenen; boerenorganisaties ‘denken mee’.
  • iceagefarmer #1950 06:15 PM, 06 Sep 2021
    So governments buy up all our assets then debase the currency so any money we have from selling our assets is worthless and we move into the digital credit era with the governments ‘looking after us’…. At least we will own nothing and be happy…
  • 08 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1951 03:30 AM, 08 Sep 2021
    Why Woolworths, Coles and Aldi shelves across Sydney are looking bare

    Frustrated shoppers took to social media to complain about all the empty shelves at their local supermarket - but panic buying isn’t to blame.

    Empty supermarket shelves are greeting customers at NSW stores in what is a flow-on effect of the state’s ongoing coronavirus lockdown.

    Over the weekend, as the state entered its 11th week of lockdown, frustrated shoppers at Woolworths, Coles and Aldi stores in Greater Sydney took to social media to share pictures of seriously depleted shopping aisles.

    Photos show the fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy and bakery sections all looking a little bare.

    Why Woolies, Coles, Aldi shelves are empty

    Empty supermarket shelves are greeting customers at NSW stores in what is a flow-on effect of the state’s ongoing coronavirus lockdown.

  • 09 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1952 02:28 AM, 09 Sep 2021
    When asked if the new steps will affect Americans’ lives, Psaki said, “it depends on if you’re vaccinated or not.”

    “There are six steps the president’s announcing, there will be new components,” Psaki said. “Some of that will be related to access to testing, some will be related to mandates, some will be related to how we ensure kids will be protected in schools.”

    "There will be new components that sure, will of course impact people across the country, but we’re also all working together to get the virus under control, to return to our normal lives,” she added.”

    ... They are really trying to light the fuse…

    White House signals new COVID-19 measures coming for unvaccinated Americans
    President Biden will announce on Thursday new steps in his administration's COVID-19 response that involves testing, mandates, and school measures depending on a person's vaccination status, the
  • iceagefarmer #1954 05:33 AM, 09 Sep 2021
    "Covid-19 was a disaster for the pork industry"

    “It was a complete mess, a terrible mess in terms of animal welfare,” Dr Grandin says, “and it was a horrible waste of food. There were food kitchens begging for food and we sent pigs to the dump.” It is estimated that about 350,000 pigs were euthanised on US farms in 2020.

    Dr Grandin asserts that programmes must be put in place so that what happened in 2020 in the US – when large numbers of healthy pigs were destroyed on-farm because of severely curtailed slaughter plant capacity – never happens again.[IAF: I agree — like local producers and processors, not disgusting Big Meat bottlenecks] - Massive capacity reductions were caused by physical distancing requirements and by temporary plant shutdowns to stop Covid-19 transmission, worker illness and death. The situation was exacerbated because US pig production had grown to address the import needs of China, where African Swine Fever had ravaged the commercial pig population from 2018

  • iceagefarmer #1955 05:35 AM, 09 Sep 2021
    “Grains still shipping” (for how long?)

    Brazil truckers block highways, Bolsonaro asks protestors to stand down

    SAO PAULO (Reuters) -Brazilian truckers staged demonstrations throughout Brazil on Wednesday, partially blocking key routes in several states and prompting President Jair Bolsonaro to ask the protestors to stand down.

    Truckers sympathetic to the president had partially blockaded highways in 16 states as of the late evening, briefly shutting down traffic in two locations, according to a statement from the Infrastructure Ministry.

    In the late morning, federal Brazil's highway police (PRF) had reported 53 blockades on federal roads tied to "social and political events, not involving key issues for independent truckers."

    Bolsonaro drew tens of thousands of supporters to major cities on Tuesday, including some truckers, using a national holiday to step up his attacks on Brazil's Supreme Court and voting system. Truckers have previously demonstrated this year over high fuel prices.

    "Speaking to the truckers out there, who are our allies, these blockades hurt our economy," Bolsonaro said in an audio WhatsApp message sent to truckers' groups and obtained by Reuters on Wednesday night. "They cause supply shortages, inflation and hurt everyone, especially the poorest."

    In a separate video WhatsApp message circulating among truckers' groups and obtained by Reuters, Infrastructure Minister Tarcisio Freitas confirmed the authenticity of Bolsonaro's audio.

    Wednesday's blockades affected top grain-producing state Mato Grosso, as well as Minas Gerais, where fuel truckers took part in a 24-hour strike beginning on Tuesday.

    Blockades were also reported near the port of São Francisco do Sul in Santa Catarina and in Paraná, near Brazil's second-busiest grain port, regional PRF branches said on Twitter.

    Brazil's grain exporters association ANEC, which represents global merchants such as Cargill and Bunge, said the blockades were not currently affecting grain shipments to ports

    Brazil truckers block highways, Bolsonaro asks protestors to stand down
    SAO PAULO (Reuters) -Brazilian truckers staged demonstrations throughout Brazil on Wednesday, partially blocking key routes in several states and prompting President Jair Bolsonaro to ask the protestors to stand down. Truckers sympathetic to the president had partially blockaded highways in 16 states as of the late evening, briefly shutting down traffic in two locations, according to a statement from the Infrastructure Ministry. In the late morning, federal Brazil's highway police (PRF) had reported 53 blockades on federal roads tied to "social and political events, not involving key issues for independent truckers."
  • iceagefarmer #1956 07:54 PM, 09 Sep 2021
    As doors close on the unvaccinated ...

    Spain Closes To Unvaccinated U.S. Travelers Following Netherlands, Norway, Italy And Others
    One by one the European nations are tightening entry restriction for U.S. tourists. Spain has now joined the list of countries banning non-vaccinated American travelers.
  • iceagefarmer #1958 07:55 PM, 09 Sep 2021
    Biden to require COVID-19 vaccines for any company that has 100 or more employees:

    Biden to require COVID-19 vaccines, tests for millions of private workers
    President Biden will announce a new rule Thursday to require all private employers with 100 or more employees to mandate vaccines or weekly testing.
  • iceagefarmer #1959 08:11 PM, 09 Sep 2021
    Energetically, a fuse has just been lit in the US, and I don’t think anyone fully appreciates the gravity of what is about to be unleashed. It’s been looming, but now it is undeniably in motion.

    That said, I also see some anxiety and fear in the comments.

    Remember that is their goal, to get you into a state of fear and dread - as you cannot imagine and create your own reality in that state.

    Take in the data about reality not to fear it, but to inform your response: create abundance and care in your family and community.

    Act within that sphere of influence. Stand strong.

    Mass non-compliance starts with YOUR non-compliance.

    Decentralized food systems start with your garden.

    Invest in tomorrow. Do great things.

  • iceagefarmer #1960 11:01 PM, 09 Sep 2021
    Food is not partisan.

    But it looks like they want it to be.

    The same script used for masks/no masks now for fake food vs. real traditional foods — divide and conquer program run over our very sustenance.

    'America doesn't run on Tofu, it runs on real food': Republicans tear into Biden administration's plans to crack down on beef, poultry and pork industries to combat rising grocery prices
    Florida GOP Rep. Byron Donalds (right) blamed rising grocery prices on 'Bidenomics and the socialist spending spree in Washington' in a statement to DailyMail.com.
  • iceagefarmer #1961 11:46 PM, 09 Sep 2021
    Authorities are limiting purchases of beer in Australia.

    This passes a new threshold for tyranny — and launches us into that future where our consumption habits are monitored by the state and fed into our social credit scores:

    Alcohol is unhealthy, so we will police it.

    Next: meat? Butter? Candy? Where does it stop? Salt?

    Six-beer limit for homes in strict lockdown

    Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day.

  • 10 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1962 03:05 PM, 10 Sep 2021
    France joins the list of countries refusing entry to unvaxxed from USA.

    The borders are closing elsewhere (effectively the same as walls going up around you), and your government has declared war on you.

    Every other time in history, this ends in genocide. But hey, draw your own conclusion, I’ve already been called alarmist negative Nancy enough this morning...

    Just get ready.

    France set to block entry to unvaccinated US travelers from this week - Lonely Planet
    France will ban tourists from the United States and Israel who have not been vaccinated from September 12 as it moves both countries to its "orange" or…
  • iceagefarmer #1963 03:32 PM, 10 Sep 2021
    Manufactured scarcity is part of their new normal.
  • iceagefarmer #1966 08:32 PM, 10 Sep 2021
    Social Media Is Not Enough. The Left Wants to Close Your Bank Accounts.
    The left doesn't just want to deplatform dissident voices from social media, but to bar them from online bank accounts as well.
  • iceagefarmer #1967 09:10 PM, 10 Sep 2021
    Surveys have suggested upwards of 40% of unvaccinated Americans would rather quit than take the shot.

    If enforced, a US-wide mandate is a shutdown of the economy — which destroys the food supply chain of the country that exports food & animal feed to much of the rest of the world.

    This isn’t just an attack on Americans, but on the global food system.

    The certain food collapse that ushers in fake meat/synthetic food.

    All hands on deck for non-compliance … And start growing even more food.
  • 13 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1968 04:17 AM, 13 Sep 2021
    Attack real meat, introduce fake meat - blame supply chain and COVID:


    KFC Bets On Vegan Nuggets Amid Nationwide Poultry Shortage
    Kentucky Fried Chicken is serving up a new... 
  • iceagefarmer #1969 02:25 PM, 13 Sep 2021
    JBS plant goes up in flames...

    #WarOnMeat #Fire

  • 14 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1971 03:28 PM, 14 Sep 2021
    Good they are making some progress restoring grain exports (previous post) but lots of damage done to China’s import pipeline.

    Food / shipping / geopolitics — all related. If China goes hungry, they likely go to war...

    Protein and Transpacific Power
    China's Emergent Struggle for Food Security
  • iceagefarmer #1972 04:27 PM, 14 Sep 2021

    Rumors abound about DHS/Nat Guard mobilizing for imminent national quarantine in USA.

    I can’t speak to the accuracy, but from a food supply perspective: given dry conditions, a lot of folks are already combining. Can see this in harvest progress data.

    Such a lockdown now would inflict maximum damage on harvests and moving grains for exports, potentially further aggravating the Ida export difficulties, starving China.

    (Not to mention further inflame tensions in US as 27 states square off against Biden mandates.)

    It feels unlikely to me, but they ARE accelerating.

    What are you hearing / thinking?

  • iceagefarmer #1973 04:31 PM, 14 Sep 2021
    German wheat crop estimate shrinks further:

    Germany’s 2021 wheat crop of all types is expected to fall 3.6% on the year to 21.37 million tonnes after poor weather, according to estimates released by the agriculture ministry on Wednesday.

    Crops suffered from swings in weather, with a cold spring followed by a hot, dry start to the summer and then unwelcome harvest-time rain and storms, the ministry said in preliminary forecasts for the 2021 harvest.


  • iceagefarmer #1974 04:32 PM, 14 Sep 2021
    Over Half A Million Texans Without Power As Nicholas Threatens Louisiana With Flooding

    Over Half A Million Texans Without Power As Nicholas Threatens Louisiana With Flooding
    "Soils have not yet recovered from Hurricane Ida a couple of weeks ago..." 
  • 15 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1975 05:11 PM, 15 Sep 2021
    The damage to supply chain — and food supply — would take longer than 18 months to repair.

    And it’s continuing to devolve further...

  • 16 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1976 05:39 PM, 16 Sep 2021
    WARNING: several people in comment threads noted there are impersonators appearing to be Christian / Ice Age Farmer, asking for personal information or even soliciting funds.

    I do not do that. The official channel is @iceagefarmer . Do not respond to anyone else claiming to be me.

    If you do wish to support the channel, you can do that at https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - every $1/mo is meaningful and significant, and genuinely appreciated.

    But i sure as heck won’t be shaking you down for it!
    Ice Age Farmer is creating research. warmth. abundance. | Patreon
    Become a patron of Ice Age Farmer today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
  • iceagefarmer #1977 05:41 PM, 16 Sep 2021
    Major UK fertilizer plants shuttered due to nat gas prices:

    Fertilizer producer CF Industries Holdings Inc halted two fertilizer plants in the UK on Wednesday, according to a company press release. 

    CF Industries Holdings, a top manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products, released a statement today indicating that its Billingham and Ince, UK, manufacturing facilities suspended operations "due to high natural gas prices." There was no timeframe on when the plants would reopen. But reasonably, one would suspect when gas prices come back down. 


  • iceagefarmer #1978 05:49 PM, 16 Sep 2021
    Quick, China! Extract every ounce of protein from the collapsing USA while you still can!


    “If you could see a pie chart for 2021 it would just blow your mind on the amount of product that’s moving into China, and it’s not all the ribeye steaks and New York strips that we like to throw on the grill.”

    He tells Brownfield it’s more like belly meat that would traditionally go into the grind here at home.

  • iceagefarmer #1979 05:53 PM, 16 Sep 2021
    US weighs Pfizer shots for 6-mo old babies and older...beginning in just six weeks.

    That was, after all, the ultimate goal — they want the children.

    Babies could be given Pfizer's Covid vaccine in the US this winter: Company plans to seek approval for jabbing six-month-olds in November
    In a move that is likely to cause international controversy, the company said it will apply for authorisation to immunise infants in the US within the next two months.
  • iceagefarmer #1980 05:59 PM, 16 Sep 2021
    Force Majeure at Top Fertilizer Plant Has Prices Soaring


    Fertilizer prices are soaring after the world’s largest nitrogen facility had to declare a force majeure.
    CF Industries Holdings Inc. said on Sept. 3 that it can’t fill orders from its Donaldsonville, Louisiana, nitrogen complex, which was closed ahead of Hurricane Ida, according to a letter seen by Bloomberg. That’s stoking fears of production losses at a time when supplies are already tight.

    Force Majeure at Top Fertilizer Plant Has Prices Soaring
    Fertilizer prices are soaring after the world’s largest nitrogen facility had to declare a force majeure.
  • iceagefarmer #1981 06:02 PM, 16 Sep 2021
    Input costs are soaring particularly now with those plants shutting down - does not bode well for yield next year
  • 17 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1982 12:46 AM, 17 Sep 2021
    U.S. Pork Exports Spike With Swine Fever in Dominican Republic
    Massive hog culling in the Dominican Republic after the outbreak of a deadly swine disease has led the country to stock up on U.S. pork.
  • iceagefarmer #1983 04:48 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    Beer, Fizzy Drinks And Meat Supplies Threatened By CO2 Shortages, Ministers Warned
    Exclusive: The government is bracing itself for supplies of beer, fizzy drinks and meat to be hit by a severe shortage of CO2, with supermarkets and restaurants expected to be affected in the coming days.
  • iceagefarmer #1984 08:43 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    A case of mad cow disease has been confirmed on a farm in Somerset, England.

    The Animal and Plant Health Agency said the infected animal was dead and had been removed from the farm.

    It said there was 'no risk to food safety'.

    The agency said precautionary movement restrictions have been put in place to stop the movement of livestock in the area while further investigations continue to identify the origin of the disease, the official name of which is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

    Today's case is the first since 2018, when the disease was found on a farm in Scotland.   

    Case of Mad Cow disease is identified on a Somerset farm as officials seal off the area to stop infection spreading
    The Animal and Plant Health Agency said the infected animal was dead and had been removed from the farm. It said there was 'no risk to food safety'.
  • iceagefarmer #1985 09:18 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    Weaponized germ theory indeed.
  • iceagefarmer #1986 09:20 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    ‘massive disruption to food supplies within two weeks’

    A lot of comments earlier on the CO2 shortage about coke/Pepsi - but the real issue to understand is meat pipeline shuts down:

    UK's meat industry warns CO2 shortage could hit food supplies

    Britain's meat industry on Friday warned that an impending shortage of carbon dioxide (CO2) could cause massive disruption to food supplies within two weeks.

    The gas is used to stun animals before slaughter, in the vacuum packing of food products to extend their shelf life, and to put the fizz into beer, cider and soft drinks.

    It is also required for some medical procedures and used in the nuclear and semi-conductor industries.

    UK's meat industry warns CO2 shortage could hit food supplies
    Britain's meat industry on Friday warned that an impending shortage of carbon dioxide (CO2) could cause massive disruption to food supplies within two weeks.
  • iceagefarmer #1987 09:28 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    This is a worthwhile read on life in Lithuania, where the President said “the government is doing everything it can to fight the virus that is the antivaxxers.”

    One quote:

    Government insists that the vaccine isn’t mandatory — but the CovidPass only recognizes the test as valid for 48 hours from when the swab sample is taken (not from when you get the result from the lab), meaning you would need a test almost every day in order to maintain a valid Covid Pass, live without restrictions.

    That number of tests would cost more than 1000 eur in lab fees per person per month, plus the time of going to the lab.

    Covid Pass in Lithuania and Europe
    Banned from shops, restaurants, and work: How recent vaccine mandate laws have upended my family's life
  • iceagefarmer #1990 09:45 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    Commodity freight rates poised to 'go parabolic,' Genco CEO says

    (This includes #FoodPrices)

    “You do get to a point, and you've seen this in containers, where you hit a certain utilization rate and you start to go parabolic on rates," the CEO says. "We're getting close to that period."

    Commodity freight rates poised to 'go parabolic,' Genco CEO says
    Commodity shipping rates are ready to spike higher to reflect the surge in costs for transporting manufactured goods, Genco Shipping <> President and CEO John Wobensmith...
  • iceagefarmer #1991 11:25 PM, 17 Sep 2021
    World’s biggest machine capturing carbon from air turned on in Iceland

    Operators say the Orca plant can suck 4,000 tonnes of CO2 out of the air every year and inject it deep into the ground to be mineralised.

    “Achieving global net-zero emissions is still a long way to go, but with Orca, we believe that Climeworks has taken one significant step closer to achieving that goal,” he said.

    The co-founder did not comment on the global famine that would result from reducing CO2 levels, harming food crops and rainforests…


    World’s biggest machine capturing carbon from air turned on in Iceland
    Operators say the Orca plant can suck 4,000 tonnes of CO2 out of the air every year and inject it deep into the ground to be mineralised
  • 18 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1992 03:46 AM, 18 Sep 2021
    In THEIR new normal, meat is no longer on the menu. Raise your own!


    Restaurants Remove Crab From Menus Due To Skyrocketing Prices
    "People just aren't going to pay the prices we would need to charge to produce that product."
  • iceagefarmer #1994 05:10 PM, 18 Sep 2021
    The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”

    The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”

    The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.

    As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”

    The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”

    The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him.”

    The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”

    The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue…”

    The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”

    The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”

    The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?”

    The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!”

    The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions.

    Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand. Others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.

    When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on…
  • iceagefarmer #1995 05:10 PM, 18 Sep 2021
    ‘Just Get Me a Box’: Inside the Brutal Realities of Supply Chain Hell
    Logistics managers are battling the pandemic, a labor shortage, and huge demand to get goods to your front door.

    It’s mid-August, and logistics manager RoxAnne Thomas’s phone won’t stop pinging. Her faucets, sinks, and toilets are waylaid near Shanghai, snagged in Vancouver, and buried under a pile of shipping containers in a rail yard outside Chicago. As U.S. transportation manager for Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC, a unit of Taiwan’s Globe Union Industrial Corp. that’s based in Woodridge, Ill., Thomas is trying to overcome the biggest shock wave to unsettle global trade since the dawn of container shipping almost seven decades ago.

    The pandemic has thrown the vital but usually humdrum world of logistics into a tailspin, spurring shortages of everything: masks and vaccine vials, semiconductors, plastic polymers, bicycles, and even baseball bobbleheads. For Thomas it’s complicated the shipment of about 10,000 20-foot containers of bathroom equipment she brings into the U.S. each year from China and Mexico, but it has also revealed a bigger, structural challenge.


    ‘Just Get Me a Box’: Inside the Brutal Realities of Supply Chain Hell
    Logistics managers are battling the pandemic, a labor shortage, and huge demand to get goods to your front door.
  • 19 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1996 02:13 AM, 19 Sep 2021
    Chicken prices could increase in Singapore, fuelled by rising feed costs in Malaysia
    Chicken is the most widely consumed meat in Singapore, with more than a third of supply from Malaysia. . Read more at straitstimes.com.
  • iceagefarmer #1997 01:20 PM, 19 Sep 2021
    Announcement: most Ice Age Farmer reports have been dropped from Youtube as of Sep 19, 2021. I’ve kept most interviews and my talks on permaculture up. All content remains available at https://iceagefarmer.com, and on Bitchute or Odysee.

    Going forward, I will continue posting/streaming reports to Youtube, but remove them after a 24- or 48-hour period. They will remain on other sites.

    I hope to do a video explaining the reasoning behind this change -- and behind the lack of video reports recently -- soon. Until then, I will echo the words of Dr. Mercola, "The individuals in power have an arsenal of overwhelming tools at their disposal and are actively engaged in using them.”

    Thank you for your support!

    food, abundance, warmth
  • 20 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1998 05:19 AM, 20 Sep 2021
    Pennsylvania Rations Alcohol Due to Crippled Supply Chain

    A shortage of certain alcohol brands is leaving some drinkers in low spirits; the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) announced this week it would begin rationing a list of popular liquor labels.

    Due to sustained supply chain disruptions and product shortages, purchase limits of two bottles, per customer, per day were applied to certain items beginning Friday, Sept. 17, and will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.

    The two-bottle limit applies to all consumers and liquor license holders such as bars and restaurants, and includes 43 well-known labels including Hennessy Cognac, Don Julio 1942 Tequila, Jack Daniel’s Whiskey, Moët & Chandon Impérial Champagne, and Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon.

    The rationing was not a surprise to Shawn McCall, general manager at Room 33 Speakeasy in Erie, Pa. The speakeasy has had trouble getting some brands for the last three or four months.

    “I haven’t been able to get Bulleit Bourbon for a month. Jack Daniel’s was out for a while but it’s back in now,” McCall told The Epoch Times in a phone interview. “People know there is a shortage, so bar owners are overstocking. That is why they put a limit on it.”

    In Pennsylvania, wine and spirits are sold at state-operated stores where both consumers and liquor license holders shop. The state stores buy directly from producers so they have a first look at supply.

    There are several reasons for the shortage. All producers who spoke with The Epoch Times pointed to increased consumer demand as one reason.

    “Many of our brands, including Buffalo Trace Bourbon, have been on allocation for a few years due to demand outstripping supply of aged whiskey,” Amy Preske, spokeswoman for the Kentucky-based Sazerac Company told The Epoch Times in an email. “On average, the whiskeys we sell today were made seven to eight years ago (2013/14) and we underestimated today’s consumer demand.”

    “Before the pandemic I believe there were problems making kegs, having to do with steel tariffs,” Moran told The Epoch Times in a phone interview. “We’ve dealt with shortages before. But now it seems to be one thing after another. We went through this with chicken wings, ketchup packets, plastic cups, and there is still a recovery effort going on from COVID. Businesses were having a hard time finding employees. The combination is really hampering recovery for small business.”


    Pennsylvania Rations Alcohol Due to Crippled Supply Chain
    The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) announced this week it would begin rationing a list of popular liquor labels.
  • iceagefarmer #1999 09:47 AM, 20 Sep 2021
    Important to note the language is escalating here -- food shortages are now a "national security issue" and we are in a "downward spiral:”

    Britain faces shortages of frozen food and meat as CO2 supplies hit by gas price spike

    Government urged to intervene on gas price rises over “national security issue”

    Britain faces shortages of frozen meals and even Christmas turkey due to a sudden shortage of carbon dioxide used by the food and drink industry.

    Meat supplies to supermarkets and restaurants will be affected within days by shortage of the gas, which is instrumental to refrigeration and delivery.

    Ocado has paused delivery of frozen products to customers as a result of the dry ice shortage, while the British Poultry Council (BPC) has warned the industry was heading into a “downward spiral towards supply chains seriously struggling”.

    Frozen food and meat shortages loom in carbon dioxide shortage
    Government urged to intervene on gas price rises over “national security issue”
  • 21 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2000 08:15 AM, 21 Sep 2021
    Europe running out of natural gas, as a cold winter approaches - ensure you and family are able to cook and stay warm:

    Winter Is Coming and Europe Is Running Scarily Low on Gas
    Sky-high natural gas prices and low stockpiles mean the continent had better hope for mild temperatures.

    Europe has an energy problem, and it could get worse once winter grips the continent. Gas and electricity prices are soaring, windmills are standing idle for lack of wind and shuttered coal-fired power plants are being brought back into use. There are even suggestions to use diesel generators for private generation. But oil isn’t the solution to the continent’s energy woes.
    High natural gas prices are creating incentives for fuel substitution that could boost oil demand, according to Jeff Currie, global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs. Although that’s true on a global scale, it may not provide much respite for European consumers, who have little scope to switch generators from gas to liquid fuel.

    Winter Is Coming and Europe Is Running Scarily Low on Gas
    Sky-high natural gas prices and low stockpiles mean the continent had better hope for mild temperatures.
  • iceagefarmer #2001 07:06 PM, 21 Sep 2021
    Shoppers will notice poultry, pork and bakery items disappearing from shelves 'in about 10 days' due to CO2 shortage

    Shoppers will notice poultry, pork and bakery items disappearing from shelves 'in about 10 days'
    Shoppers could start noticing food shortages within days due to the crisis in carbon dioxide (CO2) supply, a food industry chief has warned.
  • iceagefarmer #2002 07:45 PM, 21 Sep 2021
    ICYMI: This channel reported in August that manufacturers of meat packaging were shutting down, and asked if a meat shortage was PLANNED — (post is forwarded below).

    Now that the “sudden” meat shortage is blamed on CO2 shortages and CF Industries unexpectedly shutting facilities, it seems clear this meat shortage was indeed planned long before the CO2 story emerged.
  • iceagefarmer #2003 07:45 PM, 21 Sep 2021
    Is a meat shortage coming to UK? Why would packers stop ordering millions of plastic trays unless this was in the works? Any thoughts?

    From a contact:

    “I'm working in a factory which makes plastic trays for meat. The factory is in Ireland, however, 80% of production goes to UK. In last 13 weeks, tray sales were going down. We have 6 machines making trays. Since the last few weeks, 2-3 machines were stopped during shifts. Next week all machines will be stopped for 3 days because our warehouse is full of pallets with production. This is the first time in recent years when machines will be down for 3 days. Usually when September approaching we had busy times. But not this year. Note. One machine during a 12-hour shift is making around 200 000-250 000 trays. So in 24 hours 6 machines making around 2.5 mln trays.

  • iceagefarmer #2004 07:49 PM, 21 Sep 2021
    Fertilizer shortages worsening, impacts to be felt in yield next year (and finances of producers!) …
  • iceagefarmer #2005 07:51 PM, 21 Sep 2021
    Now that ASF has reached Haiti via Dominican Republic, it is only a matter of time before it is introduced into the US pork supply.

    Analysts are anticipating a number of different vectors like refugee migrations (pictured), but remember that the USDA’s own war games anticipated it would arrive via infected animal feed.

  • 22 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2006 04:43 AM, 22 Sep 2021
    Gangs are now Smuggling KFC chicken in NZ — welcome to the black market of food:

    “police were literally photographing a "crime scene" of buckets of Colonel Sanders' finger lickin' good extra crispy. This is the dystopian Black Mirror style bizarro world that NZ "health authorities" have erected and appear to even be boasting about - police are cracking down on alleged gang members and criminals driving back roads at night to make "illegal" chicken deliveries to deprived citizens in lockdown.

    New Zealand police arrest pair trying to enter Auckland with ‘large amount’ of KFC
    Two men tried to reach city – where Covid restrictions banned takeaways – with $100,000, three buckets of chicken and an undisclosed quantity of fries, police say
  • iceagefarmer #2007 07:21 AM, 22 Sep 2021
    With coffee prices exploding after the frosts in Brazil, it’s no surprise they are pushing LAB GROWN COFFEE:


    Lab-grown coffee cuts out the beans and deforestation
    As the world's population continues to grow, so does the strain we place on the environment in our efforts to feed all those hungry mouths, and part of the solution may lie in the lab. We've seen how lab-grown meats like rib-eye steaks, burgers or chicken tenders could help address the massive environmental costs associated with livestock production, and we're now seeing some interesting possibilities emerge around one of the world's most popular drinks – coffee.
  • iceagefarmer #2008 09:06 AM, 22 Sep 2021
    YouTube is now taking away the ad revenue of hunting and fishing videos.


    Maybe they don't want anyone providing for themselves? Next up; moratoriums on non-vegan cooking videos. Gardening too... hey you're pushing it, buddy!
  • iceagefarmer #2009 05:15 PM, 22 Sep 2021
    Latest “Russian hackers” Cyberattack targets Iowa grain co-op
    as Food Supply chain latest to experience the #Cyberpandemic

    Russian hackers leveled a ransomware attack on an Iowa farming co-op and demanded $5.9 million to unlock the computer networks used to keep food supply chains and feeding schedules on track for millions of chickens, hogs and cattle.

    Fort Dodge-based New Cooperative, a member-owned alliance of farmers that sells corn and soy products, contained the breach and developed a workaround to continue accepting grain shipments and distributing feed, a person close to the company told The Washington Post, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information.

    But the cooperative took its computer network offline to isolate the incursion, the person said, and shuttered its soil-mapping software — a master-control system that optimizes irrigation and fertilizationb — as a precaution.

    Farmers, meanwhile, have taken to using paper scale tickets to log their grain hauls as they drop them off at the cooperative, said Tim Luginsland, Wells Fargo’s food and agribusiness sector manager.


    Russian hackers target Iowa grain co-op in $5.9 million ransomware attack
    Russian hackers leveled a ransomware attack on an Iowa farming co-op and demanded $5.9 million to unlock the computer networks used to keep food supply chains and feeding schedules on track for millions of chickens, hogs and cattle.
  • 23 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2010 07:27 AM, 23 Sep 2021
    As I covered last year, edible vaccines have been in the works. Here is the latest coverage specific to COVID:

    Can you grow COVID-19 vaccine-lettuce? UC Riverside scientists think so

    Prof. Giraldo “We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens. Farmers could grow entire fields.”

    Injectable vaccines could be a thing of the past, with University of California Riverside (UCR) researchers investigating turning edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories and make edible vaccines, which could have significant implications in combating COVID-19.

    Backed by a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, the project works by showing how DNA with mRNA vaccines can be delivered into plant cells in a way that lets them replicate. If this works, it could mean that plants could produce as much mRNA as a traditional vaccine injection.

    “Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,” UNCR's Department of Botany and Plant Science's Prof. Juan Pablo Giraldo said in a statement.

    “We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens,” added Giraldo, who is leading the research and working in collaboration with researchers from UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University. “Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it.”

    Can you grow COVID-19 vaccine-lettuce? UC Riverside scientists think so
    Prof. Giraldo “We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens. Farmers could grow entire fields.”
  • iceagefarmer #2011 07:29 AM, 23 Sep 2021
    ICYMI, Here was my report (July 2020) on “PHARMING” — edible vaccines:

    “Edible Vaccine”? PHARMING: Food that Changes YOU

    We hear a lot about vaccines, but what if the real threat is something as seemingly innocuous as a tomato? Scientists are “Pharming” tomatoes that will act as “edible coronavirus vaccines,” as we are told that GMO is mandatory in this “new normal.” The ultimate goal, they admit, is to modify the genetics of the consumer. Is food the ultimate delivery mechanism to achieve a GMO transhuman future? Every aspect of the food supply chain is being destroyed and perverted, and you must start growing your own food for your family.

    “You are what you eat.” / “Let thy food be thy medicine.”

    “Edible Vaccine”? PHARMING: Food that Changes YOU
    We hear a lot about vaccines, but what if the real threat is something as seemingly innocuous as a tomato? Scientists are “Pharming” tomatoes that will act as “edible coronavirus …
  • iceagefarmer #2012 07:30 AM, 23 Sep 2021
    "Edible Vaccine"? PHARMING: Food that Changes YOU
    We hear a lot about vaccines, but what if the real threat is something as seemingly innocuous as a tomato? Scientists are "Pharming" tomatoes that will act as "edible coronavirus vaccines," as we are told that GMO is mandatory in this "new normal." The ultimate goal, they admit, is to modify the genetics of the consumer. Is food the ultimate delivery mechanism to achieve a GMO transhuman future? Every aspect of the food supply chain is being destroyed and perverted, and you must start growing your own food for your family. "You are what you eat." / "Let thy food be thy medicine." FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/07/31/edible-vaccine-pharming-food-that-changes-you/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: http://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: http://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: http://iceagefarmer.com/support JOIN THE CONVERSATION: http://iceagefarmer.com/discord IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): http://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: http://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 http://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: http://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: see http://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/07/31/edible-vaccine-pharming-food-that-changes-you/
  • iceagefarmer #2013 07:57 AM, 23 Sep 2021
    And so the question is why would pharma want to change our genetics?
  • iceagefarmer #2014 07:58 AM, 23 Sep 2021
    The fourth industrial revolution changes YOU.
  • iceagefarmer #2015 10:14 AM, 23 Sep 2021
    "No Soul, No Free Will." - The End of Humanity?

    "The idea that humans have free will, or a soul -- these are over!" Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in the election, to your diet, to your medical choices, these are no longer your decisions to make as the elites openly celebrate that they now know better and exercise near perfect control over our lives. We still have the opportunity to NOT comply en masse with this rewrite of humanity -- but we must be ALL IN, RIGHT NOW.


    "No Soul, No Free Will." - The End of Humanity?
    "The idea that humans have free will, or a soul -- these are over!" Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in the election, to your diet, to your medical choices, these are no lon…
  • iceagefarmer #2016 09:11 PM, 23 Sep 2021
    Here is the clip of Prof. Yuval Harari from my “End of Humanity” video above — Technocrats view you as “HACKABLE ANIMALS”:

    “The whole idea that we have a soul, or spirit, and they have free will, and no one knows what's happening inside me, so whatever I choose in the election, or the supermarket, that's my free will -- that's over.”

    Full report: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/09/23/no-soul-no-free-will-the-end-of-humanity/
  • 24 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2017 05:58 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    Recall that frozen meat stocks fell precipitously during pandemic while processors were offline.

    This is now hitting home - no relief for prices in sight:


    Beef, pork, and chicken in US cold storage warehouses have yet to recover from pandemic lows and could continue to support higher prices. New United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data shows beef reserves dropped 7.7% from a year ago in August, poultry supplies fell 20%, and pork plunged 44% to their lowest levels since 2017,

    #WarOnMeat #FoodPrices

    US Meat Prices To Remain Elevated Amid Depleted Reserves
    Beef, pork, and chicken in US cold storage warehouses have yet to recover... 
  • iceagefarmer #2018 06:48 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    “Japan is genetically modifying sea bream fish to gain 50 percent more muscle, and it is expected to gain government approvals soon. However, many are raising their concerns about the effects of this GMO fish, and what it will do to consumers.

    To make sea bream grow more muscle, scientists will have to incapacitate its myostatin gene, which is responsible for muscle growth restriction. By turning this off, the fish could grow more muscular and thus, meatier.”

    Japan looking to sell GMO fish
    Japan is genetically modifying sea bream fish to gain 50 percent more muscle, and it is expected to gain government approvals soon. However, many are raising their concerns about the effects of [...]
  • iceagefarmer #2019 07:21 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    Technocratic thinking / social engineering is not new:

    “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits.”

    - Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995)
  • iceagefarmer #2020 07:39 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    Openly advocating for rule by technocrats ("do democracy better" / "do capitalism better”):

    The Pandemic Proves Only Technocrats Can Save Us

    Populist politicians love to belittle experts, but when it’s a matter of life and death, the precautionary principle and expertise are what counts.

    Even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage parts of the world, the blame game is already well underway to pinpoint why it wasn’t better contained. Throughout 2020 and up to the present day, hardly a single aspect of the pandemic response—whether mask wearing, lockdowns, vaccine production, or school openings—has been free from politicization. Among the public and experts, debates have swirled around who made the most accurate guesses about the number of COVID-19 casualties or its impact on the stock market.

    Meanwhile, scientists at the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) were mapping viral proteins, Operation Warp Speed was disbursing funds to biotech companies to ramp up vaccine development, and a wide global public-private coalition was launching COVAX to ensure vaccine distribution to poorer nations. Other than NIAID director Anthony Fauci, few of those involved would be recognized by any member of the public or chattering class. But if and when COVID-19 is finally eradicated, we’ll have these technocrats to thank.

    In technocracies, competence, public spirit, and key performance indicators are more important than cults of personality or popularity contests. Populist dilettantes such as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former U.S. President Donald Trump mocked the experts on everything from Brexit to China tariffs to COVID-19, sacrificing public welfare for political gain. Their megalomaniacal hijacking of the state in times of crisis serves as a stark reminder that when it’s a matter of life and death, we’d better trust the technocrats.

    The Pandemic Proves Only Technocrats Can Save Us
    Populist politicians love to belittle experts, but when it’s a matter of life and death, the precautionary principle and expertise are what counts.
  • iceagefarmer #2021 08:41 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    The Great Reset is making the news again recently as world leaders convene at the UN General Assembly before the launch of the UN Food Summit.

    Ready for the 'Great Reset'? How digital transformation can future-proof food manufacturing
    Modern technology can remake the sector into a resilient and responsive business, even through the turmoil of the pandemic, writes Keith Chambers of Aveva.
  • iceagefarmer #2022 09:38 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    The "No Soul, No Free Will." - The End of Humanity? report is now removed from Youtube, as promised, 24h after posting.

    It can still be found/shared here — thanks for helping to ensure people are subscribed directly to iceagefarmer.com (RSS), or one of these alternative sites. Soon there will not be Youtube posts.



    “No Soul, No Free Will.” – The End of Humanity?
    “The idea that humans have free will, or a soul — these are over!” Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in th…
  • iceagefarmer #2023 09:48 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    UK: “Don't panic buy, Britain tells consumers as BP shuts gas stations”

    LONDON, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Oil giant BP said on Thursday it was having to temporarily close some petrol filling stationsin Britain because of a lack of truck drivers, hours after a junior minister cautioned the public not to panic buy amid fears of food shortages.

    Small Business Minister Paul Scully said Britain was not heading back into a 1970s-style "winter of discontent" of strikes and power shortages amid widespread problems caused by supply chain issues.

    Soaring wholesale European natural gas prices have sent shockwaves through energy, chemicals and steel producers, and strained supply chains which were already creaking due to insufficient labour and the tumult of Brexit.

    After gas prices triggered a carbon dioxide shortage, Britain was forced to extend emergency state support to avert a shortage of poultry and meat.

    Tesco (TSCO.L), Britain's biggest supermarket group, told government officials last week the dearth of truck drivers would lead to panic-buying in the run-up to Christmas if no action was taken.

    Supermarket shelves of carbonated drinks and water were left empty in some places and turkey producers have warned that families could be left without their traditional turkey lunch at Christmas if the carbon dioxide shortage continues.

    In a further sign of worsening supply chain dislocation, BP (BP.L) temporarily closed some of its 1,200 UK petrol stations due to a lack of both unleaded and diesel grades, which it blamed on driver shortages. read more

    ExxonMobil's (XOM.N) Esso said a small number of its 200 Tesco Alliance retail sites had also been impacted.

    "There is no need for people to go out and panic buy," Scully told Times Radio.

    "Look, this isn't a 1970s thing at all," he said when asked if Britain was heading back into a winter of discontent - a reference to the 1978-79 winter when inflation and industrial action left the economy in chaos.

    The Bank of England said inflation would temporarily rise above 4% for the first time in a decade later this year, largely due to energy and goods prices.

    A Tesco spokesperson said the group currently had good availability though it said the shortage of HGV drivers had led to "some distribution challenges".

    A spokesperson for No. 2 player Sainsbury’s (SBRY.L) said "availability in some product categories may vary but alternatives are available".

    Supermarkets and farmers have called on Britain to ease shortages of labour in key areas - particularly of truckers, processing and picking - which have strained the food supply chain.

    #Uk #SupplyChain

    Don't panic buy, Britain tells consumers as BP shuts gas stations
    Oil giant BP said on Thursday it was having to temporarily close some petrol filling stationsin Britain because of a lack of truck drivers, hours after a junior minister cautioned the public not to panic buy amid fears of food shortages.
  • iceagefarmer #2024 10:54 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    The Internet of Bodies (IoB) will monitor your body, emotions, and thoughts 24/7 — just as the IoT (Internet of Things) monitors devices.

    In her words, “We will be under assessment — we will be under measure of computation — in every aspect of our lives in the future. From what you eat, who you date, what you buy on the internet, how much energy you use. But also, what are your vital signs, what are you doing in terms of health? What kind of specific genetic quirks do you have? What’s your genome telling about your health, about your mental health, about how well you are doing, how well you are aging…”
  • iceagefarmer #2025 11:10 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    “Winter of Discontent 2.0” is beginning in UK:

    Petrol panic-buying begins as UK plunges towards Winter of Discontent 2.0: Food, gas, fuel and labour shortages see desperate bosses offering HGV drivers £78,000 salaries and fruit-pickers on £30-a-hour

    Panic buying at the pumps has already begun today amid fears fuel rationing is on the way due to the UK's crippling HGV driver shortage - as Transport Secretary Grant Shapps tried to calm nerves by urging Britons 'carry on as normal'.

    Queues of cars were seen spilling out on to the road from forecourts in Tonbridge, Kent, in Ely, Cambridgeshire, Bright and Leeds this morning - just a day after fuel bosses warned of petrol and diesel rationing and petrol station closures.

    One petrol station in Essex, was already said to have run out of diesel by this morning, while outside another forecourt on the A12, also in Essex, queues were said to be 'three rows deep to every pump'.

    Yesterday BP announced plans to ration fuel and a 'handful' of its petrol stations, along with 'small number' of Tesco refilling stations, while supermarkets warned of food shortages and more energy firms went bust amid rising gas prices - sparking fears of a new 'winter of discontent'.


    Petrol panic-buying begins as UK plunges towards Winter of Discontent 2.0: Food, gas, fuel and labour shortages see desperate bosses offering HGV drivers £78,000 salaries and fruit-pickers on £30-a-hour
    Downing Street is growing increasingly 'worried' over a brewing 'winter of discontent' - with Christmas ruined by soaring energy bills, food and fuel shortages and Universal Credit cuts.
  • iceagefarmer #2026 11:18 AM, 24 Sep 2021
    USA: Costco limits purchases on paper goods, water & key items amid supply chain delays

    Costco confirmed it will start limiting purchases on essential household products for what has become a perfect storm of supply chain delays for many retailers.

    "We are putting some limitations on key items like bath tissues, roll towels, Kirkland Signature water, high demand cleaning-related skews related to the uptick in the delta-related demand," Costco chief financial officer Richard Galanti said during the company’s fourth quarter earnings call.


    Engineered scarcity. Destruction of supply chain to justify “building back better” with fake food in the post-animal economy . . .

    Costco limits purchases on paper goods, water & key items amid supply chain delays
    Costco is attempting to mitigate a perfect storm of port delays, higher labor and freight costs, and shortages on everything from shipping containers, trucks and drivers to various components, raw materials and ingredients.
  • iceagefarmer #2027 12:19 PM, 24 Sep 2021
    Several people have asked today how they can support this channel and my work. I genuinely appreciate that (I’m not very good at “plugging!”, as evidenced by fact I've never before done so on telegram):

    * Patreon is still open at https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer
    * SubscribeStar is a less censored alternative, although I’m not able to mirror posts there: https://subscribestar.com/iceagefarmer

    I also have a few select supporters, and crypto addresses (but no longer a PO box), here:

    And thank you! Every bit of support is meaningful and impactful to me. Especially prayer! I could not do this without you.
    Ice Age Farmer is creating research. warmth. abundance. | Patreon
    Become a patron of Ice Age Farmer today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
  • iceagefarmer #2028 12:22 PM, 24 Sep 2021
    Lab Grown Meat To Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed By FDA & USDA, Along with “Smarter Food Safety Blueprint” and Traceability All Underway

    Always grateful to see other researchers cover the systematic defiling of our food supply. Corey has compiled a timeline of the rushed introduction of fake foods and particularly lab-grown meats. Check it out:


    Lab Grown Meat To Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed By FDA & USDA, Along with "Smarter Food Safety Blueprint" and Traceability All Underway - coreysdigs.com
    ALERT: Lab grown meat is about to hit US and the FDA & USDA are backing it. Big red flags. Now is the time to act to protect food security.
  • 25 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2029 04:36 PM, 25 Sep 2021
    Another fertilizer plant shutdown - this is a recipe for disaster:

    “Ammonia is used to make nitrogen fertilizers, and prices are spiking as manufacturers grapple with dramatically higher costs for their main feedstock. That means added pressure on farmers, who may have to decide whether to pay up or cut fertilizer usage in spring, and could add to global food inflation.


    Europe’s Fertilizer Crisis Spreads After Another Firm Cuts Output
    Another European fertilizer producer, Borealis AG, is reducing output and more are expected to follow as surging natural gas prices squeeze profit margins in an industry already facing tight supply.
  • 27 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2030 06:15 AM, 27 Sep 2021
    German Government Moves to Regulate Telegram in Order to Curb "Corona Disinformation"

    “German officials previously singled out Telegram for the role it played in spreading misinformation ahead of its September 26th election. Alternative für Deutschland, a far-right nationalist party, has cultivated a prominent presence on Telegram which has laid at the core of the election-centered controversy opined by established political parties in Germany.

    German Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht gave credence to Maier's calls for the reclassification of Telegram as a social media platform, stating that the app now functions in a manner where it qualifies under the bylaws set forth by the Network Enforcement Act. If Telegram was indeed reclassified in this manner, it would give the German government significant leverage in censoring critics of the global coronaviruses measures and any other dissent in the same manner that mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and others do.


    German Government Moves to Regulate Telegram in Order to Curb "Corona Disinformation"
    A German Interior Minister leads the charge against the privacy-focused messaging app.
  • iceagefarmer #2032 02:03 PM, 27 Sep 2021
    Military could be brought in to combat growing fuel crisis, says Government minister

    Ministers are under pressure to ease immigration rules to attract HGV drivers from overseas amid warnings 100,000 are needed

    The military will be deployed to tackle the UK’s growing fuel crisis if needed, a cabinet minister said on Friday.

    Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said soldiers would be brought in to drive petrol trucks or train staff if a lack of HGV drivers continued to hit supplies.

    Military could be brought in to combat fuel crisis, says minister
    Ministers are under pressure to ease immigration rules to attract HGV drivers from overseas amid warnings 100,000 are needed
  • iceagefarmer #2033 03:35 PM, 27 Sep 2021
    Strip the world of its power, right as temperatures drop off. #GrandSolarMinimum
    Europe's crippling energy crisis presages trouble for the rest of the world

    Natural gas prices have soared by almost 500% in 2021 and with another winter just around the corner gas is trading at near-record values. While European countries attempt to outbid one another for supplies from major exporters it's inevitable that utilities will turn back to coal to provide heat for its residents and power for its dying economy, but this will not be enough. The effects of Europe's catastrophic policymaking are about to escalate to another level.

    "Nations are more reliant than ever on natural gas to heat homes and power industries amid efforts to quit coal and increase the use of cleaner energy sources. But there isn’t enough gas to fuel the post-pandemic recovery and refill depleted stocks before the cold months," Bloomberg's Stephen Stapczynski noted.1

    With natural gas inventories in Europe at historically low levels for this time of year, the crunch will get a lot worse when temperatures drop.

    The spike in prices has already forced some fertilizer producers in Europe to reduce output, with more expected to follow, threatening to increase costs for farmers and potentially adding to global food inflation, Stapczynski said.

    While governments are now hoping that nature will come to their aid with mild winter, making the effects of their catastrophic decisions less severe, that scenario is almost impossible to happen. It's much more likely we'll see another brutally cold winter across the hemisphere, with lots of snow and extremely cold periods in regions where we least expect them.

    "The next three to four months may lead to unexpected consequences for all industries with a particular hit being taken by those that are energy-intensive," said Slava Kiryushin, global head of energy at DWF, an international provider of legal and business services.2

    "If the winter is actually cold, my concern is we will not have enough gas for use for heating in parts of Europe," Amos Hochstein, the U.S. State Department’s senior adviser for energy security, told Bloomberg. For some countries, 'it won’t only be a recessionary value, it will affect the ability to actually provide gas for heating. It touches everybody’s lives.'

    Keep in mind that summers are already shorter and winters longer, putting an additional strain on energy suppliers.

    It's utterly embarrassing for the policymakers, but the situation brings back coal to the European table. However, coal alone will not solve the crisis as exports of the commodity from Australia, South Africa, and Colombia remain hampered by the COVID measures and supply chain challenges, compounding the effect of low Russian supply.2

    "The crisis in Europe presages trouble for the rest of the planet as the continent’s energy shortage has governments warning of blackouts and factories being forced to shut," Stapczynski said, adding that the power crisis could exacerbate shutdowns if authorities divert gas to light and heat households.

    "This winter, the world is likely to learn how much the global economy depends on natural gas," Stapczynski concludes.

    Europe’s crippling energy crisis presages trouble for the rest of the world
    Natural gas prices have soared by almost 500% in 2021 and with another winter just around the corner gas is trading at near-record values. While European countries attempt to outbid one another for…
  • iceagefarmer #2034 08:18 PM, 27 Sep 2021
    The big lie now front and center -- “meat is going away because global warming”

    Everyday foods such as coffee, meat and spices could become luxury items due to global climate impacts and changing tastes.

    "Chocolate and coffee could both become scarce, luxury foods again because of climate change," says Monika Zurek, a senior researcher at the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.

    Meat, which is currently part of a regular meal for many people, is likely to become a luxury item in the next few decades as more people adopt a plant-based diet to reduce their carbon footprint, she says. People may also make the move because of the sheer volume of agricultural land taken up by meat production, which may no longer be viable as the world's population increases.

    Eating meat could become socially unacceptable and viewed in a similar light to smoking, says Alexander. "It could get to a point where eating a burger is not a cool thing to do with your friends."

    ... In a bid to lower their emissions, countries may also choose to tax meat in future as many have done with sugar, says Alexander. This would raise meat prices and make it more of a luxury product.


    The everyday foods that could become luxuries
    Everyday foods such as coffee, meat and spices could become luxury items due to global climate impacts and changing tastes.
  • 28 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2035 09:06 AM, 28 Sep 2021
    Millions of Britons could face a “national shortage” of turkeys, toys, and trees this Christmas due to a lack of skilled European employees following Brexit, according to the chair of a farming association.

    The Road Haulage Association (RHA) last month said the UK is facing a shortage of around 100,000 HGV drivers, which along with Brexit, has been further exacerbated by people leaving the industry as well as the pandemic, which halted driver training and testing for nearly a year.
    As a result, food supply chains have been drastically disrupted, leading to shortages across some UK supermarket shelves.

    Kate Martin of the Traditional Farm Fresh Turkey Association (TFTA) told the PA news agency that Christmas could see a “national shortage” of turkeys on the UK’s supermarket shelves, driven by the declining supply of skilled European workers.

    While small British farms that use local workers have been less affected by the undersupply, supermarkets are likely to see the worst of it, the TFTA said.

    “This year it’s looking like there is a national shortage of turkeys when we’re talking about supermarket shelves, rather than buying direct from your farm,” Martin said.

    Millions of Britons Could Face ‘National Shortage’ of Turkeys This Christmas
    Millions of Britons could face a "national shortage" of turkeys, toys, and trees this Christmas due to a lack ...
  • iceagefarmer #2036 10:08 AM, 28 Sep 2021
    Just wanting to be very clear that many state actors are now openly talking about global food shortages, and as a function of national security.

    This has all been building up for years (as we’ve covered here), but this next year will see some extraordinary things…

  • iceagefarmer #2037 11:29 AM, 28 Sep 2021
    Global holodomor is visible on horizon.

    China’s latest move to withhold exports of fertilizer is itself a black swan event - when coupled with the European plants shutting down because of NatGas prices, it is difficult to even quantify the impact on fertilizer prices, yields, food prices.
  • iceagefarmer #2038 03:22 PM, 28 Sep 2021
    Energy crisis accelerating, spreading. Factories are/will shut down as they can’t afford to operate, and now, in an ominous development, US nat gas futures are starting to move in lockstep with Europe, and overnight Henry Hub topped $6/mmbtu for the first time since 2014.

  • iceagefarmer #2039 04:46 PM, 28 Sep 2021
    Another spontaneous combustion of non-trivial parts of our food supply:

  • iceagefarmer #2040 04:46 PM, 28 Sep 2021
    I only caught this


    This is pretty big news here in Ireland Christian. Huge knock on effects. Glenisk made a lot of different dairy products, mostly yogurts, but a large array.
    'Basically everything' lost in Glenisk factory fire
    The director of Glenisk has said "basically everything" has been lost after a major fire at the yoghurt manufacturing facility in Co Offaly.
  • 29 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2041 05:54 AM, 29 Sep 2021
    Here’s why it’s a big deal that China has cut off fertilizer exports, and EU is turning off factories:

    We can no longer feed the world…

  • iceagefarmer #2042 06:38 AM, 29 Sep 2021
    Fertilizer Prices Soar Near 2008 Highs on Supply Shocks, Concerns Sprout Over Sourcing Enough for 2022 U.S. Corn Acres

    The fertilizer industry is swarmed with Black Swan events. From the impacts of Hurricane Ida to political and climate issues entangled in a cobweb of production slowdowns in Europe and China, the Black Swan events continue to stack up.

    According to Josh Linville of StoneX Group, on Monday, the Chinese government effectively banned phosphate exports through June 2022. The news comes as China's production was already throttled by climate emission concerns from production plants. The impact is already being seen with prices, as China accounts for almost one-third of the world phosphate trade.

    … The phosphate ban is just the latest in a series of events that are leading to a supply shock for fertilizer ahead of the 2022 growing season. And that supply shock is creating a price spike that can only compare to 2008, with concerns the most recent strains could cause prices to surpass the record-high fertilizer prices farmers saw in 2008.


    Fertilizer Prices Soar Near 2008 Highs on Supply Shocks, Concerns Sprout Over Sourcing Enough for 2022 U.S. Corn Acres
    The fertilizer industry is swarmed with Black Swan events. From the impacts of Hurricane Ida to political issues entangled in a cobweb of production slowdowns in Europe and China, prices could surpass 2008 highs.
  • iceagefarmer #2043 06:56 AM, 29 Sep 2021
    "Sorry. No French Fries with any order. We have no potatoes." At first he thought he was imagining things. What kind of fast food place runs out of fries? Is this, he wondered, a sign of things to come?

    Burger King uses McLane distribution, a leading firm for grocery distribution. McLane is having trouble recruiting drivers, which is a clear problem everywhere. You’ll hear a number of causes for this shortage, from poaching by Amazon to a large number of truckers retiring rather than be on the road during the pandemic.

    ShortageWatch: "Sorry. No French Fries with any order. We have no potatoes."
    Mason jar lids. Medicine. Resin. FTC Commissioner Rohit Chopra notes that too big to fail firms and cost cuts are sabotaging our supply chains and causing shortages.
  • 30 September 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2045 01:20 PM, 30 Sep 2021
    International shipping workers warn of 'global transport systems collapse' unless pandemic restrictions on trade and movement are quickly lifted

    Deliberate destruction of global supply chains is working!

    International shipping workers warn of 'global transport systems collapse' unless pandemic restrictions on trade and movement are quickly lifted
    In an open letter on Wednesday, the workers groups warned that fragmented and inconsistent pandemic restrictions around the world have thrown global shipping into chaos.
  • iceagefarmer #2046 02:44 PM, 30 Sep 2021
    This is not some abstract thing — can you feed your family if deliveries stop?

    Workers are also quitting by thousands as mandates go into play…

    Transport Groups Warn of International Supply Chain Disruptions

    The U.S., like other countries, is already suffering significant shortages and inflation, as a result of the sharp inflation of energy prices, in part due to the Green de-carbonization agenda, along with industrial closings. This is expected to worsen sharply between now and year-end.
