• 01 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #473 07:32 AM, 01 Mar 2021
  • iceagefarmer #474 07:32 AM, 01 Mar 2021
    Extreme hail storm hits South Africa turning streets into icy rivers – hospital flooded (video) https://strangesounds.org/2021/02/extreme-hail-storm-hits-south-africa-turning-streets-into-icy-rivers-hospital-flooded-video.html
    Severe hailstorm hit South Africa's Gauteng in video - Strange Sounds
    Extreme hail storm hits South Africa turning streets into icy rivers - hospital flooded. Look at the scary video here.
  • iceagefarmer #475 11:52 PM, 01 Mar 2021
    By the way these prices would be end of all economic/* reality:

    Why $18 Corn, $30 Soybeans and $42 Wheat Prices are Possible, But Not Likely

    Why $18 Corn, $30 Soybeans and $42 Wheat Prices are Possible, But Not Likely
    While analysts say it’s possible, yet not likely corn prices hit $18 per bushel, there are some factors fueling the market today. It’s not just the supply and demand scenario, but also the possibility of inflation.
  • 02 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #476 03:20 AM, 02 Mar 2021
    Even beyond the Fed going down recently, these outages in financial system are a trend lately—what is being rolled out behind the scenes?

    Customers are reporting credit-card payment crashes at restaurants and stores across the US, including Chick-fil-A and Ikea
    Customers reported they couldn't purchase food or products at some places because they were not accepting credit cards.
  • iceagefarmer #477 06:37 PM, 02 Mar 2021
    Didn't take long for THOSE narratives to be linked:

    Anti-vaccine extremism is domestic terrorism

    by Richard Pan, author/sponsor of California SB-277, owned by pharma.

    Opinion | Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism
    The movement to stop vaccinations is a danger to America and should be treated that way.
  • 03 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #478 03:15 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    Reports of feed shortages and skyrocketing prices — what about you: what are you seeing where you are?
  • iceagefarmer #479 04:11 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    Food Prices Are Soaring Faster Than Inflation and Incomes

    As the Covid-19 pandemic wreaks havoc on economic growth, concerns about hunger and malnutrition are rising around the world.

    Food Prices Are Soaring Faster Than Inflation and Incomes
    As the Covid-19 pandemic wreaks havoc on economic growth, concerns about hunger and malnutrition are rising around the world.
  • iceagefarmer #480 04:25 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    Weather concerns push corn, soybeans, wheat higher

    Soybeans were sharply higher on commercial and technical buying, pulling March and May back above $14. Weather concerns were back in the driver’s seat, with harvest delays in Brazil and dry weather in the forecast for most of Argentina. There’s been more talk of China buying beans from Brazil, even with that slow harvest. The USDA hasn’t announced a sale of U.S. soybeans since January 29th. Even if demand has slowed down, the fundamental outlook continues to be bullish because of the supply, with the USDA’s next set of projections out on the 9th at Noon Eastern/11 Central

  • iceagefarmer #481 04:26 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    Iceland – Huge earthquake activity “More than we’ve ever seen before”


    Iceland - Huge earthquake activity "More than we've ever seen before" - Video
    "Reykjavik Eartquake - Iminent Volcanic Eruption - Unprecedented Situation"  " More than a thousand tremors registered overnight." "The worst news is that it is next door to the capital of Iceland." "Eartquake activity has been
  • iceagefarmer #482 04:30 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    Sinabung #gsmEQ
    Powerful Sinabung volcano eruption in videos and pictures - Strange Sounds
    Powerful Sinabung eruption ejects plume of ash and gas 5000 meter in the sky and triggers 13 pyroclastic flows...
  • iceagefarmer #483 04:31 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    No better time to be more resilient, self-sufficient, and engaging in permaculture!
  • iceagefarmer #484 04:34 AM, 03 Mar 2021
    Kroger throwing in to the UPCYCLED game:

    “We are here to disrupt the current linear supply chain!”

    TRANSLATED: “We are going to make you eat trash!”

    Why Kroger tapped VilCap for 2nd innovation challenge on upcycled foods
    The nonprofit Kroger unit is hoping to address food waste and hunger by supporting startups making novel foods from upcycled ingredients.
  • iceagefarmer #485 04:00 PM, 03 Mar 2021
    Ag analysts starting to get the picture that Biden admin is SERIOUS about taking productive farmland OUT:
  • iceagefarmer #486 04:12 PM, 03 Mar 2021
    “Scraping bottom” of Barrel on soybeans ...
  • 04 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #487 03:39 AM, 04 Mar 2021
    Congressman says he's 'tired of playing defense' against conspiracy theories and domestic extremism

    The experience that we all had in the Congress ... on Jan. 6 — that strengthened my determination, our determination,” said Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J. “I'm tired of playing defense. I'm tired of waiting for the next threat. We are now playing offense. We're going to go after these people. We're going to deal with this problem. I'm confident of that.

    Congressman says he's 'tired of playing defense' against conspiracy theories and domestic extremism
    “The experience that we all had in the Congress ... on Jan. 6, that strengthened my determination, our determination,” said Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J. “I'm tired of playing defense. I'm tired of waiting for the next threat. We are now playing offense.”
  • iceagefarmer #488 04:57 AM, 04 Mar 2021
    Vaccine passport arrives in NY:

    Step toward ‘new normal’? New York rolls out ‘Covid passport’ at event venues to prove attendees’ vaccination & testing status
    New York has launched a new Covid-19 ‘passport’ program at major event venues, with spectators asked to use a phone app to prove they’ve been vaccinated, as mandated under state guidelines, or else be barred entry.
  • 05 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #490 04:25 AM, 05 Mar 2021
    The climate lockdown narrative is developing:

  • iceagefarmer #491 04:26 AM, 05 Mar 2021
    Here was my report on CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS (160 days ago):

    "CLIMATE LOCKDOWN" - The End Game Becomes Clear: Post-Human Future


    "CLIMATE LOCKDOWN" - The End Game Becomes Clear: Post-Human Future
    A "Climate Lockdown," to extend into perpetuity, reveals the true nature of #COVID1984: normalization of the police state, "climate tracing" and now "climate lockdown" as technocrats shove society towards their post-human future. Their hand is forced as the Global Warming narrative breaks down and the Modern Grand Solar Minimum goes mainstream. In their panic, they are seizing for total control -- we are at a demarcation point: we either fight now, or forever lose the opportunity. Christian breaks it down on this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/09/26/climate-lockdown-the-end-game-becomes-clear-post-human-future/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: http://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: http://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: http://iceagefarmer.com/support The ICE AGE FARMER broadcast JOIN THE CONVERSATION: http://iceagefarmer.com/discord IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http…
  • 06 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #493 05:35 AM, 06 Mar 2021
    New study: RNA injections and risk of Prion diseases:

    There is an old saying in medicine that “the cure may be worse than the disease.” The phrase can be applied to vaccines. In the current paper the concern is raised that the RNA based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19. This paper focuses on a novel potential adverse event mechanism causing prion disease which could be even more common and debilitating than the viral infection the vaccine is designed to prevent.


  • iceagefarmer #494 05:36 AM, 06 Mar 2021
    Onion prices up 50% in Russia:

    Russia: Onion prices already 1.5 times higher than in early March 2020
    According to analysts of the project APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits, there is a rapid rise in prices for high-quality onion in the Russian market. The analysts state that the demand from…
  • iceagefarmer #495 07:50 AM, 06 Mar 2021
    "Over the last two decades there has been a concern among certain
    scientists that prions could be used as bioweapons. More recently
    there has been a concern that ubiquitous intracellular molecules
    could be activated to cause prion disease including Alzheimer’s
    disease, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. This concern
    originates due to potential for misuse of research data on the
    mechanisms by which certain RNA binding proteins like TDP-43,
    FUS and others can be activated to form disease causing prions.
    The fact that this research, which could be used for bioweapons
    development, is funded by private organizations including the Bill
    and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Ellison Medical Foundation
    [2] without national/international oversight is also a concern.
    In the past, for example, there were prohibitions for publishing
    information pertaining to construction of nuclear bombs.
  • iceagefarmer #496 10:29 PM, 06 Mar 2021
    FOIA reveals NZ considered rationing food as part of COVID response:

    Longer lockdowns, $30b wage subsidy, and food rationing in Covid worst-case scenario
    Tougher restrictions than level 4, longer lockdowns, food rationing, and blocking exports were all considered by the Government.
  • 07 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #497 02:49 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Post-human supply chain

  • iceagefarmer #498 05:10 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Over 165,000 laying hens die in massive fire at Hickman's Egg Farm in Tonopah
    Fire crews from multiple agencies were called to battle a massive fire at Hickman's Egg Farm in Tonopah Saturday afternoon.
  • iceagefarmer #499 05:58 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Colorado bill would criminalize lamb and veal, put end to many other current animal husbandry practices:

    Ballot initiative to criminalize husbandry practices would cost consumers, limit food availability


    PAUSE: Ballot initiative to criminalize husbandry practices would cost consumers, limit food availability
    A ballot initiative proposed, currently known as Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation (PAUSE), is awaiting an appearance before the title board after being filed with the Colorado Secretary of State. Proponents Alexander Sage…
  • iceagefarmer #500 05:58 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    #AfricanSwineFever lands in Malaysia:

    Malaysia to Cull 3,000 Pigs After Finding First Swine Fever Case
    Malaysia will cull about 3,000 pigs in the Borneo state of Sabah as it races to curb the first African swine fever outbreak in the country.
  • iceagefarmer #501 06:03 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Farmers Market w/ 30 established vendors reclassified as a flea market -- and no permits for flea markets "due to Covid": (while big stores rake in profits, local economies are being shut down):

    “Eighty percent of our vendors have locally handmade goods, and that’s what the farmer’s market is all about,” she said.

    Village orders halt to farmers markets, citing health and public safety concerns - Florida Keys Weekly Newspapers
    Several events deemed as flea markets by the village of Islamorada were recently told to cease immediately due to an ongoing coronavirus pandemic and no issuance of temporary use permits at this time.  What constitutes a flea market and farmers market, however, have organizers and the village going back and forth.   Michael Anzalone and Natalie […]
  • iceagefarmer #502 06:24 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    “If an eruption occurs, it would likely mark the beginning of such a [volcanic] period – lasting a few centuries, I believe,” states Magnús Á. Sigurgeirsson, geologist at ÍSOR Iceland GeoSurvey - a consulting and research institute in the field of geothermal sciences and utilization.

    “That’s at least how it has been the past three times, and even dating further back, but we don’t have as exact data available on that,”

    Could Volcanic Period Be Ahead?
    “If an eruption occurs, it would likely mark the beginning of such a [volcanic] period – lasting a few centuries, I believe.”
  • iceagefarmer #503 06:30 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’: Chaos Strikes Global Shipping

    The pandemic has disrupted international trade, driving up the cost of shipping goods and adding a fresh challenge to the global economic recovery.

    Off the coast of Los Angeles, more than two dozen container ships filled with exercise bikes, electronics and other highly sought imports have been idling for as long as two weeks.

    In Kansas City, farmers are struggling to ship soybeans to buyers in Asia. In China, furniture destined for North America piles up on factory floors.

    Around the planet, the pandemic has disrupted trade to an extraordinary degree, driving up the cost of shipping goods and adding a fresh challenge to the global economic recovery. The virus has thrown off the choreography of moving cargo from one continent to another.

    At the center of the storm is the shipping container, the workhorse of globalization.

    Americans stuck in their homes [IAF: of course it is YOUR fault] have set off a surge of orders from factories in China, much of it carried across the Pacific in containers — the metal boxes that move goods in towering stacks atop enormous vessels. As households in the United States have filled bedrooms with office furniture and basements with treadmills, the demand for shipping has outstripped the availability of containers in Asia, yielding shortages there just as the boxes pile up at American ports.

    Containers that carried millions of masks to countries in Africa and South America early in the pandemic remain there, empty and uncollected, because shipping carriers have concentrated their vessels on their most popular routes — those linking North America and Europe to Asia.

    And at ports where ships do call, bearing goods to unload, they are frequently stuck for days in floating traffic jams. The pandemic and its restrictions have limited the availability of dockworkers and truck drivers, causing delays in handling cargo from Southern California to Singapore. Every container that cannot be unloaded in one place is a container that cannot be loaded somewhere else.

    “I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Lars Mikael Jensen, head of Global Ocean Network at A.P. Moller-Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company. “All the links in the supply chain are stretched. The ships, the trucks, the warehouses.”

    Economies around the globe are absorbing the ripple effects of the disruption on the seas. Higher costs for transporting American grain and soybeans across the Pacific threaten to increase food prices in Asia.


    ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’: Chaos Strikes Global Shipping
    The pandemic has disrupted international trade, driving up the cost of shipping goods and adding a fresh challenge to the global economic recovery.
  • iceagefarmer #504 06:41 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) extends Emergency Declaration for six states due to reports of ongoing fuel shortages and damage caused by extreme winter weather.

    “This Declaration addresses the emergency conditions creating a need for immediate transportation of persons, supplies, goods, equipment, heating fuels, including propane, natural gas, and heating oil, and other fuel products, including gasoline, and provides necessary relief,” the Agency said at the time.

    The epicenter of the disaster was in Texas as millions were severely impacted.

    Widespread power and fuel outages were reported across the state as wind turbines froze up and electrical issues forced oil refineries to shut down for days.

    Thousands of truckers were stranded because they either refused to travel in the dangerous conditions or simply couldn’t get fuel.

    Scores of truck stops were either out of fuel or low on supply.

    Scott Devine, a Texas fuel hauler contracted with one of the largest truck stop chains told Transportation Nation Network (TNN) that for about a week it would take him his entire shift just to get a full load of fuel to deliver due to rationing.

    “They would send me to one location and I would get there and they would tell me ‘no, it’s out,’” he said. “Basically they allocate so much for Love’s and Pilot, and all the different ones who do fuel delivery. They allocated about 30 percent of what we normally get. It dries up really quick.”

    “Needless to say, we are not equipped from a transportation standpoint to deal with those kinds of issues,” Paul Hardin, president and CEO of the Texas Food and Fuel Association, recently told TNN. “Those [trucks] that could get out were focused on hospitals and first responders, once carriers deemed it safe enough, but there was a lot of catch up.”


    Ongoing Fuel Shortages Prompt FMCSA to Extend Emergency Declaration in 6 States
    Washington D.C. - The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is extending an Emergency Declaration for six states due to reports of ongoing fuel shortag
  • iceagefarmer #505 06:45 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    #GoodNews -- perhaps the AMOC isn't dropping off into 'The Day After Tomorrow' doomsday scenario despite all that media doom coverage:

  • iceagefarmer #506 06:50 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Entrepreneurial idea for anyone with birds -- open up a Chicken Yoga place:

    Chicken Yoga Is Happening in Florida
    Only in Florida.  A fitness center in the sunshine state has put its own twist on the goat yoga trend by introducing hens and roosters to its yogi sessions. Union Three studio, based in Tampa Bay’s Ybor City neighborhood, hosted its first chicken yoga event on Sunday.  These yoga chickens are residents of the Ybor Misfits Microsanctuary, a refuge that houses abandoned birds. Dylan Breese, a manager of the sanctuary, told the Tampa Bay Times that the chickens are “domesticated,” and that they’re all bathed and put in diapers before the class commences to ensure yogis aren’t planting their hands
  • iceagefarmer #507 06:50 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Or an arcade for pigs:

    Scientists Discover That Pigs Can Play Video Games
    Animal intelligence, as we’ve mentioned here before, is a hugely messy concept that we still don’t fully understand. Studies that seem to focus on animal intelligence aren’t really attempting to figure out how smart, for example, a pig named Omelet is; it’s more about understanding how an animal’s brain works, what sort of learning capability it has, rather than forming a value judgment. That said, some scientists have been working for years to get pigs to play a video game, and, well, they did it. Pigs are generally understood to be “intelligent,” which, in this case, often means that pigs
  • iceagefarmer #508 06:52 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    The historic freeze, electrical-grid failure, and loss of water in Central Texas had devastating effects for farmers. While some people may think of the winter storm as a threat that has passed, farmers are still dealing with its effects — one farm was out of power for two weeks. From dead plants to frozen livestock to busted irrigation systems, local farmers suffered significant losses and are hastily trying to revitalize damaged crops.

    Central Texas Farmers Share the Devastating Impacts of the Winter Storm
    With dead, frozen crops, farmers are struggling to rebuild
  • iceagefarmer #509 06:54 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Banana prices expected to rise after $180m damage to Queensland crops

    Queensland accounts for 94 per cent of Australia’s banana production, with almost all of that in North Queensland.

    Banana prices expected to rise after $180m damage to Qld crops
    Banana prices could increase several dollars as far northern Queensland farmers assess over $180 million in crop damage after Cyclone Niran hit the coast this week.
  • iceagefarmer #510 06:59 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    The crop protection start-up Provivi has received a $10 million investment from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to produce pheromone-based insect control technology for smallholder farmers in developing countries.

    Provivi gets $10 million from Gates Foundation for insect control
    Start-up’s affordable pheromones will be used to help farmers in developing countries
  • iceagefarmer #511 07:01 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    Winter Storm Uri caused at least $600 million in agricultural losses across Texas, according to preliminary data from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agricultural economists.

    “A large number of Texas farmers, ranchers and others involved in commercial agriculture and agricultural production were seriously affected by Winter Storm Uri,” said Jeff Hyde, AgriLife Extension director, Bryan-College Station. “Freezing temperatures and ice killed or harmed many of their crops and livestock as well as causing financial hardships and operational setbacks. And the residual costs from the disaster could plague many producers for years to come.”

    AgriLife Extension estimates that the following sectors were among the state’s biggest agricultural losses by commodity:

    * Citrus crops, at least $230 million

    * Livestock, at least $228 million

    * Vegetable crops, at least $150 million

    Another agricultural sector that experienced significant losses was the green industry. AgriLife Extension, in collaboration with the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association, developed and distributed a loss assessment survey to more than 4,000 nursery, greenhouse and other green industry-related businesses requesting input on the type and extent of losses encountered. It will be several weeks before there is sufficient data to provide an assessment of those losses.


    Agricultural Losses From Winter Storm Exceed $600 Million
    Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts say citrus, livestock and horticultural crops are among the hardest-hit sectors.
  • iceagefarmer #512 07:02 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    ( Note this includes cool-season crops ) #Texas

    Along with their citrus losses, Rio Grande Valley and other South Texas producers also suffered some significant losses in terms of both cold- and warm-season vegetable crops. Cool-season vegetable crops like leafy greens, beets, cabbage and celery were lost. There were also warm-season crops of potatoes and watermelons planted for early harvest devastated by the freezing weather.
  • iceagefarmer #513 07:11 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    This is unbelievable, why is no one covering this?

    #India could see winter crop cultivation SHRINK BY 20% as groundwater depletes:

    India could see winter crop cultivation shrink by 20% as groundwater depletes, study finds
    Study by Indian and US researchers says that alternate plans needs to be devised as a complete switch to canal irrigation will not compensate for groundwater loss.
  • iceagefarmer #514 07:12 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    #Kenya food supply threatened by #Locusts in high-value regions:

    "Together with my husband, for over 40 years in farming, we have never witnessed anything like this. This is the worst plague that we have ever seen. Now food is very expensive because all our food is being eaten.”

    Farmer Anne Kagendo, 48, is also counting losses and lamenting that the locust invasion has caused a food shortage.

    “They have eaten tomatoes, potatoes, maize, a variety of beans, even cotton … who knew locusts eat cotton … even my neighbor's wheat and bananas have been eaten,” she said. “This is definitely a biblical plague. I have never seen anything like this, they are merciless and hungry all the time.

    Ancient critters threaten food supply in Kenya
    Locust invasion threatening food security in high-value food basket regions
  • iceagefarmer #515 07:24 AM, 07 Mar 2021

    Someone placing bets -- gotta have soy for all that fake meat?

    Cargill is expanding its soy processing operations. The company is investing $475 million to increase production in seven states including plants in Ohio, Iowa and Missouri.

  • iceagefarmer #516 07:26 AM, 07 Mar 2021
    The UN/WEF is blatently clear that the Food Systems Summit is all about transforming the way the world eats.

    Hard interventionism is what they are after.

    Who will stop them?
  • 08 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #517 03:36 AM, 08 Mar 2021
    #FoodPrices continue to rise with poorest countries hit hardest

    World food prices spiked for the ninth consecutive month to hit a six year-high in February, led by sugar and vegetable oils, according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

    Global food prices continue to rise with poorest countries hit hardest
    World food prices spiked for the ninth consecutive month to hit a six year-high in February, led by sugar and vegetable oils, according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
  • iceagefarmer #518 03:38 AM, 08 Mar 2021
    That’s 2021 food prices — off the charts. Six year high.
  • iceagefarmer #519 05:24 AM, 08 Mar 2021
    Venezuela demonstrating how a diesel shortage plays out:

    Venezuela rations diesel supply to carriers, fuel shortage worsens

    The unprecedented rationing could create delays in the dispatch of imported products and of the industry, especially the one that processes food, in a nation mired in a long recession and with hyperinflation, warned business sources.

    “We are talking about an unparalleled difficulty in recent times,”

    If we don’t have a way to move our vehicles, we can’t move the products,” Durvelle said, noting that half of the country’s freight transport runs on diesel.

  • iceagefarmer #520 05:44 AM, 08 Mar 2021
    Just as the Rockefeller “Reset the Table” called for - radical transformation of our food supply, more “equitable” with priority to minorities.

    Whites can still grow food - you just won’t have a market for your product. (And see posts above on farmers markets being shut down)
  • iceagefarmer #521 06:44 PM, 08 Mar 2021
    Another spontaneous combustion, another 165,000 chickens (and the associated capacity) lost:


    165,000 hens die, 2 barns destroyed in fire at Hickman's Family Farms west of Phoenix
    The fire started at about 1 p.m. Saturday at Hickman's Family Farms in Arlington near Buckeye. One employee was hospitalized in stable condition.
  • iceagefarmer #522 08:31 PM, 08 Mar 2021
    Many have asked if the grocery store image was real. I assure you it is, and there are more coming. Here from SupermarketNews.com:

    Giant Food to highlight minority-owned suppliers on shelves

    New product tag program to launch chainwide next year

  • 09 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #523 01:39 AM, 09 Mar 2021
    The zoonotic threat: animals are dirty and diseased, so you can't eat meat any more.

  • iceagefarmer #524 01:41 AM, 09 Mar 2021
    It's not enough to be vegan; now you have to be anti-carnist.

  • iceagefarmer #525 04:35 AM, 09 Mar 2021
    Court rules children should not be homes with anti-mask/anti-vax parents:

  • iceagefarmer #526 04:50 AM, 09 Mar 2021
    What could go wrong?

    Biden preparing to launch series of ‘clandestine’ cyberattacks against Russia – NYT

    Biden preparing to launch series of ‘clandestine’ cyberattacks against Russia – NYT
    The Biden administration is gearing up to carry out cyberattacks aimed at Russian networks, the New York Times has reported, describing the provocation as a retaliatory measure designed to send Moscow a message.
  • iceagefarmer #527 06:07 AM, 09 Mar 2021
    Taiwan president asks residents to prepare for water shortages as the island faces worst drought in 56 years – Cloud seeding enforced https://strangesounds.org/2021/03/taiwans-president-tells-residents-to-prepare-for-water-shortages-worst-drought-in-56-years.html
    Taiwan water crisis: President asks residents to prepare for water shortages as the island faces worst drought in 56 years - Strange Sounds
    Taiwan water crisis prompts president to ask residents to prepare for water shortages as the island faces worst drought in 56 years.
  • iceagefarmer #528 04:40 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    Ag Container Shippers Ask President Biden to Intervene in Export Crisis

    "It's not just food soybeans and grains that are affected. Abbe said that meat, fruit, vegetable and other perishable food exporters have seen spoilages because their products did not get moved in a timely manner, costing those exporters to lose product and in turn money."

    Ag Container Shippers Ask President Biden to Intervene in Export Crisis
    The lack of containers available for agriculture shippers has been ongoing since last year and has become a crisis, according to shippers.
  • iceagefarmer #529 05:02 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    USDA's WASDE dropping.
  • iceagefarmer #530 05:02 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    USDA still pegging Soybean ending stocks at 120mb, despite many expectations that this needed to be written down
  • iceagefarmer #531 05:05 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    USDA pegs world stocks of corn up, again despite analysts thinking they would be written down.
  • iceagefarmer #532 05:17 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    This is true, but important to recognize that overstating ending stocks ALSO keeps prices low, which enables China to continue purchasing up world food supply without true prices.
  • iceagefarmer #533 05:18 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    btw WASDE = World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
  • iceagefarmer #534 10:13 PM, 09 Mar 2021
    On the ground intel suggesting South American yield estimates are far too generous.
  • 10 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #535 12:26 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    "COVID on frozen food" narrative is advancing. This is a dangerous one that could destroy international meat transport — and with it, wreak havoc on the industry:

    Momentum is growing for the suggestion that the coronavirus can spread from infected frozen wildlife

    Can COVID spread from frozen wildlife? Scientists probe pandemic origins
    Studies from China suggest that the coronavirus can be transmitted on frozen surfaces — but scientists say that’s unlikely to be how the pandemic started.
  • iceagefarmer #536 12:32 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    "Pete has been told by Wealden District Council that he must either remove or destroy everything in his garden within 28 days due to the Council seeing Pete’s aquatic nursery as a ‘commercial enterprise’(1) and their objection to Pete using recyclable materials to build wooden wildlife arches, bird and bug houses."

    Sign the petition if you're in his neck of the UK:

  • iceagefarmer #537 01:19 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Get rid of the corn:

    Exclusive: Three ships carrying U.S. ethanol head to China - sources
    Three ships carrying ethanol were heading to China from the U.S. Gulf Coast, three trade sources told Reuters on Monday, in a sign that exports of the fuel were sharply increasing from the United States to the country.
  • iceagefarmer #538 01:20 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Klyuchevskaya Sopka blows, today #gsmVolcano

  • iceagefarmer #540 03:54 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Even Tom Vilsack, Biden/Harris new USDA head, using the same Rockefeller/WEF language: “We need to accelerate a transformation of our food system, and that begins with embracing a call for racial justice and equity across food, agriculture and rural America."


    via https://www.meatpoultry.com/articles/24619-usda-announces-senior-staff-additions
    USDA announces senior staff additions
    Each appointee brings decades of experience in agriculture.
  • iceagefarmer #541 04:47 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    - Why would preparations to cyberattack Russia be made so public by NYTimes?
    --> Because it's not real. It's a narrative.

    - What does the narrative accomplish?
    --> Further sets the stage for a US "cyberpandemic," grid/finance down event.

    What other plausible explanations?

    US Preparing Cyberattack Against Russia Over SolarWinds Hack: Report
    Despite testimony from SolarWinds' former CEO & a cybersecurity expert making it clear anybody could have accessed SolarWinds’ servers due to a major security lapse...
  • iceagefarmer #542 04:47 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Original SolarWinds video:

    The Cyberpandemic has Begun: SolarWinds + FireEye - Anything can happen now
    The WEF's proclaimed Cyberpandemic has begun: defense, power, water, finance, and our supply chain are all vulnerable to massive disruptions after FireEye & SolarWind have unleashed weapons of mass digital destruction AND unlocked the back doors of governments, militaries, and nearly the entire Fortune 500. Christian breaks it down, and asks: "Who stands to benefits from this Cyberpandemic?" in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/12/15/the-cyberpandemic-has-begun-solarwinds-fireeye-anything-can-happen-now/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • iceagefarmer #543 04:48 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    First report on this, including the video of Klaus Schwab and another WEF managing director:

    "Next Crisis Bigger than COVID" - Power Grid/Finance Down - WEF Cyber Polygon
    The World Economic Forum warns of a new crisis of "even more significant economic and social implications than COVID19." What threat could possibly be more impactful? Christian breaks down the WEF's "Cyber Polygon" tabletop exercise, its participants, and predictive programming around a looming large scale cyberattack on critical infrastructure that would unleash a Dark Winter and help to usher in the Great Reset. Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director ( https://youtu.be/5ZRg5kiH9Is ): "I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we've seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant." Klaus Schwab ( https://youtu.be/0DKRvS-C04o ) : "We all know, but still pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack. To use the COVID19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons the cybersecurity community can draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber-pandemic." FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/11/15/next-crisis-bigger-than-covid-power-gridfinance-down-wefs-cyber-polygon/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: http://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: http://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: http://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: http://iceagefarmer.com/support The ICE AGE FARMER broadcast JOIN THE CONVERSATION: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): http://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: http://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 http://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: http://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: see full show notes @ https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/11/15/next-crisis-bigger-than-covid-power-gridfinance-down-wefs-cyber-polygon/
  • iceagefarmer #544 04:50 AM, 10 Mar 2021

    Stalin would be Proud: USDA's Transformation of Food System & Racial Equity

    Stalin would be proud: USDA calls for a "transformation of our food system" (echoing Rockefeller words) and forgives loans ONLY to black farmers. The grain crisis will justify this transformation of the world food supply as a global communist superstate is unveiled. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


    Stalin would be Proud: USDA's Transformation of Food System & Racial Equity
    Stalin would be proud: USDA calls for a "transformation of our food system" (echoing Rockefeller words) and forgives loans ONLY to black farmers. The grain c...
  • iceagefarmer #545 05:19 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Let's submit Gates fake lab meat for testing and hopefully it will come back positive for Covid so we can do a recall.
  • iceagefarmer #546 05:20 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    best idea i've heard tonight!! lol!

    via Liam in the chat channel https://t.me/iaf_chat

    ( and don't forget the guilded : http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded )
  • iceagefarmer #547 06:51 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Can you imagine being asked to wear a tag at work for contact tracing & alerting if you dare to get too close to a colleague?

    Food processing plants can:

    Tagging Employees to Stop the Coronavirus
    Contact-tracing systems can encourage employees to maintain social distancing – and find out who is at risk of exposure.
  • iceagefarmer #548 07:23 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    CDC announces restaurants are DANGEROUS:

    “increases in cases and deaths when you have in-person restaurant dining.”

    This underscores the transition — like grocery stores — to online ordering / curbside pickup. The physical removal of humans from the food supply chain!

    CDC study finds mask mandates, dining out influence virus spread
    The findings come as some states are lifting mask orders and restaurant limits.
  • iceagefarmer #549 07:30 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    Australia intending to require all government employees to receive the jab?

    BREAKING: Australian Government Hires Consultants to Help Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for All Public Servants
    Morrison Government wants mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for all public servants and has brought in a consultancy firm to work out to do it. By General Maddox. Secret Cabinet meetings have been carrie…
  • iceagefarmer #550 07:34 AM, 10 Mar 2021
    WEF gearing up to host CyberPolygon 2021 - topic is supply chain attacks like SolarWinds hack.

    (Note that the “supply chain attack” describes a vector for malware through vendor software, not an attack on the supply chain—although certainly systems in the supply chain are vulnerable to supply chain attacks!)


    Prepping for a Cyber Pandemic: Cyber Polygon to Stage Supply Chain Attack Simulation
    The WEF will stage another cyber attack exercise as it preps for a potential cyber pandemic. Will Cyber Polygon 2021 insights be as prophetic as Event 201?
  • iceagefarmer #551 03:18 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    “We can expect as little from society as from the state. Salvation lies in the individual.’’

    Ernst Jünger Eumeswil
  • iceagefarmer #552 03:30 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    ALERT: A bill has been introduced to build an animal database in the state of NH:

    The hearing was today at 9am. The people here who are opposing it are doing so for the purposes of their pets, and this seems to primarily affect pet owners – forcing every pet to be vaccinated and limiting the freedom of people to "transfer" pets without a "certificate" (in the name of disease prevention, of course) – however, this is under the purview of the "commissioner of the department of agriculture, markets, and food."

    (“Animals are Dirty and dangerous...”)

    Bill text: https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB532/id/2321895

    NH citizens can take action by emailing the committee (HouseWaysAndMeansCommittee@leg.state.nh.us) and sign-in to the committee hearing AGAINST the bill. Here's the sign in link: http://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/remotetestimony/default.aspx. Sign in information is: 

    March 10
    House Ways and Means
    Member of the Public
    OPPOSE the bill
    New Hampshire HB532 | 2021 | Regular Session
    Bill Text (2021-08-18) Creating an animal records database. [==CANCELLED== Full Committee Work Session: 09/28/2021 09:30 am Legislative Office Building 202 / Executive session on pending legislation may be held throughout the day (time permitting) from the time the committee is initially convened.]
  • iceagefarmer #553 03:37 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    San Francisco joins San Mateo in passing $5 hazard pay for grocery workers—because grocery stores are dirty and dangerous.

    (Independent grocers are being forced out of business!)

    SF passes bill to give $5 hazard pay to grocery, retail workers
    San Francisco supervisors approved an emergency ordinance to temporarily raise wages by $5 per hour for some grocery and retail workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • iceagefarmer #554 03:40 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Those biobots reading sewer sludge are being used to tell Houston that they are in danger!

    Houston reports uncontrolled community spread of UK variant
    Houston has identified the U.K. coronavirus variant at 79 percent of the city's wastewater treatment plants. The test results suggest there is "ongoing and uncontrolled community spread" of the more contagious variant, the Houston Health Department said March 8. 
  • iceagefarmer #555 04:18 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    If you missed the "Biobots" monitoring sewage/wastewater — here is that report (and it's insane) — also speaks to monitoring DIETS:

    Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for “COVID19 detection”..!)
    HHS is scaling up its “National Wastewater Surveillance System,” deploying BioBots to municipal sewers in the name of tracking COVID19 spread — but these agents are also able to m…
  • iceagefarmer #556 04:58 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    "Food is getting stuck" and it's your fault for "doom shopping."

    U.S. exporters are struggling to send food abroad as the global shipping system strains under unprecedented pandemic demand.

    Potatoes are piling up in storage, grain is idling in bins, and hay is stacking up on fields, due to a confluence of disruptions in the international supply chain. These are the consequences when more and more American agricultural exports arrive at their destinations late—if they even make the journey at all.

    “I had a lot of product that should have moved a month ago, two months ago—it’s still sitting on the farm,” said Shawn Clausen, president of Stokrose Farms in Warden, Washington.


    At the root of this issue, supply chain experts say, is that shipping ports are incredibly congested right now. That’s happening for two reasons: First of all, Americans are buying a lot more imported stuff, with demand for everything from personal protective equipment to household items at a record high. On top of that, there are ongoing labor shortages due to pandemic which means that it’s taking a lot longer to unload and load cargo.

    [IAF: So it's YOUR FAULT — not the Chinese for hoarding containers! The gaul of these people ]

    Pandemic “doom shopping” is clogging up shipping ports. That means a lot of food destined for export is getting stuck.
    Ocean carriers are making it more difficult and costly to ship American food exports. Industry groups want federal regulators to clamp down.
  • iceagefarmer #557 05:09 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    This container situation is hitting critical. From a contact:

    An individual whose company makes items for Costco - Walmart - Bed Bath & Beyond - gets factories in China and southeast asia to make the items n ship, 6 months ago paying $2,500 for a 40' container to be shipped to Cali, he recently had to pay $67,000 for the same. - Back in September he had to wait 90 days to get a spot on a container ship...
  • iceagefarmer #558 05:22 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    I know everyone in this group gets it. But this chart makes so abundantly clear the importance of Vitamin D — and how absurd it is to inject experimental trash into the entire world population — that I wanted to share here.

    Lockdowns fuel a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency.
  • iceagefarmer #559 07:03 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Russian Supermarket launches facial recognition system for payments

    Russia’s X5 group, the country’s leading food retailer, announced Wednesday the launch of a facial recognition payment system, the latest expansion of a technology that has sparked privacy and security concerns.

    To launch its facial recognition payment system the X5 group, which owns the Pyaterochka convenience stores and the Perekrestok supermarket chain, has joined forces with the Visa payment system and Russia’s state giant Sberbank that is striving to become an IT company.

    The service has rolled out in 52 Perekrestok supermarkets and will expand to a total of 150 by the end of the month, X5 innovation director Ivan Melnik told AFP, adding that the system will also be available in 30 Pyaterochka stores by the end of April.

    He said some 3,000 stores across Russia will feature facial recognition payment systems by the end of the year.

    At a Moscow supermarket on Tuesday, the service appeared to be winning the support of younger customers.

    “It’s great because the 21st century is the era of technology,” said 28-year-old banker Andrei Epifanov.

    But he added that he thinks older people may not trust the new technology.

    The service will only be available at self-service checkouts for Sberbank customers after the bank recently allowed its users to set up facial recognition to pay from their accounts.

    To complete the transaction in the pandemic era, customers will need to remove their facemasks “for a second and look into the camera”, the companies behind the payment system said in a statement.

    [ via t.me / GeopoliticsAndEmpire ] #retail

    Russia launches facial recognition system for payments at supermarkets
    About 3,000 stores in country to feature new payment systems by end of the year.
  • iceagefarmer #560 07:05 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Mini Supermarket with NO STAFF in Rural Sweden — are you yet sensing the massive changes to grocery/retail?


    Shops return to rural Sweden but are now staff-free
    In Sweden shops with no staff are popular in rural locations that have lost their local shops.
  • iceagefarmer #561 07:34 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Israel suffers 6.25 million euros in damages from mid-Feb snow:

    Although the snow that covered Jerusalem and the Golan Heights mid-February was a sight to behold, the storm that went along with it brought great harm to Israel’s agriculture.

    The damage caused by the strong winds, hail and heavy precipitation are estimated at more than NIS 25 million (€6.25 mln). Over 500 damage reports have been received from farmers and growers across the country, reports Kanat, the Israeli fund for national damage insurance in agriculture.

    Most of the damage, about NIS 12 million, concerned vegetable growers. Growth tunnels and citrus orchards were severely affected. The strong winds shook the fruit trees, damaging the fruit and causing it to fall. The hail pierced the fruits, disqualifying it for consumption. In addition to all this, the tunnels were damaged, in particular the banana tunnels on Mount Carmel and in the south of Israel where the plastic sheets were torn by heavy rainfall, some even collapsing entirely.

    Substantial damage was also suffered by avocado and fruit growers, who both lost more than NIS 1,23 million due to the extreme weather.

    Recent years have shown a strong increase in extreme weather due to global warming. [IAF: !??!?!?!?!] This weather is expected to cause more damage to crops in the future and consequently bring economic losses to the growers. Kanat warns that growers without insurance in particular will suffer the consequences of these heat waves or late rains.

    #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling

    February snow and storms in Israel: Over 6.25 million euros in damages
    Although the snow that covered Jerusalem and the Golan Heights mid-February was a sight to behold, the storm that went along with it brought great harm to Israel’s agriculture. The damage…
  • iceagefarmer #562 08:05 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Ag push back to Biden/Harris climate bill:

    Missouri is leading a 12-state coalition in a lawsuit against the Biden administration for one of the president’s executive orders on climate change.

    Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt says the order would lead to massive expansion of federal regulations including those for agriculture.

  • iceagefarmer #563 08:59 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    ‘Justice’ bill would transfer up to 32 million acres to Black farmers
    Black-owned farmland could expand sevenfold under a bill filed by three Democratic senators on Thursday to reverse decades of discriminatory practices by the Agriculture Department.
  • iceagefarmer #564 09:13 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Just what I wanted. A robotic doctor dog.

    Thanks WEF.

    World Economic Forum
    The (robotic) doctor will see you now wef.ch/3l1CrpH #HealthCare #ArtificialIntelligence
  • iceagefarmer #565 09:19 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Millions of tonnes of soybeans ... aaaand it's gone.
  • iceagefarmer #566 10:25 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    "There is no constitutional or statutory authority cited for the president, the Department of the Interior, or the Department of Agriculture, to set aside and permanently preserve 30 percent of all land and water in the U.S. and no such authority is referenced in the Executive Order."

  • iceagefarmer #567 11:12 PM, 10 Mar 2021
    Premiering now:

    They're Coming for your Animals -- UK confirms gassing chickens

    Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely. The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people's backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado's PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is a war on Animal Agriculture. Yes, factory farms are abhorrent, and we must rapidly move to a decentralized, regenerative food system--but rather than support this, governments are pointing at disgusting CAFOs and saying, "We must END ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE." They are precluding the solution, so that they take total control of food production. Christian breaks it down AND explains why we cannot allow this to happen.

    #iafVideo #WarOnMeat

    They're Coming for your Animals -- UK confirms gassing chickens
    Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely. The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people's backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado's PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is a war on Animal Agriculture. Yes, factory farms are abhorrent, and we must rapidly move to a decentralized, regenerative food system--but rather than support this, governments are pointing at disgusting CAFOs and saying, "We must END ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE." They are precluding the solution, so that they take total control of food production. Christian breaks it down AND explains why we cannot allow this to happen. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/03/10/theyre-coming-for-your-animals-uk-confirms-gassing-chickens/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • 11 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #568 12:07 AM, 11 Mar 2021
    Stop installing web-connected security cameras (and chinese spy toys)

    Hackers say they breached 150,000 live-feed cameras, incl. in hospitals, prisons & schools to expose lax security standards
    A hacker collective claims to have gained access to roughly 150,000 security cameras, including in jails, hospitals and even a Tesla factory. The intruders say they found the login and password to a ‘super admin’ account online.
  • iceagefarmer #569 02:02 AM, 11 Mar 2021
    In 2019, California went door to door euthanizing 1.2 million chickens and turkeys -- many asymptomatic.


    To stop a virus, California has euthanized more than 1.2 million birds. Is it reckless or necessary?
    Each morning, once the kids were off to school, Kerri Hand would slip out to her backyard, sit in a lawn chair and hang out with her feathered family.
  • iceagefarmer #570 07:05 AM, 11 Mar 2021
    Think those vaccine cards sure look flimsy, no holograph, none of the tech from currency/passports etc.

    You're right.

    But don't worry Cyprus is already beta testing the blockchain vaccine record -- over VE Chain:

    Coronavirus Vaccinations Certified With VeChain’s Blockchain Tech in Cyprus
    The medical certification app was developed by VeChain and I-Dante last May.
  • iceagefarmer #571 07:07 AM, 11 Mar 2021
    Dollar General , clearly one of the most trusted names in healthcare, being tapped by CDC for vaccine distribution in rural areas:

    CDC, Dollar General exploring partnership to speed up COVID-19 vaccine rollout
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dollar General are discussing an alliance to speed up the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in rural areas.
  • iceagefarmer #572 07:43 AM, 11 Mar 2021
    Cold temperatures, volcanic ash, torrential rains — sounds a lot like a deep solar Minimum. No wonder this is the “decade of change” leading up to 2030:

    Almost 800 hectares of bananas in Ecuador were affected by cold, rains, and ash

    The weather and the ash spewed by the recent eruption of the Sangay volcano will affect Ecuador's banana supply in the coming months.

    According to banana producers from Los Rios, the cold weather that is still affecting several areas of the province, the torrential rains there are in the country, and the recent activity of the volcano have significantly lowered the supply of bananas, affecting the cost that exporters must pay for Ecuadorian fruit. In fact, the price of a box of spot bananas in Los Rios, which last week stood at $6.20 in contract sales, increased to $11 this week.
    The ash eruption of the Sangay, which has fallen on the fields of the country's coast, will have an effect on the productivity of the plantations, while the recovery of the areas flooded by the rains in Los Rios and in the province of Guayas could take up to a year.
    The decrease in production is already noticeable in Los Rios, where the bagging of banana bunches has decreased by 30 to 40%, which implies that less fruit will be harvested in the coming weeks.
    According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, 769 hectares of banana crops, especially from small and medium-sized producers, have been affected so far.

    Almost 800 hectares of bananas in Ecuador were affected by cold, rains, and ash
    The weather and the ash spewed by the recent eruption of the Sangay volcano will affect Ecuador's banana supply in the coming months. According to banana producers from Los Rios, the cold…
  • iceagefarmer #573 02:57 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    SOYLENT GREEN wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual!
  • iceagefarmer #574 03:02 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Incoming ! Huge winter storm, Xylia, is the focus of ag traders, 60 inches in the mountains of CO, 20 inches in Denver, 75% of NE to get hit

    Winter Storm Xylia Pummeled the Rockies and High Plains With Feet of Snow (RECAP) | The Weather Channel - Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com
    Xylia was a major winter storm for the Rockies and High Plains. - Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com
  • iceagefarmer #575 03:05 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    A LOT of Volcanic activity:

    Significant explosive eruption at Sangay volcano, ash to 12.5 km (41 000 feet) a.s.l., Ecuador


    Significant explosive eruption at Sangay volcano, ash to 12.5 km (41 000 feet) a.s.l., Ecuador
    A significant explosive eruption took place at Sangay volcano, Ecuador from 08:15 to 10:45 UTC on Thursday, March 11, 2021. According to the Washington VAAC, volcanic ash to 12.5 km (41 000 feet)…
  • iceagefarmer #576 03:11 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Sweden going down the “passport needed for groceries” road:


    Sweden vaccine passports will 'probably be required' for shopping, eating out, travel, meeting loved ones - LifeSite
    Swedes will need a certificate with proof of vaccination to participate in everyday activities, a government official said.
  • iceagefarmer #577 04:00 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Multiple facets of the food system in Central America remain challenged in the countries worst hit by last year’s Hurricanes Eta and Iota, threatening the region with food insecurity and prolonged agricultural disruption in the midst of an ongoing pandemic.

    The two storms swept from Panama to Belize in November 2020, just two weeks apart, causing widespread damage to homes, agriculture, and infrastructure. Over 9 million people across the region were affected.

    Floodwaters have yet to recede in some areas, making it impossible for families to return to their homes or farmland. Employment remains restricted while food prices rise.

    Food security, agriculture remain threatened 2 months after Central American hurricanes
    The storms destroyed crops and floodwaters still linger, driving up food prices and threatening child malnutrition.
  • iceagefarmer #578 04:01 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Major UK supermarkets have warned of a nationwide shortage of dog and cat food products, following an unprecedented boom in pet ownership over the past year.

    Earlier this week, Sainsbury's sent an email to customers apologising after running out of pet food pouches due to a "national shortage". While tinned and dry food was unaffected, they warned it could be "ongoing" for much of 2021.

    The British supermarket said: "We think this issue will be ongoing through the year, but we hope to get them back on to shelves as quickly as possible. In the meantime we have plenty of cans and trays available. These are recyclable, so you can do your bit for the environment too."


  • iceagefarmer #579 04:06 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Netherlands: Dutch government paying farmers to stop farming.

    Yet these are turbulent times for farmers. Their profession is increasingly under attack: due to new laws and regulations and the nitrogen problem , but also due to the growing awareness of consumers when it comes to animal welfare and the environment.

    There are therefore more and more farmers who are considering hanging up their overalls . It is expected that many will want to claim the 522 million euros that the cabinet has announced to allocate for farmers who want to stop or increase sustainability.

    Farmers are lined up to receive — the ultimate compensation for the stables is 65 percent of the total corrected replacement value. Ultimately, for a company of this size, it would be a total compensation of more than 700,000 euros. ”

    Zo werkt het als de staat boeren wil uitkopen – een gemiddeld varkensbedrijf kan ruim €700.000 opleveren
    Het kabinet gaat investeren in boeren die hun bedrijf willen verkopen. Maar hoe werken dergelijke subsidieregels eigenlijk en wat levert het de boer op?
  • iceagefarmer #580 04:12 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    BREAKING! Covington -- Louisiana City facing large ciberattack against emergency services. Government computer systems have been hacked. Officials confirm they are locked out of all computer and phone systems. 911 callers are being diverted.
  • iceagefarmer #581 06:44 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Planting "carbon-negative" crops to save the world from global warming ... might cause water shortages for 4.5 billion people:

    (not to mention the food shortages)

    Carbon-negative crops may mean water shortages for 4.5 billion people
    Harvesting energy crops and capturing the carbon released when they are burned is seen as central to fighting climate change – but could leave 4.5 billion people facing water shortages
  • iceagefarmer #582 06:48 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    China innovating to pump out the protein:

    Construction begins on world’s first 100,000-tonne intelligent fish farming vessel in Qingdao
    Construction of the world’s first 100,000-tonne large-scale fish farming ship started in Qingdao of East China’s Shandong Province on Saturday, pioneering a new mode of industrial farming with “movable fish farms” on distant seas.
  • iceagefarmer #583 06:56 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Farmers react to billions in COVID-19 relief bill for Black farmers: 'Where did common sense go?'
    The new coronavirus relief package includes an estimated $4 billion to pay up to 120% of Black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American farmers' outstanding debt as of Jan. 1.
  • iceagefarmer #584 07:21 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Denver metro — there is an Ice Age Farmer interview on 1360 KHNC (Denver) this Saturday 3pm MT.

    That said, I just heard from the station manager that they may go off air due to the massive snowstorm that will be rolling through.

    ( We can forgo the joke about Ice Age Farmer interviews being waylaid by mid-March blizzards ...)
  • iceagefarmer #585 08:04 PM, 11 Mar 2021
    Argentina's crops are falling off a ledge. With massive crop failures in multiple world breadbaskets — we are now in uncharted waters.
  • 12 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #586 05:15 AM, 12 Mar 2021
    Brazil may need to import corn despite expectations of record harvest.

    Been saying for months (China cleaned them out) —

    Global grain shortage.
  • iceagefarmer #587 05:47 AM, 12 Mar 2021
    Aforementioned historic snowstorm


    Denver could get one of its biggest snowstorms since 1885
    Only three times in recorded history has the Mile High City measured more than 24 inches of snow from one storm. That could change when a long-duration winter storm pummels the city and surrounding area.
  • iceagefarmer #589 10:56 PM, 12 Mar 2021
    Honestly, did you ever expect to see egg shortages?

    We are hitting up against events that will challenge people’s fundamental beliefs.

    Where they are looking for answers, help them to understand, and start preparing.

    Poland Egg Supply Tightens as EU bird flu crisis hits industry

    Egg supply tightens in Poland as EU bird flu crisis hits industry
    Avian influenza in Europe is now approaching levels last seen in 2016 with egg supply shrinking in Poland, one of the hardest hit countries due to the loss of laying hens, in a sign that the virus is starting to strain the poultry industry. The disease, commonly called bird flu, has been found in several European countries, decimating flocks with bruising losses for farmers already hit hard by Covid-19. Asia is also experiencing outbreaks of the same highly pathogenic H5N8 strain as the livestock sector also reels from the deadly African Swine Fever epidemic.
  • iceagefarmer #590 10:57 PM, 12 Mar 2021
    Philippines importers call for easing of bans on imports as poultry supplies dry up

    Meat importers call for easing of poultry bans
    MANILA, Philippines — Meat importers are urging the government to ease bans on the importation of poultry products by implementing zonal bans instead of country-wide restrictions due to the tightening supply of poultry.
  • iceagefarmer #591 11:04 PM, 12 Mar 2021
    ASDA makeover of supermarkets: eliminates aisles of food, adds coffee and hair salons.

    can't repeat it enough: massive changes coming to food retail: grocery and restaurant.


    ASDA to ditch multiple food aisles in dramatic supermarket makeover
    The retailer is giving its stores a drastic makeover - and several aisles will be getting the chop
  • iceagefarmer #592 11:35 PM, 12 Mar 2021
    Walmart adds BeyondBurger to their shelves. (What is losing shelf space? real meat.)


    Beyond Meat adds new products to Walmart stores
    The plant-based protein company began selling its products at Walmart in 2015.
  • iceagefarmer #593 11:44 PM, 12 Mar 2021
    Oregon leading on the reparations -- $123,000 ! but you can't just identify as black. You have to identify as black for 10 years.

    Democrat Oregon State Senators Introduce Bill to Pay Black People $123,000 in Reparations
    Democrat state senators in Oregon have introduced legislation to pay black Oregonians $123,000 in reparations. The bill would have the Department of Revenue establish a reparations payment program to residents “who can demonstrate heritage in slavery” and have identified as “African-American” for at least ten years. The Daily Wire reports that “according to a copy…
  • 13 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #594 12:00 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    Herbicides in contaminated compost blamed on Melbourne council waste
    Recycling giant Suez says the powerful herbicides that contaminated a batch of compost produced at its Melbourne facility late last year, killing hundreds of home vegetable gardens, came from council green waste.
  • iceagefarmer #595 12:01 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    Mount Pinatubo awakens after 25 years
    AFTER being dormant for 25 years, Mount Pinatubo has stirred to life, prompting the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) to raise the alert status to Level 1.
  • iceagefarmer #596 12:21 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    USDA says Veterinarians will be deployed to help with FEMA's COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

    “FSIS employees including veterinarians from across the agency are among those selected to assist in this federal effort, since their training and experience make them well equipped to serve in this capacity,” the agency said. “Persons deploying for this mission will be placed at any number of FEMA-coordinated vaccination clinics that are operating throughout multiple states, including Nevada and Oklahoma.”

    USDA veterinarians enlisted to help vaccinate
    APHIS and FSIS employees have been assigned to help with the vaccination campaign.
  • iceagefarmer #597 12:25 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    Precision agriculture via GPS-enabled livestock. New farm robots. Technocratic takeover of food.

    "A farm is going to need different kinds of robots," says Prof Chowdhary. "Some of them are going to be very small... others are going to be big, perhaps even as big as combine harvester. There will be an autonomous system that is co-ordinating this team of robots, telling them what they need to do in order to get different tasks done."

    (remind me to stay out of the way of the autonomous combine)

    'Farms are going to need different kinds of robots'
    A growing number of tech firms are helping farmers better look after their animals and crops.
  • iceagefarmer #598 12:47 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    "Fake milk will taste even better than the real thing!"

    (what does that even mean? how can some fake trash taste like "better milk" than real milk? more excitotoxins?)


    Cutting out the middlecow: Israeli start-up Imagindairy on why lab-made milk will prove tastier and healthier than the real thing
    The trend of consumers – rightly or wrongly – seeking to cut down their dairy consumption for environmental and ethical reasons is a growing one, and food and beverage manufacturers smell an opportunity.
  • iceagefarmer #599 01:22 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    Yes! The Biden/Harris Executive Orders are exploring creation of a federal Office of Supply Chain. (I don't know what it would do, but I don't like it already).

    BUT DID YOU KNOW -- the 2018 NDAA already tasked the DoD (Dept of Defense!!) with evaluating how risks in this big, complex global food system could threaten the security of the United States—and the way the nation might protect itself.

    Somehow they didn't get around to it. So then they escalated to DARPA, the Gates Foundation, and others:

    > By early 2019, when no report from DOD had appeared, it was clear we had to up the ante. With the help of Michael Puma, the director of the Center for Climate Systems Research at Columbia University, we convened a roundtable with representatives from NASA, USDA, DOD, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Gates Foundation, and others, in the Thompson-Reuters Board Room in New York City’s Times Square. We used that as a springboard to convene a larger meeting in May 2019, jointly hosted with the Woodrow Wilson Center, titled “Food Systems and National Security: The Science in Strategy.” We tracked down the person who was writing the DOD’s still-unpublished report, extending an invitation to present it.

    One of the authors concludes: "I think that if Americans—or anyone in the world—are going to be insulated against hunger and attacks on the food system, we need to be able to make our food very close to home. Right in our homes, actually: maybe everyone should have a gizmo that can turn air and water into basic sustenance, or at least back up food systems when they fail."

    That gizmo is called a GARDEN. AND EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ONE.

    -- Christian @ Ice Age Farmer

    How “Multiple Breadbasket Failure” Became a Policy Issue
    Agricultural scientist Molly Jahn explains her campaign to make global food security a policy issue.
  • iceagefarmer #600 07:24 AM, 13 Mar 2021
    WATCH WHEAT: Important article but most noteworthy part is that we are already selling out NEXT YEAR'S WHEAT to China: "Idaho grower Cordell Kress says he...has even pre-sold some of his 2022 crop."

    And note that it's because of the #soybeans shortage. Global grain shortage.

    #Wheat (click hashtag to see more context)
    U.S. white wheat growers cash in as China snaps up supplies

    CHICAGO/BEIJING (Reuters) - China is scooping up supplies of U.S. white wheat to feed livestock, pushing export forecasts for the grain usually used to make sponge cakes and noodles to a 27-year-high.

    The purchases are the latest disruption in commodities markets caused by Chinese buying of grains and oilseeds during the coronavirus pandemic, pushing prices of major commodity crops to multi-year highs.

    China has booked more U.S. white wheat this year than any country besides the Philippines, the top buyer of the grain. While U.S. producers have long tried to woo the growing Chinese market for confectionary foods made from white wheat flour, the recent purchases reflect a need for animal feed, Chinese traders and analysts said.

    On Tuesday, the U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA) raised its forecast for exports of U.S. white wheat to 245 million bushels, the most since 1994, due to strong demand from China and South Korea.

    In a sign of the varied pace of global economic recoveries, USDA lowered its export forecast for the most common U.S. wheat class, hard red winter wheat, citing lower demand to “several Western Hemisphere markets.”

    While white wheat is not typically fed to animals, high corn prices - benchmark U.S. futures hit 7-1/2-year highs last month - made it a viable alternative in China.

    China is scouring the globe for feed grains as it rebuilds the world’s largest hog herd, which was ravaged by African swine fever.

    “Most of the imported wheat is going to the feed sector as corn prices are high and there is profit (to import),” said Li Hongchao, a senior grains analyst with trade website Myagric.com.

    China signed a trade deal with the United States in January 2020. More recent trade tensions between China and Australia, which grows a slightly different hard white wheat, have also sent China seeking alternative wheat supplies.

    Nine months into the 2020/21 wheat marketing year begun June 1, 2020, China’s purchases of all U.S. wheat classes are at a seven-year high of 2.9 million tonnes, according to USDA’s weekly export sales data. White wheat bookings represent about a third of the total, at 947,863 tonnes as of March 4.

    U.S. white wheat growers cash in as China snaps up supplies
    China is scooping up supplies of U.S. white wheat to feed livestock, pushing export forecasts for the grain usually used to make sponge cakes and noodles to a 27-year-high.
  • 14 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #601 02:14 PM, 14 Mar 2021
    At least 3.8 million fish killed during Texas winter weather - Strange Sounds
    Winter weather the week of Feb. 14, 2021 led to fish kill events on the entire Texas coast, with an estimated minimum of 3.8 million fish deaths.
  • 15 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #602 01:45 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Fauci: more pandemics coming because global warming

    ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
  • iceagefarmer #603 03:53 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    The supply chain has huge surface area of vulnerability to the “Cyberpandemic” (as WEF named it):

    Molson Coors Cyberattack Disrupts Brewery Operations

    Brewing giant Molson Coors disclosed Thursday that it has experienced a "cybersecurity incident" that has disrupted operations and beer production.

    The Company is working around the clock to get its systems back up as quickly as possible," Miller Coors wrote in the filing. "Although the Company is actively managing this cybersecurity incident, it has caused and may continue to cause a delay or disruption to parts of the Company's business, including its brewery operations, production, and shipments."

    Molson Coors is responsible for a large portfolio of brands including Coors and Miller brands, as well as Molson Canadian, Blue Moon, Peroni, Grolsch, Killian's, and Foster's. 

    Microsoft Exchange attacks: Watch out for this new ransomware threat to unpatched servers
    Ransomware attackers are now targeting Exchange servers that haven’t received the patches that Microsoft released last week.
  • iceagefarmer #604 04:00 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Legume-based egg company funded by Singaporean government:

    BREAKING: Plant-based whole egg startup Float Foods gets Temasek grant
    March 15, 2021
    Jack Ellis
    Float Foods, a Singaporean startup that’s developing a plant-based egg substitute, has received an undisclosed amount of grant funding from the Temasek Foundation.
    The Foundation is the nonprofit, philanthropic arm of Singapore sovereign investment fund Temasek.

    Float Foods argues that the ‘whole egg’ nature of its substitute also contributes towards Singapore’s ’30 by 30′ food security goal of domestically sourcing 30% of the city-state’s nutritional needs by 2030 – up from around 10% today.

  • iceagefarmer #605 09:07 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    More fall out from that contaminated compost story:

    'It's absolute Russian roulette': Home gardeners angry after using toxic compost
    A batch of commercial compost leaves a Suez recycling facility in Melbourne bound for Victorian garden centres. Crops begin to die within weeks.
  • iceagefarmer #606 09:30 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Massive sandstorm forms over Mongolia, hits China’s capital Beijing as the worst in a decade
    A massive sandstorm formed over Mongolia on Sunday, March 14, 2021, and moved into northern China, sweeping over capital Beijing on Monday as the city's worst sandstorm in a decade. In Mongolia…
  • iceagefarmer #607 09:42 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    At Dubai airport, travelers’ eyes become their passports thanks to iris scanner identification
    The latest artificial intelligence program the United Arab Emirates has launched is pitched as a way to stem the spread of COVID but is raising privacy concerns.
  • iceagefarmer #608 09:46 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    China scrambles to contain African swine fever amid major risks
    China is doubling efforts to contain possible new waves of the African swine fever, after new outbreaks were reported in major pork producing regions in the country and overseas, threatening the supply of the staple meat with great implications on food security and inflation.
  • iceagefarmer #609 09:52 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    US pork prices bolstered by China's ASF outbreak:

    University of Missouri’s Scott Brown says that could tell a very positive story for the pork industry in 2021. “We’re slaughtering less hogs here on the first three months of the year,” he says. “And then, on top of that, we have a situation where exports of pork out of the United States maybe stronger than we think if ASF continues to battle the recovery of the China hog herd.”

    China’s Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs warns African swine fever is still a major risk factor impacting the country’s pig production.

    There are concerns that a resurgence of the virus could threaten the country’s efforts to rebuild its swine herd and raises concerns about food security

  • iceagefarmer #610 09:53 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Texas Agricultural losses reach $600M to the winter storm / deliberate power cutoffs (to favor low-emissions power)

    Dead chickens, frozen produce, dumped milk: Texas farmers are taking stock of an estimated $600 million in destroyed crops and livestock following February’s historic freeze. Among the hardest hit are the region’s citrus crops, which farmers said are now suitable only for juicing. Winter crops like onions, cabbage, and Swiss chard have also been significantly damaged by the disaster, while power outages and feed shortages led to the death of still-uncounted numbers of animals, including chicks and calves. The freeze may be over, but its ripple effects will likely be felt by consumers in the coming weeks, experts said, both in the form of produce shortages and higher prices.

  • iceagefarmer #611 09:56 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Zymoscope uses data-driven, "precision brewing" to craft beer -- and is now turning to the alternative protein sector:

    Zymoscope raises $1m for its data-driven beer brewing tech
    Zymoscope is applying its real-time, data-driven "fermentation platform" tech to the beer industry. Next stop: Alt-proteins...
  • iceagefarmer #612 10:00 PM, 15 Mar 2021

    California’s Proposition 12 establishes specific minimum requirements for confinement of laying hens, breeding pigs and veal calves. Beginning in 2022, sows will need a minimum of 24 square feet of usable space per animal.

    IAF: much like the Colorado PAUSE act -- don't you find it stunning that states are suddenly moving the goal posts on livestock, causing drastic price increases?


  • iceagefarmer #613 10:01 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Salient points from article:
    “Which means if the U.S. has any sort of weather concerns this coming summer, the market will be very, very interested.”

    He says with short supplies around the world, both North and South America need very big corn and soybean crops to increase the carryover.

  • iceagefarmer #614 10:12 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Shipments of crops are actually being re-routed to Houston to avoid the west coast shipping congestion:

    Shippers fleeing port congestion on the West Coast of the US arrive in Houston
    The congestion and pressure in the ports on the US west coast, such as Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland, have forced shippers to search for other entry points into the country, as far…
  • iceagefarmer #615 10:14 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Aus farmers stop planting crops for fear they [again] won't be able to get harvest labor:

    Expensive strawberries expected to hit supermarkets as fruit picker numbers dwindle
    Farmers are slashing the size of strawberry crops or not planting at all out of fear fruit will rot on the ground amid a picker shortage that is expected to jack up prices at the supermarket.
  • iceagefarmer #616 11:02 PM, 15 Mar 2021
    Wow. 300,000 lbs of beef recalled.

    NORWALK, Calif. (WJW) — One company is recalling nearly 300,000 pounds of ready-to-eat canned corned beef ahead of St. Patrick’s Day.

    According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, MW Polar has issued a recall on approximately 297,715 pounds of canned corned beef products that were not properly inspected by the Food Safety and Inspection Service.

    The organization reports that there have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions as a result of consuming the recalled products.

  • 16 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #617 05:26 PM, 16 Mar 2021
    UK's DEFRA prepares to lift ban on genetically altered animals.

    Pure Evil is being unleashed to defile life in every way imaginable, and you can't put this genie back in the bottle.

    Government looks poised to lift the ban on gene editing in agriculture
    The technique is currently banned in the UK and Europe on safety concerns - with just a handful of scientific trials allowed so far
  • iceagefarmer #618 08:16 PM, 16 Mar 2021
    Spotted at Mike’s Feed & Pets in San Leandro, CA
  • iceagefarmer #619 08:17 PM, 16 Mar 2021
  • iceagefarmer #621 08:36 PM, 16 Mar 2021
    #Wheat is being pulled for use in animal feed, given how short soybeans are:
  • 17 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #622 04:29 AM, 17 Mar 2021
    Southern US severe storm, tornado threat includes 17 states and 100 million people
    At least 17 states will be under fire from the multi-day outbreak expected to unleash life-threatening weather conditions -- and the timing of the most violent storms will add to the dangers.
  • iceagefarmer #623 04:54 PM, 17 Mar 2021
    Brazil declares state of emergency after soy crop inundated by rains

    SAO PAULO, March 15 (Reuters) - Brazil’s major farm town Sorriso declared “a state of emergency” last week after heavy rains during the summer grain harvest caused crop losses and damaged local infrastructure, a local government representative told Reuters on Monday.

    The downpours damaged part of the town’s grain crop and disrupted local roads, making it difficult to move produce and restricting the circulation of people in the area.

    Wet weather has also delayed planting of Brazil’s second corn crop, which is sown after the soy is harvested in the same areas. Brazil’s farmers have sown 74% of the estimated second corn crop area in Brazil’s Center-South region, less than the 89% in the last season, the consultancy said.

    In most parts of Brazil, the ideal climate window for planting the second corn crop has closed, according to AgRural.

    #brazil #soybeans #corn

    Brazilian soy capital Sorriso declares state of emergency after rains
    Brazil's major farm town Sorriso declared "a state of emergency" last week after heavy rains during the summer grain harvest caused crop losses and damaged local infrastructure, a local government representative told Reuters on Monday.
  • iceagefarmer #625 08:41 PM, 17 Mar 2021
    Walmart plans to issue CommonPass passport with vaccines.

    People who get Covid-19 shots at thousands of Walmart and Sam’s Club stores may soon be able to verify their vaccination status at airports, schools and other locations [IAF: WHAT other locations?!] using a health passport app on their smartphones.

    “Walmart is the first huge-scale administrator of vaccines that is committing to giving people a secure, verifiable record of their vaccinations,” said Paul Meyer, the chief executive of the Commons Project Foundation, a nonprofit in Geneva that has developed health passport apps. “We think many others will follow.”

    If major retailers, banks, are all in cahoots on this, what state you are in ceases to be relevant. Texas grocery stores are still requiring masks, for example. And this is poised to morph into no in-person shopping without the vax.


    Walmart becomes largest U.S. vaccine provider to join push for digital vaccination credentials.
    The retail giant joined an international push to provide standardized digital vaccination credentials.
  • iceagefarmer #626 08:44 PM, 17 Mar 2021
    If you can't taste the shutdown of all grocery/retail except for curbside pickup at multinational vaccine passport-checking monopolies, you MUST be double masking.
  • 18 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #627 03:45 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Spain - Citrus production in La Ribera decreases by 30% because of the weather and pests

    The abundant rains in spring affected the early varieties. The cold in December and January impacted the late productions

    The decrease in production, together with an almost 20% increase in demand for citrus fruits in European markets, has led to a rise in prices.


  • iceagefarmer #628 03:47 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Immense losses due to the cold winter - #GrandSolarMinimum :

    USA - Weather activity in February will exceed $10B in losses

    February saw severe and widespread winter storm activity in communities across the U.S., triggered by a polar vortex that generated record-breaking cold temperatures. But across the world, severe weather activity devastated hundreds of communities and caused billions of dollars in economic losses.

    Worse weather followed from February 12–20 as a polar vortex impacted nearly every corner of the nation with record-breaking cold temperatures. Fueling the damage from this stretch of winter weather, a series of low-pressure systems triggered damaging snow, sleet, freezing rain and severe thunderstorms that caused millions of power outages, transportation disruptions, extensive property damage (particularly in the Southern Plains due to burst pipes) and impacts to the agricultural sector. Aon researchers estimate the total economic loss cost of this event will exceed $10 billion. That wasn’t the end of it, however. On February 25-26, Northern Texas was hit with thunderstorms and large hail that resulted in over $100 million in damages, Aon reports, noting that most of the cost will be covered by insurance.

    In Europe, winter weather activity from February 1-15 caused hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, driven by heavy business interruption costs and transportation disruptions. A second event during this period added another +$10 million in losses, Aon estimates. In France, 19 municipalities were impacted by flooding along several rivers.

  • iceagefarmer #629 03:48 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    “We’ve never seen so much seismic activity!”


    The Fagradalsfjall mountain in Iceland approaches almost 50,000 earthquakes since late February as tons of Sulfur Dioxide is being released into the atmosphere: Philippines colossus Taal volcano on the verge of eruption

  • iceagefarmer #630 04:20 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    If you need a reminder that transformation of FOOD is part of the Great Reset — check out this event calling to transform global food systems called "Building Forward Better" (so sick of these names!):

    Building Forward Better: WFP Laureates Mobilizing for Food Systems Action
    The World Food Prize Foundation is pleased to present the second edition of the Digital Dialogue Series. Join us!
  • iceagefarmer #631 04:31 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Colorado’s Democratic governor has declared this coming Saturday, March 20 to be “MeatOut Day,” an official but officially non-binding proclamation encouraging state residents to forego eating meat for a single day.


    The Latest Battle in the Meat Wars
    Colorado’s Democratic governor has declared this coming Saturday, March 20 to be “MeatOut Day,” an official but officially non-binding proclamation encouraging state residents to forego eating meat for a single day. It joins a long list of other such ceremonial non-events that Gov. Jared Polis has celebrated while in office—Colorado Farm Bureau Day, Truck Driver Appreciation Day and Breakfast Burrito Day among them. Naturally, then, the livestock industry and its Republican allies are reacting as though Polis is vowing to raid their meat freezers and force feed them organic kale. On Monday, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts declared the out-of-state declaration
  • iceagefarmer #632 04:41 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Fun interview with with Permaculturist Chris Devault about regenerative agriculture in small plots of land

    #permaculture #GoodNews

    Permaculture beating modern agriculture? Chris DeVault Awfully Irish Podcast #168
    In today's episode, the lads chat with permaculturist Chris Devault about permaculture and its practicality. Permaculture is a system of agriculture that wor...
  • iceagefarmer #633 04:44 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Curtis Stone with James Corbett, on taking the "stead pill" and building a homestead:



    ( Curtis' telegram: t.me / SHTFFarmer )
  • iceagefarmer #634 04:54 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    80,000 reindeer starving as excessive ice keeps reindeer from reaching lichen:


    80,000 reindeer in danger of starvation in Arctic Russia - Strange Sounds
    Herders in the Yamal Peninsula despair as thick layers of ice prevent their animals from getting access to the indispensable lichen.
  • iceagefarmer #635 04:55 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Swiss lab-grown meat company's investment round is oversubscribed — investors can't get enough lab-grown meat (probably because they hear Gates say "meat industry is dead"):

    Mirai Foods raises $4.5m after second seed close for cell-cultured wagyu
    Mirai Foods is initially working on non-GMO cultured beef and is "laser-focussed on developing a healthy nutritional profile" for the product, says its CEO.
  • iceagefarmer #636 04:59 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Global temperatures continue to cool: #GlobalCooling

    Like January and February,March 2021 has so far been significantly colder than the same month last year.

  • iceagefarmer #637 09:12 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    The beast system is appearing:

    As new $314M AgTech facility promises Blockchain + AI to track food from seed to shelf, other companies are creating DNA libraries to use CRISPR gene modification to combine kangaroo with "de-extincted" mammoths to produce the "perfect" lab-grown meat. These, according to the technocrats, are the farms of the future -- and understanding the agendas behind them is imperative if you wish to be able to feed your family in the future.


    Farm of the Future: AI+Blockchain & De-Extincted DNA Library - The Beast System Appears
    As new $314M AgTech facility promises Blockchain + AI to track food from seed to shelf, other companies are creating DNA libraries to use CRISPR gene modification to combine kangaroo with "de-extincted" mammoths to produce the "perfect" lab-grown meat. These, according to the technocrats, are the farms of the future -- and understanding the agendas behind them is imperative if you wish to be able to feed your family in the future. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/03/18/farm-of-the-future-aiblockchain-de-extincted-dna-library-the-beast-system-appears/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #638 09:35 PM, 18 Mar 2021
    Queensland, Aus considering stripping fruit from people's fruit trees under the guise of stopping fruit fly:

    Backyard fruit trees could be stripped to stop the spread of fruit fly
    The Riverland's fruit fly-free status could be at risk following two new outbreaks of Queensland fruit fly in the South Australian region.
  • 19 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #639 12:32 AM, 19 Mar 2021
    If only someone had been warning...

    On The Verge Of A Global Crisis: One Bank Warns Of A "Biblical" Surge In Food Prices
    This could exacerbate (geo)political risk – potentially even regarding institutional architecture...
  • iceagefarmer #640 04:05 AM, 19 Mar 2021
    Geert Vanden Bossche has made a splash by coming out against the current COVID-19 vaccinations -- but is he genuine, or revealing the next leg of the agenda? Either way, his explicit warning about the enhanced risk of zoonotic spread is worth discussing.


    Geert V. Bossche: Whistleblower or Trojan Horse? COVID Vax enhance zoonotic risk [Bitchute Only]
    Geert Vanden Bossche has made a splash by coming out against the current COVID-19 vaccinations -- but is he genuine, or revealing the next leg of the agenda? Either way, his explicit warning about the enhanced risk of zoonotic spread is worth discu…
  • iceagefarmer #641 04:47 PM, 19 Mar 2021
    “Don’t worry,” they said. “There will be cancellations. China isn’t really buying all that corn.” And yet they were. And the purchases have picked up again to STUNNING levels.
  • iceagefarmer #642 04:54 PM, 19 Mar 2021
    Plagues of mice...

    NSW Young Farmers
    #Mice numbers are exploding in many parts of NSW. Haystacks are being destroyed, silos invaded, winter crop sowing is at risk and there is a human health impact. @NSWFarmers is calling for action👉bit.ly/3vACMom #nswfarmers #miceplague
  • iceagefarmer #643 04:54 PM, 19 Mar 2021
    Australia: 'Plague' of mice ravages New South Wales
    Local farmers captured skin-crawling clips, showing thousands of mice scurrying around their land and buildings.
  • iceagefarmer #644 07:12 PM, 19 Mar 2021
    Going live with Ryan at The Last American Vagabond -- join us!

    Ice Age Farmer Interview - Impending (Planned) Food Infrastructure Collapse, To "Build Back Better"
    Joining me today is Christian Westbrook, also known as Ice Age Farmer. Today we are discussing a very serious problem that not only appears to be on the horizon for Americans, and much of the world, but one that very well might have been planned, orchestrated, or at the very, least allowed to happen. This Read More...
  • iceagefarmer #645 08:48 PM, 19 Mar 2021
    That giant sucking sound you hear is China importing EVERYTHING
  • 20 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #647 01:12 AM, 20 Mar 2021
    Evacuations in NSW due to potentially record and life-threatening flooding, Australia
    Residents across New South Wales, Australia, have been ordered to evacuate on Friday, March 19, 2021, after severe flooding– described by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) as "
  • iceagefarmer #648 01:14 AM, 20 Mar 2021
    Ciaran Fitzgerald: EU Green Deal could reduce agri-production by 12%
    As the EU Green deal currently stands, there is a complete policy detachment between input costs and food prices.
  • iceagefarmer #649 07:31 AM, 20 Mar 2021
    After 800 years dormant, Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall erupts


  • iceagefarmer #650 07:31 AM, 20 Mar 2021
    Important piece on supply chain breakages:

    "Things Are Out Of Control" - There Is A Shortage Of Everything And Prices Are Soaring: What Happens Next

    “We have experienced a higher rate of delinquent shipments from our ingredient suppliers in the last month. We are still struggling keeping our production lines fully manned. “

  • iceagefarmer #651 05:47 PM, 20 Mar 2021
    Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save planet, dismisses ‘crazy conspiracies’ about vaccines & 5G in Reddit AMA
    Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away “crazy” conspiracy theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on Reddit, where he promoted his new book and sung the praises of synthetic meat.
  • iceagefarmer #652 06:02 PM, 20 Mar 2021
    Cities banning grilling/BBQ? At this rate, even cooking food will be illegal...

    Barbecues face being banned by green council over fears they cause global warming
    Brighton and Hove City Council has proposed a controversial ban on all barbecues in beaches, parks and open spaces saying they contribute to rising levels of carbon dioxide
  • iceagefarmer #653 06:04 PM, 20 Mar 2021
    Italian army turns tank guns on chickens. Bizarre.

    An Italian public prosecutor has impounded four B1 Centauro tank destroyers, one of which is suspected of firing its gun in the direction of a farm and killing multiple hens with a direct hit.

    The incident happened during a night training exercise in the northern Italian province of Pordenone, local media reported. The stray shell landed directly on a henhouse at a farm in the Vivaro municipality, killing some animals and partially collapsing the shed.

    The unlucky shot apparently came from one of the wheeled military vehicles belonging to the ‘Pozzuolo del Friuli’ Cavalry Brigade, which took part in a night exercise at the nearby Cellina-Meduna shooting range. The crew of the B1 Centauro for some reason turned its high-caliber gun – which is designed to pierce the armor of tanks and similar targets – away from the intended target area and towards the farm located on the outskirts of the town of Vivaro. According to an army statement, the location in question was evacuated before the maneuvers began.

    Chicken massacre: Stray tank-destroyer shell strikes henhouse during botched training exercise in Italy
    An Italian public prosecutor has impounded four B1 Centauro tank destroyers, one of which is suspected of firing its gun in the direction of a farm and killing multiple hens with a direct hit.
  • 22 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #654 02:54 AM, 22 Mar 2021


    Captured Drone footage shows extensive flooding in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, as parts of Australia have faced devastating flash floods.
  • iceagefarmer #655 03:00 PM, 22 Mar 2021
    Japan to cull 77,000 chickens over new bird flu outbreak in Tochigi
    In January, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said that the new outbreak of avian influenza, which started in November, has broken all records in terms of the number of chickens culled in one season.
  • iceagefarmer #656 03:01 PM, 22 Mar 2021

    #AfricanSwineFever ?

    China Is Investigating Heaps of Dead Pigs Along the Yellow River
    Chinese authorities are investigating scores of dead pigs found along a section of the Yellow River, according to a state-backed media report, turning the spotlight back on food and water safety in the country.
  • iceagefarmer #657 04:28 PM, 22 Mar 2021
    Russia warns of human-to-human transmission of new bird flu mutation

    A mutating strain of bird flu that has emerged in Russia has “a fairly high degree of probability” of human-to-human transmission, the head of the country’s health watchdog warned in a report.


    Russia warns of human-to-human transmission of new bird flu mutation
    A mutating strain of bird flu that has emerged in Russia has “a fairly high degree of probability” of human-to-human transmission, the head of the country’s health watchdog warned in a...
  • iceagefarmer #658 06:10 PM, 22 Mar 2021
    Seaweed May Be the Answer to the Burping Cow Problem
    Cow burps are a serious problem—and cows belch a lot. Farmed livestock are responsible for 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions related to human activity, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with beef and dairy cattle being the biggest culprit. Cows make up 65 percent of those emissions. Much of that can be attributed to their methane-rich burps, the result of enteric fermentation, the chemical reaction that allows cows (and other grazing animals) to break down plants. In an effort to help reduce their methane output, researchers have turned to cows’ digestive systems looking
  • iceagefarmer #659 06:38 PM, 22 Mar 2021
    Farmers are warning of food price rises in the wake of widespread floods that have caused stock, crop and infrastructure losses in NSW, as well as widespread property damage.

    Cattle producer Robert Mackenzie said the floods were devastating for all farmers along the mid-north coast. “When you look at how widespread this is, it is just horrendous,” he said. “Any farmer along the coast has issues. There are stock losses and crops are just getting washed away.”

    Mr Shoker, the president of the local branch of the NSW Farmers, said the losses were across all agricultural sectors . The Coffs region produces about 75 per cent of Australia’s blueberries and Mr Shoker said there was a big question over that crop as well as banana supplies with growers in Queensland still cleaning up after Cyclone Niran. He is bracing to lose more than 100 avocado trees on his farm that are “standing in water where we’ve never seen water before”.

    “This wet weather combined with labour shortages will contribute to higher food prices including core lines in the supermarkets.

    Mr Mackenzie said cattle prices were at a “ridiculous” level as producers tried to restock after what had been some tough years in the industry. “The drought was horrendous. We spent $750,000 just keeping our cattle alive and that was only just over 12 months ago. The floods now are really devastating.”


  • iceagefarmer #660 10:11 PM, 22 Mar 2021
    This is out of control.

    Unions Invade Private Property
    “If I didn’t allow them in, I’m the one going to jail!” rants a farmer after a California law allowed dozens of union activists to storm onto his farm. ---- ...
  • 23 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #661 12:00 AM, 23 Mar 2021
    Lab Meat Company MeaTech Goes Public
    An Israeli company that markets lab-meat technology has gone through an initial public offering expected to raise about $25 million.
  • iceagefarmer #662 12:03 AM, 23 Mar 2021
    Illinois bill proposed to protect right to garden —

    HB-633 would protect the right “cultivate vegetable gardens on their own property, or on the property of another with the permission of the owner, in any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state.” The Act would protect the right to grow vegetables, as well as “herbs, fruits, flowers, pollinator plants, leafy greens, or other edible plants.”

    You may say it is a sad day when we have to pass laws to protect basic liberties — but I still see this as a good sign!

    > The bill would preempt local regulatory authority over vegetable gardens. While many small residential
    vegetable gardens are innocuous and may even go unnoticed, some home gardeners erect unpermitted
    structures known as “hoop houses” which serve as greenhouses intended to protect their gardens during cold
    weather. These structures can be unsightly, upsetting to neighbors and in violation of local ordinances
    concerning permissible structures on residential property. HB 633 would prevent local governments from
    prohibiting such structures.


    New Illinois Bill Would Protect the Right to Garden  - Institute for Justice
    Late last week, Rep. Sonya Harper filed the Illinois Vegetable Garden Protection Act (HB 633), which would preserve and protect the right of all Illinoisans […]
  • iceagefarmer #663 03:00 AM, 23 Mar 2021
    Holidays overseas to be made ILLEGAL - £5,000 fines for people trying to leave Britain

    Holidays overseas to be made ILLEGAL - £5,000 fines for people trying to leave Britain
    HOLIDAYS abroad will be made illegal from Monday, with anyone caught trying to flee the country facing a huge £5,000 fine.
  • iceagefarmer #664 05:39 AM, 23 Mar 2021
    Here is KnowSeafood — the company tracing fish from the moment they are caught through the supply chain using — you guessed it — blockchain:

    Paul and Dan set out to resolve the “fear of fish”: the murkiness in labeling and standards that makes shoppers nervous about buying seafood. They built a first-of-its-kind blockchain solution, implementing the technology in restaurants.

    Our Mission
    Our Mission Our mission is to make it easy to buy high-quality, sustainable seafood with confidence. By connecting customers directly to fishermen and prioritizing traceability and transparency, KnowSeafood aims to put the customer first and change how you buy seafood. We saw an industry bloated by middleman seeking pr
  • iceagefarmer #666 05:11 PM, 23 Mar 2021
    This quantification of carbon impact of web site views — do you see it leading to "Bitcoin is bad for global warming, and we are banning it in favor of US "Digital Dollar" ?

    Your website is killing the planet
    Modern websites are a feast for the eyes. They are also bad for the climate
  • iceagefarmer #667 05:19 PM, 23 Mar 2021
    Nestlé Australia debuts new line of upcycled drinks — made from #upcycled coffee berry husks:

    Nativ Cascara: Nestlé Australia Launches Sustainable Upcycled Coffee Husk Drink Termed 'Social Beverage'
    In a move to keep up with conscious consumerism, Nestlé Australia has debuted a new drink made from upcycled coffee berry husks.
  • iceagefarmer #668 07:07 PM, 23 Mar 2021
    That vertical line is the cost of inputs for farms: DAP (phosphate, fertilizer) has been exploding this year.

    This forces farmers to raise prices — or skip application this year, which means eating into their soil fertility.
  • iceagefarmer #669 11:04 PM, 23 Mar 2021
    Worker Killed In Explosion And Fire At Seed Facility Near Silverton
    MAR 23, 2021 @ 2:39PM

    SILVERTON, Ore. — One person was killed in an explosion and fire at a seed facility south of Silverton on Tuesday morning.

    The victim was trapped on the second story. Their name has not been released. Another worker was taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

    Firefighters were called to Riches Seeds on Riches Drive NE around 9:00am.

    Investigators believe the fire was caused by a dust explosion. Heavy dark smoke and fire could be seen several miles away.

  • 24 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #670 01:32 AM, 24 Mar 2021
    New propaganda against animals. I have been saying they are going to come after your animals next to completely destroy connections humans desperately need…this quotes UC Davis, funded by Fauci’s NIH of course.
    Covid Spilled From Animals to Humans. Now It’s Spilling Back
    “Bats likely gave it to a mystery animal that then gave it to people. We passed it on to minks. Where does it go from there—and could it come back to us?”

    Here is the propoganda narrative: “We’ve always known that Covid-19 had an animal connection. The discovery that the coronavirus causing it was bat-associated came early in the pandemic, and scientists have subsequently theorized that a second, still-unknown species helped the virus make the evolutionary adaptations that allow it to infect humans.”
    Covid Spilled From Animals to Humans. Now It’s Spilling Back
    Bats likely gave it to a mystery animal that then gave it to people. We passed it on to minks. Where does it go from there—and could it come back to us?
  • iceagefarmer #671 02:50 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Honda, Toyota Factories Shutting Down Temporarily
    Covid-19 has been impacting the production of Honda and Toyota vehicles and other electronics, but it isn't just the pandemic anymore. Issues in ports and severe weather have compounded the issue.
  • iceagefarmer #672 03:44 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Heat to open vaccinated-only sections for fans on April 1 — not April fools ... real vaccine apartheid

    The Heat are devoting two sections for the fully vaccinated fans, where pods of groups will be separated by just one seat. Those fans will be admitted through a separate gate and required to show their Centers for Disease Control vaccination card, or proof thereof, along with valid identification. Fans would have to have been fully vaccinated for at least 14 days to be eligible to be in those sections.

    Heat to open vaccinated-only sections for fans on April 1
    Vaccinated fans will soon have their own sections at Miami Heat games. The Heat announced plans Tuesday to open two sections in their lower bowl only for fully vaccinated fans starting with an April 1 game against Golden State. Masks will still be required, even for the vaccinated fans, but social distancing rules will be slightly relaxed in those areas.
  • iceagefarmer #673 04:20 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Stunning lies pushed by Moby (who is clearly a thought leader in both the epidemiological and dietary spaces)! #vegan
  • iceagefarmer #674 04:20 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    #ASF outbreak again reported in china.
  • iceagefarmer #675 04:32 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    STUNNING: new bill precludes anyone who has ever believed “conspiracy theories” from obtaining a security clearance/holding certain gov jobs.

    Thus the descent into criminalizing beliefs or any critical thought continues.

    Like the Antivax=domestic terrorism claim...

    Blue Dogs push for further action on domestic terrorism
    Members of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of fiscally conservative Democrats, are calling for the passage of two bills aimed at combating national security threats in the wake of the deadly
  • iceagefarmer #677 08:23 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    ICYMI, giant mega-container ship is stuck in the Suez canal, causing massive traffic jams and throwing (another) wrench into international shipping:

    Oil Soars As Suez Canal Blockage Continues, Megaship "Likely Damaged", Traffic Can't Pass
    "The vessel is likely damaged and will have to be towed." 
  • iceagefarmer #678 08:35 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Everyone is focused on the 2nd Amendment aspect of these attacks — but also note this is the 2nd attack *this week* that involves a GROCERY STORE.

    Is this also paving the way for tighter security at — or a complete revamp of — grocery / #retail ?
  • iceagefarmer #679 08:35 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    BREAKING: Man wearing body armor detained inside Atlanta Publix grocery store carrying 2 long guns and 3 pistols, all of which were concealed on his person; a customer alerted management who called police
  • iceagefarmer #680 08:37 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Like Moby (above), PETA is also running with this "Tofu never caused a pandemic" line.

    Complete false flag attack on meat.

    Soy boys: How tofu conquered America during a global pandemic
    Home cooks have discovered tofu during the pandemic, driving sales to astronomical new levels while finally doing the one thing many thought impossible.
  • iceagefarmer #681 08:41 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Tugs work to free giant container ship stranded in Suez Canal
    The shortest shipping route from Europe to Asia remained blocked on Wednesday as 10 tug boats struggled to free one of the world's largest container ships after it ran aground in the Suez Canal.
  • iceagefarmer #682 08:41 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    It's "kind of a big mistake" for that skipper . . .
  • iceagefarmer #683 08:42 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    Many in the chat are speculating that this was deliberate. What do you think ?

    ( obligatory chat link : http://t.me/iaf_chat )
  • iceagefarmer #684 10:30 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    There it is : pubs that check vaccine passports no longer need to social distance.

    This is coercion. The world is being held hostage. There is no longer any denying.

    “Two weeks to flatten the curve” and the world submitted.

    Pubs that check Covid status may be allowed to drop social distancing
    Exclusive: plan under consideration as Boris Johnson tells MPs landlords should set criteria for entry
  • iceagefarmer #685 10:32 PM, 24 Mar 2021
    The vaccine apartheid / persecution push is strong today.
  • 25 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #686 12:20 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Spotting a new appeal: “We need to use AI on food supply chain to overcome global warming challenges.”

    This is similar to Gates’ argument that we have to stop indigenous practices because they cause global warming, and take away their heirloom genetics in favor of Monsanto seeds that are “climate resilient.”

    It’s rubbish! Monocropping at industrial scale was never good practice—regenerative approaches, permaculture : these are the resilience both for YOUR garden, and transitively, for our communities and in turn the future:


    Complexity, AI & the future of food: Thinking beyond human capabilities
    AI is often thought to have the goal of replicating the inner workings of the human brain. But is there another way to look at what it can do for us?
  • iceagefarmer #687 12:24 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Anomalous cold weather and deep late March snow engulf strange parts of the globe

    Polar Spring might be the perfect expression for this new wave of cold weather and its pack of late March snow, currently surprising different countries around the world… From the US to India, to China, to Algeria (Africa) and even Mallorca, a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea

    #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum

    Anomalous cold and heavy snow create chaos across the world video - Strange Sounds
    Anomalous cold weather pattern sweeps across the world with cold records and deep late March snow covering strange parts of the globe...
  • iceagefarmer #688 12:30 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    16th paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna since February 16, Italy

    All this ash and particulate is going to accelerate the COOLING:


    16th paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna since February 16, Italy
    Strombolian activity resumed at Etna's Southeast crater at 19:05 UTC on March 23, intensified at around 20:30 UTC, and evolved into lava fountaining by 22:00 UTC. The Aviation Color Code was raised to…
  • iceagefarmer #689 12:33 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Bayer funds GMO Soybean to get more protein from plants:

    Amfora gets $6m Series B injection from Bayer, others
    Amfora is using gene editing to increase the nutritional content of seeds such as soybean, with an eye on the booming plant-based protein market.
  • iceagefarmer #690 01:02 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Because naturally when you do away with meat, you better have those Bayer CRISPR-modified soybeans grown indoors at Bezos’ vertical farms pollinated by Walmart’s patented robotic bees under Gates’ chalk-laden Sky, JACKED full of GMO protein and heme for that fake blood experience.

    And then have the temerity to call it “Plant Based” and healthy!

    No thanks.

  • iceagefarmer #691 03:10 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    The spice must flow to china ...

    America’s Farm Belt Looks Safe From Latest U.S.-China Spat
    High-level talks between Beijing and Washington may have broken down into bickering, but American farmers are still selling boatloads of corn to Chinese importers.
  • iceagefarmer #692 03:51 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Recognizing the growing consumer demand for plant-based options in addition to meat in their diets, Dietz & Watson launched its Blends line of chicken sausage products at retail. Available in three flavor profiles, the new products are a half-and-half blend of antibiotic-free chicken with a variety of vegetables and quinoa. The Blends are available in Italian Style, Tomato & Basil and Buffalo-Style Spicy Cheddar. The casing-free links contain 10 grams of protein and are gluten free with no nitrates or nitrites, according to the company.

    Dietz & Watson blends chicken, vegetables with new products
    The company’s new Blends products are designed to appeal to omnivores and flexitarians.
  • iceagefarmer #693 03:54 AM, 25 Mar 2021

  • iceagefarmer #694 04:48 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    JBS commits to going net-zero.

    Zero carbon emissions -- from a company that runs large beef processing plants and a fleet of semi-trucks. (How much of that will they shut down and move to fake meat?)

    JBS commits to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
    The initiative spans the company’s global operations.
  • iceagefarmer #695 04:58 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Reminder JBS is busy setting up a "new global company focused solely on plant-based products"👍
    The World’s Top Meat Supplier Is Eyeing a Plant-Based Company
    Demand for faux burgers is growing so rapidly that JBS SA, the world’s biggest meat supplier, said it will likely set up a new global company focused solely on plant-based products.
  • iceagefarmer #696 06:07 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Honest question: Is this in any way a normal navigation?

    A spokesperson for the maritime tracking site said the ship’s data was accurate, telling Vice: ‘There is no room for some kind of conspiracies or false data.’

    Cargo ship drew giant penis in Red Sea before wedging itself in Suez Canal
    The ill-fated cargo ship charted a very interesting course through the Red Sea before getting stuck in the Suez Canal.
  • iceagefarmer #697 06:40 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    Shipping container shortages / delays at California ports affect farm exports

    "Right now, it's just an absolute nightmare," said Jim Zion, managing partner of Meridian Growers in Fresno, which exports tree nuts.

    Even if he can get a booking, he said, ships will either be delayed or the carrier will outright deny a container, with some ships bypassing ports with no notification. The product then sits at the port incurring detention and demurrage fees, "adding insult to injury," he added.

  • iceagefarmer #698 07:46 AM, 25 Mar 2021
    The Suez Canal's blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset.


    Suez Canal Blocked: A "Worst Case Scenario for Global Trade"
    The Suez Canal's blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity ...
  • iceagefarmer #701 03:26 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    "We may never go back to normal."

    Why bother when people tolerated the tyranny? IT WON'T END UNTIL WE STOP IT.

    We Must Start Planning For a Permanent Pandemic
    With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.
  • iceagefarmer #702 03:50 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    What’s Backed Up at the Suez Canal? Live Animals, Oil and Food

    - Live animals
    - Grains
    - Animal feed
    - Oil / propane

    The queue on Wednesday morning included 40 bulk carriers hauling commodities ranging from crops to dry goods like cement and 17 crude oil tankers, Bloomberg data show. There were also eight ships carrying livestock and a water tanker.

    Countries rely on the Suez Canal, a chokepoint for international trade, to get speedy shipments of the commodities that power everyday life, like propane to heat houses and crops that feed animals and humans. A lengthy delay could further stretch supply chains that have already been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.

    What’s Backed Up at the Suez Canal? Live Animals, Oil and Food
    The vessels lined up at the blocked Suez Canal, one of the world’s busiest waterways, are carrying everything from live animals to liquefied natural gas.
  • iceagefarmer #703 04:41 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    When I started with #Permaculture, I became quite popular with chicks...
  • iceagefarmer #704 05:16 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    32% of the world's potassium fertilizer passes through the Suez canal — much of it to China.

    Right as we hit planting season!
  • iceagefarmer #705 05:17 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Lots of grains move through Suez: 15% of world's rice/wheat, 7% of world's corn
  • iceagefarmer #706 05:20 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    7% of world's oil.
  • iceagefarmer #707 05:21 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    To lighten the load, the team says it may have to remove at least some of the ship’s containers and drain the vessel of the water serving as ballast before further dredging the area and then trying again to nudge the ship using tugboats.

    Officials had indicated initially they didn't want to do that because the unloading itself could take days or weeks.

    Shipping journal Lloyd’s List estimates that the closed waterway is tying up billions of dollars of goods each day the canal is closed — at a time when the coronavirus pandemic is already causing demand in consumer goods to surge.
  • iceagefarmer #708 05:25 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    To be clear, the ship is EVER GIVEN, it is operated by EVERGREEN:

    Look at that beast:

    Ever Given
    Ever Given (simplified Chinese: 长赐轮; traditional Chinese: 長賜輪; pinyin: Cháng Cì Lún) is one of the largest container ships in the world. The ship is owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha (a ship-owning and leasing subsidiary of the large Japanese shipbuilding company Imabari Shipbuilding), and is time chartered and operated by container transportation and shipping company Evergreen Marine, headquartered in Luzhu, Taoyuan, Taiwan.Ever Given is registered in Panama and its technical management is the responsibility of the German ship management company Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM).
  • iceagefarmer #709 05:32 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Guatemala airport closes amid volcanic eruption after planes, runways coated with ash

    Guatemala City’s international airport is scheduled to reopen on Wednesday after aviation authorities officially grounded all planes and closed the facility amid the eruption of the Pacaya volcano.

    Ash from the volcano, located approximately 30 miles south of Guatemala's capital city, was blown north over the La Aurora International Airport (GUA) by a change in wind on Tuesday, coating planes and runways at the air hub. The decision to shut down La Aurora was made at the recommendation of Guatemala’s National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology, according to the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC), the country’s civil aviation authority.


    Guatemala airport closes amid volcanic eruption after planes, runways coated with ash
    Ash from the volcano, located approximately 30 miles south of Guatemala City, was blown north over the La Aurora International Airport (GUA) by a change in wind on Tuesday, coating planes and runways at the air hub.
  • iceagefarmer #710 05:33 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Anyone familiar with shortwave broadcasting — please send me a note: iceagefarmer@protonmail.com

    EDIT: to expand:

    I am a ham and can do basic things like find and ping repeaters, but am looking into starting up a classic shortwave broadcast to get around internet censorship. An hour weekly, or even a station that could loop shows from people who are working to spread the word about agendas (Agenda21/The Great Reset/etc.), is critical to get the word out and establish a medium OFFLINE.

    If you have ideas or can offer some pointers on how to achieve this, and maximize reach, please do reach out!
  • iceagefarmer #711 07:41 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Thanks to the likely weeks-long blockade of the Suez Canal, ships on the Eurasian routes now have to cross the Indian Ocean and transit the Cape. This will add time and complextiy to port rotations, fuel planning, and crewing. Exponential impact with each passing day.
  • iceagefarmer #712 07:59 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Oregon Health Authority monitoring four people for Ebola following travel from affected countries

    Not liking the rising tide of ebola mentions in the media.

    OHA Monitoring Four People for Ebola Following Travel from Affected Countries — Rob Taylor Report
    Media availability: Dr. Richard Leman will be available to answer media questions today at 11 a.m. Media will be able to join by calling 844-721-7239, access code 283749. March 25, 2021 Media Contact: OHA External Relations,  PHD.Communications@dhsoha.state.or.us OHA monit
  • iceagefarmer #713 08:33 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    NUDGE - the Social Engineering is getting EXTREME to get people away from meat:

    Oxford prof: "Looking to the future, I believe that the idea of deliberately tainting meat blue offers an intriguing opportunity to nudge consumers toward selecting a healthier & more sustainable diet"


    Could coloring our steaks blue help reduce the world’s insatiable demand for meat?
    By Prof Charles Spence, University of Oxford Image: SciePro/Shutterstock Blue has become an increasingly popular color in drinks and confectionary. Now, Prof Charles Spence of the University of Oxf…
  • iceagefarmer #714 08:49 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    What seeds are you starting now?! 🎉🌱🍀🌿🌶
  • iceagefarmer #715 10:50 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    I mentioned yesterday the vaccine apartheid / persecution push was gaining steam, but it was still pubs, basketball games.

    Today: it's higher education.

    Rutgers to require COVID-19 vaccinations for all on-campus students

    A two-tier society is being created RAPIDLY in front of your eyes — and half of it is already being called domestic terrorists.

    Think about that: before long, 100% of government employees, 100% of academics & research authors, will be vaccine pushers who think that YOU are some qanon domestic extremist.

    The speed is astonishing. Who will stop them? "And oh how we burned in the camps, wondering, if only we had stood up to the system..."

    (Share this post!)

    Rutgers to require COVID-19 vaccinations for all on-campus students
    Rutgers University announced Thursday that it will require COVID-19 vaccines for all on-campus students who are enrolled for the 2021 fall semester.
  • iceagefarmer #716 11:16 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Well, you probably can't learn permaculture, practical survivalism and self defense at Rutgers anyway.. 😁
  • iceagefarmer #717 11:26 PM, 25 Mar 2021
    Frozen meat stocks tumbling.

    Take it seriously folks.

    Start growing food. Start raising animals.
  • 26 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #719 02:02 AM, 26 Mar 2021
    Meanwhile, over in the Bird Group: https://t.me/iaf_birds
  • iceagefarmer #720 09:01 PM, 26 Mar 2021
    Wow. Not a scene you witness often.

    Tractors vs Riot Police

    Twitter / Account Suspended
    From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with all the live commentary.
  • iceagefarmer #721 11:16 PM, 26 Mar 2021
    Vietnam farmers hit hard by 30% jump in livestock feed prices.

    VN animal feed prices rise sharply, farmers hit hard
    The price of livestock fodder has risen by 15-30 per cent in the last five months because of higher prices of inputs, and many farmers are facing big losses as a result.
  • iceagefarmer #723 11:18 PM, 26 Mar 2021
    Disease That Wiped Out Millions of Pigs Is Creeping Back in Asia
    African swine fever is re-emerging in Asia, threatening to upend efforts to replenish national herds after the virus killed tens of millions of pigs in
  • 27 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #724 01:03 AM, 27 Mar 2021

    The UN's plans for a NET ZERO carbon future include shutting down all shipping. To achieve that, they must cause a SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM, get a REACTION, and then propose that SOLUTION: ending shipping in favor of a "new" supply chain.

    THAT is the bottom line of this "false flag" attack in the Suez Canal.

    Indeed there are already calls across major media for "rethinking the supply chain in light of the Suez situation." Of course! That is the goal!

    Here was the full video:


    Join us here: https://t.me/iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #725 01:30 AM, 27 Mar 2021
    As USDA confirms frozen meat stocks are plummeting, Dutch farmers are selling "pig rights" for the hefty sum €700k. But what are "pig rights?" Christian explains how traditional ranching is actually being criminalized as part of the push to end meat -- a lynchpin of the total takeover of food in the Great Reset. We cannot allow this. Spread the word.

    #iafvideo #WarOnMeat

    Criminalization of Raising Animals: Dutch Sell "Pig Rights"
    As USDA confirms frozen meat stocks are plummeting, Dutch farmers are selling "pig rights" for the hefty sum €700k. But what are "pig rights?" Christian ex...
  • iceagefarmer #726 05:06 AM, 27 Mar 2021
    You can’t “pay market price” for “pig rights” ! This is insanity.
  • iceagefarmer #727 05:07 AM, 27 Mar 2021
    MSM now saying US shoppers will see “empty shelves and higher prices” due to Suez blockage:

    Urgent operation to dislodge tanker from Suez Canal | WNT
    Engineers and crews have worked day and night to free one of the world’s largest ships, which is carrying billions of dollars worth of goods. The U.S. Navy h...
  • iceagefarmer #728 05:20 AM, 27 Mar 2021
    Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine
    Extremist organizations are now bashing the safety and efficacy of coronavirus vaccines in an effort to try to undermine the government.
  • iceagefarmer #729 05:21 AM, 27 Mar 2021
    This is exactly the trend I was describing in earlier report!

    Rutgers U announces students are required to receive vaccine, as senators call "anti-vaxxers" domestic terrorists. Legislators call for banning 'conspiracy theorists' from government. The push for vaccine apartheid and censorship of critical thought is accelerating, and the state is creating a sub-human class of "untermensch" who are dangerous. This is happening rapidly.

    Rutgers' Vaccine Apartheid - The Persecution Worsens Unless We Stop it Now
    Rutgers U announces students are required to receive vaccine, as senators call "anti-vaxxers" domestic terrorists. Legislators call for banning 'conspiracy theorists' from government. The push for vaccine apartheid and censorship of critical though…
  • iceagefarmer #730 07:29 AM, 27 Mar 2021
    Here is the report on Dutch farmers selling "pig rights" and demoliting their stables for €700,000:

    But when did the right to growing food become a tradable commodity?

    Zo werkt het als de staat boeren wil uitkopen – een gemiddeld varkensbedrijf kan ruim €700.000 opleveren
    Het kabinet gaat investeren in boeren die hun bedrijf willen verkopen. Maar hoe werken dergelijke subsidieregels eigenlijk en wat levert het de boer op?
  • iceagefarmer #731 03:11 PM, 27 Mar 2021
    Nice global economy you got yourself there....be a real shame if someone were to...
  • 28 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #732 04:02 AM, 28 Mar 2021
    Your instant coffee may soon be at risk from Suez Canal blockage
    All of the beans from East Africa and Asia – which houses two of the world’s top robusta producers – flow to Europe via the Suez.   . Read more at straitstimes.com.
  • iceagefarmer #734 04:04 AM, 28 Mar 2021
    Ending live animal shipments is on their bucket list so expect to see that fall out of this as well
  • iceagefarmer #736 03:47 PM, 28 Mar 2021
    Washington state monitoring 23 people for Ebola virus
    Nearly two dozen people are being monitored for the Ebola virus in Washington state after traveling to African countries where infection rates have spiked in recent months, health officials said
  • iceagefarmer #737 09:18 PM, 28 Mar 2021
    Massive explosion reported at Indonesian refinery:

    Nearly 1,000 evacuated, at least 5 injured as massive blaze ravages Indonesian oil refinery (VIDEOS)
    An oil refinery, located in West Java province of Indonesia, has caught up fire amid reports a loud bang was heard before the facility went up in flames. Some 950 people have been evacuated, and several have been injured.
  • iceagefarmer #738 09:41 PM, 28 Mar 2021
    People simply do not grasp the gravity of the situation. I give up. I've been shouting for a year. The Algorithm Ghetto is here. Enjoy.

    "The 1st implementation of the Chinese Social Credit System in Germany: Aya wasn't well-behaved & didn't have her face diaper on, now she's banned from riding German trains for 1/2 a year."
  • iceagefarmer #740 10:10 PM, 28 Mar 2021
    To be clear, that was a forwarded message - not me saying “I give up.”

    I will never give up.
  • 29 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #741 08:22 AM, 29 Mar 2021
    Will Ireland sacrifice its sacred cows to meet climate change targets?

    Farming will be hardest hit by radical changes to meet an aim to halve emissions by 2030

    And net zero by 2050! - these are the same targets as I'd shared in previous report.

    "So what will this radical transformation from laggard to leader in the space of a decade look like? And can we pull it off?

    The big political sticking point when it comes to reducing emissions in Ireland has been agriculture. It accounts for 35 per cent of emissions, more than any other sector.

    The bill does weaken agriculture’s protected status by placing it within the new carbon-budget system."

    "The ambition of 51 per cent reduction in emissions cannot be achieved ... without reducing the herd.”

    YES — they really are taking over food production immediately to completely enslave the population.

    Will Ireland sacrifice its sacred cows to meet climate change targets?
    ‘No country has ever set such an ambitious target,” said Green Party leader Eamon Ryan, when describing the short-term goal of halving emissions by the end of t
  • iceagefarmer #742 08:30 AM, 29 Mar 2021
    Burger King's chicken sandwich debut in Michigan delayed by pickle shortage, operator says
    Burger King is the latest chain to enter the chicken sandwich fray, but the item’s dramatic debut in Michigan is being delayed by a pickle shortage.
  • iceagefarmer #744 09:06 PM, 29 Mar 2021
    DeSantis vows to ban ‘vaccination passports’ as he signs law shielding Florida businesses from COVID-19 liability
    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida businesses soon won’t be able to screen patrons based on whether they’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday, even as he signed a bill designed to shield companies from pandemic-related lawsuits.
  • 30 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #745 04:10 PM, 30 Mar 2021
    NEW STUDY: Preservative found in popular processed foods depresses immune system...

    PLOT TWIST: It also prevents COVID-19 vaccines from working.

    So the real announcement here: "We've been poisoning you for years, but now that we want total control over food, we're going to tell you about it and start CHANGING FOOD."

    (Or could this have more to do with Nestle and other food execs announcing they want to CHANGE YOUR DIET?)

    Preservative in Pop-Tarts, Cheez-Its, hundreds of popular foods may harm immune system
    Researchers say some preservatives and packaging chemicals suppress immune function and reduce the potency of vaccines.
  • iceagefarmer #746 04:10 PM, 30 Mar 2021
    Remember: they openly said "it's time to switch people off snack foods, onto healthier things:"

    This is how the Rockefeller doc read as well -- now that public health is conflated with diet, we must take total control of both!

    The World’s Biggest Food Company Is Coming for Your Lockdown Cravings
    Nestle SA Chief Executive Officer Mark Schneider skips his afternoon Nespresso, as genetic tests revealed his body processes caffeine only slowly, depriving him of sleep. He likes to start his mornings with a smoothie blitzed together from 10 ingredients after colleagues convinced him of the cocktail’s benefits to the immune system.
  • iceagefarmer #747 04:11 PM, 30 Mar 2021
    UK confirms new Bird Flu outbreak in Staffordshire, establishes zones and IS AGAIN sending DEFRA door to door to look for poultry and gas people's chickens. Absolutely stunning:


    Chickens to be 'humanely culled' as Staffordshire hit by first bird flu case
    A six-mile surveillance zone has been set up around the outbreak epicentre
  • 31 March 2021
  • iceagefarmer #748 03:25 AM, 31 Mar 2021
    State by state guide to legislation around PROTECTING people from mandatory medical experimental injections:

    Legal Alert | 50-State Update on Legislation Pertaining to Employer-Mandated Vaccinations
    Under federal guidance, private employers can generally require employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, as long as they comply with federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion and disability. However, given the widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, many states have proposed or enacted legislation that prohibits employers from mandating vaccinations or requiring proof of vaccination status. This alert provides state-specific legislation information.
  • iceagefarmer #749 06:54 PM, 31 Mar 2021
    The aforementioned major changes to #retail appearing: Google and Albertsons join forces to "reinvent the future of grocery shopping!"

    "Albertsons Cos. is continuing to transform into a modern retailer fit for the future, and we are leading the industry forward by providing the easiest and most exciting shopping experience for our customers,” including "infusing Google Cloud AI technologies such as Vision AI, Recommendations AI, and Business Messages into operations to create the world’s most predictive grocery engine."


    Albertsons Companies and Google Partner to Reinvent the Future of Grocery Shopping
    Albertsons Companies and Google today announced a multi-year partnership to make shopping easier and more convenient for millions of customers nationw
  • iceagefarmer #750 07:06 PM, 31 Mar 2021
    "Sorry Steak Lovers, Australia's Running Out of Cows"

    Sorry Steak Lovers, Australia's Running Out of Cows
    In what would be a blow to steak lovers the world over, Australian beef may slip off global menus if cattle producers Down Under can’t hasten the pace of a nationwide herd rebuild.
  • iceagefarmer #751 07:32 PM, 31 Mar 2021
    Delicious Inflation:

    Kimberly-Clark to raise prices in June — including on toilet paper
    The consumer products company says the price hikes will be in the mid-to-high single digits.
  • iceagefarmer #752 07:35 PM, 31 Mar 2021
    Russia registers world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for cats & dogs as makers of Sputnik V warn pets & farm animals could spread virus

    "Animals are dirty and dangerous" rhetoric is amping up - now pets & farm animals "could spread virus"

    Russia registers world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for cats & dogs as makers of Sputnik V warn pets & farm animals could spread virus
    A pioneering new formula that protects animals against coronavirus has been registered in Russia days after one of the country’s top scientists warned that the deadly pathogen could soon begin spreading through homes and farms.
  • iceagefarmer #753 07:47 PM, 31 Mar 2021
    Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says climate change poses a “tremendous risk to our country’s stability”
  • iceagefarmer #754 09:54 PM, 31 Mar 2021
    Again, expect to see lots of headlines and heart-tugging about how shipments of live animals should never be allowed:

    Some 200,000 animals trapped in Suez canal likely to die
    The worst maritime animal welfare tragedy in history could, by now, be unavoidable, says Gabrile Păun, the EU director for Animals International, an NGO.