• 01 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2586 06:10 AM, 01 Mar 2022
    Brazil: ships sit waiting for delayed soybean harvest. They export 44% of global soybean supply — and the beans just aren’t there.

    It’s not just Ukraine/Russia that are off the table. We are truly passing the point of no return for global food supply.

    #Brazil #soybeans

    Ships Sit Empty for Weeks Waiting for Delayed Brazil Soybeans
    By Tarso Veloso (Bloomberg) — A backlog of vessels waiting to load soybeans from some Brazilian ports is stretching to near-record lengths as the world’s biggest bean exporter struggles to harvest...
  • iceagefarmer #2587 07:19 AM, 01 Mar 2022
    EU is 3rd biggest consumer of corn, and imports majority (70%!) from Ukraine annually.

    Honest question, as ports are being closed to Russia: where are they going to get their food this year? Given Brazil’s weather struggles, and Bayer declaring force majeur in US, it’s just not possible.

    This isn’t just “sanctions” — we are watching a mass suicide ritual. Sorry to be blunt. I just don’t understand how people don’t see this, but I guess they are busy pouring out bottles of vodka.

    Suddenly the deagle population predictions of massive losses across western countries, while Russia/China stay flat, make absolute sense…

    #eu #ukraine #corn
  • iceagefarmer #2588 08:32 AM, 01 Mar 2022
    Google just dropped RT & Sputnik from YouTube. This presages the censorship of ALL voices who do not echo the narrative of the west.

    This is why FOR YEARS they’ve been calling anyone who strays from their propaganda “Russian bots.”

    We are at the tail end of any free exchange in the digital space. If you intend to communicate — be prepared to take it OFFLINE.

    [ Side Note : it’s been an absolute honor communicating with all of you! If/when comms go — best of luck, save those beautiful seeds, and Godspeed! ]
  • iceagefarmer #2589 09:20 AM, 01 Mar 2022
    Maersk, biggest shipping company in the world, SUSPENDS all container shipments to Russia.

    This is complete dismantling of the global supply chain. It’s even more insane than flattening the curve.

    It’s not virtue signaling - it’s not sanctions. Its not a war between nations… It’s a war on ALL the people of the world.


    Maersk suspends all container shipping to Russia
    Shipping group Maersk will temporarily halt all container shipping to and from Russia in response to Western sanctions on Moscow following its invasion of Ukraine, the company said on Tuesday.
  • iceagefarmer #2590 04:36 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    My #1 favorite soil amendment: Lactobacillus ! LAB can also be used as a pro-biotic supplement, to naturally clear drain pipes, to control odor with deep bedding of your birds / livestock, and about 8 gazillion other uses. It’s an army of friendlies waiting for you to use them! Check it out:

    Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) “Recipe”:

    - 1L Rice Wash (just let rice sit in water for a bit, up to a day, then strain it out — the water now is full of carbs for the bacilli to eat!)

    - 10L of milk (or scale both back) — Raw milk is great! Store milk works just fine. We just want the bacteria!

    Mix the two together, leave room at top for some bubbling, cover with mesh or muslin or even a paper towel. Give it 3-6+ days depending on temperature, no direct sunlight. When it smells sweet and has separated out, it’s ready! Then just strain out the liquid from the curds (which can also be used to make cheese), and you have your LAB aka EM1!

    It only takes a teaspoon or two per gallon of water (~ 1:20 if you require quantitative, but who’s counting) to be a potent addition when watering, or with your compost tea.

    ( here is a video by Chris Trump demo’ing the method )
    Korean Natural Farming How to : LAB
    HOW TO CREATE LAB (LACTIC ACID BACTERIA)// LAB IS A SOIL CONDITIONER, SMELL REMEDIATOR, & BOOST OVERALL PLANT, ANIMAL, AND YOUR OWN HEALTH/ Are you ready to increase your plant, animal, and your own ability to absorb nutrients while increasing disease resistance? Lactic Acid Bacteria is a simple method that yields big results. Download my FREE LAB Supply & Resource guide with all the ingredients, ratios, and the exact tools I use here: https://naturalfarming.co/lab/ Don't waste the curds through the LAB process. I'll walk you through how to make your own cheese from the byproduct of LAB. Check out my video on "How To: Cheese from L.A.B. Curds" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNwrx36rWkU To learn more about Natural Farming: https://naturalfarming.co/ Subscribe to Chris Trump for more Natural Farming tips and tricks here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCus0ZO165qzh6KPlULSzs4w Say hi on Social Media: Instagram: http://instagram.com/soilsteward Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturalfarmingco If you like what I am doing and want to help me make more videos please consider supporting me on Patreon @ ** patreon.com/christrump ** About This Video: In this video, Chris Trump from NaturalFarming.co shares how to create Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) with simple ingredients you probably have at home. Chris Trump is an expert in Natural Farming. Chris teaches Natural Farming worldwide and creates resources to equip farmers and gardeners on how to increase crop and livestock performance through sustainability, all while decreasing costs. Be part of the Natural Farming movement to increase awareness of the global food crisis and how to combat it. https://naturalfarming.co/mission/ #Christrump #soilsmith #naturalfarming #LAB Music used by permission: "Counting Song" by, Denae Templeton Songs - EP https://itun.es/us/flbvB?i=458494671
  • iceagefarmer #2591 04:37 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    Quite the legacy there, Vikki …
  • iceagefarmer #2592 04:40 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    Analysts / "experts" are now echoing what I'd said last week about the effects of this conflict on world grain supplies

    "If the conflict is prolonged -- three months, four months from now -- I feel the consequences could be really serious, wheat will need to be rationed," said Andree Defois, president of consultant Strategie Grains.

    Kyiv-based researcher UkrAgroConsult warned, "the chain of product creation, from cultivation to port shipments, is paralyzed."

    This is, at its heart, an attack on the food supply.

    #wheat #FoodShortage
  • iceagefarmer #2593 06:24 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    Wheat prices EXPLODE, limit up. See above post for why.

    I have long said “Watch wheat.” It is THE key strategic grain. Last time wheat prices soared this high, presaged the Arab Spring….


    Wheat prices soar to highest since 2008, trade ‘limit up’ on potential Russia supply hit

    The price of wheat on Tuesday rose to its highest levels in more than a decade, with traders concerned about global supply disruption as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine advanced.

    Wheat futures rose 5.35% to 984 cents per bushel as of 11:30 a.m. ET, at the highs of Tuesday’s session. That marks the highest price since April 4, 2008, when wheat traded as high as 985.5 cents per bushel.


    Wheat prices soar to highest since 2008 on potential Russia supply hit
    Russia is the largest exporter of wheat and Ukraine is among the top four biggest exporters of the commodity, according to JPMorgan.
  • iceagefarmer #2594 08:14 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    BREAKING: Multiple users reporting Merrill Lynch is not allowing them to trade WEAT or some other commodity ETFs.
  • iceagefarmer #2595 10:37 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    UK ‘bribes’ farmers to STOP FARMING
    A government scheme to pay farmers up to £100,000 to help them retire is set to open for applications in April.

    Long-awaited details have been published on Defra's Lump Sum Exit Scheme, part of a drive to encourage older farmers to leave the industry and pass on their land to a new generation.

    To be eligible, farmers will need to surrender their BPS entitlements and dispose of almost all their agricultural land by sale or gift.

    #uk #WarOnFarms

    Farmers will be offered up to £100,000 to retire
    A government scheme to pay farmers up to £100,000 to help them retire is set to open for applications in April.
  • iceagefarmer #2596 10:51 PM, 01 Mar 2022
    Shippers Cut Off Russia - Wheat Price Explodes - Cyberattacks on Shipping

    As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one. What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and--more importantly--who benefits from doing so? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

    via @iceagefarmer


    Youtube: https://youtu.be/S86VxWYmwG4

    #iafvideo #russia #ukraine #wheat #shipping #SupplyChain
    Shippers Cut Off Russia - Wheat Price Explodes - Cyberattacks on Shipping
    As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one. What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and--more importantly--who benefits from doing so? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/01/shippers-cut-off-russia-wheat-price-explodes-cyberattacks-on-shipping/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • 02 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2597 12:20 AM, 02 Mar 2022
    Maersk, world’s largest shipping company who just cut service to Russia, destroying shipping & supply chains … is a WEF partner:

    A.P. Møller-Maersk
    The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests.
  • iceagefarmer #2598 07:26 AM, 02 Mar 2022
    “How without Russian gas?”

    Already EU nations are hearing that they must quickly fail forward into renewables as the gas is shutdown from Russia:

    As I mention in my update earlier, this conflict serves so many aspects of the zero carbon agenda (even as the war machine belches insane pollution) …

    Hoe zonder Russisch gas? Van betere cv-instelling tot ledlampen
    De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Duurzame Energie inventariseerde waar op korte termijn gas bespaard kan worden als Nederland van het Russische gas af wil.
  • iceagefarmer #2599 09:54 AM, 02 Mar 2022
    While eyes are on the war, WHO has contracted Deutsche Telekom to build a global electronic verification of coronavirus (or any) vaccination certificates.

    The QR code-based software solution will be used for other vaccinations as well, such as polio or yellow fever, [or whatever we come up with in the future! whee!] T-Systems said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that the WHO would support its 194 member states in building national and regional verification technology.

    Deutsche Telekom to build global COVID vaccine verification app for WHO
    The World Health Organization has signed a contract with Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems to build a software solution for global electronic verification of coronavirus vaccination certificates, the telecoms company said.
  • iceagefarmer #2600 03:31 PM, 02 Mar 2022
    Wow: Benchmark Malaysian #PalmOil futures rose past 7,000 ringgit/tonne on Wed. The 6,000-mark was first reached just a week ago, the 1st 5,000 in October.

    Palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil. Prices have spiked w/ most sunflower oil trade (15% of vegoil total) offline.

  • iceagefarmer #2602 06:11 PM, 02 Mar 2022
    #soybeans #oilseed
  • iceagefarmer #2603 06:43 PM, 02 Mar 2022
    Moldova bans export of grains to ensure domestic supply.

    The global food crisis is escalating quickly. This is the nation state equivalent of “grab what you can now” — of course China has been doing that for years now.

    #FoodShortages #Moldova #wheat #corn
  • 03 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2604 11:29 AM, 03 Mar 2022
    EU Agriculture Ministers hold Crisis Meeting to manage impact of Ukraine on food production:

    The war in Ukraine could disrupt food production in Europe - not just raw material or fertilizer prices. France wants to activate the EU crisis mechanism. [ I have looked into this plan and can find that it exists, but not what its implementation would entail - @iceagefarmer ]

    "The invasion carries the risk of disrupting global markets for agricultural products," said the official announcement of the video conference of EU agriculture ministers this afternoon. Energy and the production of goods such as fertilizers are also affected. World market prices for wheat have already risen sharply since the beginning of the war. 

    The food crisis is escalating quickly. for more: @iceagefarmer

    original link (de):
    Agrarminister – aktuelle News und Informationen | agrarheute.com
    Agrarminister: Aktuelle News, Informationen, Artikel und Hintergrundberichte zum Thema Agrarminister.
  • iceagefarmer #2605 11:31 AM, 03 Mar 2022
    Another fire at a fertilizer plant, Yakima, WA, USA destroys 1.75 million pounds of mixed components for fertilizers - how many fertilizer facitilies have burned down just this year now? (As fertilizer shipments from Russia stop?)

    Fire rages at fertilizer facility, forces evacuations in Sunnyside

    Although a chemical fire in Sunnyside quickly consumed an industrial building and emitted sulfur-laden smoke throughout the afternoon and evening, Monday’s blaze was caught early enough to avoid injuries and could have been much worse, officials said.

    A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire just after 1 p.m. Monday at Nutrien Ag Solutions, 1101 Midvale Road, Sunnyside Fire Chief Ken Anderson said.

    The fire destroyed one storage building on the southeast corner of the fertilizer storage facility in the Port of Sunnyside and damaged others, but adjacent Nutrien buildings and storage tanks containing hazardous chemicals were spared, Anderson said Monday evening.

    The storage building contained 1.75 million pounds of mixed components for fertilizers, but there were more dangerous chemicals in adjacent buildings and tanks, and firefighters prevented the blaze from spreading to them, Anderson added.

    “It was caught early on — it could have been much worse,” he added.

    #Fertilizer #Fire

    No one hurt as fire rages at fertilizer facility, forces evacuations in Sunnyside
    No injuries were reported in a chemical fire at Nutrien Ag Solutions in Sunnyside on Monday. The blaze at the fertilizer plant could have been much worse, officials said.
  • iceagefarmer #2606 05:50 PM, 03 Mar 2022
    FOOD CRISIS: EU expects shortages, S. Korea feed producers to declare Force Majeur

    The food crisis is here. The EU's agricultural ministers held an emergency meeting, and are set to activate a "EU Food Crisis Contingency Mechanism" in anticipation of the shortages resulting from the blocked 40% of global wheat exports that are no longer flowing from Ukraine/Russia. S. Korea's animal feed producers are preparing to declare force majeur, unable to produce feed wiithout the 300,000 metric tons they'd expected from Ukraine now stuck in the Black Sea. Nations are banning exports to cling to what food stocks they DO have. Things are escalating quickly in the food crisis. Stay tuned to the Ice Age Farmer channel and START GROWING FOOD NOW.

    Join: @iceagefarmer


    Youtube: https://youtu.be/Ctso1KVzL7o

    #eu #FoodShortages #wheat #russia #ukraine #iafvideo
    FOOD CRISIS: EU expects shortages, S. Korea feed producers to declare Force Majeur
    The food crisis is here. The EU's agricultural ministers held an emergency meeting, and are set to activate a "Food Crisis Contingency Mechanism" in anticipation of the shortages resulting from the blocked 40% of global wheat exports that are no longer flowing from Ukraine/Russia. S. Korea's animal feed producers are preparing to declare force majeur, unable to produce feed without the 300,000 metric tons they'd expected from Ukraine now stuck in the Black Sea. Nations are banning exports to cling to what food stocks they DO have. Things are escalating quickly in the food crisis. Stay tuned to the Ice Age Farmer channel and START GROWING FOOD NOW. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/03/food-crisis-eu-expects-shortages-s-korea-feed-producers-to-declare-force-majeur/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ (0:00) exec summary (1:59) SKorea feed supply in trouble (3:30) this is not normal (4:13) EU food crisis mechanism (8:11) InVivo: EU must relax restrictions (10:53) Moldova bans wheat/sugar exports (11:11) Food Chain Reaction Game (11:39) India exporting wheat to Asia (12:40) Solutions
  • iceagefarmer #2607 06:18 PM, 03 Mar 2022
    Marjory Wildcraft: 3-Part System for Food Security – Grow Your Own Food – Ice Age Farmer Podcast

    Marjory Wildcraft joins Christian to explore a 3-part system to quickly grow abundant food for your family. Marjory brings deep experience in organic farming, permaculture, agroforestry, indigenous teachings together with her unique perspective as founder of The Grow Network (grownetwork.com), where 150,000+ individuals share their own experiences in food production. We also discuss why animals are absolutely VITAL to a self-sufficient homestead. Join us, and start growing ridiculous amounts of delicious, nutritious food today!


    Marjory Wildcraft: 3-Part System for Food Security – Grow Your Own Food – Ice Age Farmer Podcast
    Marjory Wildcraft joins Christian to explore a 3-part system to quickly grow abundant food for your family. Marjory brings deep experience in organic farming, permaculture, agroforestry, indigenous…
  • iceagefarmer #2608 06:19 PM, 03 Mar 2022
    Survival Gardening with David the Good – Ice Age Farmer Broadcast (part one)

    Mega interview with David the Good of the Survival Gardening channel! In this first part, we cover the priorities that help frame one’s approach to a survival garden. And while many people get caught up in different techniques and dogma, we stress the importance of just getting started, focusing on yield, and experimenting to see what works best where you are.


    Survival Gardening with David the Good – Ice Age Farmer Broadcast (part one)
    Mega interview with David the Good of the Survival Gardening channel! In this first part, we cover the priorities that help frame one’s approach to a survival garden. And while many people ge…
  • iceagefarmer #2609 06:20 PM, 03 Mar 2022
    Top notch interview with Gabe Brown on regenerative methods to cultivate awesome soil which can't help but grow amazing amounts of food for your family!


    Gabe Brown on Regenerative Solutions to Modern Problems – Ice Age Farmer Podcast

    Gabe Brown of Browns Ranch — a pioneer of the soil-health movement and regenerative practices — joins Christian to discuss regenerative practices and soil health as the bottom line solutions to the myriad problems we face. We discuss the Covid19 pandemic and what we can learn from it, how healthy living soil helped Brown’s Ranch weather the difficult, cold and wet 2019 season in North Dakota — and can do the same for you! Producers from homesteaders/gardeners to larger farmer ranchers can start improving their operations immediately without huge capital investment. Gabe also describes how they have actually been getting a boost in sales due to their direct-to-market approach. And of course we describe the 6 rules for building amazing soil and growing lots of food!

    #soil #solutions

    Gabe Brown on Regenerative Solutions to Modern Problems – Ice Age Farmer Podcast
    Gabe Brown of Browns Ranch — a pioneer of the soil-health movement and regenerative practices — joins Christian to discuss regenerative practices and soil health as the bottom line solu…
  • iceagefarmer #2610 06:33 PM, 03 Mar 2022
    Remember the priorities for a SURVIVAL GARDEN:

    1st, CALORIES — can’t do anything on an empty stomach.

    2nd, NUTRITION — THEN worry about nutrition: good protein. support immune system (turmeric, garlic, oregano, ginger)

    3rd, TASTE — once you CRUSH the first two, then you can add in the fun stuff.

    OPEN COMMENT THREAD: What are you planting this year?
  • iceagefarmer #2611 06:41 PM, 03 Mar 2022
    Check out these telegram groups full of other Ice Age Farmers passionate about food sovereignty! They are full 24/7 of people who want to talk about:

    * @IAF_Garden -> Gardening, Permaculture, canning/food preservation (7,000+ members!)
    * @IAF_Birds -> Chickens, Ducks, Quail, Guineas (3,300+ members!)
    * @IAF_Bees -> Beekeeping!
    * @IAF_Rabbits -> Rabbits!
    * @IAF_Goats -> Goats & other medium livestock
    * @IAF_DIY -> Homesteading / greenhouse builds, etc. NEW!

    These rooms are protected by anti-spambot measures to keep them free of the bots plaguing telegram. It shouldn’t be a problem for humans, but if you do need help getting in, reply to this post.

    Also check out the IAF Guilded group (like discord, but I was banned there for too much truthiness) -> https://iceagefarmer.com/guilded
    Ice Age Farmer - Guilded
    Founded 07-06-2020 by Ice Age Farmer
  • iceagefarmer #2617 07:40 PM, 03 Mar 2022

    Join: @iceagefarmer
  • 04 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2618 03:16 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    “Market hasn’t even begun to factor in the epic disruption of commodity shipping…”

    #wheat trading at all time highs…
  • iceagefarmer #2619 04:10 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    Telegram has banned RT. This is an exceedingly bad sign for alternative media.

    Find Ice Age Farmer directly at https://iceagefarmer.com .

    You can also bookmark the IP directly in case of DNS-level censorship (ie, entire domain names, which as I’d reported, is already happening):

    There is also the Guilded group here (it’s like discord; but discord long ago banned me for truthiness):


    In case we do lose comms, I’ll just say it again: it’s been an honor and pleasure, good luck, and God bless.

    - Christian

    bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer
    odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer

    food, abundance, warmth
  • iceagefarmer #2620 04:28 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    Two more merchant (civilian) vessels have been attacked this week in the Black Sea. It's safe to say grain shipments are not going to resume any time soon:

    A Bangladeshi cargo ship was hit by a missile, killing one of the crew.

    An Estonian vessel was sunk outside Odessa, Thursday, possibly after hitting a mine, and four crew members are missing.

    #ukraine #shipping #SupplyChain #FoodShortages
  • iceagefarmer #2622 04:39 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    “Fertilizer is the most peaceful weapon in wars!”

    As I’ve covered, The EU’s Farm-to-Fork program demands farmers not farm all their land in order to continue receiving subsidies (required to be economically viable). The more they don’t cultivate the more money they get.

    Germany‘s agriculture minister Cem Özdemir has just confirmed that the EU‘s reforms are to remain in force despite the fact that Ukraine/Russia’s grains, seeds and fertilizer have been cut off.

    German farmers are outraged. You do not have to speak his language to feel this man’s passion or understand the urgency and insanity of the situation.

    Some of his words translated:
    “In the midst of such a catastrophe, green eco-fanaticism … is putting ecological madness before human lives!”

    "Hunger is murder, Herr Özdemir!”

    via Christian Lohmeyer

    #germany #eu #ukraine #russia #FoodShortages
  • iceagefarmer #2623 07:26 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    CAIRO - Egypt is scrambling to find alternate sources of wheat after the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put supply to the country in jeopardy. This is especially urgent because the price of bread in Egypt has in the past sparked protests in the country.

    “We must purchase and stockpile wheat as quickly as possible before the Ukraine-Russia war breaks out, “Sawiris Tweeted.

    #Egypt #Wheat

    Egypt Rushes to Find Alternative Wheat Suppliers Following Ukraine Crisis
    Egypt is scrambling to find alternate sources of wheat after the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put supply to the country in jeopardy. This is especially urgent because the price of bread in Egypt ha
  • iceagefarmer #2624 09:34 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    Mainstream media now telling you: get ready for FOOD RATIONING.

    And they are blaming Putin for the world food crisis. But you and I know better. Today's video report forthcoming.

    Rabobank says we must contend with intense La Niña weather patterns and drought in Brazil and Argentina. “Grain shortfalls are likely to be so pronounced as to require demand destruction, or rationing,” it said.

    “Unlike the West, China is prepared. It has been stocking up for months and holds 84 per cent of the world’s copper, 70 per cent of its corn and 51 per cent of its wheat. “China has bought enormous quantities of US soy in recent weeks,” said Rabobank. One might ask if Xi Jinping knew something in advance.”

    join: @iceagefarmer

    Putin’s energy shock is becoming a world food crisis. Brace for rationing.
    Shortage of grain and other agricultural commodities means a billion of the world’s poorest people will go even hungrier thanks to Putin’s deranged misadventure, and some will starve. Our next moral mission is to help them.
  • iceagefarmer #2625 10:07 PM, 04 Mar 2022
    "Brace for Rationing" - Food Crisis Escalates - EU farmers furious

    The food crisis is escalating: more countries are halting exports, but even as the EU converges a food crisis meeting, they refuse to relax restrictions on farmers. Similarly, the US is not waiving biofuel mandates even as grain prices explode. Christian explains that this crisis is needed to advance the agenda, and reiterates the priorities for your victory garden to insulate your family and community from this worldwide food crisis. Start growing today.

    join: @iceagefarmer


    Youtube: https://youtu.be/_F6ilTV3rpY
    Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/loL6E9hjv0MD/

    #iafvideo #ukraine #russia #wheat #eu #usa
    "Brace for Rationing" - Food Crisis Escalates - EU farmers furious
    The food crisis is escalating: more countries are halting exports, but even as the EU converges a food crisis meeting, they refuse to relax restrictions on farmers. Similarly, the US is not waiving biofuel mandates even as grain prices explode. Christian explains that this crisis is needed to advance the agenda, and reiterates the priorities for your victory garden to insulate your family and community from this worldwide food crisis. Start growing today. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/04/brace-for-rationing-food-crisis-escalates-eu-farmers-furious/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: see : https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/04/brace-for-rationing-food-crisis-escalates-eu-farmers-furious/
  • 05 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2626 02:31 PM, 05 Mar 2022
    China ag minister says winter wheat condition could be worst in history

    The condition of China's winter wheat crop could be the "worst in history", the agriculture minister said on Saturday, raising concerns about grain supplies in the world's biggest wheat consumer.

    Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the country's annual parliament meeting, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian said that rare heavy rainfall last year delayed the planting of about one-third of the normal wheat acreage.

    #wheat #China #GrandSolarMinimum

    China agriculture minister says winter wheat condition could be worst in history
    The condition of China's winter wheat crop could be the "worst in history", the agriculture minister said on Saturday, raising concerns about grain supplies in the world's biggest wheat consumer.
  • iceagefarmer #2627 02:49 PM, 05 Mar 2022
    With mainstream media pushing idea of rationing food, the technocrats seem to be pivoting to digital ration cards. Too much resistance to mandates/passports? Just stage a war and cut the food.

    As Kissinger said: “Control food and you control people.”



    My report: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/04/brace-for-rationing-food-crisis-escalates-eu-farmers-furious/
    Putin’s energy shock is becoming a world food crisis. Brace for rationing.
    Shortage of grain and other agricultural commodities means a billion of the world’s poorest people will go even hungrier thanks to Putin’s derange...
  • 07 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2628 04:25 PM, 07 Mar 2022
    Syria is the latest to ban exports of foodstuffs as the food crisis escalates.


    Syria bans exports of some foodstuffs to prevent food shortages - ENGLISH PICHINCHA
    The Syrian government today banned the export of several foodstuffs as part of a package of measures aimed at mitigating the impact resulting from the conflict in Ukraine on the country’s economy and the availability [...]
  • iceagefarmer #2629 04:28 PM, 07 Mar 2022
    Ukraine is about 3 weeks out from planting this season’s crop — and seeds are not showing up. Forget the early analyses about “25% hit to yield” - this is devolving to a completely catastrophic blow to food production. In the area that supplied 40% of worlds grain.

    #ukraine #corn #FoodShortage
  • 08 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2630 05:52 AM, 08 Mar 2022
    ‘We need bread’: fears in Middle East as Ukraine war hits wheat imports
    Aid agencies warn of ‘ripple effect’ as soaring wheat prices hit countries already facing inflation, food insecurity and conflict
  • iceagefarmer #2631 09:20 AM, 08 Mar 2022
    Food Rationing: Aldi has begun limiting purchases of cooking oil in German stores.

    This follows palm oil and other oilseeds hitting record highs, and now the cut off from Ukraine’s sunflower oil.

    How long until we hear policymakers/media calling for digital IDs to enforce the rationing? Nevermind the vx passport, now a food passport. Digital rationing.

    Translated from link below:
    “Aldi Süd even limited the sale of its own brand to four bottles per customer in response to the cooking oil shortages .”


    Leere Regale bei Aldi, Lidl, Edeka & Co.: Märkte reagieren - für ein Produkt gibt es erstmal keinen Nachschub
    Der Krieg in der Ukraine lässt Lebensmittel knapp werden. In den Supermärkten und Discountern ist derzeit vor allem Speiseöl Mangelware. Der Verband Ovid warnt, dass es für eine bestimmte Sorte auch erstmal so bleiben wird.
  • iceagefarmer #2632 08:34 PM, 08 Mar 2022
    Russia responds to Biden, blocks ALL exports to certain countries. Massive impact to food supply confirmed.

    Within hours of Joe Biden announcing a far-reaching ban on all US imports of Russian oil - while warning Americans that gas prices are about to "go up further" - Vladimir Putin is reported to have signed his own counter-measure decree.

    Russia's RIA news agency is reporting that the new decree blocks all exports and raw materials from Russia "of certain materials" - with state media reports noting the specific list will be made public in two days.

    Putin Signs Countermeasure Decree Limiting Russian Exports After Biden's Russian Oil Import Ban
    Vague decree blocks all exports & raw materials on list yet to be published...
  • 09 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2633 09:29 AM, 09 Mar 2022
    Rumors that BASF’s Ludwigshafen plant will shutdown due to energy crisis. The plant provides vitamins used for animal feed -- its closure would paralyze animal feed producers.

    Between this and the grains shortage, animal feed is in trouble. And the WEF may soon have their “post-animal economy.”

    #PostAnimalEconomy #EnergyCrisis
  • 10 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2634 07:10 AM, 10 Mar 2022
    This biolabs narrative can go a number of ways — and I don’t like any of them …

    Stay focused on what you can do to improve the world! Planting seeds is only one way to invest in a better tomorrow.

  • iceagefarmer #2635 07:12 PM, 10 Mar 2022
    Russia confirms ban of fertilizer to hostile states, mulls temporary ban of grain exports even to EEU (Eurasian Economic Union = Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)

    Russia To Ban Fertilizer Exports To 'Not Friendly' Countries; China Warns US Against Retaliation
    The global economy is splintering, and Russia has agreements with "friendly countries" on fertilizers.... 
  • 11 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2636 07:55 AM, 11 Mar 2022
    Food rationing has started in #Russia.
  • iceagefarmer #2637 09:08 AM, 11 Mar 2022
    H5N1 bird flu outbreak continues in USA (according to PCR tests). Millions of birds killed.

    Backyards flocks should be on lookout for avian flu
    Turkey producer on Minnesota Board of Animal Health says the state is better prepared in 2022 than in 2015.
  • iceagefarmer #2638 12:50 PM, 11 Mar 2022
    Italy: truck drivers declare force majeur due to EU gas prices -- deliveries stop MONDAY (and 84% of goods are delivered by road)

    The sanctions are working … Europe is circling the drain. They haven't even bothered to eliminate VAT. Controlled demolition.

    Starting from next Monday, March 14, the trucking companies will suspend their services nationwide 'due to force majeure' "and that is the explosion of fuel costs.

    "The suspension of services has become inevitable - underlines a letter sent by Trasportiunito to the Prime Minister, the Minister and Deputy Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and the President of the Guarantee Commission in Strikes - also to protect companies and prevent that the exasperated market conditions, determined by the record rise in fuel prices, translate into advantages for other subjects in the transport sector, or into charges for contractual obligations that the companies in the logistics chain are no longer able to guarantee ".

    The protests in the transport sector called by some trade organizations could immediately lead to a further serious surge in retail prices. Codacons denounces it, commenting on the stop to transport services announced today by Trasportiunito. "The road transport block will have direct effects on the community, suspending the supplies of goods in the commercial sector and leading to a surge in retail price lists in shops and supermarkets - says the president Carlo Rienzi - An inevitable consequence, considering that the 85% of goods sold in Italy travel by road, and a further damage for consumers, exhausted like companies by expensive fuel ". "In this situation, a shameful immobility arrives from the Government, and it is not clear what awaits the executive to immediately cancel the VAT on petrol and diesel and reduce excise duties…

    #Italy #EU #EnergyCrisis

    Caro carburante: Trasportounito, da lunedì stop autotrasporto
    Trasportounito: "La sospensione dei servizi si è resa inevitabile anche per tutelare le imprese" (ANSA)
  • iceagefarmer #2639 01:03 PM, 11 Mar 2022
    Netherlands: Transport ban due to bird flu affects many poultry farmers

    Bird flu was diagnosed yesterday at a poultry farm near Lunteren. Because there are many poultry farms in the region, a transport ban for poultry has been announced for a large area. As a result, at least 228 companies are affected, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

    There are another 46 other poultry farmers within a radius of 3 kilometers from the infected company. Samples are taken from them to determine whether animals are infected. [IAF: note they are using the PCR test!]

    #netherlands #BirdFlu

    Vervoersverbod door vogelgriep treft veel pluimveehouders
    Bij een pluimveebedrijf bij Lunteren is gisteren vogelgriep vastgesteld. Omdat er in de regio heel veel pluimveebedrijven staan, is er voor een groot gebied een vervoersverbod afgekondigd voor pluimvee. Daardoor worden zeker 228 bedrijven getroffen, aldus het ministerie van Landbouw.
  • iceagefarmer #2641 03:41 PM, 11 Mar 2022
    Germany: rationing of cooking oil began several days ago, and now also staples (rice, flour, milk, sugar).

    This is a Rewe near Frankfurt.

    #Germany #FoodShortages
  • iceagefarmer #2642 07:54 PM, 11 Mar 2022
    UK: The National Farmers’ Union has warned of a huge drop in UK-grown crops, including a drop of up to 50% in the amount they can afford to grow due to explosion of prices of gas used to heat glasshouses.

    producers are saying the number of cucumbers that will be grown annually could fall from 80m to 35m, while pepper production could halve from 100m. She also added that inflation was leading to dramatic rises in other areas, citing the example of the cost of raising a chicken increasing by 50% in a year for farmers.

    #uk #EnergyCrisis

    UK farmers warn soaring gas costs could cut food production
    NFU asks government to treat situation over glasshouse crops as ‘matter of urgency’
  • 12 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2643 07:10 AM, 12 Mar 2022
    How To Grow Lots Of Food In A Grid Down Situation Even If You Have No Experience, Are Older, Or Out Of Shape

    If you enjoyed our interview, Marjory Wildcraft is hosting a FREE webinar TODAY -- SATURDAY, March 12 — including her take on:

    - Status of global food shortages
    - How long the crisis will last
    - How much space you need to grow food
    - Easiest, highest calorie foods you can produce
    - A complete plan for producing all the food you need
    - How to get started today.

    Check it out here: https://iceagefarmer.com/grow
    The safest, fastest way to produce food
    This is how anyone can start growing food right now, even if you have no experience at all
  • 14 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2644 08:10 AM, 14 Mar 2022
    Yet another food production/distribution facility spontaneously combusts.

    This one in Taiwan …


    Massive Fire Rocks Major Grocery Logistics Center In Taiwan
    A massive fire has broken out at a northern Taiwan logistics center for the 8th largest retailer in the world.
  • 15 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2646 08:47 AM, 15 Mar 2022
    Ukraine war could lead to global food shortage, escalate prices

    A prolonged war in Ukraine could impact the production of grains and reduce food supplies in Europe, Africa and Asia.
    Russia has decalred that it would suspend grain exports to neighbouring ex-Soviet countries until the end of August to further strengthen its food security. Heatwave has already destroyed one-third of the country's wheat and other grains in the country.

    Russian wheat exports have fallen by 45 percent since the start of the current July-June season due to smaller crop and grain export taxes and export quotas from 2021 to curb food inflation in Russia.
    Russia and Ukraine combine for nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley exports. Egypt and Turkey are heavily dependeent on wheat from Russia. 


    Ukraine war could lead to global food shortage, escalate prices
    The war may increase food prices up to 20 percent from the current level
  • iceagefarmer #2647 09:02 AM, 15 Mar 2022
    “Global food supply is decreasing”

    Note that they have the audacity to blame Putin and climate change. ( No mention of #GrandSolarMinimum ;) )

    How grows your garden?

    The end of the shortages, price hikes, and low supply problems at grocery stores and supermarket chains may not be gone anytime soon, as the global food supply is still suffering. In fact, experts are saying that these issues may not go away… for years.

    The world's food industry was seeing problems arise two years ago, even before the pandemic, thanks to climate issues. Fast-forward to now, and issues like inflation and politics are only wreaking more havoc on an already shaky operation.

    6 Grocery Items Still Facing Shortages — Eat This Not That
    We’ve seen shortages before, and with continuing disruptions to supply chains, we are continuing to see them again in grocery stores items.
  • 16 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2649 08:13 PM, 16 Mar 2022
    Massive fire engulfs Walmart distribution center near Indianapolis

    Yesterday it was a giant fire in the largest warehouse for the largest grocery store chain in Taiwan. The spontaneous combustion of our food supply / supply chain continues at breakneck speed.

    CBS 4 in Indianapolis reported the smoke was so thick it was being picked up on weather radar.

    There was no word on if there were any injuries or what may have caused the fire to start at the facility located at 9590 Allpoints Parkway.

    See the #Fire hashtag ! #SupplyChain

    Cause of massive fire Walmart at distribution center could take weeks to determine
    A massive fire at the Walmart distribution center northwest of Indianapolis sent a large plume of smoke into the air.
  • iceagefarmer #2650 08:24 PM, 16 Mar 2022
    Aren't we lucky we have the bug protein farms and Bill Gates synthetic beef.
  • iceagefarmer #2651 08:26 PM, 16 Mar 2022
    Record Amounts Of Illegal Meat From China Seized At Los Angeles Ports

    U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) officials are seizing record amounts of illegal meat products from China at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports.

    According to the USDA, China is known to have cases of African Swine Fever, Classical Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth Disease, bird flu, and other virulent diseases.

    When illegally shipped meat is intercepted, Customs and Border Patrol either destroys it or sends it back to China, according to the agency.

    Agents at the ports found most of the illegal animal products stored with boxes of e-commerce shipments and household goods in what they say was a clear attempt to smuggle the meat.

    Record Amounts of Illegal Meat From China Seized at Los Angeles Ports
    U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officials are seizing record amounts of illegal meat products from China at ...
  • 17 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2652 01:41 PM, 17 Mar 2022
    Food Shortages to Come Soon

    - glad to see the #GrandSolarMinimum referenced here.

    Food Shortages Soon Come – What To Do?
    A concatenation of events is dropping on us like an imploding building and there’s not much we can do to stop it. However, we can mitigate some of the potential damage through our individual efforts and need to get started now. But first, on...
  • 21 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2653 08:56 PM, 21 Mar 2022
    CP Rail workers walk off the job amid fears strike could further impact supply chains

    CP Rail strike begins after workers locked out by employer, threatening supply chains
    The strike involving nearly 3,000 engineers, conductors and other train employees took effect at 1 a.m. ET Sunday after the union and company dug in their heels.
  • iceagefarmer #2654 08:59 PM, 21 Mar 2022
    FDA approves GMO cattle for food

    The slippery slope is being explored, opening the gates to all sorts of unGodly adulteration of our food supply and, ultimately, bioengineered lab meat.

    “The FDA has ruled that meat from CRISPR bioengineered cattle to have shorter hair — known as a slick coat - is “low risk” enough to feed Americans.

    FDA approves GMO cattle for food
    The animals are designed to have shorter coats, which is a naturally occurring genetic mutation that helps them do better in hotter temperatures. This is the third genome-engineered animal to be approved for consumption.
  • iceagefarmer #2655 09:07 PM, 21 Mar 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2656 10:17 PM, 21 Mar 2022
    400,000 farmers and folks from the Spanish countryside have come to say ‘Enough of the government pimping us and putting the food and work of many people at risk,’”

    Thousands protest over soaring prices in Spain
    Thousands of farmers protested against soaring prices and government inaction in Madrid amid the Russian offensive in Ukraine
  • iceagefarmer #2657 10:54 PM, 21 Mar 2022
    Let’s be clear: the letter posted above from German poultry association states in no uncertain terms: our supply of animal feed has run out, so our egg supply runs out within 12-15 weeks.

    But it’s not just poultry. It is not an isolated crisis, but an exemplar of the full collapse of modern agriculture, now in its final moments.

    Greenhouses sit empty, unheated, because the price of natural gas is too high.

    Fertilizer is not being produced.

    Ranchers are not breeding animals — and are already culling — because there is no feed.

    Countries have cut off the exports, and there is not enough wheat to go around for importers.

    Grow/store everything you can.

    And be ready with seeds and ANSWERS as people are going to be waking up in droves and looking for answers, “How could our gov lie to us?”

    We all must do an honest assessment of how we became so dependent on such deeply toxic, self-destructive systems/practices/behaviors, and resolve to better discern and divorce ourselves from them for the rest of time… Or else we will simply fail forward into the clutches of the technocrats.

    No Fear - it keeps us from imagining & creating the new, decentralized future. Let’s make it a better one. This is the make it or break it moment.

    - Christian @iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #2658 11:09 PM, 21 Mar 2022
    Agriculture Ministers of the European Union (EU) are discussing on Monday measures to address the consequences of the war in Ukraine on the agri-food sector and the “fears” that it could trigger a “global food crisis”.

    “One of the strongest fears is that this tragedy on Ukrainian soil will be added to a global food crisis in countries that do not have the capacity to cope with the consequences of the war in Ukraine in terms of access to wheat, fertilizers or animal feed,” the French Minister of Agriculture and Food, Julien Denormandie

    “The European Commission is expected to present on Monday some of the measures to support the EU primary sector that it has been preparing, in particular aid for the private storage of pork, the use of the crisis reserve or the possibility of growing crops on fallow land

    #eu #FoodShortages

    EU ministers discuss the fear of a global food crisis
    EU ministers discuss the fear of a global food crisis
  • 22 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2659 06:54 AM, 22 Mar 2022
    WEF is warning about food shortages — front running the food crisis with propaganda, insisting more government and “sustainable diets” are the solution:

    “calling for an immediate government intervention to the market is therefore the natural thing to do.”

    Ukraine: How the global fertilizer shortage is going to affect food security
    The pandemic, high fuel prices and the conflict in Ukraine are impacting the production and supply of food, with governments facing tough decisions ahead.
  • iceagefarmer #2660 01:10 PM, 22 Mar 2022
    The window for planting is closing in #Ukraine.

    #wheat #corn #FoodShortages
  • iceagefarmer #2661 03:10 PM, 22 Mar 2022
    Macron speaks to plans to massively expand “food stamps” — just as the Rockefeller “Reset the Table” plan described:

    PARIS, March 22 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron, currently campaigning for re-election, on Tuesday said he was considering giving special cheques to poor households to compensate for increased food prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    #France #EU #FoodPrices

    France's Macron mulls food stamps to help poor households cope with Ukraine war fallout
    French President Emmanuel Macron, currently campaigning for re-election, on Tuesday said he was considering giving special cheques to poor households to compensate for increased food prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  • 23 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2662 08:37 AM, 23 Mar 2022
    Anonymous “Cyberattacks” Nestlé, world’s biggest food company, leaking 10GB of internal data including emails, account passwords, and client data in “retaliation” for the Swiss company’s continuing limited operations in Russia.

    Nevermind 'anonymous' this is a message from the WEF technocrats to big companies: “if you don't play by our rules, we will roast you.”


    The hack comes a few days after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called out Nestle for its continued relationship with Russia.

    "'Good food. Good life.' This is the slogan of Nestlé. Your company that refuses to leave Russia," Zelensky said Saturday. "Even now — when there are threats from Russia to other European countries. Not only to us. When there is even nuclear blackmail from Russia."

    Nestle later defended its decision not to pull out of Russia, noting that it made sweeping changes since President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

    "We have significantly scaled back out activities in Russia: we have stopped all imports and exports from Russia, except for essential products," a spokesperson said in a statement to CNN.

    Anonymous Hackers Leak 10GB Of Nestle Company Data For Refusing To Leave Russia
    The file contained important data such as Nestle's orders, passwords, emails and client information.
  • iceagefarmer #2663 01:34 PM, 23 Mar 2022
    In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian is joined by Dr. Frédéric Leroy, a professor in the field of food science & biotechnology at Vrije Universiteit, to detail what can only be described as an attempted hostile takeover of all human food production. Dr. Leroy outlines with studied precision the UN Food Systems Summit: the agenda to end traditional farming and ranching, the players involved (and the revolving door between big multinational food companies, think tanks/foundations, and policymakers), the movement’s genesis in new age “Gaia” worship, and much, much more.

    Dr. Frédéric Leroy: Hostile Takeover of Food Production – Ice Age Farmer Broadcast
    In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian is joined by Dr. Frédéric Leroy, a professor in the field of food science & biotechnology at Vrije Universiteit, to detail what can only be d…
  • iceagefarmer #2664 01:52 PM, 23 Mar 2022
    CHICKEN CRISIS: The cost of chicken could rise by up to 30 per cent. The UK environment secretary warned as he said that more expensive food was “inevitable” after the invasion of Ukraine.

    George Eustice said that the government was considering delaying new regulation in areas such as obesity, climate change and environmental protection to minimise increases in shopping bills over the next months.

    #uk #WarOnMeat

    Spring statement 2022: Rishi Sunak eases national insurance burden but living standards set to plunge
    Chancellor raises national insurance threshold and plans income tax giveaway in 2024
  • 24 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2665 10:27 AM, 24 Mar 2022
    Wakey wakey — It’s not just coffee.

    “Mega Emergency" Unfolds For World's Top Coffee Growers As Fertilizer Costs Spike 

    Coffee farmers worldwide are feeling the pressure of sanctions, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine sent fertilizer prices soaring, prompting concerns of declining harvests this year.

    Coffee farmers in Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Costa Rica, some of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, are having trouble affording high fertilizer costs. Some farmers are substituting organic waste as a low-cost solution to nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash fertilizers. The move, however, will result in significantly reduced harvests of the bean. 

    "Mega Emergency" Unfolds For World's Top Coffee Growers As Fertilizer Costs Spike 
    The world is diving into a coffee deficit. This can only mean prices will rise. 
  • iceagefarmer #2666 02:38 PM, 24 Mar 2022
    Extra emphasis on -- this is PCR TESTING being used on BACKYARD FLOCKS and then KILLING PEOPLE'S CHICKENS.

    570K chickens to be destroyed in Nebraska fight against bird flu

    The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) announced on Tuesday that it has confirmed a case of the highly contagious bird flu in a commercial flock of 570,000 broiler chickens and that the birds will be "humanely depopulated and disposed of."

    The virus was initially discovered on March 7 in a wild goose in Lincoln, Neb., but was later discovered in a backyard flock of chickens in Merrick County [IAF: using the **PCR TEST**] and several wild geese in Cedar and Douglas counties, according to a press release.

    #BirdFlu #WarOnMeat

    570K chickens to be destroyed in Nebraska fight against bird flu
    The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) announced on Tuesday that it has confirmed a case of the highly contagious bird flu in a commercial flock of 570,000 broiler chickens and…
  • iceagefarmer #2667 02:57 PM, 24 Mar 2022
    Farms are being shut down after PFAS (“the forever chemical”) contamination from Biosludge.

    I don’t know how anyone ever thought it was a good idea, but indeed, now that many “organic” farms have tossed urban wastewater full of chemicals on their farmland for a few years, suddenly the government notices it is poisonous, starts declaring these farms toxic, and shutting them down.

    Maine alone has shut down over 700 farms contaminated -- and it is NOT limited to this state.

    It also affects neighboring farms for miles. This is just the latest avenue to shut down farms.

    Farmers face ruin in America’s ‘forever chemicals’ crisis

    Maine’s disaster from PFAS-contaminated produce is causing farms to close and farmers to face the loss of their livelihoods

    Sludge is a by-product of the wastewater treatment process that’s a mix of human excrement and any number of more than 90,000 human-made chemicals or substances discharged from industry’s pipes. “It’s a toxic soup,” said Laura Orlando, a Boston University civil engineer who studies sludge contamination.

    Additionally, PFAS can spread. Ironwood Farm, about six miles from Songbird, tested its water and found high levels suspected to have migrated from a neighbors’ sludge-packed field.

    #WarOnFarms #PFAS

    ‘I don’t know how we’ll survive’: the farmers facing ruin in America’s ‘forever chemicals’ crisis
    Maine’s disaster from PFAS-contaminated produce is causing farms to close and farmers to face the loss of their livelihoods
  • iceagefarmer #2668 03:03 PM, 24 Mar 2022
    Thank you for helping this channel reach 100,000 of the most amazing, brilliant people on telegram!

    It is an honor to be in touch with you, and knowing that you are working with me to grow food and spread the word gives me hope!

    May your harvests be bountiful! Godspeed and God bless.

    Christian @iceagefarmer

    Don’t forget the other Ice Age Farmer chats!

    * @IAF_Garden -> Gardening, Permaculture (7,000+ members!)
    * @IAF_Birds -> Chickens, Ducks, Quail, Guineas (3,300+ members!)
    * @IAF_Bees -> Beekeeping!
    * @IAF_Rabbits -> Rabbits!
    * @IAF_Goats -> Goats & other medium livestock
    * @IAF_DIY -> DIY builds: home construction, greenhouses, coops, etc
    * @IAF_Herbs -> Herbal remedies & homeopathy
    * @IAF_Canning -> Canning & food preservation
    * @IAF_Homebrewing -> Everything from mead to distillation
    * @IAF_Mushrooms -> Fantastic fungi !
  • iceagefarmer #2670 03:43 PM, 24 Mar 2022
    Citric acid shortages - largest US producer already sold out for 2022.

    Goes without saying citric acid is used not just for fertilizers but innumerable food products:
  • iceagefarmer #2671 09:04 PM, 24 Mar 2022
    BIDEN: “Food shortages - it’s going to be real,” Biden said at a news conference in Brussels. “The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”

    Now it is announced by POTUS. Some number of people may rush to the store — how will that affect product availability? How will retailers react?

    This can only lead to rationing.

    The next leg of the agenda is moving forward.

    Plant those victory gardens.

  • iceagefarmer #2672 10:32 PM, 24 Mar 2022
    Montana Dept. of Agriculture advises people to use caution when planting seeds!

    This is the continuation of the “gardens and seeds are dangerous” idea that began with the “Chinese mystery seeds” psyop (and "poisonous courgettes” trend): Amazon banned international seed sales, and I’d said in my report (“MYSTERY SEEDS: Chinese Bioterrorism, or False Flag to Control Seeds?") “Just watch — soon it will be illegal to plant anything but seeds from certain LICENSED companies.”

    And now, less than two years later:
    “MISSOULA, Mont. — Montana Department of Agriculture officials urge people to make sure seeds and plant materials are sourced from licensed dealers and nurseries.”

    — This is a dangerous attempt to rewrite reality so that “seed saving” and heirloom varieties become “dangerous,” and ultimately, illegal. No one in their right mind would believe this, but then, most people are not in their right mind…


  • 25 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2673 12:49 PM, 25 Mar 2022
    UK: Brit shoppers 'face fruit, veg and cheese shortages' after P&O ferry cancellations

    Brits could face shortages in supermarkets with vegetables, fruit, cheese and wine among products not arriving after P&O suddenly cancelled services. After the firm axed 800 of its staff fresh fears have emerged that thousands of sheep may also have to be slaughtered.

    Edward Adamson, a sheep farmer from County Antrim in Northern Ireland, said he may have to kill some sheep if the ferry crisis continues.

    "There is no route to the UK mainland for us otherwise. We produce more animals than we need you see and we can't just keep them," he said, reported The Sun.

    #WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #SupplyChain #UK

    Brit shoppers 'face fruit, veg and cheese shortages' after P&O ferry cancellations
    Shoppers have been told the cutting of services by P&O may lead to shortages of fresh products like vegetables, fruit and cheese, as well as wine
  • iceagefarmer #2674 03:01 PM, 25 Mar 2022
    Germany: Gas and diesel could soon be rationed

    German authorities are preparing the economy for possible energy rationing. “Numerous companies have contacted us because they have received letters from their gas suppliers telling them that their energy supplies may be rationed or shut down in the future. The measures are being taken against the background of the Ukraine war.

    A scenario that was considered unthinkable just a few weeks ago could become reality: that German companies can no longer produce because the authorities are turning off the gas tap.

    In addition to gas, diesel is also likely to become scarce soon, and there is a risk of rationing here too. [IAF: consider the impact not just on trucking/supply chain, but on farm equipment/food production].

    #EnergyCrisis #Germany

    Gas und Diesel könnten schon bald rationiert werden
    Die deutschen Behörden haben die Unternehmen aufgefordert, sich auf Rationierungen oder die Abschaltung von Erdgas vorzubereiten. Auch Diesel wird knapp.
  • iceagefarmer #2675 09:16 PM, 25 Mar 2022
    Bread & circuses keep the masses asleep...and they are taking away the bread!

    As Biden announces food shortages are coming -- prompting many to go stock up, and likely necessitating food rationing -- two massive attacks are being perpetrated against our food supply:

    - a "bird flu" epidemic is sweeping Europe and the US, again fueled by PCR tests, forcing mass depopulation of poultry & "backyard flocks."

    - farms contaminated with PFAS are being shut down as it is finally revealed that the "Biosludge" applied to farms (including organic!) was the equivalent of salting the Earth to destroy food production.

    In this Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian breaks it down and explores what is going to happen next: a great awakening.


    #iafvideo #FoodShortages #Rationing #BirdFlu #PFAS

    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/25/biden-food-shortages-real-bird-flu-pcr-pfas-closes-farms/

    Youtube: https://youtu.be/C2S8d80FXQ4
    Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1WyyFV7CYzhV/
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64272450
    Biden: "Food Shortages Real" - Bird Flu PCR - PFAS closes farms
    Bread & circuses keep the masses asleep...and they are taking away the bread. As Biden announces food shortages are coming -- prompting many to go stock up, and likely necessitating food rationing -- two massive attacks are being perpetrated against our food supply: a "bird flu" epidemic is sweeping Europe and the US, again fueled by PCR tests, forcing mass depopulation of poultry & "backyard flocks." And farms contaminated with PFAS are being shut down as it is finally revealed that the "Biosludge" applied to farms (including organic!) was the equivalent of salting the Earth to destroy food production. In this Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian breaks it down and explores what is going to happen next: a great awakening. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/03/25/biden-food-shortages-real-bird-flu-pcr-pfas-closes-farms/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ (0:00) Exec summary (7:38) German egg shortage (9:01) PFAS: salting the land (11:16) Bird Flu: PCR scam (18:40) Animals dirty & dangerous (19:43) Gardening is dangerous (21:37) MOST IMPORTANT PART
  • 26 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2677 04:52 PM, 26 Mar 2022
    100,000 Italian farms are on the verge of closure due to skyrocketing production costs brought about by the conflict in Ukraine, major farming association Coldiretti said in a report this week.

    #WarOnFarms #Italy

    Number of EU country’s farms at risk of closure revealed
    Thousands of farms in Italy are on the verge of closure due to rising production costs amid the conflict in Ukraine, a farmers’ group says
  • 27 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2678 11:07 AM, 27 Mar 2022
    Ukraine conflict could spark food riots in poor countries – WTO

    Many African nations depend on food supplies from the Black Sea region

    “The conflict in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia from Western countries are driving up global food prices, as Black Sea ports used to export grain remain blocked. The situation could lead to hunger and food rioting in poor countries, where food security depends on imports, the head of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala told the Guardian on Thursday.

    “I think we should be very worried. The impact on food prices and hunger this year and next could be substantial. Food and energy are the two biggest items in the consumption baskets of poor people all over the world,” Okonjo-Iweala said, adding that “it is poor countries and poor people within poor countries that will suffer the most.”

    Okonjo-Iweala specified that Russia and Ukraine provide 24% of global supplies of wheat, noting that food imports from the Black Sea region were crucial for survival for 35 African countries.

    Ukraine conflict could spark food riots in poor countries – WTO
    Soaring food prices due to the conflict in Ukraine could lead to hunger and food rioting in poorer nations, World Trade Organization says
  • iceagefarmer #2679 12:50 PM, 27 Mar 2022
    Maine potato growers expecting hit after Belfast fire

    Latest example of spontaneous combustion of our food supply: see #fire tag:

    The large fire at a potato processing plant in Belfast is expected to have ripple effects across Maine’s agriculture industry.

    The Penobscot McCrum plant processed Maine-grown spuds into products sold around the country.

    A fire tore through the building Thursday morning, destroying the facility and leaving the 138 people who work there without a job.

    Don Flannery, executive director of the Maine Potato Board, said the loss of the plant will have a negative impact on the state’s potato growers. “There are producers across the state who have contracts with the plant who may need to make adjustments to their 2022 growing plans after the fire.

    Maine potato growers expecting hit after Belfast fire
    The Penobscot McCrum plant processed Maine-grown spuds into products sold around the country.
  • iceagefarmer #2680 04:02 PM, 27 Mar 2022
    “We are at the onset of a global famine of historic proportions. In a staggering defiance of logic, many US politicians are still attacking the lifeblood of our own energy production infrastructure, looking to score political points against “the other team,” blaming price-taking producers of global commodities for gouging, threatening producers of energy with windfall profits taxes, resisting calls to remove bureaucratic hurdles to new production, and refusing to open an introductory physics textbook to help guide them through the suite of policy choices that require true leadership to get right. They remain stuck in an endless loop of platitudes, blamestorming, corruption, and ignorance.

    Farmers on the Brink
    We are at the onset of a global famine of historic proportions.
  • 28 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2681 12:36 PM, 28 Mar 2022
    Unprecedented cold spell in Cyprus destroys potato crop:

    Potatoes fall victim to war and weather

    “A frost wave in March is unprecedented.”

    It has also proved deadly.
    “Approximately 70 per cent of aggregate potato production in Cyprus has been destroyed and the crop left relatively intact is of subpar quality,” he said.

    #cyprus #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling

    Potatoes fall victim to war and weather | Cyprus Mail
    A series of late frosts will cost potato producer Avraam Venizelos dear Sitting at Peristerona's kafeneio just opposite the church of St Barnabas and Hilarion, I take a quick caffeine fix with Avraam Venizelos, a Cyta pensioner turned potato producer, who has offered to take me to visit his fields…
  • iceagefarmer #2682 02:20 PM, 28 Mar 2022
    BEIJING, March 25 (Reuters) - China’s pig farmers, suffering record losses due to surging feed costs and weak hog demand, are switching to lower quality grain from pricier soymeal and even selling off assets in a bid for survival.

    The pain across the world’s largest hog market, however, could last until next year, said analysts, shrinking incomes across China’s rural economy and likely reducing imports of soybeans and meat by the world’s top buyer for a second year.

    #WarOnMeat #China

    RPT-China's hog farmers face long slog in return to profit
    China's pig farmers, suffering record losses due to surging feed costs and weak hog demand, are switching to lower quality grain from pricier soymeal and even selling off assets in a bid for survival.
  • 29 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2683 08:06 AM, 29 Mar 2022
    Fertilizer prices spike 43% to fresh record high as supplies tighten. Rising costs of farm inputs will continue to send food prices soaring.

    #fertilizer #FoodPrices

    Fertilizer Price Surges 43% to Fresh Record as Supplies Tighten
    Fertilizer prices continue to spike to records as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine puts a massive portion of the world’s fertilizer supply at risk, adding to concerns over soaring global food inflation.
  • iceagefarmer #2684 08:12 AM, 29 Mar 2022
    New ECASH bill would quickly advance digital currency and replace cash. Similar bills working through in EU:


    A new bill would launch a large-scale test of digital dollars
    It could complement a separate Federal Reserve program.
  • iceagefarmer #2685 02:09 PM, 29 Mar 2022
    Arkansas joins Georgia in “bird flu” emergency. Note exemption based on faulty PCR test, which forces people to test their birds, ensuring the “outbreak” will continue to grow via false positives.

    ie They are now using the COVID “testdemic” script to destroy animal agriculture. Heavens to Betsy, man.

    “Under the emergency rule, it is prohibited to exhibit poultry and domestic waterfowl or move poultry or domestic waterfowl from or within an affected area.

    “Poultry and waterfowl cannot be sold, bartered, traded, auctioned, or given away at fairs, swap meets, auctions, flea markets, and similar events and locations within an affected area.

    “Poultry with commuter agreements or premovement avian influenza testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen capture are exempt from this provision.”


    Arkansas Department of Agriculture activates avian emergency rule - Talk Business & Politics
    As further mitigation against confirmed cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in surrounding states, the Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Livestock & Poultry Commission has activated the Arkansas Avian Influenza...
  • 30 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2686 11:57 AM, 30 Mar 2022
    Sri Lanka: Chicken feed shortage drags down eggs production by 40%, stops small farms:

    The poultry industry is yet again faced with a shortage of chicken feed which has affected the availability of eggs in the local market.

    According to the All Island Poultry Association (AIPA), egg production has contracted by about 40 percent.

    Due to the increased cost of feed, the MAJORITY of small-scale farms have halted operations, AIPA President Ajith Gunasekera told Mirror Business.

    #SriLanka #Poultry #WarOnMeat

    Chicken feed shortage drags down eggs production by 40% - Mirror Business | Daily Mirror
    The poultry industry is yet again faced with a shortage of chicken feed which has affected the availability of eggs in the local market. ..
  • iceagefarmer #2687 11:59 AM, 30 Mar 2022
    South Europe fears livestock culls as Ukraine conflict prompts feed shortage

    Ukraine is a major global supplier of animal feed, stocks of which are falling fast across import-reliant southern Europe. With Hungary, Serbia and Moldova also banning exports as they safeguard their own supplies, costs for farms like Ferrari's have spiked, threatening their future. Many face culling animals if the situation doesn't improve quickly.

    "I hear growing reports of farmers slaughtering their animals, but I want to avoid that," said Elisabetta Quaini, who keeps 1,300 cows for beef and milk production on her farm in Lombardy, northern Italy. "I'm determined to keep going, but I am very worried."

    "It's not just corn, it's also soya and numerous by-products that are hard to find. There is a tremendous fight to get hold of what is available."

    Michele Liverini, vice-president of livestock feed producer Mangimi Liverini S.p.A., said if dairy cows were slaughtered it would take seven to eight years to build up a barn to produce milk again.

    #WarOnDairy #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy

  • 31 March 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2690 09:25 PM, 31 Mar 2022
    WARNING: there are of scammers/imposters on this platform.

    I am not in the habit of randomly DMing people with financial advice…
  • iceagefarmer #2691 09:26 PM, 31 Mar 2022
    UK: Another huge fire at animal feed facility

    Massive blaze destroys animal feeds firm Rumenco, in Derby Road, which is a leading national and international supplier of high quality animal feed solutions.

    This is just the latest in “Spontaneous Combustion” of food production facilities — see the #fire hashtag.

    Burton animal feed factory fire 'accidental', say investigators | ITV News
    Firefighters from at least five stations attended the blaze at an animal feed factory in Burton, which investigators have now said was started accidentally | ITV News Central
  • iceagefarmer #2692 11:33 PM, 31 Mar 2022
    Bread prices in Poland could quadruple

    Supply disruptions from Russia and Ukraine, which account for 30% of the world’s wheat exports and 20% of corn exports, have been driving up global food prices. In Poland, bread costs may quadruple by the end of this year, according to the head of the opposition Civic Platform party, former Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

    “The fate of all Polish families to a large extent this year depends on how you manage to help the Polish farmers,”

    European farmers have been staging mass protests over exploding prices for energy and other critical commodities like fertilizers. The German Farmers Association has warned that bread could soon cost €10.

    #Poland #FoodPrices

    Bread prices in Poland could quadruple – former FM
    Bread prices in Poland could quadruple – former FM