• 01 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #755 12:57 AM, 01 Apr 2021
    Biden “putting farmworker rights” as a priority:

    Jill Biden is in California on César Chávez Day to visit a pop-up vaccination site for farmworkers.
    During the visit, she praised essential workers for their work during the pandemic and said President Biden would support immigration policy that treats “children and families with dignity.”
  • iceagefarmer #756 06:07 AM, 01 Apr 2021
    Feds cut water to California farmers!

    CVP made targeted cuts to agricultural users, eliminating their supply of surface water for the foreseeable future. “Technically speaking, USBR is calling the cuts a "freeze" of the 5% allocation, meaning no water will be delivered until the agency knows what it can deliver.”

    The decision by Reclamation puts farmers already preirrigating and planning for spring crops in a bad situation. Los Banos area farmer Joe DelBosque said he will be forced to give up on 105 acres of asparagus and perhaps some other crops as the water he relies upon to irrigate can come only from surface sources. He has no well water to augment these losses.

    "I've already planted sweet corn and 200 acres of melons are in the greenhouse ready for planting," he said.  

  • iceagefarmer #757 06:18 AM, 01 Apr 2021
    Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Just Days After Evergreen Ship Jams Suez Canal
    The word ‘Evergreen’ will likely now be forever associated with chaos, after a truck carrying one of the company’s shipping containers caused a traffic jam just days after an Evergreen ship got lodged in the Suez Canal.  By now we’re probably all familiar with the sight of the huge ship causing chaos in the Suez …
  • iceagefarmer #758 06:24 AM, 01 Apr 2021
    Had a fantastic conversation with Bear from Bear Independent — I knew we were in for some REAL TALK when his first question was, "Christian, how is your mental health?" :)


    Ice Age Farmer & Bear Independent Food Shortage Interview
    Today on the Bear Independent show, Bear is chatting with Ice Age Farmer about food shortage. Bear Independent discusses rational and prudent strategies and ...
  • iceagefarmer #759 03:23 PM, 01 Apr 2021
    Russia considering reducing import tax on POULTRY, to alleviate domestic prices -- global protein shortage accelerating:

    Russia could reduce poultry import tax for Brazil, RIA reports
    MOSCOW, March 2 (Reuters) - Russia could reduce tax on poultry imports from Brazil if rising domestic prices do not stabilise, the RIA news agency reported on Tuesday, citing an industry source.Moscow has imposed grain export curbs and other measures in an attempt to slow food inflation amid the COVID-19 pandemic and falling household incomes.The possible tax cut was mentioned at a meeting of agriculture ministry officials and Russia's largest poultry producers on Tuesday, at which they discussed rising prices for poultry and eggs, RIA said.
  • 02 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #760 12:27 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    As long discussed on IAF -- USDA's export numbers are now seen to be too low (we already hit the mark!), which has kept prices low for China as they EXTRACT our commodities.
  • iceagefarmer #761 05:22 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    If you want to tag me on twitter, you can still do that using @cdubs. (But I'm not posting in that twithole!)
  • iceagefarmer #762 05:22 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    The links within this piece are remarkable: https://consentfactory.org/2021/03/29/the-unvaccinated-question/
    The “Unvaccinated” Question
    So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated Question. What is to be done with us? No, not those who haven’t been “vaccinated” yet. Us. The “Covidiots.” The …
  • iceagefarmer #763 05:30 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Apparently you can just take a quarter billion dollars from Tyson with some fake invoices:

    Man Agrees to Pay Back $244M After Pleading Guilty to “Ghost-Cattle Scam” - Agriculture
    On Wednesday, Cody Allen Easterday pleaded guilty to a “ghost-cattle scam.” According to the Department of Justice (DOJ) press release, through his
  • iceagefarmer #764 05:47 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Control food...

    (Remember Bezos has also funded vertical farms and lab meat that then gets shelf space at Whole Foods, and now these "Amazon Fresh" stores)

    Amazon Quietly Began Building a Grocery Chain During Pandemic
    The company has opened 11 Amazon Fresh stores around the U.S., with plans for at least 28 more, as it tries to lure mainstream shoppers. 
  • iceagefarmer #765 05:58 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Effective blockade continues:

    The Wall Street Journal
    Satellite images show a buildup of container ships off the coast of Southern California, as they await their turn to dock in Los Angeles amid supply chain issues brought on by the pandemic #WSJWhatsNow
  • iceagefarmer #766 06:07 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Apparently Harry didn't get the memo
  • iceagefarmer #767 06:10 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Ukraine - is Russia positioning given weak US to acquire more grain production ?
  • iceagefarmer #768 06:31 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Many people have asked for more about the "Absolute Zero" timeline. I'll be doing a follow up report about this, but take a look at these swim lanes:

    - Road vehicles: 60% of use by 2050 (Biden/DoT just announced tax on VMT - Vehicle Miles Traveled - to start this)
    - Rail: becomes the alternative
    - Flying: all airports CLOSE.
    - Shipping: all sea shipping CEASES (west coast port blockages & suez canal start this discussion)
    - Heating: electric heat replaces wood burning stoves
    - Appliances: gas cookers replaced by electric
    - Food: meat phased out 50% by 2030, 100% by 2050 ( #WarOnMeat )
    - Materials: steel recycling grows, plastics decrease (current plastic resin shortage sets stage)

    Apparently China isn't on this plan, as they build coal power plants and build "Belt & Road Initiative" . . .

    See the whole UK thinktank report -- it's just one groups ideas, not the gov.: https://iceagefarmer.com/docs/AbsoluteZero.pdf

    more: https://t.me/iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #769 06:34 AM, 02 Apr 2021
    Bird flu suspected India:

    Bird Flu? Over 24 Crows Found Dead in Litchi Farms in Bihar's Muzaffarpur District
    The Animal Husbandry Department of Muzaffarpur suspects it could be a case of bird flu in the district. However, official confirmation is still awaited. The official said that birds generally fly in groups and they could feed food grains lashed with pesticides and die. 📰 Bird Flu? Over 24 Crows Found Dead in Litchi Farms in Bihar's Muzaffarpur District.
  • iceagefarmer #770 04:39 PM, 02 Apr 2021
    Ukraine grain exports collapsing- bread baskets faltering:

    “Exports could decline to 45.7 million tonnes in 2020/21 because of a smaller harvest, the government has said.”

    Ukraine grain exports down 23% so far in 2020/21 season
    KYIV, April 2 (Reuters) - Ukraine's grain exports have fallen by almost 23% to 35.7 million tonnes so far this season, which runs from July 2020 to June 2021, economy ministry data showed on Friday.Traders sold 14.4 million tonnes of wheat, 16.6 million tonnes of corn and 4.1 million tonnes of barley, the data showed.Traders have used 82.3% of the total wheat export quota of 17.5 million tonnes imposed for the whole 2020/21 July-June season.The ministry, however, said this week wheat exports were unlikely to reach 17.5 million tonnes this season.
  • iceagefarmer #771 05:51 PM, 02 Apr 2021
    Hugely expensive problems and supply chain issues for food companies:

    B&G Foods, Inc. (BGS - Free Report) is troubled by escalated SG&A expenses. Additionally, high costs associated with COVID-19 as well as input cost inflation are key concerns for the company. Apart from these, the company is encountering supply-chain-related headwinds.

    Hurdles in B&G Foods’ Way
    B&G Foods encountered major supply-chain capacity hurdles in the second and third quarters of fiscal 2020 and was unable to fully cater to the rising demand for brands offering meal solutions such as Ortega and Bear Creek. Also, spices & seasoning sales were hurt by production capacity constraints, packaging outages and absenteeism due to pandemic-led quarantine.

    Talking of costs, the company’s SG&A expenses have been rising year over year for quite some time now. The metric increased 31.5% to $58.5 million in the fourth quarter, thanks to the rise in consumer marketing costs, acquisition/divestiture-induced and non-recurring expenses, warehousing costs, selling expenses as well as general and administrative expenses. Additionally, the company continued to incur high costs associated with COVID-19 at its manufacturing facilities, which came in at roughly $4.3 million during the fourth quarter. In fiscal 2020, the company saw nearly $13.5 million as additional COVID-19 costs at its manufacturing facilities, mainly including temporary better compensation for manufacturing workers, compensation to manufacturing workers during their quarantine and costs associated with other precautionary health and safety methods.

    B&g Foods, Inc. - BGS - Stock Price Today - Zacks
    View B&G Foods, Inc. BGS investment & stock information. Get the latest B&G Foods, Inc. BGS detailed stock quotes, stock data, Real-Time ECN, charts, stats and more.
  • iceagefarmer #772 08:09 PM, 02 Apr 2021
    Amsterdam muni water supply at risk of hack:

    Waternet will be subject to stricter supervision by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). The water company, which is responsible for water management in Amsterdam and the surrounding area, does not have its digital security in order. This has emerged from research by the ILT.

    Due to the shortcomings at Waternet, there is an increased risk of a digital incident, such as a hack, with possible consequences for the quality and supply of drinking water. According to the inspectorate, there are no indications that there is already an acute danger.

    The fact that digital security is not good enough is partly due to the fact that Waternet does not yet have a procedure for reporting IT breaches that could have major consequences for the drinking water supply. As a result, it may take longer for incidents to be resolved and the consequences of incidents may increase unnecessarily.

    The inspectorate conducted the investigation at Waternet from November 24, 2020 to February 5, 2021, after research platform Follow the Money wrote in September 2020 that Waternet's cybersecurity is "as leaky as a basket". Discussions with various internal sources and documents revealed that computers and systems were outdated and that access to the network was poorly secured.

    The stricter supervision will last until the digital security of the drinking water company has improved sufficiently.


    #cyberpandemic #water
    Digitale beveiliging Waternet lekt aan alle kanten: ‘Het gaat een keer finaal fout’
    Al jaren negeert het Amsterdamse Waternet waarschuwingen over de onveiligheid van zijn digitale omgeving. Interne documenten bevestigen dat de cybersecurity van het bedrijf zo lek is als een mandje. Intussen is Waternet wel verantwoordelijk voor de levering en zuivering van drinkwater, het functioneren van rioleringen en het besturen van bruggen, sluizen en gemalen. Volgens interne bronnen is het een kwestie van tijd voordat het ‘finaal fout’ gaat.
  • 03 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #773 08:18 AM, 03 Apr 2021
    I am the world’s newest beekeeper!
  • iceagefarmer #774 08:19 AM, 03 Apr 2021
    NSW Aus: Flood-hit farmers warn of food price rises

    Farmers are warning of food price rises in the wake of widespread floods that have caused stock, crop and infrastructure losses in NSW, as well as widespread property damage.

    Flood-hit farmers warn of food price rises
    Farmers are counting the cost of stock, crop and infrastructure losses that have the potential to push family food bills higher.
  • iceagefarmer #775 04:26 PM, 03 Apr 2021
    UAH March global mean temperature is BACK BELOW multi-decadal averages.

    This is #GlobalCooling.

  • iceagefarmer #776 05:21 PM, 03 Apr 2021
    It’s happened - China (despite all studies saying it’s not an issue) invokes the WEF narrative that frozen food is COVID superspreader, uses these faulty PCR tests on frozen meat packaging to find “positive result” and BANS US POULTRY IMPORTS FOR ONE WEEK from that supplier.

    Another attack on the protein supply chain and ranchers.
  • iceagefarmer #777 05:25 PM, 03 Apr 2021
    Hope everyone is seeing that analysts, traders, others are literally using the same language I’ve put out there to try and describe where we are: protein wars. #FoodWars.
  • iceagefarmer #778 11:47 PM, 03 Apr 2021
    WEF on #aiFood
    How AI is bringing the ‘dark matter of nutrition’ to light, unlocking the power of plants
    Humans lack a molecular understanding of plants and therefore do not fully understand their nutritional potential. New uses of AI can change that for the better.
  • 04 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #779 01:21 AM, 04 Apr 2021
    Everyone's wondering what to expect from Biden admin...

    Biden administration will impose new regulations on meat industry, expert warns
    The meat industry’s future and retail pricing are in limbo, anticipating the Biden administration to issue an Emergency Temporary Standard amid the coronavirus pandemic’s squeeze on the economy.
  • iceagefarmer #780 05:05 AM, 04 Apr 2021
    In spring of 2020, America’s Heartland had just begun trying to forget Bomb Cyclone Ulmer’s cataclysmic insults of mid-March 2019. During that weather trauma, millions of acres of low-lying cropland were practically erased. Flooding destroyed mega-tonnages of stored corn and soybeans. Flood vulnerable grain bins had their contents contaminated. In reponse, countless trailer-loads of large hay bales were donated by growers outside Ulmer’s battle zone, to help flood-ravaged producers feed their hungry livestock. The total net loss to America’s 2019 grain reserves will probably never be known.

    via http://themilkweed.com/03.-2021Feature.pdf
  • iceagefarmer #781 08:12 AM, 04 Apr 2021
    - Did this happen right after DeSantis rejected vaccine passports?
    - Does it make phosphate / fertilizer industry look bad? (ending fertilizer is in the script)

    Governor tells residents to evacuate NOW over 'polluted' reservoir flood fears
    FLORIDA governor Ron DeSantis has ordered residents to evacuate as a reservoir threatens to burst sending a “catastrophic” 20ft wall of polluted wastewater crashing through homes. Offic…
  • iceagefarmer #782 08:16 AM, 04 Apr 2021
    Vaccine apartheid / #persecution push continues.

    Cornell University mandates COVID-19 vaccines for students and staff
    Students and staff have no shot of returning to Cornell this fall if they don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, the school said in a statement. “With the recent announcements of expanded
  • 06 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #783 02:44 AM, 06 Apr 2021
    NSU defies De Santis' order -- orders students to take vax


  • iceagefarmer #784 03:54 AM, 06 Apr 2021
    What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Christian breaks The "Absolute Zero" plan and how governments are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopic goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery.


    ABSOLUTE SLAVERY: Zero Carbon Agenda Deconstructed
    What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Christian breaks The "Absolute Zero" plan and how governments are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopian goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery. Intro to Net Zero: (0:00) Road Vehicles: (3:54) Rail: (8:25) Flight: (14:15) Shipping: (17:56) Heating & Appliances: (22:42) Food & Waste: (26:34) Materials, Construction, Recycling: (35:32) Electricity & Fossil Fuels (43:22) Water (45:00) Perfect Surveillance/Enforcement (46:46) Closing (49:58) FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/04/06/absolute-slavery-zero-carbon-agenda-deconstructed/ Absolute Zero document: https://iceagefarmer.com/docs/AbsoluteZero.pdf SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/04/06/absolute-slavery-zero-carbon-agenda-deconstructed/ )
  • iceagefarmer #785 05:24 AM, 06 Apr 2021
    Sorry, vegans, it's not just meat.

    LAB-GROWN, CELL-CULTURED COCOA FROM BIO-REACTOR: Chocolate to hit shelves in 2-years:

    At the ZHAW in Wädenswil, researchers have succeeded for the first time in multiplying cocoa cell cultures and making chocolate from them. It should have an intense aroma and be available in stores in two years.

    However, chocolate from the laboratory has the advantage that it can avoid problems with conventional chocolate production such as overuse of the soil and exploitative working conditions. (cue the calls for race-equitable food system)

    Jetzt kommt die erste Schoggi aus dem Labor
    An der ZHAW in Wädenswil ist es Forscherinnen und Forschern erstmals gelungen, Kakao-Zellkulturen zu vermehren und daraus eine Schoggi herzustellen. Sie soll ein intensives Aroma haben und in zwei Jahren im Handel erhältlich sein.
  • iceagefarmer #786 05:37 PM, 06 Apr 2021
    If “5G is a human right” but raising animals is illegal ...

    ... you might be in a totalitarian slave grid!
  • iceagefarmer #787 07:28 PM, 06 Apr 2021
    Oatly building a $22m plant milk facility in Singapore:

    Oatly to build $22m plant-based milk factory in Singapore
    Oatly – which recently filed for an IPO in the US – is building its first production facility in Asia to target China's lucrative dairy products market.
  • iceagefarmer #788 07:29 PM, 06 Apr 2021
    Amazing scenes out of Europe:

    Guillaume Séchet
    ❄ Impressionnantes images des averses de neige à #Liège en Belgique où 5 cm ont été mesurés au sol ce matin du 6 avril 2021 ! 🌨 (https://t.co/7CV4uFNuV6) https://t.co/PpIkVJ3Po8
  • iceagefarmer #790 07:56 PM, 06 Apr 2021
    Once deconstructed, you can identify the agendas rolling forward world-wide. Canada reconsidering high speed rail:


    Upcoming Liberal policy debates include high-speed rail, universal basic income, 'green new deal'
    Even if the resolutions pass, the government is under no obligation to implement them, but they have been a signal of where the party is headed over time
  • iceagefarmer #791 08:23 PM, 06 Apr 2021
    "Turn off your heaters ..." -- UK must reduce heating by 10'C to hit carbon targets:

    Note that they intend to replace 22 million heaters with heat pumps at £10,000/ea -- that's £220 billion to replace working heat -- but who's counting:


    (full report: https://youtu.be/VT4lY6HWdfA )

    Homeowners will have to put up with central heating that is cooler by 10 degrees C if Britain is to hit climate change targets
    The Government has set a target of installing 600,000 heat pumps each year by 2028, replacing gas boiler but the pumps require larger radiators or underfloor heating to reach same heat levels.
  • 07 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #792 01:10 AM, 07 Apr 2021
    Rhode Island bill to get NET ZERO CARBON by 2050 heads to governors desk:

    Aligns 100% with my ABSOLUTE SLAVERY report yesterday:


  • iceagefarmer #793 01:45 AM, 07 Apr 2021
    Masks recalled -- too dangerous.

    Health Canada issues advisory over masks containing graphene, urges recall - National | Globalnews.ca
    In an advisory released Friday, the agency said there is a "potential that wearers could inhale graphene particles from some masks, which may pose health risks."
  • iceagefarmer #794 05:12 AM, 07 Apr 2021
    Farmers in France and Croatia are standing up to EU policies that are designed to end traditional farming and ranching: Even as a new seed law CRIMINALIZES traditional seed saving, drones and satellites are launched to monitor all fishing in realtime. Croatians are wary of the EU Ag Census which takes total inventory of all food production -- farms, animals, bees, anything -- because it was only 1945 when Yugoslavia LAST conducted a census ... right before they collectivized the farms and kicked people off their land. They remember. They recognize a total takeover of food. Do you?


    FARMERS FIGHT BACK: French, Croatians Protest Seed Law & Takeover of Food
    Farmers in France and Croatia are standing up to EU policies that are designed to end traditional farming and ranching: Even as a new seed law CRIMINALIZES traditional seed saving, drones and satellites are launched to monitor all fishing in realtime. Croatians are wary of the EU Ag Census which takes total inventory of all food production -- farms, animals, bees, anything -- because it was only 1945 when Yugoslavia LAST conducted a census ... right before they collectivized the farms and kicked people off their land. They remember. They recognize a total takeover of food. Do you? FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/04/07/farmers-fight-back-french-croatians-protest-seed-law-takeover-of-food/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #795 07:19 AM, 07 Apr 2021
    "Energy from the Sun is the major driver of our entire Earth system and makes life on Earth possible," said co-author Scott McIntosh, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

    Study shows correlation between solar variability and El Nino-La Nina events
    A new study shows a link between the end of solar cycles and a switch from El Nino to La Nina events in the Pacific Ocean, indicating that solar variability can trigger seasonal weather variability on…
  • iceagefarmer #796 03:27 PM, 07 Apr 2021
    Beyond Meat opens China factory, its first outside US
    Beyond Meat said the facility in Jiaxing will "significantly increase" the speed, scale, and sustainability of distributing its products across the region.
  • iceagefarmer #797 04:57 PM, 07 Apr 2021
    Utility companies know they must “deep decarbonize” — all targets align with the 2050 net zero deadline:

    Path to net zero: 70% of biggest US utilities have deep decarbonization targets
    As of early December, 21 of the 30 largest U.S. electric and gas utilities had net-zero equivalent targets or were moving to comply with a similarly aggressive state mandate, according to a review by S&P Global Market Intelligence.
  • iceagefarmer #798 05:01 PM, 07 Apr 2021
    Syrian media have reported an increase in incidents of US involvement in the illegal export of foodstuffs out of the food-insecure nation.

    Fourteen trucks loaded with wheat from two silos in the Hasakah countryside have been illegally smuggled out of Syria into Iraq using the al-Waleed border crossing point, the Syrian Arab News Agency has reported, citing local sources.

    US occupation steals a new batch of wheat from Hasaka countryside into northern Iraq
    Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces continued the systematic plunder of Syrian resources, taking out a convoy of trucks loaded with wheat stolen from the silos of Tal Alou in Yarubiyah in Hasaka northeastern countryside. Local sources told SANA that the US occupation forces brought out a convoy cons
  • iceagefarmer #799 06:14 PM, 07 Apr 2021
    Oakland to begin enforcement of ban on gas-powered garden equipment - starting with string trimmers and leaf blowers:


    Home and Garden | Oakland could start enforcing ban on gas-powered leaf blowers
    Starting this month, those who violate Oakland’s new ban on gas-powered leaf blowers could face penalties.
  • iceagefarmer #800 06:34 PM, 07 Apr 2021
    WEF now pushing a SmartMask - measures/records your breathing rate, alerts you if you neglect to put it on, links to your phone ... (feeds your social credit score ...)

    World Economic Forum
    The mask of the future. Submit your solution to the world's most pressing challenges, on UpLink: buff.ly/3uplau4 @WEFUpLink #GTGS21
  • iceagefarmer #801 07:29 PM, 07 Apr 2021
    French Oil Giant Backs Startup Recycling CO₂ Into Animal Food

    Deep Branch raised 8 million euros to build a pilot plant to turn carbon dioxide into feed for livestock. [IAF: this is ZERO-emissions feed]

    U.K. startup Deep Branch secured funds from backers including French oil giant Total SE for its plan to turn carbon dioxide emissions into food for chickens, fish and pigs.

    The company uses a fermentation process similar to winemaking or pickling, except that microbes feed on CO₂ and hydrogen instead of sugars. The result is a 70% protein product called Proton that can replace conventional livestock feed such as fishmeal and soybeans. The agriculture industry’s reliance on the two ingredients has been linked to the depletion of wild fish stocks and caused large-scale deforestation.


    French Oil Giant Backs Startup Recycling CO₂ Into Animal Food
    Deep Branch raised 8 million euros to build a pilot plant to turn carbon dioxide into feed for livestock.
  • 08 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #803 08:59 PM, 08 Apr 2021
    Spanish dub of #cyberpandemic report

    (I hope the translation is good!)

    EVENTO CYBER POLYGON 2020 - Ice Age Farmer - DOB ESP - SUB ING
    En Julio de 2020 el Foro Económico Mundial llevó a cabo un nuevo simulacro, el Evento Cyber Polygon, para prepararse para un ciber ataque mundial al sistema ...
  • iceagefarmer #805 09:36 PM, 08 Apr 2021
    Amsterdam considering a ban on fireplaces and wood stoves

    Just as the heating track of #AbsoluteZero agenda spelled out:

  • iceagefarmer #806 10:27 PM, 08 Apr 2021
    Alaska could challenge all-time April temperature records as potentially historic cold blast from the Arctic Ocean heads south this week

    The state of Alaska is experiencing an unusually cold Arctic blast this week, with temperatures forecast to reach close to -50 °F in some areas this weekend. Therefore challenging its 100+ years old all-time temperature records with this extremely cold air mass arriving from the Arctic Ocean. The cold pool could then turn towards the Contiguous United States next week, resulting in very cold mid-April.

    (aligs with GFS -- just think what this does for planting #Plant2021)


    Alaska could challenge all-time April temperature records as potentially historic cold blast heads from the Arctic Ocean this week
    Alaska is pounded by intense Arctic cold blast, temperatures could reach near -50 °F in places, challenging 100+ years old all-time temperature records.
  • 09 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #807 01:16 AM, 09 Apr 2021
    "What do you have against { recycling, fake meat, trains }?"

    I get asked this a lot -- it's like asking why I don't like the COLORS on each of the bars of the jail cell being constructed around humanity.

    You must look at the holistic agenda and realize we are entering totalitarian control and complete slavery.
  • iceagefarmer #809 05:46 PM, 09 Apr 2021
    Very crazy to see this go mainstream and hear “Global Cooling” on tucker etc:

    Bill Gates support for 'bonkers' study of dimming the sun is 'grossly irresponsible:' Author
    Microsoft founder Bill Gates is throwing financial support behind the development of a sun-dimming technology that aims to reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, thereby triggering a global cooling reaction.
  • iceagefarmer #810 05:48 PM, 09 Apr 2021
    FLASHBACK: A report on #geoengineering I did with some fun history on early government “rainmaking” and a look at David Keith of Scopex @ Harvard (funded by Gates):

    21st Century Snake Oil: Geoengineering to "fix" Global Warming
    The history of geoengineering is a checkered one, full of hoaxes and frauds...and the new, highly publicized Harvard experiment by David Keith is par for the...
  • iceagefarmer #811 05:59 PM, 09 Apr 2021
    Rewatching it now and seeing John Brennan mention “SAI would buy us additional time to move” to a zero carbon world - it’s all part of the #absoluteZero script and anti-human agenda.
  • iceagefarmer #812 06:00 PM, 09 Apr 2021
    I also love the story about Robert Dyrenforth in 1891 :)
  • 10 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #813 03:39 PM, 10 Apr 2021
    St Vincent residents are being evacuated after a volcanic eruption — but only those that have a COVID vaccine.
  • iceagefarmer #814 05:07 PM, 10 Apr 2021
    #GrandSolarMinimum #gsmVolcano

    Disclose.tv 🚨
    JUST IN - North coast of Barbados falls into darkness at NOON due to volcanic eruption on the island of St. Vincent.
  • iceagefarmer #815 08:56 PM, 10 Apr 2021
    Anthony Bergelin
    Catastrophic apocalyptic Global Heating continues unabated in Australia in Autumn. Massive snowfall from Tasmania, throughVictoria and New SouthWales. #PukeFest @dbirch214 @JWSpry @DawnTJ90 @LofayPeter @jrandyh50 twitter.com/Bergeonline/st…
  • 11 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #816 07:17 AM, 11 Apr 2021
    From frost-resistant woolly pigs to sheep that look like goats and horses that love playing the snow, there are lots of surprises across the taiga.

    Take a look at some of the more unusual and unique animals found on farms in Siberia
    From frost-resistant woolly pigs to sheep that look like goats and horses that love playing the snow, there are lots of surprises across the taiga.
  • 12 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #817 03:23 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    The Forgotten Shipping Pallet Stages a Pandemic-Era Rally
    After carrying the weight of the global economy since World War II with little fanfare, the lowly shipping pallet is finally commanding some respect.
  • iceagefarmer #819 03:34 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    If you look through the eyes of the #AbsoluteZero agenda, including shutdown of air travel, you can see it happening:

    French legislator proposes BAN on short domestic flights

    French lawmakers approve a ban on short domestic flights
    French lawmakers voted late on Saturday to abolish domestic flights on routes than can be covered by train in under two-and-a-half hours, as the government seeks to lower carbon emissions even as the air travel industry reels from the global pandemic.
  • iceagefarmer #820 04:24 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    Stunning reports coming in from Spring frosts last week across Europe -- no Slevinian fruit this year!

    The sub-zero temperatures hitting last week could result in EUR 40-50 million in damage caused to fruit and wine growers, Agriculture Minister Jože Podgoršek said on Monday as he continued visiting the frost-stricken areas.

    The minister said it was still too early for the final estimate of the damage, but noted there will be practically no Slovenian fruit this year.


    Frost Damage Could Cost Fruit, Wine Growers €50mn, With Almost No Slovenian Fruit This Year
    STA, 12 April 2021 - The sub-zero temperatures hitting last week could result in EUR 40-50 million in damage caused to fruit and wine growers, Agriculture Minister Jože Podgoršek said on Monday as he...
  • iceagefarmer #821 04:25 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    The frost that covered a large part of France this week is shaping up to be one of the worst in decades, with many crops, especially vineyards and orchards, having been hit from north to south of the country.

    The agricultural disaster regime, triggered on Friday by the government, compensates for crop losses and losses of funds caused by abnormal variations in the intensity of a natural climatic agent (drought, flood, frost ...).


    Gel en France: Jean Castex promet "des enveloppes exceptionnelles"
    En Ardèche, Le Premier ministre Jean Castex a promis samedi "des enveloppes exceptionnelles" pour aider les agriculteurs à faire face à l...
  • iceagefarmer #822 04:27 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    France declares disaster:

    The French government is to declare an agricultural disaster over an unusual early spring frost that has damaged crops and vines across the country, the agriculture minister said.

    Julien Denormandie told Franceinfo radio late Thursday that the cold snap had been "particularly difficult" for the sector with "significant losses" registered.

    He said the situation was "quite exceptional", with vineyards hit but also other crops like beet and rapeseed in regions spanning the north of the country to the southeast.

    In a bid to ward off the frost, French winemakers have lit thousands of small fires which have caused a layer of smog in the southeast of the country.


  • iceagefarmer #823 04:28 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    Activists are petitioning the US EPA to regulate Dairy & Hog farms -- #WarOnMeat #WarOnDairy

    Groups petition EPA to regulate dairy, hog farm emissions
    Organizations representing consumer and environmental interests also asked the agency to reject biogas production.
  • iceagefarmer #824 05:20 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    Restaurants across the U.S. are finding it tough to find single-serve ketchup, from mom-and-pop places to big chains like Long John Silver’s, according to the Wall Street Journal. The price of packets has gone up 13%, and their share relative to bottles has “exploded,” the Journal says.

    The demand for takeout during the pandemic has made single-serve packets the only viable packaging for ketchup in many places. Even with sit-down service, some local laws forbid traditional glass bottles on tables for sanitary reasons.

    Kraft Heinz will open two new lines this month, and more later, to with a goal of increasing production by 25%. Nonetheless, some hardcore Heinz ketchup fans, both restaurateurs and consumers, are turning to alternatives out of necessity.

    Single-Serve Ketchup Supply Dries Up
    Kraft Heinz and other processors are scrambling to meet increased demand for ketchup, especially single-serve packets, during the pandemic.
  • iceagefarmer #826 06:21 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    “Looks like the mandatory vaccines may have that microchip after all ...”

    DARPA Is Working On An Implantable Microchip To Detect Virus
    “You put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body...”
  • iceagefarmer #827 10:52 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    "If we can't find a way to manufacture trade for our goods, then we will manufacture war for them."

    Here is a healthy conversation about Why supply chains, chokepoints, logistics, and infrastructure matter by @cdrsalamander / @lawofsea (twitter handles) :

    Episode 588: The Supply Chains that Bind Us, with Ross Kennedy
    Our comfortable, modern life exists on a delicate fabric of global transportation, laws, and lines of communication supported by assumptions of stability, peace, and professional competence. Over the last twelv
  • iceagefarmer #828 11:10 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    What other podcasts, researchers, broadcasters are you appreciating right now?
  • iceagefarmer #829 11:10 PM, 12 Apr 2021
    Most of France's grape harvest -- and other crops -- destroyed by frosts:


  • 13 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #830 05:25 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    ... and humans ? ...

    ALERT: Cat Food Sold In 8 States Recalled Due To Salmonella Concerns For Pets And Humans - breaking911.com/alert-cat-food…
  • iceagefarmer #831 05:43 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    There is it. The pivot to blame “antivax” for all problems. They now are weaponizing their compliant sheep:

    ‘Unvaccinated folks’ are driving coronavirus surges as American society slowly reopens
    It’s mainly the younger generations who are testing positive for the coronavirus, and health experts are attributing it to the fact that they are more likely to still be unvaccinated.
  • iceagefarmer #833 08:31 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    Currently live with Marjory Wildcraft and John Bush from the Conscious Resistance!

    Engineered Famine and How To Ensure Your Food Supply
    A planned famine is being implemented world wide. Along with many other agendas, the intentional destruction of the food supply has been a part of the COVID program we are all being subjected to. In this episode we have Christian Westbrook of http://www.IceAgeFarmer.com speaking about the current state of the engineered food system collapse, and then I'll have Marjory Wildcraft of http://www.TheGrowNetwork.com speaking about how you can ensure your own food supply in your backyard. All of the worlds wealthiest people have their own farms and food supply and it is extremely urgent that you start doing this today. Check out Marjory and Christian at the Greater Reset II May 24th - 28th - http://thegreaterreset.org Subscribe to the Live Free Now Podcast here - http://livefreenow.show Support our sponsor and get a FREE OUNCE OF KRATOM here - FreeOunceofKratom.com
  • iceagefarmer #834 08:46 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    30 by 30 plan raises concerns from some #Kansas farmers

    30 by 30 plan raises concerns from some Kansas farmers
    The 30 by 30 plan, part of an executive order from President Joe Biden has a goal of preserving 30 percent of America’s land and waters by 2030.
  • iceagefarmer #835 09:01 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    Expert Says Lab-Grown Meat May Be in Stores in Five Years
    Australians may see lab-grown or 'cultivated' meat on supermarket shelves within the next decade, according to a food ...
  • iceagefarmer #836 11:01 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    "Meat is dirty and dangerous"

    Check your freezer: USDA issues health alert for ground turkey due to salmonella risk
    A recall was not requested for the 211,406 pounds of raw ground turkey as it is no longer available for purchase.
  • iceagefarmer #838 11:20 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    Similarly, grocery prices are up substantially: an annualized 3.8 percent rise since February 2020, led by a 5.9 percent rise in the price of meat, poultry, fish and eggs. If it feels as if proteins are more expensive than before the pandemic, you’re not imagining it.

    How Not to Get Fooled by the New Inflation Numbers (Published 2021)
    Today’s data reflects backward-looking information, which is not necessarily a sign of what’s ahead.
  • iceagefarmer #839 11:39 PM, 13 Apr 2021
    Robots are an increasingly common sight in stores, helping customers carry their shopping, keeping track of stock and mapping the layout. Now they’re getting a bit more hands-on thanks to Japanese company Telexistence, which has begun trials in convenience stores of a robot shelf-stacker that can be controlled by a human via VR.

    The Model T (yes, it’s named after the classic Ford car) looks like the most mundane Gundam ever. It’s basically a robot torso mounted to a waist-high platform, restocking shelves in a store with its two articulating arms and complex hands.

    VR-controlled robot shelf-stacker starts shift in Japanese stores
    Robots are an increasingly common sight in stores, helping customers carry their shopping, keeping track of stock and mapping the layout. Now they’re getting a bit more hands-on thanks to Japanese company Telexistence, which has begun trials in convenience stores of a robot shelf-stacker that can be controlled by a human via VR.
  • 14 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #840 12:48 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    Grain export restrictions embarked on by Russia and Kazakhstan during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic brought a hiatus upon the food supply chain in several countries in 2020. A big question now is whether 2021 will be any better.

    The Kazakh export restrictions had the potential to doom the country’s neighbors to starvation, local market participants claimed in March 2020. Now, almost a year into the pandemic, the fears over food security in some countries keep mounting since new export restrictions continue to drive prices up.

    In Turkmenistan, the 2020 harvesting campaign turned out to be extremely tense, as the government had to deploy law enforcement to grain harvests to prevent farmers from hiding grain, according to the Vienna-based Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights (TIHR).

    “Right before the beginning of the harvesting campaign, the regional authorities, police, and tax office have been visiting farms running their own mills to shut them down so that all grain ended up in the state warehouses,” said TIHR spokesperson Farid Tukhbatulin.

    Struggling against the grain shortage, the government also ordered state-owned farms to increase grain production compared to the previous year. The targets set by the government in most cases were unrealistic, local farmers claimed.

    Grain export restrictions taking toll
    Central Asian countries dependent on Russia and the region’s other grain-rich nations are facing food insecurity.
  • iceagefarmer #843 03:17 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    Need to understand the phrase "human capital" as part of the #4IR There is a reason the WEF is pushing so hard on this. Report coming:

    We need to get better at measuring the value of human capital - here's how to do it
    Frameworks for measuring the value of human capital should match those used to measure financial and intellectual capital.
  • iceagefarmer #844 03:18 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    Dutch supermarkets run out of cheese after ransomware attack

    (IAF: Much like the "Americold" attack - they had no idea what inventory was where:)

    A ransomware attack against conditioned warehousing and transportation provider Bakker Logistiek has caused a cheese shortage in Dutch supermarkets.

    Bakker Logistiek is one of the largest logistics services providers in the Netherlands, offering air-conditioned warehousing and food transportation for Dutch supermarkets.

    Last week, Bakker Logistiek suffered a ransomware attack that encrypted devices on their network and disrupted food transportation and fulfillment operations.

    "We could no longer receive orders from customers," Bakker director Toon Verhoeven told NOS. "And in our warehouses we no longer knew where products were. These are very large warehouses, you don't just go looking for a pallet. We also couldn't plan our transports anymore. We have hundreds of trucks, which was not done by hand either."

    This disruption led to a shortage of certain food products, especially cheese, at the Netherland's largest supermarket chain, Albert Heijn.

    Dutch supermarkets run out of cheese after ransomware attack
    A ransomware attack against conditioned warehousing and transportation provider Bakker Logistiek has caused a cheese shortage in Dutch supermarkets.
  • iceagefarmer #845 03:50 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    It is fair to say the UN Food Systems Summit is considering every option when evaluting how to get YOU to eat their FAKE FOOD:

    From taxes, dietary guidelines, regulation of advertising, nudges, front-of-pack warnings, meals in public canteens, pressure on companies, school curricula, and on, and on...
  • iceagefarmer #846 03:53 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    FDA fires a warning shot at leafy greens -- calls E. coli a “reasonably foreseeable hazard" given that crops were in proximity to livestock. This is a sign of things to come in terms of regulating traditional farms/ranches out of business:

    FDA’s warning shot for leafy greens
    Opinion On April 6, the Food and Drug Administration fired an unmistakable warning shot at the leafy greens industry. I hope it will serve as a call to
  • iceagefarmer #847 03:56 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    Here are the countries/states/cities that have signed on to the Net Zero by 2050 in some fashion (in fact you can see one of the indicators is "does this include aviation/shipping" -- because we know that is ultimately intended as well!)

    Net Zero Scorecard
    Informed debate on energy and climate change.
  • iceagefarmer #848 04:13 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    A look at food prices and the socioeconomic effect of hyperinflation in Lebanon (as the White House advises us not to worry about the inflation numbers)...

    via https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/12/infographic-how-much-do-everyday-items-costs-in-lebanon
  • iceagefarmer #850 05:31 AM, 14 Apr 2021
    Nigerian Government Destroys 329,000 Chickens In 62 Farms Over Bird Flu


    Nigeria News Archives
    Get daily news and breaking news and latest news reports in Nigeria on Nigeria politics, ... sports, health and technology today, 22 April 2022 on Naija News
  • iceagefarmer #851 04:12 PM, 14 Apr 2021
    Destroy a people’s cuisine and you destroy a people’s culture...
  • iceagefarmer #852 07:57 PM, 14 Apr 2021
    The normalization of robotic policing has begun. #Technocracy

    $74,000 NYPD robot dog hits streets of Manhattan
    The 70-pound, four-legged robot, equipped with cameras, lights, two-way communication, and artificial intelligence allowing it to move on its own, remained on standby during Monday’s response.
  • iceagefarmer #853 08:12 PM, 14 Apr 2021
    Cargill again closes meat plant in Ontario due to COVID testing.

    "I thought that was last year?" It has continued -- and our protein pipelines are diminished. Raise animals. Grow food.

    Cargill temporarily closes Ontario facility due to COVID-19 outbreak
    The company is encouraging employees who have been exposed or are sick to quarantine for 14 days.
  • iceagefarmer #854 08:43 PM, 14 Apr 2021
    I have to go to work, to make my pennies now... just think about what YOU can do today. Anything at all. &Do that every day. Make a difference any way you can. If we all begin to do that...and others see the example we set, how we are helping others as well as growing food in our neighborhoods for them, it can ripple out. Good always triumphs over evil! Every time!
  • iceagefarmer #855 10:57 PM, 14 Apr 2021
    When the mainstream media sounds like Ice Age Farmer -- you know it's time to start growing food and raising animals.

    Get ready for higher grocery bills for the rest of the year

    Shoppers had better start budgeting more for their groceries, according to the latest consumer price index, which shows prices are increasing — and they're likely to keep going up.

    Get ready for higher grocery bills for the rest of the year
    The latest spike in grocery bills comes on the back of prices that rose during last year's pandemic stockpiling — and never went down.
  • iceagefarmer #856 11:13 PM, 14 Apr 2021
    In the latest blow to global food production, Taiwan is diverting water from rice farms to semiconductor factories to keep the iPhones & car chips flowing. "The Taiwanese public appears to have decided that rice farming is less important, both for the island and the world, than semiconductors." Only a system run by technocrats could value global cellphone production over local food security. Christian from the Ice Age Farmer broadcast breaks it down.



    Taiwan Shuts Down Farms to Build More iPhones - Destruction of Food Supply
    In the latest blow to global food production, Taiwan is diverting water from rice farms to semiconductor factories to keep the iPhones & car chips flowing. ...
  • 15 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #857 02:56 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    Another track worth researching is the merger of IoT with newly COVID-revitalized healthcare totalitarianism: IoT (Internet of Things) becomes IoB (Internet of Bodies):

    [IAF: note that a silicon valley company is testing their tech in Shanghai]

    from the World Economic Forum:

    We’re entering the era of the “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn.
    The result is a huge amount of health-related data that could improve human wellbeing around the world, and prove crucial in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
    In the special wards of Shanghai’s Public Health Clinical Center, nurses use smart thermometers to check the temperatures of COVID-19 patients. Each person’s temperature is recorded with a sensor, reducing the risk of infection through contact, and the data is sent to an observation dashboard. An abnormal result triggers an alert to medical staff, who can then intervene promptly. The gathered data also allows medics to analyse trends over time.

    The smart thermometers are designed by VivaLNK, a Silicon-Valley based startup, and are a powerful example of the many digital products and services that are revolutionizing healthcare. After the Internet of Things, which transformed the way we live, travel and work by connecting everyday objects to the Internet, it’s now time for the Internet of Bodies. This means collecting our physical data via devices that can be implanted, swallowed or simply worn, generating huge amounts of health-related information.

    Some of these solutions, such as fitness trackers, are an extension of the Internet of Things. But because the Internet of Bodies centres on the human body and health, it also raises its own specific set of opportunities and challenges, from privacy issues to legal and ethical questions.

    Tracking how our bodies work could change our lives
    Smart thermometers, digital pills: the Internet of Bodies connects and analyses our health data. Here's what we must do to make the technology work for us.
  • iceagefarmer #858 02:57 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    "In 2017, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration approved the first use of digital pills in the United States. Digital pills contain tiny, ingestible sensors, as well as medicine. Once swallowed, the sensor is activated in the patient’s stomach and transmits data to their smartphone or other devices."
  • iceagefarmer #859 04:36 AM, 15 Apr 2021

    There is no "cloud" -- there's only someone else's computer.

    (be careful what you put there...)
  • iceagefarmer #861 06:42 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    Snow in April? Parts of Massachusetts could get 6-plus inches


    Snow in April? Parts of Massachusetts could get 6-plus inches
    A mid-April storm is set to bring snow to parts of Massachusetts on Thursday night into Friday, with a possible 6-plus inches of the white stuff dropping on higher elevations in the western part of…
  • iceagefarmer #862 06:43 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    Spring Nor'easter to Drop Snow Across New England - #GrandSolarMinimum

  • iceagefarmer #863 07:09 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    I found the #history here interesting, the de-personalization of the food chain necessarily leading to adulteration:

  • iceagefarmer #864 07:27 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    Supply chain problems impacting inputs, parts

    A market analyst says everyone including farmers is having difficulty getting needed products. Mike North with ever.ag says, “The supply chain right now is being stressed at a level that we’ve never experienced in our lifetimes.”
    North tells Brownfield the difficulty with getting some crop inputs is forcing some farmers to change crop rotations. “Not because I don’t want to, not because the ground is not ready for it, but I just simply can’t get my hands on the right things to grow a crop so I’m going to shift to something else.

  • iceagefarmer #865 07:29 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    ‘Gorilla hail’ as large as a grapefruit damage parts of Texas (videos and pictures) - Strange Sounds
    ‘Gorilla hail’ as large as a grapefruit damage parts of Texas on April 13, 2021 in amazing videos and pictures...
  • iceagefarmer #866 07:31 AM, 15 Apr 2021
    We knew this was coming since the Club of Rome declared it last year:

    Time to amp up the rhetoric so we can REALLY turn up the heat on #AbsoluteZero agenda!

    Major News Outlets Pledge to Begin Calling ‘Climate Change’ a ‘Climate Emergency’

    Major News Outlets Pledge to Begin Calling ‘Climate Change’ a ‘Climate Emergency’
    (Screenshot) A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American and The Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera, have signed a pledge to begin referring to “climate change” as a “climate emergency” in their reporting. “Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term ‘climate emergency’ in its coverage of climate change,” the publication announced Monday in a tweet to its 3.9 million followers touting “the impact we hope it can have throughout the media landscape.” “We Are Living in a Climate Emergency, and We’re Going to Say So,” the headline of a Scientific American commentary published Monday declares. Claiming that that climate change is “the biggest environmental emergency to beset the earth in millennia,” the piece announces the name change: “Given the circumstances, Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term ‘climate emergency’ in its coverage of climate change.” …
  • iceagefarmer #867 03:12 PM, 15 Apr 2021

    Now milk is racist? XR’s latest crazy claim leaves a sour taste as they try to deny schoolkids dairy products — RT Op-ed
    Extinction Rebellion’s latest stunt is to campaign for vegan school meals because dairy products “discriminate against non-white people.” Any credibility they have left is being eroded as they become a parody of themselves.
  • iceagefarmer #868 03:41 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    "People who own rabbits should keep them inside FOR YOUR SAFETY"

    Virus deadly to rabbits found in multiple areas of Oregon
    The latest case of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease was in La Pine.
  • iceagefarmer #869 06:44 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    How do you even explain what is going on? Mobile vaccination buses in UK. Drive up vaccines in Texas. People passing out in their cars afterwards.

    I can't verify this footage but given the data, it is believable:

    At a Moderna site in Texas adverse reactions are caught on film. You have to wait in your vehicle for at least 15 minutes and honk if you need any medical assistance. This is literally “herding sheep to their own slaughter” Unbelievable and disturbing.
  • iceagefarmer #870 06:57 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    CowCredits: selling indulgences for your livestock carbon footprint.

    A British-Swiss firm behind cattle food which reduces a cow's methane emissions by 30% has begun selling carbon credits to allow companies to offset their CO2 footprint.

    Mootral has developed the special feed at their laboratories in Abertillery in the Welsh Valleys.

    It works by using an extract of garlic in a special formulated food supplement for cattle, which removes micro-organisms in a cow's stomach that create methane.

    Now the firm wants companies and individuals to offset their carbon footprint by purchasing so-called "CowCredits" for around £60 - equivalent to one tonne of CO2.

    The credits are similar to other carbon offsetting schemes which see trees planted but instead involves the purchase of cattle feed which can reduce methane output.

    CowCredits: Firm behind low methane cattle feed launches CO2 offsetting scheme
    Nearly 600 million tonnes of methane were absorbed by the atmosphere in 2017 - it is 28 times better than CO2 at trapping heat.
  • iceagefarmer #871 06:59 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    Given reports of telegram censorship, obligatory:

    Ice Age Farmer on Gab :: https://gab.com/iceagefarmer
    Gab Social
    Gab is a social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome.
  • iceagefarmer #872 07:00 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    Anything taking off in your Spring garden so far ? #TrustThePlant

    [not mocking anyone still waiting for the last frost! 😉 ]
  • iceagefarmer #873 07:04 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    Ok - the data is coming in for Brazil's safrinha crop (the crop of corn they sneak in after beans are harvested). As we've covered here in depth, the soybeans were very delayed, and the safrinha missed the planting window. Now we're getting a sense of the damage, and it's massive.

    #brazil #corn
  • iceagefarmer #874 07:05 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    It is unwise to expect above-trend yields this year.
  • iceagefarmer #875 07:13 PM, 15 Apr 2021
    In case there was any doubt, the US has been shoveling corn out the door faster than ever.
  • 16 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #876 12:04 AM, 16 Apr 2021
    Normally overwhelming, the Mahendratanaya river, flowing through Gajapati district and neighbouring Andhra Pradesh in India, is now completely dry… A severe drinking water and farming crisis is quickly sweeping across the region…

    Water shortage has resulted in acute crisis for the farming sector, with thousands of hectares of vegetables devastated…

    The river disappearance worsens the already critical drinking water crisis in the region.

    There is so little water that the company responsible for drinking water supply had to dredge the river bed to channelise water to the mouth of the suction pipes.


    Major drinking water and farming crisis in India as rivers dry up - Strange Sounds
    Famine is looming in parts of India: Severe drinking water and farming crisis in India as major tributaries of Ganges River dry up...
  • iceagefarmer #878 03:58 PM, 16 Apr 2021
    Absolutely critical to understand things are bad and not getting better.

    If you need it soon, get it now.

    If you need it long term, figure out how to make it.

    We’re going in.

    Supply chain slowdown hits at key pillars of economy and will likely get worse: Dan Yergin
    Pressures on global supply chains are increasing and disruptions are likely to only get worse as summer approaches and the economy booms.
  • 17 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #881 05:24 AM, 17 Apr 2021
    Alaska town mandates vaccinations for in-person retail.

    This trend will continue - and this is why the big companies spent lots of money re-tooling infrastructure to support online ordering, curbside pickup:

    Major changes to #retail to continue...

    Alaska village requires full vaccine for in-person shopping
    BETHEL, Alaska (AP) — A village in Alaska has mandated that only fully vaccinated people will be allowed into the community's stores and businesses.
  • iceagefarmer #882 05:46 AM, 17 Apr 2021
    THE CAPITAL OF Finland has received so much snow this winter that the meter-high piles hauled to designated snow dumps may not melt over the course of the summer, reports Helsingin Sanomat.

    In Uusimaa, for example, the amount of snow in January was 1.7 times higher than last year, according to Foreca .


  • iceagefarmer #883 05:47 AM, 17 Apr 2021
    With climate change, environmental breakdown, and pandemics wreaking havoc on food systems over the coming years, the "silver bullet" solutions offered by the new agri-food giants may prove irresistible to panicking policymakers. This year's UN Food Systems Summit—arising from a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum—will be a showcase for corporate-led "solutions."
    In other words, the keys of the food system are already being handed over to data platforms, e-commerce giants, and private equity firms. This could mean dismantling the diversified food webs that sustain 70% of the world's population and provide environmental resilience. It could mean putting the food security of billions of people at the mercy of high-risk AI-controlled farming systems and opaque supply corridors.

    Opinion | Six Months to Prevent a Hostile Takeover of Food Systems, and 25 Years to Transform Them
    A misguided technological revolution is about to sweep through food systems, but civil society and social movements can stop it in its tracks.
  • iceagefarmer #884 06:05 PM, 17 Apr 2021

    Beyond food, as supply chain continues to break down and inflation explodes, what’s on your list to stock up on?

    Some worthwhile (and under-discussed) items

    - Clothes, and tools to sew/repair
    - shoes
    - Good Soil / amendments
    - tools, for garden and beyond
    - medicine
    - Books! Reference. How to. Homesteading. Homeschooling. Medical/dental.
    - Musical instruments

  • 18 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #885 09:27 PM, 18 Apr 2021
    The US is facing a supply-chain crisis as 21 cargo ships float off the coast of LA waiting to dock

    A supply-chain crisis is quietly brewing off the coast of Southern California as massive freighters wait for dock space to open up.

    California ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach account for about one-third of US imports. These ports operate as a primary source of imports from China and have been heavily congested for months.

    On Wednesday, 21 ships were anchored off the coast waiting for a spot to open up to unload at Los Angeles and Long Beach ports, according to data from the Marine Exchange of Southern California.

    Marine Exchange (@MXSOCAL) | Twitter
    The latest Tweets from Marine Exchange (@MXSOCAL). Providing Maritime Peace of Mind Since 1923. San Pedro, CA, USA
  • 19 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #886 07:45 PM, 19 Apr 2021
    Increasingly Worried Dryness Will Clip Brazil's Safrinha Corn Crop

    Rainfall was limited over the past week for Brazil’s Center-South, while temperatures were high, increasing concern about the region’s safrinha corn crop, especially in Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná and São Paulo, reports the ag consultancy AgRural. These states have been dealing with dry conditions since late-March. Goias and Minas Gerais were also dry last week, raising some cautionary flags. The best rains have been falling in Mato Grosso, but even there rains have been increasingly irregular with low humidity a concern, the consultancy reports.

  • iceagefarmer #887 11:58 PM, 19 Apr 2021
    CYBERWAR is imminent & will affect ordinary Americans, claims CEO of company that ‘discovered’ SolarWinds hack (3/1/21)

    Cybersecurity firm FireEye has warned Americans that they’ll be targeted by the next big cyberattack, whether they know it or not. Disrupted supply chains and the chaos of cellular and internet networks crashing will follow.

    “The next conflict where the gloves come off in cyber, the American citizen will be dragged into it, whether they want to be or not. Period,” FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia told Axios on HBO on Sunday.

    “People don’t even know all the things they depend on. All of a sudden the supply chain starts getting disrupted because computers don’t work,” he continued, threatening viewers with his description of a rapid, uncontrollable descent into chaos.


    CYBERWAR is imminent & will affect ordinary Americans, claims CEO of company that ‘discovered’ SolarWinds hack
    Cybersecurity firm FireEye has warned Americans that they’ll be targeted by the next big cyberattack, whether they know it or not. Disrupted supply chains and the chaos of cellular and internet networks crashing will follow.
  • 20 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #888 12:41 AM, 20 Apr 2021
    First, lab-grown meat for pets to normalize it — then for you...

    Pet Food Companies Look to the Future With Cell-Cultured Meat
    There are a lot of pets that need feeding in the United States. Around 67 percent of households own at least one. Companion animals lead the pack, as 63.4 million households have dogs and 42.7 million own cats, with some overlap for those that have both. While people continue to rescue and adopt cats and dogs, many farmed animals face a different fate as a result. Pets aren’t included as consumers in the calculations for overall US meat consumption, but animal-derived products make up a significant portion of their diet. If cats and dogs made up their own country, they
  • iceagefarmer #889 12:43 AM, 20 Apr 2021
    Nice incendiary statement in there:

    “Unlike humans, who don’t need to eat animal products to meet their dietary needs, cats do...”
  • iceagefarmer #890 02:44 AM, 20 Apr 2021
    TOKYO -- Not a day goes by without Taiwan in the news. U.S. military leaders warn of the possibility of a Taiwan Strait contingency. U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga underscored the importance of peace and stability across the strait during their meeting Friday.

    But what exactly are we to expect if such a Taiwan crisis were to occur? How would Japan's economy and society be impacted?

    One scenario is that commercial ships would be unable to freely sail the East China Sea and South China Sea, due to American and Chinese warships facing off in the waters. What will happen if this continues for, say, six months? The supply chain for essentials including fuel and food will be disrupted, and the Japanese economy faces chaos.

    Is Japan ready for a Taiwan crisis? Scenarios warn of food and fuel shortage
    Canada emerges as an alternative source for necessities
  • iceagefarmer #891 05:13 PM, 20 Apr 2021
    Brazil , one of biggest exporters, suspends import duties — this really shows how low global inventory is:

    UPDATE 1-Brazil suspends soy, corn import duties until year-end, ministry says
    Brazil has suspended import duties on soy, corn, soybean meal and soybean oil until the end of the year, the Agriculture Ministry said on Monday, as the country seeks to slow inflation fanned by rising global commodities prices.
  • iceagefarmer #892 05:30 PM, 20 Apr 2021
    Anyone catching the “panspermia” trend of exporting human sperm to extra-planetary sperm banks in headlines?

    Scientists want to send 6.7M sperm samples to the moon
    Scientists call is a "modern global insurance policy."
  • iceagefarmer #894 08:00 PM, 20 Apr 2021
    Baltimore’s Domino Sugar factory is burning:

    ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
  • iceagefarmer #895 08:02 PM, 20 Apr 2021
    Today's marks the Record Largest snowfall this late into Spring - #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling

    National Weather Service: Tuesday's snowfall marks largest on record this late into spring
    Temperatures in the 30s and a few inches of snow nearly feels like an arctic blast when it happens on April 20. The National Weather Service said the Kansas City area experienced its largest snowfall this late into spring Tuesday, with a total of 3.2 inches measured.
  • iceagefarmer #896 08:41 PM, 20 Apr 2021
    Clock’s running out on climate change. California says it’s time for giant carbon vacuums

    Pipelines need to be built, vast geological reservoirs deep underground need to be fashioned into carbon dioxide storage facilities, costly new technologies for vacuuming carbon from the air and factories need to be brought up to scale.

    “We need to see some pilot projects and test them out as soon as possible,” said Rajinder Sahota, deputy executive officer for Climate Change and Research at the California Air Resources Board. “All of the modeling we have says if we don’t start investing in a significant amount of this in this decade, we will not be set up to reach California’s goal of carbon neutrality by mid-century.”


    Clock's running out on climate change. California says it's time for giant carbon vacuums
    Solar panels, wind turbines and electric cars are not enough to beat climate change. California is also looking at giant carbon-sucking vacuums.
  • iceagefarmer #897 11:02 PM, 20 Apr 2021
    Scene is set for food prices to continue to explode , on top of inflation running away.
  • 21 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #899 04:12 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    "Hitting the targets would require, for many, cutting down on meat and dairy."

    Climate change: UK to speed up target to cut carbon emissions
    The PM says carbon emissions must fall by almost 80% by 2035 - 15 years earlier than previously planned.
  • iceagefarmer #900 04:21 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    #Upcycled is so hot right now -- everyone wants to be eating trash!

    CBS This Morning
    "Upcycled" foods are made from ingredients that would usually be thrown out. Now, they're further processed into marketable products, reducing food waste with a positive impact on the environment. @NancyChenNews has the story.
  • iceagefarmer #901 05:45 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    This company is happy to verify your government issued ID, put it on a blockchain, and start paying you “UBI...”

    This is the problem with “blockchain is magical and will solve all problems” thinking - building powerful tools at scale requires doing so consciously, or it will lead to the creation of systems of enslavement.

    Proof Of Humanity
    A system combining social verification with video submission to create a Sybil-proof list of humans.
  • iceagefarmer #902 05:47 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    GOOD NEWS! Glyphosate shortage is confirmed!

    Bad news, it’s a shortage of everything, but hey, we can be glad they are out of Agent Orange:

  • iceagefarmer #903 05:50 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    “Amid steep losses, many poultry businessmen had to wind up their farms or curtail operations in the wake of the first wave of coronavirus.”

    ...”Farmers are incurring a loss of Tk 3 per piece of white egg. If the situation persists, the poultry sector will see the devastation," said Rana.

    Lockdown deals fresh blow to poultry farmers
    Small and medium poultry farmers, who have been struggling to recover from last year’s Covid-induced economic shock, are facing fresh troubles due to the ongoing lockdown.
  • iceagefarmer #904 05:51 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    Strong M1-class solar flare causes shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean - Strange Sounds
    Our Sun produced a strong M1-class solar flare on April 19, 2021, causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean...
  • iceagefarmer #905 06:58 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    France - Spring frost to cost wine industry €2bn

    The freezing temperatures were problematic for vines because early-Spring warmth had accelerated the growing cycle, leaving early-budding grapes susceptible to the frost, as the sub-zero conditions damage any early green growth, beneath which are the embryonic flower clusters – the source of the year’s crop.

    Northern Rhône producer, Jean-Michel Gérin said he’d lost almost 90% of his crop, representing a reduction of 70,000 bottles of wine.

  • iceagefarmer #906 07:01 AM, 21 Apr 2021
    France - Up to 95% of losses for apple growers in the Cher

  • iceagefarmer #907 02:27 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    If you need it, get it now

    Record Number Of Cargo Ships Waiting To Unload At Port Of Oakland May Delay Goods For Months
    A record number of cargo ships are anchored in San Francisco Bay, waiting to unload their containers. Every one of those ships carries multiple containers full of goods, items that may take a little while longer to arrive in stores and at your front door.
  • iceagefarmer #909 02:27 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    "Record-Shattering Cold" Hits Central US 
    "Further west it was colder yes but more records were broken today vs yesterday." 
  • iceagefarmer #910 02:35 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    Nevada is looking into “water banking,” which, in short, is the creation of a market to sell and/or buy water rights. [IAF: so the people who print money can buy up all the water rights] The Nevada legislature is looking at whether this “water banking” would be a better way to manage water rights than current water law.  We are all familiar with water law dating back to the early 1900s – water rights are attached to the land, period.  

    “I have written extensively about adapting to changes in production agriculture, the meat industry, and the food industry.  However, I will say, without exception, that this idea to create a market to trade water rights is absolutely one of, if not the, worst proposals that could have ever been put on paper.”


    Nalivka: A Market To Trade Water Rights? I’m Skeptical!
    Nevada is exploring the idea of “water banking,” which, in short, is the creation of a market to sell and/or buy water rights. We should all be skeptical of hedge funds trading water rights independent of the land.
  • iceagefarmer #911 02:36 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    It’d be so much easier if we could just buy your water rather than acquire all the land...

    Remember W buying up the biggest aquifer in Paraguay?

    Why Did George Bush Buy Nearly 300,000 acres in Paraguay?
    The real reason George W. Bush bought land in Paraguay. Plus, Jim Rickards isn’t just focused on currency wars.
  • iceagefarmer #912 02:39 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    Whoa- NYT pushing idea of zoonotic risks from bird flu.

    How long until they decide to cull all poultry “to keep us safe?”


    A New Bird Flu Jumps to Humans. So Far, It’s Not a Problem.
    Covid fuels the current virus pandemic, but the world is full of flu viruses waiting in the wings. And they keep changing unpredictably.
  • iceagefarmer #913 02:49 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    German prof warns of Global Water Crisis


  • iceagefarmer #914 03:39 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    The scripting / predictive programming around #Cyberpandemic is intensifying. Prepare for grid outages and further supply chain disruptions imminently:

    CIA Director Bill Burns told the House panel that China “poses the single biggest geopolitical test for the United States as far out into the 21st century as I can see.”

    China “can launch cyber attacks that, at a minimum, can cause localized, temporary disruptions to critical infrastructure within the United States,”

    Intel Agencies Warn of ‘More Destructive and Disruptive’ Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure - HS Today
    "Our adversaries are realizing that there are blind spots to conduct intrusions," NSA director says.
  • iceagefarmer #915 04:03 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    Yesterday, Argentina moved to create a registry of beef exports -- the first step in limiting exports on beef:

    The global protein shortage is becoming more and more superficially obvious.

    Argentina sets up a beef export registry, stoking fears of limits on shipments
    Argentina on Tuesday reestablished a meat export registration system, stoking fears among cattle ranchers of possible export limits as the government tries to hold down domestic food prices in the face of double-digit inflation.
  • iceagefarmer #916 08:23 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    Brazilian beef packers STOP PRODUCTION because costs have soared:


    Brazil Beefpackers Halt Production as Cattle Prices Soar, Domestic Demand Dwindles
    Brazilian beef-packers are halting production in selected locations, as a rise in costs that cannot be passed through to consumer prices have their squeezed margins, sources and industry representatives told Reuters. Multiple small, medium and large production facilities have gone through stoppages or remain idle as they adjust supply to demand, said Paulo Mustefaga, president of trade group...
  • iceagefarmer #917 08:26 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    Be mindful what you post/share — anywhere.

    US Postal Service Running 'Covert Operations Program' To Spy On Americans' Social Media Posts, Share With Agencies
    "Locations and times have been identified for these protests, which are being distributed online across multiple social media platforms, to include right-wing leaning Parler and Telegram accounts."
  • iceagefarmer #918 09:00 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    I need more data, but from what is made public, this looks troubling, and I want to float it:

    WA Grains & Pulse Solutions: Canadian grain buyer/dealer. Operates 6 locations across Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) has suspended their license as of yesterday, 4/20. They are prohibited from selling stocks in store, accepting producer deliveries, and contracting new grain sales.

    Reason why is not stated explicitly, but CGC implies insufficient capital to continue operating: “I can’t get into that, only to say at this point we want to give them a chance to manage their finances and they have nine days to do so,” Gosselin said. “April 30 we will decide if their licenses are reinstated or revoked. There is justifiable cause for us to take the actions we did,” he said. “We need to have assurance that they will be able to meet their assurances of licensing beyond April 30. I’ll just leave it at that.”

    I was contacted by folks within WA to say something is very wrong with the way operations are being halted — they are unable to speak further as the audit is still in progress.

    Keep an eye on this — why is #Canada pulling licenses from grain companies, and shutting them down?

  • iceagefarmer #919 09:02 PM, 21 Apr 2021
    Similarly, Alberta has suddenly pulled funding from a plant protein alliance — which I'd expect them to be funding heavily as part of the War On Meat:

    What's going on in Canada?

    "Today we sadly share the news that PPAA is shutting down.

    We did not receive renewed funding from the provincial government for the current fiscal year and without it we simply do not have the money to continue.

    To clarify some confusion out there, the government initially confirmed in early March we would receive funding for another year, but then March 31 told us they had reversed their decision and PPAA would not get further money."


    Plant Protein Alliance of Alberta to close down - PPAA
    PPAA did not receive funding from the provincial government for the current year and without it we simply do not have the money to continue
  • 22 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #920 12:23 AM, 22 Apr 2021
    “Inhaled” viral therapeutic hailed as a solution for anti-vax — toss some mRNA in chemtrails, done and done:

    “Rather than delivering the Cas13a protein itself to the lungs, the CRISPR system works by supplying a messenger RNA (mRNA) with the instructions to make the anti-viral Cas13a protein. This is the same idea as the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, which temporarily direct your muscle cells to produce viral spike proteins that launch an immune response. In this case, the lung cells translate the Cas13a mRNA to produce the protein. Directed by the guide RNA that was also delivered to the same cells, Cas13a degrades the viral RNA and stops the infection. Because mRNA doesn’t enter the cell’s nucleus, it doesn’t interact with DNA and raise potential concerns about causing unwanted genetic changes. [in theory...]

    Researchers Publish Encouraging Early Data on COVID-19 Vaccine
    People all around the globe are anxiously awaiting development of a safe, effective vaccine to protect against the deadly threat of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Evidence is growing that bio…
  • iceagefarmer #921 03:25 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Biden announces new plan to cut emissions substantially by 2030. I’m sure he just picked that date randomly... #agenda2030 #absoluteZero

  • iceagefarmer #922 04:14 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Feedgrain prices rising more than 50% in last 6 months:
  • iceagefarmer #923 04:39 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    I dropped some links on homemade poultry feed in the above thread. Also here is Spirko on how to grow more for your birds:

    Episode-2792- Growing Your Own Poultry Feed
    Growing your own food is a good thing, so is growing your own live stock feed. Today we talk about one angle on doing that for your back yard poultry.
  • iceagefarmer #924 04:41 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    WHOA! I joined Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast yesterday for an enthusiastic conversation, where we discussed a pretty astounding range of things, from the Holodomor to making cuttings from mulberries. Awesome:


    The Ice Age Farmer on Climate Shifts and Food Shortages
    Christian Westbrook joins us today to discuss short term food supply chain issues and long term issues that may result from a major shift to a cooler climate.
  • iceagefarmer #925 04:44 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Well, it's non-violent and makes a point ..!
  • iceagefarmer #926 04:44 PM, 22 Apr 2021

    Activists dumping manure in front of Biden's residence over his climate plan.
    Jane Recker
    Activists are dumping cow poop in front of the White House to protest Biden’s “bullshit” climate plan #EarthDay
  • iceagefarmer #927 04:46 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    The pink wheelbarrows are a nice touch 😂
  • iceagefarmer #928 04:49 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Don't look now, but I just saw the words "Caffeine shortage"

    Strict export regulations and regional COVID-related limitations are slowing China-originating supply chains for two top sports nutrition energy ingredients, caffeine and creatine. Outside of China, suppliers and manufacturers are clamoring to beef up inventories of these increasingly hard-to-find materials but face steeply rising prices for whatever supply they can secure.

  • iceagefarmer #929 04:50 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    $Corn up up up...

  • iceagefarmer #930 05:00 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Corn limit up today
  • iceagefarmer #931 05:01 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Don't worry though, CME about to ~ double limits so commodity prices can explode even more quickly
  • iceagefarmer #932 07:45 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    If you are on the tweeter, perhaps you'd like to reply to my tweet below and indicate to Dr. Frederic Leroy that we REALLY want to get him on the IAF broadcast!

    We've been in touch before but he dropped off — I'm hoping if he sees a good amount of interest, we can get him on the show:


    [ but don't spam him or be rude ;) ]
    Christian Westbrook (Ice Age Farmer)
    I reached out to Dr. Frederic Leroy @fleroy1974 for an interview to discuss the UN Food Systems Summit, the players behind it, and why global food governance by technocrats is a bad thing. If you are interested in seeing this on the Ice Age Farmer broadcast, drop a reply here!
  • iceagefarmer #933 07:48 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Yes — I am "nudging" an expert on nudging !
  • iceagefarmer #934 08:07 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    UPDATE: It worked! Thanks all for the nudge assist.
  • iceagefarmer #935 08:18 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    “We have an opportunity to take the lessons we’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and apply those to transforming our nation’s food system from the inside out, including our supply chains,” Vilsack said.

    USDA asks for public comment on improving US food supply chain
    People can make comments in the Federal Register until May 21.
  • iceagefarmer #936 08:22 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Btw, if you're not familiar with Frederic's work - suffice to say, it is worthwhile:

    Frédéric Leroy
    @fleroy1974 @cdubs Meanwhile, an overview of my research can be found here -aleph-2020.blogspot.com/2020/08/ideolo…
  • iceagefarmer #937 08:29 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    Eating thrown out food becomes latest food trend

    Yes, that is the real headline. This is the "Circular Economy" applied to food. Bon appétit #upcycled

    Eating thrown out food becomes latest food trend - The Chestnut Post
    They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and lately, that even applies to the food we eat. Upcycled foods are made from ingredients that would usually be thrown Continue Reading
  • iceagefarmer #938 09:00 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    MALAYSIA: Higher animal feed cost due to the global rise in the price of soya and corn meal “is beyond our control”, agriculture and food industries minister, Ronald Kiandee said today.

    He said prices have risen since four months ago and the reality is that the country is dependent on imported animal feed.

    “We don’t produce enough corn to use as animal feed. If it is imported we can’t control the price,” he told reporters after giving out bubur lambuk at his ministry.

    The media recently reported that chicken prices have skyrocketed and among the causes was soya and corn meal that comes mostly from Argentina and Brazil.

  • iceagefarmer #939 10:28 PM, 22 Apr 2021
    It's a cult. There's no other way to put it.

    John Kerry: "We Need to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."

    Daily Caller
    JOHN KERRY: “We need to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.”
  • 23 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #940 02:01 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Biden's new climate plan TODAY calls for:

    - cutting out 90% of red meat , 50% of all animal source foods
    - heat pumps installed in homes
    - switch to electric car

    All this aligns with the #AbsoluteZero targets we've discussed. None of it should surprise you. All of it must be resisted.

    How Biden's climate plan could limit you to eat just one burger a MONTH, cost $3.5K a year per person in taxes, force you to spend $55K on an electric car and 'crush' American jobs
    Joe Biden announced the goal to cut emissions by 2030, compared with 2005 levels, at the start of a two-day climate summit on Thursday.
  • iceagefarmer #941 05:06 AM, 23 Apr 2021
  • iceagefarmer #942 05:09 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Ending animal agriculture!!!!!! It's happening!

    #Oregon bill IP13 (like Colorado Pause act) seeks to criminalize animal husbandry practices. Sponsored by a group called " End Animal Cruelty" to create a sanctuary state for animals:

    Michelson said the initiative wouldn’t ban animal agriculture entirely, nor would it abolish the sale of meat, leather or fur in Oregon. But livestock would have to die of natural causes before it could be used for food production, and “forced impregnation” of livestock would be outlawed, he said. Violators would face criminal prosecution.

    Read it again:

    livestock would have to die of natural causes before it could be used for food production,
    livestock would have to die of natural causes before it could be used for food production,
    livestock would have to die of natural causes before it could be used for food production,

  • iceagefarmer #943 05:17 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    UK's DEFRA is reviewing Farming Rules for Water Regulation, which defines "actions that a land manager might be expected to do in order to prevent run-off or soil erosion," and adding enforcement. “What’s advisory today often becomes handcuffs tomorrow."

    What are they enforcing?

    - The FRfW effectively make autumn and winter spreading of manure impossible on many farms, creating a huge problem that no-one yet seems to have a solution to, warns Mr Mayson.

    "If your crop need is zero, your justification is zero, so the amount you can spread is zero. This could lead to a situation where a lot of farmers simply won’t be able to spread their own manure on their own land.

    During the next five to 10 years, farmers will respond by installing extra storage facilities and there will be a big shift to spring and summer spreading, Mr Mayson predicts. But, in the short term, FRfW will be impossible to comply with.

    But, unless things change, he goes on, pressure from environmental groups will only get greater and that may impact on the meat- and dairy-buying groups, who are starting to become aware of the environmental impacts of some farmers and may start to impose more stringent and binding farm assurance rules.

    Farming rules for water: What’s in store? - Farmers Weekly
    The farming rules for water regulations (2018) (FRfW) were introduced to create a national baseline for good farm practices. They require land managers to
  • iceagefarmer #944 05:18 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    So mark down both UK and Australia for legal restrictions on using your own manure on your own land.
  • iceagefarmer #945 05:37 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Biden's new climate plan targets for 2030 include reducing red meat consumption by 90%, and all animal source foods & products by 50%. Christian shares the latest developments as governments around the world race to zero carbon emissions: France bans domestic flights, New Zealand stops shipping animals, Amsterdam banning wood stoves -- the race to enslave humanity is on, and we must fight back now.

    #iafvideo #AbsoluteZero

    Biden Ends Beef? 90% Reduction in Red Meat by 2030 for Climate Plan - #AbsoluteZero
    Biden's new climate plan targets for 2030 include reducing red meat consumption by 90%, and all animal source foods & products by 50%. Christian shares the ...
  • iceagefarmer #946 05:56 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Professor floats idea of 'climate lockdown' with bans on red meat, 'extreme' energy limits
    The novel coronavirus shutdowns and restrictions are slowly being lifted in most areas, but already warnings of a
  • iceagefarmer #947 06:42 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Going vegan can help to save the planet, a Cabinet minister said today.

    Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the rising number of people giving up meat and dairy was helping to “drive the progress” towards the UK’s target of slashing emissions by 78 per cent.

    Mr Kwarteng is the most senior political figure yet to endorse veganism as a potential major contributor to the battle against climate change.

    He spoke out on the day US President Joe Biden hosted a virtual summit of world leaders and challenged them to promise changes that will cut greenhouse gases dramatically.

    Go vegan to help UK hit greenhouse gas targets, says Cabinet minister
    Going vegan can help to save the planet, a Cabinet minister said today.
  • iceagefarmer #948 09:40 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Earlier this month, French farmers fought mother nature in their attempt to prevent frost from wiping out their crops. It appears their attempts have failed as the damage is extensive and could wipe out nearly a third of French wine output for the year. 

  • iceagefarmer #949 09:45 AM, 23 Apr 2021
    Amazon rolling out PALM READING registers to Whole Foods. This is not satire — it is “contactless payment”

    I’ll keep saying: major changes coming to #retail (click the hashtag for more...)

    Amazon is bringing its palm-reading payment tech to Whole Foods stores
    Amazon's contactless payments are making a significant expansion to Whole Foods Market stores.
  • iceagefarmer #950 06:37 PM, 23 Apr 2021
    Russian air force interfering with US fishing fleets ..?

    Russian military harassing U.S. civilian fishing boats near Alaska: exclusive
    A low flying Russian military aircraft is seen repeatedly harassing U.S. fishing boats in the Bering Sea in a video obtained by NBC News. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Matt Bell stresses the need for vigilance.
  • iceagefarmer #951 06:53 PM, 23 Apr 2021
    Cypress seems to be invoking the vaccine passports -- not clear if applies to grocery stores:

    The government on Friday imposed a fresh lockdown for two weeks between April 26 and May 9 in a bid to stem the rapid spread of Covid infections, which are threatening to overrun the island’s health system.

    The lockdown will be lifted on May 10 but visiting crowded venues will require negative Covid tests or being vaccinated or having gone through the illness inside the past three months. Venues include catering, places where people gather, gyms, retail outlets, theatres. It was not immediately clear if it included supermarkets as well.

    Coronavirus: 'short sharp' lockdown from April 26 to May 9 (Update 4) | Cyprus Mail
    The government on Friday imposed a fresh lockdown for two weeks between April 26 and May 9 in a bid to stem the rapid spread of Covid infections, which are threatening to overrun the island’s health system. The lockdown will be lifted on May 10 but visiting crowded venues will…
  • iceagefarmer #952 09:15 PM, 23 Apr 2021
    Oregon Bill to BAN Livestock - Stunning War on Farming/Ranching

    Oregon Bill IP13 would criminalize raising food animals in the state, and reclassify animal husbandry practices as "sexual assault." The bill specifies that animals can only be eaten after dying of natural causes (at which point, aged/diseased meat is not good). Oregon's 12,000 beef producers raising about 1.3 million head of cattle are slated for elimination, as traditional farming and ranching is shut down in favor of lab-grown meat and indoor farms owned by the technocrats -- a perfect way to force the population into perfect slavery. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


    Oregon Bill to BAN Livestock - Stunning War on Farming/Ranching
    Oregon Bill IP13 would criminalize raising food animals in the state, and reclassify animal husbandry practices as "sexual assault." The bill specifies that ...
  • iceagefarmer #955 10:37 PM, 23 Apr 2021
    via a commenter:

    So planned parenthood can kill human babies but ranchers can't control the population and genetics of their herd?
  • 24 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #956 12:42 AM, 24 Apr 2021
    A nice Friday evening run down of #GrandSolarMinimum headlines:

    Outsiders Weather and Ice Age Watch: Record freezing temperatures felt across the globe
    Sky News host Rowan Dean has assessed some of the freezing and record low temperatures currently being experienced across parts of the globe.
  • iceagefarmer #957 12:43 AM, 24 Apr 2021
    Texans -- heads up for this weekend (via Miss Info in the chat, thanks!):

  • iceagefarmer #958 01:32 AM, 24 Apr 2021
    LIVE tonight in half an hour:

    I'll be hanging out with the "Other Side of the News" gang tonight -- join us or call in if you're enjoying the Friday night:

  • iceagefarmer #959 06:34 AM, 24 Apr 2021
    “End Animal Agriculture” isn’t just the mission statement of Impossible Foods — it is a battle cry oft repeated elsewhere, as here in the Harvard Political Review:

    But the pandemic provides an opportunity to more deeply interrogate the structural injustice of this system. It is animal agriculture that is wrong, not simply the logistical phenomena that have caused mass culling. As we negotiate a return to normalcy, we must critically examine and dismantle the country’s unsustainable and unethical meat production pipeline.

    Rather than Cull Millions of Livestock, Let’s End Animal Agriculture - Harvard Political Review
    It is animal agriculture that is wrong, not simply the logistical phenomena that have caused mass culling. As we negotiate a return to normalcy, we must critically examine and dismantle the country’s unsustainable and unethical meat production pipeline.
  • iceagefarmer #960 04:42 PM, 24 Apr 2021
    Worry less. Dream more.
  • iceagefarmer #961 04:48 PM, 24 Apr 2021
    Voronezh (#1 Russia's Black Earth #wheat grower) officially confirms winterkill of 21%, a record high for recent years. The real number could be higher as not all farmers report losses.

  • 25 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #962 04:31 PM, 25 Apr 2021
    Global lockdown every two years needed to meet Paris CO2 goals – study

    Global lockdown every two years needed to meet Paris CO2 goals – study
    Equivalent falls in emissions over a decade required to keep to safe limits of global heating, experts say
  • 26 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #963 07:00 AM, 26 Apr 2021
    Complexity, AI & the future of food: AI’s food security impact

    “Few problems facing humanity are as serious as the looming food security crisis. This series has looked at the role artificial AI can play in finding solutions to this problem. These approaches include the interpretation of satellite imagery to boost yields, enhancing climate resilience, developing agrobots, and boosting food security through biometrics.

    This isn’t like a typical static problem in which one needs do no more than apply a little conventional thinking to come up with the perfect remedy. As discussed, AI must be applied not just to growing more of this crop or that crop, but to optimizing agriculture’s entire value chain. For that to happen, developers of such an AI system would have to draw inspiration from plant intelligence and plant functioning rather than going down the more obvious road of copying the functions of the human brain.


    Complexity, AI & the future of food: AI’s food security impact
    AI must be applied not just to growing more of this crop or that crop, but to optimizing agriculture’s entire value chain, writes Joseph Byrum.
  • iceagefarmer #964 07:13 AM, 26 Apr 2021
    VANCOUVER — A shortage of veterinarians in British Columbia threatens food security and is responsible for animals suffering and dying, according the group that speaks for animal doctors in the province. 

    The society characterizes the situation as a "crisis," describing it as the worst in Canada and saying it has myriad implications for the province's animals. The letter says animal food security is at risk, rescue groups are limited to which animals they can save, owners have had to euthanize their horses for preventable illnesses and residents with companion animals face long waits for care. 

    Rural veterinarians report eight weeks or longer and, in some cases, the animals die before getting the help they need."

    Animals at risk as B.C. falls behind in educating veterinarians: society
    VANCOUVER — A shortage of veterinarians in British Columbia threatens food security and is responsible for animals suffering and dying, according the group that speaks for animal doctors in the province. 
  • iceagefarmer #965 07:06 PM, 26 Apr 2021
    Constructing the post-human future:

    Farming Robot Kills 100,000 Weeds per Hour With Lasers
    A person can weed about one acre of crops a day. This smart robot can weed 20.

    Carbon Robotics has unveiled the third-generation of its Autonomous Weeder, a smart farming robot that identifies weeds and then destroys them with high-power lasers.

    The weedkiller challenge: Weeds compete with plants for space, sunlight, and soil nutrients. They can also make it easier for insect pests to harm crops, so weed control is a top concern for farmers.

    Farming robot kills 100,000 weeds per hour with lasers
    Carbon Robotics’ Autonomous Weeder is a smart farming robot that identifies weeds and then kills them using high-power lasers.
  • iceagefarmer #966 07:10 PM, 26 Apr 2021
    If you need it soon, buy it now.

    If you need it long term, figure out how to make/grow it.

    Ballooning commodity prices are about to hit consumers in a BIG WAY
    Ballooning commodity prices are about to hit consumers in a BIG WAY
  • iceagefarmer #967 11:38 PM, 26 Apr 2021
    #FoodPrices exploding

    'Sticker Shock" At The Grocery Store Imminent As Ag Futures Surge Most In 8 Years
    The Fed foolishly cheers this. Consumers sure don't...
  • iceagefarmer #968 11:52 PM, 26 Apr 2021
    600 large sinkholes open in Turkey’s breadbasket amid worsening drought
    Huge sinkholes fill the drought-stricken breadbasket areas of Konya, Turkey, posing a challenge for farmers as they look for other means to water their fields, the French Press Agency (AFP) reports.
  • 27 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #969 02:23 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    Food prices are now unleashed, going to continue upward:

    GRAINS-Corn around 8-year highs on tightening world supplies, wheat up
    * Wheat hits seven-year high, soybeans at 2013 peak (Updates with continued strength in European trade, adds comment)
  • iceagefarmer #970 02:26 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    My friend works at the tractor shop..they can't get parts..it's bad
  • iceagefarmer #971 02:29 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    I work in a saw shop and we’ve had saws ordered since November and still haven’t gotten a single one. We only have two saws left in the entire store.
  • iceagefarmer #972 02:30 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    Chevrolet car lots are almost empty in East Texas. Shortages are appearing everywhere. Even things like pet food!
  • iceagefarmer #973 02:30 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    Im a commercial Electrician in a pretty large city and were having trouble getting conduit and fittings. Circuit breakers are really hard to find.
  • iceagefarmer #974 03:41 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    I'm an electrical engineer, and microchips for our products are scheduling 52+ weeks out....
  • iceagefarmer #975 03:42 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    Electrician in NY and NH. No residential wire to be found without daily purchase limits in either state or any where in between.
  • iceagefarmer #976 04:00 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    My husband owns an HVAC company. Everything is on back order. This has been going on for months. We are in AZ. We’re getting nervous.
  • iceagefarmer #977 04:14 AM, 27 Apr 2021
    Sales of milk and cream to EU plunge 96% because of Brexit
    Food and Drink Federation pleads with Boris Johnson to ‘urgently’ restarts talks to resolve the crisis
  • iceagefarmer #978 02:51 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Enjoying your morning coffee? It, too, is about to explode in price. Talk about eye opening...
  • iceagefarmer #979 02:57 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    The safrinha data indicates crop is in terrible shape, as expected given how delayed it was due to the last crop of soybeans being stuck in the flooded fields.

    This is a huge red alert. These cascading failures are no longer “a bad season we can come back from” — we’ve been running below pipeline levels for years (ie eating through our supplies), and now we’re out. That’s why corn/soy hitting 8-year highs.

    Start growing food. This is an acute emergency.
  • iceagefarmer #980 03:23 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Just another day practicing cat cannibalism and euthanizing 4,000 kittens at the USDA.

    But I'm sure they have your best interests in mind ...

    Why Did the USDA Perform 'Cat Cannibalism' Experiments?
    A new watchdog report claims that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been purchasing cats and dogs at meat markets abroad to use in gruesome experiments here in the United States.
  • iceagefarmer #981 03:24 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Social engineering: beef is a thing of the past. You can't even find recipes for that old, dirty, antequated, pandemic-ridden, carbon-emitting stuff any more:

    Epicurious stops publication of beef recipes

    The decision was thought of as "not anti-beef but rather pro-planet," Epicurious said

    The food publication cited a rise in beef consumption and its role as "one of the world’s worst climate offenders" for making the shift.

    "It might not feel like much, but cutting out just a single ingredient—beef—can have an outsize impact on making a person’s cooking more environmentally friendly," Epicurious Senior Editor Maggie Hoffman and former Digital Director David Tamarkin explained in an article published Monday. "Beef won’t appear in new Epicurious recipes, articles, or newsletters. It will not show up on our homepage. It will be absent from our Instagram feed."


    Epicurious stops publication of beef recipes
    Epicurious announced Monday it has stopped publishing recipes featuring beef.
  • iceagefarmer #982 03:48 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Market opportunity ! Who wants to start a BeefCurious recipe site ;)
  • iceagefarmer #983 03:48 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Lol, good, let's start our own niche website
  • iceagefarmer #984 03:50 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Meat-based carrots. via https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/16/business/arbys-fake-carrot.html

  • iceagefarmer #985 04:12 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    So glad we don't have that nasty social credit score like China here in the "free world"
  • iceagefarmer #986 04:39 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Like China, Brazil is now looking to reformulate animal feed to use Wheat (not nearly as good for growing out animals):

    This isn't happening in a vacuum — it is a symptom of global soy/corn shortages.

    Brazil Meatpackers Explore Wheat as Feed Alternative as Corn Prices Rise
    Large Brazilian meatpackers are turning to wheat as they try to fend off a rise in the cost of corn, the main livestock feed ingredient, meat lobby ABPA said on Friday. Francisco Turra, president of ABPA's advisory body, told Reuters that demand from meat processors, who provide feed to the farmers who raise the livestock, is driving a rise in wheat planting intentions in his native Rio...
  • iceagefarmer #987 05:02 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    #Cyberpandemic is continuing, with little media fanfare:

    "MILAN – A cyber attack by hackers targeted the logistics of the capsules of one of the most important Italian and international manufacturers. This is the Caffitaly of Gaggio Montano (Bologna) on the Bolognese Apennines. So in recent days there has been a shortage of Caffitaly capsules. The reason is obvious: there were logistical problems in the deliveries suffered by the company from Gaggio Montano coinciding with the transfer of the warehouses from the headquarters on the Apennines to the new hub in the center of the Po Valley in Capriate in the province of Bergamo. Added to this was a large-scale cyber attack against one of the group’s suppliers. Which, out of prudence, convinced the company that was founded by Giovanni Zaccanti and Sergio Zappella to suspend some activities, thus slowing down distribution in a cascade..."

    Caffitaly impacted by cyberattack on a supplier
    Communicaffe reports (translation): MILAN – A cyber attack by hackers targeted the logistics of the capsules of one of the most important Italian and...
  • iceagefarmer #988 05:03 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    French champagne group Laurent Perrier has been victim of cyber attack

    ARIS (Reuters) - French champagne group Laurent Perrier said on Saturday it had been the victim of a cyber attack, disconnecting servers after discovering its information network was hacked.

    Other French companies hit by cyber attacks this year include boat maker Beneteau, camping and van equipment maker Trigano and French IT monitoring company Centreon.


    French champagne group Laurent Perrier has been victim of cyber attack By Reuters
    French champagne group Laurent Perrier has been victim of cyber attack
  • iceagefarmer #989 05:04 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Texas Senate passes new bill to "protect state from Cyberattacks"

    American businesses and the U.S. government have recently been the target of cyber attacks. Texas is taking matters into its own hands. The Texas state Senate Monday passed the "Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act," which aims to stop certain countries from compromising its critical infrastructure. Kyle Bass, founder and chief investment officer of Hayman Capital Management, and State Sen. Donna Campbell (R-Texas) joined "Squawk Box" on Tuesday to discuss the legislation.


    Texas Senate passes new bill to protect state from cyber attacks
    American businesses and the U.S. government have recently been the target of cyber attacks. Texas is taking matters into its own hands. The Texas state Senate Monday passed the "Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act," which aims to stop certain countries from compromising its critical infrastructure. Kyle Bass, founder and chief investment officer of Hayman Capital Management, and State Sen. Donna Campbell (R-Texas) joined "Squawk Box" on Tuesday to discuss the legislation.
  • iceagefarmer #990 05:09 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Reminiscent of the #Americold attack, a recent #cyberattack on Dutch logistics supplier caused shelves at the nation's largest grocer to run empty:

    #cyberpandemic #SupplyChain

    Food Shortages at Dutch Supermarkets After Ransomware Outage
    Food Shortages at Dutch Supermarkets After Ransomware Outage. Logistics provider Bakker Logistiek suffered attack last week
  • iceagefarmer #991 05:10 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Look at the predictive programming!

    Ransomware attacks against the shipping and logistics industry have tripled in the past year, as cyber criminals target the global supply chain in an effort to make money from ransom payments.

    #Cyberpandemic #SupplyChain

    Ransomware's perfect target: Why one industry needs to improve cybersecurity, before it's too late
    Why is ransomware such a big threat and how do you defend your network against it? Watch Now
  • iceagefarmer #992 05:25 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Remember these choice quotes from Cyberpolygon 2020?
    (Hear them in video here: iceagefarmer.com )

    Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director:
    “I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”

    Klaus Schwab:
    “We all know, but still pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack."

    There is a looming cyberattack on supply chains & our food supply. Prepare.

    “Next Crisis Bigger than COVID” – Power Grid/Finance Down – WEF’s Cyber Polygon
    The World Economic Forum warns of a new crisis of “even more significant economic and social implications than COVID19.” What threat could possibly be more impactful? Christian breaks d…
  • iceagefarmer #993 05:35 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    No, I don't think this is a [long term] grid down event. They want to retain control.

    It will be — as advertised (see posts in channel above) — shipping/logistics that are affected, leading to empty shelves.
    Ice Age Farmer
    Official IAF Telegram: Unapologetically Pro-Human. IceAgeFarmer.com - Bitchute.com/iceagefarmer / Odysee.com/@iceagefarmer /Youtube.com/iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #994 05:36 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    Please do share this channel with others who are working to inform/prepare/grow/thrive!

  • iceagefarmer #995 06:35 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    “What I’m seeing is unprecedented. We are seeing a tsunami of freight.” https://www.freightwaves.com/news/flexport-trans-pacific-deteriorating-brace-for-shipping-tsunami
    Flexport: Trans-Pacific deteriorating, brace for shipping ‘tsunami’
    Trans-Pacific container crunch is about to become even more severe, warns Flexport, with May sailings now effectively sold out.
  • iceagefarmer #997 07:26 PM, 27 Apr 2021
    The situation is going nuclear.

    Supply chain collapsing.

    "We are seeing a tsunami of freight.... We had one client who needed something loaded in May that was extremely urgent and who was ready to pay $15,000 per container. I couldn’t get it loaded.


    "It's About To Get Much Worse": Supply Chains Implode As "Price Doesn’t Even Matter Anymore"
    "We are seeing a tsunami of freight.... We had one client who needed something loaded in May that was extremely urgent and who was ready to pay $15,000 per container. I couldn’t get it loaded."
  • 28 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #998 01:37 AM, 28 Apr 2021
    If they can put it in a pill, they can hide it in processed food...

    just saying...

    Pfizer's new at-home pill to treat Covid could be available by end of the year, CEO hopes
    The company in March began an early stage clinical trial testing a new antiviral therapy for Covid.
  • iceagefarmer #999 01:47 AM, 28 Apr 2021
    The precipitative extremes destroying crop yields in & beyond the world's breadbaskets (like the record US prevent plant last year, China's damaged corn, and the drought affecting Brazil's soybean and now safrinha) are all characteristic of the LOW solar activity during Solar Cycle 24 — like that during the Dalton Grand Solar Minimum (1790-1820 — not that long ago, just not mentioned in mainstream screams about Global Warming).

    The sun is forecast to be even less active during Solar Cycle 25, culminating in a drop off into Maunder like conditions in 2030 (zero sunspot activity, and even more extreme climatic conditions / worse growing seasons on Earth).

    That is what drive the timeline for Agenda 2030. That is why everything feels so rushed. It is — the elites have a deadline.

    In their eyes, we must be locked down, surveilled, and eating bugs, restrained by the UN SDGs, before their control breaks down.

    In mine, we must prepare, and fight for liberty.

  • iceagefarmer #1000 01:54 AM, 28 Apr 2021
    I do maintenance work-
    While at a Starbucks today, fixing something, I asked the manager when will Starbucks let people sit inside stores again- because none of them are allowing seating inside In Ohio and KY.
    Manager said they were told around 4th of July, which Starbucks is rolling something out just before then, and around the 4th is the go-live date for it.
    I heard something similar from a couple of other stores recently too- that “normal” service will resume in the stores around the 4th of July.
    Now, reflecting back, a month ago, Biden said he hopes that 2/3 of Americans will be vaxxed by the 4th of July so there can be a return to somewhat normalcy, and we can be allowed to celebrate the 4th.

    I am concluding (presuming) that we could see the vax passport rolled out around the 4th of July, as from what I am seeing in stores, there is work being done to put in extra equipment of some sort by entrances and POS areas, and several stores are talking about rolling something out around the 4th of July- and a return to somewhat normalcy.

    Looks like (they) want to hijack the 4th of July, and not in a good way.
    Just sharing my perspective
  • iceagefarmer #1001 05:18 AM, 28 Apr 2021
    “In a 15-day period we spent 14 nights out protecting the crops from frost”

    The last couple weeks has seen extensive frost damage across crops in Europe, this cold weather was also felt further north in Scotland.

    Matthew McIntyre grows soft fruit and cherries in Perthshire, the farm boasts some of the latest cherry production in the Northern Hemisphere.

    “In a 15-day period we spent 14 nights out protecting the crops from frost”
    The last couple weeks has seen extensive frost damage across crops in Europe, this cold weather was also felt further north in Scotland. Matthew McIntyre grows soft fruit and cherries in…
  • iceagefarmer #1002 07:59 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    Bulgarian authorities will cull 40,000 laying hens in the southeastern village of Krivo Pole after a bird flu outbreak was confirmed at an industrial farm there, the fifth since the start of the year, the food safety agency said late on Friday.


    Bulgaria reports fifth bird flu outbreak at industrial farm
    The predominant strain in Europe at present is H5N8. Some 160,000 ducks and 154,000 hens have been culled at four other farms in the Balkan country since February as authorities try to contain the spread of the disease.
  • iceagefarmer #1003 08:01 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    New Zealand introducing GMO Smart Cows:

    Starting with a breed that produces 30% less methane, then using CRISPR modifications to achieve SMART COW status:

    In Waikato, Dr Bjorn Oback from AgResearch has been given NZ$10m in government funding to design a “climate-smart cow” using gene editing.


    NZ's 'smart cows' aim to take the wind out of methane emissions - Association Meetings International
    New Zealand’s scientists are breeding ‘smart’ sheep and cows as they embark on world-leading ways to reduce the release of methane from cows and sheep. The country – which relies financially on a strong agriculture sector – has been looking at ways to reduce the release of methane gas from sheep and cattle, which account […]
  • iceagefarmer #1004 08:11 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    Victory begins when we stop playing by their rules, kick them out, and restore sanity:

    Vail School Board Flees, Parents Elect New Board, Vote To End Mask Mandate

    Hundreds of parents showed up to the Vail School Board meeting to demand the board make masks optional. The board didn't want to hear it so they walked out of the meeting before it even began. So the parents, under Robert's Rules of Order, voted in a new school board. Then, the new members voted to end the mask requirement in Vail Schools. The old school board members revealed exactly who they are and that includes GOP LD 10 Chairman, Chris King.

    Vail School Board Flees, Parents Elect New Board, Vote To End Mask Mandate | KNST AM 790 | Garret Lewis
    This is how it's done. The Vail School Board fled the meeting before it began because hundreds of parents wanted to be heard to end the mask requirement. So, the parents voted in a completely new school board that voted to end mask requirements. This needs to happen at every school district.
  • iceagefarmer #1005 08:23 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    #Permaculture principles — not just for growing food.

    Observe and interact: Engage with nature - design solutions that suit our particular situation.

    Catch and store energy: Collect resources at peak abundance, use in times of need.

    Obtain a yield: Get truly useful rewards as part of the work that you are doing.

    Apply self-regulation and accept feedback: Systems must function well long-term.

    Use and value renewable resources and services: Make good use of nature's abundance.

    Produce no waste: Valuing & use of all resources that are available to us.

    Design from patterns to details: Observe patterns in nature & society - these are the backbone of our designs, with details filled in as we go.

    Integrate rather than segregate: By putting the right things in the right place, relationships develop between those things and they work together to support each other.

    Use small and slow solutions: Small and slow systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources and producing more sustainable outcomes.

    Use and value diversity: Diversity reduces vulnerability to a variety of threats and takes advantage of the unique nature of the environment in which it resides.

    Use edges and value the marginal: The interface between things is where the most interesting events take place. These are often the most valuable, diverse and productive elements in the system.

    Creatively use and respond to change: Have a positive impact on inevitable change by carefully observing, and then intervening at the right time

  • iceagefarmer #1006 08:23 PM, 28 Apr 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1007 08:42 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    On the "Register your livestock/animals" theme — Russia today introduces mandatory microchipping — and even mentions the zoonotic risk factor (diseases spreading from animals to humans) — the global positioning for eliminating animals by 2030 continues:

    Russian lawmakers have introduced a new bill to the national parliament that would require owners to have their pets digitally tagged, to help track down owners and prevent attacks by stray animals released onto the streets.

    If passed, it would demand that pet owners take their beloved animals to the vet to be implanted with a microchip, linking them to the person responsible for them.

    This measure, already in force in a number of other countries across the world, will, they say, “make it possible to search for a lost pet; ensure opportunities for free travel with the animal; bring to justice unscrupulous owners who deliberately put the animal out on the street; and protect against the spread of infections between animals and humans.”


    Mandatory microchip implants could be introduced in Russia under new proposals to keep electronic tabs on country’s cats & dogs — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
    Russian lawmakers have introduced a new bill to the national parliament that would require owners to have their pets digitally tagged, to help track down owners and prevent attacks by stray animals released onto the streets.
  • iceagefarmer #1008 09:41 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    Facial recognition for pets is going mainstream. It's been used on a select few "precision SmartRanch" operations as test beds to track habits & feed consumption, etc., — but now rolling out for public consumption:

    For your pets' safety, of course:

    LA animal shelters to use facial recognition database to help reunite lost pets with owners
    People and organizations can upload a photo of the lost pet, and the database will compare it to other photos to determine if the lost animal is at a participating shelter or with someone in the ar…
  • iceagefarmer #1009 09:44 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    UK hit by frostiest April on record, farmers and growers reporting considerable damage

    Provisional records for April 2021 show the United Kingdom has experienced the most air frosts since records began in 1960, the UK Met Office reported Tuesday, April 27, 2021. This month has already seen an average of 13 days of air frosts for the country, with many farmers and growers reporting considerable damage due to the harsh conditions.

    You don't see this with Global Warming. You see it with #GrandSolarMinimum.

    UK hit by frostiest April on record, farmers and growers reporting considerable damage
    Provisional records for April 2021 show the United Kingdom has experienced the most air frosts since records began in 1960, the UK Met Office reported Tuesday, April 27, 2021. This month has already…
  • iceagefarmer #1010 09:45 PM, 28 Apr 2021
    Met Office
    April 2021 has seen the most air frosts for at least 60 years in the UK 🥶 Provisional figures show it topping the previous frostiest April in 1970, in records going back to 1960 Read our blog to find out more bit.ly/2R3nvwc
  • 29 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1011 02:56 AM, 29 Apr 2021
    China food security: why the nation’s ‘food crisis’ is more of a livestock feed challenge

    China is not producing enough feed grains such as soybeans to support its large and growing livestock industry, meaning it relies on imports

    The deficit is driving concern about food security, an issue analysts say is complicated by geopolitics and dependence on foreign biotechnology

    China’s appetite for imported grains is driving fears about a ‘food crisis’
    China is not producing enough feed grains such as soybeans to support its large and growing livestock industry, stoking concern about food security and dependence on foreign biotechnology.
  • iceagefarmer #1012 04:12 AM, 29 Apr 2021
    UK herd has been reduced to its smallest size since 1910.

    Even as the media says the end of beef is a conspiracy theory...

    “Cow numbers are incredibly tight, with Defra data showing the national herd at 3.307 million head, possibly its lowest level since 1910.”

    #WarOnMeat #uk

    Cull cows rise 25p/kg with numbers at 100-year low - Farmers Weekly
    Factory and farmer demand has fuelled a six-week rally in the barren cow ring that has buoyed a trade already flying as a result of historically low
  • iceagefarmer #1013 04:14 AM, 29 Apr 2021
    101 Nobel laureates (including the Dalai Lama) call for global fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty.

    (Not sure he’s an expert on energy systems but who’s counting.)

    Aligns with #absoluteZero emissions agenda.

    101 Nobel laureates call for global fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty
    Dalai Lama among those to sign letter to world leaders calling for rapid shift to renewable energy
  • iceagefarmer #1014 06:46 AM, 29 Apr 2021
    Quorn (mycoprotein) gets green light for $1.3bb IPO:

    Monde Nissin: $1.3bn Quorn IPO gets greenlight in Philippine
    Monde Nissin, the owner of the storied alt-protein brand, hopes to use IPO proceeds to tap into rising global demand for meat susbtitutes.
  • iceagefarmer #1015 08:03 AM, 29 Apr 2021
    Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain

    Spraying your food with genetically modified spores with custom DNA sequences in order to trace it through the global supply chain sounds like science fiction, but one company funded by SOSV -- the same VC behind 'food replacement' companies like Memphis Meats, Finless Foods, and NotCo -- has made it a reality, and is already testing its technology. Biological barcodes and resource tracking is clearly integral part of the blockchain/AI supply chain being rolled out as part of The Great Reset. But what happens when you eat them? Christian breaks down Aanika and their technology in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


    Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain
    Spraying your food with genetically modified spores with custom DNA sequences in order to trace it through the global supply chain sounds like science fiction, but one company funded by SOSV -- the same VC behind 'food replacement' companies like Memphis Meats, Finless Foods, and NotCo -- has made it a reality, and is already testing its technology. Biological barcodes and resource tracking is clearly integral part of the blockchain/AI supply chain being rolled out as part of The Great Reset. But what happens when you eat them? Christian breaks down Aanika and their technology in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/04/29/bio-barcodes-gmo-spores-hidden-in-food-to-track-supply-chain/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #1016 08:29 AM, 29 Apr 2021
    They really are coming after your pets.

    Global warming cultist argues “carbon emissions of a dog is equivalent to two households electricity for a year.”

    Pet elimination — part of #absoluteZero

    Susanna Clashes With Environmental Campaigner In Debate About Giving Up Pets | Good Morning Britain
    According the the animal charity PDSA, over half of adults in the UK own a pet. Over the past year, pet sales have soared and it's thought the UK dog population alone has increased by at least 10% during lockdown - now totaling more that 11 million. However, many environmentalists are calling for people to stop having pets all together in the hope of saving the planet. Broadcast on 27/04/21 Subscribe now for more! http://bit.ly/1NbomQa Like, follow and subscribe to Good Morning Britain! The Good Morning Britain YouTube channel delivers you the news that you’re waking up to in the morning. From exclusive interviews with some of the biggest names in politics and showbiz to heartwarming human interest stories and unmissable watch again moments. Join Susanna Reid, Ben Shephard, Kate Garraway, Charlotte Hawkins and Sean Fletcher every weekday on ITV from 6am until 9 every weekday! ITV Hub: https://bit.ly/37kf3wD Website: http://bit.ly/1GsZuha YouTube: http://bit.ly/1Ecy0g1 Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1HEDRMb Twitter: http://bit.ly/1xdLqU3 http://www.itv.com #GMB
  • iceagefarmer #1017 03:02 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Informed consent is being criminalized: look at the language as they pivot “vaccine skepticism” to radical extremist aggression — we are being OTHERED, turned into dangerous, racist, persecuted class to be silenced and destroyed:

    “Today, the anti-vaccine empire has hundreds of websites and perhaps 58 million followers on social media. The bad guys [IAF: YES this is a quote!] are winning, in part because health agencies either underestimate or deny the reach of anti-science forces, and are ill-equipped to counter it.”

    “Many far-right extremist groups that spread false information about last year’s US presidential election are doing the same about vaccines. Anti-vaccine groups also target Black communities; an anti-vaccine documentary released in March vilifies COVID-19 vaccine testing among African Americans, calling it “medical racism”.

    “It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.”

    — So: heads up. They are on the offensive.

    COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression
    Nature - Halting the spread of the coronavirus will require a high-level counteroffensive against new destructive forces.
  • iceagefarmer #1018 03:41 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Amazon Expands In-Garage Grocery Delivery to Prime Members in More Than 5,000 Cities and Towns

    ... more major changes to #retail, separating consumers from direct access to supply chain, online ordering, curbside (or here "in-garage") delivery!

    Amazon Expands In-Garage Grocery Delivery to Prime Members in More Than 5,000 Cities and Towns
    Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced that Key by Amazon In-Garage Grocery Delivery is expanding to everywhere grocery delivery from Amazon is available, providing service to more than 5,000 U.S. cities and towns. Originally launched in five cities last November, Key In-Garage Grocery Delivery can now be used by millions of eligible Prime members to have their Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market groceries delivered securely and conveniently inside their garage.
  • iceagefarmer #1019 05:17 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    In my video above, I mentioned VCs/companies that are [openly] discussing & working towards a "post-animal economy."

    Corn/soybean prices are hitting decadal-highs, and even as Brazil's safrinha fails, the US grains outlook is threatened by cold & drought. The world is on short on grains, and this hasn't really hit home yet for many.

    I want to draw your attention to a new media narrative: that we are competing with animal agriculture for resources.

    Bloomberg below is making the case "Feeding Chickens Is So Costly It’s Changing Global Trade Flows". Other mainstream media is echoing, "China food security: why the nation’s ‘food crisis’ is more of a livestock feed challenge

    We are witnessing the "Solution" script being laid before imminent food shortages / prices exploding — the kind that impact you: now that we don't have enough food, we simply can't keep the real animals any more. It's lab-grown meat from here on out.

    Incidentally, this means there isn't much time before real shortages hit...

    ... and the chorus of calls to do away with livestock grow louder ...

    - IAF

    Feeding Chickens Is So Costly It’s Changing Global Trade Flows
    Feeding the world’s chickens, pigs and cows has gotten so expensive it’s upending global trade flows.
  • iceagefarmer #1020 05:18 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    There are times I wish Telegram had threads — that was one of those times. :p

    Video report forthcoming!

    Make sure you're subscribed on https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer
    Welcome. I'm Christian, and I produce videos, interviews, and tools in order to shed light on the myriad risks to our food system and how they must inspire us to grow our own food. The best way to support this effort is to take steps every day t…
  • iceagefarmer #1021 05:35 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Lebanon on brink of hunger crisis; meat is a 'luxury'

    "I am able to feed my children, but they haven't drunk milk for five months," Manar, who asked not to disclose her family name, told UPI. "Meat and chicken have become luxuries...only the politicians can afford them."

    Lebanon on brink of hunger crisis; meat is a 'luxury'
    BEIRUT, Lebanon, April 1 (UPI) -- Lebanon's deteriorating economy, an expected reduction of subsidies and political inertia have left the population at risk of acute hunger within months, experts told UPI, warning of a potential humanitarian crisis requiring immediate international intervention.
  • iceagefarmer #1022 05:41 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Going from bad to worse — the drought is becoming so severe that river transport is becoming impossible — S. America grains gridlock will accelerate global grains collapse (ie START GROWING FOOD NOW):

    The South American drought that’s helping push Wheat, Corn, and Soybean prices to multiyear highs isn’t just threatening crops, but also the ability to haul them on waterways that are drying up.

    On the increasingly shallow rivers that flow through top producers Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, barges are carrying less than their usual load. The situation is so desperate in Paraguay that the country is asking neighboring Brazil to release water from the giant Itaipu hydroelectric dam, after vessels have run aground and logjams are forming in river ports because barges can’t move. In a key Argentine leg of the 4,900-kilometer (3,000-mile) Parana River, uncertainty over dredging work could make it even harder for farmers to ship their harvests.

    Waterways Are Drying Up Making Navigation Difficult In Key South American Crop-Shipping Ports
    The South American drought that’s helping push Wheat, Corn, and Soybean prices to multiyear highs isn’t just threatening crops, but also the ability to haul them on waterways that are drying up....
  • iceagefarmer #1023 05:46 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Russia sees strongest poultry production decline in a decade

    In the first 2 months of 2021, Russian poultry production dropped by 6.2% compared to the same period of the previous year.


    Russia sees strongest poultry production decline in a decade
    In the first 2 months of 2021, Russian poultry production dropped by 6.2% compared to the same period of the previous year.
  • iceagefarmer #1024 05:57 PM, 29 Apr 2021

    Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain
    Spraying your food with genetically modified spores with custom DNA sequences in order to trace it through the global supply chain sounds like science fiction, but one company funded by SOSV —…
  • iceagefarmer #1025 06:12 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Yes, higher feed prices = fewer animals raised.

    Higher Corn, Soybeans Prices Could Slow Dairy Herd Expansion

    The Farmer's Exchange Online Higher Corn, Soybeans Prices Could Slow Dairy Herd Expansion
    The Farmer's Exchange Online Edition is the place to go for agriculture news and events, your source for auctions of all varieties in the northern Indiana, Southwestern Michigan, and parts of Ohio and Illinois. Featuring online classified ads and farm equipment listings.
  • iceagefarmer #1026 06:13 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    AI predicts #GrandSolarMinimum:

    STUDY: Does Machine Learning reconstruct missing sunspots and forecast a new solar minimum? [Spoiler: yes, yes it does]

    Does Machine Learning reconstruct missing sunspots and forecast a new solar minimum?
    The retrodiction and prediction of solar activity are two closely-related problems in dynamo theory. We applied Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and a…
  • iceagefarmer #1027 06:13 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Electroverse has a write-up:


    “The machine-learning algorithm, with its interesting interplay between the very short 5.5-year cycle and the long 120-year cycle, confirms our results of 10-15 years ago suggesting that the next three or four solar cycles will be comparatively inactive."


    New Paper uses AI to Predict the Sunspot Cycles: Low Solar Activity until 2050 - Electroverse
    "Our predictions show that the sunspot cycles will be in a weak state starting from Cycle 24 (2008-2019) till Cycle 27 (or 2050 or so)."
  • iceagefarmer #1029 06:18 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    High prices nibble at corn's sway as Asian feed buyers switch to wheat

    SINGAPORE, April 27 (Reuters) - Asian feed manufacturers are switching to wheat in animal rations as multi-year high corn prices constrict demand for the yellow grain widely used to fatten hogs and chickens.

    Some of the world's top corn buyers such as China, South Korea and Vietnam are buying more wheat from Australia and the Black Sea region in the months ahead as the landed cost of corn has climbed to a rare premium to wheat, said two Singapore-based grains traders.

    Combined, those three countries are forecast to buy 26.4% of global corn imports this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, so any substitution for wheat could have a large impact on global grain trade flows.

    High prices nibble at corn's sway as Asian feed buyers switch to wheat
    Asian feed manufacturers are switching to wheat in animal rations as multi-year high corn prices constrict demand for the yellow grain widely used to fatten hogs and chickens.
  • iceagefarmer #1030 06:18 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Edible Insects as a Potential Food Source: Benefits vs. Food Safety Issues

    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations recently released a publication detailing various food safety issues that could be associated with edible insects. According to the FAO, the benefits of edible insects as an emerging food source must be weighed against potential food safety issues.

    Possible food safety issues for edible insects include biological, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, chemical hazards, pesticides, heavy metals, antimicrobials, and physical hazards.

    Edible Insects as a Potential Food Source: Benefits vs. Food Safety Issues
    The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations recently detailed various food safety issues that could be associated with edible insects. 
  • iceagefarmer #1031 08:53 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    The US drought is understated and underreported. But we are beginning to hear about it.

  • iceagefarmer #1033 09:26 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    France prepares to spin up the printing press - 1bil euros for farmers affected by the recent frosts that wiped out vineyards.

    Remember: you can print more money, but you can't print more food. (That's why food prices are rising!)

  • iceagefarmer #1034 10:35 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Had a great conversation yesterday with the remarkable Whitney Webb at UnlimitedHangout.com.

    It isn't public yet -- but Whitney was kind enough to allow me to share an early release for members on https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer .

    Everyone else: wait just a couple days and then it will be unlocked!
    Ice Age Farmer is creating research. warmth. abundance. | Patreon
    Become a patron of Ice Age Farmer today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
  • iceagefarmer #1035 10:35 PM, 29 Apr 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1036 10:45 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    NYTimes laying on the FEAR thick -- Meat is DIRTY and DANGEROUS:

    "I’m a vegan, but I’m also a realist. There’s no chance humanity is going to give up meat, en masse, anytime soon. That said, we can’t just wish away the risks of industrial animal agriculture. If we don’t end this system, soon, terrible things will happen to us and to the planet. Terrible things are already happening."


    Opinion | Let’s Launch a Moonshot for Meatless Meat
    It wouldn’t actually take that much of an investment for Biden to get us headed in the right direction.
  • iceagefarmer #1037 10:52 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    Food Prices exploding. How is your garden? How are your animals?
  • iceagefarmer #1038 10:53 PM, 29 Apr 2021
    DeutscheBank Warns Soaring Food Prices Will Lead To Social Unrest

    Today, DB's Jim Reid picked that chart as his "Chart of the day", repeating what readers already know, namely that Bloomberg’s agriculture spot index has risen by c.76% year-on-year, noting that "that’s the biggest annual rise in nearly a decade, and there are only a couple of other comparable episodes since the index begins back in 1991."

    The DB strategist then goes all-in and says what everyone is thinking, namely that "this trend of higher food prices leading to social unrest extends far back into history and surrounds many key turning points. The French Revolution of 1789, which overthrew the Ancien Régime, came after a succession of poor harvests that led to major rises in food prices. It was a similar story at the time of Europe’s 1848 revolutions too, which followed the failure of potato crops in the 1840s and the associated severe famine in much of Europe. And the 1917 overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia took place in the context of food shortages as well."


    One Bank Warns Soaring Food Prices Will Lead To Social Unrest
    "This trend of higher food prices leading to social unrest extends far back into history and surrounds many key turning points..."
  • 30 April 2021
  • iceagefarmer #1039 02:04 AM, 30 Apr 2021
    Eight States Are Seeding Clouds to Overcome Megadrought

    “Amid growing concerns about water resources in the western U.S., scientists are working to answer those questions. Today, cloud seeding research represents the cutting edge of weather and climate science—a convergence of questions about the influence of warming on our dwindling water resources and our ability to control those consequences.”

    Eight States Are Seeding Clouds to Overcome Megadrought
    But there is little evidence to show that the process is increasing precipitation
  • iceagefarmer #1040 03:30 AM, 30 Apr 2021
    Now that is a considerable piece of hail. #gsmHail

    Apocalyptic hail in Texas goes through roofs, destroys windows and breaks cars- Strange Sounds
    The apocalyptic hail was so big in Texas yesterday that it went through roofs, destroyed windows and broke cars on April 29, 2021.
  • iceagefarmer #1041 03:32 AM, 30 Apr 2021
    If you’re still on the twatter, my condolences. Just kidding, but now you can find/share these awesome posts there as well!

    Ice Age Farmer Bot (@IaFbot) | Twitter
    The latest Tweets from Ice Age Farmer Bot (@IaFbot). Reposts Christian's updates from https://t.co/iVzc7X8apz
  • iceagefarmer #1042 03:36 AM, 30 Apr 2021
    China institutes “No Pig Zones” to limit the flow of #AfricanSwineFever .

    What’s left unsaid here: this sets the stage for use of 4IR tech like tagging & geofencing to prevent epidemiological spread — now it is needed for your safety:

    “With new guidelines expected to be in place in a matter of days, areas known for little or no pig farming will have to increase capacity. 

    "Some areas that used to call themselves no-pig counties or no-pig cities will have to build pig farms," Guofa said. 

    Under the guidelines, the only way for pork to be transported across regions will have to be in frozen meat form, leading to an expansion of the cold-chain industry, added Guofa. “


    China Creates Countrywide 'No-Pig Zones' To Limit African Swine Fever 
    "Some areas that used to call themselves no-pig counties or no-pig cities will have to build pig farms,"  
  • iceagefarmer #1043 03:48 AM, 30 Apr 2021
    EU to launch carbon farming framework by end-2021 following two-year study

    In the ‘Farm To Fork Strategy‘ announced as part of its European Green Deal last year, the EU stated that farming practices which “remove CO2 from the atmosphere contribute to the [EU’s] climate neutrality objective and should be rewarded, either via [EU policies] or other public or private initiatives [such as a] carbon market.”

    It added that a “carbon farming initiative [will be set up] to promote this new business model, which provides farmers with a new source of income and helps other sectors to decarbonize the food chain.” Furthermore, the strategy tasked the Commission to “develop a regulatory framework for certifying carbon removals based on robust and transparent carbon accounting to monitor and verify [their] authenticity.”


    Farm to Fork Strategy
    The new “Farm to fork” strategy, to be proposed by the Commission as part of the Green Deal, will enable the EU to make a real contribution to...
  • iceagefarmer #1044 04:15 AM, 30 Apr 2021
    ‘Megadrought’ in American West May Trigger First-Ever Water Shortage Declaration

    The American West has been suffering from what’s sometimes referred to as a “megadrought,” centered around the Colorado River, for years. And this week, things are accelerating, on both a state and federal level, as government officials (and farmers) prepare for the worst.

    Arizona and Nevada would automatically be subject to significant cuts in water access

    In response, the Biden administration announced the formation of an Interagency Working Group, chaired by both the Departments of Agriculture and Interior, to determine how to cope with the worsening drought. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a drought emergency in two counties in the northern parts of the state. This comes with a huge reduction in the amount of available water for agriculture in the region—primarily grapes in wine country.


    White House Launches Drought Relief Working Group to Address Urgency of Western Water Crisis
    In conjunction with President Biden's Leaders Summit on Climate, the Biden-Harris administration today announced the formation of an Interagency Working Group to address worsening drought conditions in the West and support farmers, Tribes, and communities impacted by ongoing water shortages.
  • iceagefarmer #1046 04:47 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Unseasonal snowfall covers mountains in Gangwon Province

    SEOUL, April 30 (Yonhap) -- Unseasonal snowfall blanketed mountainous areas of Gangwon Province, east of Seoul, on Friday, the last day of April usually known in South Korea as a season of early summer-like warm weather.


    Unseasonal snowfall covers mountains in Gangwon Province | Yonhap News Agency
    SEOUL, April 30 (Yonhap) -- Unseasonal snowfall blanketed mountainous areas of Gangwon Pro...
  • iceagefarmer #1047 05:13 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Martin Armstrong again writing today about #GlobalCooling / #GrandSolarMinimum:

    Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last lasting through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years. The last grand-minimum event produced the mini-Ice Age in the mid-17th century. Known as the Maunder Minimum, it occurred between 1645 and 1715, during a longer span of time when parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.

    If Gates blocks the sun as he has been suggesting off-camera, we are looking at not just the reduction of population by 70%, but all life.

  • iceagefarmer #1048 05:20 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Germany: April brought frost and snow - to the suffering of the fruit growers.

    Setbacks are normal, in spring as in life, snow and cold are more the rule than the exception. But spring 2021 has exaggerated its predilection for frosty falls, polar air flooded the pandemic-weary continent at regular intervals: lockdown and "flockdown" are constant companions. And for the first time in decades, April will be much too cold on average . The last days of the month won't change that either.

    The year 2021 produced April as it used to be known: capricious and uncontrolled. It can feel like a warm June and a short time later like a grim February. Typical April weather. The current average temperature is 5.1 degrees, which means the spring month is almost four degrees colder compared to the new reference period from 1991 to 2020. Even in relation to the mean for the years 1961 to 1990, the temperature is 2.3 degrees Celsius lower. The last time there was such a negative monthly deviation was almost ten years ago. If the end of the month were now, we would have the coldest April since 1973 behind us.

    The cold air flooded large parts of Europe as far as the southern tip of Italy and Crete. At the same time, further east in parts of Russia it was clearly too warm for the time of year. The ingress of cold air was caused by a special weather constellation. A strong high south of Iceland contrasted with a strong low over Scandinavia. While the high rotates clockwise, the air masses in the low move in the opposite direction. As a result, together they conducted arctic air far south in an intense north-westerly current.

    Wetter: Der April ist kalt, wie er will
    Warum die letzten Wochen kälter waren, als wir es gewohnt sind
  • iceagefarmer #1049 05:23 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Records falling everywhere. More from Germany:

    * Coldest April in 104 years (since 1917)
    * Most snowy April in 35 years

  • iceagefarmer #1050 05:26 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    #Italy: "After visiting all the main fruit-growing areas in Italy, I can say that in 2021 there will be even fewer kiwis in Italy than in 2020," said Pietro Cimatti, fruit-growing expert.

    The situation in Emilia-Romagna is slightly better than last year, when the frost had impacted very heavily. This year the damage was patchy. "However, in other growing areas, such as Veneto and Piedmont, the quantities have more than halved. In some areas the temperature has dropped to 7-8°C below zero, so there is little left to save."

    Frost damage caused even fewer kiwis in Italy than in 2020
    "After visiting all the main fruit-growing areas in Italy, I can say that in 2021 there will be even fewer kiwis in Italy than in 2020," said Pietro Cimatti, fruit-growing expert. The…
  • iceagefarmer #1051 05:28 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    #Taiwan: (remember they were cutting water allocations to keep semiconductor factories running)

    Drought reduces Taiwan lychee production to 10% in worst case — 90% crop failure!

    Prolonged drought in Taiwan has affected the harvest in various areas. In Qishan, Dashu and other areas in Kaohsiung, Yuhebao lychees have trouble fruiting due to continuous drought. Growers lament that the production may only be a little over 10% in the worst case.

    Drought reduces Taiwan lychee production to 10% in worst case
    Prolonged drought in Taiwan has affected the harvest in various areas. In Qishan, Dashu and other areas in Kaohsiung, Yuhebao lychees have trouble fruiting due to continuous drought. Growers…
  • iceagefarmer #1052 05:42 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    People in southern Madagascar have been reduced to eating wild leaves and locusts to stave off starvation after consecutive drought and sandstorms ruined harvests, leaving hundreds of thousands on the brink of famine, according to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

    Speaking by videolink from Madagascar’s capital, Antananarivo, Daoudi told a UN briefing in Geneva he had visited villages where “people have had to resort to desperate survival measures, such as eating locusts, raw red cactus fruits or wild leaves”.

    “Famine looms in southern Madagascar as communities witness an almost total disappearance of food sources which has created a full-blown nutrition emergency,” Daoudi said.

    Starving Malagasy forced to eat leaves, locusts for survival
    Near-total disappearance of food sources has created ‘full-blown nutrition emergency’ in south Madagascar, WFP warns.
  • iceagefarmer #1053 05:53 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Analyst: U.S. on verge of running out of soybeans by mid-July

    "The average American celebrates Independence Day on July 4 with gatherings of family and friends, barbecues, parades, concerts and fireworks. However, farmers, ranchers and those that produce agricultural products such as soy oil and meal, as well ag speculators, will witness a different kind of fireworks in mid-July because the United States may literally run out of soybeans for domestic use.

    “Two years ago, projected U.S carryout stocks were estimated to be 900 million bushels. A year ago, ending supplies were pegged at 523 million bushels. Now, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast stocks of U.S. soybeans at 190 million bushels,” I wrote. “My work suggests ending stocks to be under 100 million. And the historic decline with ending U.S. soybean stocks has many whispering, ‘Are we going to run out?’”

    In the final paragraphs of the same column, I wrote: “It has been shocking the USDA lowered soybean stocks so dramatically as it did over the past few months. Such data sets the stage for higher and just maybe unprecedented soybean prices, depending on Chinese buying habits and the weather issues plaguing several of the world’s major grain producers.


    Imagine, if you will, a stiff price rationing rally underway for soybeans — or corn — when suddenly weather issues surface in the heart of the growing season.

    How high could prices possibly spike on the upside in light of the potential for the United States to “run outta” soybeans in mid-July? Just how high would soybean prices have to rally to kill demand?

    Moving forward, soybean prices are poised to embark on a price rationing rally to prevent a scenario where soybean crushers simply cannot find soybeans.

    Commodity Insight: U.S. on verge of running out of soybeans
    The average American celebrates Independence Day on July 4 with gatherings of family and friends, barbecues, parades, concerts and fireworks. However, farmers, ranchers and those that produce agricultural products such as soy oil and meal, as well ag speculators, will witness a different kind of fireworks in mid-July because the United States may literally run out of soybeans for domestic use.
  • iceagefarmer #1054 05:56 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    And continuing from previous post — we ARE having weather issues in US. So running out of soybeans for domestic use is not just possible, but increasingly probably.

    Look for US to start importing beans — this is a next huge red flag.

    We may see some fireworks in mid-July ... and not the patriotic ones.

    (Also interesting this aligns with the timeline we've been seeing around next set of lockdowns...)
  • iceagefarmer #1055 05:57 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Look for US to start importing soybeans — this is next huge red flag.
  • iceagefarmer #1056 06:01 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    CONFIRMED — US *is* importing soybeans — just getting reported.

    Perdue shipping one cargo of Brazil soybeans into the U.S.– Cargonave data

    U.S.-based meat processor Perdue is shipping one cargo of 31,450 tonnes of Brazilian soybeans into the United States, according to line-up data from shipping agency Cargonave, as stocks dwindle in the destination market.

    Brazil, the world's largest soy producer and exporter, very seldom sells to the United States. China is the main buyer of its soy."

    Again — this is a red flag for US (TOP exporter of soybeans) domestic supplies being so short that companies are looking to source elsewhere.

    Perdue shipping one cargo of Brazil soybeans into the U.S.– Cargonave data
    U.S.-based meat processor Perdue is shipping one cargo of 31,450 tonnes of Brazilian soybeans into the United States, according to line-up data from shipping agency Cargonave, as stocks dwindle in the destination market.
  • iceagefarmer #1057 06:32 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Feds need to treat climate crisis like a national emergency
    As last week’s budget made clear, the money is simply not yet forthcoming to realize our critical climate goals, writes columnist Seth Klein.
  • iceagefarmer #1058 06:43 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Need a new entrepreneurial venture? Rent chickens.

    For €140 (£121) Spalik, 19, will provide four birds plus a coop, a fence, feed and care instructions. Chicken renters must have an outdoor space of 25m square of grass. The minimum rental period is two weeks. Customers include retirement homes and people who want to try out keeping chickens before deciding whether to buy.

    “The hens have been used as therapy animals in retirement homes,” Spalik said. “People with dementia respond well to them.

    Chicken renting takes wing among cooped up Germans
    City-dwelling Germans, yearning for a rural idyll, are turning to pet chickens for solace.Elias Spaliklaunched his chicken renting service, Huhn to Go, when he was 16 but demand rose sharply last year, especially in Berlin, prompting him to enlarge his stock from 24 to 32 chickens.For €140 (£121) Sp
  • iceagefarmer #1059 07:53 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Limit up lumber, corn, soy oil today.
  • iceagefarmer #1060 07:55 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Cascading supply chain failures - affecting agriculture:

    “It's finding the raw materials,” says Nic Beck, of Nebraska-based Clarks Ag Supply that produces seed tenders. “That's really what the issue comes down to. It's the steel, the tube steel, especially, for our augers that go into our seed tenders on our machines. It's just really hard to come by.”

    He says it’s not just trouble in sourcing supplies at a reasonable price that’s turned into an issue. He says supply is short no matter where you try to source it.

    “The price of tube steel in one week went up 150% for 10-gauge tubes of steel,” says Beck. “And then it just couldn't be found. There's nothing around for it.”

    Beck says the raw materials are being pinched by transportation issues, but it’s also turned into a shortage of sourcing the correct parts to run the machines.

    “The company that cuts out the holes on a part, they had just a small $10 part break and all a sudden it shut down a million-dollar machine for two weeks and put a backlog on everything," he adds.


    Supplies Slip as Demand Outpaces Supply for Everything from Seed Tenders to Drainage Tile
    A boon in commodity prices is creating higher demand for everything from tractors to seed tenders. The long tail of the pandemic is creating a strain on the supply chain, and now demand has outpaced supply.
  • iceagefarmer #1061 08:49 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    As the 2021 planting season is officially underway, many farm inputs and supplies are seeing a shortage. An ag chemistry shortage is impacting those trying to control weeds, but the pinch on products covers much more than crop inputs today.

    “There's been a couple key things that have just really caused the supply chain to get backed up,” says Derrik Ellingson, chief strategic officer for Ellingson Companies in Fargo, N.D.

    Ellingson Companies installs drainage tile and serves a number of industries, including agriculture. The company, which has been in business since 1970, says it focuses on waters solutions for its customers, and this year, a shortage of plastic supplies means installing drainage is coming at an added cost.

    “There's definitely a shortage,” says Ellingson. “And obviously, when there's high demand, these guys are going to capitalize, which is driving the price up. And there is a shortage.”

    He says anything that is a plastic-based product is in short supply.

    “I don't think anyone could have ever expected the demand for plastic to drive through the roof,” he explains. “The car industry, boats, SUVs, side by sides, ATVs, home projects, all these decks people are putting in that’s plastic decking. Everybody is spending money taking care of these things. So, it's just completely compounded into a problem that we are faced with here today."

    From demand, to now production problems at plants, it’s a problem that first popped up last summer.

    “Those hurricanes [last summer] took many of the petrochemical facilities offline for a period of time,” says Jennifer Van Dinter, head of integrated analytics, S&P Global Platts.“That's kind of what started this whole domino effect. And since then, there were more outages in December that were not necessarily planned events for maintenance. And then we had the deep freeze that hit Houston, New Orleans, and all of the areas in between that took so many of those plastics plants, as well as refineries, offline for several weeks in many cases.”

    As a result, from the raw goods to the end product, plastics prices are racing higher.

    Bale Wrap to Drainage Tile, a Pinch on Plastics Supplies is Spurring Nationwide Shortage
    Plastic-based products and materials are in short supply as rising costs also deliver sticker shock on many farm supply products. From demand to production shortages at plants, the problem first popped up last summer.
  • iceagefarmer #1062 08:50 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Brazil Safrinha crop continues to be marked down.
  • iceagefarmer #1063 09:52 PM, 30 Apr 2021
    Russian COVID-19 Vaccine in the Form of Yogurt?

    Russian scientists are developing a vaccine against the new coronavirus, which can be introduced into the body in the form of yogurt. The agency quoted a statement from Vladimir Chekhonin, vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    The work on the creation of the vaccine is carried out by the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg. It refers to the type of mucosal vaccine that is given into the body by mouth in the form of an aerosol or drops.

    As a rule, the antigens of such preparations are enclosed in microcapsules, which protects them from digestive enzymes. "The target for cloning is a gene encoding the S-protein of the coronavirus. As a result, the gene is introduced to the area that codes probiotic bacteria pili, creating a bacterium with an immunogenic viral protein on its surface. Such a vaccine can be administered in the form of a product such as yogurt. Preclinical trials of this vaccine are currently underway" said Chekhonin.

    June 2, 2020
    Russian COVID-19 Vaccine in the Form of Yogurt?
    Russian scientists are developing a vaccine against the new coronavirus, which can be introduced into the body in the form of yogurt. The agency quoted a statement from Vladimir Chekhonin, vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.