• 01 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #214 12:09 AM, 01 Feb 2021
    The “Woke Famine”:

    Citing the impacts of climate change and decreased snowpack — as well as the demands of 4 million ratepayers 300 miles to the south — the DWP has told ranchers they should no longer expect free water for irrigation uses.

    In addition, they point out that water was never a guarantee tied to 20-year leases held by about a dozen ranchers in the area. They pay an average of $10 to $15 per year to graze on DWP property.

    Citing climate change, LADWP ends free water deal for Long Valley ranchers and sparks anger among conservationists
    Since the early 1920s, the Long Valley plains east of Yosemite have inspired comparison to a rustic Western paradise — an idyllic frontier where sparkling creeks meander through lush pastures, waters teem with feisty trout and sage grouse make ostentatious displays of romance.
  • iceagefarmer #215 05:08 AM, 01 Feb 2021
    Stunning: NZ calls for “fewer cows so we can hit our climate targets:”


    Fewer cows, mass EVs: what NZ must do to hit climate targets - NZ Herald
    Govt told NZ must cut cow numbers and get most Kiwis in EVs to hit climate targets.
  • iceagefarmer #216 06:16 PM, 01 Feb 2021
    More and more "Second Amendment Sanctuary" zones: cities, counties. Great to see efforts to secure freedoms at local levels. What's going on where you are?

  • iceagefarmer #217 06:16 PM, 01 Feb 2021
    Question: what does a LOCAL FOOD SANCTUARY city/county look like?
  • iceagefarmer #218 06:58 PM, 01 Feb 2021
    Safety of Impossible's "bleeding heme" from GMO yeast being challenged in court:

    "FDA approved soy leghemoglobin even though it conducted none of the long-term animal studies that are needed to determine whether or not it harms human health," said Bill Freese, science policy analyst at Center for Food Safety. "This includes studies for cancer, reproductive impairment, and other adverse effects called for by FDA's Redbook, the Bible of food and color additive testing," he added. "We find this to be all the more troubling because a number of potential adverse effects were detected in a short-term rat trial: disruption of reproductive cycles and reduced uterine weights in females, and biomarkers of anemia, reduced clotting ability, and kidney problems."

  • iceagefarmer #219 10:20 PM, 01 Feb 2021
    How quickly can Biden/Vilsack cut all financial support to farmers? (Answer: Quickly.)

    Under Trump, USDA head Sonny Perdue "dusted off the little-known fund and leveraged its authority to help out producers financially hurt by retaliatory tariffs through a combination of direct payments and commodity purchases that eventually ballooned farmers’ bottom lines. The billions paid out to farmers far eclipsed the massive 2008 auto bailout, and accounted for 40 percent of farm income in 2020."

    Now the Biden administration wants to deploy a $30 billion pot of money in the Agriculture Department to tackle climate change, support restaurants and kickstart other programs without waiting for Congress.

    Trump left Biden a $30 billion fund used for trade wars. Biden has other plans for it.
    A Depression-era financial institution was used by the Trump administration to dole out billions to farmers. Now the Biden team has their own ideas about how the money should be spent.
  • 02 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #220 04:23 AM, 02 Feb 2021
    5th-generation farm owner in Ontario fights city plan to take her property for industrial park | CBC News
    Marsha Rempel's family has lived on their Welland, Ont., farm for 150 years. With current industrial plots in the area almost sold out, the city has decided to expropriate her land. But the decision is likely headed for a hearing.
  • iceagefarmer #221 04:24 AM, 02 Feb 2021
    Thanks for helping this channel re-grow quickly to 7,500 !
  • iceagefarmer #222 04:43 AM, 02 Feb 2021
    Wow! Look at that senior executives rotating between Innovative Ag companies: from Gates-funded Impossible over to Bezos-funded Plenty (indoor vertical farms):


    Ex-Impossible Foods VP Dana Worth on his new role at Plenty
    After six years at Impossible Foods, Dana Worth is joining CEA startup Plenty as senior vice president - just as indoor farming begins to really heat up.
  • iceagefarmer #223 06:09 AM, 02 Feb 2021


    ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
  • iceagefarmer #224 06:55 AM, 02 Feb 2021
    Canada, the world’s biggest canola grower, is running short of the oilseed six months before the next harvest, with strong export demand driving prices to nearly 13-year highs last week.

    Exports empty Canada's canola bins, driving prices to near records
    Canada, the world's biggest canola grower, is running short of the oilseed six months before the next harvest, with strong export demand driving prices to nearly 13-year highs last week.
  • iceagefarmer #225 05:37 PM, 02 Feb 2021
    Poland "finds" first case of COVID in mink — will they be next to cull their 350 farms?

    Deliberately Collapsing food supply and ecocide.

    Poland finds first case of COVID-19 in mink
    Poland has found its first case of COVID-19 in mink, the agriculture ministry said, raising fears of costly culls in an industry that counts over 350 farms in the country.
  • iceagefarmer #226 05:46 PM, 02 Feb 2021
    UK to burn 15 million bees because of "stupid rules" (they can no longer be imported from EU post-brexit):

    15 million baby bees could be seized and burned over Brexit rules
    British beekeeper told his order of baby Italian bees would be destroyed if he tried to import them
  • 03 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #228 05:12 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    Meatpacking Companies, OSHA Face Investigation Over Coronavirus In Plants

    "Public reports indicate that under the Trump Administration, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) failed to adequately carry out its responsibility for enforcing worker safety laws at meatpacking plants across the country, resulting in preventable infections and deaths," Chairman Clyburn wrote to the agency. "It is imperative that the previous Administration's shortcomings are swiftly identified and rectified to save lives in the months before coronavirus vaccinations are available for all Americans.

  • iceagefarmer #229 05:17 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    " Sadly, and incredibly, with a major global food shortage occurring, many U.S. pork producers are still losing money."

    Article specifies that China is rebuilding their herds not as small operations, but large factory farms that require more corn:

    "The Chinese government realizes that ultimately, and eventually, if this is not corrected, it could threaten their very existence. In the short term, they will pay any price for corn and any price for pork."

  • iceagefarmer #230 05:23 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    “The sector has been facing many challenges, not only because of the bad weather but also because of the pandemic, the shortage of labor to harvest, and the worrying outlook in China for our cherries."

  • iceagefarmer #231 05:24 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    Chile's extreme rains damaging crops:

  • iceagefarmer #232 05:25 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    The collection of Brazil's 2020/2021 soybean crop reached 1.9% of the cultivated area through Jan. 28, the slowest pace for this time in the season since the 2010/2011 cycle, as planting delays and rains are disrupting harvesting work.

    "Now, with the continuous rains in the second half of the month and the lengthening of the cycle for some of the crop, the total available ended up being even lower than we thought."

    Delays affecting Brazil's soybean crop are also impacting the sowing of the second corn, as analysts predicted.

    Brazil soy harvesting at slowest pace in 10 years - AgRural
    By Ana ManoSAO PAULO, Feb 1 (Reuters) - The collection of Brazil's 2020/2021 soybean crop reached 1.9% of the cultivated area through Jan. 28, the slowest pace for this time in the season since the 2010/2011 cycle, as planting delays and rains are disrupting harvesting work.In a statement on Monday, agribusiness consultancy AgRural said the amount harvested is about 2.5 million tonnes, most of it in Mato Grosso state. This compares with 11.7 million tonnes collected at the same time last year, when farmers had reaped 8.9% of the area planted with soy nationwide.
  • iceagefarmer #233 05:41 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    The bone-chilling cold, coupled with fog, imposes the risk of affecting seedlings. Besides, the production costs is skyrocketing for additional measures taken to cope with the weather, they said.

    Besides, farmers are facing difficulties working on croplands due to the bitter cold, said several people of the profession.


    Farmers in North fear crop loss
    Potato and Boro farmers in the northern region of the country are fearing a huge loss this season due to adverse weather.
  • iceagefarmer #234 05:42 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    Spain - Low temperatures reducing productivity by up to 30%

    The intense cold and severe frosts registered last week in the fields of Huelva have forced raspberry producers to resort to a technique almost as old as humanity to save their productions inside the greenhouses: fire, with the use of so-called anti-frost candles.


  • iceagefarmer #235 05:44 PM, 03 Feb 2021

    TurtleTree Scientific — the B2B arm of Singaporean cell-based breastmilk startup TurtleTree Labs — has entered into a “fully funded collaboration” with US biotech company Dyadic International.

    The pair will co-develop recombinant growth factors which can be manufactured in bioreactors at high yields and relatively lower cost.
    Dyadic says its C1 gene expression platform can lower production costs, accelerate production timeframes, and improve performance of drugs, vaccines, and other biological products.

    US biotech Dyadic partners Singapore startup TurtleTree on growth factors
    Dyadic and TurtleTree will collaborate on growing recombinant proteins that can be used as alt-protein growth factors, affordably and at industrial scale.
  • iceagefarmer #236 05:45 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    Analyzing the data, Menker has noticed the impact of increasingly protectionist measures by key food-exporting countries as they wrangle with the simultaneous demand and supply shock that Covid-19 has created.

    Calling ag protectionism the big theme for this year, Menker explains that over the past few months these producer countries — such as Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, and Ukraine — have taken measures such as increasing export taxes or placing caps on the amount of food commodities that they’ll ship overseas. Argentina, for instance, has completely halted exports of corn until the end of the month in an effort to protect domestic supply.

    At the same time, many of these economies are suffering from currency devaluation, causing the price of food to rocket.

    Sara Menker of Gro Intelligence warns of Covid-19's food inflation risk
    Menker thinks that Covid-19's continuing effects will see a ramping up of food protectionism this year - while climate change will also take a toll.
  • iceagefarmer #237 06:21 PM, 03 Feb 2021
    Sharing another kool upcycle👍🏼✌️
  • 04 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #238 12:58 AM, 04 Feb 2021
    New York Snow Entered Record Books as City Dug Out
    The nor’easter that paralyzed New York and blanketed the East and Midwest with heavy snow pulled away as a blast of Arctic air sweeps behind it, sending temperatures tumbling across the central U.S.New York’s Central Park received 17.2 inches (44 centimeters) since Sunday, which makes the storm the city’s 16th heaviest since 1869, the U.S. Weather Prediction Center said Wednesday. The bulk fell Monday, setting a record for the date, according to the National Weather Service.“The setup was perfec
  • iceagefarmer #241 01:04 AM, 04 Feb 2021
    Germany finds 30 more African swine fever cases in wild boars | Manitoba Co-operator
    Another 30 cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been found in wild boars in eastern Germany, authorities said on Jan. 20, in a continuing outbreak
  • iceagefarmer #242 05:58 PM, 04 Feb 2021
    Remember the sabotaged soybean bags in Argentina? Now getting reports of this in Alberta, Canada:

  • iceagefarmer #243 06:08 PM, 04 Feb 2021
    Canada's mandatory quarantine camps go into play:

    “Those with positive tests will be immediately required to quarantine in designated government facilities to make sure they’re not carrying variants of potential concern,” Trudeau said of the new measures.

    “Immediately required” does not mean “voluntarily.” It means that citizens will be forced into these facilities. Calling them “mandatory government facilities” instead of “internment camps” is a matter of semantics.

    COVID Detainment Facilities Go From "Conspiracy Theory" to Official Govt Policy in 3 Months - Activist Post
    On one flight, he says 8 other people were hauled off as well. “Some cried and said they would lose their jobs or didn’t have babysitters.”
  • iceagefarmer #244 06:14 PM, 04 Feb 2021
    Interesting details on how USDA reports corn sales to China:

    tl;dr: We have likely sold more corn to China than has even yet been reported.
  • iceagefarmer #245 07:09 PM, 04 Feb 2021
    Heath is exactly right! (via the chat: http://t.me/iaf_chat )
  • iceagefarmer #246 07:09 PM, 04 Feb 2021
    Delayed reporting keeps the price down for China to continue buying at a cheaper rate than they would have. Supply & Demand. Supply shrinks costs go up, but if no one is being told the supply is shrinking, then the markets slow upward movement in price helps the shady China purchase.

    Thus not sounding any alarms that food is scarce globally and throwing everyone into a panic. Which allows China to purchase their supplies, before the mad dash starts.
  • iceagefarmer #247 08:31 PM, 04 Feb 2021
    Grain-hungry China gobbles up Australian wheat as total 2020 exports neared record
    Amid blistering demand from Chinese importers, and less supply from Russia, Australia has shipped more than 710,000 tonnes of wheat to China since December after sending none for three straight months.
  • 05 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #248 04:36 AM, 05 Feb 2021
    UK: New carbon taxes: meat, cheese and gas heating prices to rise

    Consumers face higher prices on meat, cheese and gas heating under plans being drawn up by Boris Johnson for new carbon taxes and charges.

    The prime minister has ordered every department to produce a “price” for carbon emissions across all areas of the economy as part of a drive to achieve his net-zero carbon pledge. The proposals are at the centre of the carbon reduction blueprint that is expected to be announced in the run-up to Cop26, the United Nations’ climate change conference being hosted by Britain in Glasgow in November.

    #WarOnMeat #CarbonTax

    Ministers to end fossil fuel business support before COP26 climate summit
    The Scottish government will end its overseas business support for fossil fuel companies before the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow this year.Ivan McKee, the tr
  • iceagefarmer #249 08:57 PM, 05 Feb 2021
    Was a pleasure to speak with RFK Jr as he wrote an article on Bill Gates and technocratic control of food supply — a lot of information jammed in this piece to share!

    Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill
    Bill Gates has quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the United States. For a man obsessed with monopoly control, the opportunity to also dominate food production must seem irresistible.
  • 07 February 2021
  • 08 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #251 04:06 AM, 08 Feb 2021
    NYTimes runs “exposé” on Costco chickens: pushing the animal Ag is “dirty and dangerous” narrative:

    “Torture a single chicken in your backyard, and you risk arrest. Abuse tens of millions of them? Why, that’s agribusiness.
    It’s not that Costco chickens suffer more than Walmart or Safeway birds. All are part of an industrial agricultural system that, at the expense of animal well-being, has become extremely efficient at producing cheap protein.”

    Opinion | The Ugly Secrets Behind the Costco Chicken
    An investigator went under cover and brought back disturbing video from a farm growing those famous birds.
  • iceagefarmer #252 04:08 AM, 08 Feb 2021
    Apocalyptic mouse plague on the march across Australia in videos - Strange Sounds
    An apocalyptic mouse apocalypse is currently invading NSW, Qld, SA and Victoria in Australia, damaging crops and invading homes. Crazy videos.
  • iceagefarmer #253 04:08 AM, 08 Feb 2021
    Biblical locust plague in Somalia prompts officials to declare the state of emergency - Strange Sounds
    Biblical locust invasion in Somalia threatens to wipe out crop due for harvest from April and prompts officials to declare the state of emergency.
  • iceagefarmer #255 04:31 AM, 08 Feb 2021
    Beast from the East set to release extreme cold and snow over Europe next week
    "Looks like Europe will finally be experiencing more winter weather as we head into early February," writes Marko Korosec. "What weather models are hinting at lately is a severe cold outbreak setting up this weekend
  • iceagefarmer #256 04:53 AM, 08 Feb 2021

  • iceagefarmer #257 06:32 PM, 08 Feb 2021
    Analysis: Food price spikes see inflation rear its head in emerging markets
    For Cleanne Brito Machado, like millions of people in developing countries around the world, shopping for staple foods such as rice, beans, oil or potatoes now means making hard choices.
  • iceagefarmer #258 07:12 PM, 08 Feb 2021
    The #Permaculture Flower! and it continues out from here...
  • iceagefarmer #259 07:19 PM, 08 Feb 2021
    More quotes/passages within this thread.
  • iceagefarmer #260 09:18 PM, 08 Feb 2021
    Just wanted to read & share some permaculture given some of the day's news . . !
  • iceagefarmer #261 09:18 PM, 08 Feb 2021
    54MMT of corn disappears:

    FAO reviews China's corn stocks given their extreme imports -- drops forecast 54MMT from December:
  • iceagefarmer #262 09:39 PM, 08 Feb 2021
    Price controls cause shortages:

    Philippines sets price cap on pork, chicken:

    Philippines Caps Pork, Chicken Costs Amid Higher Prices
    Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has issued an order capping for 60 days pork prices in the capital that almost doubled from last year.
  • 09 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #263 12:09 AM, 09 Feb 2021
    "According to a press conference today: Hackers broke into a water treatment facility in Florida, gained access to a internal ICS platform, changed chemical levels, making the water unsafe to consume"

    Chris Bing
    According to a press conference today: Hackers broke into a water treatment facility in Florida, gained access to a internal ICS platform, changed chemical levels, making the water unsafe to consume https://t.co/pdReKQ6dxD
  • iceagefarmer #264 12:10 AM, 09 Feb 2021
    Hackers try to contaminate Florida town's water supply through computer breach
    Hackers broke into the computer system of a facility that treats water for about 15,000 people near Tampa, Florida and sought to add a dangerous level of additive to the water supply, the Pinellas County Sheriff said on Monday.
  • iceagefarmer #265 12:19 AM, 09 Feb 2021
    Stunning -- British Columbia moving to MANDATORY REGISTRATION of LIVESTOCK

    B.C. farmers and ranchers will be required to ID their livestock by end of 2021 - Smithers Interior News
    The program will allow the province to trace animals in times of danger and disease
  • iceagefarmer #266 04:15 AM, 09 Feb 2021
    $45 million in lost crops: Grocery prices could soar as Australian food supply shrinks
    Supermarket prices are tipped to increase as Australia's domestic food supply shrinks due to a shortage of agricultural workers on farms.
  • iceagefarmer #267 05:48 AM, 09 Feb 2021
    FDA proposes rule requiring extensive record-keeping requirements, including electronic spreadsheets, GPS coordinates of where the foods are grown, and the location, date and time that the food is harvested, cooled, packed, shipped, or used as an ingredient in another food.

    Leafy greens. Eggs. Herbs, tomatoes, seafood. These are considered high-risk and require the records.

    This is both: (1) hugely expensive to implement, which will force smaller producers out of business. And (2) sets the stage for the implementation of the Blockchain/AI supply chain that WEF has already been pushing for some time.

    They are laying it on thick ... and FAST.

    Proposed FDA rule threatens small farms & food businesses - The Weston A. Price Foundation
    🖨️ Print post The FDA is proposing a new rule that would apply to almost everyone involved in the food system, including farms, cottage food operators, co-ops, and […]
  • iceagefarmer #268 06:02 AM, 09 Feb 2021
    This Teenager Helped Launch Seed Libraries in Every State
    During the pandemic, Alicia Serratos has spent countless hours assembling kits containing organic vegetable, herb and flower seeds, envelopes and plant markers to help communities establish seed libraries. Seed libraries maintain stocks of seeds that the public can “check out” to plant in their gardens. Boxes stocked with packets of seeds are often housed in public libraries, but businesses and homeowners have also started creating mini libraries in an effort to boost food gardening and seed saving while promoting food access and security.  “Seed libraries are so important because they teach people where their food comes from,” Serratos says. “It’s
  • iceagefarmer #269 04:28 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    New bill allows state to ignore Joe Biden's executive orders
    Lawmakers in one state -- where consumers can sue Big Tech and a judge recently exempted religious physicians from doing Obamacare "sex change" operations -- are proposing a law allowing the state to ignore presidential executive orders if they don't meet constitutional muster.
  • iceagefarmer #270 04:28 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    Checks to farmers stopped
    Bob Bosold joins Hello Wisconsin with the latest agricultural headlines.
  • iceagefarmer #271 04:29 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    America's Favorite Salad Green May Soon Be In Short Supply
    Americans love their salad bowls, layered on a bed of lettuces and other leafy greens. Unfortunately, we may soon face a shortage of a ubiquitous, nutrition-packed salad ingredient: Spinach.
  • iceagefarmer #272 04:51 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    Corn hitting new highs — all eyes on today’s WASDE report from USDA...
  • iceagefarmer #273 06:23 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    "We exported 6.5% of our entire production last year to China. A few years ago that was 1%. The impact is huge"

    We are in the beginnings of a commodity super cycle, says Global AgriTrends CEO
    China is driving markets for beef, pork, poultry, corn, and soybeans, but its data is unreliable, says Brett Stuart.
  • iceagefarmer #274 06:34 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    Hundreds of thousands of mice have swarmed parts of rural Australia, including communities in New South Wales, central Queensland, Victoria, and South Australia.

    Rodents are barging into homes and creating a mess, several local news outlets report.

    The population boom is likely due to heavy rainfall that contributed to a good harvest, Steve Henry, an expert with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) told news.com.au. The mice are steadily multiplying during the summer months, and the trend is expected to continue through winter.

    Al Karanouh, mayor of a nearby town called Coonamble, says the mice pose significant sanitation risks, leaving droppings in homes and public spaces and creating a stench when they die.

    "It’s quite a hard problem getting rid of them all," Karanouh told News.com.au.

    While many farmers harvested before the infestation got out of hand, autumn crops are at risk as numbers continue to climb.
  • iceagefarmer #275 08:20 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    Thread on corporate food:

    🔎 'Corporate concentration in the US #food system makes food more expensive and less accessible for many Americans' 💵🌽🇺🇸 🗞️ Excellent new piece in the @ConversationUS by @hendricksonm & IPES-Food's own Phil Howard 👇🏾 Quick thread! 🧵/1 https://t.co/jmRSbgTqRE
  • iceagefarmer #277 10:29 PM, 09 Feb 2021
    Home Gardeners Are Driving Up Demand for Seeds, and Seed Companies Can’t Keep Up
    More and more people have turned to gardening during the pandemic, and seed companies are struggling to keep up with the increased demand.
  • 10 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #279 06:02 PM, 10 Feb 2021

    Step away from the omelette: Eating just half an egg a day increases your risk of DEATH by 7% - unless you ditch the yolks, researchers claim
    Chinese researchers who led the study believe high fat and cholesterol levels in eggs are to blame. They warned that people should use only the whites to lower the risk of dying.
  • iceagefarmer #280 06:02 PM, 10 Feb 2021
  • 11 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #281 12:51 AM, 11 Feb 2021
    'It all takes a toll': Farmers' mental health declines with no end in sight to worker shortage
    International travel restrictions are not only costing Queensland's horticulture industry millions, they are also impacting the mental health of fruit and vegetable growers, a new report has revealed.
  • iceagefarmer #282 05:33 AM, 11 Feb 2021
    War On Farms — suddenly your manure is classified as toxic industrial waste and must be disposed of expensively:

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Victoria recommendations that would see farm animal manure classified as industrial waste under changes to the state's environmental protection act.

    "Farmers have been utilising animal manure as a sustainable by-product of agriculture for decades," he said

    Manure from chicken and pig farms is a valuable fertiliser, especially in organic cropping systems, while deep-banding animal litter has shown huge promise in the state's south-west in lifting soil organic carbon levels.

    Manure as industrial waste call causes farmer dismay
    Farmers are rallying to fight a proposed change to Victoria's environmental laws that would see manure classed as industrial waste.
  • iceagefarmer #283 12:33 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Suddenly (!!) UN is warning of new mutation to Africa Swine Fever, which decimated China’s herds in 2019:

    Notably, they say this is due to illegal use of prototype vaccines:

    New variant of African swine fever raises biosecurity alert level
    Australia's chief vet says the new variant of the virus, that's wiped out 1 billion pigs worldwide, could have been established through the use of an illegal vaccine.
  • iceagefarmer #284 05:28 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Biden Admin considering domestic travel restrictions to show Florida who’s boss:

    Discussions in the administration over potential travel restrictions do not target a specific state but focus on how to prevent the spread of variants that appear to be surging in a few states including Florida and California

    “This is a war and we’re at battle with the virus. War is messy and unpredictable, and all options are on the table”
    White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida
    Outbreaks of the new variants have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, an official said.
  • iceagefarmer #285 07:46 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Shocking photo of 200 queuing for soup kitchen in snow emerges as temperatures in the UK drop to -22°C
    This shocking photo of more than 200 people queuing for a soup kitchen in snow has brought home the impact of the coldest nights in a decade
  • iceagefarmer #287 09:03 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    13% decline in Canada, 20% decline in US for dry beans:

    Dry beans may be casualty in acreage battle | The Western Producer
    Dan Sturt thinks Agriculture Canada's 2021 dry bean acreage estimate is about right. The government is forecasting that Canadian farmers will plant
  • iceagefarmer #288 09:43 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Want to see the future? Look to china:
  • iceagefarmer #289 09:43 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    A Shanghai fruit shop owner refused to allow his shop to be disinfected.

    The local government authorities decided the best response was to destroy the entire shop's inventory of fresh produce.

    Go Follow My New Account
    A Shanghai fruit shop owner refused to allow his shop to be disinfected. The local government authorities decided the best response was to destroy the entire shop's inventory of fresh produce. February 5, 2021 Zhaotong Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
  • iceagefarmer #290 09:44 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Mandatory coronavirus testing has begun in Hong Kong. Their strategy is to ambush neighborhoods without warning and force everyone inside to take a test.

    Unannounced mandatory testing continues in Hong Kong. Locals have coined these events 'ambush lockdowns'.

    The man is saying, "This area has been sealed off. Residents are required to take a test. Staff will come & knock on your door..."

    Things China Doesn't Want You To Know
    Unannounced mandatory testing continues in Hong Kong. Locals have coined these events 'ambush lockdowns'. The man is saying, "This area has been sealed off. Residents are required to take a test. Staff will come & knock on your door..." February 6, 2021 To Kwa Wan neighborhood https://t.co/ox9Zzya7d1
  • iceagefarmer #291 09:44 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Panic buying of food in Shannxi:

    People are hoarding food in the wake of the forced lockdowns all over China. In an attempt to keep food on the shelves, grocery stores have more than tripled the price of many food items. This has only amplified the chaos and panic in grocery stores.

    The panic-buying continues today. This is due to a combination of food shortages as a result of the record-breaking floods last summer and hoarding in case of forced mandatory lockdowns. The severity of the food shortage is not yet known.

    Things China Doesn't Want You To Know
    The panic-buying continues today. This is due to a combination of food shortages as a result of the record-breaking floods last summer and hoarding in case of forced mandatory lockdowns. The severity of the food shortage is not yet known. January 16, 2021 Weinan City, Shaanxi https://t.co/ecwSiMEWA2
  • iceagefarmer #292 09:48 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    We will remove your gas, and you will depend on the electrical grid, where we use smart meters to control your thermostat and ration power:

  • iceagefarmer #293 09:51 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Not kidding either — when it gets cold, we'll go ahead and cut your power:

    UK weather: Brits wake to freezing -4C temperatures and heavy snow before mercury set to rocket to 13C next week
    BRITS woke up to freezing -4C temperatures this morning as heavy snow blankets the nation. It comes before the mercury shoots back up to 13C in parts of the UK next week as the cold snap finally co…
  • iceagefarmer #294 10:59 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    The brainwashing is beyond anything we've ever seen.
  • iceagefarmer #295 10:59 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Medical scientism has everybody fooled and I mean everybody. (26 seconds)
  • iceagefarmer #296 10:59 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    What Is Up with USDA Revisions to Quarterly Stock Estimates for Corn?
    It is not unusual for revisions to USDA crop and livestock estimates to be newsworthy. A good example occurred in January, when the USDA lowered its estimate of the U.S. average corn yield by 3.8 bushels to 172 bushels per…
  • iceagefarmer #297 11:19 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    "Grocers to Set Targets for healthy food sold"

    Let's decode this phrase:

    - Targets for % of healthy food sold. Means:
    - Limits on % of "unhealthy" food sold. (Based on their entirely fraudulent Nutriscore where beef is unhealthy, and processed food is healthy). Means:
    - CONTROL of people's food purchases through prices/incentives/nudging/social engineering

    FTSE first as Tesco pressured to make healthy food pledge
    Investors filing the resolution argue that Tesco, as the market leader with 27% of Britain’s grocery market, plays a central role in shaping the nation’s diets.
  • iceagefarmer #298 11:20 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Please do share these posts in other channels/chats -- and with anyone who eats !

    Ice Age Farmer
    Official IAF Telegram: Unapologetically Pro-Human. IceAgeFarmer.com - Bitchute.com/iceagefarmer / Odysee.com/@iceagefarmer /Youtube.com/iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #299 11:40 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Ian Plimer appeared on Sky News: Earth's climate is 'cyclical' as new study claims an ICE AGE is coming


    Earth's climate is 'cyclical' as new study claims an ice age is coming
    Geologist and earth scientist Professor Ian Plimer says the “climate is cyclical” as a new study claims Earth is heading to an ice age. “We are getting towards the end of the warm period, the peak of the warmth was about 5,000 years ago and we are heading for the next inevitable ice age,” he told Sky News host Cory Bernardi. Professor Plimer says every occurrence of icebergs expanding and shrinking happened with “more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now”. “To use the word ‘unprecedented’ shows you have expunged history and geology from your knowledge.”
  • iceagefarmer #300 11:42 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    German Coal Plants Run At 100% Capacity, Struggle To Keep Lights On

    #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum

    Berlin On The Brink! Winter Blackouts Loom
    Coal Plants Run At 100% Capacity, Struggle To Keep Lights On Wintertime wind and solar energy “between 0 and 2 or 3 percent – that is de facto zero,” says German power distribution professor.  Berlin’s
  • iceagefarmer #301 11:59 PM, 11 Feb 2021
    Union seeks to SHUT DOWN meat packing plant after worker dies from COVID "complications"

    Union urges Red Deer meat packing plant to pause work after COVID-19 outbreak
    There have been mass infections at other meat-packing facilities in the province, including Cargill in High River and JBS Canada in Brooks
  • 12 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #302 12:07 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    Maybe a good time to pick up a blowtorch for de-icing your own eiffel tower:


  • iceagefarmer #303 12:08 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    Moscow enjoying the global warming:


    In Photos: Record-Breaking Cold Grips Moscow
    Gallery | Muscovites are living through the coldest February of the decade.
  • iceagefarmer #304 12:08 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    Cold in SUMMER is being blamed for mass deaths of Aus birds:

    "Mr Lullfitz added that the birds were unable to feed or regulate their body temperature during the cold conditions."


    Weekend cold snap blamed for mass deaths of a small native bird in WA
    Unseasonal cold temperatures are believed to have led to widespread deaths of tree martin birds across WA's South West region.
  • iceagefarmer #305 12:09 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    Stranded drivers freeze in Germany as snows hit
    Freezing drivers were stranded for hours in traffic jams in Germany as Europe was pummeled by the he
  • iceagefarmer #306 12:24 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    What the actual ...

    Subway sued for Tuna sandwiches with ... no tuna

    “In reality, the Products do not contain tuna nor have any ingredient that constitutes tuna,” claim plaintiffs Karen Dhanowa and Nilima Amin in court documents filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

    Dogra said the lab tests found that Subway tuna is actually “a mixture of various concoctions” that have been blended together to give them the appearance of tuna. He declined to specify what the lab tests purportedly found in the “mixture,” however.


    Lawsuit claims Subway’s tuna sandwiches ‘lack any trace of tuna’
    The lawsuit claims an independent lab found that “the ingredients were not tuna and not fish.”
  • iceagefarmer #307 03:18 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    That soybean crop that Brazil is just starting to harvest -- is already more than half sold off.

    Now we see why China was buying next season's soybeans from US. THEY ARE ALL GONE WORLDWIDE
  • iceagefarmer #308 03:56 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    No words..."The amount of tyranny you get, is the exact amount you put up with."

    Canada’s hotel quarantine: Lack of food, medical attention, only 15 minutes outside per day

    Feb 11: Travelers to Canada forced to stay in secretive 14-day quarantine hotels lack food and medical treatment while being allowed outside for only 15 minutes per day, which is less than the UN recommends for prisoners.

    Canada’s hotel quarantine: Lack of food, medical attention, only 15 minutes outside per day - LifeSite
    Actual prisoners should be treated to one hour outside per day, according to the UN.
  • iceagefarmer #309 07:57 AM, 12 Feb 2021
    Building the Beast System:

    The FDA is considering requiring GPS coordinates of every crop harvested, and data on when it was planted/harvested/chilled/packed/shipped. Not only would this put small farms OUT of business, it effectively requires robotic automation. British Columbia has mandated livestock registration for your safety "in this age of dangerous pandemics." The technocratic takeover of farming continues, and the stage is now set for the introduction of the blockchain/AI beast system. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.


    Building the Beast System: FDA wants GPS on crops - Spinich sends email - Cow registration mandates
    The FDA is considering requiring GPS coordinates of every crop harvested, and data on when it was planted/harvested/chilled/packed/shipped. Not only would this put small farms OUT of business, it effectively requires robotic automation. British Columbia has mandated livestock registration for your safety "in this age of dangerous pandemics." The technocratic takeover of farming continues, and the stage is now set for the introduction of the blockchain/AI beast system. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/02/12/building-the-beast-system-fda-wants-gps-on-crops-cow-registration-mandates/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #310 04:09 PM, 12 Feb 2021
    Will be LIVE at 9:30a PT with Urban Farmer Curtis Stone -- join us!

  • iceagefarmer #312 09:08 PM, 12 Feb 2021
    River Thames partially freezes over — just like historical records during the Maunder Minimum!

    #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling

    Part of River Thames freezes amid sub-zero temperatures
    Section of river at Teddington Lock, west London, transformed into an ice skating rink for local bird life
  • iceagefarmer #313 09:09 PM, 12 Feb 2021
    If you are new to the idea of solar cycles and the effects of Grand Solar Minimum, be sure to check out the history section of the IAF wiki:

  • iceagefarmer #314 09:54 PM, 12 Feb 2021
    Great interview with Monica Perez over at the Propaganda Report:


  • iceagefarmer #315 10:10 PM, 12 Feb 2021
    Remember to hop in the other IAF groups:

    https://t.me/iaf_garden - Gardening, Permaculture
    https://t.me/iaf_birds - Chickens, Ducks, Quail, ...

    and of course the guilded!

    Ice Age Farmer - Guilded
    Founded 07-06-2020 by Ice Age Farmer
  • iceagefarmer #316 11:32 PM, 12 Feb 2021
    Aleph Farms unveils ribeye steak produced using 3D bio-printing
    Aleph Farms claims the new technology will allow it to create any type of 'muscle-cut' steak and hopes to rapidly expand its product portfolio in the area.
  • 13 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #317 02:04 AM, 13 Feb 2021
    Scientist Suggests Eating Human Meat to Tackle Climate Change

    Friday night flashback via the chat room!

    Scientist suggests 'eating human meat' to tackle climate change
    A Swedish scientist has suggested eating human flesh to tackle climate change at a Stockholm summit, according to reports.
  • iceagefarmer #318 02:49 AM, 13 Feb 2021
    The recent severe weather in central Chile has directly impacted the fruit growing industry, bringing severe losses to peaches, grapes, and blueberries. According to the chairman of Fedefruta, “Unusual weather in Chile created another disaster, causing huge losses to the growers during the fruit harvest and export season.” The chairman stated that they are facing a loss of up to 50% in table grapes, which is one of the most seriously affected fruits in the fruit sector. The losses of peaches, blueberries, and other fruits are between 60%-100%.

    Chilean fruit production facing 50% losses
    The recent severe weather in central Chile has directly impacted the fruit growing industry, bringing severe losses to peaches, grapes, and blueberries. According to the chairman of…
  • iceagefarmer #319 02:52 AM, 13 Feb 2021
    Germany is currently under control of winter.

    Snow, ice and frost determine the situation in many regions.

    And that now also has an impact on the supply of goods to supermarkets and discounters, as a WELT survey of the largest retail chains and in the logistics industry in this country shows.

    In any case, Germany's leading food forwarding company Dachser reports severe restrictions and delays in transports in some areas, above all in central Germany, i.e. from North Rhine-Westphalia in the west to Thuringia and Saxony in the east.

    Several traders confirm the logistics problems.

    "The current weather situation is currently presenting us with challenges in some regions of our sales area," says Aldi Nord, for example.

    Survey at Aldi, Rewe, Lidl - does the cold endanger our food supply? | tellerreport.com
    Winter has large parts of Germany firmly under control. In some places, food deliveries to retailers had to be postponed. Real closed supermarkets due to the risk of collapse. WELT asked Aldi, Rewe, Lidl & Co. about security of supply.
  • iceagefarmer #320 09:10 AM, 13 Feb 2021
    Extended anchorage times have forced some ocean carriers to cancel multiple sailings this month. Not due to lack of cargo demand, but rather, due to lack of available ships to handle those services.
  • iceagefarmer #321 09:10 AM, 13 Feb 2021
    New video shows massive scope of California box-ship traffic jam
    Here’s a helicopter view courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard of container-ship armada off Los Angeles and Long Beach (WITH VIDEO).
  • iceagefarmer #322 08:33 PM, 13 Feb 2021
    Sweden is now REQUIRING REGISTRATION of ALL CHICKENS. "No matter how many. Even for personal use such as hobby chickens."

    First it was UK. Last week was BC, Canada (for cows). You can see this agenda is rolling out across the world, setting the stage for the realization of some future disease to deliver on their "Zoonotic threat" predictive programming, whereupon they will use these registrations to take out all animals and make you depend on the system's fake meat.

    #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #FoodWars #ZoonoticThreat

  • iceagefarmer #323 08:41 PM, 13 Feb 2021
    China pushing new theories of COVID origin, always around meat:


    Coronavirus: China’s Covid-19 origin theory includes pig heads and frozen fish
    China's health authorities have repeatedly said they are finding the Covid-19 virus on frozen food imports and have linked infections in the country to pig heads and seafood. While some researchers and health authorities have raised doubts about frozen food as a virus transmission route, Beijing has suspended imports of products and introduced checks, tests and disinfection of packaging and containers, creating delays that clog ports and irk...
  • iceagefarmer #324 08:42 PM, 13 Feb 2021
    WHO continues to push on the "Frozen meat spreads COVID" nonsense:

    Can COVID-19 Be Transmitted Through Frozen Food Shipments?
    The World Health Organization says scientists need to find out whether the coronavirus can be transmitted through frozen meat shipments — a theory the Chinese government has promoted heavily.
  • iceagefarmer #325 08:42 PM, 13 Feb 2021
    And those talking points are going out through MANY media outlets:

  • iceagefarmer #326 09:15 PM, 13 Feb 2021
    If you have Spanish speaking friends, send them this translated version of my THE GREATER FOOD TRANSFORMATION talk:

    (ESPANOL) Christian Westbrook: La Mayor Transformación Alimentaria:


    Thanks to The Greater Reset folks for making this happen!
    (ESPANOL) Christian Westbrook: La Mayor Transformación Alimentaria
    On Wednesday January 27, 2021, Christian Westbrook spoke at the inaugural The Greater Reset Activation! Christian spoke about the current attempt to transform the food supply and take away the people’s access to food. Christian presented solutions for overcoming this monumental task. Christian is a
  • 14 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #327 01:29 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    A new trial is to test how well the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine works in children.

    Some 300 volunteers will take part, with the first vaccinations in the trial taking place later in February.

    Researchers will assess whether the jab produces a strong immune response in children aged between six and 17.

    Covid: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to be tested on children
    A trial will assess whether the vaccine produces a strong immune response in six to 17-year-olds.
  • iceagefarmer #328 01:30 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    Even USDA is saying farmers are going to suffer financially:

    USDA Forecasts Dip in Net Farmer Income in 2021
    Last week, the USDA released a forecast that predicts net farm income will decrease by almost $10 billion in 2021. The USDA forecast includes various broad-based income predictions as well as specific predictions by category of the industry. At its core, the forecast predicts a decrease in net farm income by 8.1 percent; that’s equivalent to $9.8 billion. Net farm income is a metric that includes all sources of farm revenue, including payments from the government, and those were...extremely high, in 2020, for a variety of reasons. Owing to issues including, but not limited to, a global pandemic, a lack
  • iceagefarmer #329 01:32 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    The Irish sea turned to ice and the Thames froze over for the first time in 60 years after temperatures in Britain plunged to record lows


    It's so cold the SEA has frozen! Waves turn to ice in Cumbria and the Thames at Teddington freezes over for the first time in 60 years as temperatures plunge to record lows in England
    Gales of up to 50mph are predicted to combine with blizzards of snow today to provide a freezing start to the weekend across the UK
  • iceagefarmer #330 01:33 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    'Snow apocalypse' blankets frozen Moscow

    #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum

    'Snow apocalypse' blankets frozen Moscow
    Heavy snowfalls have buried Moscow in massive snow piles, disrupting transport, delaying flights and making it tough to get around for pedestrians braving strong winds and temperatures of minus 15 Celsius (5 Fahrenheit).
  • iceagefarmer #331 01:36 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    “We haven’t seen this kind of dryness since 2012, and it was very widespread. Ninety-nine percent of the state of Iowa was in a drought classification at one point or another during the last year.”

    That should grab the attention of farmers across the country being that Iowa is the top corn producer in the U.S.

  • iceagefarmer #332 01:37 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    #AfricanSwineFever hits Hong Kong

  • iceagefarmer #333 01:38 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    “We expect about 25 percent inflation in the feed cost arena for beef, pork and chicken producers,” he says. “That’s the highest amount of inflation in over a decade.”

    CoBank Lead Animal Protein Economist Will Sawyer says rising feed costs are challenging livestock producers in the first quarter of the new year.

  • iceagefarmer #334 01:43 AM, 14 Feb 2021
    Natural gas Infrastructure is freezing up due to frigid temperatures

    “frigid temperatures caused equipment failures, temporarily shutdowns and flaring in at least four nat gas processing plants ...
    • Targa Resources’ Benedum Gas Plant in Upton County affected for 7 hours overnight, co. said in a filing
    • Occidental Petroleum’s Bennett Ranch Unit RCF Facility in Yoakum County, which is used for EOR, was affected for 9 hours Thursday: filing
    • DCP Midstream’s Goldsmith Gas Plant in Ector County affected for 1 hour Thursday: filing
    • Occidental’s nearby gas plant, another EOR facility, was affected by DCP Midstream incident: filing

    ... we hit the proverbial offerless market where any natgas that was available would be purchased at virtually any price, which is why midcontinent prices such as the Oneok OGT nat gas spot exploded from $3.46 one week ago, to $9 on Wednesday, $60.28 on Thursday and an insane $377.13 on Friday, up 32,000% in a few days. This is one of those places where having a limit up circuit breaker could actually be useful, even though there simply is nowhere near enough product to satisfy demand at any price hence the explosive move.

    #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum

    "Power Bills To The Moon": Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode
    If anyone has a little extra nat gas in storage, this is the time to sell it and buy a private island.
  • iceagefarmer #335 05:59 PM, 14 Feb 2021
    Warnings of brown outs in TX. Just like the warnings in UK and Germany.

    How is it that suddenly power grids around the world are simultaneously unable to keep up service? Is it a demonstration — a deliberate erosion of confidence in the systems that people have grown to trust and depend on?


    Energy Trader: We've Officially Hit "Holy S*it Levels"
    "If I was a betting man, I'd say folks are going to go out of business..."
  • iceagefarmer #336 07:56 PM, 14 Feb 2021
    The new Biden administration is pushing U.S. grocers to once again offer their employees pandemic pay — an effort Canadian labour advocates say is needed from governments in Canada as well.

    The move comes as part of the new U.S. president’s $1.9-trillion COVID-19 recovery plan calling on the CEOs of grocery and retail to implement “generous” and retroactive hazard pay to compensate workers for the risks they’ve taken since the pandemic started.

    Grocers in both countries offered a pay bump when the pandemic hit last March as employees scrambled to keep shelves stocked amidst widespread panic-buying. By late spring, however, those bonuses were phased out and haven’t been reinstated despite surging COVID-19 numbers across both countries.

    Feds stay quiet as Biden calls on U.S. grocers to offer pandemic pay
    The new Biden administration is pushing U.S. grocers to once again offer their employees pandemic pay — an effort Canadian labour advocates say is needed from governments in Canada as well.
  • iceagefarmer #337 07:56 PM, 14 Feb 2021
    Remember how US grocery stores were preparing to adminster the vaccine?

    How grocery stores, retail pharmacies are prepping for COVID-19 vaccine distribution
    Retail pharmacies and supermarkets are buying freezers, training staff and hiring more employees in preparation to administer COVID-19 vaccines when one is authorized, The Wall Street Journal reports. 
  • iceagefarmer #338 07:57 PM, 14 Feb 2021
    Here it is: NO VAX, NO FOOD.

    'Vaccine passports' COULD be needed to get into pubs or supermarkets in the UK despite the government insisting they will only be used for foreign travel

    You may be free to use curbside ordering from the big multinational companies...for now...

    Dominic Raab says 'vaccine passports' COULD be needed to get into pubs or supermarkets in the UK despite the government insisting they will only be used for foreign travel
    Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab contradicted a series of other government statements as he said the idea was 'under consideration'.
  • 15 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #339 08:21 AM, 15 Feb 2021
    UK's Dominic Raab turned heads this morning, suggesting supermarkets "could" require Vaccine Passports in the near future. Drastic changes to retail are coming soon as consumers' access to food is limited, selection shrinks, and prices rise. How far will we allow these agendas to go before finally stopping them?

    No Vax, No Food? UK Supermarkets may Require Vax Passport
    UK's Dominic Raab turned heads this morning, suggesting supermarkets "could" require Vaccine Passports in the near future. Drastic changes to retail are coming soon as consumers' access to food is limited, selection shrinks, and prices rise. How far will we allow these agendas to go before finally stopping them? FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/02/15/no-vax-no-food-uk-supermarkets-may-require-vax-passport/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9259043/Dominic-Raab-says-vaccine-passports-used-inside-UK.html
  • iceagefarmer #340 04:51 PM, 15 Feb 2021
    Tourist spots urged to build replicas of most popular attractions to limit crowds by Swiss acedemic.
    Countries should build replicas of their most famous tourist hotspots to cut down on overcrowding at the originals, according to a leading Swiss academic. Swiss academic @BrunoSFrey on @NTBreakfast https://t.co/Sg4drRXnQb
  • iceagefarmer #341 06:43 PM, 15 Feb 2021
    Infrastructure failing, millions of Texans freezing as the establishment still beats the "Global Warming" drum:

    Just wait until people get their power bills ...


    Texas Deploys National Guard As 'Grid Chaos' Leaves Millions Freezing In Darkness
    ...3.368 million customers are without power... with temperatures near zero.    
  • iceagefarmer #342 09:00 PM, 15 Feb 2021
    Bill Gates: "Rich nations should shift to synthetic food"

    Says the man who is invested in fake meat.

    Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef
    We spoke to the Microsoft cofounder about his new book, the limits of his optimism, the tech breakthroughs and energy policies we need—and how his thinking on climate change has evolved. 
  • 16 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #343 04:26 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    Did we just lose half the winter wheat crop?

    Estimated 45% of the US #wheat crop damaged in this polar vortex.

    #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
  • iceagefarmer #344 05:05 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    WARNING: Youtube has started issuing "Medical Misinformation" strikes to the Ice Age Farmer channel.

    This video was about the 'social vaccine' that was openly described:


    PLEASE follow directly via IceAgeFarmer.com , or on odysee.com/@iceagefarmer / bitchute.com/iceagefarmer ,

    or here on telegram: https://t.me/iceagefarmer
  • iceagefarmer #345 05:06 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    Here is the video:
    'Syndemic' COVID-20 needs 'Social Vaccine' as global food shortage begins
    As countries are furiously stocking food in anticipation of global food shortages, 'experts' are now calling COVID-19 a Syndemic "COVID-20," requiring a 'social vaccine' comprising Universal Basic Income & nutrition, free education, huge dietary cha…
  • iceagefarmer #346 06:26 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    The UK is ready to throw you in jail for selling food, and issuing warnings about food being dirty and dangerous! This complements the news yesterday about potentially requiring proof of COVID vaccination just to enter a grocery stores. Access to food is rapidly being restricted, and you must start to grow and save your own food immediately.

    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/02/16/uk-2-years-prison-for-selling-food-no-vax-no-food-part-2/

    UK: 2 Years Prison for Selling Food – No Vax, No Food (part 2)
    The UK is ready to throw you in jail for selling food, and issuing warnings about food being dirty and dangerous! This complements the news yesterday about potentially requiring proof of COVID vacc…
  • iceagefarmer #347 06:27 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    45% of the US Winter Wheat crop is estimated to have been damaged as the polar vortex (also known as meridional jetstream flows associated with Grand Solar Minima) brings Texas' power grid down.

    #iafvideo #wheat

    Texas Goes Dark - 45% US Wheat Damaged - Grand Solar Minimum
    45% of the US Winter Wheat crop is estimated to have been damaged as the polar vortex (also known as meridional jetstream flows associated with Grand Solar M...
  • iceagefarmer #348 07:38 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    More than 3.8 million homes without power as unprecedented winter storm hits Texas
    More than 3.8 million homes are experiencing power outages across the U.S. state of Texas and another 118 000 across Louisiana, 58 000 in Mississippi, and 163 000 in Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia…
  • iceagefarmer #349 08:04 AM, 16 Feb 2021
    Covid Almost Caused a Meat Crisis
    America’s food supply chains came close to the breaking point last April. It shouldn’t happen again.
  • iceagefarmer #350 05:01 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    FACT: 86% of the global livestock feed intake consists of feed materials that are not human edible. Producing 1 kg of boneless meat requires 2.8 kg human-edible feed in ruminant systems and 3.2 kg in monogastric systems (@Anne_Mottet; Mottet et al., 2017).
  • iceagefarmer #351 05:36 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    'All rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef': Bill Gates
    Microsoft co-founder and Gates Foundation co-chair Bill Gates said plant-based protein makers Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are "totally competitive."
  • iceagefarmer #352 06:14 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    This was a FANTASTIC conversation with Curtis Stone (Urban Farmer), nearly 2 hours of thorough, wide-ranging, eye-opening discussion of the future of food and farming. Check it out if you missed it live — this is a must watch!

    Also BITCHUTE EXCLUSIVE — make sure to subscribe there and get off youtube!


    Subscribe to Curtis's bitchute channel here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UycAtU8ltPCO/

    Christian Westbrook with Urban Farmer Curtis Stone: Tough Talk on Farming & the Future of Food
    Christian Westbrook of Ice Age Farmer joins Urban Farmer Curtis Stone for a wide-ranging, eye-opening conversation about food, farms, and the future. Subscribe to Curtis Stone on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UycAtU8ltPCO/
  • iceagefarmer #353 08:37 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    I have appealed the strike on the syndemic video, let's see if they reply. (Twitter never bothered replying to my appeal there...)

    This is NOT a video about medical information in any way, so your "medical misinformation" strike is not appropriate.

    I want to be clear that the "COVID-20" mentioned in this video is a METAPHOR used by experts to describe a "syndemic" of socioeconomic factors that have contributed to the pandemic.

    Please remove the strike. Alternatively, I welcome a chance to visit about why this strike is not appropriate. With over 200,000 subscribers, I take this very seriously, and look forward to resolving this.


    Christian Westbrook
    Ice Age Farmer
  • iceagefarmer #354 08:40 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    Yes, it's exactly like that, Scott . . .

  • iceagefarmer #355 08:53 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    THE WOKE FAMINE: Boycotting Food to "Save the Planet"

    The Guardian is pushing a boycott of JBS, which would cut out 20% of the US meat supply overnight. Given their funding from the Gates Foundation, who seeks to end animal agriculture altogether, this is unsurprising! Christian breaks down this latest propaganda hit piece in the bid to engineer a WOKE FAMINE and push us all on fake, lab-grown meat and a food system controlled by billionaires.


    THE WOKE FAMINE: Boycotting Food to "Save the Planet"
    The Guardian is pushing a boycott of JBS, which would cut out 20% of the US meat supply overnight. Given their funding from the Gates Foundation, who seeks t...
  • iceagefarmer #356 11:03 PM, 16 Feb 2021
    Situation going from bad to worse in Texas:

    Texas Agriculture Commissioner issues red alert over food supply chain
    Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller issued a dire warning Tuesday about the statewide impact of the winter storm on agriculture.
  • 17 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #357 02:49 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    Internal government emails reveal Monsanto owner Bayer AG and industry lobbyist CropLife America have been working closely with US officials to pressure Mexico into abandoning its intended ban on glyphosate, a pesticide linked to cancer that is the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkillers. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/16/revealed-monsanto-mexico-us-glyphosate-ban
    Revealed: Monsanto owner and US officials pressured Mexico to drop glyphosate ban
    Internal government emails show actions similar to those by Bayer and lobbyists to kill a proposed ban in Thailand in 2019
  • iceagefarmer #358 04:29 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    The propane shortage is now really hitting home.

    LPG Market Faces Global Shortage
    The cold snap that's pushed LNG prices to record highs is also roiling LPG.
  • iceagefarmer #359 04:29 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    "This isn't just an inconvenience. This is a serious problem. And when you're talking about what people use for heating in a Canadian winter, that's a public health and safety issue."

    Shutdown of CN Rail lines leads to propane shortages in the Maritimes
    Businesses and homes across Atlantic Canada are days away from running out of propane as a result of anti-pipeline protests that have cut off rail links across Canada.
  • iceagefarmer #360 04:51 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    "Sir, Texas is colder than ever on record."
    "Call it global warming."
    "But sir, that doesn't make sense!"
    "JUST DO IT"

    Texas blackouts show the power grid isn't ready for climate change
    Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and more severe as the planet heats up.
  • iceagefarmer #361 05:47 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    Oil, gas prices jump as deep freeze paralyzes Texas
    Oil and gas prices continued to climb Tuesday as frigid wintry weather choked off wells and refineries and shut in natural gas production in Texas and Oklahoma and left millions of people without power.
  • iceagefarmer #362 06:49 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    More details on the Biden tax plan I've been describing as the "end of Americana" - no inheritance of farms:

    In this video, I outline the fatal effects newly proposed tax plans could have on generational farming. I want to express that these policies have NOT been implemented yet, but have been proposed. Please share, and let your elected officials know you oppose the removal of the stepped-up basis, and the taxing of unrealized appreciation. Find them here: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials Lonesome Lands: https://www.lonesomelands.com/new-blog/2021/1/24/americas-family-owned-farms-now-face-the-greatest-threat-to-their-existance Drover House: https://www.droverhouse.com/ Biden’s Tax Increase On Death That No One Is Talking About: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2020/11/02/bidens-tax-increase-on-death-that-no-one-is-talking-about/?sh=c6951c5376f5 What A Biden Win Means For Tax Policy: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/taxes/biden-tax-policy-step-up-in-basis/ A Look at Biden's Tax Proposals: https://www.calt.iastate.edu/blogpost/look-bidens-tax-proposals https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUsO5cDVunEIXIxpW8AECwQ…
  • iceagefarmer #363 07:10 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    Food supply spontaneously combusing. SO glad the 21,000 chickens had not yet arrived.


    2-alarm inferno consumes empty chicken house in Bethel
    Officials have not said whether there were any chickens inside, but emergency radio reports indicate it was empty.
  • iceagefarmer #364 07:11 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    RED ALERT: Food Supply Chain Shutting Down as Blackouts Spread - Grand Solar Minimum

    Texas' Ag Commissioner has issued a RED ALERT as the power grid is down and our food supply is grinding to a halt. Agriculture is not "critical infrastructure," and reports of blackouts tonight extend to ND, SD, NE -- livestock producers unable to provide water to their animals, and farmers unable to deliver to grain elevators that are shut down. Christian breaks down the latest on this developing situation.


    RED ALERT: Food Supply Chain Shutting Down as Blackouts Spread - Grand Solar Minimum
    Texas' Ag Commissioner has issued a RED ALERT as the power grid is down and our food supply is grinding to a halt. Agriculture is not "critical infrastructure," and reports of blackouts tonight extend to ND, SD, NE -- livestock producers unable to provide water to their animals, and farmers unable to deliver to grain elevators that are shut down. Welcome to the Grand Solar Minimum. Christian breaks down the latest on this developing situation. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/02/17/red-alert-food-supply-chain-shutting-down-as-blackouts-spread-grand-solar-minimum/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Lbry.tv: https://lbry.tv/@iceagefarmer TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer - other methods/PO box: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: (see FULL SHOW NOTES above!)
  • iceagefarmer #365 08:10 AM, 17 Feb 2021
    Portland metro is also suffering right now:

  • iceagefarmer #366 04:22 PM, 17 Feb 2021
    DEVELOPING: who would bomb a grocery store's headquarters?
  • iceagefarmer #367 04:22 PM, 17 Feb 2021
    JUST IN - Letter bomb explodes at Lidl's head offices in Germany. Casualties rushed to hospital, building evacuated. @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat
  • iceagefarmer #368 04:28 PM, 17 Feb 2021
    Texas growers see Valentine’s Day produce massacre

    Valentine’s night of 2021 will be remembered as the “Valentine’s Day massacre for the fruit and vegetable industry of south Texas,” Bret Erickson, senior vice president of business affairs for J&D Produce Inc., said the follow morning.

    Erickson added, “We are all stressed” by losses from the “unheard of” cold.

    #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling #CropLoss

    Texas growers see Valentine’s Day produce massacre | Produce News
    Valentine’s night of 2021 will be remembered as the “Valentine’s Day massacre for the fruit and vegetable industry of south Texas,” Bret Erickson, senior vice president of business affairs for J&D Produce Inc., said the follow morning. J&D, one of Texas’ largest fresh vegetable growers, has a large packing and shipping facility in Edinburg, TX, and grows thousands of acres of vegetables throughout the lower reaches of the Rio Grande Valley.
  • iceagefarmer #369 04:30 PM, 17 Feb 2021
    “Most everyone saw temps of 21 degrees for several hours,” Murden, who also is a grower, said. “We will no doubt lose some of the crop as we are seeing some ice buildup inside the fruit.” Murden said that when temperatures dip below 28 degrees and stay below that mark for five hours or longer, the fruit that is still on branches begins to freeze on the inside.

    And, usually, the weather is warm there. In fact, just as recently as Wednesday of last week, the high temperature in Mission reached 85 degrees, which is more than 10 degrees above average for this time of year. By Friday, though, the temperature had crashed to a high of just 43, with a low in the 30s. And it only went down from there, bottoming out with an overnight low of 22 degrees on Feb. 15 as Arctic air continued pushing southward.

    It wasn’t just the unseasonable cold that was causing problems for growers. The wind also foiled growers’ attempts to protect the fruit. “The wind was blowing so hard” on Sunday night, Murden said, that “most measures to warm trees up couldn’t work.”

    #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling

  • iceagefarmer #370 07:17 PM, 17 Feb 2021
    Brazilian Soybeans are now being protected by police escorts for security.

    These are some valuable beans.
  • 18 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #371 12:11 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    I mentioned Biden admin bumped the hazard pay for "grocery workers in those dangerous front lines of the pandemic." In response, Kroger starts closing stores.

    Kroger Closes More Grocery Stores Over "Hazard Pay" Laws
    "[G]rocery stores — even in a pandemic — operate on razor-thin profit margins in a very competitive landscape."
  • iceagefarmer #372 12:13 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    TX has banned EXPORT of NatGas — states starting to take protective measures:

  • iceagefarmer #373 12:14 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    So — is this the Dark Winter ?
  • iceagefarmer #374 12:25 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    Gates: Oops, you may now need a 3rd COVID vaccine because of these mutations.

    [ Because the "Oops, need to ship an update to your microsoft windows because we found a new virus." line worked so well ]

    Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says
    There's growing concern about the effectiveness of current vaccines against variants from Brazil and South Africa.
  • iceagefarmer #375 01:21 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    This is a really bad sign. Flow of Information is being locked down now.
  • iceagefarmer #378 04:56 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    Reports from OUTSIDE Texas that credit cards are not working...
  • iceagefarmer #379 05:03 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    Natural Gas Shortage Forces Feedyards to Reformulate Feed, Packing Plants Pause Production 
    While some in the cattle industry know the switch from flaked corn and wet distillers to feeding cracked corn was out of necessity, they fear there could be a huge increase in cost of gain.
  • iceagefarmer #380 05:03 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    Texas Livestock Industry Reels From Storm, Outages
    Herds are threatened by low temperatures and a lack of feed, while some milk processors have had to shut down amid power outages.
  • iceagefarmer #381 07:45 AM, 18 Feb 2021
    Lots of reports like this - but also note the #wheat crop destroyed. #GrandSolarMinimum #WeatherWarfare
  • iceagefarmer #382 05:37 PM, 18 Feb 2021
    North America Snow Cover Extent Almost Off the Charts, as Earth's Temperature Sinks Below 1979-2000 Average - Electroverse
    We are committing energy suicide -- a sacrifice rendering ourselves useless against the ever-worsening winters of the Grand Solar Minimum.
  • 19 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #384 02:06 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    “Now my family is not calling me crazy anymore...” - no milk, eggs, bread, meat, water... #TexasDark
  • iceagefarmer #385 02:06 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    “Only the strong survive...”
    he’s not wrong...

    Texas mayor resigns after telling residents "only the strong will survive"
    "No one owes you [or] your family anything; nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this!" said the former mayor.
  • iceagefarmer #386 02:09 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    USPS is still not shipping LIVE ANIMALS (including CHICKS) now until 2/26 — this delays many chick orders (and my tilapia for Aquaponics ;) )
  • iceagefarmer #388 05:59 AM, 19 Feb 2021

    Florida Man Uses Stimulus Check to Start Thriving Home Garden to Feed His Community
    When millions of people across the United States received their federal stimulus checks to help them cope with the devastating economic repercussions of the novel coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdown, most people spent their checks on basic necessities like food, rent, mortgage, utilities, and other basic necessities However, one man from East Tampa, Florida, decided […]
  • iceagefarmer #389 06:13 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    Texas Hospitals are experiencing a number of water-related problems. Some have no running water, others have low water pressure, and many are operating under boil-water mandates and dealing with burst pipes. 
    Two hospitals, 216-bed Houston Methodist West and 224-bed Houston Methodist Baytown, have operated without water since Feb. 16 and maintained operations by trucking in water and purchasing bottles from convenience stores.


    Texas hospitals endure storm draining power, water: 6 things to know Thursday
    Texas hospitals are experiencing several disasters at once from a winter storm that compromised the state's electricity and water supply and left at least 31 dead, including 16 Texans, as of Thursday morning.  
  • iceagefarmer #391 07:43 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    Note "the USDA has stopped providing commodity items" [FOOD]:

    Shortages at Food Banks - USDA Stops Providing Food
    via Santa Barbara News Channel IceAgeFarmer.com
  • iceagefarmer #392 08:15 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    I volunteer at Salvation Army food closet weekly. Our pantry is still fully stocked. The USDA Corona relief food box program has been renewed in my area and to my knowledge was to begin this week sometime. Even if USDA stops the program the local grocery stores have gleaning contracts with SA to allow for collection of baked goods,meat, produce, and products that are close expiration date. I figure when the supply becomes thin I will know its go time. So far no indication of decline in food supply to our patrons. BTW I am in the Boise Idaho area.
  • iceagefarmer #393 09:12 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    Parts of Texas running out of food as weather crisis disrupts supply chain
    The state’s week of weather hell started with a deadly 133-car pileup outside of Fort Worth. A winter storm unlike any Texas has ever seen quickly followed, ...
  • iceagefarmer #394 09:12 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    North Korea faces 1.3 million-ton food shortage, Seoul says
    Feb. 18 (UPI) -- North Korea is facing a food shortage of more than 1 million tons, and aid should be provided in a timely manner, the South's unification ministry said.
  • iceagefarmer #395 09:13 AM, 19 Feb 2021
    No pet food due to COVID?

    (WTNH) — Pet owners are currently dealing with a cat food shortage. Many stores, even online are having issues stocking canned cat food. Stores we spoke with say it’s COVID-19-related.

    When a cannery has a COVID case, they often have to close for an extended period of time. It’s affecting a lot of bigger brands, making certain varieties difficult to find.

    Linda Grinard, the owner of Sweet Pea Natural Pet Food in South Windsor said, “A lot of companies are doing their most popular brand or protein and so that’s been a challenge to keep everything balanced.”

    Grinard says dry food and the smaller brands of organic canned food have been less affected by this issue.

    Pet owners dealing with cat food shortage due to pandemic
    Pet owners are currently dealing with a cat food shortage. Many stores, even online are having issues stocking canned cat food. Stores we spoke with say it’s COVID-19-related.
  • iceagefarmer #396 04:01 PM, 19 Feb 2021
    Empty shelves in Arkansas — and effects on EVERY PART of the supply chain. "Anything like this that impedes the transportation network has ripple effects — we have drivers waiting to get load in, but they can't." Probably empty shelves until next week.

    Arkansas: Empty shelves in grocery stores after winter storm [THV11]
    Expect more empty shelves as we continue into the #GrandSolarMinimum. via THV11 IceAgeFarmer.com
  • iceagefarmer #397 04:44 PM, 19 Feb 2021
    Has Canada effectively banned farmworkers with Trudeau's latest travel ban?
  • iceagefarmer #398 05:29 PM, 19 Feb 2021
    Milk is fatal?
    Animals are dirty and dangerous narrative is getting ridiculous:


    'Concerning increase in fatalities' due to cow's milk allergy in children
    The numbers sampled were small but researchers say the increase is still worrying.
  • iceagefarmer #399 06:26 PM, 19 Feb 2021
    The storm has also offered a reason to institute food/supply rationing across many states.
  • iceagefarmer #400 06:49 PM, 19 Feb 2021
    An Oregon state lawmaker has proposed a bill to eliminate all “processed meats,” including beloved bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, from hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, and other places where people are stuck. This includes not only the patients and inmates but staff and visitors, too.

    The facilities “shall be” – by force of law – required to offer an entirely plant-based menu at the same time for residents, staff, visitors, and others.

    Cheese, milk, sour cream, eggs, and honey – honey – are not allowed on the menu, either. Pasta is made with eggs, so that’s out. Powdered eggs in that pancake mix are forbidden. Yesterday, macaroni and cheese was considered to be a vegetarian dish. If this passes, it will off the vegan menu – unless you can figure out how to make it with that cardboard cheese that doesn’t melt.

    Now They've Come for the Bacon and Eggs...
    An Oregon lawmaker has moved to eliminate all "processed meats," including bacon, sausage, hot dogs, from hospitals, prisons, nursing homes.
  • iceagefarmer #401 09:00 PM, 19 Feb 2021
    Google searches for :

    “When will grocery stores be restocked” up 1,200% :

    “Food bank registration “ 450%

  • 20 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #402 09:27 AM, 20 Feb 2021
    Southlake, TX - Grocery Stores Dumping Food and Bare Shelves

    02-19-2021 Southlake, TX - Grocery Stores Dumping Food and Shelves Left Bare
    ***NOT FOR BROADCAST*** Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license. brett@livestormsnow.com Grocery stores around the Dallas / Fort Worth metro, including this one in the suburb of Southlake, were forced to dump large amounts of food after days without power. Most shelves remain bare while carts and pallets of food are stacked await disposal. Outside dumpsters are overflowing with milk and juice containers after they were all dumped. #TXWX #NAMWinterStorm2021 #LSM #ice
  • iceagefarmer #405 04:39 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
  • iceagefarmer #406 04:42 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    H-E-B has implemented statewide product limits on a number of essential grocery items, according to a press release issued Thursday.

    “The unprecedented weather event in Texas has caused severe disruption in the food supply chain. Like many other Texans are experiencing, this disruption is complicated by power and water outages. For H-E-B, this means temporary impacts to manufacturing, warehousing, store operations, and the daily lives of our partners and their families,”

    Grocery store closures, product limits Friday
    Killeen area residents planning a trip to the store Friday will find some grocery stores closed and others rationing supplies in the aftermath of Winter Storm Uri.
  • iceagefarmer #407 04:43 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    In the aftermath -- "supply chain disrupted" and "everyone now racing to stockpile" -- for how long do you see food rationing lasting? (Do you think the timing is interesting given livestock feed & food shortages have started?)
  • iceagefarmer #408 08:30 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    I may smell a news blitz coming on ...
  • iceagefarmer #410 08:30 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    Trucking difficulties...

    Truckers trapped in 19-mile long backup on I-40
    The latest in a long line of winter weather problems occurred near Little Rock Wednesday and involved in a miles-long backup that lasted for hours.
  • iceagefarmer #411 08:37 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    first case of the infection of humans with the A(H5N8) flu have already been sent to the World Health Organization.
  • iceagefarmer #412 08:37 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    First human cases of H5N8 bird flu: Novel bird flu has mutated in seven workers of a poultry farm in southern Russia: It's the first confirmed case of the infection of humans with the A(H5N8) bird flu virus worldwide. http://www.thebigwobble.org/2021/02/first-human-cases-of-h5n8-bird-flu.html
    First human cases of H5N8 bird flu: Novel bird flu has mutated in seven workers of a poultry farm in southern Russia: It's the first confirmed case of the infection of humans with the A(H5N8) bird flu virus worldwide.
    Novel bird flu has been detected in seven workers of a poultry farm in southern Russia, Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Con...
  • iceagefarmer #413 08:37 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    Look at these insane pictures and videos of Texas Big Freeze https://strangesounds.org/2021/02/insane-pictures-and-videos-of-texas-big-freeze.html
    Insane pictures and videos of Texas Big Freeze - Strange Sounds
    Look at these insane pictures and videos of Texas Big Freeze. From frozen pools to frozen bath tubs anf fish tanks... OMG!
  • iceagefarmer #414 08:39 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    Third paroxysm with very strong ash emission to 10 km (33 000 feet) a.s.l. at Etna volcano, Italy http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/adorraeli/tsEq/~3/dPNtNzxtR4k/
    Third paroxysm with very strong ash emission to 10 km (33 000 feet) a.s.l. at Etna volcano, Italy
    The third paroxysm in just several days started at Etna volcano early Friday morning (UTC), February 19, 2021. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red at 08:53 UTC. Lava fountaining was observed at summit craters with very strong ash emission and a...
  • iceagefarmer #415 10:33 PM, 20 Feb 2021
    Snow cover just a “wee bit” more than usual #GrandSolarMinimum
  • 21 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #416 07:40 AM, 21 Feb 2021
    Eighty all-time coldest daily high temperature records were tied or set from Feb. 14-16. That means it was colder than any day in December. Or January. Or for February. Or any other month. It was the coldest for any day in their history.
  • iceagefarmer #417 07:40 AM, 21 Feb 2021
    6,601 US cold records from Feb 7 to Feb16
    A full thirty percent of all U.S. reporting stations set record daily cold highs and 20% set record daily cold lows from Feb. 14-16, according to NOAA. From Feb. 7th to the 16th, 6,601 daily
  • iceagefarmer #418 07:52 AM, 21 Feb 2021
    Trains affected by cold? Yes!

    “The chill has also hampered rail movement because it makes air brakes less effective, said Steenhoek.

    “The result of that is that railroads have to shorten the length of their trains,” he said. “They maintain the same amount of locomotive power, but they have to remove freight cars from that unit.”

    Rail carriers, said Steenhoek, have told customers to expect seasonal delays because of the cold.
  • 22 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #420 04:48 AM, 22 Feb 2021
    Reports of Farmers Markets shut down because "public health hazard" ...
  • iceagefarmer #421 05:29 AM, 22 Feb 2021
    How Goat Poop Illuminates the Future of Biotechnology
    Like other herbivores, Elway, a San Clemente Island goat at the Santa Barbara Zoo, can extract energy-rich molecules from cellulose to fuel its activities. And he’s particularly good at it.  Goats have microbes that can effectively digest the woody, fibrous and inedible bits of plants and turn them into energy. Scientists have been hoping to learn how these barnyard animals are so effective at doing this in the hope that it can be used to transform plant wastes into energy.  It turns out that Elway’s poop holds some clues. By studying his feces, a group of researchers garnered insights into
  • iceagefarmer #422 05:30 AM, 22 Feb 2021
    'Incredibly powerful' paroxysm at Etna, lava fountains exceeding 1 000 m (3 300 feet) in height http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/adorraeli/tsEq/~3/VqSKcQGS22Y/
    'Incredibly powerful' paroxysm at Etna, lava fountains exceeding 1 000 m (3 300 feet) in height
    The fourth paroxysmal eruptive episode in just 4 days started at Etna's Southeast Crater on the evening of February 20, 2021, and continued into February 21. This was the strongest of the four episodes since February 16. The average magnitude of ...
  • iceagefarmer #423 05:31 AM, 22 Feb 2021
    Extreme monsoon rains submerge parts of capital Jakarta under 2.7 m (8.8 feet) of water, Indonesia http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/adorraeli/tsEq/~3/Ty8CY3tXghQ/
    Extreme monsoon rains submerge parts of capital Jakarta under 2.7 m (8.8 feet) of water, Indonesia
    Extreme monsoon rains brought massive flooding to the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Saturday, February 20, 2021, with parts of the city (population 30 million) under 1.2 to 2.7 m (3.9 - 8.8 feet) of water. The floods forced the evacuation of some 1 3...
  • iceagefarmer #424 05:35 AM, 22 Feb 2021
    Regenerative is the only way.
  • iceagefarmer #425 05:35 AM, 22 Feb 2021
    Corn belt farmland has lost a third of its carbon-rich soil
    More than one-third of the Corn Belt in the Midwest -- nearly 100 million acres -- has completely lost its carbon-rich topsoil, according to University of Massa
  • iceagefarmer #426 02:42 PM, 22 Feb 2021
    Diesel Shortages in Texas Force Officials to Take Emergency Actions to ‘Keep Truckers Moving’
    Austin, TX - A diesel shortage in Texas has prompted Governor Greg Abbott to take emergency actions to keep truckers on the road and delivering desperately needed su
  • iceagefarmer #427 08:49 PM, 22 Feb 2021
    I find it interesting that this is being discussed when there is a current de facto ban on live animal shipments “due to winter storm.”
  • iceagefarmer #428 08:49 PM, 22 Feb 2021
    A Ban on Mail Order Chicks?
    There are a lot of ways to look forward to a long winter’s end. For some people, it’s the arrival of tulips and daffodils. For others, it’s the song of nesting birds. But for many, there’s only one kind of spring fever they know—baby chick season. The United States Postal Service has been shipping chicks through the mail since 1918 and, until last summer, there’s only ever been a small contingent of people speaking out against it. Generally speaking, people either don’t know that hundreds of thousands of chicks are shipped every year to farms and individuals through the USPS
  • iceagefarmer #429 08:49 PM, 22 Feb 2021
    Poultry production DOWN 9% YoY
  • iceagefarmer #430 08:49 PM, 22 Feb 2021
  • iceagefarmer #431 08:51 PM, 22 Feb 2021
    Record flooding affects more than 100 000 people in Acre, northwestern Brazil http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/adorraeli/tsEq/~3/CK57g8b-FOA/
    Record flooding affects more than 100 000 people in Acre, northwestern Brazil
    More than 100 000 people have been affected by severe flooding in Acre, northwestern Brazil, after multiple rivers overflowed and reached record levels around Friday, February 19, 2021. Authorities have declared the situation an emergency, saying the...
  • 23 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #432 01:05 AM, 23 Feb 2021
    Is it Time to Outlaw Meat?
    sponsored by Goldman Sachs


    Is It Time to Outlaw Meat?
    Whether you are an out-and-proud carnivore, worried about the climate impact of your backyard BBQs or have planted your flag as a vegan, the future of meat matters to you, just as it does to the planet. In today’s Daily Dose, we look at what makes us love meat, how it might soon be a thing of the past and what lies ahead.
  • iceagefarmer #433 05:06 AM, 23 Feb 2021
    Kavita Ndolo
    My aunt's farm in Masii, Machakos. It's a pandemic. #locusts https://t.co/5jQTQ6viNb
  • iceagefarmer #434 07:04 AM, 23 Feb 2021
    Just as reported on from UK, states are now cracking down on home-grown and gone-cooked food. YOU MUST BUY FROM THE BEAST SYSTEM:


    Previous report: UK: 2 Years Prison for Selling Food - No Vax, No Food (part 2) https://youtu.be/zXLtQIW7O8s
    Selling homemade food? Utah may require permits and inspections
    Provo couple finds success in their home kitchen by cooking and selling food, but new requirements might be on the horizon.
  • iceagefarmer #435 07:31 AM, 23 Feb 2021
    Announcement: I will be on Coast-to-Coast AM tomorrow (Tues 2/23 10p PT) along with Marjory Wildcraft to blow the lid off the agenda to take control of food! I am unable to share this show myself, so if you want to hear George Noory in the headlights, be sure to tune in ;)
  • iceagefarmer #436 08:08 PM, 23 Feb 2021
    "Control food, and you control the people."
    - Henry Kissinger
  • iceagefarmer #437 08:23 PM, 23 Feb 2021
    Glad to see this French minister try to talk sense into the food tyrants in Lyons!

    ‘Stop putting ideology on our children’s plates,’ French minister says after major city removes meat from school lunches — RT World News
    French Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie has argued against injecting “ideology” into school lunches after the city of Lyon removed meat from the menus. Local officials said it would help them follow Covid-19 protocols.
  • iceagefarmer #438 09:51 PM, 23 Feb 2021
    500,000 Jobs At Risk As Instacart Mulls Robot-Driven Warehouses

    500,000 Jobs At Risk As Instacart Mulls Robot-Driven Warehouses - Activist Post
    If a future rollout of Instacart automation is seen, this will undoubtedly result in higher technological unemployment.
  • iceagefarmer #439 10:27 PM, 23 Feb 2021
    ICYMI: making the case that 'everything must change':

    Unless we change course, the US agricultural system could collapse | Tom Philpott
    Our food supply comes from an environmentally unsustainable system that is going to unravel
  • iceagefarmer #440 11:55 PM, 23 Feb 2021
    The Global Food Trade has been Upended by a Container Crisis:

    The Global Food Trade Has Been Upended by a Container Crisis
    Food is piling up in all the wrong places, thanks to carriers hauling empty shipping containers.
  • iceagefarmer #441 11:56 PM, 23 Feb 2021
    Why White House Must Call for Cutting U.S. Meat Production to Tackle Climate Crisis

    The Physicians Committee recently petitioned the White House to update its executive order titled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” to recommend policy changes that could help alleviate the climate crisis by cutting animal agriculture and promoting a plant-based diet. Susan Levin, MS, RD, CSSD, director of nutrition education for the Physicians Committee, answers questions about the petition.


    Why White House Must Call for Cutting U.S. Meat Production to Tackle Climate Crisis
    The Physicians Committee recently petitioned the White House to update its executive order titled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” to recommend policy changes that could help alleviate the climate crisis by cutting animal agriculture and promoting a plant-based diet. Susan Levin, MS, RD, CSSD, director of nutrition education for the Physicians Committee, answers questions about the petition.
  • 24 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #444 12:00 AM, 24 Feb 2021
    Gates on bitcoin: "It uses a lot of energy."

    Is that a hint of an attack on crypto in the guise of saving the climate crisis? Authorized digital dollars only?

  • iceagefarmer #445 01:23 AM, 24 Feb 2021
    Kroger Not Requiring Employees to Get COVID Vaccine but Will Give Them $100 to Take It

    Kroger Not Requiring Employees to Get COVID Vaccine but Will Give Them $100 to Take It - Activist Post
    Last month, Kroger announced that they wouldn’t require employees to be vaccinated.  This month, they’re offering them money to take it.
  • iceagefarmer #446 06:06 AM, 24 Feb 2021
    Live on Coast-to-Coast now! Calls in 2nd hour!
  • iceagefarmer #447 07:02 AM, 24 Feb 2021
    Taking calls with George Noory and Marjory Wildcraft on Coast to Coast! Meant to include the link:

    Listen here: http://kwro.com
    Home | 630 KWRO AM
  • iceagefarmer #448 06:55 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    Ukraine running out of soybeans.


  • iceagefarmer #449 06:56 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    Argentine soybean crop devastated by drought - many reports of this. Only time will tell the final numbers but given how tight supplies are worldwide, this is a bad sign.

  • iceagefarmer #450 08:55 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    Check the comments on this post - very difficult to find canning lids all over the country. Been hearing this for a year now, but with increasing scope:

  • iceagefarmer #451 09:10 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    Vertical farms (like Bezos-funded Plenty) “unow” feed the world—replacement agriculture.

    Vertical farms nailed tiny salads. Now they need to feed the world
    Vertical farming is finally growing up. But can it move from salad garnishes for the wealthy to sustainable produce for the masses?
  • iceagefarmer #452 09:13 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    So: There WAS no problem, but we had the media push a TON of FEAR, and we started chipping away at making seed sales illegal. Stunning!

    Packets of “mystery seeds” sent to thousands of people across the U.S. last year have prompted a federal agency to provide additional guidance for online seed sales.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture says it found no evidence someone was trying to harm agriculture when they sent the seeds last summer.

  • iceagefarmer #453 09:55 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    News highlighting how US hog industry is vulnerable to ASF (African Swine Fever) — particularly given risk on imported meat (meat is dirty and dangerous) ... AND contaminated feed:

    “Pork products from ASF-affected countries may introduce the virus to the United States, crippling the domestic pork industry and U.S. pork exports valued at $6.5 billion annually.”

    #WarOnMeat #ASF

    Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, contaminated meat from China imports soar - Breaking911
    China is affected with Several Contagious and Deadly Animal Diseases LOS ANGELES — In calendar year 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of shipments containing prohibited pork, chicken, beef and duck products arriving from China intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists in Los Angeles, nearly doubled compared […]
  • iceagefarmer #454 10:49 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    BBC continues: - Meat is so dangerous! Hunting is bad. Wild game poisoned. (Puts on THEY LIVE glasses) WE WANT TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR FOOD

    Most pheasants sold for food 'contain lead shot'
    Scientists say a pledge by shooting groups to phase out lead shot has had no detectable effect.
  • iceagefarmer #455 10:53 PM, 24 Feb 2021
    Senior management of Tyson, Pilgrims Pride indicted for poultry price fixing.

    More reasons to move to a situation where we are ALL growing food, not some cabal with central control!

    Ex-chicken industry executive with Wilkes ties among those indicted
    Six current and former chicken industry executives, including one with ties to Wilkes County, have been indicted in an ongoing federal investigation of price-fixing and bid-rigging.
  • 25 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #456 03:19 AM, 25 Feb 2021
    UK: Our food isn’t GMO enough!
    Citizens: but we don’t want
    UK: Bring out the CRISPR!
    Citizens: no, really

    England's sugar beet sector needs gene-editing - minister
    Gene-editing could play a key role in England's sugar beet sector, Britain's farming and environment minister George Eustice said on Tuesday, reiterating his support for easing regulations covering the technology. Eustice told the annual conference of the National Farmers Union that the sugar beet sector has faced major problems this year with virus yellows which is spread by aphids and can severely cut beet yields and decrease sugar content. Gene-editing aims to accelerate changes which might take place naturally, whereas genetic modification (GM) can involve the transfer of genetic material from one species to another which could not occur using conventional breeding techniques.
  • iceagefarmer #457 03:21 AM, 25 Feb 2021
    In the Name of Climate Change


    • ‘National consumption of beef and lamb drops by 50%, along with reduction in frozen ready meals and air freighted food imports’

    • ‘Beef and lamb phased out, along with all imports not transported by train, fertiliser use greatly reduced’

    Absolute Zero | Delivering the UKs climate change commitment with incremental changes to todays technology | 29 Nov 2019

  • iceagefarmer #458 03:24 AM, 25 Feb 2021
    Thanks for helping this group reach 10.5k ! If we each plant a tree today, a veritable food forest is created overnight!

    I’m up for it. Two cold hardy avocado trees going in tonight. Who’s with me in near future, and what are you planting?
  • iceagefarmer #459 03:29 AM, 25 Feb 2021
    WHOA - Biden/Harris admin launches 100 day review of critical supply chains including food.

    What are they about to do to our food supply!

    And don’t you find the timing interesting given feed and food shortages, container shipping challenges?

    Biden signs executive order aimed at securing critical US supply chains
    The order is part of an effort to secure domestic supply chains in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that highlighted vulnerabilities that currently exist.
  • iceagefarmer #460 06:58 AM, 25 Feb 2021
    Article: We’ve lost > 33% of our topsoil and farming is to blame! So stop growing food.

    [ Literally: “Farmers can grow grass and harvest hay, rather than corn.” ]

    Wrong NPR! Terrible rockefeller agriculture practices are to blame - and the answer is DECENTRALIZED & REGENERATIVE !

  • iceagefarmer #461 07:13 AM, 25 Feb 2021
    Earlier this week meat was speciesist. Now “Meat is sadism”

    “As biotechnology scrambles centuries of human assumptions and debate about the relationship between eating, pleasure, and ethics, it also raises the possibility that eating animals may soon boil down to sadism, in its classical definition: deriving pleasure from inflicting suffering when other options exist.

    The Sadism of Eating Real Meat Over Lab Meat
    The rise of cellular agriculture will force consumers to consider the moral consequences of torturing and killing animals for food.
  • iceagefarmer #462 09:17 PM, 25 Feb 2021
    Money continues to pour daily into replacement agriculture /“Innovative Food”:

    Singapore's Next Gen breaks plant-based seed round record at $10m
    Next Gen will use the funds to launch its first brand, plant-based chicken substitute TiNDLE, in Singapore and other Asian cities.
  • iceagefarmer #463 09:21 PM, 25 Feb 2021
    Oatly files for IPO

  • iceagefarmer #464 09:27 PM, 25 Feb 2021
    Texas farms hit hard

    After a week of freezing temperatures, vegetable and citrus farmers across the state are assessing the damage, with widespread losses expected.
    “It’s down, it’s beat, it’s withered, and it’s falling apart,” Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO of Texas International Produce Association told news organization Valley Central.

    “We had done everything right.”
    “We bought our supplies and seeds early as we anticipated COVID-induced scarcities, worked overtime prepping fields and planting, then spent countless hours preparing for the storm by covering, watering and mulching. We were as ready as you can be,” he said.

    Without much produce to sell at markets, many farmers won’t have income as they try to restart their crops. Some of them have community-supported agriculture programs, whose members paid for boxes that the farmers now won’t be able to fill.
    Farmers are left asking customers again to support them by buying their crops in the future.

    “What we really need is a whole new way of supporting local farmers,” Flynn said.

  • iceagefarmer #465 09:32 PM, 25 Feb 2021
    Texas citrus losses alone at $300M

  • iceagefarmer #466 09:34 PM, 25 Feb 2021
    Spain loses half its artichokes to cold temperatures:

    #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum

  • 26 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #467 03:59 AM, 26 Feb 2021
    Beyond signs with McDonald’s.

    Fake meat is taking over fast food! And soon the supermarket. Stunning how quickly...


    Beyond Meat Signs Supply Deals With McDonald’s, Yum
    Partnerships with fast-food giants are set to take meat alternatives further into the dining mainstream.
  • iceagefarmer #468 06:38 PM, 26 Feb 2021
    Monday is march 1. Spring is close! Are you set for your garden?
  • 27 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #469 03:15 AM, 27 Feb 2021
    THEY WANT TO CONTROL YOUR DIET — the bug propaganda is coming fast & furious:

    “Insects are now a regular part of his daily meals. He spoons cricket powder over his morning yogurt, sprinkles larvae over his salads like bacon bits, and fries up frozen crickets for supper. “

    They're Healthy. They're Sustainable. So Why Don't Humans Eat More Bugs?
    If human beings could learn to add insects to their dinner plate, it would help save the planet
  • iceagefarmer #470 09:09 PM, 27 Feb 2021
    As Lumber Prices Hit Record High, Homebuilders Urge Biden To Intervene
    "AGC believes the White House can play a constructive role in mitigating this growing threat to multifamily housing and other construction sectors by urging domestic lumber producers to ramp up production to ease growing shortages."
  • 28 February 2021
  • iceagefarmer #471 06:10 AM, 28 Feb 2021
    Contactless Restaurants

    I’ve focused on contactless grocery/retail, but major restaurant chains have ALSO been investing in automation, online ordering, and curbside pickup:

    “Contactless” is the new comfort for Restaurants
    Contactless dining is now a must-have for restaurants. Learn why offering contactless dining experiences allows restaurants to deliver comfort to customers in changing times.
  • iceagefarmer #472 05:52 PM, 28 Feb 2021
    New: Chicken plus! Our new product line that lets us sell you some mish mash of protein and make you think it's chicken (but, of course, it's not ... it's clearly labelled "chicken plus"!)