• 01 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2047 06:46 PM, 01 Oct 2021
    Newsom announces mandatory COVID vaccine for California children in order to attend government indoctrination centers.
  • 02 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2048 06:37 AM, 02 Oct 2021
    Pork and meat crisis: Farmers face shooting dead hundreds of thousands of pigs as industry warns of an 'acute welfare disaster' due to a shortage of 10,000 butchers and a backlog at abattoirs

    • The National Farmers' Union warned as many as 150,000 animals are under threat of being culled in ten days

    • It said a shortage of butchers means farmers are having to 'throw pigs in a skip' as they cannot be slaughtered

    • It comes as a farmer said he already had to slaughter hundreds of piglets due to labour shortages at abattoir


    Pork and meat crisis: Farmers face shooting dead hundreds of thousands of pigs as industry warns of an 'acute welfare disaster' due to a shortage of 10,000 butchers and a backlog at abattoirs
    The Yorkshire stockman, who has not been named, took the drastic measure because they were not killing the animals fast enough (file photo).
  • iceagefarmer #2049 07:06 AM, 02 Oct 2021
    “Vat grown meat” - They don’t even try to make it sound appetizing. Just rub it in..!
  • 03 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2050 03:54 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    I will concede that “rabid vampire bats” was not on my list of potential black swans for the US dairy/beef supply.

    But hey, it’s the current year, and the world food supply is breaking — keep your gardens humming!


    There’s an emerging risk to southern U.S. cattle from rabid vampire bats.

    Dr. Joanne Maki, with Boehringer Ingelheim says they’re helping get the word out about the importance of rabies vaccination.

    “Ecologists and wildlife biologists reported data at a meeting last year, it was mentioned, that there have been detections of vampire bats less than 50 miles from the U.S. border in the south of Texas.”

    Maki tells Brownfield Ag News they want livestock producers to know the USDA Wildlife Services has a program in Mexico and now Texas to do surveillance of cattle at sales barns and farms, “With the changing environment, with the decrease in natural bat habitat [IAF: appeal to UN biodiversity SDG], there are a lot of interesting factors going on right now that are encouraging the northward spread of the vampire bat from Mexico towards the southern United States.”

    Maki says damage estimates to cattle in that region if vampire bats take hold is $7 to 9 Million dollars a year. Rabies reduces milk production in dairy cows and stresses beef cattle, harming their ability to put on weight.

  • iceagefarmer #2051 05:07 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    How quickly the energy crisis becomes a food crisis — greenhouses in the Netherlands (the 2nd biggest exporter of food worldwide) are being SHUT DOWN as they can’t afford the natural gas to heat them.

    This is just latest perfect throttle on food production!


    Skyrocketing power prices are forcing the vast network of Dutch glasshouses -- the continent’s biggest -- to go dark or scale back, threatening to cut supplies at Europe’s fruit and vegetable stalls and flower shops. Although small, the Netherlands is the world’s second-largest exporter of food by value, thanks in part to its high-yielding glasshouses that span some 10,000 hectares (25,000 acres) -- about the size of Paris. They grow vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers and flowers including orchids, tulips and chrysanthemums -- making the country one of Europe’s key suppliers of fresh produce and a huge hub for the floral trade.

    “These are drastic measures that reduce production and yield and have major economic consequences for the companies,” … fruit and vegetable shortages could further stoke food inflation, with a United Nations index of world prices hovering near a decade high. Grain harvests were hit by bad weather, shipping costs are soaring and worker shortages abound from farms to restaurants. The energy crunch could exacerbate those problems -- rippling through not just greenhouses, but also costs for fertilizers spread to boost

    At Lans, a Maasdijk-based tomato grower producing about 40 million kilograms (80 million pounds) of the vegetable per year, greenhouses are already turning darker. The bulk of its harvest is raised indoors, and normally all the lamps used to sun the vines are turned on as daylight fades in winter. This year, they’re only running at 50% to 80%. “Eventually, you will produce less,” said Erwin van der Lans, operational director. “That is starting now. Our production is now cut by about 10%, that may go to 20%. Eventually, the customers little by little will start paying more.”

    Gas Crisis Hits Food as Giant Dutch Greenhouses Go Dark
    Your Tomatoes May Cost More as Gas Prices Hit Dutch Greenhouses
  • iceagefarmer #2052 07:12 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    China is ALSO shutting down food processing due to energy shortages/blackouts — this is not about energy. This is about engineering a worldwide famine.

  • iceagefarmer #2053 08:01 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    “It emerges the city’s most exalted vegan restaurant has a secret meat room for the mega-rich.”

    Indeed — as meat is made illegal for most of us, the mega rich will continue to eat whatever they want — nevermind carbon allowances!

    Meat for me but none for thee! Let them eat cake indeed.

    This May chef Daniel Humm had announced with much flowery fanfare that his Eleven Madison Park restaurant would reopen in June from its pandemic closure with a fully plant-based vegan menu. But not just any meager meatless menu: It’s 12 courses for $335.

    Humm hammered his message home by telling the New York Times the restaurant would no longer serve meat or seafood, huffing, “The current food system is simply not sustainable, in so many ways.”

    However, it seems those principles are off the plate in the restaurant’s private dining room — which insiders tell Page Six is targeted to corporate events and is a big money-maker for the establishment.

    The private dining room at Eleven Madison Park comes complete with a meat-heavy menu that includes foie gras, beef tenderloin, roasted chicken and pork.

    New York Times food critic Pete Wells just slaughtered the restaurant in his review, adding at the end, “It’s some kind of metaphor for Manhattan, where there’s always a higher level of luxury, a secret room where the rich eat roasted tenderloin while everybody else gets an eggplant canoe.”


    Inside the ‘secret’ meat menu at exalted ‘vegan’ spot Eleven Madison Park
    The private dining room menu features dishes such as the highly controversial foie gras, beef carpaccio and butter-poached lobster with black truffle and celery root.
  • iceagefarmer #2054 08:05 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    OPEN THREAD: How is your harvest this year ?

    What surprises, good and bad?

    What lessons learned for even more abundance next year? We’d all love to hear.

    [ See the 375+ response thread over in : @iceagefarmer ]

  • iceagefarmer #2055 09:06 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    Europe’s Power Crisis Is Moving North as Water Shortage Worsens

    Europe’s Power Crisis Moves North as Water Shortage Persists
    As the frontier of Europe’s energy crisis moves north, the Nordic region faces a worsening power crisis with dwindling water reservoirs hampering the generation of hydroelectric power.
  • iceagefarmer #2056 09:16 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    Chicago wheat futures surged on Thursday, after the federal government reported that U.S. supplies of wheat have fallen to their lowest level since 2007 - and that the wheat harvest is the smallest seen in 19 years.

    GRAINS-Wheat futures surge as U.S. supplies drop to 14-year low
    Chicago wheat futures surged on Thursday, after the federal government reported that U.S. supplies of wheat have fallen to their lowest level since 2007 - and that the wheat harvest is the smallest seen in 19 years.
  • iceagefarmer #2057 09:41 PM, 03 Oct 2021
    Some commenters asking what is the impact. Here is the impact from Zimbabwe perspective:

    "The continuing declining of world wheat supply is worrying with Russia, a top wheat producer cutting its exports by 12.5 million metric tons to 72.5 million metric tons, the trend is also affecting Canada and USA, who are other top world wheat producers."

    "World wheat supplies estimates for 2020/1 indicates a decline of 16.6 million tons to 1.066 billion metric tons. 

    Consequently, end products are becoming expensive for the wheat importers worldwide.

    In France, prices of packaged pasta are likely to rise an average 10% to20% due to increases in durum wheat prices, in August, the syndicate of industrial pasta manufacturers in France and the French committee for industrial semonilina said that climate change is endangering the pasta market," concluded Musarara in a statement.

    Yes, blaming climate change, of course…

    Imported wheat price increase by 16%
    The price of imported wheat into Harare has increased by 16% amidst a decline in world supply of wheat Grain Millers Association (GMAZ) has said.In a statement ...
  • 04 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2059 06:06 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Britain faces a ‘double whammy’ of food-price rises that will squeeze consumers already facing drastic hikes in energy and household bills. David Sables, a food industry veteran who helps suppliers negotiate with big firms, said the first set of price hikes were linked to rising cost of commodities, raw materials and labour in recent months.


    UK faces a 'double whammy' of food-price rises that squeezes consumers
    Britain faces a ‘double whammy’ of food-price rises that will squeeze consumers already facing drastic hikes in energy and household bills.
  • iceagefarmer #2060 07:12 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    And we thought wind turbines were a crock — these guys want to spend $2 billion to pump CO2 thousands of feet underground to be “buried forever.” Imagine how many trees you could plant with that (do a better job and grow food).

    A Midwest pipeline promises to return carbon dioxide to the ground
    How conditions became ripe for carbon capture and storage in the ethanol industry.
  • iceagefarmer #2061 07:38 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Youtube’s announcement that they are now removing all antivax content seems to be more of an overall broadening of the censorship net.

    For example, several of my videos were taken off Youtube last week (one removed without a strike, 2 “channel strikes”, appealing both) — none had anything to do with experimental injections. Strictly the globocorporate takeover of food!


    YouTube blocks all anti-vaccine content
    YouTube will block all anti-vaccine content, moving beyond its ban on false information about the COVID vaccines to include content that contains misinformation about other approved vaccines, it said in a blog post on Wednesday.
  • iceagefarmer #2062 07:39 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    The UK government is to relax the regulation of gene-edited crops under plans to try and boost productivity and reduce a reliance on pesticides. [IAF: and of course, it has to be done because “global warming.”]

    The first change later this year will remove the existing costs and red
    tape for field trials of gene-edited crops, meaning scientists must just
    notify Defra of each field trial. The current approvals process can take
    up to two months and cost up to £10,000.

    The more significant change will take place next year when the
    government will introduce new legislation to regulate gene-edited crops
    in the same way as any other new variety created through selective

    This could open to the door to the sale of gene-edited crops in the UK,
    and to gene editing being allowed in animals. Ministers will review
    England’s broad approach to genetically modified organisms.

    The use of gene-editing was restricted while the UK was in the EU after
    a 2018 ruling that the technology must be regulated in the same way as
    GM. While GM introduces DNA from different species, gene editing
    involves using and modifying genes already found in an organism.

    George Eustice, Defra Secretary, said: “Gene editing has the ability to
    harness the genetic resources that nature has provided. It is a tool
    that could help us in order to tackle some of the biggest challenges
    that we face – around food security, climate change and biodiversity
    loss.” [IAF: each is a UN SDG. not a coincidence.]

    The government’s decision comes despite 87% of people and 64% of
    businesses responding to the government’s consultation that gene editing
    poses a greater risk than naturally bred counterparts.

    Campaigners have argued the exisiting restrictions must remain as the
    technology carries unknown risks.

    Farmers welcomed the announcement having pushed for gene-editing
    technology for years. “The world’s climate emergency points to the
    urgency of applying this technology to farming and this announcement is
    an important first step towards a properly functioning legislative
    system,” said NFU Vice President Tom Bradshaw.


    UK to relax rules on gene-edited crops
    Cutting costs and red tape will enable more trials of gene-edited crops
  • iceagefarmer #2063 08:24 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Important part of the picture for seeing the connections in the worldwide agenda:

    India’s prominent public health personalities, who regularly appear in the media and TV, like Srinath Reddy, NK Arora, VK Paul, Gagandeep Kang, Vijayraghavan, Balram Bhargava, Randeep Guleria, are connected to the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, USAID, the World Bank, and other aspects of the global deep state.

    Other topics covered in this piece :
    – How task force members get the science on Covid-19 totally wrong, which proves that their conflicts influence their recommendations
    – India’s illegal HPV vaccine trials, ICMRs role in it, and how a similar incident repeated with the Covaxin Phase 3 trials
    – How Gates foundations baby PHFI gets funding from the vaccine mafia, and holds deep influence in controlling India’s health policies
    – How this research is the basis on which a legal notice has been sent to the Health Minister, calling for prosecution and removal of all the people who are exposed to have conflicts of interest
    – How the Gates Foundation was never really kicked out of India, which is false believed by many people.
    – When the accused have been confronted about conflicts of interest in the past, how have they responded?
    – How the accused have lied on record about not having conflicts of interest


    India’s Covid-19 Task Force & “Experts” Exposed : Conflicts of Interest in Our Public Health System
    Who is the Anthony Fauci of India? The mainstream media does not even know the names of the members who sit in India's National task force, but in this article I've exposed not just the names of those who are sitting in this task force, but also how they are financially connected to the vaccine mafia and global deep state!
  • iceagefarmer #2064 09:11 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    I want everyone to notice how the media language is changing, because this presages a change in the way the system treats people. It is fully weaponizing against us all:

    This week the US National Association of Schoolboards asked the FBI to step in and support them to be safe from these increasingly crazy, hostile, violent, extremist parents who don’t want their children to be abused and shot up with experimental injections. There were media reports, alternating very deliberately between “extremist” and “terrorist” when speaking about CARING PARENTS. This sets the tone.

    Now we are seeing reports like this one, a Muslim doctor who says “antivaxxers come in and hate me because I have brown skin” — again reinforcing this idea that anyone who questions the PharmaFascism narrative is a hate-fueled, extremist.

    Don’t let this silence you, or they win the association game. Be yourself. Be loving. But be loud. And REJECT THE TYRANNY.

    'It's really scary:' Alberta physicians face more aggressive, misinformed patients
    'They mostly comment on my brown skin and hijab. I'm also Muslim ... so they come to religion and they get personal with that'
  • iceagefarmer #2065 09:20 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Good news on a Monday morning: the word is out about a worldwide corporate takeover of the food supply — and people reject it:

    Street and online people’s protests against the “global corporate food empire” greeted the opening of the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS), as the Global People’s Summit (GPS) on Food Systems launched a Global Day of Action on the third and final day of its counter-summit to the UN FSS happening virtually and in New York.

    The International League of People’s Struggles (ILPS), International Women’s Alliance and International Migrants Alliance protested in front of the UN headquarters in New York to denounce the corporate capture of the UN and the “global corporate food empire” led by agrochemical, food and agribusiness transnational corporations and multi-billionaire Bill Gates.

    The UN FSS is being criticized by people’s movements and civil society as a platform for consolidating corporate control over food and agriculture and perpetuating neoliberal food systems that have wreaked havoc on the lives of small food producers, especially from the Global South, who supply 80% of the world’s food.

    “We are here to bring the demands of peoples from the Global South for just, equitable, healthy and sustainable food systems to the doorstep of the world’s policymakers. For over a year, the UN has ignored the people’s calls to sever its ties with the World Economic Forum.

    “Instead, it has worked ever closer with the global elite and has co-opted policy frameworks to serve corporate interests. We are here to say, enough! The people will resist this path to greater destruction of our livelihoods, health, cultures and the planet,” said Nina Macapinlac, ILPS North America coordinator.

    Protesters Around the World Target Global Corporate Food Empire, Demand UN Cut Ties With World Economic Forum
    People’s movements and civil society groups say the United Nations Food Systems Summit is a platform for consolidating corporate control over food and agriculture, and perpetuating neoliberal food systems that wreak havoc on the lives of small food producers, who supply 80% of the world’s food.
  • iceagefarmer #2066 09:24 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Even those running the UN Food Systems Summit have become critical of the fact that it is merely a disguise for a corporate takeover. We must be encouraged that they have, if you will pardon the expression, bit off more than they can chew here:
    Michael Fakhri, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, who acted as an independent official advisor to the summit’s process, also came away critical of the multi-stakeholder structure of the summit.

    “No one has talked about why we’re in the mess we’re in today, and no one talked about who should be held accountable for the mess,” Fakhri told Civil Eats, after observing the day’s speeches. “All they [said] was, ‘everyone needs to be part of the solution.’” Yet casting such a wide, undiscerning net, Fakhri says, results in the “same people that cause the problem being invited to be part of the solution.”

    On multiple occasions, Fakhri says that he pressed members of the summit’s leadership to consider the role of major corporations in shaping food systems, but was often met with pushback.

  • iceagefarmer #2067 09:28 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Pepsi CEO proclaims that net zero (#AbsoluteZero) means we must change the way we do agriculture.

    The same, tired argument “Stop farming and ranching because global warming.”

    It’s not going to work. People are already fed up.

    World Economic Forum
    “If we want to be a sustainable company contributing to net-zero, we have to change the way we do agriculture,” says @ramonlaguarta of @PepsiCo. #SDIS21
  • iceagefarmer #2068 09:37 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    Big meat companies pushing smaller processors off the shelves -- even as the government gives lip service to diversifying our food systems.

    It's a worldwide corporate takeover of the food supply, via engineered food shortages. When you understand this, much of the noise around supply chains and labor/trucking shortages come into focus.


    Why was a local Cattleman's beef removed from grocery stores?
    The Hertzog family has been in the cattle business for decades in the Kansas City Missouri area. They have recently built their own small beef packing facility to sell beef locally. This past week their beef was removed from local grocery stores with no explanation given. Here are the links: https://www.facebook.com/hertzogmeatco/ https://twitter.com/HertzogMeatCo https://www.instagram.com/hertzogmeatco/
  • iceagefarmer #2069 10:26 AM, 04 Oct 2021
    CDC has joined the USDA in promoting the idea that “backyard poultry” are dirty and dangerous:

    "Don’t let young children touch chicks, ducklings, or other backyard poultry.”

    ‘Experts’ wonder how humanity ever lived naturally in harmony with such filthy, disease-ridden beasts !


    CDC: Salmonella Outbreaks Linked to Backyard Poultry
    See tips on how to stay healthy around chickens, ducks, and turkeys.
  • iceagefarmer #2070 01:54 PM, 04 Oct 2021
    We are reaching worldwide food crisis.

    “Limited alternatives” being the key phrase here: Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, supplies each at low levels.
  • iceagefarmer #2071 02:08 PM, 04 Oct 2021
    80% of UK food banks expect to run out of food in the near future. Let that sink in. We are a hair's breadth away from lots of hungry people -- not just rising food prices.

    (Remember last year, US food banks stocking up “pandemic pallets” ? Now we see why.)

    For years I have warned this was in their plan, and encouraged growing gardens and raising animals. It is still the time to share those seeds with neighbors. And be ready to defend what you have cultivated.

    UK: Food banks warn of smaller parcels due to supply shortages
    Declining stocks and expected higher demand for charity could see struggling families given less in their food parcels

    Food banks have said they will have to shrink the size of the parcels they give to struggling families owing to declining stock levels caused by the HGV crisis, supply shortages and a collapse in public donations.

    A combination of declining food bank stocks and an expected explosion in demand for charity support after universal credit is cut this week has led some to prepare emergency measures to eke out food supplies further, including making parcels smaller and offering less variety.

    Several reported they were already spending hundreds of pounds a month to replenish storerooms depleted by a fall-off in deliveries of surplus food from supermarkets and a big decrease in food donations from the public.

    A survey of 68 UK food banks carried out by the Independent Food Aid Network (Ifan) in mid-September and seen by the Guardian found two-thirds reporting food shortages and more than 80% anticipating running low on food stocks in the near future.

    #uk #FoodPrices #SupplyChain

    Food banks warn of smaller parcels due to HGV supply shortages
    Exclusive: declining stocks and expected higher demand for charity could see struggling families given less in their food parcels
  • iceagefarmer #2072 04:35 PM, 04 Oct 2021
    Strip the licenses of unvaxxed doctors!

    Fire the unvaxxed nurses!


    full thread: https://twitter.com/DrP_MD/status/1444998576699060230
  • iceagefarmer #2073 09:13 PM, 04 Oct 2021
    “The Prospect of Domestic Bioterrorism“

    In 1999, a CFR-affiliated author, Jessica Stern, published a piece linking domestic terrorists to biological attacks.

    At the time, the piece went largely unnoticed by the public, as the “domestic terrorism” trope had scarcely even been introduced into mainstream consciousness in those pre-9/11 days. Yet now, after COVID-19 and the Jan 6 “insurrection,” the article reads quite differently, and I think we should take a look at it and ask some questions (particularly given its genesis in CFR).

    The document concludes the risk of such attacks “is growing, especially for low-technology attacks such as contaminating food or disseminating biological agents in an enclosed space. Major attacks are also becoming more likely.”

    It further specifies that right-wing Christians (and vets!) are the likely culprit: “A small but growing number of domestic terrorists could attempt to use biological weapons in the belief that doing so would advance their goals. The most likely are religious and extreme right-wing groups and groups seeking revenge who view secular rulers and the law they uphold as illegitimate. They are unconstrained by fear of government or public backlash, since their actions are carried out to please God and themselves, not to impress a secular constituency.”

    "Asked who he thought the most likely domestic perpetrators of biological terrorism were, John Trochman, a leader of the Montana Militia, said that extremist offshoots of Identity Christian groups are possible candidates, as are disaffected military officers.”


    - Where does Gates' “Pandemic 2" come from? The one he claimed that "will get their attention”

    - Why is UK renaming HHS to UK Health Security Agency ?

    - Why such a huge deal about Jan 6? / Further: Why are all these telegram spammers talking about Trump, and down with Biden? Why maintain this façade of MAGA insurrectionists with bots?

    - Are these narratives on a collision course, set to hybridize into a very weird -- and deadly -- future? One that would justify violently rounding up any critical thinkers or resistance to their narrative?

    Some people had speculated that a 'antivaxxer false flag' would see gun violence employed against door-to-door vaccination squads, to further demonize 'antivaxxers' AND kick off a gun grab. But is something else much bigger brewing?


    Full article is available on the CDC website: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/5/4/99-0410_article
  • iceagefarmer #2074 09:19 PM, 04 Oct 2021

    Yes, Facebook is down. No, I do not think this is the cyberpandemic beginning TEOTWAWKI. (“The End Of The World As We Know It” — sorry I thought everyone knew that acronym!)

    “Next Crisis Bigger than COVID” – Power Grid/Finance Down – WEF’s Cyber Polygon
    The World Economic Forum warns of a new crisis of “even more significant economic and social implications than COVID19.” What threat could possibly be more impactful? Christian breaks d…
  • iceagefarmer #2075 09:30 PM, 04 Oct 2021
    Facebook has a market cap larger than most nations’ GDPs, and can’t keep their site up.

    But you should TOTALLY trust tech companies with a vaccine passport that will dictate your rights for the rest of your life and your childrens’ lives.
  • 05 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2076 12:38 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    Good morning all!

    Lots of folks are busy canning and putting away their harvests...

    How are you moving closer to abundance today?
  • iceagefarmer #2077 12:47 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    “When even the people who are RUNNING the World Food Systems Summit at the UN are saying, ‘Whoa, this is too much — this was supposed to be how we FIXED the food systems, not how we take even more control into corporations,’ then you KNOW:

    - the tide is turning.
    - the dam is breaking on the sentiment.
    - the awareness is rising.

    Now, more than ever, is the time to practice & preach these ideas of self-sufficiency and building abundance in communities.

    Join me in doing that. It’s the time now to take this back over.

  • iceagefarmer #2078 01:00 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    Good soil is everything. Nurture the microbiome there, and it will flow into your own health. OM — organic matter — is a key:

    - Too much flooding? - The more OM, the better soil will infiltrate precipitation.
    - Not enough rain? - The more OM, the better soil will hold onto water for your plants
    - Growing season variability / early frost / cold temperatures? - Soil’s ability to hold heat improves with its OM and water content!

    Take care of the soil (OM). Mix in some EM. Plop a few heirloom seeds in. You’ll be amazed at the yields.

    What other tips do you have for folks who are new to raising animals, growing food?
  • iceagefarmer #2079 01:00 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    and don’t forget to check out:
    - IAF Garden group
    - IAF Birds group (chickens, quail, ducks, …)
    - IAF Guilded group — all this and MUCH MORE! JOIN US!
    IAF - Birds 🐓
    Ice Age Farmer - @IceAgeFarmer Non-news discussion of your Birds: Chickens, Ducks, Quail etc for the production of meat/eggs/compost & reduction of pests.
  • iceagefarmer #2080 01:10 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    Some commenters asking “what is EM” — great question!

    EM: Effective Microorganisms.

    The most common form, EM1, is a lactobacillus culture (LAB). Here is Chris Trump (who has many great videos about KNF - Korean Natural Farming)’s video on how to create it. It’s super easy and one of the single most impactful ways to improve soil health and plant health from germination through pre-harvest. And totally easy!

    LAB can also be used as a pro-biotic supplement, to naturally clear drain pipes, and about 8 gazillion other uses. It’s an army of friendlies waiting for you to use them. Check it out:

    Korean Natural Farming How to : LAB
    HOW TO CREATE LAB (LACTIC ACID BACTERIA)// LAB IS A SOIL CONDITIONER, SMELL REMEDIATOR, & BOOST OVERALL PLANT, ANIMAL, AND YOUR OWN HEALTH/ Are you ready to increase your plant, animal, and your own ability to absorb nutrients while increasing disease resistance? Lactic Acid Bacteria is a simple method that yields big results. Download my FREE LAB Supply & Resource guide with all the ingredients, ratios, and the exact tools I use here: https://naturalfarming.co/lab/ Don't waste the curds through the LAB process. I'll walk you through how to make your own cheese from the byproduct of LAB. Check out my video on "How To: Cheese from L.A.B. Curds" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNwrx36rWkU To learn more about Natural Farming: https://naturalfarming.co/ Subscribe to Chris Trump for more Natural Farming tips and tricks here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCus0ZO165qzh6KPlULSzs4w Say hi on Social Media: Instagram: http://instagram.com/soilsteward Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturalfarmingco If you like what I am doing and want to help me make more videos please consider supporting me on Patreon @ ** patreon.com/christrump ** About This Video: In this video, Chris Trump from NaturalFarming.co shares how to create Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) with simple ingredients you probably have at home. Chris Trump is an expert in Natural Farming. Chris teaches Natural Farming worldwide and creates resources to equip farmers and gardeners on how to increase crop and livestock performance through sustainability, all while decreasing costs. Be part of the Natural Farming movement to increase awareness of the global food crisis and how to combat it. https://naturalfarming.co/mission/ #Christrump #soilsmith #naturalfarming #LAB Music used by permission: "Counting Song" by, Denae Templeton Songs - EP https://itun.es/us/flbvB?i=458494671
  • iceagefarmer #2081 02:56 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    Energy Crisis becomes a Food Crisis - Grow Food and Build Local Food Systems Now!

    The energy crisis is quickly becoming a food crisis: China's harvest is faltering without electricity. Dutch are unable to heat their greenhouses, which are empty and cold. The UK's meat production is curtailed by a lack of CO2. The world's food supply chains are deteriorating rapidly -- but the tide is turning! People are more receptive to creative ideas than ever -- build and invest in YOUR food production and local food systems NOW!


    Energy Crisis becomes a Food Crisis - Grow Food and Build Local Food Systems Now!
    The energy crisis is quickly becoming a food crisis: China's harvest is faltering without electricity. Dutch are unable to heat their greenhouses, which are...
  • iceagefarmer #2082 09:18 PM, 05 Oct 2021
    Grown men in tears': Hundreds of pigs culled with farms overcrowded amid butcher shortage

    "These are animals that they have reared, fed, looked after, cared for. To actually then kill something that's perfectly healthy to then go in the bin - it's just criminal," the head of the National Pig Association told Sky News.

    Hundreds of healthy pigs have been culled after a nationwide shortage of abattoir workers left farms overcrowded with animals that could not be sent for slaughter.

    The National Pig Association (NPA) said at least 600 swine had been killed - and fears that the bottleneck in the meat processing industry could see as many as 150,000 affected.

    NPA chief executive Zoe Davies told Sky News she had spoken to "grown men in tears" at the thought of having to carry out the cull - which she has been warning about for weeks.

    The crisis has been blamed on an exodus of eastern European workers, many of whom went back to their home countries after COVID-19 travel restrictions were eased but have not returned.

    That has meant the abattoirs where they worked are operating at as much as 20% below capacity - unable to take as many pigs as normal - leaving farms overcrowded.

    #UK #WarOnMeat

    'Grown men in tears': Hundreds of pigs culled with farms overcrowded amid butcher shortage
    "These are animals that they have reared, fed, looked after, cared for. To actually then kill something that's perfectly healthy to then go in the bin - it's just criminal," the head of the National Pig Association told Sky News.
  • 06 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2084 01:24 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    In Australia they are saying that opening a bag of potting mix can cause death. Gardening is very dangerous!!
    ‘This is preventable’: Melbourne man’s warning after potting mix mistake leads to dad’s death
    The 79-year-old lollipop man’s devastated family now hopes they can save others from making the same tragic error.
  • iceagefarmer #2085 04:43 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    [Cereal shortages?]

    Kellogg’s Shares Slip as Cereal-Plant Workers Go on Strike

    Kellogg Co.’s shares slipped as workers at its U.S. cereal plants went on strike, the latest move by unions to seize upon a nationwide labor shortage to press their case for higher pay and improved benefits.

    The strike was called by about 1,400 workers at plants in Omaha, Nebraska; Battle Creek, Michigan; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Memphis, Tennessee. Those locations produce cereals including Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, Froot Loops, Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes.

    Kellogg is threatening “to send additional jobs to Mexico if workers do not accept outrageous proposals that take away protections that workers have had for decades,” the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union said in a statement Tuesday. It said the workers “have been working long, hard hours, day in and day out, to produce Kellogg ready-to-eat cereals for American families“ during the Covid pandemic.

    Kellogg said it is “disappointed by the union’s decision to strike.” The maker of Frosted Flakes said its pay and benefits are “among the industry’s best” and that it has offered the union increases to both. The average 2020 earnings of union workers was $120,000, the company said in an emailed statement.

    [IAF: This figure is skewed somewhat by the CEO’s salary of $12m/year, and 4 other senior execs making another $8m]

  • iceagefarmer #2086 05:16 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    At these energy prices, nothing is economically viable. Everything goes bankrupt. The food rots in the fields, as it is now in China. The factories shut down, as they are in Europe.

    Dominos Fall As Germany’s Largest Ammonia Producer Slashes Output Amid Energy Crisis

    A natural gas shortage across Europe has created supply-chain shocks, as seen in the food industry, where problems continue to worsen. European natgas prices are at insane levels, triggering a domino effect of output reduction or closures of fertilizer plants on the continent.

    Last month, two of the U.K.'s largest fertilizer factories producing 45% of domestic demand closed, and one shortly reopened with government aid. By late month, Austrian fertilizer producer Borealis AG slashed ammonia output after the cost natgas compressed margins in an industry facing tight supplies.

    As the dominos fall, SKW Piesteritz, Germany's largest ammonia producer, announced a 20% reduction in ammonia production due to the record-high natgas prices on Tuesday.

    "The level that has now been reached no longer enables economically sensible production, so that we are forced to take this step," the company told Bloomberg in an emailed statement.

    #EnergyCrisis #SupplyChain

    Dominos Fall As Germany’s Largest Ammonia Producer Slashes Output Amid Energy Crisis 
    "The level that has now been reached no longer enables economically sensible production..."
  • iceagefarmer #2087 05:28 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    So the US Government has now publically used Google’s search as a massive spy apparatus, with a list of keywords that require Google to turn over identities of anyone who looks for them. This is really staggering for many reasons. Yes, we've always known that's what DARPA had envisioned from the get go, but this is a public rollout -- revelation of the method -- of the state watching search queries (which many studies have shown tightly correlated to thoughts.) This is the state surveilling thoughts and turning over WrongThink offenders !

    - Do Not Use Google. If you want Google’s search results, use StartPage.com, which hits it underneath. (Google is censored anyway, so this is mostly useful to see what has been removed from the google index)

    - Do Use Tor ( https://www.torproject.org/ ), which is a special Firefox that feels slow because it is routing all your traffic through multiple encrypted tunnels before hitting the destination site, providing a measure of anonymity. This is still imperfect — actors with state-level resources actors can work to monitor even this.

    - They Own the Digital Space. There is no true privacy here. Take it offline.

    Many of you are smart about this — what other privacy suggestions do you have?

    Accidental leak reveals US government has secretly hit Google with 'keyword warrants' to identify ANYONE searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers
    Cybersecurity experts fear that keyword warrants set a precedent for breaching the protection against unreasonable searches. Google, however, has defended their decision to respond to these warrants.
  • iceagefarmer #2088 07:26 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    Water Wars: BC, Canada set to declare 15,000 wells illegal in 2022

    Starting March 1, 2022, about 15,000 well owners discover their wells are now illegal and could be subject to shut down.

    Users of historical wells going back decades prior to 2016 were given a 2019 deadline to apply, which was later extended to 2022.

    But five months away from it, less than a quarter of the 20,000 users have applied. And many of those who did are waiting years to have applications processed.

    He said there are no indications that the deadline will be extended again, so all users who haven’t applied for licences could see their wells become illegal.

    “The social, economic and political costs of being forced to shut down businesses of 15,000 current groundwater users … are too severe to contemplate,” he told MLAs.


    Les Leyne: 15,000 water wells could be declared illegal in 2022, causing economic chaos
    There was a pivotal moment in B.C.’s resource management history about five years ago when the Water Sustainability Act was passed. It brought the management of groundwater into the modern era, . . .
  • iceagefarmer #2089 07:38 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    “2021 is a cursed year for Swiss farmers -- Bad harvests tear holes in the farmers' coffers”

    The farming year began with a cold spring, then there were frost nights and hailstorms after the start of vegetation. It was followed by a rainy summer with soaked floors. 2021 is a cursed year for Swiss farmers, as Martin Rufer, director of the farmers' association, says.

    “The heavy rain has meant that the harvest is partly rotten, that partly it could not be harvested in time, for example the grain”, he describes the situation. “And the wet weather also meant that the disease pressure was much higher than in previous years. That was the case with potatoes and vines, for example.


    Einkommen in Landwirtschaft - Schlechte Ernten reissen Loch in die Kassen der Bauern
    Dieses Jahr haben viele Bauernbetriebe unter dem schlechten Wetter gelitten. Dabei wäre die Nachfrage hoch gewesen.
  • iceagefarmer #2090 07:40 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    India: “ambitious” ethanol plan sparks food security fears

    India’s ambitious plan to cut the use of fossil fuels by promoting ethanol derived from rice, corn and sugar is drawing criticism from some experts who warn the move could undermine food security in the world’s second-most populous country.

    In June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration accelerated the nation’s ethanol goal by five years, seeking to double production and to have gasoline 20% blended with the spirit by 2025. To help meet the target, the government is offering financial assistance to biofuel producers and faster environmental clearances. The plan is also resulting in the diversion of food grains meant for the poor to companies at subsidized rates.

    Even as many developed countries debate limiting policy support for grain-based biofuels amid reports of food-price increases and greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, India is seeing multifold benefits. The government argues that the new target will help the world’s third-largest oil consumer save 300 billion rupees ($4 billion) annually by cutting crude imports, reduce carbon emissions and boost farmers’ incomes.

    But critics say it’s a self-goal for a country that’s struggled for years to feed its poor. Though the Green Revolution helped boost farm yields and turn India into a net exporter of wheat and rice, it still ranks 94th on the Global Hunger Index 2020 comprising 107 nations. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 209 million Indians, or about 15% of its population, were undernourished between 2018 and 2020. The coronavirus pandemic is also pushing more people into poverty, dealing a blow to decades of progress.

    “It will always be the poor who will be affected worse as a result of diverting precious food grains to alternative energy conversion," said Shanthu Shantharam, who helped formulate the country’s biotechnology regulations in the 1990s and now teaches agricultural biotech at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. “As it is, the food security situation in the country is precarious."

    Why India's ambitious ethanol plan may spark food security fears
    In June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration accelerated the nation’s ethanol goal by five years
  • iceagefarmer #2091 07:44 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    Worldwide wheat situation continues to deteriorate -- Watch Wheat

    Dry year leaves Syria wheat farmers facing crop failure - up to 95%!!
    "This year there wasn't enough rain, and we didn't harvest any wheat."

    As man-made climate change [IAF: No, #GrandSolarMinimum, just like happened in the Dalton and Maunder before us, exacerbated by weather warfare] increases the likelihood of drought and wildfires worldwide, Syria has also been hit hard by low rainfall this year, especially in its breadbasket Hasakeh province.

    In the Kurdish-run northeastern region, dismal wheat harvests have raised alarm about food security in a war-torn country where 60 percent of people already struggle to buy food.

    In Hasakeh, humanitarian agencies estimate crop production to have dropped by more than 95 percent compared to last year in large parts of the province.

    Souleiman said the lack of downpour, coupled with the high price of fuel for irrigation, seeds and fertiliser, had made growing the rain-fed cereal a near mission impossible.

    "At this rate, we'll have to stop growing wheat," he said in the village of Tal Shaeer.

    "Farmers are going to have to start planting herbs like coriander and cumin because it's cheaper and they sell for more."

    "Farming has become a loss-making business," said the agricultural worker of 45 years in the village of Kardeem Haleema.

    "If there's no rain this year, most people will move away."

    Before the war erupted in 2011, Syria produced up to 4 million tonnes of wheat a year -- enough to feed its entire population, but harvests have since plunged to record lows, increasing dependence on imports.

    #wheat #syria

  • iceagefarmer #2092 08:33 PM, 06 Oct 2021
    Woman in Renal Failure Denied Life-Saving Procedure Because She’s Unvaccinated

    Rarely have doctors ever refused to provide life-saving procedures based on a patient’s personal choices, until now.

    A woman with stage 5 renal failure is being denied life-saving care, not by a single doctor, but by an entire industry in Colorado because she hasn’t taken the COVID-19 vaccine. Leilani Lutali needs a new kidney — and she has a donor — yet UCHealth and others are refusing to perform the transplant because Lutali is religiously opposed to taking the vaccine.

  • iceagefarmer #2093 08:50 PM, 06 Oct 2021

    Just like the “poisonous courgettes” and “Chinese mystery seeds” stories — now we are seeing a huge media blitz around how dangerous POTTING SOIL can be! Potentially fatal!

    JUST BUY FROM MONSANTO — it’s SAFE and wrapped in PLASTIC so you don’t have to WORRY…..

    A Melbourne grandfather has died of ­Legionnaires’ disease days after opening a bag of potting mix for his wife.

    In a statement to 7NEWS.com.au, a Department of Health spokesperson said while potting mix may seem harmless “it can be dangerous unless the correct procedures are followed”.

    Giuseppe ‘Beppi’ Trentin, 79, died in hospital last Wednesday - a month shy of his 80th birthday - after he was exposed to legionella bacteria at the couple’s Preston home.

    His son Renato Trentin told 7NEWS.com.au that his mum had been repotting a tomato plant when she asked her husband to grab the bag of potting mix from the garage and open it for her.

    “Mum did all the potting, dad didn’t touch the soil or anything,” he said.

    A few days later, Beppi woke with a fever and was admitted to hospital a week later when his condition deteriorated rapidly.

    The bacteria can be found in tiny quantities in the general environment and do not pose a health hazard, however, the ingredients and dampness of potting mix make it the ideal breeding ground.

    Gardeners are advised to wear a mask and gloves when handling soil, compost or potting mix and wash their hands to minimise the risk of exposure.

    Most people who breathe in the bacteria do not become ill. The risk of disease is increased with age, smoking, and in people with weakened immune systems,” the spokesperson said

    ‘This is preventable’: Melbourne man’s warning after potting mix mistake leads to dad’s death
    The 79-year-old lollipop man’s devastated family now hopes they can save others from making the same tragic error.
  • 07 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2094 09:08 PM, 07 Oct 2021
    URGENT: Impersonators

    I have had multiple reports over the past weeks of “Ice Age Farmer Impersonators” who are DMing members of the chat group, using my profile picture, and asking questions about preparations. One has a bio saying "living life to the fullest"

    Please watch out and do not interact with these people. Be careful in general.

    I do not reach out randomly to ask anyone on this channel about their location or activities.
  • iceagefarmer #2095 09:24 PM, 07 Oct 2021
    “Watch wheat …”

    Global wheat prices up 41% with consumption hitting ‘all-time high’

    Global wheat prices are up 41% on last year due to “tightening export availabilities amid strong demand”, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN has reported this week.

    World wheat prices are up almost 4% in September compared to August. Rice prices also rose in September, while those of maize increased by a moderate 0.3% – averaging 38% higher year-on-year.

    “Among major cereals, wheat will be the focus in the coming weeks as demand needs to be tested against fast rising prices,” FAO senior economist Abdolreza Abbassian said.

    The FAO Meat Price Index was “virtually unchanged in September from the previous month” and up 26.3% on an annualised basis.

    Palm oil prices reached 10-year highs due to “robust global import demand and concerns over migrant labour shortages impacting production” in Malaysia.

    World rapeseed oil prices also “appreciated markedly”


    Global wheat prices up 41% with consumption hitting 'all-time high'
    Global wheat prices are up 41% on last year due to "tightening export availabilities amid strong demand", the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of
  • 09 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2096 07:42 AM, 09 Oct 2021
    Huge stored food provider, Auguson Farms, ceasing operations for 90 days. The food supply chain is in shambles. This is a major red flag, and is about as clear a warning as you can get.

    Strangely, the company even refers to this as a "RESET” …

    Storable food mega-supplier Augason Farms has ceased operations for 90 days, citing, “global raw-material shortages” and “substantial delays” in procurement and production.

    “Regrettably, we cannot fulfill your orders on time; therefore, this letter communicates our decision to suspend business for the next 90 days, effective immediately,” says an October 7th, 2021 letter issued by Augason's President.

    “During these 90 days, we will secure and stockpile raw materials and take measures to accelerate our round-the-clock production output,” the letter continues. “We are confident that this reset period will help us better serve you with on-time, complete shipments in the future,” the letter adds.

    Are you ready for the food crisis?

  • iceagefarmer #2097 11:14 AM, 09 Oct 2021
    Cyberattack shuts down US grain distributor — (this is the third attack/distributor)

    At least three U.S. grain distributors’ systems have been infected with ransomware in recent weeks, raising concerns that hackers have found an easy target in a vital part of the U.S. food supply chain.

    All three known victims are Midwestern grain cooperatives that buy grain from farmers and then process, store and resell it for uses like livestock feed and fuel. The attacks, in which organized cybercriminals lock up organizations’ computers and demand ransom for a program to unlock them, has slowed the distributors’ operations, hampering their ability to quickly process grain as it comes in.

    The timing is particularly bad, said Charles Hurburgh, the head of Iowa State University’s Grain Quality Laboratory.

    “We’re going into harvest, and right now is when they’re taking in a large amount of grain and putting out a large amount of grain,” Hurburgh said. “It’s a real nasty situation.”

    Like many industries, grain production involves heavily digitized operations that were previously done by hand. Hackers who deploy ransomware, locking up their computers and demanding payment, may not be able to stop the distributors entirely, but they can severely slow them down.

    The largest of the three known victims, New Cooperative in Iowa, is still working to restore automated systems after it was hacked last month, a spokesperson said in a statement. An employee for another, Farmers Cooperative Co., also in Iowa, declined to comment, citing advice from the company’s attorneys. The third, Crystal Valley in Minnesota, didn’t respond to emails and voicemails.

    Private files of all three have been published to ransomware hackers’ websites, which NBC News has viewed, a common tactic for ransomware hackers to deploy against victims who refuse to pay.

    While grain is a key component to the U.S. food supply chain, its market is large enough that the country won’t see a noticeable effect from slowed production by three distributors, Hurburgh said.

    #Cyberpandemic #usa

    Ransomware hackers find vulnerable target in U.S. grain supply
    The attacks have slowed the distributors’ operations by hampering their ability to quickly process grain as it comes in.
  • iceagefarmer #2098 12:55 PM, 09 Oct 2021
    Wondering how many people realize this isn't shortages we are staring down...we are staring down food/water elimination, by design...shortages says temporary, elimination says permanent...we need to prepare for permanent elimination, learn to provide for yourself and those you choose to help. Not trying to sound dramatic but our very existence depends on it...
  • iceagefarmer #2099 01:14 PM, 09 Oct 2021
    Lebanon has been left without electricity due to fuel shortages, plunging the country into darkness amid a severe economic crisis.

    A government official told Reuters news agency the country's two largest power stations, Deir Ammar and Zahrani, had shut down because of a fuel shortage.

    The power grid "completely stopped working at noon today" and was unlikely to restart for several days, he said.

    For the past 18 months Lebanon has endured a severe economic crisis which has got worse amid fuel shortages.

    That crisis has left half its population in poverty, crippled its currency and sparked major demonstrations against politicians.

    A lack of foreign currency meanwhile has made it hard to pay overseas energy suppliers.

    Lebanon left without power as grid shuts down
    The two largest power stations shut down, leaving Lebanon without electricity nationwide.
  • iceagefarmer #2100 02:33 PM, 09 Oct 2021
    1/6 Britons claim they are unable to buy food

    ?! - I’d like to see the data on that….

    THREAD: Folks in the UK: is this just media pushing a crisis to justify fake food, or are your shelves empty?

    Shelves have been left empty across the UK this morning while millions of shoppers claim they have been unable to buy essential foods in the past two weeks, as Britain's supply chain crisis continues.

    Pictures show aisles at some supermarkets already stripped bare of meat, fruit and frozen goods as customers were seen pushing trolleys laden with toilet roll and water bottles ahead of the festive season.

    New figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show around one in six Britons have been unable to buy essential food items in the last fortnight in the latest sign of UK panic-buying.

    Shelves empty across UK as supply chain crisis leaves one in SIX Britons claiming they have been 'unable to buy food' - and a third start Christmas stockpiling - ahead of winter squeeze driven by soaring gas bills and inflation
    Pictures show aisles across the UK already bare of meat, fruit and frozen goods as customers were seen pushing trolleys loaded with toilet roll and water bottles ahead of the festive season.
  • iceagefarmer #2101 02:53 PM, 09 Oct 2021
    I’m a manager in food retail in the UK. My store is well stocked with very few availability issues. Orders are arriving on time with no current restrictions on order volumes
  • iceagefarmer #2104 02:55 PM, 09 Oct 2021
    Most comments indicating this is still mostly media hype.

    Which is not to say that there are not supply chain disruptions!

    I just always ask questions.

    And right now, the UK media is attempting to engineer a run on the food supply to create even more chaos, as they did with the fuel.

    Here is the original thread of responses: https://t.me/iceagefarmer/2100
  • iceagefarmer #2106 04:44 PM, 09 Oct 2021

    Top-end farmland is selling at prices never seen before.

    Iowa State University Extension economist Chad Hart says a 76-acre parcel in east-central Iowa sold earlier this month for $26,000 an acre.

    “I won’t necessarily call it crazy because when you think about what’s been happening over the past 12 months, we’ve seen prices basically double and then pull back a little bit. We’ve seen our input costs rise quite a bit, and we’re seeing that same sort of push when we look at the land market these days.”

    He tells Brownfield there should be plenty of sellers in the months ahead.

    “I think that’s sort of the expectation is that we’ve hit a couple of these really high land values, and when we look at some of these sales, that’s going to encourage a fair amount of land to come in. And that’s going to help mitigate some of this price rise that we’ve seen.”

    Farmland prices hitting unprecedented levels - Brownfield Ag News
    Top-end farmland is selling at prices never seen before. Iowa State University Extension economist Chad Hart says a 76-acre parcel in east-central Iowa sold earlier this month for $26,000 an acre. “I won’t necessarily call it crazy because when you think about what’s been happening over the past 12 months, we’ve seen prices basically double […]
  • 10 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2107 01:01 PM, 10 Oct 2021
    “Panic Buying is back” — (after we ran a headline yesterday saying 1/6 of Britons couldn’t find food!)

    Disproportionate media coverage in UK continues, incites panic

    Panic buying is back! Shoppers queue to fill up trolleys with toilet roll and other essentials after one in six couldn't find what they wanted on the shelves as supermarket bosses are told to co-operate to save Christmas and petrol shortages continue
    Panic-buyers queued outside a Costco store in Manchester to stock up on goods including toilet roll as the ONS said one in six adults have been unable to buy essential food items in the last two weeks.
  • iceagefarmer #2108 01:23 PM, 10 Oct 2021
    The #AbsoluteZero agenda for decarbonization demands that you give up your gas stove — and use one that depends on the power grid instead. NPR is happy to tell you why it’s for your own good:

    We need to talk about your gas stove, your health and climate change

    Americans love their gas stoves. It's a romance fueled by a decades-old "cooking with gas" campaign from utilities that includes vintage advertisements, a cringeworthy 1980s rap video and, more recently, social media personalities. The details have changed over time, but the message is the same: Using a gas stove makes you a better cook.

    But the beloved gas stove has become a focal point in a fight over whether gas should even exist in the 35% of U.S. homes that cook with it.

    Environmental groups are focused on potential health effects. Burning gas emits pollutants that can cause or worsen respiratory illnesses. Residential appliances like gas-powered furnaces and water heaters vent pollution outside, but the stove "is the one gas appliance in your home that is most likely unvented," says Brady Seals with RMI, formerly Rocky Mountain Institute.

    The focus on possible health risks from stoves is part of the broader campaign by environmentalists to kick gas out of buildings to fight climate change. Commercial and residential buildings account for about 13% of heat-trapping emissions, mainly from the use of gas appliances.

    Kephart [one environmental epidemiologist] has two young children, and research, including this 1992 study, shows that kids who live in a home with a gas stove have about a 20% increased risk of developing respiratory illness.

  • iceagefarmer #2109 08:15 PM, 10 Oct 2021

    This is still going on.

    Grow food. Save seeds. Be human. That’s all. We win.

    Do you still think that is about Covid? Agenda 2030 in full bloom. No privacy, no property, no ownership, not even your own tomato, 😳 In Latvia you can no longer buy plant seeds as these are no essential products under their new more restrict lockdown rules.
  • 11 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2110 08:11 AM, 11 Oct 2021
    One of Uruguay’s top agricultural investors is stepping up its exposure to the sector, betting that a multiyear agricultural commodity uptrend will boost farm revenues and property prices. A financial trust sponsored by Agropecuaria del Litoral raised $100 million this week to buy farmland in the South American country, a major producer of beef, milk, rice and soybeans.


    South American Firm Buys Up More Farmland in a Bet on Food Inflation
    (Bloomberg) -- One of Uruguay’s top agricultural investors is stepping up its exposure to the sector, betting that a multiyear agricultural commodity uptrend will boost farm revenues and property prices.Most Read from BloombergNYC's Waldorf Gets Plush Renovation, Becomes Icon of China's OverreachTycoon Behind a Crisis-Era Property Crash Now Sits on a $9 Billion Debt MountainBefore Interstates, America Got Around on InterurbansHow Singapore's $50 Billion Financial District Will Change After Covid
  • iceagefarmer #2111 08:09 PM, 11 Oct 2021
    Consumers will have to get used to increasing food prices, Kraft Heinz CEO Miguel Patricio has warned. Patricio admitted that the world’s fifth-largest food and beverage company has been raising prices of such products as ketchup and baked beans “where necessary around the world.”

    Kraft Heinz has reportedly increased prices for more than half of its products in the US, the company’s home market, and expects to do the same elsewhere.


    High food prices are here to stay – Kraft Heinz
    High food prices are here to stay – Kraft Heinz
  • 12 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2113 05:10 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    Us Harvest foiled by shortage of replacement parts for tractors, combines, components as cascading failures in #SupplyChain accelerate:

    'Desperate for tires.' Components shortage roils U.S. harvest
    Dale Hadden cannot find any spare tires for his combine harvester. So the Illinois farmer told his harvest crew to avoid driving on the sides of roads this autumn to avoid metal scraps that could shred tires.
  • iceagefarmer #2114 06:36 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    CNN busting out the “Food Supply will never be the same.”

    The damage is done; the agenda is clear. You can see the narrative extending clearly from here to lab-grown meat and bug burgers, paved with references to global warming and cow farts.

    “If you hoped grocery stores this fall and winter would look like they did in the Before Times, with limitless options stretching out before you in the snack, drink, candy and frozen foods aisles, get ready for some disappointing news.”
  • iceagefarmer #2115 09:40 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    “It’s a madhouse” - Organic U.S. soy prices hit record, fuel food inflation

    A year ago I went on as many interviews as I could to warn about worldwide soybean shortage, rocketing cost of animal feed, increasing food prices, spilling into all grains. It's happening: food prices at 10-year high, ranchers unable to afford feed for their animals. Particularly note that there is nowhere left from whence to import soybeans.

    CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. prices for organic soybeans used to feed livestock and manufacture soy milk have surged to record highs as imports that make up most of the country’s supply have declined, triggering price increases for food including organically raised chicken.

    The costly soybeans and higher-priced organic products are fueling food inflation at a time consumers are eager to eat better and focus on health during the COVID-19 pandemic. The $56 billion U.S. organic food sector is also grappling with a shortage of shipping containers and a tight labor market as global food prices hit a 10-year high.

    Food companies and chicken producers are experiencing bigger sticker shock from prices for organic soybeans, which are shipped in containers, than for the conventional crops shipped in bulk. Regular soy prices are around a seven-year high, rather than an all-time record.

    Organic chicken producers are cutting corporate expenses to offset high feed costs and scrambling to source crops produced in the United States rather than abroad. The U.S. imports about 70% of its organic soybeans, according to industry estimates, and U.S. organic production has not increased enough to keep pace with growing demand.

    Bell & Evans, a 127-year-old Pennsylvania-based chicken producer, feeds organic U.S. crops to 500,000 to 600,000 chickens each week and must compete for soybeans with other buyers that formerly relied on imports, owner Scott Sechler said. The company raised all chicken prices in July and will likely need to raise organic prices again, he said.

    #soybeans #WarOnMeat #usa

    Analysis-‘It’s a madhouse’: Organic U.S. soy prices hit record, fuel food inflation
    CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. prices for organic soybeans used to feed livestock and manufacture soy milk have surged to record highs as imports that make up most of the country’s supply have declined, triggering price increases for food including organically raised chicken.
  • iceagefarmer #2116 09:55 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    Mainstream media continues preparing the script for #AfricanSwineFever to destroy the US pork industry as it did China’s.

    Please pay special attention to the USDA's script, below far (which they announced in their ASF wargaming exercises last in 2019), about killing pigs and wild hogs.

    And just two weeks ago the USDA announced a vaccine candidate for ASF!

    Yes -- even more significant disruptions to our food supply are in the works! Get ready!



    A DISEASE OUTBREAK blossoms in China. Exactly how it emerges, far from the eyes of any surveilling scientist, no one can quite explain. It spreads with incredible speed, killing in wide swaths, freezing transport and trade, and causing vast economic disruption. Hitchhiking on global travel, it circles the world. There is no cure, and no vaccine. Inevitably, it arrives in the Americas, in July 2021.

    Yup, 2021. The year is not a typo. This outbreak isn’t Covid; it is a parallel, hidden pandemic, a deadly animal disease called African swine fever that was detected in the Dominican Republic in July. African swine fever poses no risk to humans, but it is incredibly destructive to livestock: Those deaths in China were millions of pigs, at least one-quarter—and possibly one-half—of the entire herd of the world’s largest pork producer.

    [IAF: then they make the case for a vaccine]

    As with the Covid pandemic at its start, there is no vaccine—but also as with Covid, there is the glimmer of hope for one, thanks to basic science that has been laying down findings for years without receiving much attention. Two weeks ago, a multinational team led by scientists at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service announced that they had achieved a vaccine candidate, based on a weakened version of the virus with a key gene deleted, and demonstrated its effectiveness in a field trial, in pigs, in Vietnam.

    “The US is the largest pork exporter in the world,” says Andres Perez, a veterinary epidemiologist and director of the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety at the University of Minnesota. “If African swine fever were to enter the US, there would be an extreme impact on the economy of a number of states. That is why it should be a concern for the public.”

    [IAF: here is the USDA's playbook for how to respond to this "inevitable crisis”]

    If the disease were detected in the US, the USDA would oversee comprehensive animal slaughter—delicately called “depopulation”—at the farm where it was found, ones nearby, and also farms that had any contact with the first farm via movement of people, trucks, rented-equipment operators, or field reps. At the same time, the agency would order a “national movement standstill” of all swine in the US (and even swine semen being shipped somewhere) for at least 72 hours.

    Depending on the location, the agency might also send out teams to hunt feral hogs that might be involved.

    Another Global Pandemic Is Spreading—Among Pigs
    African swine fever killed half the pigs in China. There is no vaccine and no treatment. Now it’s in the Caribbean and on the doorstep of the US.
  • iceagefarmer #2117 10:58 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    They are just going to keep doubling down. It is a cult.

    "I am sure my recent stroke was due to worry about government inaction on climate change"

    … “Many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
  • iceagefarmer #2118 11:13 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    Good news from a German court? I’ll take it!

    Outrage over YouTube censor of Corona and government-critical videos made by dozens of leading German actors.

    “YouTube is no Truth Commission”…court rules against social media giant.

  • iceagefarmer #2119 11:13 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    Next Purge For Google, YouTube: Climate Change Denial Content
    It appears that if you are a denier of any sort, you will be purged by the Technocrat machine. The only content left will be that which agrees one-hundred percent with the global narrative of the Great Reset, aka Technocracy. Meanwhile, Google continues to claim that it is not an editorial organization.
  • iceagefarmer #2120 11:26 PM, 12 Oct 2021
    Russia will now create at least 23 new protected conservation areas across the width of the world’s largest country, as part of renewed efforts to protect nature and fight global warming, President Vladimir Putin has announced. https://www.rt.com/russia/537245-conservation-areas-creation-plan/
    World needs to step up on climate change for the good of all mankind, Putin says, announcing plan to protect vast wilds of Russia
    Russia will now create at least 23 new protected conservation areas across the width of the world’s largest country, as part of renewed efforts to protect nature and fight global warming, President Vladimir Putin has announced.
  • 13 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2122 09:46 AM, 13 Oct 2021
    NH Winter looking brutal. Have a backup plan to stay warm.

  • iceagefarmer #2123 02:03 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    Farming and ranching is under attack as control of the food supply is consolidated into a few powerful hands. Glad this is getting some press.

    Rep. Newhouse: Democrats are now targeting farmers while trying to please ‘radicals’ - and it'll cost us all
    GOP Rep. Newhouse delivers Republican Weekly Address, discussed agriculture and how the Death Tax will ruin rural communities, farmers, and ranchers
  • iceagefarmer #2124 04:32 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    Uh oh — if even Pelosi is talking about “taking action to fix the supply chain” — we can expect them to capitalize soon on the crisis they have created.

    Pelosi says supply chain disruptions must be dealt with at home and abroad
    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged Tuesday at her weekly press conference that disruptions in the supply chain must be addressed within the United States as well as around the world.
  • iceagefarmer #2125 04:34 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    Mainstream media: Supply chain is in absolute chaos and government must step in to relieve the crisis!

    Also mainstream media: HEY EVERYONE check out this awesome new fake meat that’s hitting shelves everywhere RIGHT NOW!

    This has always been the plan: destroy traditional food, farming and ranching. Throw out their synthetic lab-grown trash and bug burgers. Criminalize animals in the “post-animal economy” and take total control over food.

    Wave of New Plant-Based Protein Products Hitting Chain Restaurants Around the World
    FN Media Group Presents USA News Group News Commentary
  • iceagefarmer #2126 04:42 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    White House’s response to supply chain collapse: “Step it up, y’all!”

    “The supply chain is essentially in the hands of the private sector, so we need the private sector to step up to help solve these problems. Three of the largest goods carriers in the country, Walmart, FedEx and UPS, will make commitments towards moving to 24/7, working during off peak hours,” a senior administration official said. [even as the USPS slows down post service]

    UPS and FedEx combined shipped 40 percent of American packages by volume in 2020, according to the White House.

    “By taking these steps, they’re saying to the rest of the supply chain, you need to move too, let’s step it up,” the official said, adding that Target, Samsung and Home Depot are also moving in the 24/7 direction.

    Additionally, the Port of Los Angeles will move into 24/7 service. The port of Long Beach has been working 24/7 for the past three weeks, the official said.

    “Those disruptions in the supply chain don’t go away overnight, but opening up night capacity through that entire chain is the fastest way and the most effective long-term way to actually turn it around,” the official said.


    White House: Walmart, FedEx, UPS to go 24/7 to address supply bottlenecks
    Major goods carriers Walmart, FedEx and UPS will move to working 24 hours a day, seven days a week in order to address the global supply chain bottlenecks, the White House announced on Wednesday. 
  • iceagefarmer #2127 09:58 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    Aldi rolling out AI-supported infrastructure for retail stores, requiring shoppers to bring a cell phone and scan QR codes - first test in Utrecht. The app also tracks a history of your purchases.

    Locking down access to the prison planet commissary!

    More major changes coming to #retail …

    Aldi is testing a completely new concept: Smartphones are becoming a must when shopping

    Aldi wants to achieve the optimized processes using artificial intelligence (AI) and smart solutions. The specific plan: Customers should check in and out using the QR code of a corresponding app. When leaving the store, the customer app should also be used to pay completely contactlessly and automatically.

    Customers can also use the app to request refunds, manage their purchase histories or provide feedback. "Digitization must support our core strategy and make purchasing even easier for our customers," explains Kashif Ansari, Chief Strategy Officer at ALDI.

    All other processes in the test branch are carried out using sensors in the shelves and the camera technology used in the store, explains Aldi. The cameras would record the shopping movements in the store and assign them to the right customer. For data protection reasons, facial data would be filtered out directly and not processed [IAF: is this supposed to make me feel better?].

    The test will initially start in the Netherlands - in a branch in Utrecht. To this end, Aldi is working with the technology company Trigo, which is developing AI-supported infrastructure for retail stores.

    Initially, the test should run for twelve months. What is on the test bench is whether the automatic payment process simplifies the processes. Specifically, it is about "future uses of the technology".

    Aldi mit neuem Filialen-Konzept: Smartphone wird beim Einkaufen zur Pflicht
    Kassenlose Discounter: Aldi Nord eröffnet bald ein neues Ladenkonzept, das ganz ohne Kassiererinnen auskommt. Per KI-gestützter Infrastruktur soll der Einkauf unkomplizierter werden.
  • iceagefarmer #2128 10:34 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    I warned for years the situation was about to go crazy with food prices, fake food. Now it is entirely open, and they are even saying “food is too cheap!”
  • iceagefarmer #2130 10:37 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    Ground beef: +10.6%
    Steaks: +22.1%
    Bacon: +19.3%
    Pork roasts, ribs 19.2%
    Chickens: +17.1%
    Fresh fish: +10.7%
    Ham: +7%

    Bidenflation: Prices Soar for Hamburgers, Bacon, Ribs, Chicken, Baby Food, and Peanut Butter
    American families were hit with huge price hikes throughout the grocery store aisles in September, indicating that inflationary pressures are picking up steam. | Economy
  • iceagefarmer #2131 10:38 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    The best time to start growing food was before all this mess started.

  • iceagefarmer #2132 10:46 PM, 13 Oct 2021
    Iran needs to buy a record 8 million tonnes of wheat in the current season, Iranian industry sources said, after its domestic crop was hit by drought, while the jump in imports will coincide with high global grain prices adding to pressures on the country's finances.

    Watch wheat…

    #iran #wheat

    Iran buying record volume of wheat after worst drought in 50 years – sources
    Iran needs to buy a record 8 million tonnes of wheat in the current season, Iranian industry sources said, after its domestic crop was hit by drought, while the jump in imports will coincide with high global grain prices adding to pressures on the country's finances.
  • 14 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2133 06:26 AM, 14 Oct 2021
    10,000 John Deere workers prepare to go on strike.

    MMore than 10,000 Deere & Co. workers are hours away from a strike, a move that would send shock waves through the Quad-Cities economy.

  • iceagefarmer #2134 06:29 AM, 14 Oct 2021
    Record worst oat crop: down 39% YoY

    #GrandSolarMinimum + #WeatherWarfare

    USDA reports record small oat crop - Brownfield Ag News
    The USDA says the 2021 U.S. oat crop was the smallest on record at 39.836 million bushels, 39% less than in 2020. That’s due to decreased planting across the oat growing region, either due to weather or producers switching to more profitable crops. Oat futures prices have moved sharply higher recently, sparked by the smaller […]
  • 15 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2135 07:33 PM, 15 Oct 2021
    [EXPLICIT] Pushing cannibalism on students as a solution for “World Hunger.” This really is some end-stage degeneracy and satanic destruction of natural abundance:

    EATING BABIES? Georgia School Has Teens 'Solve' Hunger With Cannibalism - The New American
    A government school in Georgia has been exposed forcing high-school students to develop a business plan for a company that would tackle world hunger by making babies into food, sparking outrage across the state and beyond. In this interview on Conversations That Matter with Alex Newman, Truth in Education leader Rhonda Thomas breaks down the ...
  • iceagefarmer #2136 07:35 PM, 15 Oct 2021
    OK TAKE A LOOK at this ...

    The food supply (Coles, Woolworths) and the Big 4 Banks here in Australia now want you to pay for everything via a QR code based system ...

    what does this mean ?

    i'll tell you what it means ... THIS is how they are going to stitch your cash supply to your covid vaccine passport status,
    if you are not vaccinated, you will have no access to your cash or food ...

    soon, everyone will be cashless, and have a social score ...

    i KNOW FOR A FACT that these systems are in development ...
    i work within the industry that creates and enables these fucking lunatics ...

    if you think im joking take a read of this ...

    Big change coming to Aussie supermarkets

    Aussies will be able to pay for their groceries at Woolworths and Coles by scanning a QR code, with the new option rolling out into stores before Christmas.

  • iceagefarmer #2137 07:52 PM, 15 Oct 2021
    Watch #wheat…

    China takes steps to incentivize wheat production in coming season:

    China has raised the mininmum purchasing price for wheat in 2022, as part of an effort to enhance grain security in the country. The National Development and Reform Commission has set the 2022 minimum purchase price for wheat at 2,300 yuan ($357) per tonne, up from 2,260 yuan per tonne in 2021. China buys wheat from farmers at the minimum price when the market price drops below that level in order to support food production. The move came amid a renewed policy focus on food security from the government, and also comes after China raised the 2021 minimum purchasing price for wheat, the first it had increased this price since 2014.

    China raises 2022 minimum purchase price for wheat to 2,300 yuan/T
    China has raised the mininum purchasing price for wheat in 2022, the state planner said on Thursday, part of an effort to enhance grain security in the country.
  • iceagefarmer #2138 07:59 PM, 15 Oct 2021
    No Vax, No Food arrives first in state of Hessen, Germany (largest city Frankfurt), where grocery stores can now lock out the unvaccinated by enforcing the 3G rule.

    Now it is in full view for all to see: it is FOOD that is the ULTIMATE LEVERAGE POINT of the system to enslave humanity.

    We’ve expected this, and it was alluded to in February (as I covered here) by Dominic Raab in the UK — but it is still stunning to see it roll out! #Deutschland! #Germany

    via the Bild:
    The pressure on the unvaccinated grows and grows!

    In Hesse, all retailers, including the supermarket, can now decide for themselves whether they want to implement the 3G rule (vaccinated, tested, recovered) or the 2G rule – so far there have been no access restrictions in supermarkets to give everyone the option of basic services grant.

    The Hessian State Chancellery confirms to BILD that the “2G option model” also applies to the food retail sector.

    Supermärkte dürfen Ungeimpfte aussperren
    In Hessen dürfen Supermärkte nun die 2G-Regel anwenden und Ungeimpfte aussperren.
  • 16 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2139 03:45 AM, 16 Oct 2021
    Flooding in West China Destroys Agricultural Production

    Continuous rainfall for more than ten days has caused the lower reaches of the Luo River in China’s west to spill their banks. Large volumes of floodwater released from upstream have destroyed two dams in one county, and villages are flooded. Local jujube growers and those in animal husbandry have suffered serious losses.

    The autumn harvest is at a severe loss in Dali County of Weinan city, Shaanxi Province, where 108 villages have been affected by floods.

    According to local media reports, Dali County has experienced heavy rains this fall. Water levels in the Wei River and Luo River running across the province have exceeded their warning levels, with some areas experiencing serious floods.

    In Dali’s Zhaodu town, about 29,000 acres of farmland were flooded, and 25,126 people had to be urgently evacuated.

    As to the reason for the flooding, some locals have voiced suspicion that it’s caused by the local authorities intentional release of floodwaters to protect other areas.

    “The village was completely submerged, about two meters (6.6 feet) deep, and the houses and furniture were all immersed in the water,” he said.

    Xue Fei (alias), an animal husbandry farmer in Zhaodu, told The Epoch Times, “The water is rising rapidly, and the time for people to evacuate was very short, in a rush. Cows and pigs were killed by the flood, and the farmers have suffered particularly great losses.”

    Dali County is known for its jujube plantations. Most local villagers grow jujube to support their livelihoods. It’s harvest season now, but the floods have ruined this year’s crop. “The winter jujube in the field is almost completely submerged, and the greenhouses are also completely submerged,” Xin said.

    Xin’s 5-acre plantation of jujube trees was all destroyed after being soaked in floodwater.

    Flooding in West China Destroys Agricultural Production
    Continuous rainfall for more than ten days has caused the lower reaches of the Luo River in China's ...
  • iceagefarmer #2140 06:00 AM, 16 Oct 2021
    Vaccinate them at night!

    Philippines’ President Duterte — one of the less nuanced Satanic heads of state — proclaims “If they don’t want to, let’s go to their house. Let’s vaccinate them at night.”

    “I know many people are still hesitant. That’s the problem, those people who do not want to get vaccinated. That’s why find them in your barangays. Let’s enter their houses and vaccinate them while asleep so the story’s complete.”

    Duterte on people hesitant to get COVID-19 shots: Vaccinate them while asleep
    MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte said that individuals hesitant to receive a COVID-19 vaccine should be inoculated while asleep.
  • iceagefarmer #2141 06:07 AM, 16 Oct 2021
    Recall this was also part of the #AbsoluteZero ‘decarbonization’ agenda — just stop manufacturing things, and all those dangerous carbon emissions go away!

    Expect canned goods to run short (this has already been happening with tin/steel/aluminum supply chain issues).

    Aluminum Shortages Next As "Magnesium Supply Dries Up"

    This week, the largest US producer of aluminum billet used to make automobiles and building supplies told customers and business associates that output capacity might be curtailed in 2022 due to a lack of magnesium supply.

    "In the last several weeks, magnesium availability has dried up, and we have not been able to purchase our required magnesium units for all of 2022," Matalco Inc. President Tom Horter said.

    Difficult-to-source supplies of raw materials and soaring energy prices are adding to the headwinds, Horter said in the letter.

    Aluminum Shortages Next As "Magnesium Supply Dries Up"
    "The purpose of this note is to provide this advanced warning that, if the scarcity continues, and especially if it becomes worse."     
  • iceagefarmer #2142 12:41 PM, 16 Oct 2021
    Watch #wheat …
  • iceagefarmer #2143 12:44 PM, 16 Oct 2021
    More ports are closing due to mandates — effectively forcing Americans strike to cut off their own supply lines. An interesting form of hybrid siege warfare and medical tyranny.

  • iceagefarmer #2144 12:48 PM, 16 Oct 2021
    ITALY: fears of food shortages as workers strike at port:

    “ROME, OCT 14 - There are fears of activity at Italy's ports being blocked and chaos in the transport sector due to possible protests and strikes on Friday, when the Green Pass COVID-19 health passport will become obligatory for Italian places of work.

        Supply chains could be disrupted due to the new obligation, especially in relation to Trieste, where 40% of the 950 port workers do not have the Green Pass.

    Dockers there have threatened to bring the port to a standstill and have said workers at ports in other cities are likely to protest too.


    Fears of mayhem at Italy's ports over Green Pass
    Supply chains could be hit as health pass becomes obligatory © ANSA
  • iceagefarmer #2145 01:55 PM, 16 Oct 2021
    I live in Italy and can only confirm that this is happening.
    Trieste port is one of the most important ports of Europe.
    The workers have put the port to a still stand until Draghi abolishes his green pass policy.
    They are firm in their determination and now other Italian ports like Genova are following their courageous example!💪
  • iceagefarmer #2146 04:15 PM, 16 Oct 2021
    So what is the impact if that port shuts down?

    "... this port, in fact, represents the supply point of the TAL (Transalpine Oil Pipeline) which connects Trieste with Bavaria and covers 40% of the energy needs derived from oil in Germany (100% in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) , 90% of Austria and 50% of the Czech Republic"

    European energy crisis goes nuclear (so to speak): likely fuel shortages, supply chain interruptions, blackouts, interruptions to agriculture, and you can use imagination from there…

    #DarkWinter #Energy

    (Thanks Rizzitelli in the chat!)

    L'opinione. Le rinfuse liquide: un traffico di valore per i principali porti europei e italiani ~ ADSP Mar Tirreno Centrale
     L’opinione Le rinfuse liquide: un traffico di valore per i principali porti europei e italiani  di Alessandro Panaro*  Recenti studi di SRM hanno mostrato come i porti svolgano un ruolo importante nell’importazione e nella fornitura di petrolio greggio alle raffinerie attraverso condotte o navi cisterna; le raffinerie a loro volta trasferiscono i prodotti petroliferi attraverso […]
  • 17 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2147 06:39 AM, 17 Oct 2021
    De-dollarization accelerates as France declares independence from the USA:

    French Finance Minister Issues Declaration of Independence – From the U.S.
    “Clear Differences Remain Between France and the U.S, French Minister Says,” is the headline to a remarkable  piece appearing in the New York Times
  • iceagefarmer #2148 10:18 AM, 17 Oct 2021
    Last week Swedish media started to report about ”the lack of everything” — they hardly said a word about it untill now!

    The letter above is from Gastro Foods' CEO, asking restaurants to prepare for shortages & review their offerings:

    ”Products affected
    Packaging materials
    Food oils cooking oil rapeseed oil olive oil
    Dairies all types of fresh dairy and cheese
    Preserve all different pg weeds, packaging materials and transports
    Staples : Dry goods wheat corn rice bulgur beans other cereals
    Proteins: all kinds of meat

    #Sweden #SupplyChain #FoodShortages

    Thanks to Sofia in the chat.
  • iceagefarmer #2149 12:29 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    UN calls for massive investment in “better food systems” (fake food) at this “critical juncture” (engineered crisis):

    There was a dramatic worsening of world hunger in 2020, much of which was attributed to the fallout of COVID-19, according to the UN's The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report in July, warning a "critical juncture."

    The FAO estimates that as much as $40 to $50 billion in annual investments on targeted interventions are needed to end hunger by 2030.

    UN calls for better agri-food systems to address food insecurity and inequality
    United Nations (UN) agencies have called for improved global agri-food systems to deliver sustainable food security and nutrition for all amid setbacks in eliminating hunger ahead of the World Food Day on Saturday.
  • iceagefarmer #2150 12:31 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    Amazing to hear words - “The shortages will continue until everyone takes the vaccine.”

    How to further weaponize the vaxxed against the unvaxxed.

    US Treasury deputy sec warns that shortages likely to continue until EVERYONE is jabbed
    The deputy secretary at the US Treasury has said that the only way to end the plague of empty shelves and high prices around the country is for every person in the world to be vaccinated.
  • iceagefarmer #2151 12:39 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    (You should know your neighbors.)
  • iceagefarmer #2152 12:39 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    This will get dangerous, imagine how the vaxxed mad and starving will act when the government and media starts to blame everything on the unvaxxed? Things will get ugly.

    The best advice I can give: Neighbors are not your friends.
  • iceagefarmer #2153 01:29 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    Farmers in California abandoning their fields — the water was cut off. They have little option.

    Farmers in California's San Joaquin Valley are abandoning their fields due to drought that resulted in water allotments cut by a third. Farmers in this region, reportedly the most productive agricultural region globally, grow 250 different crops on 17% of the irrigated land in the United States.

    "Our water supply has gotten even more limited. It's become less reliable and less predictable," said Joe Del Bosque, owner of Del Bosque Farms. "We've always known that a lack of water is a potential hardship for our farm. But to get to the point where it completely stops the farm — we never thought that would happen," said Del Bosque.

    "As our food supply shrinks, their food prices are going to increase," said Del Bosque.

    #usa #water

    Megadrought forcing farmers to abandon fields
    California regulators cut farmers' water allotments by a third due to low reservoir levels.
  • iceagefarmer #2154 03:14 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    Received this photo multiple times - I do not believe it is current, or even necessarily related to shortages.

    It is, however, a perfect metaphor for our current food supply chain.

    - Crops have been failing.
    - Grain reserves are hollowed out.
    - Supply chain in a state of cascading failures.

    The shelves where you are may still look full (or may not!). But the reality is we are dangerously close to empty shelves.

    All to convince the public that a climate crisis demands totalitarian response…
  • iceagefarmer #2155 05:48 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    As a food producer, I am warning you that you should stock up with tin food, not panic buying, but do it over a few months as things are going to get worse before they get better. Also if you can get a second freezer or one big one.. Some foods will be impossible to get in future.
  • iceagefarmer #2156 06:29 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    What’s your take on the “Worst Cold Ever” talking points going out?

    It’s in nearly any media you can imagine:


    worst cold ever at DuckDuckGo
    DuckDuckGo. Privacy, Simplified.
  • iceagefarmer #2157 11:08 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    The green agenda is prima facie absurd - how does anyone even believe this?

    “Does the world need millions of machines sucking carbon dioxide directly out of the air to beat the climate crisis? There is a fast-growing number of companies that believe the answer is yes and that are deploying their first devices into the real world…”

    … CO2 is the gas of life!

    Climate crisis: do we need millions of machines sucking CO2 from the air?
    From turning CO2 into rock to capturing the breath of office workers, a growing number of companies think the answer is yes
  • iceagefarmer #2158 11:20 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    Australia launching MISSION ZERO decarbonization effort:

    “Australia is one of the best positioned nation on earth to be the worldwide winner in a web zero world, with greater than 672,000 jobs created and $2.1 trillion in financial exercise generated by 2050.”

    Billionaires, blue collar employees, inexperienced teams and the nationwide architect of the blueprint to web zero have all joined forces for Mission Zero — an unprecedented new project that reveals for the primary time the big financial forces Australia might unleash by harnessing the clear vitality revolution.”

    Yeah sure, turning off all industry and Climate Lockdowns will be great for the economy. Just like we flattened the curve in two weeks…


  • iceagefarmer #2159 11:27 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    There are a host of unbelievably elegant, affordable, self-propagating carbon capture devices that, beyond capturing CO2, can fix nitrogen into the soil or even yield fruit.

    They’re called TREES.
  • iceagefarmer #2160 11:34 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    While we are at it, a stunning technology is available that can turn inedible plants into high-quality meat: delicious protein loaded with healthy fats.

    This tech is called a cow.

    The designs of God will always outperform the degenerate simulacra of man!
  • iceagefarmer #2161 11:35 PM, 17 Oct 2021
    A rather efficacious music video:

    Fauci in the Hall of the Mountain King
    DOWNLOAD HERE: https://mega.nz/file/gRExHCaQ#I-KVT6sB90OkSK-dXllpnzxgdVDtLEJgBL0dODAH_ZA
  • 19 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2162 01:20 PM, 19 Oct 2021
    The #AbsoluteZero agenda dictates that all homes will replace gas/oil heating with heat pumps, and all appliances with power grid-dependent versions. How could this be forced down people’s throats?

    By denying you a mortgage otherwise!
    Britain to link mortgages to compulsory green home improvements

    Home buyers face having to improve the energy efficiency of their new properties under the terms of their mortgage as part of government plans to decarbonise Britain’s housing stock.

    Mortgage lenders will have to disclose the energy efficiency of homes they lend money for and set themselves targets to improve the insulation of buildings in their portfolio.

    Full report on #AbsoluteZero decarbonizing: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/04/06/absolute-slavery-zero-carbon-agenda-deconstructed/

    Britain to link mortgages to compulsory green home improvements - the Times
    Home buyers will have to improve the energy efficiency of their properties as part of their mortgage requirements under new British government plans to make housing greener, the Times reported on Tuesday
  • iceagefarmer #2163 01:23 PM, 19 Oct 2021
    Naturally we’ll tax you even more as we destroy your standard of living.
    UK says new taxes will be needed to replace fuel duty in net zero push

    Britain will probably have to introduce new taxes to compensate for the loss of revenues from its shift away from fossil fuels which will hit the government's income that is currently raised by fuel duty, the finance ministry said on Tuesday.

    "The largest impacts of the transition on the public finances will stem from permanent changes to behaviour that feed through to the tax system," the ministry said. "Primary among these is the loss of significant amounts of tax revenue as the economy shifts away from the use of fossil fuels."


    UK says new taxes will be needed to replace fuel duty in net zero push
    Britain will probably have to introduce new taxes to compensate for the loss of revenues from its shift away from fossil fuels which will hit the government's income that is currently raised by fuel duty, the finance ministry said on Tuesday.
  • iceagefarmer #2164 02:41 PM, 19 Oct 2021
    COGNITIVE WARFARE: The Battle for Your Brain

    NATO has taken aim at a new target: your brain. Their 'Cognitive Warfare' report describes a hybrid of biotech/nanotech, social engineering, information warfare & psychological operations, and total surveillance, with a stated goal of "harming brains" of even civilians, to impair cognition and disable critical thinking.

    We are approaching not just the end of free speech, but of free thought, by associating any questioning of the official narrative with "extremism" and "terrorism." Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

    Join: @iceagefarmer



    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/19/cognitive-warfare-the-battle-for-your-brain-part-one/
    COGNITIVE WARFARE: The Battle for Your Brain [Part One]
    NATO has taken aim at a new target: your brain. Their 'Cognitive Warfare' report describes a hybrid of biotech/nanotech, social engineering, information warfare & psychological operations, and total surveillance, with a stated goal of "harming brains" of even civilians, to impair cognition and disable critical thinking. We are approaching not just the end of free speech, but of free thought, by associating any questioning of the official narrative with "extremism" and "terrorism." Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/19/cognitive-warfare-the-battle-for-your-brain-part-one/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/19/cognitive-warfare-the-battle-for-your-brain-part-one/
  • 20 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2165 07:05 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    Mt. Aso erupts again in Japan — remarkable capture here (starts at 0:12, can slow to .25x speed):

    Increased #GalacticCosmicRays spur more volcanic/seismic activity on Earth.

    (I’d be hopping on that bus stat!)


    Volcano Aso-san Eruption (20/10/2021)
    Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture just erupted again! The last eruption was on 2019. Mount Aso is largest active volcano in Japan, and is among largest in world. It stands in Aso Kujū National Park in Kumamoto Prefecture, on island of Kyushu. Link 2/11/2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZHXS3yNQk
  • iceagefarmer #2166 07:56 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    “Propane Market Armageddon”: US propane inventories are at a record low and will be extremely tight as cold weather is ahead.

    — This energy crisis will affect everyone, including #FoodPrices, as farmers use propane both to heat barns and other facilities and to dry grains.


    IHS Market Warns Of "Armageddon" For US Propane Market 
    Some areas of the country might be prone to shortages this winter. 
  • iceagefarmer #2167 08:10 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    Media finally acknowledges empty shelves — by telling you to stop complaining about it!

    “Try to lower your expectations.”

    Exactly the agenda to reduce the standard of living across the world.

    “Get used to it, plebs!”
  • iceagefarmer #2168 08:13 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    Power shortages are turning out streetlights and shutting down factories in China. The poor in Brazil are choosing between paying for food or electricity. German corn and wheat farmers can’t find fertilizer, made using natural gas. And fears are rising that Europe will have to ration electricity if it’s a cold winter.

    The world is gripped by an energy crunch — a fierce squeeze on some of the key markets for natural gas, oil and other fuels that keep the global economy running and the lights and heat on in homes. … The biggest squeeze is on natural gas in Europe, which imports 90% of its supply — largely from Russia — and where prices have risen to five times what they were at the start of the year, to 95 euros from about 19 euros per megawatt hour.

    It’s hitting the Italian food chain hard, with methane prices expected to increase sixfold and push up the cost of drying grains. That could eventually raise the price of bread and pasta at supermarkets, but meat and dairy aisles are more vulnerable as beef and dairy farmers are forced to pay more for grain to feed their animals and pass the cost along to customers.

    “From October we are starting to suffer a lot,” said Valentino Miotto of the AIRES association that represents the grain sector.

    … That left Hermann Greif, a farmer in the village of Pinzberg in Germany’s southern Bavaria region, unexpectedly empty handed when he tried to order fertilizer for next year.

    “There’s no product, no price, not even a contract,” he said. “It’s a situation we’ve never seen before.” One thing is certain: “If I don’t give the crops the food they need, they react with lower yields. It’s as simple as that.”

    High energy prices already were hitting the region’s farmers, who need diesel to operate machinery and heat to keep animals warm, said Greif, who grows corn to feed a bioenergy power facility that feeds emission-free energy into the power grid.

    #EnergyCrisis #FoodPrices

    Energy crunch hits global recovery as winter approaches
    Power shortages are turning out streetlights and shutting down factories in China. The poor in Brazil are choosing between paying for food or electricity. German corn and wheat farmers can't find fertilizer, made using natural gas. And fears are rising that Europe will have to ration electricity if it's a cold winter.
  • iceagefarmer #2169 08:17 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    “Tightening Global Supply” — Watch wheat …

    Chicago wheat futures gained more ground on Tuesday, with the market climbing for a fourth consecutive session as tightening global supplies underpinned the market.


    Wheat rises for fourth day on tightening world supplies; soybeans firm
    Ample supplies from U.S. soybean, corn harvest weigh.
  • iceagefarmer #2170 08:20 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    The Pope is advocating for transforming food production — the same language employed by the folks at the WEF, UN, EAT/Lancet report, and so on…

    Pope: Overcoming hunger is one of humanity's great challenges

    “Pope Francis says we must adopt "innovative solutions" to transform the way we produce and consume food "for the well-being of people and of the planet."

  • iceagefarmer #2171 08:59 AM, 20 Oct 2021
    Wild! Largest hail in Queensland’s history falls, shattering records and damaging property.


    “Last night, record-breaking hail lashed parts of central Queensland, with gigantic hailstones measuring 16 centimetres confirmed as the largest ever in Australia's history.

    The abnormally large hail fell at Yalboroo, north of Mackay, as a supercell thunderstorm passed over the region yesterday at lunchtime.

    The BOM confirmed some were the biggest they'd ever seen in the country, breaking the previous record of 14 centimetres set in Kempsey, regional New South Wales, back in 1999.
    Meteorologists said they were expecting some storm activity in Queensland the wake of the severe weather on Monday, however the monstrous hailstones produced were not in the forecast.

  • iceagefarmer #2172 05:20 PM, 20 Oct 2021
    Rains delay wheat planting, autumn grain harvest in main production regions of China

    Constant rains in recent weeks have delayed wheat planting in MAIN production regions in China, a government official said on Wednesday.

    China had completed 26% of winter wheat planting across the nation by October 19, slower by 27% than normal years, due to constant rains since September, according to Pan Wenbo, head of the planting management division under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

    The ministry will take "extraordinary measures" [?!?!] to tackle "unfavourable impact and austere challenges" the rains have posed for harvest and planting, Pan said during a press briefing.

    The comments came as Beijing renewed a policy focus on food security following the COVID-19 pandemic and after prices of corn, the other main grain crop in China, soared on falling inventories and output, pushing up feed use of wheat and grains imports to record high levels.

    #wheat #China #FoodPrices

    Rains delay wheat planting, autumn grain harvest in China - ministry
    BEIJING (Reuters) - Constant rains in recent weeks have delayed wheat planting in main production regions in China, a government official said on Wednesday.
  • iceagefarmer #2173 06:15 PM, 20 Oct 2021
    I’m disturbed to hear talk of FedGov soon to take control of food distribution, and even ration it.

    They would need a massive media campaign to convince people that there is no other way.

    They would need to make the case that “some people” are selfish and illogical and hoarding food, and it must be stopped by intervening.

    They are making this case now…

    ‘People Are Hoarding’: Food Shortages Are The Next Supply-Chain Crunch

    In Denver, public-school children are facing shortages of milk. In Chicago, a local market is running short of canned goods and boxed items.

    But there’s plenty of food. There just isn’t always enough processing and transportation capacity to meet rising demand as the economy revs up.

    ‘People Are Hoarding’: Food Shortages Are The Next Supply-Chain Crunch
    Grocers and restaurants are dealing with delays even though there’s plenty of food
  • iceagefarmer #2174 06:49 PM, 20 Oct 2021
    ALERT: No Energy, No Fertilizer, No Food. Holodomor 2.0?

    German farmers are unable to find fertilizer. Italian farmers are facing 6x costs for drying grains. Propane is exploding in the US. As the energy crisis spill over into food production, it has immediate impacts -- but the true cost may come next season as fertilizer shortages push yields worldwide down under 50%. Against the backdrop of already strained food production and a supply chain in cascading failure, there is only one question: who gets to eat in 2022 ?

    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/20/alert-no-energy-no-fertilizer-no-food-holodomor-2-0/

    ALERT: No Energy, No Fertilizer, No Food. Holodomor 2.0?
    German farmers are unable to find fertilizer. Italian farmers are facing 6x costs for drying grains. Propane is exploding in the US. As the energy crisis spill over into food production, it has immediate impacts -- but the true cost may come next season as fertilizer shortages push yields worldwide down under 50%. Against the backdrop of already strained food production and a supply chain in cascading failure, there is only one question: who gets to eat in 2022 ? FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/20/alert-no-energy-no-fertilizer-no-food-holodomor-2-0/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #2175 07:24 PM, 20 Oct 2021
    ICYMI: Here is a fantastic conversation with Marjory Wildcraft, outlining a 3-part system to feed your family in very little space!

    Marjory Wildcraft joins Christian to explore a 3-part system to quickly grow abundant food for your family. Marjory brings deep experience in organic farming, permaculture, agroforestry, indigenous teachings together with her unique perspective as founder of The Grow Network (grownetwork.com), where 150,000+ individuals share their own experiences in food production. We also discuss why animals are absolutely VITAL to a self-sufficient homestead. Join us, and start growing ridiculous amounts of delicious, nutritious food today!

    Marjory Wildcraft: 3-Part System for Food Security – Grow Your Own Food – Ice Age Farmer Podcast
    Marjory Wildcraft joins Christian to explore a 3-part system to quickly grow abundant food for your family. Marjory brings deep experience in organic farming, permaculture, agroforestry, indigenous…
  • 21 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2176 09:02 AM, 21 Oct 2021
    "Food Prices will Go Up Tremendously" -- grow your own food!


    Food prices will go up ‘tremendously’: John Catsimatidis
    Gristedes And D'agostino Foods President and United Refining Company CEO John Catsimatidis provides insight into the prices of oil and food products in the coming weeks in America. #FOXBusiness Subscribe to Fox Business! https://bit.ly/2D9Cdse Watch more Fox Business Video: https://video.foxbusiness.com Watch Fox Business Network Live: http://www.foxnewsgo.com/ FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York — the business capital of the world — FBN launched in October 2007 and is one of the leading business networks on television, having topped CNBC in Business Day viewers for the second consecutive year in 2018. The network is available in nearly 80 million homes in all markets across the United States. Owned by FOX Corporation, FBN is a unit of FOX News Media and has bureaus in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Follow Fox Business on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoxBusiness Follow Fox Business on Twitter: https://twitter.com/foxbusiness Follow Fox Business on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxbusiness
  • iceagefarmer #2177 09:05 AM, 21 Oct 2021
    Quality farm equipment is getting hard to find amid the supply chain shortage, many farmers and experts said, and its scarcity is driving up prices and raising questions about whether farmers' harvests and next year's planting season could be affected.

    Some farmers are concerned that the shortage could grow worse after 10,000 John Deere workers went on strike last week. The company had reported record profits this year, and United Auto Workers union members walked off the job at 14 manufacturing plants when it refused to raise wages above 6 percent.

    "It's got us worried for sure," said Eric Hopkins, the senior vice president of Hundley Farms, which boasts 20,000 acres of mostly vegetables in central Florida. "They're already low on inventory and parts right now. A strike is only going to exacerbate things, make it worse. If it lasts for a while, not only will they not have new tractors, but when you have a breakdown and there's no parts, your tractor is just going to sit there not being able to harvest or plant a crop."

    #WarOnFarms #SupplyChain

    Supply chain shortage is driving up prices. Farmers are worried it could grow worse.
    Some farmers are concerned that supply chain shortages could grow worse after 10,000 John Deere workers went on strike last week. Farm equipment prices are rising, affecting harvest and planting season.
  • iceagefarmer #2178 10:39 AM, 21 Oct 2021
    Kidney successfully transplanted from genetically modified pig into human recipient.

    Whole hog into the transhumanist future . . .

    Forbes India - In A First, Surgeons Attach A Pig Kidney To A Human—and It Works
    The transplanted kidney was obtained from a pig genetically engineered to grow an organ unlikely to be rejected by the human body
  • iceagefarmer #2179 12:49 PM, 21 Oct 2021
    Recall that the Rockefeller “Reset the Table” plan includes using schools as Nutritional Hubs for communities, as well as a massive expansion of SNAP/EBT (food stamps). It’s also an easy appeal to “think of the children.” So this kind of media messaging is expected:

    Supply chain crisis leading to food, supply shortages in schools nationwide

    The supply chain crisis affecting the U.S. economy has now hit school cafeterias and lunchrooms nationwide.

    Many schools are struggling to feed students as delays and supply shortages still continue.

    Dimtra Barrios, the director of food service at the Ridley School District, said, "it’s a daily battle" for schools.

    "We are hoping that deliveries arrive so that we don’t have to adjust our menu to ensure that our students receive meals," she told FOX Business' Jeff Flock.

    Supply chain crisis leading to food, supply shortages in schools nationwide
    Supply shortages and delivery delays force schools to find solutions in order for their students to receive meals.
  • iceagefarmer #2180 06:08 PM, 21 Oct 2021
    “Whoa! We didn’t mean it!” UK deletes documents, reverses course on diet dictatorship:

    Climate plan urging plant-based diet shift deleted

    A government research paper recommending people "shift dietary habits" towards plant-based foods has been hastily deleted.

    The paper focuses on changing public behaviour to hit climate targets and also suggests promoting domestic tourism and portraying business travel as an "immoral indulgence".

    It was deleted soon after publication by the Department for Business. Beis said the paper was academic research and not official policy.

    "We have no plans whatsoever to dictate consumer behaviour in this way. For that reason, our Net Zero Strategy published yesterday contained no such plans," it said.

    The Behavioural Insights Unit, also known as the Nudge Unit, wrote the document.

    The unit is most known for its role in the design of the sugar levy and early comments on the pandemic "herd immunity" strategy. The document was swiftly deleted and has been replaced with a note saying it was published in error, but BBC News obtained a copy.

    The document recognises that "asking people to directly eat less meat and dairy is a major political challenge", although a positive portrayal and "smaller asks" may be possible - for example, people learning one new recipe. When talking about flights, the paper suggests "much stronger carbon taxes".

    #AbsoluteZero #UK

    Climate plan urging plant-based diet shift deleted
    A research paper recommending people shift towards plant-based foods is not policy, the government says.
  • 22 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2181 03:51 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    Salmonella Outbreak in Multiple States Linked to Onions: CDC

    The onions—whole red, white, and yellow varieties—were all imported from Chihuahua, Mexico, and distributed across the United States by ProSource Inc., according to epidemiological and traceback data, per the CDC.

    “The outbreak strain was identified in a sample of cilantro and lime from a restaurant condiment cup collected from a sick person’s home,” the CDC alert reads. “The sick person also reported that the cup contained onions, though none were left in the cup when it was tested.”

    (“farming is dirty and dangerous")

    Salmonella Outbreak in Multiple States Linked to Onions: CDC
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a food safety alert on Wednesday regarding an outbreak ...
  • iceagefarmer #2182 04:00 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    I mean, at least the shelves aren’t empty…

    We are at the edge of the precipice. The "pretending it's fine" aspect of the charade evokes a deep terror
  • iceagefarmer #2183 04:37 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    A little bit of good news on the food front, Beyondmeat stock plunging after a big revenue miss. No matter how many meat products are missing from the store shelves when I go, for some reason there's never a shortage of this junk:
    Beyond Meat Implodes After Reporting Catastrophic Q3 Sales
    Another quarter and another massive disappointment from the former growth stonk.
  • iceagefarmer #2184 05:43 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    NATO Plans AI Strategy, $1B Investment Fund as it Seeks to Stay Ahead in Tech Realm

    NATO will adopt its first strategy on artificial intelligence and launch an innovation fund this week with the aim of investing $1 billion to “futureproof” the 30-nation security pact, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday.

    “We see authoritarian regimes racing to develop new technologies, from artificial intelligence to autonomous systems,” Stoltenberg said at a news conference at the alliance’s Brussels headquarters. [Is the US not an authoritarian regime?]

    U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will join his NATO member counterparts Thursday in Brussels to formally approve the plans during two days of talks.

    Stoltenberg said he expects the new NATO fund to invest in emerging and disruptive technologies. New headquarters and test centers will be set up in both Europe and North America to support the effort, he said.

    “We must keep our technological edge,” Stoltenberg said. “Future conflicts will be fought not just with bullets and bombs but also with bytes and big data.”

    Military Daily News
    Daily updates of everything that you need know about what is going on in the military community and abroad including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more.
  • iceagefarmer #2185 09:18 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    My friends, this is no longer Ice Age Farmer words — this is from mainstream (although it echoes my warnings):

    Fears grow that global energy crisis could lead to famine in vulnerable nations

    The global energy crisis could escalate into a world food crisis leading to famine in vulnerable countries unless urgent action is taken, one of the world’s biggest producers of fertilizer has warned.

    Svein Tore Holsether, the chief executive of Yara, which produces 8.6 million tonnes of the key fertilizer ingredient ammonia annually, said high gas costs meant it was curbing production in Europe by 40 per cent.

    However, Holsether warned there was no guarantee that process could continue. “It is important to get the message across that the energy crisis now could be the start of a food crisis,” he said.

    “We have to pay special attention to everyone affected by higher utility and food prices, but for some, it is a question of living or not. This is about scenarios of famine and food scarcity.”

    My latest report: No Energy, No Fertilizer, No Food - https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/20/alert-no-energy-no-fertilizer-no-food-holodomor-2-0/

    #EnergyCrisis #FoodPrices

    ALERT: No Energy, No Fertilizer, No Food. Holodomor 2.0?
    German farmers are unable to find fertilizer. Italian farmers are facing 6x costs for drying grains. Propane is exploding in the US. As the energy crisis spill over into food production, it has imm…
  • iceagefarmer #2186 09:25 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    NSA Director warns cyberattacks on US Food Supply Chain in past weeks are escalating to become a “National Security Issue” after the attacks on grain companies in recent weeks.

    #Cyberpandemic meets #SupplyChain

    A group of national security agencies have issued an advisory for the potential of ransomware cyberattacks against two U.S. food and agriculture organizations.

    The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Security Agency (NSA) says the advisory includes technical details, analysis of the threat and actions to prevent an attack.

    While the release doesn’t identify the targets, the agencies say the attack could be through BlackMatter ransomware, a tool that developers can profit from cybercriminal affiliates who deploy it.

    Rob Joyce, Director of Cybersecurity at NSA, says the threat of cyberattacks has gone beyond impacts to a company but has risen to a national security issue.

    National security agencies issue cyber threat advisory for food and ag sector - Brownfield Ag News
    A group of national security agencies have issued an advisory for the potential of ransomware cyberattacks against two U.S. food and agriculture organizations. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Security Agency (NSA) says the advisory includes technical details, analysis of the threat and actions to prevent an […]
  • iceagefarmer #2187 09:36 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    Moving the goalpost: as we’ve suspected, CDC mentions today that booster shot may soon be required to be considered “fully vaccinated.”

    I can only hope this wakes a few hundred million people up.

    "We have not yet changed the definition of 'fully vaccinated.' We will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of 'fully vaccinated' in the future," CDC director Rochelle Walensky told reporters.

    CDC director: U.S. may update definition of full vaccination for COVID-19
    Biden administration officials urged eligible Americans on Friday to get booster shots of a COVID-19 vaccine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention head said it may update its definition of what constitutes full vaccination.
  • iceagefarmer #2188 11:06 PM, 22 Oct 2021
    Another cybershot across the bow. No one will miss the candy corn but this is pushing awareness of food systems vulnerability.

    See above posts for the warnings from NSA Director about cyberattacks on food supply being a matter of national security…

    Largest Candy Corn Producer Hit With Ransomware Attack Before Halloween
    "Upon discovery, we immediately responded to secure all systems..."
  • 23 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2189 01:29 AM, 23 Oct 2021
    ...the Social Credit System is BEING DEPLOYED:

    "A new digital currency can now be used to pay for goods and services in participating businesses in the Guadalajara metropolitan area.

    Pegged 1:1 to the Mexican peso, the hoozie, as the currency is called, was officially launched on Thursday.

    Citizens can obtain hoozies, a blockchain-based currency, by downloading the hoozie app on their cell phones and carrying out certain activities that benefit their communities or the environment.

    Hoozies can also be earned through the use of public transport, running and cycling. Riding a bike for 30 minutes, for example, earns a hoozie app user 10 hoozies. People get 50 hoozies if they sign up a friend to the app and 100 if they sign up a business.

    When people use the digital currency to make purchases in participating businesses, 4% of the value of the transaction is returned to them in hoozies.

    The currency is an initiative of the University of Guadalajara and the Irish company Domila Limited.

    The Jalisco Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology contributed 1.2 million pesos (US $59,500) to aid its development via a funding scheme designed to support initiatives that will help reactive the state economy amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    A pilot program to test the functionality of the new digital currency was run at the 2021 expo of the National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores (ANTAD), which was held in Guadalajara this week. About 1,800 attendees downloaded the app during the event."


    via @geopoliticsAndEmpire
    Guadalajara launches digital currency for payment of goods and services
    A new blockchain-based currency can now be used to make payments in participating businesses in the Guadalajara metropolitan area.
  • iceagefarmer #2191 01:17 PM, 23 Oct 2021
    CEO: Food Prices to Explode NOW; FBI/NSA warn of Cyberattacks on Food & Water Systems

    As a billionaire supermarket CEO says food prices will skyrocket +10% in the NEXT 60 DAYS, the NSA/FBI/CISA are warning of Cyberattacks on food production and municipal water/wastewater systems. Our food and water are under relentless attack across all vectors: financial, cyber, supply chain, fertilizer shortages, nat gas prices are conspiring to create a perfect storm within the systems that feed most people. Only those who seek to grow and raise their own food will be unaffected by the storm ahead. Get ready.

    Join: @iceagefarmer


    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/23/ceo-food-prices-to-explode-now-fbi-nsa-warn-of-cyberattacks-on-food-water-systems/

    CEO: Food Prices to Explode NOW; FBI/NSA warn of Cyberattacks on Food & Water Systems
    As a billionaire supermarket CEO says food prices will skyrocket +10% in the NEXT 60 DAYS, the NSA/FBI/CISA are warning of Cyberattacks on food production and municipal water/wastewater systems. Our food and water are under relentless attack across all vectors: financial, cyber, supply chain, fertilizer shortages, nat gas prices are conspiring to create a perfect storm within the systems that feed most people. Only those who seek to grow and raise their own food will be unaffected by the storm ahead. Get ready. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/23/ceo-food-prices-to-explode-now-fbi-nsa-warn-of-cyberattacks-on-food-water-systems/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #2192 07:00 PM, 23 Oct 2021
    Pretty remarkable to see even Jack — one of the most prolific censors in history — warning of hyperinflation:

    Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It’s happening.
  • iceagefarmer #2193 11:51 PM, 23 Oct 2021

    The FBI has been reaching out to help farmers and food processors recognize potential threats to their products and businesses. Scott Mahloch is an FBI Special Agent with the Weapons of Mass Destruction unit in Milwaukee, and he attended World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin recently. Mahloch says, “I was able to talk to a lot of farmers, and a lot of family farmers, and they didn’t realize that the FBI has a role when it comes to agricultural defense and agroterrorism, and really, the WMD program as a whole, so it was a great way to spread our message and talk to that audience.”

    Mahloch tells Brownfield potential agroterrorism threats like the intentional adulteration of food or water, or disrupting an agricultural practice can come from almost anywhere or anyone, but the danger is often inside the farm or business. “That insider threat can take the form of many things. It’s that disgruntled employee, it’s somebody that’s maybe having money issues or family issues, or religion might come into play there as well.”

    Mahloch says the FBI works with front-line managers to help them recognize certain behaviors that can tip them off to an insider threat. He also suggests farmers take steps to secure their stored products like milk, feed, and chemicals, and take time to properly vet potential new employees.


    FBI reaches out to farmers to prevent agroterrorism - Brownfield Ag News
    The FBI has been reaching out to help farmers and food processors recognize potential threats to their products and businesses.  Scott Mahloch is an FBI Special Agent with the Weapons of Mass Destruction unit in Milwaukee, and he attended World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin recently. Mahloch says, “I was able to talk to a […]
  • 24 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2194 12:57 PM, 24 Oct 2021
    BOOM! Thank you for helping this channel grow to 67,000 of the smartest folks with the dirtiest hands on Telegram!

    If you value this channel — support on Patreon or SubscribeStar , or via crypto!

    And don’t forget to subscribe on Bitchute or Odysee for the video reports!

    Keep growing !
  • iceagefarmer #2195 12:59 PM, 24 Oct 2021
    NSA/CISA/EPA warn of rising incidence of Cyberattacks on municipal water and wastewater systems

    The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI issued a joint advisory warning that threat actors are targeting hardware and software that support drinking water and wastewater infrastructure operations.

    CISA said Thursday that malicious cyber threats to information and operational technology networks, systems and devices could affect the sector's potable water delivery wastewater management efforts.

    [ See full video report: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/10/23/ceo-food-prices-to-explode-now-fbi-nsa-warn-of-cyberattacks-on-food-water-systems/ ]

    #water #Cyberpandemic

    CEO: Food Prices to Explode NOW; FBI/NSA warn of Cyberattacks on Food & Water Systems
    As a billionaire supermarket CEO says food prices will skyrocket +10% in the NEXT 60 DAYS, the NSA/FBI/CISA are warning of Cyberattacks on food production and municipal water/wastewater systems. Ou…
  • iceagefarmer #2196 01:34 PM, 24 Oct 2021
    Edible Oil Prices Hit Record High As Food Inflation Treat Soars

    Prices of edible oils have been rising across the world. Palm oil, the world's most consumed vegetable oil, surged to a new record high, spreading concerns about persistent global food inflation.

    Malaysia's palm oil futures soared more than 40% this year, while soybean oil is up more than 50%. Prices of canola oil are also at a record.

    "There are no stopping prices from going higher" until policies are implemented that are likely to cool the commodity market, such as higher interest rates," Varqa said.

    … This means that the weight of vegetable oils in the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization's FAO Food Price Index will continue to pressure global food prices higher. Last month, the index hit a new decade high, which includes a basket of food commodities (such as cereals, vegetable oils, dairy, meat, and sugar).

    #FoodPrices #soybeans

    Edible Oil Prices Hit Record High As Food Inflation Treat Soars 
    "There are no stopping prices from going higher." 
  • iceagefarmer #2197 06:27 PM, 24 Oct 2021
    “Pigs-in-blanket might be off the Christmas menu”

    This might seem a first world problem: but those little sausages point to a big pressure for farmers, which won’t abate once the Christmas lights come down.

    In Yorkshire - we meet the farmers broken-hearted with the prospect of culling their pigs, who they’ve raised for the meat industry.

    The supply chain crisis has multiple, complex reasons. A shortage of EU workers, leaving parts of the economy exposed - is clearly part of the new reality of Brexit. [IAF: note invocation of “new normal” language here on behalf of WEF]

    It’s a perfect storm. And that’s before you factor in rocketing energy prices, fears over rising inflation and an expected hike in interest rates.

    The government knows it has to respond to the crisis and has brought in a raft of measures, pulling in the military to help with fuel deliveries and easing restrictions on some key workers coming into the country.

    'It’s a perfect storm': Livelihoods at stake as supply crisis hits businesses | ITV News
    ITV Tonight investigates the impact of staff shortages and low stock on small British businesses disrupted by the supply chain crisis. | ITV National News
  • iceagefarmer #2198 08:03 PM, 24 Oct 2021
    DEVELOPING: Tesco says website and app down after hack attempt

    Tesco's website and app have crashed after what the retail giant said were attempts "to interfere with our systems".

    The possible hack at Britain's biggest supermarket began on Saturday with shoppers unable to order goods and track deliveries.

    Tesco initially said there was "an issue", but in a Sunday update said there had been deliberate disruption.

    The retailer sought to assure customers their data was safe.

    But shoppers have complained about a lack of information, with many wanting to know how to cancel orders and whether they can get money back.

    A Tesco spokesperson said: "There is no reason to believe that this issue impacts customer data and we continue to take ongoing action to make sure all data stays safe.


    Tesco website and app back up after hack attempt
    Shoppers had been locked out of the supermarket's website following an outage that began on Saturday.
  • 25 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2199 10:54 AM, 25 Oct 2021
    Russian wheat export prices gained last week after a brief pause on the back of a stronger rouble currency RU/RUB and higher global prices for the grain, analysts said on Monday.

    Russian wheat prices rise after brief respite
    Russian wheat exports are down by 29% since the start of the 2021/22 marketing season
  • 26 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2200 10:02 AM, 26 Oct 2021
    Skyrocketing fertilizer prices could lead U.S. corn profits to drop by about a quarter next year, potentially motivating farmers to shift millions of acres into less cost-intensive soybeans.

    Terry Roggensack, agriculture specialist and co-owner of the Hightower Report, predicts corn returns on an operating-cost basis for producers in the U.S., the world’s biggest producer, could plummet to roughly $430 an acre. That compares with about $600 this year. The yellow grain uses more fertilizer than other crops like soybeans and wheat.

    Fertilizer Price Shock Threatens to Slash U.S. Corn Profits
    Skyrocketing fertilizer prices could lead U.S. corn profits to drop by about a quarter next year, potentially motivating farmers to shift millions of acres into less cost-intensive soybeans. 
  • iceagefarmer #2201 10:02 AM, 26 Oct 2021
    Another blow to palm oil—cooking oils inflating
  • iceagefarmer #2202 10:31 AM, 26 Oct 2021
    US being hit by huge cyber attacks, Microsoft warns

    Hundreds of companies and organisations are being hit by a wave of cyber attacks, Microsoft has warned.

    The hacking appears to be being perpetrated by the same group as led last year’s massive SolarWinds cyber attack, it said.

    This time around, the attacks were looking to target “resellers and other technology service providers” of cloud services, Microsoft wrote in a new blog post.

    It has notified 609 different companies that they have been targeted by the attacks over the summer, the company said. Only a small number of those had actually been successful.

    US officials confirmed to the New York Times that the operation was underway, with one unnamed senior administration official calling it “unsophisticated, run-of-the mill operations that could have been prevented if the cloud service providers had implemented baseline cybersecurity practices.”

    “This recent activity is another indicator that Russia [IAF: it never gets old!] is trying to gain long-term, systematic access to a variety of points in the technology supply chain and establish a mechanism for surveilling — now or in the future — targets of interest to the Russian government,” Microsoft wrote.


    US being hit by huge cyber attacks, Microsoft warns
    Hundreds of companies and organisations are being hit by a wave of cyber attacks, Microsoft has warned. The hacking appears to be being perpetrated by the same group as led last year’s massive SolarWinds cyber attack, it said. This time around, the attacks were looking to target “resellers and other technology service providers” of cloud services, Microsoft wrote in a new blog post.
  • iceagefarmer #2203 10:35 AM, 26 Oct 2021
    Pushing “GMO food as medicine” — these are absolute abominations, but as the shelves go empty, people will be left with little choice:

    Anti-cancer bread and super tomatoes: the GM diet that could transform our health
    Could gene edited foods have important health and environmental benefits for post-Brexit Britain? And can we stomach them?

    At Rothamsted Research in Harpenden, there is a set of greenhouses which offer a glimpse of the future. Inside lies a line of wheat plants which have been genetically modified in the hope of creating the world’s first anti-cancer bread.

    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has removed certain regulatory restrictions which mean that scientists can now apply to conduct field trials of gene edited crops for the purpose of food production. The changes are a direct consequence of Brexit – gene editing is heavily restricted throughout the European Union – but government ministers are keen to press on with exploring the potential environmental and health benefits.

    “It’s a watershed moment for plant science,” says Murray Grant, who studies plant and crop science at the University of Warwick. “One of the great potentials of gene editing is increasing the nutritional value of plants, and thinking about making crops more resistant to climate change. Now scientists can think about taking the knowledge we’ve gained in the lab, and doing this much more rapidly.”

    SUPERTOMATO: Last December, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare authorised the production and sale of a genetically modified tomato which is intended to boost heart health. Scientists at the University of Tsukuba have figured out a way to tweak the tomato genome so that it contains five times the normal amount of an amino acid called GABA, which is thought to lower blood pressure. A spin-off company called Sanatech is now offering the seeds to large-scale producers this autumn, with the intention of reaching Japan’s supermarkets sometime next year.

    #gmo #EdibleVaccine

    Anti-cancer bread and super tomatoes: the GM diet that could transform our health
    Could gene edited foods have important health and environmental benefits for post-Brexit Britain? And can we stomach them?
  • iceagefarmer #2204 04:01 PM, 26 Oct 2021
    Will the Run Up in Retail Meat Prices Continue? USDA Thinks So!

    The price shoppers pay for items like meat at the grocery store are expected to continue the rapid rise. An updated Consumer Price Index (CPI) released from USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) shows wholesale beef prices climbed 14.2% from July to August of 2021, and price projections point to a possible 20% increase in wholesale beef prices this year.

    The price projections released are for a wide variety of grocery store items. According to Farm Journal Washington Correspondent Jim Wiesemeyer, meat prices are expected to see the largest increase.

    The updated ERS forecast shows prices for meats, poultry and fish now sits at 4.5% to 5.5%, which is up from the 4% to 5% posted last month. He says the main drivers are higher beef and pork prices.

    #WarOnMeat #FoodPrices

    Will the Run Up in Retail Meat Prices Continue? USDA Thinks So, Says Consolidation Isn't Fully to Blame
    The price shoppers pay for items like meat at the grocery store are expected to continue the rapid rise. An updated Consumer Price Index shows wholesale beef prices could increase 20% this year.
  • 28 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2205 11:34 AM, 28 Oct 2021
    Are they going to play the bird flu card? We’ve seen the predictive programming around “next bird flu could wipe out half of humanity” …


    Rise in human bird flu cases in China shows risk of fast-changing variants - health experts
    A jump in the number of people in China infected with bird flu this year is raising concern among experts, who say a previously circulating strain appears to have changed and may be more infectious to people. China has reported 21 human infections with the H5N6 subtype of avian influenza in 2021 to the World Health Organization (WHO), compared with only five last year, it said. Though the numbers are much lower than the hundreds infected with H7N9 in 2017, the infections are serious, leaving many critically ill, and at least six dead.
  • iceagefarmer #2206 11:34 AM, 28 Oct 2021
    Global Food Prices Set To Soar As The Oil And Gas Crunch Continues
    The dramatic rally in oil and gas prices is weighing on global food supply chains, with transport and farming costs set to rise even higher
  • iceagefarmer #2207 11:46 AM, 28 Oct 2021
    #Russia (one of chief exporters) writes down their harvest forecast.

    The crop losses have been eclipsed by supply chain in most folks’ eyes, but these are also ongoing.
  • iceagefarmer #2209 05:51 PM, 28 Oct 2021
    “Strange” is one word for it.

    Another word: the Egyptian government was LYING about how much wheat they have.

    (To be clear: they claimed they had 6mo supply, then bought 360,000 metric tons, then had a 5mo supply…)
  • 29 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2210 11:20 AM, 29 Oct 2021
    Vegetable crops, glasshouses and wine grapes north of Adelaide damaged in hailstorm

    Among the most affected vegetable crops were lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchinis, many of which are grown in glasshouses around Virginia, about 30 kilometres north-west of the Adelaide CBD.

    Phan Le estimated the damage to his glasshouses and crops at $200,000, with almost all of his tomatoes ruined.

    #Australia #gsmHail

    Vegetable growers count the cost of damaged glasshouses and crops after hailstorm
    Lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchinis are among the crops badly damaged in storms that swung through South Australia yesterday.
  • iceagefarmer #2211 01:01 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Azure Standard (one of larger bulk food services) hit by automated (BOT) attack on their site, causing delays to delivery:

    Their site is still struggling, so I can’t link the press release. Delivery dates have been pushed back by 1 week in most cases, up to 2 weeks.

    It is noteworthy that now Auguson Farms and Azure Standared are now affected by supply chain difficulties and cyberattacks.


    Press Release: Azure Standard Adjusts to Rapid Growth Amid Supply Chain Challenges • Azure Standard | Natural Organic Foods, Recipes and Healthy Living
    Q & A reveals aggressive moves to avoid discontinuity DUFUR, OR, [10/26/2021] – Azure Standard founder and CEO, David Stelzer released a Q &…
  • iceagefarmer #2212 06:58 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Please stop sending me images and descriptions of the horrors that “Doctor” Fauci has commited. I get it. Everyone paying attention gets it. Tortured dogs, puppies with aborted fetal scalps — I don’t want to see it, no one wants to see it. We get it. God will judge him. We need not.
  • iceagefarmer #2213 07:01 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Instead: the sun just erupted ! An X1 flare yesterday will bring a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm on Oct. 30th when the CME arrives.Such storms can spark naked-eye auroras as far south as Illinois and Oregon (typically 50° geomagnetic latitude) and photographic auroras at even lower latitudes. Lesser G1 and G2-class storms could persist through Halloween as Earth passes through the CME's wake.

    A coronal mass ejection (CME) launched into space on Oct. 28th by exploding sunspot AR2887 is heading almost directly for Earth.
  • iceagefarmer #2214 07:11 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Sounds like good news - but for MOST farmers (and MOST people who need their food) - this is a problem, beyond RoundUp.

    Glyphosate Prices Soar As Much As 300%, And That's If You Can Even Get It

    The input price scenario for 2022 is growing more complicated and scary by the week. Farmers are already preparing for added costs to grow a crop next year, but even today’s prices may be an accurate snapshot for 2022 potential budgets. That’s because input prices continue to climb by the day.

    From nitrogen to glyphosate, prices are posting 100% to 300% increases right now. Some farmers say they can’t even get retailers to price product until the inputs actually arrive at the retail facilities. [IAF: this means less food, and much more expensive]

    One farmer told Farm Journal he priced anhydrous ammonia last week. For a fall application prices currently sit at $1,250 per ton. Just this past spring, prices were $580 for prepay or $650 to $675 per ton for in-season purchases. He was told by this spring, prices could reach $1,400 per ton.

    Extreme weather, combined with an energy crunch in China and Europe, are creating rising fertilizer prices around the globe. Higher natural gas prices are adding to the situation, as the issues just keep piling up.

    #FoodPrices #SupplyChain

    Glyphosate Prices Soar As Much As 300%, And That's If You Can Even Get It
    From nitrogen to glyphosate, prices are posting 100% to 300% increases right now. Some farmers say they can’t even get retailers to price product until the inputs actually arrive at the retail facilities.
  • iceagefarmer #2215 07:16 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Remarkable: adding EXTRA costs to the already fubar’d supply chain!

    The surprise decision by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach this week to impose hefty surcharges on ocean carriers that take too long removing containers from overcrowded terminals has raised more questions than answers. Freight industry professionals — and the Federal Maritime Commission — want to know where the twin ports are getting the authority to levy the surcharges.

    FMC waits for details on California port surcharges
    The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach haven’t informed federal regulators yet about their plans to hit ocean carriers with big fees for excessive storage of containers.
  • iceagefarmer #2216 07:20 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    What do those record high input costs mean?

    More volatility in food prices!

    An ag banking expert says uncertainty lies ahead from record-high input costs and volatility in the commodity markets:

    Bank expert suggests conservative approach heading into 2022 - Brownfield Ag News
    An ag banking expert says uncertainty lies ahead from record-high input costs and volatility in the commodity markets Nathan Kauffman with the Kansas City Federal Reserve says producers should be conservative when planning for the next growing season. “I think it’s always wise to take a disciplined approach to whether it’s a marketing strategy or risk […]
  • iceagefarmer #2217 07:22 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Meat is dangerous. They REALLY want you to believe that, so they can feed you the bug burgers …

    COVID-19 Infections and Deaths at Meatpacking Plants Much Higher Than Previously Thought

    This week, that subcommittee released the results of an investigation into meatpacking plants, and it found that the number of COVID-19 deaths and infections at many of the largest plants was much higher than previously reported—in some cases, several times higher.

    The Congressional subcommittee’s investigation led it to internal documents from the major players in American meatpacking—JBS, Tyson, Cargill, Smithfield and National Beef—which had previously not been public. It found about 59,000 positive cases at plants run by those companies between March 2020 and February 2021, with some plants having COVID-19 infection rates of around 50 percent. At least 269 deaths of plant workers can also be attributed to COVID-19, according to the subcommittee’s report.

    In any case, the subcommittee also dug up some other disturbing evidence. According to the report: “An internal document from Tyson obtained by the Select Subcommittee shows that, on March 20, 2020, Tyson had not begun to conduct temperature checks, but it nonetheless was telling its workers: ‘It is vital that you come to work as planned, despite stories about ‘shelter in place.’’” Other documents revealed ineffective barriers created from plastic bags, dirty protective gear and statements from plant management that seem to disparage and resist efforts by the CDC to create a safer work environment.

    COVID-19 Infections and Deaths at Meatpacking Plants Much Higher Than Previously Thought
    The new estimations are nearly three times higher than previous ones.
  • iceagefarmer #2218 07:27 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Nations are locking down their grain supplies, due to short supply worldwide: Russia, Ukraine, Argentina all adding EXPORT LIMITS. Apparently the Market must realize this before the Public realizes. Get ahead of the game: grow your own food.
  • iceagefarmer #2219 07:28 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Shipping Companies Fear ‘Catastrophic’ Supply Chain Fallout Over New California Port Fees

    Top shipping officials this week said that a Biden administration-backed plan to issue emergency fees for containers lingering too long won’t work and will lead to chaos.

    Earlier this week, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in California announced they would fine ocean carriers for containers that stay too long at port terminals. They said the move is designed to alleviate supply-chain bottlenecks, coming after President Joe Biden pressed the heads of the California ports to move to 24/7 operation.

    “We must expedite the movement of cargo through the ports to work down the number of ships at anchor,” Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka said in a news release about the fine. Starting next month, port officials will charge $100 per container that lingers after nine days by truck and six days by rail, increasing $100 every day.

    But two days later, the officials who attended a meeting of the National Shippers Advisory Council (NSAC)—comprised of 12 importers and 12 exporters including Walmart, Amazon, and Home Depot—said the port fees are “crazy” and “catastrophic.”


    Shipping Companies Fear ‘Catastrophic’ Supply Chain Fallout Over New California Port Fees
    Top shipping officials said a Biden administration-backed plan to issue emergency fees for containers lingering too long won't work and will lead to chaos.
  • iceagefarmer #2220 07:52 PM, 29 Oct 2021
    Remember - the matrix of mind control is collapsing. In this regard, turbulence is expected, and good news. How can you ease the transition to a new reality? What are you growing? How are you freeing others from the system? Lead by example!

    Becky Button at the Earlham Mill is making sure more people can get the lumber they need amid the shortage, by making urban lumber; wood cut out of trees that were grown within city limits.

    "Knowing that other people are kind of following the lead kind of makes me feel good and as a woman, there aren't many woman sawyers, it makes me feel good that I can lead by example," Button said.

    You can find the wood at ReStores in the Des Moines metro. The urban lumber is not for structural use, but it is for making furniture, flooring or anything else you can think up.

    A purchase supports the environment and helps Habitat for Humanity's mission of helping build homes, communities and hope.

  • 31 October 2021
  • iceagefarmer #2221 10:31 PM, 31 Oct 2021
    Ex-NSA hacker says a supply chain cyberattack is one of the things that keeps him up at night
    David Kennedy, also the founder of cybersecurity companies TrustedSec and Binary Defense, says successful attacks may embolden adversarial nations.
  • iceagefarmer #2222 10:31 PM, 31 Oct 2021
    I’m A Twenty Year Truck Driver, I Will Tell You Why America’s “Shipping Crisis” Will Not End


    I’m A Twenty Year Truck Driver, I Will Tell You Why America’s “Shipping Crisis” Will Not End
    I have a simple question for every ‘expert’ who thinks they understand the root causes of the shipping crisis: