• 01 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2360 12:41 AM, 01 Dec 2021
    Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control

    Every central bank in the world is rushing to launch a digital currency...but why? And who is pulling the strings behind the scenes? As it turns out, we don't need a 'social credit score' when money itself is used to control our behavior. Christian breaks down the reality behind this global, synchronous push for digital currencies and the elimination of cash in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

    via @iceagefarmer



    Youtube: https://youtu.be/OavcJzYpOpw

    [ Gardening group | Birds group | “Discord” server ]
    Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control
    Every central bank in the world is rushing to launch a digital currency...but why? And who is pulling the strings behind the scenes? As it turns out, we don't need a 'social credit score' when money itself is used to control our behavior. Christian breaks down the reality behind this global, synchronous push for digital currencies and the elimination of cash in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/12/01/central-banks-launch-digital-currencies-perfect-technocratic-control/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • iceagefarmer #2361 04:30 PM, 01 Dec 2021
    "When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind."

    ~ C. S. Lewis
  • iceagefarmer #2362 07:04 PM, 01 Dec 2021
    The media LOVES telling you that their agenda is coming … whether you like it or not.
  • 02 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2364 03:54 PM, 02 Dec 2021
    Supply chain crisis now threatening chicken tenders
    This dinnertime staple for many families may be a little more expensive due to ongoing supply chain issues.
  • iceagefarmer #2365 05:29 PM, 02 Dec 2021
    U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship

    The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their "Great Narrative." CTED notifies domain registrars of "extremist" sites -- i.e., those that promote narratives they don't approve of -- and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs...it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

    via @iceagefarmer

    #iafvideo #censorship

    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/12/02/u-n-taking-down-private-websites-domain-level-censorship/

    U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship
    The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their "Great Narrative." CTED notifies domain registrars of "extremist" sites -- i.e., those that promote narratives they don't approve of -- and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs...it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/12/02/u-n-taking-down-private-websites-domain-level-censorship/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • iceagefarmer #2367 11:04 PM, 02 Dec 2021
    World food prices climb in November, stay at 10-year peak -FAO

    ROME (Reuters) - Agricultural commodity prices have risen steeply in the past year, driven by harvest setbacks and strong demand.

    World food prices rose for a fourth straight month in November to remain at 10-year highs, led by strong demand for wheat and dairy products, the U.N. food agency said on Thursday.

    The Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) food price index, which tracks international prices of the most globally traded food commodities, averaged 134.4 points last month compared with a revised 132.8 for October.

    The FAO's cereal price index rose by 3.1% in November from the previous month and was 23.2% higher than its year-ago level, with wheat prices hitting their highest level since May 2011.

    The dairy price index posted the largest monthly rise, up 3.4% from the previous month. "Strong global import demand persisted for butter and milk powders as buyers sought to secure spot supplies in anticipating of tightening markets," FAO said.

    #GrandSolarMinimum #wheat

    World food prices climb in November, stay at 10-year peak -FAO
    The Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) food price index, which tracks international prices of the most globally traded food commodities, averaged 134.4 points last month compared with a revised 132.8 for October. Agricultural commodity prices have risen steeply in the past year, driven by harvest setbacks and strong demand. The FAO's cereal price index rose by 3.1% in November from the previous month and was 23.2% higher than its year-ago level, with wheat prices hitting their highest level since May 2011.
  • iceagefarmer #2368 11:10 PM, 02 Dec 2021
    Coffee prices have reached a 10-year high, and analysts expect tightness in the market to continue all the way into 2023. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/01/coffee-could-rally-for-years-after-hitting-10-year-high-analysts-say.html
    Coffee prices are at 10-year highs, and analysts say they have much further to go
    Alongside bad weather, global supply constraints have hit the coffee market hard.
  • 03 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2369 01:06 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    After my last report, people are asking what domain registrar I use. I got off GoDaddy a while ago and moved to Epik Domains, which is also what bitchute is using. Here is my link to Epik:


    Note that I don’t consider this a silver bullet. I am still looking at IPFS and other technologies. And even then, I believe they own the digital space, and we need to be spreading the word offline! Flyers, t-shirts, good old conversations, etc.! 🙂
    EPIK - Cheap Domain Names, Hosting, Domaining & more!
    Epik offers cheap domain names, hosting, domaining & more with legendary customer support. Save your time and money with forever domain registration.
  • iceagefarmer #2370 02:02 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    Australia Sees Record Wheat Harvest But Warns Rains Hurt Quality

    Bigger harvest, but poorer quality, in some cases not salable:

    Australia, one of the world’s biggest wheat growers, boosted its official production forecast by more than 5% to a record, but warned that heavy rains and floods had damaged the crop in the east of the country.

    Global wheat prices are near the highest in nine years and importers have been looking to Australia for extra supplies of the grain used in everything from bread and cakes, to pastries and bagels. Torrential downpours at the wrong time in New South Wales and Queensland hurt the crop and reduced the quality.


    Australia Sees Record Wheat Harvest But Warns Rains Hurt Quality
    Australia, one of the world’s biggest wheat growers, boosted its official production forecast by more than 5% to a record, but warned that heavy rains and floods had damaged the crop in the east of the country.
  • iceagefarmer #2371 05:01 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    This is what currency collapse looks like.

    ‘Our Money Has No Value’: Frustration Rises in Turkey at Lira Crisis

    ISTANBUL — Lines outside bread stores and gas stations; farmers defaulting on loans; impromptu street demonstrations. The signs of economic distress in Turkey are all too clear as the lira continues a dizzying slide.

    The currency has lost more than 45 percent of its value this year, and nearly 20 percent in the last week, continuing its downward trend on Tuesday.

    “Our purchasing power dropped — our money has no value anymore,” she said.

    Business has stalled around the country as inflation scares away domestic shoppers and causes producers to hoard goods.

    Shortages are emerging, including in imported medicines and medical equipment, and even at bakeries, Mr. Yesilada, the analyst, said. A loaf of bread still sells at 2.5 liras, or about 20 cents, but bakeries are complaining that their costs are closer to 4 liras a loaf, he said. “Soon they are going to shut down bakeries and then we are going to have bread riots,” he said.

    #Inflation #FoodPrices

    ‘Our Money Has No Value’: Frustration Rises in Turkey at Lira Crisis
    ISTANBUL — Lines outside bread stores and gas stations; farmers defaulting on loans; impromptu street demonstrations. The signs of economic
  • iceagefarmer #2372 05:05 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    You can SMELL the agenda here — animals are dirty and dangerous. Soon CDC will recommend backyard chickens be made illegal. Just as UK is forcing their birds inside, and killing off massive numbers of chickens because “bird flu.”

    Germ theory has proven to be a hell of a weapon.

    CDC closes investigation of Salmonella outbreaks linked to backyard poultry

    “Backyard poultry, like chicken and ducks, can carry Salmonella germs even if they look healthy and clean,” CDC said in its report on the outbreak. “These germs can easily spread to anything in the areas where the poultry live and roam.

    “You can get sick from touching your backyard poultry or anything in their environment and then touching your mouth or food and swallowing Salmonella germs.”

    #WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #AnimalAg #GermTheoryWeaponized

    CDC closes investigation of Salmonella outbreaks linked to backyard poultry
    The agency is urging keepers and consumers to practice safe handling.
  • iceagefarmer #2373 05:35 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    ICYMI: The UK *really is* going door to door gassing people’s chickens. Here was my report from March after receiving a FOIA response indicating this was NOT fake news:

    They’re Coming for your Animals — UK confirms gassing chickens

    Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely. The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people’s backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado’s PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is a war on Animal Agriculture. Yes, factory farms are abhorrent, and we must rapidly move to a decentralized, regenerative food system–but rather than support this, governments are pointing at disgusting CAFOs and saying, “We must END ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE.” They are precluding the solution, so that they take total control of food production. Christian breaks it down AND explains why we cannot allow this to happen.

    #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized

    They're Coming for your Animals -- UK confirms gassing chickens
    Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely. The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people's backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado's PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is a war on Animal Agriculture. Yes, factory farms are abhorrent, and we must rapidly move to a decentralized, regenerative food system--but rather than support this, governments are pointing at disgusting CAFOs and saying, "We must END ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE." They are precluding the solution, so that they take total control of food production. Christian breaks it down AND explains why we cannot allow this to happen. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/03/10/theyre-coming-for-your-animals-uk-confirms-gassing-chickens/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #2374 07:54 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    Bird flu madness continues in #UK: 27,000 ducks to be killed, and the "temporary control zone" authorizes DEFRA to cull backyard chickens within a 5-10km radius of the single SUSPECTED report:

    Aughnacloy: 27,000 ducks to be culled over SUSPECTED bird flu

    Twenty-seven thousand ducks are being culled after a suspected case of bird flu was reported in a commercial flock in County Tyrone.

    A temporary control zone has also been put in place at the Aughnacloy site.

    #BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized

    Aughnacloy: 27,000 ducks to be culled over suspected bird flu
    The suspected case in County Tyrone flock is as a "very worrying development", says a senior vet.
  • iceagefarmer #2375 11:32 PM, 03 Dec 2021
    Survivor Cow: A Message of Hope

    Christian shares a message of hope in this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast. Never give up. Keep eating the grass my friends.



    Survivor Cow: A Message of Hope
    Christian shares a message of hope in this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast. Never give up. Keep eating the grass my friends. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/12/03/survivor-cow-a-message-of-hope/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: Survivor Cow (2014): https://www.thedodo.com/survivor-cow-found-alive-on-an-745898246.html Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phNMCEsW5p0
  • 05 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2376 02:49 PM, 05 Dec 2021
    #Shipping #SupplyChain

    U.S. Ship Logjam Stretching Far Into Pacific Is Longer Than Ever
    The number of container ships headed for the busiest U.S. port complex has risen to close to 100 under a new counting method, underscoring the magnitude of the economy-restraining logjam that the Biden administration is trying to help alleviate.
  • 06 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2377 04:41 PM, 06 Dec 2021
    Thanks Bezos for dropping a cool 2 billion to “transform food systems.” Hands off our farms.

    “Bezos recently laid out his plans for the Earth Fund, which includes committing $2 billion toward restoring nature and transforming food systems.”

    Bezos Gives $443 Million to Climate Groups in Earth Fund Push
    Jeff Bezos announced $443 million in donations to climate organizations Monday as the world’s second-richest person ramps up his philanthropy.
  • iceagefarmer #2378 09:13 PM, 06 Dec 2021
    Cyberattack responsible for closing 300+ SPAR grocery stores. They fall back to using CASH.

    Good thing we still have cash.


    Hundreds of SPAR stores shut down, switch to cash after cyberattack
    Approximately 330 SPAR shops in northern England face severe operational problems following a weekend cyberattack, forcing many stores to close or switch to cash-only payments.
  • 10 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2379 10:48 AM, 10 Dec 2021
    Hey folks, I’ve been quite under the weather, but look forward to spinning back up soon.

    Thanks for the prayers and well wishes!

  • iceagefarmer #2380 10:55 AM, 10 Dec 2021
    “Canada is facing a food shortage that is likely to get worse. In a joint statement released in early November, 21 produce supply organizations from across the US and Canada warned that there was a “serious threat” of food shortages. Beyond reducing variety, these shortages could cause ripple effects in society. 
    The lack of food causes increased prices: food inflation for November was 3.8 per cent. With inflation outpacing wages, it is more difficult for people with lower incomes to access food.”

    Students are being told “the food shortages have reached U of T’s dining halls. Food Services has developed and implemented strategies to reduce the effects of supply issues on what shows up on students’ plates. However, many disruptions in the food supply seem to be here to stay — and their effects could worsen in the future.”

    Noticed changes to dining hall food? The culprit might be supply chain issues
    U of T dining halls cope with food shortages with mixed results for students
  • iceagefarmer #2381 01:51 PM, 10 Dec 2021
    Languishing Walnuts Show How Shipping Crisis Is Hurting U.S. Farmers

    The shrink-wrapped boxes of fresh California walnuts stacked almost to the ceiling in Don Barton’s California packing facility should be headed to Europe for holiday baking and to Asia for New Year celebrations.

    Instead, newly cleaned and shelled nuts – about $10 million worth – are stuck at his processing plant near Sacramento, thousands of miles from their destinations, as the global supply chain crisis squeezes ports.

    #Shipping #SupplyChain

    Languishing Walnuts Show How Shipping Crisis Is Hurting U.S. Farmers
    By Sharon Bernstein and Nathan Frandino ESCALON, Calif., Dec 9 (Reuters) – The shrink-wrapped boxes of fresh California walnuts stacked almost to the ceiling in Don Barton’s California packing facility...
  • iceagefarmer #2382 05:59 PM, 10 Dec 2021
    Australian farmer warns urea supply crisis could halt normal life within weeks

    - AdBlue needed for diesel vehicles — half of all trucks on Australian roads run on diesel (along with a quarter of all registered vehicles.)
    - Fertilizer for food:

    “'Not only will we not be able to grow cattle and we will not be able to grow food and we will not be able to grow grain or anything like that, but even if we could, we can't move it, because we can't turn a wheel in a truck because we have no Adblue,'

    As of February we might not have a truck on the road in Australia, we might not have a train on the tracks.

    'So quite literally the whole country comes to a standstill as of February.'

    #fertilizer #Australia

    Farmer reveals the 'terrifying' reality of Australia's urea shortage
    A Queensland farmer has outlined how important a supply of urea is to our daily lives - and said if the shortage isn't solved normal life would be 'brought to a standstill'
  • iceagefarmer #2383 09:18 PM, 10 Dec 2021
    Rolling out the sewage for crops. Disgusting.

    “In the UK, not only are farmers scrambling for animal compost, but many are even trying to get their hands on treated sewage sludge containing human excrement, or biosolids.


    “The market for manure — from pigs, horses, cattle and even humans — has never been so hot, thanks to a global shortage of chemical fertilisers.”

    … and THIS is part of why they want to eliminate animal agriculture!

    “Just ask Andrew Whitelaw, a grains analyst at Thomas Elder Markets based in Melbourne, Australia, who runs a commercial pig farm in his spare time. Whitelaw said that he has completely sold clean of animal waste, as farmers hunt for alternatives to the more commonly used phosphate- and nitrogen-based fertilisers that are vital to boosting crop yields.

    “We don’t have any left,” he said. “In a normal year, you’d probably get a couple phone calls a year, not a couple of phone calls a week.”

    The demand for dung is playing out globally. In Iowa, manure is selling for $40-$70 per tonne, up about $10 from a year ago and the highest levels since 2012, according to Daniel Anderson, assistant professor at Iowa State University and a specialist on manure.

    In the UK, not only are farmers scrambling for animal compost, but many are even trying to get their hands on treated sewage sludge containing human excrement, or biosolids.

    #AnimalAg #fertilizer

    The world is desperate for manure amid fertiliser shortage
    Prices of synthetic fertilizer have soared during an energy shortage and export restrictions by Russia and China
  • 13 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2384 01:17 PM, 13 Dec 2021
    Hackers Blamed For Cream Cheese Shortage Currently Afflicting The US
    New Yorkers are going to need to start eating their bagels with butter and jam, like an Englishman.
  • iceagefarmer #2385 08:27 PM, 13 Dec 2021
    Thousands of truckers prepared to walk due to vaccine mandates, warn Canadian trucking groups

    Canadian trucking industry groups are warning the Canadian government that supply chain challenges will get worse unless there are changes to upcoming COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

    The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) says it estimates that up to 22 thousand Canadian drivers will decide to leave the Canada-U.S. market when the Canadian government’s planned cross-border vaccination mandate takes effect on January 15, 2022.

    Based on a recent survey of its members, the CTA says many trucking companies are preparing to lose 10 to 20 per cent of their drivers, and potentially more than 20 per cent in regions of the country with lower vaccination rates.

    “There are also pockets of fleets throughout Canada with vaccine rates well below the 80 per cent vaccination rate floor, CTA members have reported. Vaccination rates below 80 per cent would lead to significant service disruptions…,” says the CTA, in a Dec. 8 update.

    #SupplyChain #Canada

  • 14 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2386 10:40 PM, 14 Dec 2021
    DELIBERATE throttling of #SupplyChain:

    Mississauga, Ont., truck driver Nawaz Khan said he makes two to three trips across the U.S. border each week, transporting building supplies.

    However, Khan’s FAST card, which clears him for customs when crossing, recently expired. This required him to drive to the U.S. in his personal vehicle to get it renewed. He was there for less than 45 minutes. “I did the interview, I came back to the Canadian side,” Khan said. When he returned, border agents told Khan he had to quarantine for two weeks, despite being fully vaccinated.

    “I was shocked,” he said. “I have to park my rig for almost a month,” he said. “I don’t believe I have done anything wrong.”

    With vaccinated essential workers being forced into quarantine, Shields said this could lead to supply chain issues ahead of the holidays.


    ‘I was shocked’: Vaccinated truck driver from Ontario forced to quarantine - Toronto | Globalnews.ca
    Canadian border agents told Ontario truck driver Nawaz Khan that he had to quarantine for two weeks, despite being fully vaccinated, after a 45-minute trip to the U.S.
  • 15 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2387 08:56 AM, 15 Dec 2021
    ‘Perfect storm’ of issues behind latest price hike causing pain at the supermarket checkout
    It’s an essential item that most Aussies consume daily – and it just got a whole lot more expensive, with even more pain on the way.

    “Dairy is becoming more expensive to make, with farmers slugged by skyrocketing prices when it comes to things like grain and fertiliser.

    We also have fewer cows in Australia in the wake of the drought of 2018-19, which saw many farmers cull their livestock to get through that tough period.

    #WarOnDairy #AnimalAg #Australia

    ‘Perfect storm’ behind new price hike

    As a nation, Aussies love our dairy – but it seems the glory days of $1 milk are now well and truly behind us.

  • iceagefarmer #2388 08:59 AM, 15 Dec 2021
    China throws yet another wrench on the gears of food supply chain:

    New China import rules bring headaches for food and beverage makers

    China's customs authority published new food safety rules in April stipulating all food manufacturing, processing and storage facilities abroad need to be registered by year-end for their goods to access the Chinese market.

    But detailed procedures explaining how to get the required registration codes were only issued in October, while a website for companies allowed to self-register went online last month.

    "We're heading for major disruptions after Jan. 1," said a Beijing-based diplomat from a European country who is assisting food producers with the new measures.


    New China import rules bring headaches for food and beverage makers
    Makers of Irish whiskey, Belgian chocolate and European coffee brands are scrambling to comply with new Chinese food and beverage regulations, with many fearful their goods will be unable to enter the giant market as a Jan. 1 deadline looms.
  • iceagefarmer #2389 09:00 AM, 15 Dec 2021
    DARPA seeks ‘top chef’ for 3D printed food

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is inviting small-business innovators to submit ideas for turning cellular biomass created through its ReSource program into safe, visually appealing, edible and palatable food that can support the military and civilians when traditional food is unavailable.

    DARPA’s ReSource program aims to engineer versatile, durable systems that use local feedstock and mixed waste to rapidly produce a wide range of on-demand products, ranging from potable water and “edible macronutrient” to lubricants, adhesives and tactical fibers to support expeditionary units and humanitarian relief operations.

    Announced Nov. 23, the Innovative Nutritional Formulations program aims to turn edible biomass into palatable food rations at scale under austere conditions for disaster relief, as a backup food supply for submarines and aircraft carriers and to supplement vulnerable supply lines. Besides delivering sufficient calories, vitamins and nutrition for those in inaccessible locations, the program aims to reduce the military infrastructure’s carbon footprint, maximize on-site resources and develop ways to generate materials in the field.

    Proposers can develop the cellular biomass into liquid, powder, paste or edible ink -- so long as it is compatible “with 3D printing formats and other, low footprint, minimal logistical technologies,” DARPA said. Other considerations include sterilization or pasteurization requirements, the on-site sourcing of materials and compatibility with design of the overall system.


    DARPA seeks ‘top chef’ for 3D printed food
    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants ideas for turning cellular biomass into safe, visually appealing, edible and palatable food that can support the military and civilians when traditional food is unavailable.
  • iceagefarmer #2390 12:58 PM, 15 Dec 2021
    EVERY Company raises $175m to ferment animal-free proteins at scale

    Precision fermentation startup The EVERY Company has raised $175 million, bringing its total funding to date to $233 million.

    San Francisco, California-based EVERY currently has two products available: a pig-free version of pepsin, an ingredient used in a foods and pharmaceuticals, and ClearEgg, a colorless, animal-free egg protein meant to boost nutrition in other food and beverage products.

    EVERY founder and CEO Arturo Elizondo said his company’s “major objective is to scale the platform to make good on our promise to bring our proteins to everyone, everywhere.”

    “This new injection of capital will allow us to do just that,” he said in a statement.

    The company’s long-term plan is to create a portfolio of animal-free egg proteins with different functionalities.


    The EVERY Company raises $175m to brew animal-free proteins at scale
    The San Francisco precision fermentation company will scale up its process for making animal-free proteins and other high-functioning ingredients.
  • iceagefarmer #2391 01:06 PM, 15 Dec 2021
    Four major threats almost guaranteeing another challenging year for shippers

    The fractious relationship between ocean carriers and their freight forwarder is seen as one of four key disrupters to the supply chain next year, by maritime consultant Drewry.

    “We are starting to see that some ocean carriers are withdrawing from NVOCC relationships and others making it difficult for NVOs to offer carrier-like fixed-contract rates to shippers under preferential ‘named account’ terms agreed in advance with ocean carriers,” it said.

    Several forwarding contacts have told The Loadstar they have been unable to secure rate agreements from the lines for January on the Asia-North Europe and transatlantic routes.

    “Our account manager seems to have gone to ground – 18 months ago we couldn’t get rid of him, now he’s constantly unavailable and doesn’t reply to our e-mails,” said a director of one UK-based NVOCC.

    Another forwarder said all he got back from his account manager was “excuses” for not quoting January rates, and that the stock answer from carriers was: “Let’s wait until after CNY.”

    As a consequence, small, and even some mid-sized, forwarders and NVOCCs are unable to offer any guidance on next year’s freight charges to their shipper customers.

    The fear from this situation is that it will force many smaller shippers to, at best, defer their orders or, in some cases, abandon their product orderbooks altogether, given the uncertainty in the market and the risk that lower-value imports will become unsustainable.

    #shipping #SupplyChain

    Four major threats almost guaranteeing another challenging year for shippers - The Loadstar
    The fractious relationship between ocean carriers and their freight forwarder and NVOCC customers is seen as one of four key disrupters to the supply chain next year, by maritime consultant Drewry. “We are starting to see that some ocean carriers are withdrawing from NVOCC relationships and others making it difficult for NVOs to offer carrier-like fixed-contract rates to shippers under preferential ‘named account’ terms agreed in advance with ocean carriers,” it said. Several ...
  • iceagefarmer #2392 01:15 PM, 15 Dec 2021
    Kroger adds $50 monthly surcharge for unvaccinated workers, cuts their COVID-19 sick leave

    Unlike Aldi’s carrot (paying employees to get the shot), Kroger has decided to use a stick: charging $50 per month to employees that haven't gotten shots. For now…

    Kroger said it is "modifying policies to encourage safe behaviors including vaccination."


    Kroger adds monthly surcharge for unvaccinated workers, cuts their COVID-19 sick leave
    Starting Jan. 1, Kroger will eliminate paid pandemic-related leave and charge $50 per month to employees that haven't gotten shots.
  • 16 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2393 08:20 AM, 16 Dec 2021
    Law set to go into effect that could cause egg shortages in Massachusetts - 90% eggs to become unavailable

    Anyone in Massachusetts who still enjoys bacon and eggs for breakfast may be forced to opt for a healthier meal as of the new year. [IAF: subtext: animal source foods aren't healthy? relentless, untruthful propaganda!] That's unless state lawmakers reach a last-minute deal to prevent new restrictions that could prohibit the sale of most eggs and pork products in the state.

    A ballot question overwhelmingly approved by Massachusetts voters in 2016 tied humane treatment of chickens and hogs to the sale of eggs and pork products, beginning in 2022. Few farms meet those standards.

    The egg industry predicts chaos, as 90% of available eggs in Massachusetts may become unavailable come January 1 if the law is not amended before then.

    "I don't want Massachusetts families to have to pay upwards of $5 per dozen of eggs come Jan. 1," said State Sen. Becca Rausch (D-Needham), one of six members of a committee appointed to negotiate a compromise. "That will be unaffordable to droves of Bay Staters."

    Even if a last-minute deal is reached, changing the law while lawmakers are meeting only in informal sessions would require no objections from any member of either body.

    #AnimalAg #WarOnMeat #FoodPrices

    Law set to go into effect that could cause egg shortages in Massachusetts
    The egg industry in Massachusetts predicts chaos as a majority of eggs may become unavailable on January 1 — unless a new law is amended.
  • iceagefarmer #2394 08:29 AM, 16 Dec 2021
    California's New Lab-Grown Meat Facility Is the “Most Advanced in the World”

    Building the WEF’s “Post-Animal Economy”

    The initial cells are obtained through “a variety of methods,” the site says, including “biopsies from living animals, eggs, fishing, and recently slaughtered animals who were already a part of the food system.”

    “We feed the cell a range of nutrients (amino acids, sugars, trace minerals, and vitamins) normally found in food and compositionally similar to what develops organically in animal body, just in a different format,

    “We're committed to completely detaching our production process from animal slaughter,” the company says. “Our aim is to bring animal component-free products to market as soon as we can.”

    #AnimalAg #WarOnMeat

    California's New Lab-Grown Meat Facility Is the Most Advanced in the World
    A cultured meat company that is headquartered in California, Upside Foods' world's most advanced lab-grown meat facility will be open to visitors in January.
  • iceagefarmer #2395 08:33 AM, 16 Dec 2021
    USDA plows $100mm from “American Rescue Plan,” part into fake foods, lab-grown meat — which will put American farmers out of business.

    WASHINGTON – The US Department of Agriculture and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced $100 million in funds under the new Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program that would uphold nearly $1 billion in loan guarantees.

    The agency said the loan guarantees would back private investment in processing and food system infrastructure that will strengthen the food supply chain. The money was made available through the American Rescue Plan.

    “The pandemic exposed vulnerabilities and created extreme disruptions in America’s food supply chain,” Vilsack said. “The reduction in meat processing capacity is just one example of the supply chain bottlenecks that affect small and midsize farmers.”

    USDA adds $100 million loan program targeting food supply chain
    Up to $40 million is targeted for parts of the meat and poultry industry.
  • iceagefarmer #2396 05:49 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Jokr Raises $260m, Valued At $1.2 Billion In Latest Round for "15-min Grocery Delivery”

    (kozmo.com eat your heart out…)

    Jokr operates 200 hubs, where it stores and carries out deliveries of groceries from, in 15 cities. It plans to enter more cities in these regions and areas within cities that it already operates in.


    Meanwhile, Pieter Pot, a sustainability-focused grocery delivery start-up with a focus on the circular economy, has raised €9 million to expand in Europe.


    Major changes continue to come to food #Retail …
    Jokr Valued At $1.2 Billion In Latest Bumper Grocery Delivery Round
    Less than six months after its last fund raise, 15-minute grocery delivery start-up Jokr has closed a Series B round of $260 million that values the company at $1.2 billion.
  • iceagefarmer #2397 05:51 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Russia considering wheat export quota of 9 million tons

    Russia, one of the world’s biggest wheat exporters, has been taking steps to slow sales abroad to curb domestic food inflation. It’s also introduced a floating tax on grain exports, though the measures have had limited effects on total seasonal volumes.

    However, the decision will be closely watched in the global wheat market, which is facing increasingly tight supplies after crops around the world were hit by droughts, frost and heavy rain.

    Benchmark prices in Chicago reached a nine-year high last month.

    Watch #wheat …

    #FoodPrices #Russia

    Russia considering wheat export quota of 9 million tons
    RUSSIA is discussing setting a quota for the wheat export season that runs from mid-February through June of 9 million tons, according to people familiar with the matter.
  • iceagefarmer #2398 05:55 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Major news as “de-dollarization” continues to accelerate — these are now PUBLIC deals cutting the USA out. Turning the page on the entire Bretton Woods system …

    Kremlin reveals new independent Russian-Chinese financial systems

    Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leaders.

    The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions.

    The payment platform underpins the vast majority of international transactions. During the talks on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping called for increasing the share of national currencies in mutual settlements and expanding cooperation to provide Russian and Chinese investors with access to stock markets, said Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor.

    #Russia #China

    Kremlin reveals new independent Russian-Chinese financial systems
    Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leaders.
  • iceagefarmer #2399 06:00 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Bitcoin found support at the 200 day moving average — but may resume its slide as Russia and more countries shift their focus to CBDCs, and ban other cryptos on the way.

    Is the crypto space just a stepping stone (like the internet itself): a taste of freedom to get you hooked, then a flip to centrally-controlled structures…
    Russian Central Bank Seeks Ban on Crypto Investment: Report

    The central bank is in discussions with market players regarding a possible ban. If approved by lawmakers, the ban would only apply to new purchases of crypto assets not to past purchases, the report added.

    Russia has been vocal in its stance against against cryptocurrencies, stating that the asset can be used for money laundering or to finance terrorism. (But use OUR e-ruble that we can control, and have NIRP! Suckers! Coming early 2022)

    #bitcoin #cbdc

    Russian central bank to seek ban on investment in cryptocurrencies
    The Russian central bank wants to ban investments in cryptocurrencies in Russia, seeing risks to financial stability in the rising number of crypto transactions, two financial market sources close to the bank said.
  • iceagefarmer #2400 06:03 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    South Korea: food prices jump 5% YoY

    The price of food surged five percent on-year in Korea in the third quarter of the year, the fifth-highest rate of growth in the OECD, according to Statistics Korea on Sunday.

    The price of eggs surged 51.6 percent, pears 45.2 percent, apples 34.6 percent, garlic 28.1 percent and persimmons 27.67 percent.

    That was the steepest rise behind Turkey (27.6 percent), Columbia (11.2 percent), Australia (10.6 percent) and Mexico (eight percent).

    #SouthKorea #FoodPrices

    Inflation Looms as Food Prices Rise
    The price of food surged five percent on-year in Korea in the third quarter of t..
  • iceagefarmer #2401 06:06 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    If they were genuinely interested in stopping money laundry — they’d keep bitcoin (and blockchain forensics) AND END the “too big to fail banks!”

    Money-laundering ring pushed $4billion through HSBC
    Insiders have raised questions over whether HSBC appropriately informed US monitors about the ring, which was uncovered by the bank during an internal review
  • iceagefarmer #2402 06:10 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Wow. Greta and team’s anti-farm/anti-ranch propaganda are frighteningly successful. To me, this suggests we have a LOT of work to educate about regenerative agriculture as a healthy response to toxic Big Ag:

    Two-thirds of Gen Z believe current food systems are ‘destroying the planet’

    Four-fifths (80%) of young people in Generation Z think that we urgently need to make food production and consumption more sustainable – while two-thirds believe that our existing agrifood systems are “destroying the planet,” recent survey findings suggest.

    Two-thirds of Gen Z believe agrifood systems are 'destroying the planet'
    A panel of Gen Z thought leaders put together by EIT Food is calling for 25% of the EU's agricultural land to be regeneratively farmed by 2030.
  • iceagefarmer #2403 06:14 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Impossible Foods raises another $500m to “end animal agriculture” — they have now sucked down $2 billion from billionaires and institutional investors … even as sales flag (…no one wants that trash!), as they somehow know they will soon be the only game in town as the WEF realizes the “post-animal economy” …


    Impossible Foods raises $500m on road to possible IPO
    Impossible Foods has raised a total of almost $2 billion as a result of this latest round, which was led by South Korea's Mirae Asset.
  • iceagefarmer #2404 06:18 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    I can’t even share the constant stream of “[product] without [animal].” Here’s another $25 mil thrown at some “Mozzarella without cows”: 🤮 — investment round led by ADM, the biggest animal feed company in the world. Doesn’t make sense, unless you recognize this is an agenda, the post-animal economy, and they are funding its implementation:

    ADM, Kraft & Dr Oetker back bovine-free mozzarella maker New Culture in $25m round

    US alt-dairy startup New Culture has raised $25 million in Series A funding to bring its bovine-free mozzarella product to market.

    Founded in 2018 by CEO Matt Gibson and chief scientific officer Inja Radman, New Culture is using precision fermentation technology to produce casein – the key protein in bovine-derived dairy products that helps give mozzarella and similar cheeses their characteristic stretch, melt, and "mouthfeel.”

    #WarOnDairy #AnimalAg #PostAnimalEconomy

    New Culture raises $25m from investors including ADM, Kraft & Dr Oetker
    "In seeking Series A investors, we were intentional about collaborating with experienced food industry professionals," says New Culture CEO Matt Gibson.
  • iceagefarmer #2405 06:22 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Just one more example — JBS, world’s biggest meat company — drops $100 mil for a lab-grown meat company. Doesn’t make any sense unless you accept JBS — a WEF partner! — is replacing itself, at the behest of the WEF, positioning for the #PostAnimalEconomy:

    Brazilian meatpacker JBS has agreed to buy Spanish company BioTech Foods, while also creating a new research and development center in Brazil for lab meat as part of a $100 million push into the fast-growing sector.

    “The acquisition marks the company’s entry into the cultivated protein market,” JBS said in a filing.

    #WarOnMeat #Brazil

    Brazil's JBS agrees to buy Spanish lab meat firm in $100 mln push into sector
    Brazilian meatpacker JBS said on Wednesday it had agreed to buy Spanish company BioTech Foods, while also creating a new research and development center in Brazil for lab meat as part of a $100 million push into the fast-growing sector.
  • iceagefarmer #2406 06:27 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Fast onset of ice growth ( #GlobalCooling ! ) results in dozens of cargo vessels stuck in Ice:

    Dozens of ships stuck in Arctic as ice freezes early in reverse of recent warming winters

    Shipping firms blame the Russian Met office for a forecast that failed to predict the early ice

    More than two dozen cargo vessels are stuck in Russia’s Arctic ice, waiting for ice-breakers to come to their rescue, after an inaccurate forecast from the country’s Met Office.

    But this year several segments of the Northern Sea Route froze up about a fortnight earlier than usual, catching many ships unawares.


    Dozens of ships stuck in Arctic as ice freezes early in reverse of recent warming winters
    Shipping firms blame the Russian Met office for a forecast that failed to predict the early ice
  • iceagefarmer #2407 07:17 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    This is the “decarbonized future!” These people are insane.
    Giant Kites That Drag Cargo Ships Across Oceans Go on Trial

    Add ships being dragged along by giant kites to the list of things the industry is exploring in its quest to decarbonize.

    At the start of next year, the Ville de Bordeaux, a 154-meter-long ship that moves aircraft components for Airbus SE, will unfurl a 500 square meter kite on journeys across the Atlantic Ocean. It will undergo six months of trials and tests before full deployment.

    Shipping carries more than 80% of all goods traded globally but also accounts for almost 3% of man-made carbon dioxide emissions.

    #AbsoluteZero #Shipping

    Giant Kites That Drag Cargo Ships Across Oceans Go on Trial
    (Bloomberg) -- Add ships being dragged along by giant kites to the list of things the industry is exploring in its quest to decarbonize.Most Read from BloombergFed Doubles Taper, Signals Three 2022 Hikes in Inflation PivotCrypto Prices Go Haywire on Coinbase, CoinMarketCap.comOmicron Infects 70 Times Faster But Is Less Severe, Study SaysU.K. Travelers to France Face Stricter Rules to Slow OmicronSinovac Provides Inadequate Shield Against Omicron in Hong Kong StudyAt the start of next year, the V
  • iceagefarmer #2408 08:27 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Christian breaks The “Absolute Zero” plan and how governments are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopian goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery.


    ABSOLUTE SLAVERY: Zero Carbon Agenda Deconstructed
    What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Chri…
  • iceagefarmer #2409 09:05 PM, 16 Dec 2021
    Denials of “climate change” are “deadlier” than denials of the science behind COVID-19, according to renowned climate activist Michael E. Mann, who defended his earlier call for social media companies to censor those who disagree with his views on global warming science, effectively removing “climate denial” content in the same way “COVID denial” content is suppressed online. https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2021/12/15/climate-activist-michael-mann-calls-climate-denial-deadlier-than-covid-denial-demands-censorship-of-dissenters/
    Climatologist Michael Mann: Climate Denial Deadlier than COVID Denial
    Denials of “climate change” are “deadlier” than denials of the science behind COVID-19, according to climate activist Michael E. Mann
  • 17 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2410 12:40 PM, 17 Dec 2021
    Engineer a shortage, then substitute in your agenda: plant-based, lab-grown, …. Can you smell the WEF’s #PostAnimalEconomy yet?

    Could Sunflowers Solve the Cream Cheese Crisis? Spero® Says Yes. Expanding Into Food Service.

    “Don't panic bagel connoisseurs and professional shmear-ers, Spero sunflower cream cheese is here to save the day, and emits an estimated 99% less CO2 than dairy!

    On October 28, Market Realist was one of the early reporters of a nationwide cream cheese shortage. Fast forward to December, the shortage has become a full-fledged crisis, making headlines on CNN, Food & Wine, NBC and more. Supply chains are unable to determine when stock will be replenished. Most affected are New York City bagel shops and grocery stores with the exception of Black Seed Bagels, an artisan bagel shop led by James Beard-nominated executive chef and head baker, Dianna Daoheung. Black Seed partners with Spero® Foods, also a woman-owned business, that makes cream cheese out of organic sunflower seeds.

    If the name Spero® sounds familiar, the company was recently featured on The Today Show, TED, Forbes, Fast Company, and is the 3rd Fastest Growing Plant-Based Cheese in the US (SPINS). Led by engineer-scientist Phaedra, Spero® is a plant-based dairy Company that makes dairy alternatives from seeds.


    Could Sunflowers Solve the Cream Cheese Crisis? Spero® Says Yes. Expanding Into Food Service.
    Bagel without cream cheese? What? Truly unfathomable. Gen Z can't even. But, it's actually happening right now. There is an actual cream cheese shortage in New York. Spero Sunflower Cream Cheese Spero Sunflower Cream Cheese NEW YORK, Dec. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Don't panic bagel connoisseurs and professional shmear-ers, Spero® Sunflower® Cream Cheese has it covered and is here to solve the cream cheese crisis as they expand into Food Service in 2022. On October 28, Market Realist was one o
  • iceagefarmer #2411 10:15 PM, 17 Dec 2021
    Trucker warns the vaccine requirements for Canada/USA border crossings will result in at least 15% of big rigs being parked.

    This is deliberate sabotage of the #SupplyChain and WILL be felt by folks in Canada and USA: empty shelves, food prices, lack of supplies for industry to function, lack of seeds/fertilizer for agriculture, and so on.

    This is how civilization ends. Not, perhaps, with a bang, but instead a cascading series of failures and degeneracy …

    #Canada #USA
  • 19 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2412 10:10 PM, 19 Dec 2021
    Kansas family looks to recover livelihood after wildfires kill cattle

    Wildfires that swept through western Kansas this week tore through his pasture, killing roughly a third of the family’s cow and calves. Koester was stuck at home Wednesday night. Though he wanted to go check on the cattle at his large pasture 50 miles away near Paradise in Russell County, Kansas, and bring them home, with the high winds, he couldn’t make the hour-long commute. When text messages from his daughters about wildfires near him began flooding in he immediately got concerned. “I got on my phone to my neighbor that lives right next to our pasture, or has the patch right next to us, and asked him what he knew about it. And he says, ‘There’s a fire coming through and it doesn’t look good,’” Koester told The Star. The wildfires, propelled by high winds from Colorado and sparked by downed power lines, swept through Russell County, leaving destroyed homes and farm land in their wake. Winds reached gusts of 100 mph, according to officials. The fires were still burning through Friday.

    ‘Kind of gruesome’: Kansas family looks to recover livelihood after wildfires kill cattle
    Rich Koester and his family lost about a third of their cattle as wildfires swept through Russell County, Kansas, earlier this week. They’ve started a GoFundMe to help with recovery costs.
  • iceagefarmer #2413 10:13 PM, 19 Dec 2021
    Chickens, tractors, grain silos destroyed by deadly U.S. tornadoes

    A Deere & Co (DE.N) dealership and a Pilgrim's Pride Corp (PPC.O) chicken hatchery were destroyed when deadly tornadoes swept through Kentucky on Friday, while silos holding millions of bushels of corn suffered damage, the companies and the state's agriculture commissioner said on Monday.

    "We have a 200-mile swath through Kentucky that has pulled-down grain systems, destroyed chicken hatcheries and of course blown-over barns," said Ryan Quarles, Kentucky's agriculture commissioner.

    The destruction in the Midwest could further raise already high chicken prices and add to supply-chain headaches that have made it difficult for farmers to replace tractor parts.

    Poultry is Kentucky's top agricultural commodity, and at least a dozen chicken barns collapsed, Quarles said. The state is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to properly kill and dispose of chickens housed in barns that were destroyed, he said.

    One Pilgrim's Pride chicken hatchery was a total loss, and another is expected to be offline until spring after suffering significant damage, the company said in a statement.

    Pilgrim's, which is mostly owned by Brazilian meatpacker JBS SA, is evaluating damage to a local feedmill, while a production plant is expected to be fully operational on Wednesday, the statement said.

    The loss of the hatchery in Mayfield "automatically triggers a multi-month delay in the processing and raising of chickens because the hatchery simply is not there anymore to supply the farmers," Quarles said.

    Chickens, tractors, grain silos destroyed by deadly U.S. tornadoes
    CHICAGO (Reuters) -A Deere & Co dealership and a Pilgrim's Pride Corp chicken hatchery were destroyed when deadly tornadoes swept through Kentucky on Friday, while silos holding millions of bushels of corn suffered damage, the companies and the state's agriculture commissioner said on Monday. At least 64 people, including six children, lost their lives in Kentucky after a raft of tornadoes tore through six states https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/least-64-people-confirmed-dead-kentucky-after-barrage-tornadoes-2021-12-13. "We have a 200-mile swath through Kentucky that has pulled-down grain systems, destroyed chicken hatcheries and of course blown-over barns," said Ryan Quarles, Kentucky's agriculture commissioner. Poultry is Kentucky's top agricultural commodity, and at least a dozen chicken barns collapsed, Quarles said.
  • 20 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2414 08:53 PM, 20 Dec 2021
    French power company EDF has found faults in two nuclear reactors, prompting their shutdown — about 10% of France’s generation just went offline. This, in the midst of European energy crisis, is not good.


    European power prices surged to record highs over the past couple of days after France announced the closure of four of its largest nuclear reactors. The crisis is further exacerbated by already very high prices of natural gas and cold temperatures. By the end of the month, most of the continent will endure below average temperatures, further increasing power demand.


    Electricity prices in Europe surge to record highs
    European power prices surged to record highs over the past couple of days after France announced the closure of four of its largest nuclear reactors. The crisis is further exacerbated by already very…
  • 21 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2415 03:23 PM, 21 Dec 2021
    Europe Certifies Crickets, Worms, And Grasshoppers As Edible Food Amid Soaring Food Prices

    A staggering 6.8% surge in consumer costs is the highest in four decades, making things like food unaffordable because wages haven't kept pace with inflation. The same is happening for households worldwide.

    With that in mind, households are likely to substitute popular holiday foods with low-cost items. There's even a chance that some might resort to eating bugs and worms.


    #FoodPrices #Inflation

    Europe Certifies Crickets, Worms, And Grasshoppers As Edible Food Amid Soaring Food Prices
    "But there's no escaping it: Everything on the holiday table "is just going to be more expensive."     
  • iceagefarmer #2416 04:03 PM, 21 Dec 2021
    McDonald's RATIONS fries in Japan due to supply shortage, with customers only allowed small portions

    Fast food giant McDonald's is set to limit the portion of fries they offer to customers in Japan as a result of global supply chain issues.

    McDonald's Holdings Company Japan said earlier today it would suspend the sale of medium and large-sized french fries for a week starting on Friday due to supply chain bottlenecks.

    The company is seeing delays in potato shipments due to supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as from shipping disruptions in Canada.

    Despite the potato shortages, the popular fast-food company said that fries will still be sold in small-size portions.

    #FoodShortages #SupplyChain

    McDonald's RATIONS fries in Japan due to supply shortage, with customers only allowed small portions
    McDonald's Holdings Company Japan said earlier today it would suspend the sale of medium and large-sized french fries for a week starting on Friday due to supply chain bottlenecks
  • iceagefarmer #2417 04:14 PM, 21 Dec 2021
    Boeing & Airbus urge delay of 5G — “5G interference could adversely affect the ability of aircraft to safely operate.” Heck, if it’s powerful enough to disrupt aircraft, sure makes you wonder about the health effects!


    The world’s two largest planemakers, Boeing and Airbus, have called on the US government to delay the rollout of new 5G cell services next month, citing an “enormous negative impact on the aviation industry.”
    In a joint letter to US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the bosses of the two companies warned that “5G interference could adversely affect the ability of aircraft to safely operate.”

    The letter cited research by trade group Airlines for America, which found that if the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) 5G rules had been in effect in 2019, about 345,000 passenger flights and 5,400 cargo flights would have faced delays, diversions or cancellations.

    #5g #IoT #IoB

    Boeing & Airbus urge delay of 5G
    Boeing & Airbus urge delay of 5G
  • iceagefarmer #2418 09:51 PM, 21 Dec 2021
    Latest GFS outputs indicate some serious cold temps and snowfall (up to 1m) coming to Europe — right as France and Germany shutter their nuclear PPs, Russia cuts off the gas, and day-ahead elec prices hit record highs.

    Winter is coming. Get ready.

    #GrandSolarMinimum #EnergyCrisis #GlobalCooling

    GFS expects extreme blizzards in Europe! Regionally 20-70 cm, locally up to 1 meter of snow possible! » mkweather
    Only in the last articles, we noticed, that some outputs of GFS were returning anomalous blizzards across Europe /https://mkweather.com/strange-and-suspiciously-extreme-blizzard-on-gfs-outputs-for-parts-of-europe/;
  • iceagefarmer #2419 10:07 PM, 21 Dec 2021
    Unvaccinated man denied access to buy food at Farmers Market in Toronto, Canada

    I have warned for years that FOOD would be the ultimate point of leverage to achieve control over the population. Now it is here, in front of our faces.

    Props to this guy for standing his ground long enough to document this. Although, it should be everyone doing this, and not leaving. This is the point of demarcation for humanity as a slave species -- we simply cannot allow it.

    “There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.”


    Source: The Peoples Media @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTf426Sl-is&t=225s
  • iceagefarmer #2420 10:28 PM, 21 Dec 2021
    Restrictions on Cross-State travel, quarantine centers in USA?

    A screenshot allegedly leaked from the White House’s internal staging site (where content is posted & reviewed before going live on public site) indicates possible future measures in Biden's "Updated Winter Action Plan” including:

    - Restrictions on Cross-State Travel
    - New Booster Requirements
    - See America’s New Quarantine Centers

    I have received this a few times and am willing to share it, but will qualify: I cannot verify the authenticity of this screenshot, nor can I find any “Tim Woods” (the name at top left) associated with the administration/fedgov, nor would it make sense for him to leak it with his name on it (!). That said, login.gov is legit; one might even ask whether this was intentially crafted and released to gaslight the public. At this point, the fog of war is dense, and it’s getting hard to say . . .

    What do you make of it?
  • 22 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2421 01:40 AM, 22 Dec 2021
    UK faces largest-ever outbreak of bird flu

    “We have taken swift action to limit the spread of the disease including introducing housing measures,” said Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss. “However, we are seeing a growing number of bird flu cases both on commercial farms and in backyard birds right across the country.”

    All bird keepers, regardless of the number of birds, are legally required to introduce higher biosecurity standards on farms or small holdings.

    Also, anyone keeping 50 birds or more must register their flocks with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

    #birdflu #uk

    UK faces largest-ever outbreak of bird flu
    More than 60 cases have been confirmed since November, according to the government.
  • 23 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2422 05:32 PM, 23 Dec 2021
    “All things will be smart and connected to the internet,” including animals, as “sensors wired in cattle can communicate to each other through a mobile phone network”.

    - Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution

    #WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #5g #IoB #IoT
  • iceagefarmer #2423 11:54 PM, 23 Dec 2021
    Please pay close attention to those who are warning of impending food crises (and then being promptly replaced):
    Sri Lanka Agriculture Sect. warns of food crisis before being removed

    Agriculture Secretary Senior Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe yesterday warned of an imminent food crisis before he was removed from his post.

    Authorities may have to impose further food rations and seek foreign aid to help feed the most needy, he told reporters.

    “We may have to borrow grains, such as corn, from friendly countries and think of rationing food so that mothers and the sick can be fed,” he said. “Others may have to make sacrifices.” [IAF: if you follow @iceagefarmer you are aware there ARE NO GRAINS to borrow -- this is a WORLDWIDE crisis]

    But within hours, Jayasinghe was replaced by another official, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s office announced, without saying why he was sacked. [IAF: Everything is just fine!]

    Food shortages have been worsened by the Government’s ban on agrochemical imports, which was lifted last month after widespread crop failures and intense farmer protests. [IAF: Much like Botswana banned veg imports, literally citing the “Reset Agenda” — these are ENGINEERED food shortages to force compliance]

    Sri Lanka’s inflation hit a record 11.1% in November, official figures showed Wednesday, as authorities warned a worsening economic crisis could prompt further food rationing. [“Want food? Get the kill shot.” “Control food, you control people.”]


    #FoodShortages #Rationing #SriLanka #censorship
    Agriculture Secy. warns of food crisis before being removed | Daily FT
    AFP: Agriculture Secretary Senior Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe yesterday warned of an imminent food crisis before he was removed from his post. Authorities may have to impose further food rations and seek foreign aid to help feed the most needy, he told reporters. “We may have to borrow grains, such as corn, from friendly countries and think of rationing food so that mothers and the sick can be ..
  • 24 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2424 12:01 AM, 24 Dec 2021
    Bostwana BANS import of vegetables from 1/1/2022, citing “Reset Agenda” - are you ready for the food crisis? (see previous post about Sri Lanka’s food rationing)

    We agree on this point: “Farmers are encouraged to organize themselves and collaborate towards the use of different platforms that enhance [local food systems].”
  • 27 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2425 03:42 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Parts of #Brazil have received 6x the usual December rainfall:


    Extreme rainfall hits Brazilian state of Bahia, causing catastrophic damage
    Weeks of heavy rainfall over the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia (population 15 million) caused massive floods and damage, leaving at least 18 people dead, nearly 500 000 affected…
  • iceagefarmer #2426 03:57 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    China has not been subtle about stockpiling as much of everything as they can get their hands on over the last year and change.

    Their actions are what one would expect to see in advance of a complete collapse in the global supply chain and food supply.

    China hoards over half the world's grain, pushing up global prices

    Less than 20% of the world's population has managed to stockpile more than half of the globe's maize and other grains, leading to steep price increases across the planet and dropping more countries into famine.
    The hoarding is taking place in China.

    COFCO Group, a major Chinese state-owned food processor, runs one of China's largest food stockpiling bases, at the port of Dalian, in the northeastern part of the country. It stores beans and grains gathered from home and abroad in 310 huge silos. From there, the calories make their way throughout China via rail and sea.

    China is maintaining its food stockpiles at a "historically high level," Qin Yuyun, head of grain reserves at the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, told reporters in November. "Our wheat stockpiles can meet demand for one and a half years. There is no problem whatsoever about the supply of food."


    China hoards over half the world's grain, pushing up global prices
    Testy ties with U.S. and Australia could be prodding China to boost food reserves
  • iceagefarmer #2427 04:21 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Syria’s wheat production ‘lowest in 50 years’ with fears of mass starvation: UN

    Production declined by over 60 percent in 2021, a grim sign for a country already on the verge of mass starvation.

    The decline in agriculture production comes as Syria suffers from famine-like conditions in parts of the country with over 12.4 million people "food insecure" and around 90 percent of the population living in poverty.

    Besides rising prices, the country suffers from severe food shortages and government-run stores meant to provide subsidised goods are often empty.

    This is just a quarter of Syria's pre-war wheat production and far below the amount needed to satisfy domestic demand for cereal products like bread.

    #FoodShortages #Wheat #Syria

    Syria’s wheat production ‘lowest in 50 years’: UN
    Syria's wheat production declined by over 60 percent in 2021, a grim sign for a country already on the verge of mass starvation.
  • iceagefarmer #2428 05:22 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Israel Bird Flu: A fifth of wild cranes in Israel thought to be infected with fatal bird flu - farmers blamed - egg shortages expected

    Authorities expect to have to clear 25 to 30 tons of crane carcasses after H5N1 virus spread from northern moshav, where farmers failed to report poultry deaths on time

    One in five of the wild cranes living in or migrating through Israel have been infected with the fatal H5N1 bird flu virus, with authorities expecting to have to remove 25 to 30 tons of carcasses, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) said Thursday.

    The virus is believed to have spread from Moshav Margaliot on the Lebanese border, where 244,000 laying hens were housed in 60 coops, supplying six million eggs monthly, out of the 200 million eggs Israelis consume each month.

    According to the Agriculture Ministry, the farmers there failed to report in real-time the rising numbers of poultry deaths, leading to the virus spreading rapidly.

    Many of the chickens were dead by the time ministry inspectors arrived, and the rest were culled. In one coop, only 70 chickens were found alive out of 2,000.

    Agriculture Minister Oded Forer described crowded chicken coops as “a ticking time bomb” that needed to be moved from communities to isolated breeding complexes with strict biological safety levels.


    #Israel #BirdFlu #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg
    A fifth of wild cranes in Israel thought to be infected with fatal bird flu
    Authorities expect to have to clear 25 to 30 tons of crane carcasses after H5N1 virus spread from northern moshav, where farmers failed to report poultry deaths on time
  • iceagefarmer #2429 05:24 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Israel sees egg shortage amid bird flu spreading in hen coops

    The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Rael has stated that the country will face a shortage of millions of eggs due to the outbreak of pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza.

    According to the Xinhua news agency, there would be a 14 million egg shortage per month, out of the 200 million eggs consumed in Israel each month.

    To address the issue, Israeli Agriculture Minister Oded Forer decided to open the Israeli market to duty-free imports of 70 million to 100 million eggs immediately.

    Given the recent outbreak of bird flu in 60 chicken coops in northern and southern Israel, the Ministry of Agriculture has initiated an emergency veterinary procedure to prevent the virus from spreading further.


    #Israel #BirdFlu
    Israel sees egg shortage amid bird flu spreading in hen coops - Insider Paper
    The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Rael has stated that the country will face a shortage of millions of eggs due to the outbreak of pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. According to the Xinhua news agency, there would be a 14 million egg shortage per month, out of the 200 million eggs consumed in […]
  • iceagefarmer #2430 06:24 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic

    [IAF: keep your eye on this bird flu narrative — remember the predictive headlines we’ve seen in the past (“Apocalyptic Bird Flu May Wipe Out Half of Humanity”)? ... this could move quickly beyond merely a cover reason to cull millions of chickens …]

    Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.

    Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.

    The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal. Most strains or variants of avian flu, H5N1, are relatively difficult to transmit to people.

    #BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized

    Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic
    Hadas Kahaner/Israel Nature and Parks AuthorityIsrael’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The
  • iceagefarmer #2431 07:13 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Marjory Wildcraft and I will be speaking tomorrow — we will be getting an update on a community garden she’s working on.

    OPEN THREAD: What other questions do you have for her / us ?
  • iceagefarmer #2432 07:15 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Two dams collapsed in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia over the weekend after weeks of heavy rain.

    On Saturday night, the Igua dam on the Verruga river near Vitoria da Conquista in southern Bahia collapsed. The second dam broke about 62 miles to the north on Sunday morning.

    The floods have affected 40 cities throughout Bahia, Gov. Rui Costa said. He said at least 35,000 people had been displaced from their homes.

    "This is a massive tragedy. I can't remember seeing anything like this in Bahia's recent history, given the amount of cities and houses involved. It's truly terrifying, there are so many houses and streets that are completely underwater," Costa said.

    #Brazil #GrandSolarMinimum

    "Massive Tragedy" - Brazilian Dams Break, Ten More At Risk Of Collapse Amid Heavy Rain
    "It's truly terrifying, there are so many houses and streets that are completely underwater." 
  • iceagefarmer #2433 11:39 PM, 27 Dec 2021
    Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses

    As the unv'd are locked out of farmers markets and grocery stores, so too are unv'd farmers precluded from selling their grains. Ministers who warn of impending food shortages are promptly removed from office. The mainstream food supply is now in full collapse, and we must be creating ALTERNATIVE food supplies.

    via @iceagefarmer - #iafvideo

    Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses
    As the unv'd are locked out of farmers markets and grocery stores, so too are unv'd farmers precluded from selling their grains. Ministers who warn of impending food shortages are promptly removed from office. The mainstream food supply is now in full collapse, and we must be creating ALTERNATIVE food supplies. Thanks to Dave Steenburg for his video about Canada/USA truckers stopping: https://twitter.com/davesteenburg Thanks to the People's Media for standing up in a Toronto farmers market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTf426Sl-is&t=225s FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/12/27/farmers-truckers-stopped-as-mainstream-food-supply-collapses/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • 28 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2434 07:46 PM, 28 Dec 2021
    Chinese residents ‘starving’ as world’s strictest COVID lockdown bans them leaving home

    Residents under strict lowdown rules in one of China’s largest cities say they are facing starvation after they were banned from going outside to get food. Before the severe measures were introduced, one member from each household was allowed out once every two days to buy food.

    Xi’an residents took to social media to call for help, saying they were “starving” and asking neighbors to provide supplies for them.

    “I’m about to be starved to death,” wrote one person on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Facebook. “There’s no food, my housing compound won’t let me out, and I’m about to run out of instant noodles… please help!”

    “I don’t want to hear any more about how everything is fine,” said another. “So what if supplies are so abundant – they’re useless if you don’t actually give them to people.”

    [ IAF: Grow your own food. ]


    Chinese residents ‘starving’ as world’s strictest COVID...
    The city's tough lockdown rules mean no one is allowed outside unless for mass testing or a medical emergency.
  • 29 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2435 10:58 PM, 29 Dec 2021
    Driverless truck crosses 80-mile driverless Class 8 pilot in Arizona

    Startup achieves holy grail of autonomous trucking showing ‘commercial maturity’ — bringing in the post-human future. Burger flipping robots, driverless trucks … can already hear them making the case for UBI…


    TuSimple claims it successfully completed an 80-mile nighttime run on Interstate 10 in Arizona with no driver in the cab — the first to reach the goal in the U.S. among many competitors working on robot-driven trucks.

    The autonomous driving system navigated surface streets, traffic signals, on-ramps, off-ramps, emergency lane vehicles and highway lane changes in open traffic while naturally interacting with other motorists, TuSimple said in a press release.

    TuSimple claims success on 80-mile driverless Class 8 pilot in Arizona
    TuSimple achieved its goal of sending a Class 8 truck with no one in the cab on a nighttime run along Interstate 10 in Arizona.
  • 30 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2436 09:05 AM, 30 Dec 2021
    Food supply chain now on life support — literally FLYING 747s full of potatoes to Japan so they can have their French fries:


    Three Boeing 747 Freighters Packed With Potatoes Head To Japan Amid French Fry Shortage
    "We considered involving Flexport for this humanitarian relief operation but in the end decided that the for-profit side was a better fit."
  • iceagefarmer #2437 09:44 AM, 30 Dec 2021
    30,000 pigs culled on farms as backlog remains 'dire'

    30,000 pigs have now been culled on farms across the country as farmers take desperate measures as critical worker shortages in processing plants continue to bite.

    #uk #WarOnMeat

    30,000 pigs culled on farms as backlog remains 'dire'
    Around 30,000 pigs have been culled on farms as farmers continue to take desperate measures in response to critical worker shortages in processing plants.
  • iceagefarmer #2438 11:23 AM, 30 Dec 2021
    Pet food manufacturers moving to insect protein.

    This is an entry point to get people eating bugs:

    Insect ingredients have been increasingly cropping up in the pet nutrition space, including in pet food and treat formulations. In August, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) voted to tentatively approve the use of dried black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in adult dog food, paving the way for more manufacturers to capitalize on this growing meat-free trend.

    Packaged Facts stated this meat-free trend is best applied to pet treats, as complete-and-balanced nutritional requirements for pet food make meatless formulations more complex. Meatless pet treats can be brought to market more easily than meatless pet foods, the market research firm said, and could be an “entry point” for interested manufacturers.


    Sustainability-minded pet parents drive growth in meatless treats
    Packaged Facts data shows the trend reflects pet owners’ plant-based preferences.
  • 31 December 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2439 08:02 AM, 31 Dec 2021
    UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership

    Racing along the path to #AbsoluteZero - Absolute Slavery

    UK Government Transport Minister Trudy Harrison recently spoke at a mobility conference, addressing the future of personal mobility. In her comments, she said it was necessary to ditch the "20th-century thinking centred around private vehicle ownership and towards greater flexibility, with personal choice and low carbon shared transport." That’s right, she said the quiet part loud and showed the hand of a growing number of government officials.

    UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership
    Soon, Brits will own nothing and will be happier for it…
  • iceagefarmer #2440 11:32 PM, 31 Dec 2021
    Grocery stores introducing armed guards - Gestapo in the supermarket:

    And bigger changes coming to food #retail (click the hashtag) :

    KANSAS CITY (KCTV) -- Hy-Vee is introducing armed security guards to stores across its eight-state region, including in the Kansas City area, the grocery chain announced this week.

    The Hy-Vee Retail Security team will be “specially trained to defuse situations and equipped to protect the safety of both Hy-Vee customers and employees,” the company said in a statement. “The officers have been through training designed by Hy-Vee retail security leaders alongside law enforcement partners.”

    The company said it already has armed security in several stores, and plans to implement the new plan in its other stores “in the near future.”

    Hy-Vee released a video along with the announcement, showing b-roll video of security wearing badges and guns while walking Hy-Vee’s aisles and interacting with customers.

    Hy-Vee introducing armed security to their stores
    Hy-Vee is introducing armed security guards to stores across its eight-state region, including in the Kansas City area, the grocery chain announced this week.
  • iceagefarmer #2441 11:35 PM, 31 Dec 2021
    Happy 2022.

    May we all do absolutely everything in our spheres of influence to preclude the technocratic enslavement of yourself, your progency, and indeed, the human race.