• 01 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2976 08:06 PM, 01 Aug 2022
    WELL PUT: decarbonization strangling food production:

    >> “A close friend farms over 10,000 acres of corn in the mid-west. The property is spread out over 3 counties. His operation is a "partnership farm" with John Deere. They use the larger farm operations as demonstration projects for promotion and development of new equipment. He recently received a phone call from his John Deere representative, and they want the farm to go to electric tractors and combines in 2023. He currently has 5 diesel combines that cost $900,000 each that are traded in every 3 years. Also, over 10 really BIG tractors. JD wants him to go all electric soon.

    He said: "Ok, I have some questions.

    - How do I charge these combines when they are 3 counties away from the shop in the middle of a cornfield, in the middle of nowhere?

    - How do I run them 24 hours a day for 10 or 12 days straight when the harvest is ready, and the weather is coming in?

    - How do I get a 50,000+ lb. combine that takes up the width of an entire road back to the shop 20 miles away when the battery goes dead?

    There was dead silence on the other end of the phone.

    When the corn is ready to harvest, it has to have the proper sugar and moisture content. If it is too wet, it has to be put in giant dryers that burn natural or propane gas, and lots of it. Harvest time is critical because if it degrades in sugar content or quality, it can drop the value of his crop by half a million dollars or more. It is analyzed at time of sale. It is standard procedure to run these machines 10 to 12 days straight, 24 hours a day at peak harvest time. When they need fuel, a tanker truck delivers it, and the machines keep going. John Deere's only answer is "we're working on it." They are being pushed by the Zero carbon agenda to force these electric machines on the American farmer.

    These people are out of control. They are messing with the production of food crops that feed people and livestock... all in the name of their "green dream."
    Look for the cost of your box of cornflakes to triple in the next 24 months...”

    Wake up! Stand up! Speak up!
    Let's return sanity to our nation.
  • 03 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2977 12:47 PM, 03 Aug 2022
    Finland: grocery stores may close to conserve power

    Grocery stores in Finland could have to take turns closing for hours at a time to reduce their energy usage this winter, the country’s grid operator told news outlet YLE on Sunday. With fuel shortages expected, Finnish households will also be told to lower their consumption.

    According to the grid operator, Finland’s roughly 2,800 food stores will need to come to arrangements with each other over who will close and who will stay open if power is rationed in a particular area. This kind of agreement is especially important in rural areas to ensure that all the outlets in one town or village don’t end up shutting at the same time, YLE noted.

    #finland #eu #EnergyCrisis

    EU country may close stores to conserve power
    Grocery stores in Finland may have to take turns closing to avoid blackouts this winter, Finnish news outlet YLE has reported
  • iceagefarmer #2978 09:48 PM, 03 Aug 2022
    Global Poultry Culling Doubles to 94.2 million kills as Food Shortage Crisis Deepens

    The number of poultry culled around the world has almost doubled this season as global food shortages loom and the cost of living crisis deepens.

    Experts are warning that an “unprecedented” bird flu outbreak has caused a huge spike in culling since last season.

    According to figures from the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), more than 22 million cases have been reported in wild birds and poultry so far this season in 68 countries.

    This figure is double the 11m recorded between October 2020 and September 2021, itself an all-time high.

    In an effort to curb the outbreak, 94.2m farmed poultry have been killed and disposed of.

    Last season, 54.4m were culled.

    #birdflu #WarOnMeat

    Global Poultry Culling Doubles as Food Shortage Crisis Deepens
    The number of poultry culled around the world has almost doubled this season as global food shortages and the cost of living crisis deepens.
  • 04 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2979 11:58 AM, 04 Aug 2022
    The climate death cult now openly advocating for WAR and CANNIBALISM:

    “Why military conflict May be good for the planet”

    Could a Pelosi visit to Taiwan help the fight against climate change?
    Economic activity that fuels growth also drives deadly weather events. The Ukraine war has forced Europe to rethink its reliance on Russian energy. A Taiwan Strait conflict that disrupts global trade might make us stop consuming our way to climate disaster.
  • iceagefarmer #2980 01:30 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    Good morning to everyone except the people still pushing cockroach milk and climate change.
  • iceagefarmer #2981 01:32 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    All three Canadian Prairie Provinces say NO to Trudeau’s starvation policy [fight fight fight!!!]

    The Prairie Provinces are in revolt, with the Premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba unanimously rejecting Trudeau’s proposed fertilizer reduction policy.

    In a letter to Justin Trudeau, Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson had this to say about the proposed policy:

    “Your government’s national emissions reduction targets are being brought forward at the worst possible time. They will negatively impact producer yields, which will mean higher grocery bills and less food security for families. This cannot be another blow to the affordability of raising a family in Manitoba.

    Agricultural producers in Manitoba regarding the federal policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent from nutrient use by 2030. Their major concerns are unanimous. This policy would lower their crop yields and decrease revenue. Manitoba’s competitiveness in producing and processing protein will be reduced while lowering our province’s capacity to export the agricultural commodities that other countries rely upon to process food.


    All three Prairie Provinces say NO to Trudeau’s starvation policy - The Counter Signal
    The Prairie Provinces are in revolt, with Premiers unanimously rejecting Trudeau's proposed fertilizer reduction policy.
  • iceagefarmer #2982 01:39 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    I am Canadian and although they are speaking it's just talk
    All provincial ag ministers just had a meeting with trudope and no one said anything
    It should have been stopped at the meeting
    As far as I can see its all just more bullshit talk from the premieres and when there is cash handed to them they will just roll over
    I Donot trust any of the premieres in this country after they locked us down and treated us like trash destroyed small business destroyed the middle class completely and murdered us with their poison
    My opinion
  • iceagefarmer #2983 02:15 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    Tracking and tracing of food on the blockchain is already happening in several pilot projects.
  • iceagefarmer #2984 02:19 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    One such project by WEF partner IBM is called "IBM Food Trust": A new era in the world’s food supply.

    It is being marketed for safety (recalls) and peace of mind:

    "Parents want to know, quite rightly, where ingredients they give to their baby have come from."

    "...and so we at IBM/WEF developed a solution to replace natural abundance with techno-chains and smart packaging, only selling it to those who bow to our agenda! Parents, your children will never know freedom, but at least you'll know where that Gogurt came from!"

  • iceagefarmer #2985 02:22 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    More on the blockchain tracking of food in this report:


    Forces are working to take total control of every drop of oil extracted from the ground, every fish caught from the sea, and every last bean harvested. It requires an immense technical infrastructure comprising 5G, blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence. This infrastructure has been built and is now being deployed, and we must understand that it is — in the very words of the Department of Defense — an AI weapons system. And that system is going live NOW. Christian breaks it down.

    Forces are working to take total control of every drop of oil extracted from the ground, every fish caught from the sea, and every last bean harvested. It requires an immense technical infrastructu…
  • iceagefarmer #2986 02:31 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    They have fully decloaked and want to straight up kill your animals now.

    All in the name of "carbon footprint" and reaching the WEF's "Post Animal Economy."

    Reject their offer. Raise more animals. Feed your family.

    #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy

  • iceagefarmer #2987 03:09 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    In today's episode of "any excuse for cardiac issues but the clotshot": NAPS ARE DEADLY

    American Heart Association study shows link between frequent naps and high blood pressure.

    Frequent or usual daytime napping in adults was associated with a 24% high risk of having a stroke and a 12% higher risk of developing high blood pressure compared to never napping.

    Death by Napping? The Frightening Link to High Blood Pressure and Increased Stroke Risk
    American Heart Association study shows link between frequent naps and high blood pressure. Frequent or usual daytime napping in adults was associated with a 24% high risk of having a stroke and a 12% higher risk of developing high blood pressure compared to never napping. Experts say napping
  • iceagefarmer #2988 03:13 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    Capitalismo vegano: multinacionales alimentarias y BlackRock

    (Vegan Capitalism: Food Multinationals and BlackRock)
    After seducing the population with the supposed wonders of the vegan diet, multinational meat companies and BlackRock/Vanguard have landed in the "alternative agriculture" sector

    Although it may seem contradictory, the main transnational industrial meat production companies are the ones behind foods that, based on vegetables or proteins grown in laboratories, are presented as substitutes for meat, fish, eggs and milk.

    [IAF: Yep, multinational food companies Nestle, Tyson, Smithfield, JBS are all working on fake meat — and many are WEF partners ! ]


    translated via https://ctxt.es/es/20220801/Firmas/40511/
    Capitalismo vegano: multinacionales alimentarias y BlackRock
    Tras seducir a la población con las supuestas maravillas de la dieta vegana, las transnacionales de producción de carne y los grandes fondos de inversión aterrizaron en la industria de los alimentos que se presentan como sustitutos
  • iceagefarmer #2989 08:29 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    The Solution To The Current Food Crisis Is Small And Local, Including Growing Food Locally.

    Community currency expert Thomas Greco, author of “The End of Money,” maintains that a produce-backed currency could be issued without even creating a cryptocurrency. A group of local farmers could be organized to jointly issue farm currency as a paper or digital community currency, which could be spent into circulation to buy what the farmers needed to produce their crops. The currency would circulate in the local community and would be accepted back by the farmers in payment for the products they sell.

    “So the currency has a beginning and an end, it’s created and it’s extinguished,” says Greco. “It’s created by the act of spending and it’s extinguished in the act of redemption, not in some other currency, but in goods and services that have been promised.”

    IAF: Glad to see the discussion around local food systems AND new currencies outside CBs/CBDC — personally not a fan of using cryptos, so enjoyed these ideas and hope we can have those discussions]

    #TeamGrow #Currency

    Achieving Self-Funding Local Sovereignty As Food Systems Collapse - PopularResistance.Org
    “Deglobalizing” and “dedollarizing” have been much in the news. Reducing dependence on the global supply chain and the U.S. dollar are trends that are happening not just internationally but locally. In the United States, we have seen movements both for local food independence and to divest from Wall Street banks. The burgeoning cryptocurrency movement is another push to “dedollarize” and escape the international bankers’ control grid. This article is a sequel to one discussing home gardens and community food co-ops as local counter-measures to an impending food crisis.
  • iceagefarmer #2990 10:01 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    Greece rolls out digital ‘wallet’ for citizens; ID and driving license now on phone

    [IAF: No doubt this is the kind of 'digital transformation' described for Ukraine as well... and everywhere...]

    Greece has rolled out a mobile app that will replace the need to carry a police ID or a driver’s license in physical form, allowing faster transactions through a secure system calling for digital confirmation through a QR code, among others.

    In addition, “We are creating a system for banks and telecom providers starting October 1, as well as for agencies requiring the user to show an ID. A digital trace will be created instead of copies of one’s ID, turning into digital proof something that has been a burden to provide in physical form,” the minister said, referring to the police IDs required for most official transactions.

    #DigitalID #CBDC

    Greece rolls out digital ‘wallet’ for citizens; ID and driving license now on phone
    Greece has rolled out a digital wallet application for its citizens, bringing user experience and services in sync with contemporary life, allowing people to
  • iceagefarmer #2991 11:52 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    India's drought conditions bode poorly for #rice prices — and for #FoodPrices in general as supplies run short of other grains.

  • iceagefarmer #2992 11:54 PM, 04 Aug 2022
    That sewer wastewater monitoring is sure turning out to be handy in the surveillance state.

    Polio found in more wastewater samples in upstate New York’s Orange County

    Wastewater samples taken from two different locations in Orange County in June and July tested positive for the virus, state officials told county leaders earlier this week.

    The findings come days after the New York State Department of Health found similar evidence of community spread in sewage samples taken in neighboring Rockland despite no additional cases being reported.

    State officials are urging anyone who is not vaccinated against the potentially life-threatening virus to get immunized after an unvaccinated adult in Rockland suffered paralysis and had to be hospitalized last month.

  • 05 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2993 09:27 AM, 05 Aug 2022
    Borden Dairy Co. will immediately close its Alabama plant because “it could no longer support continued production,” according to a report.

    Employees are being laid off. “Borden Dairy will close its Dothan, AL and Hattiesburg, MS milk production facilities by no later than September 30, 2022, and will no longer produce in these states,” according to the company’s statement.

    IAF: the article neglects to mention that this flows from Blackrock imposing ESG scores that are killing dairy industry.

    #WarOnDairy #WarOnFarms

    Borden Dairy reportedly closing Alabama plant by Sept. 30
    Dallas-based Borden Dairy said it could "no longer support continued production" at its Dothan plant.
  • iceagefarmer #2994 09:29 AM, 05 Aug 2022
    Got Milk? No, Got ESG Due Diligence


    Got Milk? No, Got ESG Due Diligence
    Do an organization's ESG practices impact how investors value that company? Read this article to learn more.
  • iceagefarmer #2995 11:56 AM, 05 Aug 2022
    Europe is accelerating on its path to blackouts.

    The Rhine is causing French nuclear plants to shut down, German power plants to reduce output, and petroleum refineries to stop operating — and EU was already at its tipping point with Russian gas.

    #EnergyCrisis #Europe
  • 07 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2996 03:14 PM, 07 Aug 2022
    (see note below:)

    German food banks suffer as former donors forced to become recipients

    “People who used to be on the other side donating and helping us are now coming and asking for help," says Petra Lehmann, who heads the Heimatstern association. "We have lots of families now where it's impossible from one income to feed the family because it's so expensive."
    This is also changing people's behaviors. "We buy more jars of cheap food," says Sertap. "It may be chicken. It could be fish, beans because they are more suitable for us."

    Pensioner Katrin Obermeier has started rationing her food: "I'm using foods longer, especially past the expiration date because it is still well preserved."

    [IceAgeFarmer note: this is true BUT remember that removal of date markings by end of 2022 was planned in the 2018 EU Farm to Fork agenda!! We are following the globalist food crisis scripts to a T!!]

    #eu #Germany #FoodPrices

    German food banks suffer as former donors forced to become recipients
    'People who used to donate are now coming and asking for help,' says food bank chief.
  • iceagefarmer #2997 08:01 PM, 07 Aug 2022
  • 08 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2998 06:35 AM, 08 Aug 2022
    Should China own American farmland?

    > USDA’s latest data shows China owns over 191,000 acres of U.S. lands, but that was before a North Dakota land sale this Spring.

    A Chinese company, Fufeng Group, recently acquired 300 acres in North Dakota for $2.6 million. According to the company, it intends to establish a milling plant.


    China's Latest Land Purchase Could Pose Major U.S. Security Risk
    Fufeng Group recently bought 300 acres of land in North Dakota and the proximity to a U.S. military base has many concerned. But this isn’t the first time questions have been raised about China’s stake in the U.S.
  • iceagefarmer #2999 06:35 AM, 08 Aug 2022
    Netherlands to SHUT DOWN 11,200 farms (20% of their farms) to meet climate goals

    Hostile takeover of food supply accelerates - complete enslavement of humanity - must be stopped


  • iceagefarmer #3000 06:39 AM, 08 Aug 2022
    Delicious..? (SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!)

    Humanized Yeast: Scientists Create Yeast With Important Human Genes

    “Human muscle genes were successfully inserted into the DNA of baker’s yeast by biotechnologist Pascale Daran-Lapujade and her team…”

    Humanized Yeast: Scientists Create Yeast With Important Human Genes
    Delft University of Technology scientists have created baker's yeast with human muscle genes. Human muscle genes were successfully inserted into the DNA of baker's yeast by biotechnologist Pascale Daran-Lapujade and her team at Delft University of Technology. For the first time, scientists have eff
  • iceagefarmer #3001 11:27 AM, 08 Aug 2022
    Emergence of "black market food" more expensive than the government rations — we will witness this anywhere there is rationing.

    Lebanese face long ‘insulting’ queues to buy bread

    Khalil Mansour has to queue for hours every day just to buy bread for his family and some days he can’t afford any. In a country which once boasted the nickname “Switzerland of the Middle East” for its thriving banking sector before financial crisis hit in 2019, the chronic shortage of the staple of the Lebanese diet has been hard to take.

    Faced with demands from international creditors for painful reforms in return for the release of new aid, the embattled government has been forced to end subsidies on most essential goods — although not so far on wheat. The price of subsidised bread has gone up, although by less than if there were no subsidy, but bakeries have started rationing the staple. A bag of flat Arabic pitta-like bread now officially sells for 13,000 Lebanese pounds (43 US cents). On the black market it costs more than 30,000. “Last week I went without bread for three days because I cannot afford to pay 30,000,” said Mansour, 48.

    For Mansour and most Lebanese, buying bread means standing for hours in long queues outside bakeries and sometimes, when their turn comes, the bakeries have run out of bread.

    #FoodPrices #Rationing #Lebanon

    Lebanese face long ‘insulting’ queues to buy bread
    In bankrupt Lebanon, Khalil Mansour has to queue for hours every day just to buy bread for his family and some days he can’t afford any. In a country which once boasted the nickname “Switzerland of the Middle East” for its thriving banking sector before financial crisis hit in 2019, the chronic shortage of the […]
  • iceagefarmer #3002 02:33 PM, 08 Aug 2022
    France: milk shortages feared

    The president of the largest farmers' union in France has warned that a shortage of feedstock caused by severe drought may lead to a milk shortage.

    "I think that in the coming months, we will have a shortage of milk in France. To make milk, you need fodder, mainly alfalfa and corn, which have grown little this year.”

    #WarOnDairy #France #eu

    French Farmers' Union Official Warns Of Milk Shortage
    To make milk, you need fodder, mainly alfalfa and corn...
  • 10 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3003 11:04 PM, 10 Aug 2022
    Video: deliberate destruction of baby formula.

    Tell me this isn't an engineered food shortage.

    This is a highly visible microcosm of what is going on across the ENTIRE food supply chain.

    — @iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #3004 11:15 PM, 10 Aug 2022
    Another grain mill mysteriously burns to the ground completely after spontaneously combusting.

    Somehow all fire control systems failed in this facility...and the hundreds of other food supply plants that have burned this year.

    Somehow it's like the fire safety was shut off...

    In June — just 60 days ago! — Grain Craft announced it had been acquired by the Baltimore-based Redwood Capital Investments, headed by billionaires Jim Davis and Stephen Bisciotti.

    And — somehow — now they are collecting on the insurance as starvation looms.

    (Remember just a few months back billionaire Glen Taylor roasted 5.3 million birds alive "because #BirdFlu" — but then fired all the workers and shutdown his poultry plant completely!? These billionaires are getting the call...)


    Eastern Oregon historic flour mill destroyed in fire
    PENDLETON, Ore. (AP) — A historic flour mill in northeast Oregon was destroyed in a fire Wednesday morning. According to the Pendleton Police Department, the fire at the Grain Craft Flour Mill in Pendleton started around 2:55 p.m. Tuesday, KHQ reported. The Pendleton Fire Department responded to a report of visible black smoke and quickly
  • 11 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3005 01:40 PM, 11 Aug 2022
    Good morning!

    Quick safety note: posting comments on this channel ( @iceagefarmer ) will now be restricted to members of the main chat room ( @iaf_chat ). This should only improve the quality of chat (fewer bots!), but I wanted to give a heads up in case it causes any telegram funkiness!

    So, if you suddenly can’t comment on @iceagefarmer posts, make sure you have joined @iaf_chat !

    This doesn't affect the other awesome chat rooms like seed swap, rabbits, canning , and many more (see here: @iaf_groups !) — be sure to check out those groups if you’ve not yet!

    - Christian

    [EDIT: look at the 52 bot comments on this post instantly — this is exactly what should be eliminated]
  • iceagefarmer #3006 01:53 PM, 11 Aug 2022
    ALSO — obligatory reminder — if you get a Direct Message from “Ice Age Farmer” (often calling you a “patriot” and/or trying to sell crypto), please BLOCK & REPORT the imposter.

    These scammers even try to scam me, not realizing I am the person they are impersonating!

    I tried to appeal here to any remaining humanity, but you can see he just sticks to the scam script, throwing out Qanon nonsense and trying to sell crypto.

  • iceagefarmer #3007 01:58 PM, 11 Aug 2022
    👉 Find the correct group to discuss your topic or post your question! 👇

    Ice Age Farmer solutions-focused groups where you can focus on Homesteading:
    @IAF_Garden 🍅 Gardening, Main Group. 👉Join this one👈 regardless of which of these others you join!
    @IAF_Seeds 🌱 Seed and rootstock information & exchange.
    @IAF_Birds 🐓 🦆 🦃 Chickens, Ducks, Quail, etc.
    @IAF_Bees 🐝 Apiculture
    @IAF_Rabbits 🐇 Rabbits: for meat, fertilizer, etc.
    @IAF_Canning 🥫 & Preserving 🏺
    @IAF_Herbs 🌿 & Healing ⚗️
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    @IAF_Mushrooms & Mycology 🍄
    @IAF_Homebrewing 🍺 & Fermentation 🧀: Kimchi, Kraut, Cheese, Mead, Kombucha, etc.
    @IAF_Goats 🐐 & Livestock 🐄 🐑 🦌 Pigs, Cows, Sheep, etc.
    @IAF_Homeschooling 📝 Home Education & @IAF_Infants.

    IAF news discussion & channel comments: 🎢 @IAF_Chat 🎢. Your account must be a subscriber to @IceAgeFarmer, to post comments on this chat.

    By your use, you agree: to the terms in that group's HELP MESSAGE. For detailed guidelines and assistance, read that group's message, pinned at the top.

    👉 Find the correct group to discuss your topic or post your question! ☝️
  • iceagefarmer #3009 09:14 PM, 11 Aug 2022
    Jersey’s largest veg producer stops growing food — citing spiralling operational costs as the reason. They produced 80% of Jersey’s fresh vegetables. Now the island depends on UK produce and may see shortages of fresh vegetables, particularly in the winter months. “‘Obviously, it reduces food security because we lost our biggest vegetable producer,’ “

    They have made it economically unviable to farm — part of the #WarOnFarms.

    Island’s biggest vegetable producer ceases deliveries
    THE Island’s largest vegetable producer has made its final deliveries, ending a 135-year family farming tradition.Woodside Farms has produced 80% of Jersey’s fresh vegetables for seven years, since Amal-Gro ceased operations in 2015, and was the ...
  • 12 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3010 12:27 PM, 12 Aug 2022
    Dutch Farmer Wakes Up to Reality After Being Pushed to the Edge By the Government

    "I never wanted to believe it [a secret agenda]. Neither in conspiracy theories, but all these conspiracy theories turn out to become true..."

    Translation help for subtitles: t.me/goddek

    Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
    Rumble | Substack | Truth | Gettr
  • iceagefarmer #3011 06:22 PM, 12 Aug 2022
    Problem. Reaction. Solution.

    3D-printing insects mixed with vegetables could help us to prevent food crisis

    3D-printing insects mixed with vegetables could help us to prevent food crisis
    Combining insects with typical foods could be the cure for food supply issues.
  • 14 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3012 12:03 AM, 14 Aug 2022
    Problem. Reaction. Solution.

    Food Fears Are Quickening GMO Crop Approvals, Bioceres Says

    Regulators around the world are becoming more comfortable with GMO "drought-resistant" crops as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine stoke food-security fears, outweighing qualms about eating genetically-modified grains.

    Food Fears Are Quickening GMO Crop Approvals, Bioceres Says
    Regulators around the world are becoming more comfortable with drought-resistant crops as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine stoke food-security fears, outweighing qualms about eating genetically-modified grains.
  • iceagefarmer #3014 09:49 PM, 14 Aug 2022
    Scientists create "Larva fat" to replace butter. Because climate change, so eat the bugs, and kill the cows.

    "Consumers still seem to notice at about 50% bug paste and 50% butter"

  • 15 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3015 12:31 PM, 15 Aug 2022
    “Your emission rights will be stored in a carbon wallet. So if I wanted to fly, I would buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can’t afford to fly. For example this way this poor person can earn some extra money.”

    Welcome to the WEF zero carbon neofeudal future where the poor can sell their ability to live for “extra cash.” #AbsoluteZero

    Swedish fintech company Doconomy has launched a new credit card that monitors the carbon footprint of its customers - and cuts off their spending when they hit their carbon max.

    It uses the Aland Index as the basis on which it calculates the carbon footprint of each product purchased.

    [Ice Age Farmer note: this Aland index can be tweaked at any time by the technocrats for social engineering. Want people eating bugs? Meat has impossible Carbon score. Limited travel? Etc. Rockefeller Foundation calls this “true cost accounting”, and it affords total control through this artificially imposed scoring]

    Have You Any Idea How Your Carbon Footprint 👣 And Your Carbon Wallet Are Really Going To Work In This Dystopian World The WEF Have Planned ?
    Let me introduce you to Barbara Baarsma. Barbara is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank. Yes, you read that right. Not Rabo Bank but Rabo Carbon Bank. In this 53 second video interview below she is advocating for a "Personal Carbon Wallet". That may not seem like a big deal but when you hear what she has to say you should be concerned, very concerned in fact.
  • iceagefarmer #3016 09:54 PM, 15 Aug 2022
    My friends, this is the most important battle in human history. If we can't grow our own food, we depend forever on the system. — MEGA POST —

    “Animals are dirty and dangerous. Rainwater is poisonous - you can't eat stuff that was grown outside!” Traditional farming and ranching is antequated and illegal!”

    Sounds ridiculous -- beyond belief! But so does people wearing cloth masks OUTSIDE for two years. These same people could be made to fear food overnight.

    And this move is happening now:

    * "Rainwater ALL over Earth has PFAS” -- new study claims “forever chemicals” are now in gardens and animals raised outdoors -- remember they are already shutting down farms for PFAS contamination (see my report here) — now extending the contamination to the entire biosphere!

    ... literally, from the researcher: "we’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.” This is the design. The divorce of man from nature. Separation of us from God's creation. And it will be used to make traditional food “dangerous and poisonous." Now we see why the investment into indoor farming, and marketing lab-grown meat as "clean meat." THEY ARE POISONING THE REST!

    * “Backyard chickens are dangerous because of lead in eggs — should be regulated -- it's explicitly the BACKYARD birds

    - "Hobby farms are a risk for foot and mouth disease" -- dirty and dangerous! It's explicitly the small HOBBY farms

    - "Free Range" farming RAISES risk of pandemics -- surprise! intensive corporate ‘factory farming’ may actually be SAFER than you being able to raise your own animals!

    Not to mention we have these biolabs researching every kind of pathogen from Bird Flu to African Swine Fever to take our food supply out.

    In short, they are destroying traditional food and ranching, just as they are the energy infrastructures and monetary systems.

    Prof. Richard Werner just remarked (here) that as central banks currencies fail, they must move to a new digital (#CBDC) model so people don’t take back their power with local currencies. This same play is happening with food: as toxic big Ag fails, they poison the food supply and use weather warfare — it is techno-salting the fields!

    I may make separate posts with some of these links for easy sharability but it is all of these dots that form a picture that’s impossible to ignore. This is the biggest takeover in human history. Grow food, use cash/barter/local currency— do everything you can to de-centralize. Our future depends on it.

    - @iceagefarmer [ Solutions -> @iaf_resources ]

    #DirtyDangerous #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnMeat #WarOnDairy #PFAS
  • iceagefarmer #3017 10:08 PM, 15 Aug 2022
    “We’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.”

    So says the researcher who found toxic levels of PFAS (the forever chemical) in rain water samples. The study intimates we are already at total contamination — farms, gardens, animals raised outdoors — all are so toxic they do not meet regulatory requirements.

    Remember, they are already shutting down farms in Maine and around the US for PFAS contamination (full report here).

    And thus, the globalists will own ALL food production — the indoor farming, bug burgers, lab-grown eat that they’ve been investing $100bb’s — will be the only option. As they told us, “competition is sin.” And they are taking out traditional farming and ranching.

    See previous post in @iceagefarmer for more context.

    #PFAS #WarOnFarms

  • iceagefarmer #3019 10:21 PM, 15 Aug 2022
    Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, research finds

    Note that it is explicitly your backyard birds that are suddenly at issue.

    Newly published research found backyard hens’ eggs contain, on average, more than 40 times the lead levels of commercially produced eggs. For your safety, we may have to make your birds illegal, (just like we’ve been salivating over)!

    “These findings will come as a shock to many people who have turned to backyard food production. It has been on the rise over the past decade, spurred on recently by soaring grocery prices. BUT, after years of living on these soils, contaminants have built up in soils. These legacy contaminants can enter our food chain via vegetables, honey bees and chickens.

    [@IceAgeFarmer note: it’s just too dangerous to let you feed your family. if you want eggs, save up your carbon credits like everyone else. More context in mega post above]

    #WarOnMeat #WarOnPets

    Backyard hens' eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, research finds
    Lead levels in backyard hen eggs are often much higher than in eggs bought in the shops. A new study of soil lead, chickens and eggs locates the high-risk areas in our biggest cities.
  • iceagefarmer #3020 10:27 PM, 15 Aug 2022
    Your pigs are dirty and dangerous, experts announced, and could be responsible for food and mouth disease destroying the entire meat industry. But huge corporate farms that the technocrats control are totally cool.

    Why? “Smaller producers are thought [?!] to be more likely [?!] to engage in practices such as swill feeding, that have a high chance of accidentally introducing the virus. They may be less aware of what they’re responsibilities are in terms of preventing an outbreak and also what they would need to do in an event of one.” <— This is the most flagrant, unfounded assumption!

    Experts: you are too dumb to do it right, and therefore, we just need to make it illegal.

    [ @iceagefarmer Note - More context in mega post above]


    Hobby farm pigs 'a foot and mouth risk'
    A senior animal diseases expert warns that tree changers and pet pig owners pose a risk to Australia's biosecurity.
  • iceagefarmer #3021 10:31 PM, 15 Aug 2022
    Here is the clip from Prof. Richard Werner warning that as central bank currencies fail, they must move to a new digital (#CBDC) model so people don’t take back their power with local currencies. This same play is happening with food: as toxic big Ag fails, they poison the food supply, claim rainwater is toxic, and use weather warfare — it is techno-salting the fields! (Not to mention the #GrandSolarMinimum).

    Full @iceagefarmer context in mega post above. Solutions in @iaf_groups


  • 16 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3022 12:20 PM, 16 Aug 2022
    Amazing new study finds McDonald’s pancakes are healthier than fresh egg omelette.

    “With healthy fats and proteins from eggs and meat, you'd be forgiven for thinking an omelette is a great breakfast choice. According to this chart, it scores a measly 26 points — while pancakes from a fast food restaurant get a whopping 50 points.

    They want you eating trash and will rig the scoring system to make it happen…

    Food study that turns our understanding of snacking on its head: Chocolate ICE CREAM is more nutritious than a granola bar, bacon is better than couscous and McDonald's pancakes are healthier than an omelette
    The team at Tufts University in Boston spent three years looking at more than 8,000 foods and drinks and used cutting-edge science to rank them according to 54 different attributes.
  • iceagefarmer #3023 07:36 PM, 16 Aug 2022
    Hacker jailbreaks John Deere tractor, plays game of Doom

    @iceagefarmer comment: The push for “Precision agriculture” and AgTech have sought to afford perfect data to the eye in the sky, at the expense of turning our most important machines — the ones responsible for growing food into cyberattack-vulnerable computers in the field.


    Def Con hacker shows John Deere’s tractors can run Doom
    A hacker brings Doom straight to a John Deere display.
  • 17 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3024 09:42 PM, 17 Aug 2022
    <60% of U.S. Corn Crop in Good Condition - worst crop in decade

    And remember a lot of what IS growing was pre-sold to China last year!

    This current rating ties with 2019 for the week's worst corn condition rating since 2012.

    Hope you are planting a fall crop in your garden … @iaf_garden

    #corn #usa

    Less than 60% of the U.S. Corn Crop in Good or Excellent Condition
    The U.S. corn crop is consistently declining in condition. Currently 57% of the crop has a good or excellent rating, which ties with 2019 for the week's worst corn condition rating since 2012.
  • 18 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3025 03:24 PM, 18 Aug 2022
    CHINA: Fresh-caught fish from ocean are now swabbed & tested for a purported human respiratory disease.

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities..."


  • 19 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3026 09:11 PM, 19 Aug 2022
    Afghanistan offers raisins for Russian oil

    Dedollarization! Barter or even food as currency (barley was one of the first currencies in recorded history) can work in your local community as well! No need for #CBDC's ...

    Afghanistan offers raisins for Russian oil
    Afghanistan has offered to supply raisins and medicinal herbs to Russia in exchange for crude oil, RIA Novosti reports
  • 20 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3027 07:56 PM, 20 Aug 2022
    Iceland: eat on layaway! “Shop now pay later” schemes hit as people CAN’T AFFORD FOOD.

    This looks like a bridge to UBI - once retailers can’t collect on the debt they are now extending to hungry shoppers, they will need bailouts. Are grocery stores banks now, extending lines of credit?

    “I owe my soul to the company store…”

    #FoodPrices #Iceland

    Iceland unveils £75 buy now pay later zero-interest loan for struggling shoppers | ITV News
    The budget frozen food chain's new initiative allows customers to take out interest-free "micro loans" on a pre-loaded card of up to £100 to cover their shop. | ITV National News
  • 21 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3028 07:35 PM, 21 Aug 2022
    Near-Total Crop Losses Ravaging US Agriculture - SC Farmers Sound the Alarm on Tragic Harvest Season

    Near-Total Crop Losses Ravaging US Agriculture - SC Farmers Sound the Alarm on Tragic Harvest Season
    Crop failures of peaches, watermelons and blueberries are trickling down the market to restaurants, breweries, distillers and markets.
  • 24 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3029 08:23 AM, 24 Aug 2022
    The data for crops is coming in and it is so staggering — yields so reduced — losses can no longer be hidden. Next few posts will show yields suffering, particularly US, EU, and China. Also, note that they are shifting the narrative to blame climate change, as the FOOD SHORTAGES will be how they justify the zero-carbon CLIMATE totalitarianism.

    These are the days for which we have been preparing.

    Europe’s Drought May Be Continent’s Worst in at Least 500 Years

    Some 64% of the EU is under a drought warning or alert, according to a new report from the European Drought Observatory. The bloc’s experts said they expect the warm and dry conditions, which are fueling wildfires and reducing crop outputs, to continue in parts of the region until November.

    “The combination of a severe drought and heat waves has created an unprecedented stress on water levels in the entire EU,” Mariya Gabriel, the bloc’s commissioner for research, said Tuesday in a statement. “Climate change is undoubtedly more noticeably every year.”

    Several EU crops are being hit particularly hard, with the yield forecasts for grain 16% below the 5-year average, and 15% below it for maize, according to the latest data.

    The effects of climate change are becoming more evident every year.

    Europe’s Drought May Be Continent’s Worst in at Least 500 Years
    Europe is currently in the throes of a drought that appears to be the worst in at least 500 years, according to a preliminary analysis by experts from the European Union’s Joint Research Center.
  • iceagefarmer #3030 08:24 AM, 24 Aug 2022
    "I'm Shocked": US Crop Tour Reveals Drought-Stricken Cornfields

    With Europen crops damaged by summerlong heatwaves and Argentina hit by drought, an underwhelming size of North America's crops could result in shortfalls globally next year.

    Corn futures in Chicago rose to a six-week high on Tuesday as crop tours show much of the Western crop belt is plagued with drought conditions, especially in parts of Nebraska and South Dakota where plants aren't producing ears of grain

    #us #corn #FoodPrices

    "I'm Shocked": US Crop Tour Reveals Drought-Stricken Cornfields
    "There's been so much heat and extremes this growing season, I don't think the story is over about potential yield declines." 
  • iceagefarmer #3031 08:25 AM, 24 Aug 2022
    Mass crop failures expected in England

    Half of the potato crop is expected to fail as it cannot be irrigated, and even crops that are usually drought-tolerant, such as maize, have been failing.

    The group was told “irrigation options are diminishing with reservoirs being emptied fast”, and losses of 10-50% are expected for crops including carrots, onions, sugar beet, apples and hops. Milk production is also down nationally because of a lack of food for cows, and wildfires are putting large areas of farmland at risk.

    #uk #FoodPrices

    Mass crop failures expected in England as farmers demand hosepipe bans
    Leaked documents predict crop failure rates of up to 50% as water companies resist calls to prioritise food production
  • iceagefarmer #3032 08:37 AM, 24 Aug 2022
    CHINA: Yangtze river running dry, revealing Buddhist statues (much like the hunger stones revealed by low rivers in Europe). These stones tell us that we are experiencing precipitative extremes that are part of larger CYCLES.

    Needless to say, crops are failing at scale — 2.2 million hectares of scorched crops is nearly impossible to conceive.


    Gravitas: China's largest river Yangtze has dried up
    China is reeling under a record-breaking drought. Its largest river Yangtze has dried up. Its largest fresh-water lake Poyang has been reduced to a trickle. The receding water levels have revealed 3 ancient Buddhist statues. Palki Sharma reports. #Gravitas #China #YangtzeRiver About Channel: WION The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalised united world. So for us the World is truly One. Please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs as well as personal insults. Subscribe to our channel at https://goo.gl/JfY3NI Check out our website: http://www.wionews.com Connect with us on our social media handles: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WIONews Twitter: https://twitter.com/WIONews Follow us on Google News for latest updates Zee News:- https://bit.ly/2Ac5G60 Zee Bussiness:- https://bit.ly/36vI2xa DNA India:- https://bit.ly/2ZDuLRY WION: https://bit.ly/3gnDb5J Zee News Apps : https://bit.ly/ZeeNewsApps
  • iceagefarmer #3033 08:46 AM, 24 Aug 2022
    This is the same China, by the way, that just last year bragged about it's ability to use Weather Modification to make it rain, and planned to expand the technology to cause rain over an area the size of India.

    But now 2.2 million hectares of crops are dead due to drought.

    This is a deliberate destruction of food supply to usher in complete control.

    China is massively expanding its weather-modification program, saying it will be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025
    Beijing said Tuesday that China's "cloud seeding" project will soon cover 2.1 million of China's 3.7 million square miles.
  • iceagefarmer #3034 08:58 AM, 24 Aug 2022
    The losses are catastrophic in every direction. Italy: extreme drought

    Massimo Saronni walks across his rice field, each step a loud crunch. This field should be flooded with water, flourishing with four-foot emerald green blades and golden rice panicles. Instead, the plants have taken on a yellow-brown tinge and the soil has hardened from lack of rain. Small patches of survivors dot the field, but they only reach his ankle.

    “These crops are seriously damaged. They haven’t had water, so they’re not going to make it,” says Saronni, who has worked as a rice farmer for over 30 years. He cultivates different rice varieties, including carnaroli, a high-starch rice prized in Italian cuisine for the creamy risotto it makes.

    Northern Italy is suffering from spiking temperatures and its worst drought in more than 70 years.

    Italy is the biggest producer of rice in the European Union—accounting for over half of its total production—and importers of Italian rice will surely feel the pinch.

    #eu #rice #italy #FoodPrices

    Extreme drought threatens Italy’s rice crops—and its beloved risotto
    Prized rice varieties used for risotto are grown in northern Italy’s normally flooded paddies, but record heat and drought are causing devastation and consternation.
  • 25 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3036 12:02 PM, 25 Aug 2022
    More pushback, not just from farmers but now from Saskatchewan officials:

    Saskatchewan warns Trudeau’s federal Nitrogen agents could be arrested

    Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Cockrill has sent a warning to the Trudeau government that officers sent by Ottawa will be arrested if they continue to trespass on farmland to test nitrogen levels.

    According to Cockrill, Trudeau’s government has been unlawfully sending federal employees onto Saskatchewan farmlands to test for nitrogen levels without the consent of landowners.

    In the letter, the Minister raised multiple complaints from Saskatchewan farmers that raised “serious concerns about Government of Canada employees, in clearly marked Government of Canada vehicles, trespassing on private lands.” The farmers reporting these trespasses made clear that these government agents did not request permission to access the land and were not in any other manner given consent to access it.

    What is more concerning to some than the actual trespass are the motivations of the federal agents. According to the land owners who confronted the federal agents trespassing on their land, they were told that the purpose of them being there was to test the water in the farmers’ dugouts to measure nitrate levels.

    #ClimatePolice #Canada

    BREAKING: Saskatchewan warns Trudeau’s federal Nitrogen agents could be arrested - The Counter Signal
    Saskatchewan’s Minister Jeremy Cockrill has sent a warning to the Trudeau government that officers sent by Ottawa will be arrested if they continue to trespass on farmland to test nitrogen levels.
  • iceagefarmer #3037 11:55 PM, 25 Aug 2022
    Shorten Your Food Chain

    How short is your food chain? As systems fail, each link in the chain becomes more vulnerable to disruption. The closer you are to food production, the more resilient — or even anti-fragile! — your dinner.

    tl;dr: GROW FOOD

    #TeamGrow #Antifragile
  • 26 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3038 01:45 AM, 26 Aug 2022
    Polish fertilizer plant shuts down due to natural gas prices. There won’t be fertilizer available for many farmers next year…the controlled demolition of our food supply continues apace!

    #AbsoluteZero #EnergyCrisis #fertilizer #poland

    Azoty Shares Fall as Fertilizer Output Halts on Gas Prices
    Shares of Grupa Azoty SA tumbled after Poland’s biggest chemicals company halted production of nitrogen fertilizers and trimmed output of ammonia because of record gas prices.
  • iceagefarmer #3039 07:42 PM, 26 Aug 2022
    That’s not a “price increase.”

    It’s a brick wall.


    French Electricity Price Exceeds 1,000 Euros for First Time
    The price of power in Europe’s two key markets surged more 25% on Friday, a chaotic spike that will see the continent’s leaders hold an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis.
  • 27 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3040 03:36 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    What is even going on here? "Trump, Ukraine, FBI, Rothchild banking fortune, Mar-a-Lago, immigrants" — this reads like the CIA psyop scriptwriters took a bunch of acid, shoved everything in a blender, and the MailOnline published it anyway:

    Trump and the NEW Inventing Anna: FBI investigating Ukrainian immigrant who posed as an heiress of the Rothschild banking dynasty, faked massive wealth and infiltrated Mar-a-Lago and the Donald's inner circle
    A Ukrainian woman posing as a member of the Rothschild banking dynasty successfully infiltrated Mar-a-Lago and former President Donald Trump's inner circle and is now being investigated.
  • iceagefarmer #3041 03:39 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    Majority of fertilizer plants remain offline in Europe — and no sign of relief for gas prices.

    #EnergyCrisis #EU #Fertilizer
  • iceagefarmer #3042 03:41 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    EU: current fertilizer/chem plant status. (See previous post)
  • iceagefarmer #3043 03:53 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    India has banned wheat exports to protect domestic prices.

    Here's why this is a really big deal as we enter full on #FoodWars. Top wheat producers are being hit across the board:

    #1 China. (also #1 consumer!)
    #2 India. (and now exports are banned.)
    #3 Russia (#1 exporter — but Black Sea shipping is affected, and sanctions stop some buyers)
    #4 USA (terrible season, drought)
    #5 France (drought has severely impacted yields)
    #6 Canada (spotty harvest so far)
    #7 Germany (drought has severely impacted yields)
    #10 Ukraine

    It is these nations that the rest of the world upon for their bread. And bear in mind some major wheat exporters like Kazakhstan have banned wheat/flour exports. Supplies are getting tight and countries are acting defensively. No relief in sight as harvests are looking bad across Northern hemisphere and things are off to poor start in S. America.

    Stock up and keep growing food!

    #wheat #FoodPrices
    India bans wheat flour exports
    India has restricted wheat flour exports to bring down prices on the domestic market
  • iceagefarmer #3044 03:56 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    POLAND: People are sleeping in their car just to stay in line for coal to heat their homes.

    We can joke, "Thanks a lot Greta" but this is a serious situation and the complete collapse of Europe. I can't believe that people aren't more upset with EU leadership at the self-imposed, utter destruction of energy supply, food supply, economy, livelihoods. Perhaps once more people FEEL the pain this winter, we enter Klaus Schwab's "angrier world..."

    #EnergyCrisis #EU #Poland

    In Poland, where coal is king, homeowners queue for days to buy fuel
    In Poland's late summer heat, dozens of cars and trucks line up at the Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka coal mine, as householders fearful of winter shortages wait for days and nights to stock up on heating fuel in queues reminiscent of communist times.
  • iceagefarmer #3045 04:00 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    Germany: 50% crop loss due to drought in some regions

    Up to half of the crops in parts of the German state of Baden-Württemberg are likely to be lost due to drought, farmers in the region have claimed, with problems to do with the prices of fuel, fertiliser, and pesticides connected to the green agenda and war in Ukraine also reportedly causing problems for those in the region

    The serious lack of rainfall has led farmers to fear that the likes of maize, sugar beet, potato, and soybean crops could see losses of up to 50%.

    #Germany #EU #drought

    Food Crisis: 50 Per Cent Crop Loss Likely Due to Drought - Farmers
    Crop losses of up to 50 per cent are now expected in parts of Germany due to drought, farmers in affected regions have claimed.
  • iceagefarmer #3046 04:03 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    Even more concerning than 50% crop loss, is that farmers are already blowing through their winter animal feed. Clearly this means that by mid-winter, there will be no animal feed. Which means come late winter, unless things change somehow, there will be no livestock.

    "To make matters worse, livestock farmers in the region are also now struggling, with many being forced to give animals feed meant to be kept for the winter as the amount of edible grass on the ground quite literally has dried up.

    "Fodder that might otherwise be imported from Russia or Ukraine is proving hard to come by as a result of the former’s invasion the latter and the West’s resulting sanctions war with Moscow..."

    #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy

    https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/08/19/global-food-crisis-50-per-cent-crop-loss-likely-due-to-drought-german-farmers-say/ (see previous post)
  • iceagefarmer #3047 04:07 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    If you had problems joining the groups before, please try again. Don't be afraid to search for an answer if you need to for the bot-prevention quiz!

    Why are your tomatoes are rotting from the bottom before ripe (@iaf_garden)? Why aren't those incubated eggs hatching (@iaf_birds)? Ask the very experienced folks in these awesome rooms: @iaf_resources
  • iceagefarmer #3048 04:07 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    👉 Find the correct group to discuss your topic or post your question! 👇

    Ice Age Farmer solutions-focused groups where you can focus on Homesteading:
    @IAF_Garden 🍅 Gardening, Main Group. 👉Join this one👈 regardless of which of these others you join!
    @IAF_Seeds 🌱 Seed and rootstock information & exchange.
    @IAF_Birds 🐓 🦆 🦃 Chickens, Ducks, Quail, etc.
    @IAF_Bees 🐝 Apiculture
    @IAF_Rabbits 🐇 Rabbits: for meat, fertilizer, etc.
    @IAF_Canning 🥫 & Preserving 🏺
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    IAF news discussion & channel comments: 🎢 @IAF_Chat 🎢. Your account must be a subscriber to @IceAgeFarmer, to post comments on this chat.

    By your use, you agree: to the terms in that group's HELP MESSAGE. For detailed guidelines and assistance, read that group's message, pinned at the top.

    👉 Find the correct group to discuss your topic or post your question! ☝️
  • iceagefarmer #3049 04:09 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    Have you built up a library of landraces and amazing heirloom genetics? Want to trade with other folks?

    ==> @iaf_seeds nearly 1,000 people in there for that purpose exactly. JOIN US!

  • iceagefarmer #3050 07:32 PM, 27 Aug 2022
    Aluminum producer Speira GmbH is considering cutting production at its German smelter to 50% of total capacity in response to surging energy costs that are squeezing power-intensive industries across Europe. The curtailment would add to the extreme toll that the energy crisis is having on Europe’s metals industry, which is one of the biggest industrial consumers of power and gas. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-23/german-aluminum-smelter-considers-halving-output-on-energy-costs#xj4y7vzkg
  • 28 August 2022
  • iceagefarmer #3051 01:36 PM, 28 Aug 2022
    UK: Asda drops expiration dates on food.

    @iceagefarmer note: I’d mentioned just two weeks ago that removing expiration dates from food was part of the EU “Farm to Fork” and Rockefeller “Reset the Table” discussions — and now we see it rolling out!

    But, this is just a small change compared to the major changes coming for food #retail.

    - ICYMI : End of the Grocery Store: welcome to the AI Commissary for the Prison Planet)

    Asda warns customers of major change coming to all UK stores within days
    ASDA has issued a warning to all its shoppers as it gets ready to introduce a major change to its stores.
  • iceagefarmer #3052 01:40 PM, 28 Aug 2022
    Fire at Biggest US Midwest Refinery Threatens Fuel Supplies

    An outage at the largest US Midwest refinery is raising wholesale fuel prices regionally just as the agricultural sector gears up for its busiest time of year.

    BP shut two crude units at its 435,000 barrel-a-day Whiting, Indiana, refinery after a fire Wednesday, Wood Mackenzie’s Genscape said. The fire occurred in the power house and caused a loss of cooling water, which could lead to damaged equipment, according to a person familiar with operations.

    *** A prolonged shutdown of the plant, which supplies gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to most of the region’s major distribution centers, could tighten fuel markets just as farmers in the nation’s breadbasket prepare for harvesting season. ***

    @iceagefarmer note: just another coincidence I’m sure. Nothing to see here…

    #WarOnFarms #fire

    Fire at Biggest US Midwest Refinery Threatens Fuel Supplies
    An outage at the largest US Midwest refinery is raising wholesale fuel prices regionally just as the agricultural sector gears up for its busiest time of year.
  • iceagefarmer #3053 08:15 PM, 28 Aug 2022
    I'm noticing there is VERY little to nothing about this catastrophe. But I did find this last night https://www.aggrestrat.com/department-of-transportation-declares-regional-emergency-following-bp-refinery-fire-in-indiana/?open=single and the fact that they've given governors emergency power declaration over this is so quickly very telling IMO...
    Department of Transportation declares regional emergency following BP refinery fire in Indiana
    A Department of Transportation agency declared a regional energy emergency for four Midwestern states on Saturday after a fire at…