• 01 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1772 07:28 AM, 01 Aug 2021
    YouTube suspends SkyNews

    No “Ice Age Watch” on SkyNews this week...

    Sky News Australia says suspended from YouTube for one week
    MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Sky News Australia said on Sunday it has been temporarily suspended by the video-sharing site YouTube following the platform's review of content for compliance with its COVID-19 policies.
  • iceagefarmer #1773 07:40 AM, 01 Aug 2021
    African Swine Fever reaches Americas - Threatens #1 Pork Exporter, USA

    African Swine Fever, which destroyed 70% of China's pork, has been confirmed in the Americas. Though the USDA assures us all is well due to new biosecurity measures, failures to contain ASF in China, Germany, and elsewhere suggest otherwise. Could this lead to the shutdown of the #1 pork exporter in the world - and do unimaginable damage to farmers in the USA? Is traditional farming and ranching really too dirty and dangerous to continue, or is this part of the war on meat? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


    #iafvideo #AfricanSwineFever #usa #Germany #China #ZoonoticThreat #WarOnMeat
    African Swine Fever reaches Americas - Threatens #1 Pork Exporter, USA
    African Swine Fever, which destroyed 70% of China's pork, has been confirmed in the Americas. Though the USDA assures us all is well due to new biosecurity measures, failures to contain ASF in China, Germany, and elsewhere suggest otherwise. Could this lead to the shutdown of the #1 pork exporter in the world - and do unimaginable damage to farmers in the USA? Is traditional farming and ranching really too dirty and dangerous to continue, or is this part of the war on meat? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/07/31/african-swine-fever-reaches-americas-threatens-1-pork-exporter-usa/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #1774 04:55 PM, 01 Aug 2021
    No vax, no food.

    Access to food establishment conditional upon vaccination.

    Shake Shack Founder Requiring Proof of Vaccination for Customers at Company's Other Restaurants: 'You Can Dine Somewhere Else'
    Danny Meyer, the CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group, announced that all restaurants overseen by the company (excluding Shake Shack chains) will require both employees and dine-in customers to show proof of vaccination.
  • 02 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1775 05:07 AM, 02 Aug 2021
    Bacon (all pork) may disappear in California as pig rules take effect

    At the beginning of next year, California will begin enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 that requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves. National veal and egg producers are optimistic they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations now comply with the new rules. Unless the courts intervene or the state temporarily allows non-compliant meat to be sold in the state, California will lose almost all of its pork supply, much of which comes from Iowa, and pork producers will face higher costs to regain a key market.



    (Reposting this as it's making the rounds!)
    Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect
    DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Thanks to a reworked menu and long hours, Jeannie Kim managed to keep her San Francisco restaurant alive during the coronavirus pandemic. That makes it all the more frustrating that she fears her breakfast-focused diner could be ruined within months by new rules that could make one of her top menu items — bacon — hard to get in California.
  • iceagefarmer #1776 03:13 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    Truly stunning propaganda, anticipated since March of last year.

    Blame "the unvaccinated."

    Weaponize the vaccinated against them.

  • iceagefarmer #1777 07:40 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    As mentioned in the ASF report - China has rebuilt their herd not with smaller farmers, but with indoor, tech-driven operations:

    China Is Putting Pigs In 13-Storey "Hog Hotels" To Keep Germs Out

    China is taking hog biosecurity to new levels -- 13 stories in fact.
    That's the height of a building in southern China where more than 10,000 pigs are kept in a condominium-style complex, complete with restricted access, security cameras, in-house veterinary services and carefully prepared meals.

    The seemingly luxurious conditions represent a state-of-the-art approach to biosecurity in which pigs -- the main source of meat in China -- are shielded from viruses, including the devastating African swine fever that wiped out half the nation's hogs in the two years before the coronavirus pandemic emerged.

    Nicknamed "hog hotels," these gigantic vertical farms are being built by companies, including Muyuan Foods and New Hope Group, emulating the strict controls major suppliers in other countries have used to prevent outbreaks of the devastating disease.

    China is copying best-practices from Europe and the U.S. to close its biosecurity gap, said Rupert Claxton, the U.K.-based meat director at consultant Gira, who has been providing advice to farmers and businesses for two decades. "In 20 years, it's done what the Americans took probably 100 years to do," he said.

    Lethal African swine fever, which sickens pigs much like Ebola kills humans, caused a dramatic outbreak in China in 2018. Within a year, roughly half the nation's herd of more than 400 million pigs had been wiped out -- more than the entire annual output of the U.S. and Brazil combined -- leading to rocketing prices and unprecedented imports.

    Top Priority

    Food security became a top priority, and as inflation surged to the highest in eight years, the government had to turn to emergency sources of frozen meat to cool prices. New agriculture policies were instituted to accelerate a shift to large-scale, industrial operations over backyard farms that have traditionally fattened pigs on raw kitchen scraps and swill -- the main sources of African swine fever.

    Now, domestic hog numbers recovered more swiftly than anticipated because mega farms have expanded capacity so aggressively. Wholesale pork prices have tumbled so much that it tripped the government's new alert system, prompting authorities to begin buying pork for state reserves and to shore up the market.

    #AfricanSwineFever #China

    China Is Putting Pigs In 13-Storey "Hog Hotels" To Keep Germs Out
    China is taking hog biosecurity to new levels -- 13 stories in fact. That's the height of a building in southern China where more than 10,000 pigs are kept in a condominium-style complex, complete with restricted access, security cameras, in-house
  • iceagefarmer #1778 07:41 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    Here is one of China's indoor, tech-driven "Hog Hotels" (see previous post), 10,000 pigs are kept in a condominium-style complex, complete with restricted access, security cameras, in-house veterinary services and carefully prepared meals.

  • iceagefarmer #1779 07:42 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    El Salvadore bans pork imports over #AfricanSwineFever fears as Ripples Start from Domincan Republic ASF outbreak:

    El Salvador bans pork imports over African swine fever fears
    SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AFP) — El Salvador said it would ban all imports of pork products Sunday, as cases of the highly contagious African swine fever in the Dominican Republic sparked fears of a wider regional outbreak. A highly contagious viral disease that affects domestic and wild pigs, African Swine Fever (ASF) is present in parts of Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa. A major outbreak in China in 2018 led to the culling of […]
  • iceagefarmer #1780 07:42 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    Dominican Republic to depopulate Tens of Thousands of Hogs in effort to contain #AfricanSwineFever

    Dominican Republic to kill thousands of pigs over swine fever outbreak
    The Dominican Republic will slaughter tens of thousands of pigs after detecting outbreaks of African swine fever in 11 of the country's 32 provinces, authorities said on Monday.
  • iceagefarmer #1781 07:46 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    STUNNING! UK to monitor supermarket spending, offer "free treats for lifestyle habits"
    - this is already turning into incentives for human capital -- good behavior plugs straight into your social credit score, impacting food selection.
    - what you buy is no longer your business !

    Families could get rewards for healthy living in new war on obesity

    Lifestyle habits such as taking part in a regular run or walking to school daily could be linked to free treats in pilot scheme

    Boris Johnson is to launch a government-backed rewards programme for families switching to healthier food and exercising under radical plans to tackle Britain's obesity crisis.

    The scheme will monitor family supermarket spending, rewarding those who reduce their calorie intake and buy more fruit and vegetables. People increasing their exercise by taking part in organised events or walking to school will also accumulate extra "points" in a new app.

    On Friday night, Lord Stevens, the outgoing head of the NHS, warned that the health service would struggle struggle to cope in future if there were not radical moves to tackle obesity.

    Under the new plan, "loyalty points" accumulated would be exchanged for discounts, free tickets or other incentives.

    The scheme is to be launched in January and underlines Mr Johnson's determination to tackle growing levels of obesity. The Prime Minister blamed his weight for his serious illness with Covid last year.

    Families could get rewards for healthy living in new war on obesity
    Lifestyle habits such as taking part in a regular run or walking to school daily could be linked to free treats in pilot scheme
  • iceagefarmer #1782 08:11 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    Australia's Bumper crop under threat from harvest worker shortage

    (Even when it's not the weather, it's the lockdowns!)
    After battling through years of drought farmers across the country are being rewarded with a second year of above-average rainfall, but a lack of harvest workers is threatening to derail the bumper crop.

    A large crop requires a large workforce to operate machinery, drive trucks and manage the large network of grain terminals across regional Australia.

    Usually, skilled workers from the Northern Hemisphere would travel to Australia to work on the harvest.

    During the last 18 months, thousands of those workers have left the country and borders have not yet reopened.

    Rod Gribble, president of the Australian Custom Harvesters Association, said the situation for his members was dire.

    "Our members have been advertising for months and months but there's just no skilled operators around," Mr Gribble said.

    Mr Gribble said millions of dollars worth of crops could be lost in adverse weather if crops are not harvested on time.

    "That's mega, mega millions of dollars lost," he said.


    Harvest workers shortage threatens to derail another bumper crop
    Australian cropping regions are on track for a record year, but with international borders still closed there are growing concerns about a shortage of workers to complete the harvest.
  • iceagefarmer #1783 10:07 PM, 02 Aug 2021
    Dutch judge rules farmers require a permit to let their cows outside to graze.

    A war waged on the way humanity has traditionally produced food - to usher in technocratic transhumanism:

    Rechtbank Overijssel legt ‘weibewijs’ op: boeren moeten gecontroleerd worden op vergunning om koe de wei in te laten
    Een klap in het gezicht voor boeren in Overijssel! De provinciale rechtbank heeft milieuorganisatie Mobilisation for the Environment (MOB) gelijk gegeven in een
  • 03 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1784 05:37 PM, 03 Aug 2021
    Grasshoppers Finish off North Dakota Crops, Pastures Already Plagued by Drought

    "In my 25 years of farming and ranching I've never seen anything like this," says Steeke. "They're eating it down to nothing. You can see my 300 acres of barley, all you can see is they've eaten it to the ground. There's nothing left."

    In a normal year, Steeke would get 1500-3000 bales on a thousand acre field. This year, he got 53.

    "It's just historically one of the worst things that we've ever been through," says Steeke.

  • iceagefarmer #1785 07:38 PM, 03 Aug 2021
    More than 300 000 people stranded after severe floods hit Bangladesh-Myanmar border

    More than 300 000 people stranded after severe floods hit Bangladesh-Myanmar border
    Heavy rains falling over the Bangladesh-Myanmar border region since Monday, July 26, 2021, caused severe flooding in which at least 20 people have died and more than 300 000 were stranded. This is the region where nearly one million Rohingya refugees...
  • iceagefarmer #1786 07:43 PM, 03 Aug 2021
    Imagine - your insurance company writes you, and says "We are no longer willing to insure your home/farm. We are cancelling your policy." Or the premiums triple overnight.

    Citing the wildfires, it's happening to many in California, including farmers -- this is Agenda 2030 in action, one of the mechanisms used to kick human activity off the land/water (remember the 30/30 plan) and ultimately shove us into the smart cities.

    They call this "managed retreat."

    "The state has stepped in to provide a short-term fire insurance solution of last resort, but the crisis foreshadows a larger confrontation over so-called managed retreat in one of the country’s all-important breadbaskets.

    California plays a crucial role in the food economy, producing more than 80 percent of the country’s wine and more than 80 percent of fruits like strawberries and raspberries. If [AS] a lack of fire insurance helps usher these farmers out of business, the rest of the country might pay for it at the grocery store."


  • iceagefarmer #1787 08:32 PM, 03 Aug 2021
    As of this writing, some four commercial, patrol, and research vessels have been disabled — one of which may have been hijacked — in the main shipping channel through the Strait of Hormuz, apparently as part of an Iranian military operation.

    If this turns out to be accurate, the Islamic Republic has attempted to use sea mines to close the strait and so to strangle the flow of petroleum to global markets in the most dramatic offensive escalation in this vital shipping way since 1988. The timing of the action is no accident, as last month, Iran announced it would be making its first oil shipment from its new terminal at Jask Port on the Gulf of Oman — its first such facility south of Hormuz. Few took notice at the time, but Tehran was in essence signaling that it no longer needs the strait to supply clients, notably the People’s Republic of China. Now the world will be forced to take notice as the mullahs are foot-stomping this new capability.


    Don’t Appease Tehran for Energy Terrorism in the Strait of Hormuz | National Review
    If Iran has attempted to close the Strait of Hormuz and strangle petroleum flow to global markets, it would constitute a dramatic offensive escalation.
  • 04 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1788 06:07 AM, 04 Aug 2021
    Hearing from tens of doctors and nurses who are being forced out of job for not taking untested injections now and by 9/1 or 10/1.

    THAT’S surely not causing these staffing shortages suddenly reported everywhere at once..!

    US hospitals face staffing shortages amid latest COVID-19 wave: Snapshots from 5 states
    As U.S. hospitals deal with more patients, both COVID-19 and non-COVID, some are facing staffing shortages.
  • iceagefarmer #1789 06:07 AM, 04 Aug 2021
    Staffing shortages causing facility closures

    Staffing shortage closes Washington standalone ED
    St. Michael Medical Center's Bremerton, Wash. , location,  a standalone emergency and trauma center, is temporarily closing July 30 because of staffing shortages and has not provided a reopening date, according to the Kitsap Sun, citing an announcement from Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, which
  • iceagefarmer #1790 06:08 AM, 04 Aug 2021
    Staffing shortages impacting quality of care

    Nursing shortage forces Texas hospital to scale back labor and delivery services
    A nursing shortage has forced Big Bend Regional Medical Center in Alpine, Texas, to intermittently shut down its labor and delivery unit, according to Kaiser Health News. 
  • iceagefarmer #1791 06:11 AM, 04 Aug 2021
    Don’t forget to turn in your unvaccinated family members for a chance to earn some rapidly devaluing fiat.

    Welcome to the future.

    (This site is satire. But give it a few days at this rate)
  • iceagefarmer #1792 06:32 AM, 04 Aug 2021
    Big banks buying up & shutting down energy infrastructure
    "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

    The British insurer Prudential is working with the Asian Development Bank on a scheme to buy out coal-fired power plants in Asia in order to shut them down within 15 years.

    Its backers say the plan is designed to limit use of the polluting fossil fuel while allowing workers time to find new jobs and incentivising countries to invest in clean energy alternatives.

    “The world cannot possibly hit the Paris climate targets unless we accelerate the retirement and replacement of existing coal-fired electricity, opening up much larger room in the near term for renewables and storage,” Kanak said.


    Prudential in talks to buy out and shut coal-fired plants in Asia
    Scheme with Asian Development Bank could help make big progress on climate goals, says insurer
  • iceagefarmer #1794 06:41 AM, 04 Aug 2021
    Now DEER with COVID -- and chipmunks with plague.

    Animals are so dirty and dangerous and pandemic ridden! We've seen recently:

    - Deer with COVID ... not to mention the prion chronic wasting disease in deer
    - US songbirds dying mysteriously & warnings for poultry
    -- (in the UK, bird flu forcing birds indoors)
    - rabbits with "rabbit ebola"
    - chipmunks with plague
    - wild hogs with ASF

    All going to script, for a mass culling/separation of humanity from "dangerous, dirty nature" due to the risk of zoonotic spread...

    #Zoonotic #AnimalAg #PrionDisease
    Wild U.S. deer found with coronavirus antibodies
    A new study detected coronavirus antibodies in 40 percent of deer tested this year. Here’s why that matters.
  • 05 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1795 12:38 PM, 05 Aug 2021
    California turning off the water to farms.

    You are witnessing an engineered famine.


    California State Water Resources Control Board Votes To End Water Diversions For Over 5,700 Farmers - California Globe
    The California State Water Resources Control Board unanimously voted 5-0 on Tuesday to stop water diversions for thousands of Californians in the
  • iceagefarmer #1796 01:23 PM, 05 Aug 2021
    #Tyson to require the shot — this will intensify labor shortages, impact food supply:

    Tyson Foods, Microsoft to require vaccination for US workers
    Meat processer Tyson Foods will require all of its U.S. employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, becoming one of the first major employer of front-line workers to so amid a resurgence of the virus
  • 06 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1798 09:00 AM, 06 Aug 2021
    California to Institute Extreme Water Reductions for Thousands of Farmers
    California, along with essentially all of the American West, is experiencing a period of extreme drought, and during an extreme drought, water is precious. On Tuesday, California’s State Water Resources Control Board voted to institute a curtailment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed, reports Julia Wick of the Los Angeles Times. The curtailment will dramatically reduce, and sometimes eliminate, the ability of big chunks of California’s Central Valley from using river and stream water for agriculture.  California’s system of water rights is labyrinthine and based in large part on seniority. The owners of land that includes those most senior water
  • iceagefarmer #1799 09:14 AM, 06 Aug 2021
    As I travel, I see different nations/people responding to totalitarian nonsense in different ways.

    Many people outside the USA are more accustomed to open corruption, and just shrug at the new rules - both people but also border control/police. Life goes on only because of the humanity of enforcers.

    As that gives way to vaccine passports, computerized checks, social credit scores - then we open the gate to a full on anti-human worldwide prison, no humanity left as saving grace.

    This is their final revolution for the satanists, and humanity must stop it - before we lose the chance.
  • 07 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1800 07:24 AM, 07 Aug 2021
    GREEN - So good for the environment, we are clear cutting forests!

    It’s not about the environment - it’s about control.

    “A large part of southwestern Germany’s idyllic natural landscape is about to be industrialized by 1000 “environmentally friendly” wind turbines.”

  • 08 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1801 09:43 AM, 08 Aug 2021
    Potato shortage could blight Britain as demand for potatoes grows in Europe
    Heavy floods have seen spud prices soar on the continent

    The UK could experience a shortage of chips as the demand for potatoes grows in Europe.

    After heavy flooding last month, the price of spuds has soared on the continent and buyers are targeting Britain, the Daily Star reported.

    A "perfect storm" of inflation, labour shortages, environmental disaster, Brexit, rising fuel and distribution costs, has caused the problem.

    But this has been added to by the continuing impact of Covid, triggering food shortages and spiralling bills, Lynx Purchasing reported.

    Frozen chips will be among the first to go with a leap in prices likely and our Christmas roasties are also under threat.


    Chip shortage could blight Britain as demand for potatoes grows in Europe
    Heavy floods have seen spud prices soar on the continent
  • iceagefarmer #1802 03:44 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    French wine production falls to ‘historically low’ level after vineyards devastated by severe frost

    France’s agriculture ministry reported on Friday that it has experienced one of the worst years on record for wine production, as a devastating late-spring frost sent output to “historically low” levels not seen since 1977.

    The impact of the damaging frosts is expected to result in the nation, which is the second-largest wine producer globally, seeing its output fall to the “historically low” level of 24 to 30% in 2021. This would put it at a level below that of 1991 and 2017, when output was significantly hampered by a similar late-spring frost that destroyed harvests.

    “For now, it looks like the yield will be comparable to that of 1977 – a year when the vine harvest was reduced by both destructive frost and summer downpours,” the Agricultural Ministry’s statement read.

    French wine production falls to ‘historically low’ level after vineyards devastated by severe frost
    France’s agriculture ministry reported on Friday that it has experienced one of the worst years on record for wine production, as a devastating late-spring frost sent output to “historically low” levels not seen since 1977.
  • iceagefarmer #1803 03:45 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    Young farmers lose hope as drought closes in: ‘It’s like a sad country song’

    As irrigated crops compete with fish for scarce water, farmers in the Klamath Basin lament they may be the last generation to work the land.


    Young farmers lose hope as drought closes in: ‘It’s like a sad country song’
    As irrigated crops compete with fish for scarce water, farmers in the Klamath Basin lament they may be the last generation to work the land
  • iceagefarmer #1804 04:12 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    Turns out "the cloud" is just someone else's computer. And your data? Yeah. They do whatever they want with it.

    (This includes "private" photos you haven't shared)

    Apple wants to check your phone for child abuse images – what could possibly go wrong?
    On the surface Apple’s new features sound both sensible and commendable – but they also open a Pandora’s box of privacy and surveillance issues Apple has promoted its commitment to users’ privacy. Photograph: Soumyabrata Roy/Pacific Press/REX/Shutterstock Sign up for the Week in Patriarchy, a newsletter on feminism and sexism sent every Saturday Privacy. That’s (no longer) iPhone. Apple, which has spent big bucks on ad campaigns boasting about how much it values its users privacy, is about to st
  • iceagefarmer #1805 04:13 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    Long-lasting indeed.


    NSW farmers growingly increasingly concerned with rural impact of Sydney lockdown

    The heart-breaking rural impacts of the Greater Sydney’s lockdown are starting to be felt with farmers concerned the overabundance of produce could have long-lasting effects on crops in future seasons.

    NSW farmers growingly increasingly concerned with rural impact of Sydney lockdown

    The heart-breaking rural impacts of the Greater Sydney's lockdown are starting to be felt with farmers concerned the overabundance of produce could have long-lasting effects on crops in future seasons.

  • iceagefarmer #1806 04:14 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    NSW Australia launches COVID-19 Sewage Surveillance Program, much like the Biobots wastewater analysis in US:

    Total surveillance-- above, below, what goes in, what comes out. A panopticon married to a social credit score. We are arriving in hell unless we stop this takeover.

  • iceagefarmer #1807 04:15 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    Here is my October report on HHS rolling out the Biobots to surveil sewage in wastewater -- learning your dietary habits, medicine intake, health status:

    (see previous post for its rollout in NSW, Australia)

    Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for “COVID19 detection”..!)
    HHS is scaling up its “National Wastewater Surveillance System,” deploying BioBots to municipal sewers in the name of tracking COVID19 spread — but these agents are also able to m…
  • iceagefarmer #1808 04:17 PM, 08 Aug 2021
    United Nations intent on shutting down Australia with a meat production tax

    UN meat tax will close down Australia’s cattle industry and starve 80 million people, says Bob Katter
    Bob Katter MHR, says a carbon tax on meat, which has been proposed at a United Nations food summit, would shut down Australia’s cattle industry and starve 80 million people alone.

    The True Animal Price Protein Coalition proposed a meat tax of a €1 ($1.61) per kilo, at the summit in Rome last week of which Australia is a major sponsor, having contributed $63.9m.

    “Almost every single calf that is born in Australia is produced on land that can’t be used for any other purpose,” Mr Katter said.

    “I’m not talking about fattening country; I’m talking about breeding country where the cattle are bred. If you introduce that tax and wipe out the cattle industry, then there is 2.4 billion kilos of protein that will no longer be available (Australia on an average year turns off 8 million cattle for consumption, each with 300 kgs of consumable meat). The average family of five eats 150 kg of beef a year,[2] so you are going to starve 80 million people to satisfy your ideology.

    “There is no alternative feedstock that can provide such an enormously high protein regime. The staple diets in Indonesia, Europe, Japan, South Korea and South America is meat. You’ve got to eat a lot of rice to get the same protein content that beef provides.”


    United Nations intent on shutting down Australia with a meat production tax
    UN meat tax will close down Australia’s cattle industry and starve 80 million people, says Bob Katter As a major sponsor of the UN talkfest will the LNP Government support the proposed beef tax? Bo…
  • iceagefarmer #1809 04:18 PM, 08 Aug 2021

    Millers and bakers are draining wheat reserves and paying more for spring wheat used in baking, as drought shrivels crops across the Canadian Prairies and northern U.S. Plains that produce more than half of the world’s supply.

    U.S. and Canadian farmers are bracing for a sharply smaller spring wheat harvest due to the driest conditions in decades, as severe weather damages crops across the hemisphere, from heat scorching cherries in the U.S. Pacific Northwest to frost chilling sugarcane in Brazil.

    While overall global wheat stocks are large, the drought affects mainly the high-protein spring wheat crop that millers such as Archer Daniels Midland Co and bakers including Grupo Bimbo rely on to produce the texture and moistness in baked goods that consumers expect.

    Importers from Britain to China must pay up for limited North American harvests or turn to other suppliers like Australia and Russia.

    Minneapolis spring wheat futures are trading near nine-year highs, leaving Camas Country Mill in Eugene, Oregon, braced to pay more, said owner Tom Hunton. He plans on passing his higher costs on to the mill’s bakery customers.


    Millers, bakers fret as drought withers North America’s spring wheat
    U.S. and Canadian farmers are bracing for a sharply smaller spring wheat harvest due to the driest conditions in decades.
  • 09 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1810 08:17 AM, 09 Aug 2021
    I live in Foothills County, Alberta and devastation is the right word. Crops have been destroyed by no rain. We have had rain for 2 days only this whole spring and summer season. Although a lot of the hay is drought resistant, even it is now gone.
  • iceagefarmer #1811 08:20 AM, 09 Aug 2021
    More consolidation of food giants - only a handful of companies control the global supply of protein & grains:

    Cargill to purchase Sanderson for $4.5 BILLION

    Cargill, Continental Grain to Acquire Sanderson Farms
    The chicken producer agreed to sell itself for around $4.5 billion as it rides a wave of demand for chicken products.
  • iceagefarmer #1812 08:21 AM, 09 Aug 2021
    UK: Empty shelves in supermarkets as lorry chiefs beg for 100,000 more delivery drivers to ease delays

    • bringing in Army might not be enough to prevent 'very serious threat' to supply chain


    Empty shelves in supermarkets as lorry chiefs beg for 100,000 more delivery drivers to ease delays
    Transport bosses yesterday called for the Government to tackle the national truck driver shortage urgently amid fears of more empty supermarket shelves.
  • iceagefarmer #1813 08:51 AM, 09 Aug 2021
    The media is an unbelievably powerful mass mind control device.
  • iceagefarmer #1814 09:24 AM, 09 Aug 2021
    Spotted in North California grocery store. Many folks are just hearing about these shortages for the first time.

    Better time than ever to host a seed swap and teach others to start growing!
  • iceagefarmer #1815 03:48 PM, 09 Aug 2021
    McDonald's Pressured By Dwlinding Food Bag Supplies

    [IAF: Somehow it's always the parts of the supply chain you don't think about that cause disruptions]

    The latest supply chain challenge to hit McDonald's Corp. is the lack of paper bags for food orders. The chain told restaurant owners to limit their bag orders from suppliers as usage is above seasonal trends, according to an internal message from the fast-food company, seen by The Wall Street Journal.

    McDonald's said customers who dine inside are demanding Big Macs, McNuggets, and fries be served in bags rather than trays which have compounded the tightness of the paper bag supplies.


    McDonald's Pressured By Dwlinding Food Bag Supplies
    "We will continue to watch closely."
  • iceagefarmer #1816 04:08 PM, 09 Aug 2021
    Right now, it is the farmers and ranchers who are suffering as our food supply chain is deliberately dismantled.

    But soon, it will be anyone who counts on that supply chain and the supermarket to feed their family.

    Grow your own!
  • 10 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1817 07:11 AM, 10 Aug 2021
    No hay, no cattle...

    Drought and Grasshoppers Ravage Fields in Northwest, Some Producers Bale 10% of Normal Hay Crop
    The drought in the West is producing many firsts, as farmers and ranchers grapple with dire decisions including pulling their cattle off federal lands early. Now many worry they won't source enough feed for winter.
  • iceagefarmer #1818 08:39 AM, 10 Aug 2021
    Water reforms could heavily impact rural NZ


    #water #nz
  • iceagefarmer #1819 12:56 PM, 10 Aug 2021
    Tyson Foods Inc "cannot increase prices for chicken and prepared foods fast enough" to keep pace with rising costs for raw materials like grain, Chief Executive Donnie King said on Monday, after the company reported higher-than-expected quarterly earnings.

    Tyson also mentions in their quarterly call that "our new vaccine mandate is making it hard to find workers" (as predicted in feed above) -- even blaming the delta variant:

    > "The company, which is mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for U.S. employees, said rising coronavirus cases have made it harder to find workers. "We were on a good trajectory and then the Delta variant showed up," King said."

    #WarOnMeat #FoodPrices #Tyson
  • iceagefarmer #1820 01:04 PM, 10 Aug 2021
    What China keeps in its secretive commodity reserves

    Some interesting data, and this gem: "China's grain reserves are sufficient to feed its 1.4 billion citizens, with the storage capacity exceeding 650 million tonnes, Xinhua reported in April, but did not specify how long the reserves could feed the population."


    Explainer: What China keeps in its secretive commodity reserves
    For the first time in a decade, China has released some of its strategic metal stocks to try to dampen a price rally hurting manufacturers. It has also released coal and imported corn reserves to cool prices, while buying pork to prop up that market.
  • iceagefarmer #1821 01:08 PM, 10 Aug 2021
    Friends don't let friends eat fake food.

    Safety concerns raised over Impossible Burger GMO fake meat ingredient

    Referring to an analysis written for GMOScience by GMWatch editor Claire Robinson and Dr Michael Antoniou, FoE and GeneEthics also point out that the short (28-day) rat feeding study that Impossible Foods commissioned on SLH showed worrying effects in the rats, including signs of inflammation or kidney disease and possible signs of anemia.

    (IAF: and that's only 28 days! This is being pitched to kids and student lunches!)


    Safety concerns raised over Impossible Burger GMO fake meat ingredient
    Soy leghemoglobin does not have a history of safe use in food
  • iceagefarmer #1823 03:31 PM, 10 Aug 2021
    France - no vax, no cafes - how long until grocery stores? Was already the case in Cyprus!
  • 11 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1824 07:26 AM, 11 Aug 2021
    Illinois moves to grab farm land from farmers for energy companies:

    (Remember the study that showed USA would need to convert an absurd amount of land to solar farms to reach 100% renewable?)

  • iceagefarmer #1825 07:32 AM, 11 Aug 2021
    Sugar CEO Says Wild Weather Will Extend Sweetener’s Price Boom

    The worst weather in decades in top sugar exporter Brazil will have a lasting impact on global sweetener prices that are already near four-year highs, according to the world’s second-largest producer.

    Sugar has been rising on concern that severe frosts and the worst drought in nearly a century in the South American nation will lead to significant losses in sugar production, exacerbating an already tight global supply outlook. The extreme weather has also boosted coffee prices and is fueling global food-inflation worries.

    #FoodPrices #GrandSolarMinimum

    Sugar CEO Says Wild Weather Will Extend Sweetener’s Price Boom
    The worst weather in decades in top sugar exporter Brazil will have a lasting impact on global sweetener prices that are already near four-year highs, according to the world’s second-largest producer.
  • iceagefarmer #1826 07:32 AM, 11 Aug 2021
    Brazil's top producing regions for coffee, oranges, and sugar have been devastated by the worst weather in decades and could leave a lasting impact on prices, according to Bloomberg.

    The South American country is one of the world's leading coffee, sugar, and orange producers experienced a cold snap and drought this growing season in the Center-South area that has significantly damaged crops.


    Frost Bites Brazilian Sugar Crop As Prices Zoom Higher 
    Pay attention to what's happening in Brazil. More food inflation is imminent. 
  • iceagefarmer #1827 07:37 AM, 11 Aug 2021
    Farmers May Cull 130,000 Hogs as Quebec Strike Halts Pork Plant

    Farmers may have to euthanize and dispose of more than 130,000 hogs in eastern Canada as a months-long strike at a pork processor leaves a backlog of animals.

    Olymel’s processing facility in Vallee-Jonction, Quebec, which usually slaughters 36,000 hogs each week, has been shut since April 28, when employees walked out. The company has been sending some of the animals to the U.S. and western Canada, an alternative that still leaves 15,000 pigs behind every week, according to David Duval, the president of the Eleveurs de porcs du Quebec, which represents the province’s producers.

    Farmers May Cull 130,000 Hogs as Quebec Strike Halts Pork Plant
    Farmers may have to euthanize and dispose of more than 130,000 hogs in eastern Canada as a months-long strike at a pork processor leaves a backlog of animals.
  • iceagefarmer #1828 07:52 AM, 11 Aug 2021
    In Cyprus u need SafePass everywhere!!!! SafePass means: 72 hrs negative rapidtest, vaxcard or proof of got the nonexistent covid in the last 6 months!!!even for getting petrol in ur car need slavepass!!
  • 12 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1829 04:50 PM, 12 Aug 2021
    #Tyson Employees protest the company's mandatory vaccine policy

    Tyson announced last week that all of their 120,000 employees nationwide will need to be vaccinated by Nov. 1 unless they are exempted for medical or religious reasons. Around half of the company's employees are currently vaccinated, while front-line employees who receive the jab are eligible for a $200 bonus and up to four hours of pay if they are inoculated outside of work.

    The protest comes one week after the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union raised objections to to the mandate because the vaccine has not been fully approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). [IAF: that will happen soon enough -- why not individual sovereingty?]

  • iceagefarmer #1830 07:10 PM, 12 Aug 2021
    China purchases of US food continue:

    China bought 600 tons of U.S. pork last week, well below the more than 18,000 tons from the previous week, but still a positive sign for demand after being out of the market for about a month. China also bought 1,000 tons of U.S. beef, along with good amounts of old crop sorghum and old and new crop soybeans. Old crop corn exports were up sharply on the week and new crop sales were solid as the reality of Brazil’s much smaller than expected second corn crop starts to take hold.

  • iceagefarmer #1832 07:42 PM, 12 Aug 2021
    I see US H.R.4980 has been introduced:

    "H.R.4980 - To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes."

    Are we wanting to be locked in Hunger Games districts ? How do we mobilize support against the enablers ?

    H.R.4980 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.
    Summary of H.R.4980 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.
  • iceagefarmer #1833 08:20 PM, 12 Aug 2021
    South Korea Reports African Swine Fever on Large Commercial Pig Farm

    A South Korea pig farm with 2,400 pigs confirmed an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) on Sunday. The country is on high alert to contain the spread of this deadly virus just three months after the latest confirmed case on May 4.

    According to the Korea Herald, the government-led ASF task force announced that the ASF case was confirmed at a domesticated pig farm in Goseong-gun, Gangwon Province. This farm is the only pig farm in a three-kilometer radius. There are two other farms with a combined 3,100 pigs in a 10-kilometer radius.

    To date, South Korea has confirmed 18 cases of ASF at local pig farms since the outbreak started in September 2019. Authorities culled more than 450,000 farmed pigs culled across 14 pig farms in the first 30 days. Counting wild boars, ASF has been confirmed in a total of 1,517 cases.


    South Korea Reports African Swine Fever on Large Commercial Pig Farm
    A South Korea pig farm with 2,400 pigs confirmed an outbreak of African swine fever on Sunday. The country is on high alert to contain the spread of this deadly virus just three months after the latest confirmed case.
  • iceagefarmer #1834 08:30 PM, 12 Aug 2021
    "Ultra-processed food" is not food...

    ... they know not what they eat ...

    there are perhaps more people than one might think who will follow wherever store shelves lead -- lab-grown meat, vaccines as food, ...

    Ultra-processed foods now account for two-thirds of calories in the diets of children and teens

    In this serial cross-sectional study of nationally representative data from 33 795 US youths aged 2-19 years, the estimated percentage of total energy consumed from ultraprocessed foods increased from 61.4% to 67.0%, whereas the percentage of total energy consumed from unprocessed or minimally processed foods decreased from 28.8% to 23.5%.

    Study direct: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782866?guestAccessKey=c646e502-898f-443b-8558-d90a74e35415

    U.S. Kids Are Now Getting Nearly 70% of Their Calories From 'Ultra-Processed' Foods
    Frozen and sugary foods are some the worst offenders, according to new research.
  • iceagefarmer #1835 09:04 PM, 12 Aug 2021
    New plan slows Lake Mead decline by paying farms not to plant crops

    Officials in Lower Colorado River Basin states want to slow the decline of Lake Mead’s water levels over the next few years by paying Southern California farmers not to plant crops.

    It’s not a plan that Bill Hasencamp, manager of Colorado River resources for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, considers a “drought buster,” but it will reduce lake level decline by up to 3 feet over the next three years, he said.


    New plan slows Lake Mead decline by paying farms not to plant crops
    Water agencies in multiple Lower Colorado River Basin states want to slow the decline of the lake by paying Southern California farmers not to plant crops.
  • 13 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1836 05:58 AM, 13 Aug 2021
    Gas stations close and power cuts across Lebanon- auto travel and power are now “luxuries” :

    Beirut Goes Dark As Economic Tailspin Sees Dire Fuel & Electricity Shortages 
    Lebanon in throes of economic collapse with final blow to population being sudden cut of fuel subsidies...
  • iceagefarmer #1837 06:19 AM, 13 Aug 2021
    Wind causes Cargo Ship "Crimson Polaris" to Run Aground, Split in Half Off Japanese Port

    Crimson Polaris, a dedicated wood-chip carrier operated by NYK, was swept away by a strong wind while anchored and resultantly ran aground off Hachinohe in Aomori prefecture at around 7:35 am (JST) on August 11.

    Afterward, a portion of the ship's wood-chip cargo was lost from the damaged part of the hull, NYK is currently confirming the amount of cargo and the impact on the sea area at the site. Fortunately, no oil pollution has occurred. All crew members have been evacuated from the ship with the cooperation of the Japan Coast Guard, and those seafarers have been confirmed to be safe.


    Cargo Ship Splits In Half After Running Aground Off Japanese Port
    The vessel was "swept away by a strong wind while anchored and resultantly ran aground."
  • iceagefarmer #1838 01:53 PM, 13 Aug 2021
    The WEF tagline "You'll own nothing, and be happy anyway." begs the question -- who WILL own everything?

    One answer: blackrock/vanguard -- who almost already own everything, and are on track to do so by 2028:

    With $20 trillion between them, Blackrock and Vanguard could own almost everything by 2028
    Imagine a world in which two asset managers call the shots, in which their wealth exceeds current U.S. GDP and where almost every hedge fund, government and retiree is a customer.
  • iceagefarmer #1839 02:06 PM, 13 Aug 2021
    Utah: "another resevoir goes dry"

    SALT LAKE CITY — Another reservoir has gone dry as Utah's drought emergency continues.

    If the drought continued into next year, the Utah Department of Natural Resources director told FOX 13 that next year could bring about water rationing.


    Another reservoir goes dry as Utah's drought emergency continues
    Another reservoir has gone dry as Utah's drought emergency continues.
  • iceagefarmer #1840 02:07 PM, 13 Aug 2021
    Yet another port closure in China "due to COVID" to further disrupt global shipping and container prices:

    We recently discussed how already astronomical container shipping costs are set to rise even higher should China lock down one or more shipping terminals to contain the spread of the delta variant in provinces that have direct exposure to global commerce ("Shipping Rates From China To US Hit Record $20,000 With No Drop In Sight" and "Brace For Astronomical Shipping Costs As China Goes Into Lockdown Mode") with Goldman Sachs explicitly warning that "port closures or stricter control measures at ports could also put further upward pressure on shipping costs, which are already very high."

    It now looks that this worst case scenario is in play after Chinese authorities on Wednesday closed a major container terminal at the Port of Ningbo after a dock worker tested positive for COVID, raising fears among traders that supply chain disruptions that occurred when Yantian terminal in Shenzhen reduced output by 70% for a month earlier this summer would be repeated.

    #Shipping #SupplyChain #China

    Shippers Frantic After China's Busiest Port Shuts Container Terminal Due To Covid
    "If something goes sideways in Ningbo, it’s going to be a real problem. At least as big, potentially, as what happened in Yantian."
  • iceagefarmer #1841 05:40 PM, 13 Aug 2021
    This latest surge of propaganda to TAX MEAT and push media messaging around “we must stop eating meat” is a worldwide one:

    New Zealand urged to tax meat and dairy to save the climate

    #WarOnMeat #AbsoluteZero #nz

    Site Not Available
    Sorry, this site is only available in New Zealand
  • iceagefarmer #1842 05:52 PM, 13 Aug 2021

    Researchers at Rice University successfully used a commercial laser to transform the surface carbon in foods–like toast, coconuts shells, potatoes, and Girl Scout cookies–into graphene!

    “Perhaps all food will have a tiny RFID tag that gives you information about where it’s been, how long it’s been stored, its country and city of origin, and the path it took to get to your table.”

    Further: “In the future, much of what we eat could contain a complete interactive layer that we can barely even envision right now. (Think of a literal apple that puts 1,000 songs in your pocket.)

    [IAF: The real direction of this “augmented reality” layer is behavioral — think healthy snacks vs sweets that affect your health/social credit score & incentives ]

    Edible Graphene Is Here, And Electronics In Your Food Are Coming
    Using a stock laser, researchers can carve edible circuits into food. Prepare for cuisine that can communicate.
  • iceagefarmer #1843 06:26 PM, 13 Aug 2021
    Nigeria: poultry industry collapsing as soybeans/corn short, no animal feed:

    “The Poultry industry is currently in dire straits, forcing many farms and hatcheries to go underground.

    Those still operating are either struggling to remain in business at zero profit or incurring huge debts to stay afloat.

    High cost of poultry feeds has been identified as the main factor crippling the poultry sector, as shortage of soybean; a major ingredient used in poultry feeds hits the country.

    The price hike of this produce has been linked to shortage of maize, majorly due to the ban placed on its importation. According to experts, soybean is completely not available in the country today. Its supply has fallen steeply in recent months, due to insecurity that has put farmers off work last year, COVID-19 disruption, weather changes, and challenges with importation.

    Soybean shortage imminent, as supply falls steeply
    The Poultry industry is currently in dire straits, forcing many farms and hatcheries to go underground. Those still operating are either struggling to remain in business at zero profit or incurring huge debts to stay afloat.
  • 14 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1844 06:24 AM, 14 Aug 2021
    Canada to require vaccination for air, rail and marine travellers as well as federal employees https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canada-to-require-vaccination-for-air-rail-and-marine-travellers-as/?cmpid=rss
    Canada to require vaccination for air, rail and marine travellers as well as federal employees
    Ottawa made the announcement for mandatory vaccinations just two days before an expected election call
  • iceagefarmer #1845 09:33 AM, 14 Aug 2021
    Shoppers can expect prices to rise this winter as retailers contend with skyrocketing shipping costs in addition to a national shortage of HGV drivers.
    In the past 12 months, shipping costs have leapt by more than $10,000 (£7,500) per 40ft container, up from around $2,000 (£1,450) in some instances.  

    Depending on the product, the cost of freight has become so great that it can exceed the value of the goods themselves.

    Shops to raise prices ahead of Christmas to offset ‘astronomical’ shipping costs
    The cost of freight has become so great it can end up exceeding the value of the goods being imported
  • iceagefarmer #1846 12:28 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    So much for that hoppin’ Solar Cycle 25!


    We are already at Dalton levels, some signs pointing to Maunder-type Minimum — but EITHER has given the elites an opportunity to collapse food production...

    Climate Realists
    Latest Sunspot data reveals a slowdown in solar activity, regarding the increase of Earth facing spotless days for SC25.. this maybe indicating this cycle will be just as low, if not lower, in activity than the previous cycle, SC24.. more to follow
  • iceagefarmer #1847 01:09 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    JUST IN - Strong 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Haiti.

    This quake was measured to be larger than the 2010 quake which was a 7.0.

  • iceagefarmer #1848 04:25 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    NOT A DRILL - worldwide food supply is reaching critical levels:

    "EU wheat, barley harvest losses create ‘explosive’ world supply outlook – analyst"

    PARIS, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Adverse weather in the European Union has sharply reduced prospects for wheat and barley harvests, contributing to a potentially 'explosive' global supply outlook for the cereals, analyst firm Strategie Grains said.

    In a monthly report, the French firm reduced its forecast for 2021 soft wheat production in the 27-country EU by 1.5 million tonnes to 131.5 million tonnes.

    Wet weather in the run-up to harvesting had led to disappointing yields in France and Germany while high temperatures in June had lowered yields in Poland and northern Europe, Strategie Grains said.

    The revised EU soft wheat crop forecast would nonetheless be 12.7 million tonnes above Strategie Grains' estimate of last year's output.

    But the downgrade comes as harvest prospects have also deteriorated in other exporting zones like North America and the Black Sea region.

    Strategie Grains reduced its projection of world wheat production, including durum, by 14 million tonnes to 750.3 million tonnes.

    The share of livestock feed-grade crop in the soft wheat harvest was expected to be higher than last year, reflecting the impact of heavy rain, it said.

    Projected EU barley production was lowered by 2 million tonnes from July to 53.0 million tonnes, contributing to a 7 million tonne cut to Strategie Grains' forecast of global barley output.

    With drought ravaging crops in major exporter Canada, the market was facing "explosive situations for barley and wheat", putting the onus on maize (corn) to pick up additional demand for livestock feed, it said.

    [IAF: ... yet the USDA is lowering it's US export numbers, even as yields fall across the world -- where are these grains going to come from? Food prices are going to continue to rise, absolutely exploding over next 18mo]

    #FoodPrices #GrandSolarMinimum

  • iceagefarmer #1849 06:34 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    Smart Farms vulnerable to cyberattack that would cripple food production for years to come


    “Smart Farms” Cyberattackers Able to Impact Harvests, Damage Crops, Property, People and “destroy farmland for years” - Activist Post
    The monster tractor, for example, is fully automated, has GPS and can even be controlled remotely by a John Deere customer service rep.
  • iceagefarmer #1850 07:45 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    I’m in Utah, less than 10 miles from the NSA data center that was built ~5 years ago. They use 1 MILLION gallons PER DAY to cool their servers. It’s so irksome to listen to the governor and others harp on residential water usage when we all know where that water is going and that residents don’t make up the bulk of the water problem. At least Facebook and Amazon are bringing their data centers here as well…with likely just as high volume of water usage 🥴.
  • iceagefarmer #1851 07:47 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    NSA’s 1mil gallons per day for the surveillance state - but zero water allocations to farmers. Tells you everything!

    Who needs water for farms anyway if the plan is to starve us out?


    Why Does the NSA Want to Keep Its Water Usage a Secret?
    The National Security Agency has many secrets, but here's a new one: the agency is refusing to say how much water it's pumping into the brand new data center it operates in Bluffdale, Utah. According to the NSA, its water usage is a matter of national security.
  • iceagefarmer #1852 10:29 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    Per above “Smart Farms” post, some comments about who would even use that technology on a farm,

    Note that many manufacturers have made it an integral part of their equipment. Remember John Deere just dropped a quarter billion on an AI autonomous farming company (link below) and has spent enormous capital building a “precision Ag” data collection apparatus INTO their combines, etc.:

    This works in concert with satellite based imaging to store information on food production — you guessed it — in the cloud.

  • iceagefarmer #1853 10:39 PM, 14 Aug 2021
    US federal government labels as terrorist anyone who questions COVID, anyone who questions the election.

    “Yes it’s real” I’ve had to tell several people already.

    So, posting an OPEN THREAD for critical thinkers: how do you feel about having the state openly declare war on you?

  • 15 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1854 12:28 PM, 15 Aug 2021
    Bloomberg is finally covering the terrible Brazilian corn crop - they do neglect to mention that other major exporters are also having difficulties and food prices are set to explode:

    Brazil’s Corn Farmers Face Devastating Drought, Frost
    Brazil, the world’s fourth largest corn producer in 2020, faces drastically reduced exports this season as a result of extended drought followed by frost. Conab, Brazil’s government agricultural agency, estimates a 20% reduction in the size of the 2021 crop. What will be the impact on global corn markets? Presented by @CME Group: https://www.cmegroup.com/openmarkets/quicktake-by-bloomberg.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=paid_social&utm_campaign=quicktake_evergreen&utm_content=more_insights
  • iceagefarmer #1855 03:49 PM, 15 Aug 2021
    Haiti earthquake death toll jumps to 724 people as STORM expected to hit devastated Caribbean country
    Officials have raised the death toll from a devastating earthquake in Haiti to 724, with thousands more injured. Reeling from the quake, the Caribbean country is now bracing itself for a tropical storm.
  • iceagefarmer #1856 06:23 PM, 15 Aug 2021
    How much water do data centers use?
    US data centers are expected to use 660 billion litres of water in 2020. In 2018, Google consumed 15.79bn litres and Microsoft 3.61bn litres. What for?
  • iceagefarmer #1857 08:41 PM, 15 Aug 2021
    Construction is under way at Melbourne’s Centre for National Resilience – the unwieldy name given to the new quarantine facility in Mickleham – with the camp set to open by the end of the year.

    A community engagement session was held earlier this week on progress of the fast-tracked 1000-bed accommodation site for returning travellers, however residents were told that builders would not be delayed by any consultation process.

    Earthworks have begun at an empty paddock in Melbourne’s north, which sits next to the federal government’s pet quarantine facility and is about 300 metres from homes.

    Construction of Mickleham quarantine camp starts
    Melbourne’s Centre for National Resilience – the new quarantine facility in Mickleham – is to open by the end of the year.
  • iceagefarmer #1859 08:58 PM, 15 Aug 2021
    Hay shortage - rising feed costs - animals being liquidated :

    BOZEMAN — The state of Montana has been experiencing a hay shortage, introducing concerns of supply, price, and ‘out-of-state’ problems.

    “In May we had really high temperatures, then we went to below freezing temperatures, then back up to 90 degrees for the last two months,” Ty Kraft said.

    “We had to raise our prices just to make all our payments and make everything work out,” Kraft said.

    Hay shortage throughout the state poses potential troubles for livestock owners
    The state of Montana has been experiencing a hay shortage, introducing concerns of supply, price, and ‘out-of-state’ problems.
  • 16 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1860 07:51 AM, 16 Aug 2021
    The U.S. government also spent millions of dollars trying to force Afghans to grow and eat soybeans.

    That didn’t work either:

    “the project, overseen by the Agriculture Department (USDA) and implemented by the main trade association for the industry, the American Soybean Association, encountered problems from the start.

    The first crop failed, and subsequent harvests didn’t produce enough soybeans to operate a special factory in Mazar-e-Sharif that was constructed and managed at a cost of at least $1.5 million to create a local soybean economy.

    Afghan farmers participating in the project, discouraged by crop failures, largely abandoned their growing efforts.

    Why Did the U.S. Spend Millions to Make Afghans Eat Soybeans?
    The U.S. government spent millions of dollars trying to force Afghans to grow and eat soybeans. Guess what happened.
  • iceagefarmer #1861 07:53 AM, 16 Aug 2021
    Taiwan: agricultural losses hit nearly NT$577 million due to heavy rains

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Heavy rains over the past few weeks have caused an estimated NT$576.84 million (US$20.71 million) in damage to crops as of Sunday morning (Aug. 15).
    Recent torrential rains have mostly affected farmers living in the central and southern parts of the nation, with those in Chiayi County experiencing around NT$125.32 million in losses. Kaohsiung City followed with an estimated NT$106.46 million in crop damages, while Nantou County also lost out on around NT$105.99 million, COA figures showed.

    Meanwhile, Pingtung County had an estimated NT$65.35 million in crop losses, followed by Yunlin County at NT$54.18 million.

    Changhua County also recorded NT$46.07 million in damages and Tainan City reported about NT$42.41 in agricultural damage.
    According to the COA, around 8,551 hectares of crops were damaged in total. Growers of papaya, guava, peanuts, dragon fruit, and longan were the most affected.

    Livestock farmers also were hit with around NT$8.17 million in losses, with poultry farmers losing around 104,000 chickens valued at NT$4.55 million. Duck, pig, and geese farmers suffered the remainder of the livestock losses.

    Taiwan agricultural losses hit nearly NT$577 million due to heavy rains
    Chiayi County, Kaohsiung City, Nantou County all recorded over NT$100 million in damages | 2021-08-16 14:38:00
  • iceagefarmer #1862 10:46 PM, 16 Aug 2021

    Alternative seafood is one of the fastest growing segments of the plant-based market. Think: tuna made from tomatoes, and artichoke crab cakes [IAF: not to mention lab-grown cell-cultured nonsense!]. Investment in US plant-based seafood hit $70M in the first half of 2021 — as much as in the past two years combined. But it still makes up only $12M, or 0.1% of the $15B US seafood market. That’s partly because real seafood has a strong health halo.

    * Tyson invested in plant-based shellfish company New Wave Foods, which launched its seaweed based shrimp this year.
    * Nestle launched Vuna, a plant-based tuna alternative, last year. It cited stats that 90% of global fish stocks are now fully or nearly depleted.
    * Thai Union Group, which owns tuna legend Chicken of the Sea, already makes plant-based fish and crab, and plans to launch plant-based shrimp this year.
  • 17 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1863 08:13 AM, 17 Aug 2021
    Tennessee governor signs executive order authorizing "involuntary commitment" (line 14) in "Temporary quarantine and isolation facilities" (line 18).

    We've all seen the CDC 2020 guidance for "shielding approach," as it reappeared in alt media this past week. But this TN EO was signed just last week.

    (Note that TN is among the states who passed EOs banning vaccine passports - perhaps just a superficial act, or orthogonal to what's really about to happen.)

    Dark Winter ahead ? What do you think?

    Full PDF of EO: https://publications.tnsosfiles.com/pub/execorders/exec-orders-lee83.pdf
  • iceagefarmer #1865 12:47 PM, 17 Aug 2021
    - Create globalized economy with China as hub
    - Shut down ports willy nilly, disrupting worldwide supply chain - effectively throttling goods/commodities, conducting 4th generation siege warfare on everyone simultaneously


    Vessel Congestion At LA Ports Soars As More Ships Join Queue
    Vessel congestion outside the busiest US gateway for trade with Asia is clogged...
  • iceagefarmer #1866 05:40 PM, 17 Aug 2021
    U.S. declares first Western reservoir water shortage, triggering cuts


    From Reuters: Dated 8/17/2021

    "Arizona will lose 18% of its annual apportionment, while Nevada will see cuts of 7%. Apportionments to Mexico, which are required under a 1944 treaty, will be cut by 5%.

    Separately, 10 Western governors urged President Joe Biden to declare a federal drought disaster in their states, qualifying farmers and ranchers to seek special assistance "beyond what is available through existing emergency programs."

    "Historic drought levels threaten to eliminate entire crops, depress yields and harbor extreme levels of pests and disease that add to the cumulative loss," the governors wrote in a letter.

    While not a surprise, the cuts in reservoir supplies will mean less water -- and tough allotment decisions -- for agriculture, cities and Native American tribes in the parched region, which is in its 22nd year of drought."


    U.S. declares first Western reservoir water shortage, triggering cuts
    U.S. officials for the first time on Monday declared an official water shortage for the massive Lake Mead reservoir, triggering supply cuts to parts of the drought-stricken Southwest, as 10 Western governors appealed for federal drought disaster aid.
  • 19 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1867 04:15 PM, 19 Aug 2021
    Food prices are exploding, up 31% year-over-year. You can't say Ice Age Farmer didn't warn you!

    Soaring Cost of Food Is Forcing Families to Scrimp at the Dinner Table

    Whether at supermarkets, corner stores, or open-air markets, prices for food have been surging in much of the world, forcing families to make tough decisions about their diets. Meat is often the first to go, ceding space to less expensive proteins such as dairy, eggs, or beans. In some households, a glass of milk has become a luxury reserved only for children; fresh fruit, once deemed a necessity, is now a treat.

    Food prices in July were up 31% from the same month last year, according to an index compiled by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. A portion of the rise is transitory, fueled by supply chain disruption and extreme weather. Although some of the bottlenecks caused by the pandemic show signs of abating, structural factors such as climate change (indeed, blame the cow farts) and China’s strong appetite for imports will likely endure.


    Soaring Cost of Food Is Forcing Families to Scrimp at the Dinner Table
    Inflation is slamming fridges shut and leading households around the world to make sacrifices.
  • iceagefarmer #1868 07:03 PM, 19 Aug 2021
    San Francisco mandates vaccines for nearly all indoor “venues” (restaurants, museums, gyms or just about anything else you might consider entertainment) without proof that you are “fully vaccinated.”

    No shoes, no shirt, no vaccine, no service.

    (Note that the sign also says “vaccine AND mask required” ! Wtf)


    Another step toward COVID vaccine passport? California, San Francisco, San Jose gear up for new mandates
    State issues new rules for events of 1,000 people; San Francisco’s mother of all mandates starts Friday.
  • 20 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1869 06:07 PM, 20 Aug 2021
    France, people not allowed into supermarkets without "Covid passports".

    "You won't be allowed to enjoy concerts without the jab" has quickly turned into "you won't be allowed to eat".
  • iceagefarmer #1870 06:29 PM, 20 Aug 2021
    USDA finally acknowledges 2022 will be the “tighest” worldwide corn market in over a decade.

    This is an understatement. Hope you have been setting aside some food and growing your garden!

    Inside the Numbers of the USDA's Crop Report
    USDA’s latest crop progress report estimates that 2022 will see the tightest global corn market in more than a decade. What factors are contributing to the s...
  • iceagefarmer #1871 09:23 PM, 20 Aug 2021
    Food prices in July were up 31% from the same month last year, according to an index compiled by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • 21 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1872 07:53 PM, 21 Aug 2021
    FDA prepares to approve Pfizer vax without public review of data.

    Doors open soon to the real mandates once FDA approval is there:

    Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data
    Transparency advocates have criticised the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision not to hold a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss Pfizer’s application for full approval of its covid-19 vaccine. Last year the FDA said it was “committed to use an advisory committee composed of independent experts to ensure deliberations about authorisation or licensure are transparent for the public.”1 But in a statement, the FDA told The BMJ that it did not believe a meeting was necessary ahead of the expected granting of full approval. “The FDA has held numerous meetings of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) related to covid-19 vaccines, including a 22 October 20202 meeting to discuss, in general, the development, authorisation, and licensure of covid-19 vaccines,” an FDA spokesperson said. “The FDA also has held meetings of the VRBPAC on all three covid-19 vaccines authorised for emergency use and does not believe a meeting is needed related to this biologics license…
  • iceagefarmer #1873 07:54 PM, 21 Aug 2021
    UVA un-enrolls students who didn’t take the injection:

    University of Virginia unenrolls 238 students after they failed to stick to its COVID-19 vaccine mandate
    The University of Virginia disenrolled 238 students on Friday for not complying with the school's coronavirus vaccination requirement. 96.6 percent of the student is vaccinated.
  • iceagefarmer #1874 08:38 PM, 21 Aug 2021
    US State Dept claims it has been hit with a cyberattack but is unwilling to discuss any details:


    Jacqui Heinrich
    “The Department takes seriously its responsibility to safeguard its information and continuously takes steps to ensure information is protected. For security reasons, we are not in a position to discuss the nature or scope of any alleged cybersecurity incidents at this time.”
  • iceagefarmer #1875 09:56 PM, 21 Aug 2021
    Biden Administration Demands Facebook Hand Over Data on COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics

    📡@G3News: A month after Biden shockingly denounced Facebook and others as “killing people” because he thought they weren't censoring enough COVID-19 "misinformation" on their platforms, the Washington Post has added to the government pressure with a new article published Thursday (Aug. 19), citing three anonymous administration sources.

    According to the Washington Post, the White House and Facebook have held a series of meetings about turning over massive amounts of user data to the government.

    The “tense” meetings saw the administration’s COVID-19 team reportedly “begging” Facebook to give them access to data showing how many people on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp see content branded as coronavirus misinformation, how many are still undecided whether to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and also the efficiency of Facebook’s censorship algorithms, i.e., how many people still get to see content that it aims to block.
  • iceagefarmer #1876 10:02 PM, 21 Aug 2021
    “The United Nations food systems presummit last week in Rome recommended a dietary limit of 14 grams of red meat per person per day. That’s one bite. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I’m appalled, and I’ll explain how this is an attack on our farmers and on every Australian.

    “The third recommendation of the food systems presummit is to move food production within reach of population centres and produce whatever protein and nutrition is possible in that region. It’s called short chain food supply. We did it 200 years ago. People starved. Nutrition was poor. Life expectancy was less than half what we enjoy today. Then along came long chain food supply, allowing countries like Australia to grow crops to feed and clothe those in need. World hunger fell to less than 10 per cent. The only reason there are still areas of poverty and hunger in 2021 is because of war and civil unrest—you know, the things that the United Nations were supposed to solve. World peace has eluded the UN, yet cows have not. The United Nations is proposing to eliminate global food chains that have brought good food to the world for hundreds of years.

    Full letter @ https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/un-wants-to-ban-more-than-one-bite-of-meat-a-day/
    UN wants to ban more than one bite of meat a day - Malcolm Roberts
    The United Nations is demonising our farmers and trying to send our society back to the stone age by taking 2.4 billion kilos of protein off of the market. Despite the UN wanting to destroy one of Australia’s largest industries supporting life as we know it, the Morrison government still gives them $64 million of […]
  • iceagefarmer #1877 10:22 PM, 21 Aug 2021
    Is a meat shortage coming to UK? Why would packers stop ordering millions of plastic trays unless this was in the works? Any thoughts?

    From a contact:

    “I'm working in a factory which makes plastic trays for meat. The factory is in Ireland, however, 80% of production goes to UK. In last 13 weeks, tray sales were going down. We have 6 machines making trays. Since the last few weeks, 2-3 machines were stopped during shifts. Next week all machines will be stopped for 3 days because our warehouse is full of pallets with production. This is the first time in recent years when machines will be down for 3 days. Usually when September approaching we had busy times. But not this year. Note. One machine during a 12-hour shift is making around 200 000-250 000 trays. So in 24 hours 6 machines making around 2.5 mln trays.

  • 22 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1878 02:50 AM, 22 Aug 2021
    No leaving your house - even for food or water.


    HANOI, #Vietnam (AP) — Vietnam's government said it is sending troops to Ho Chi Minh City to help deliver food and aid to households as it further tightens restrictions on people’s movements amid a worsening surge of the coronavirus.

    The army personnel will be deployed to help with logistics as the city of 10 million people asks residents to “stay put” for two weeks starting from Monday, a report on the government website said Friday.

  • iceagefarmer #1880 11:01 PM, 22 Aug 2021
    Santa Clara county has made available a dashboard of Sewage Monitoring Data for SARS-CoV-2 (and it’s spiking):


    Remember the Biobots report, they get a LOT more data (diet, gut biome, …): https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/10/14/bio-bots-to-surveil-sewage-monitor-your-diet-drug-intake-for-covid19-detection/
  • 23 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1881 02:26 PM, 23 Aug 2021
    Mayor of Orlando claims city is running out of water because Oxygen is being used by all those COVID patients, asks residents to curtail use:

    The mayor of Orlando called on residents to stop watering their lawns and washing their cars immediately because liquid oxygen normally used by water treatment plants is now being diverted to hospitals to treat patients amid the recent surge of COVID cases.


    Orlando Mayor urges residents to limit water usage because liquid oxygen used by treatment plants is being diverted to hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients
    Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer asked the city's residents on Friday to stop watering their lawns and cars immediately, saying water usage needs to be cut due to the surge of COVId-19 hospitalizations
  • iceagefarmer #1883 05:59 PM, 23 Aug 2021
    UK: Prisoners to plug worker shortage in meat industry

    Abattoirs, butchers and meat processors are set to employ prisoners and ex-inmates to help plug labour shortages.

    Meat industry leaders held talks with the government on Monday to discuss options of how businesses could link up with prisons to fill vacancies.

    The Covid pandemic and Brexit have both contributed to current worker shortages, with furloughed workers finding new jobs and EU nationals returning to their home countries.

    The British Meat Processors Association said the current level of vacancies represented about 15% of the industry's workforce.

    The industry body said its members were "trying absolutely every avenue" to recruit workers.

    Prisoners to plug worker shortage in meat industry
    Meat industry leaders tell the BBC the government is "keen" to link up businesses with inmates.
  • iceagefarmer #1884 08:31 PM, 23 Aug 2021
    It's official, the first step towards medical apartheid in BC has officially been taken. Starting September 13, WE will no longer be allowed in cultural events or resturants. This is of course the first step in many to come. I suspect we have about 6-12 months until this is moved to "essential services" like grocery stores. This has already happened in France. If you have not taken steps to prepare yourselves for being cut off from the majority of the commercial world, GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR. THIS IS FUCKING SERIOUS PEOPLE! I wish each and everyone of you good luck and godspeed!
  • iceagefarmer #1885 09:05 PM, 23 Aug 2021
    When truckers strike, shit gets real - this one is currently scoped to 24h:

    Australian Truck drivers will strike from Friday, shutting down road transport for the first time in a decade

    “Toll claims the strike “risks disrupting” the national vaccine rollout and “could result in terrible consequences for medical staff and patients”.

    Toll drivers will strike from Friday, shutting down Australia’s road transport for the first time in a decade
    Australia will need to brace for major disruptions from Friday as it experiences its first road transport strike in more than a decade.
  • iceagefarmer #1886 09:15 PM, 23 Aug 2021
    CVS mandates clotshot now that the FDA has opened the flood gates.

    CVS Health mandates vaccines for some employees
    CVS Health on Monday announced it will require COVID-19 vaccinations for all corporate employees and certain clinical workers who interact with patients.The two groups of employees must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 31, while pharmacists will have until Nov. 30 to get the shot, the company said."From the start of the pandemic, our decision-making process has been driven by health, safety and science," CVS Health President and CEO Karen Lynch...
  • iceagefarmer #1887 10:19 PM, 23 Aug 2021
    Climate change is racist meets ESG:

    A shareholder advocacy said on Wednesday it would rate companies based on their involvement in "environmental racism," and pressure them for change.

    The nonprofit, As You Sow, collected and analyzed data from S&P 500 companies showing what it says is the environmental impact of operations on communities of color. It said it scrutinized their products, environmental violations and fines and corporate actions.
    The group will initiate conversations with companies that are the worst culprits on the list and file shareholder proposals at their annual meetings next year, Olivia Knight, the group's racial justice initiative manager, said in an interview.
    "Climate change disproportionately affects people of color and nations around the world where people of color live," Knight said.

    As an example, As You Sow cited Eastman Chemical, which received a poor score from As You Sow because its subsidiary owns a plant in Louisiana where there is an elevated cancer risk for residents, who are largely Black and have a per-capita annual income of $15,000, about half the national average.

    Shareholder advocacy group goes after 'environmental racism'
    A shareholder advocacy group that has successfully pushed for changes at U.S. conglomerates such as General Electric Co (GE.N) and American Express Co (AXP.N) said on Wednesday it would rate companies based on their involvement in "environmental racism," and pressure them for change.
  • 24 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1888 01:07 AM, 24 Aug 2021
    New super variant 'Covid-22' could be even more dangerous than Delta, expert claims

    Immunologist Sai Reddy, of the federal technology institute ETH Zurich, said a "super variant" will inevitably emerge next year and new vaccinations will need to be developed for years to come.

    A coronavirus "super variant" worse than Covid-19 could emerge next year and every unvaccinated person is a potential super-spreader, according to an expert.

    Immunologist Professor Doctor Sai Reddy, of the federal technology institute ETH Zurich, said a combination of existing strains could result in a new and more dangerous phase of the pandemic.

    He warned: "Covid-22 could be even worse than what we are experiencing now."

    As a result, multiple vaccinations will need to be prepared over the next few years as the world continues to fight the evolving threat, "maybe for the rest of our lives".


    New super variant 'Covid-22' could be more dangerous than Delta, expert claims
    Immunologist Sai Reddy, of the federal technology institute ETH Zurich, said a "super variant" will inevitably emerge next year and new vaccinations will need to be developed for years to come
  • iceagefarmer #1889 02:44 AM, 24 Aug 2021
    154 square miles of agricultural land in Iraq and Syria face drought.

    2 dams in northern Syria, supplying power to 3 million people, face imminent closure.

    5 million in Syria & 7 million in Iraq will be affected. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-business-syria-environment-and-nature-lebanon-e21f41e6a2b8d277b2547ce1e4b5b130
    Aid groups: Millions in Syria, Iraq losing access to water | AP News
    BEIRUT (AP) — Millions of people in Syria and Iraq are at risk of losing access to water, electricity and food amid rising temperatures, record low water levels due to lack of rainfall and drought, international aid groups warned Monday.
  • iceagefarmer #1890 10:31 PM, 24 Aug 2021
    Engineered famine is part of the implementation script of “The Great Reset,” with the blame pegged on climate change. Time magazine even alludes to the this explicitly in their “Time2030” piece, How we fixed the global economy:

    In the Midwestern U.S., a severe drought wiped out crops that supplied one-sixth of the world’s grain output. People woke up to the need for governments to form a coordinated response to climate change and direct global fiscal stimulus in support of a green economy.

    This was also the theme of the Soros-funded, John Podesta (Center for American Progress) Food Chain Reaction Game, which foresaw food shortages and demanded global governance over food - plus a meat tax!

    Start growing your own food now - prepare for this engineered crisis.

    It's 2023. Here's How We Fixed the Global Economy
    A dispatch from 2023 on how we worked together to build a more sustainable, inclusive economy
  • 26 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1891 12:10 AM, 26 Aug 2021
    🔥💥 BOOM! Thanks for helping this channel reach 50k!

    When BANNED from Twitter, @IceAgeFarmer was at 27k — YOU have helped demonstrate we DO NOT NEED their censored platforms to get out the TRUTH! 💪💪
  • iceagefarmer #1892 01:49 AM, 26 Aug 2021
    When the Toilet Paper of Record acknowledges that American ranchers are liquidating their herds - you know there’s a REAL problem underneath: #WarOnMeat

    “North Dakotans can’t grow enough feed for their cattle, so they’re selling off the animals before they starve.

    ‘The Worst Thing I Can Ever Remember’: How Drought Is Crushing Ranchers
    North Dakotans can’t grow enough feed for their cattle, so they’re selling off the animals before they starve.
  • iceagefarmer #1893 01:50 AM, 26 Aug 2021
    Extreme drought conditions impact US and worldwide crop productions - Price surges ahead! - Strange Sounds
    Did you know that the current extreme drought conditions impact US and worldwide crop productions. Learn more here about the price surges ahead!
  • iceagefarmer #1894 01:51 AM, 26 Aug 2021
    This is true worldwide.

    “The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter”

    The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter
    “It’s going to be a major, major mess... it's too late [to save]Christmas,"
  • iceagefarmer #1896 10:58 PM, 26 Aug 2021
    Even the policy makers and media who are rolling this out are not spared the results of this injection.

    Lisa Shaw (BBC) died from a blood clot after her 1st AstraZeneca.

    Australian MP Victor Dominello was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy after taking his AstraZeneca vaccine on live press conference.

    Not exactly a very convincing argument ... for “safe and effective”
  • 27 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1897 05:24 AM, 27 Aug 2021
    Severe weather destroys thousands of acres of crop in Fairbank, IA

    Thousands of acres of corn and soybean in Fairbank were destroyed Tuesday night after severe storms rolled through eastern Iowa. A clearer picture of the scale of destruction was made clear on Wednesday.

    Adrienna Olson with the Buchanan County Farm Service Agency says only a few reports from Fairbank and Hazelton Township have been reported. They include corn and soybean damage.

    Strong winds, rain, and penny-sized hail are to blame for the destruction.

    An investigation into the complete scope of the damage is still underway but early projections are thousands of acres of crop damaged.

    The cost of the damage is still being calculated. Corn right now is selling for $5.86 per bushel so Olson said the cost of lost crop will easily be in the millions.

    "Some of it will be just plain difficult to harvest, and maybe some will be impossible to harvest. We'll try to harvest all of it but I don't know if we'll be able to," Wilson said.

    Farmers could feel the loss of this crop, financially, for two-to-five years.

  • iceagefarmer #1899 05:44 AM, 27 Aug 2021

    Senators seek to ‘gut-and-amend’ a bill in the last days of session to impose a vaccine mandate on private industry.

    Note “vaccinated" as defined allows FDA to move the goalpost for boosters!


    (7)(b) new proof-of-vaccination requirements for public establishments, and employment, necessary to address this monumental public health crisis
    52.8.(b) require each person to show proof to an employee that the person has been vaccinated against COVID-19.
    (b)(1) “Establishment”: means:
    (A) Any inn, hotel, motel
    (B) Any restaurant, bar, cafeteria, including food at gas stations
    (C) Theaters/concerts
    (D) Anything located within the premises of any establishment on this list. [IAF: this seems dangerous ]
    (2) “Proof” means valid documentation of the person’s COVID-19 vaccination record: vaccine card or digital version thereof
    (3) “Vaccinated against COVID-19” means fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a vaccine authorized by US FDA or the WHO

    California Legislature Guts Transportation Bill to Create Vaccine Mandate on Private Industry - California Globe
    UPDATE below: The Globe received word late Wednesday from Capitol sources that a gut-and-amend transportation bill is morphing into a bill ordering a
  • iceagefarmer #1900 04:31 PM, 27 Aug 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1901 04:31 PM, 27 Aug 2021
    The Ultimate Hypocrisy

    Do Newspapers now print real facts, or are they easily lead and happy to be paid to push minorities agendas...

    The Guardian, and many others have been caught taking bribes to print works of fiction mascarading them as facts...

    Viewpoint: News or propaganda? UK newspaper the Guardian paid over $800k to publish anti-farming ‘investigation’
    Publishing propaganda as news is dishonest and lets readers down. Dr. Henry Miller, the founding director of the FDA's Office of Biotechnology, explains.
  • 28 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1902 12:28 AM, 28 Aug 2021
    70,000 animals that should have gone to slaughter are stranded on UK farms amid staff shortages

    Britain’s food and drink industry is calling on the government to introduce a “Covid-19 recovery visa” to recruit overseas workers to ease disruption in the food supply chain, amid warnings from UK pig producers that healthy animals may be culled because of a labor shortage.

    Food and drink organisations are on average missing 13% of their workforce, according to the report, resulting in an estimated half a million vacancies across the sector.

    The excess number of pigs on UK farms is growing by 15,000 each week, according to the NPA,with about a quarter fewer leaving for slaughter than would be expected in normal times.

    Animals ready for slaughter but stuck on farms require feeding and housing, causing financial difficulties for farmers. These large pigs are growing by about a kilogram a day, the NPA says, with many becoming too large for the slaughterhouses to handle.

    “For the second time in under a year the pig sector is facing some really tough choices, which we shouldn’t have to be taking, as demand for British pork is still strong,” said Zoe Davies, the chief executive of the NPA.

    Food industry proposes ‘Covid recovery visa’ after warnings of surplus pig cull
    As many as 70,000 animals that should have gone to slaughter are stranded on UK farms amid staff shortages, NPA says
  • iceagefarmer #1903 03:59 AM, 28 Aug 2021
    Tyson meat company in USA is experiencing labor shortages impacting product availability after instituting a vaccine requirement for all employees.

    A recent communication with their transport contracts mentioned this extended to drivers — OTR drivers immediately revolted, and Tyson has now backed off.

    It is conceivable that they try this again in the future and hobble the #SupplyChain for meat (of any arbitrary item).

  • iceagefarmer #1904 05:18 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    Port congestion is NOT improving, but worsening. This will manifest in more shortages and #SupplyChain failures.


    West Coast Port Congestion Hits Record As More Ships Join Queue
    Transpacific trade routes are an absolute mess. 
  • iceagefarmer #1905 05:47 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    From a commenter in Cyprus — SafePass required at fuel stations.

    Food. Fuel. Transport (free movement). These will soon be unavailable without your vax passport if we do not change the trajectory worldwide.
  • iceagefarmer #1906 06:46 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    The “ReBlend” reclaims veg/fruit food scraps that otherwise would have been wasted into a smoothie. It is part of the #Upcycled food movement that Whole Foods has dubbed a “major trend for 2021.”

    Fine. But be aware, though, that this UPCYCLED idea is also being used as a stepping stone to the bioengineered proteins-from-plastic, food-from-trash in genera, and even food-from-human waste.

    Just as “fake meat” somehow includes everything from organic black bean burgers, to GMO soy + fake heme -laden Impossible Burgers, to lab-grown cell cultured meat (remember the sales pitch? “We combine de-extincted DNA from multiple species to find new meats with the best mouthfeel…”)

    These “trends” are carefully engineered to usher in the new reality of a wholly synthetic food system.

    These Upcycled Frozen Smoothie Shots Are Antioxidant Powerhouses in Popsicle Form
    If you're a smoothie lover who likes to experiment, you know that making a morning blend can get pretty messy. The struggle was real for Kathryn Bernell when she was in grad school, trying to balance her busy workload with trying to, you know, feed herself. "I would make smoothies each morning. But anytime I made anything with whole fruits and veggies, my kitchen would end up a full-blown war zone," she says. "Eventually, I grew tired of all the prep—and cleaning—that went into making my favorite blends."
  • iceagefarmer #1907 06:50 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    Per above post, here was the piece on de-extincted mammoth DNA, and a DNA library:

    Farm of the Future: AI+Blockchain & De-Extincted DNA Library – The Beast System Appears
    As new $314M AgTech facility promises Blockchain + AI to track food from seed to shelf, other companies are creating DNA libraries to use CRISPR gene modification to combine kangaroo with “de…
  • iceagefarmer #1908 07:41 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    Report on food shortages in the UK in the German mainstream media:

    NO BREAD NO WATER NO MEAT - Great Britain is struggling with serious food shortages.
    Restaurants and supermarkets are short of essentials. The reason is a fatal mixture of pandemic consequences, staff shortages, delivery problems and the consequences of Brexit...
    (For translation deepl.com)
    Großbritannien: Die Briten kämpfen mit ernsthafter Lebensmittelknappheit - WELT
    Großbritannien kämpft mit ernsthafter Lebensmittelknappheit. In Restaurants und Supermärkten fehlt es am Nötigsten. Grund ist eine fatale Mischung aus Pandemiefolgen, Personalnöten, Lieferproblemen und Brexit-Konsequenzen. Experten erwarten, dass sich die Lage verschlimmert.
  • iceagefarmer #1909 11:42 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    I mentioned Tyson requiring the vaccine of its employees, and that this would extend arbitrarily to throttle labor/control the food supply.

    Here you can see it happening at a small (9 people) producer, Nolechek’s Meats. USDA is revoking their mark of inspection due to not wearing facemasks in their own private facility. The full letter is from their facebook page:

    As of Thursday, 08.26.21, Nolechek’s Meats, Inc. will no longer be able to produce product with the mark of inspection. This immediately affects our wholesale customers and to the effect it will have on our business as a whole has yet to be determined.

    It is hard to put into words what the following means to all of us at Nolechek’s Meats. It is gut wrenching, to say the least, that it has come to the Federal government threatening private businesses through coercion. Coercion does not equal choice. This post is long, but it is vital that the public understand what it takes to be a USDA inspected facility in this country. And to understand how quickly our livelihood has been threatened.

    This is very real and our only hope is that someone will hear and care enough to stand up for us. All we have received from inspection personnel is that they are just doing their jobs. Well, who will pay for their salaries when there are no more plants to inspect? What will their pension or retirement matter when there is nothing left of this country? They all say they understand, but those are just words.

    First, the background on USDA inspection in meat plants or slaughterhouses. For a product to bear the mark of federal inspection it must be processed in a facility that is USDA inspected.

    To be awarded a Federal Grant of Inspection, the USDA requires a validated and verified HACCP program that covers all processes, along with supporting programs (sanitation, recall policy, listeria sampling, etc.). We obtained our full grant of inspection in July 2017 and are considered a very small processor with 9 team members….

    On August 4th, USDA inspected facilities received FSIS notice 30-21 regarding ‘Measures to Protect FSIS Inspection Program Personnel (IPP) from COVID-19 Infection. The United States Federal Government is now using the USDA to further their agenda to control all aspects of people’s lives in this country by coercing private businesses to wear masks by threatening to pull our Federal Grant of Inspection.

    It was communicated to the powers that be that we told our inspector in charge, ‘no thank you’ to us wearing masks in our facility. There was no plan in place for non-compliance if we refused to wear masks in the presence of our inspector.

    On August 20th a follow-up directive was published (FSIS Notice 34-21) regarding how the inspection personnel are to handle an establishment that 'does not follow CDC guidance and ensure that employees and contractors consistently wear masks to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission when FSIS personnel are present. As of August 25, 2021, FSIS will not provide inspection service to the establishment unless it meets this requirement to protect IPP at their establishments.'
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  • iceagefarmer #1910 11:42 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    In other words, we won't be able to produce our product with the mark of inspection after Tuesday, August 24th. Which will affect our ability to wholesale to customers, which makes up a significant portion of our business. This then affects the businesses we wholesale to because they won't have our products to use and/or sell. Nolechek’s Meats has never had a serious food safety concern or received a corrective action that has threatened the status of our Federal Grant of Inspection. We passed our Food Safety Audit in 2017 and have always gone above and beyond to communicate with our inspection personnel any questions or concerns we had.

    They are telling processors in our area that after today (Wednesday, 08.25.21) if they produce product with the mark of inspection, it will be considered adulterated, and a recall will take place. Even though there is no evidence of food safety violations. A plant must do something very egregious to lose their Federal Grant of Inspection. It is a process that entails numerous verbal and written non-compliance notifications and corrective actions, that must be substantiated with reference to the Code of Federal Regulations or any USDA regulation. As of today, they can suspend it with a written letter based on a directive.

    The federal government is infringing on our ability to run our business through coercion. Our livelihood that has spanned four generations and almost 70 years.

    Now is the time to stand strong to convictions. Actions speak louder than words. Speak up. Share this post. There has to be someone who can put an end to this tyrannical government oversight.


  • iceagefarmer #1911 11:51 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    Holy Cow - Australian Beef Prices Hit Record High As Food Inflation Concerns Persist

    After decades of low inflation and relatively cheap food prices, those days appear over as food inflation soars worldwide. The latest observation that food prices are out of control is in Australia.

    Australian cattle futures are at record-highs as farm operators hold back livestock from slaughterhouses to rebuild herds after years of drought forced many cattle operators to cull herds. Supply disruptions have resulted in the benchmark Eastern Young Cattle Index soaring to A$10.082 ($7.26) a kilogram. From the 2020 low, prices have more than doubled in a year.

    Holy Cow - Australian Beef Prices Hit Record High As Food Inflation Concerns Persist
    Australian cattle futures are at record-highs as farm operators hold back livestock from slaughterhouses... 
  • iceagefarmer #1912 11:55 PM, 28 Aug 2021
    To the folks asking about buying direct from Nolechek’s per above letter — I reached out for a conversation, and it sounds like they are innundated and overwhelmed by support. So that’s good news.

    The broader point is that this is happening everywhere. We can’t swarm one operation, we must re-orient around local producers — doing so obviates the need for USDA inspections, AND builds a decentralized food system, not one of central corporate control!


    #TeamGrow #ResistanceIsFertile
  • 29 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1913 12:01 AM, 29 Aug 2021
    Head to the farmers market. Grab the business cards of the ranchers and fishmonger, farmers. (Did you know you can even talk to them?) If you like them & their product, ask if there are better ways to buy. (Or volunteer in exchange for food? You get the idea. Take it from here.)

    Or check out sites like https://www.localharvest.org/

    Find them. Connect. Help them.

    Local Harvest / Farmers Markets / Family Farms / CSA / Organic Food / Pick your Own
    Find local food anywhere in the country! Use our map to locate farmers markets, family farms, CSAs, farm stands, and u-pick produce in your neighborhood. Find Your Farmer.
  • iceagefarmer #1914 12:04 AM, 29 Aug 2021
    More problems with wheat -- these losses finally being recognized by the biggest producers in Europe. Watch #wheat …

    German 2021 wheat crop to fall 3.6% after adverse weather

    Germany’s 2021 wheat crop of all types is expected to fall 3.6% on the year to 21.37 million tonnes after poor weather, according to estimates released by the agriculture ministry on Wednesday.

    Crops suffered from swings in weather, with a cold spring followed by a hot, dry start to the summer and then unwelcome harvest-time rain and storms, the ministry said in preliminary forecasts for the 2021 harvest. The country’s winter rapeseed harvest will increase only 0.2% on the year to 3.52 million tonnes with crops also suffering from the poor weather, the ministry said.

    Germany is the European Union’s second largest wheat producer after France and is often the bloc’s largest producer of rapeseed, Europe’s main oilseed for edible oil and biodiesel production.

    France’s harvest has also suffered from rainy summer weather.

    Torrential rain in Germany in July, which caused flooding and loss of life, was followed by widespread rain in August. This caused repeated interruption to harvesting work causing a “nail biting period” for farmers concerned about whether they would be able to gather their crops, the ministry said.


  • iceagefarmer #1915 12:11 AM, 29 Aug 2021
    A “local food system” is not some hippie commune garden space — decentralizing is the only way humanity survives a transition off the actively completely collapsing, centrally controlled:

    - highly-toxic corporate food system
    - debt-based money system
    - weaponized allopathic medical system
    - and so on . . .
  • iceagefarmer #1916 04:26 PM, 29 Aug 2021
    Gulfport, Mississippi, Happening Now: Portions of Jones Park and the Port of Gulfport are underwater as storm surge from Hurricane Ida continues to push onshore. Parts of U.S. 90 are impassable.
  • iceagefarmer #1917 05:15 PM, 29 Aug 2021
    At least we have a competent administration who can handle crisis situations well, as Afghanistan has demonstrated.

    Leaves me wondering just how bad fallout from this storm will get, as they continue to erode all confidence in Biden...

    Prayers all around.
  • iceagefarmer #1918 06:37 PM, 29 Aug 2021
    OPEN THREAD: Where is safest place for next few years? How do you balance/mitigate the geophysical/food/socioeconomic/tyranny risks ?

    The agenda is clearly a worldwide one, but there were some interesting comments on the previous post, so let’s hear thoughts:

    Who will most easily ride out this ATTEMPTED Great Reset + space weather insanity?

    See the 750+ comments in @iceagefarmer

  • iceagefarmer #1919 06:49 PM, 29 Aug 2021
    This "risk map" was created by insurance company Munich Re.

    Seismic and meteorologic hazards listed below for any given area are expected to increase during a #GrandSolarMinimum. Generally, risks can be expected to be amplified, plus a long term overall cooling as growing regions move towards the equator. (This doesn't mean it won't be hot - remember, temperature and precipitative extremes means drought/flood, hot/cold).

    The map provides a handy base line overview on general geographic distribution of steady natural hazards.

    For more maps of risk factors, see http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps
  • iceagefarmer #1920 08:01 PM, 29 Aug 2021

    Stock it away and grow your gardens!

    Some insightful comments on this thread:

  • iceagefarmer #1921 08:03 PM, 29 Aug 2021
    Wᵒˡᵛᵉʳᶤᶰᵉ Uᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉˢ𖤐
    #Mexico: A fire has broken out inside the fruit and vegetable center 'Frutas Escobar', in the vicinity of Mérida, specifically at km. 348 of the Madrid-Lisbon highway. 
  • 30 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1922 01:22 AM, 30 Aug 2021
    Interesting behavior...


    Dan Lindsey
    I count 4 mesovortices rotating around the outer portion of #Ida's eye, evident in the low cloud field. And the eye is now *completely over land*! I don't think I've seen this before with a storm over land. #GOES16
  • iceagefarmer #1923 01:23 AM, 30 Aug 2021
    Eyes on the oil refineries ...
  • iceagefarmer #1924 01:45 AM, 30 Aug 2021
    Remains to be seen but would check the narrative boxes ! (And more fuel shortages)
  • iceagefarmer #1925 01:45 AM, 30 Aug 2021
    Expect the Mississippi River to be blocked for several weeks with sunken barges full of export grain.Supply Chain Disruptions !
  • iceagefarmer #1926 02:03 AM, 30 Aug 2021
    “Rebuilt” ?

    How long will they keep the grid down?
  • iceagefarmer #1927 02:03 AM, 30 Aug 2021
    And now this, they have succeeded in destroying the power grid. They are saying it will have to be re-built. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hurricane-ida-new-orleans-no-power_n_612c279de4b02be25b5d5b49
    All Of New Orleans Without Power As Hurricane Ida Lashes Louisiana
    The city's energy company said the storm had caused “catastrophic transmission damage" on Sunday night.
  • iceagefarmer #1928 06:31 PM, 30 Aug 2021
    My friends, it is with a heavy heart that I pass this on.

    Many of you interacted with MsSeaGypsy, who helped moderate here, on livestreams, and in the Discord/Guilded.

    Her husband just reached out to say that she has passed away. He shared with me that the relationships she enjoyed here were a significant and meaningful part of her life, online and offline. Cynthia was an expert canner, patriot, and good friend. I am honored that she joined us here.

    Here is a virtual tribute wall if you wish to share memories with her family. Please do leave some warm words for her family if you are inclined.

    Cynthia Louise Brown Obituary
    Share Memories & Support the Family.
  • iceagefarmer #1929 07:19 PM, 30 Aug 2021
    BREAKING: Entire city of South Lake Tahoe under orders to evacuate, forcing thousands to flee as fire races toward the lake - AP
  • iceagefarmer #1930 08:13 PM, 30 Aug 2021
    China needs US soybeans - stat. Perhaps they will light fire under Xiden to get those grain barges shipping out again...
  • 31 August 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1931 01:36 AM, 31 Aug 2021
    California assembly member Buffy Wicks has decided not to move forward with AB-455, the potential bill that would have require ALL employers in California to require all their employees to be full vaccinated, and would require everyone 12 years and older to be fully vaccinated to enter any inn, hotel, motel, or lodging establishment, any restaurant, bar, cafeteria, lunchroom, lunch counter, soda fountain, or other facilities engaged in selling food or beverages for consumption on the premises, and any motion picture house, theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium, gym, spa, or other place of exhibition or entertainment.

    However, she is committed to working on it over the fall and coming back with a revised proposed bill either in a special session or in January.
  • iceagefarmer #1932 01:37 AM, 31 Aug 2021
    A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California

    * Forty-four container ships are stuck outside California ports, worsening shipping delays and costs.
    * This tops the previous pandemic record, set in February, of 40 ships.
    * The ports account for about one-third of US imports, serving as a main source of trade with China.

    Forty-four freight ships are stuck awaiting entry into California's two largest ports, the highest number recorded since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Marine Exchange of Southern California reported on Saturday.

    The queue is a result of the labor shortage, COVID-19-related disruptions, and holiday-buying surges. Port of Los Angeles data indicated that the ships' average wait time had increased to 7.6 days.

    "The normal number of container ships at anchor is between zero and one," Kip Louttit, the executive director of the Marine Exchange of Southern California, told Insider in July.

    California ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach account for about one-third of US imports. These ports operate as a primary source of imports from China and have experienced heavy congestion throughout the pandemic.

    An all-time high of 56 cargo ships are stuck waiting off the California coast, as shipping ports hit their 4th record backup in three weeks
    The labor shortage, COVID-19, and holiday-buying surges are causing shipping disruptions and delays at two of the most important ports in the US.
  • iceagefarmer #1933 01:53 AM, 31 Aug 2021
    We’ve been watching the #fertilizer shortages and price increases since last year, and prices are now reaching 9-year highs:

    Farmers can forego application for a season and “spend” some of the nutrients in their soil — but still at a cost to yield — but the demand is just pushed off until next year (and it’s unlikely our relationship with China will improve by then …). This also impacts #FoodPrices

    Fertilizer Prices Hit Near Decade High As Farmers Struggle For Supply
    "Matched against the furor of trade and geopolitics, fertilizer prices will..." 
  • iceagefarmer #1935 09:31 PM, 31 Aug 2021
    RIP Robert David Steele.

    Separately, the nature of media coverage of his passing is noteworthy. It’s a mishmash conglomeration of “Qanon/conspiracy theorist/antivax nonsense” — then subtly mocking him for allegedly dying of "the disease he didn't believe in."

    They are creating a character and assassinating him in one fell swoop here.

    And that character is intended to represent all “crazy antivax” wrongthink.

    That character is you.

    Incredibly toxic media.
  • iceagefarmer #1936 11:09 PM, 31 Aug 2021
    This is massive news. Remember my post yesterday citing Arlan about China REQUIRING U.S. soybeans. Now we read US export ability to China has been decimated !!

    A grain elevator damaged by Ida in Reserve, Louisiana is responsible for nearly 9% of America’s bulk seaborne exports of corn, soybeans and wheat so far in 2021, according to Bloomberg’s analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

    USDA shipments show a total of 6.45 million tons of agricultural product loaded at the Cargill terminal, with 5.3 million tons of corn topping the list. The primary recipient of crops through the elevator this year has been China, receiving 47% of its output including 2.5 million tons of corn and 485,000 tons of soybeans.

    Key U.S. Crop Export Elevator Damaged in Hurricane Ida
    A grain elevator damaged by Hurricane Ida in Reserve, Louisiana is responsible for nearly 9% of America’s bulk seaborne exports of corn, soybeans and wheat so far in 2021, according to Bloomberg’s analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture data.
  • iceagefarmer #1937 11:22 PM, 31 Aug 2021
    More here on impaired grain exports - Bunge and ADM also assessing damage:

    The storm has disrupted grain and soybean shipments from the Gulf Coast, which accounts for about 60% of U.S. exports, at a time when global supplies are tight and demand is strong from China.

    Images of the damaged Cargill terminal, with a twisted and partially collapsed grain conveyor system, circulated on Twitter and were shared among grain traders and barge shippers.

    "This area in SE Louisiana is still facing significant personal safety concerns and power outages, so we are just able to start assessing the storm’s impact on the river system. We don’t currently have a timeframe for resuming operations," Cargill said in a statement.

    UPDATE 3-Hurricane Ida damages Louisiana grain terminal, disrupts exports
    Hurricane Ida damaged a grain export elevator owned by global grain trader Cargill Inc, and rival shipper CHS Inc warned on Monday its grain facility may lack power for weeks after the storm tore though the busiest U.S. grains port. Cargill said its Reserve, Louisiana, terminal, one of two the company operates along the Mississippi River near the Gulf of Mexico, "sustained significant damage" when the storm roared ashore.
  • iceagefarmer #1938 11:26 PM, 31 Aug 2021
    “China is not the only country that will be starving.”

    Direct Hit to Key Export Elevators, 22 Barges on the Loose: Logistical Nightmare Unfolds from Hurricane Ida

    Right at harvest time.

    Hurricane Ida's destructive winds are wreaking havoc on a vital export shipping vein, as grain elevators and barge traffics continue to be tangled from the impacts of the hurricane this week. 

    Monday, reports surfaced that Hurricane Ida damaged a Louisiana grain export elevator owned by Cargill Inc. It was said to have "sustained significant damage." Ken Erickson, senior vice president of agribusiness with IHS market, focuses on transportation and infrastructure. He says as the destruction continues to surface, it's apparent that the U.S. export program could run into some serious delays as the area works to recovery from the impacts of Hurricane Ida. 

    "We've got a couple of them that are going to be down for a while, especially with Cargill having just lost some of its elevation to the ships, they've got capability to load two ships there," says Erikson on AgriTalk. "There are others that are going to be without power for awhile, and power is the big story down there with two to four weeks, if not longer, of no power just across the entire region."

    Direct Hit to Key Export Elevators, 22 Barges on the Loose: Logistical Nightmare Unfolds from Hurricane Ida
    Hurricane Ida caused "significant damage" to a Louisiana grain export elevator owned by Cargill Inc. Ken Erickson, Senior VP agribusiness with IHS market, says the Hurricane's potential impact on exports is huge.