• 01 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2442 05:33 PM, 01 Jan 2022
    UAE bans unvaccinated from leaving the country.

    Unvaccinated UAE citizens will be banned from traveling abroad starting January 10, according to local media, citing the country’s crisis management agencies. Only the fully-vaxxed and boosted will be permitted to leave.

    Most countries have barred the unvaccinated from entering their countries, rather than prohibiting them from leaving.

    Country bans unvaccinated from leaving it
    Unvaccinated UAE citizens will be banned from traveling abroad starting January 10, according to local media, citing the country’s crisis management agencies. Only the fully-vaxxed and boosted will be permitted to leave.
  • 02 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2443 11:08 PM, 02 Jan 2022
    Farmers facing exploding input prices (and shortages).

    #FoodPrices #Inflation
  • 03 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2444 04:13 PM, 03 Jan 2022
    Prion diseases are arriving, as we spoke of last year:

    Bizarre neurological illness plagues young Canadians

    Dozens of young people with no preexisting conditions are developing symptoms of a new disease as activists and families suspect a cover-up on the part of the local government.

    A whistleblower with Vitalité Health Network in New Brunswick told The Guardian on Sunday that symptoms include hallucinations, difficulty thinking, limited mobility, insomnia, and rapid weight loss. Local government has reportedly struggled to dismiss the growing number of cases as Alzheimer’s or other neurological diseases uncommon outside the elderly.

    One of the more disturbing elements of the condition is how little is known regarding transmission. In at least nine cases, caretakers and others in close contact with sick individuals have developed similar symptoms to the ailing party, suggesting the illness not only spreads readily between unrelated individuals but that there may be environmental factors involved. Some have compared the illness to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a fatal brain disease caused by misshapen proteins called prions, though screening reportedly produced no confirmed CJD cases.

    The province has struggled to keep the cases under wraps – the case cluster only became public last year when a memo was leaked to the media, and the government has insisted the “cluster” itself is merely the result of “misdiagnoses” grouping unrelated illnesses together. Officials declared in October that eight fatal cases were due to “known and unrelated pathologies,” rather than a shared and unknown illness. An epidemiological report released in October supposedly ruled out any food, behavioral, or environmental exposure that could explain the problem.

    However, another public health scientist who sought to remain anonymous suggested the government was covering something up. “The fact that we have a younger spectrum of patients here argues very strongly against what appears to be the preferred position of the government of New Brunswick – that the cases in this cluster are being mistakenly lumped together.”

    Also salient, that last paragraph: “If a group of people wanted to breed conspiracy theorists, then our government has done a wonderful job at promoting it,” Beatty told The Guardian. “Are they just trying to create a narrative for the public that they hope we’ll absorb and walk away from? I just don’t understand it.”


    Bizarre neurological illness plagues young Canadians
    Dozens of young people with no preexisting conditions are developing symptoms of a new disease as activists and families suspect a cover-up on the part of the local government.
  • iceagefarmer #2445 04:14 PM, 03 Jan 2022
    New study: RNA injections and risk of Prion diseases:

    There is an old saying in medicine that “the cure may be worse than the disease.” The phrase can be applied to vaccines. In the current paper the concern is raised that the RNA based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19. This paper focuses on a novel potential adverse event mechanism causing prion disease which could be even more common and debilitating than the viral infection the vaccine is designed to prevent.


  • iceagefarmer #2446 04:20 PM, 03 Jan 2022
    GRAINS-Wheat and corn up over 20% in 2021, soybeans edge to third year of gains

    U.S. corn, wheat and soybean futures were set to post yearly gains, with strong demand and supply constraints in some key production areas of the globe underpinning the markets throughout 2021.

    Corn futures Sv1, which have jumped 23.4% this year, have paced the grain markets, supported by increased feed usage by livestock as well as a rebound in the ethanol sector as drivers returned to the roads due to easing COVID-19 restrictions. The corn market has risen for four years in a row.

    Wheat futures were up 20.6% for the year and were on track for their fifth straight yearly gain and their biggest since 2010. Crop problems in Australia and worries about export curbs in Russia have supported the wheat market throughout 2021.

    Soybean futures, which hit their highest level since 2012 in May, were up just 2.4% for the year, as a bumper harvest in the United States and good growing weather in Brazil have pressured prices during the fourth quarter.

    #Corn #soybeans #Wheat #FoodPrices

    GRAINS-Wheat and corn up over 20% in 2021, soybeans edge to third year of gains
    U.S. corn, wheat and soybean futures were set to post yearly gains, with strong demand and supply constraints in some key production areas of the globe underpinning the markets throughout 2021.
  • iceagefarmer #2447 04:21 PM, 03 Jan 2022
    Fertilizer Inflation Contributing to Higher Food Prices

    Food prices are expected to rise going into 2022, and one major contributing factor is the rising price of fertilizer. The American Farm Bureau Federation stated that all nutrients had risen dramatically in cost over the last year: ammonia has increased over 210%; liquid nitrogen has increased over 159%; urea is up 155%; MAP has increased 125%; DAP is up over 100%, and potash has risen above 134%. This does not include the growing cost of transportation.

    IAF: It is becoming economically infeasible to produce food…by design.

    #FoodsPrices #fertilizer #Inflation

    Fertilizer Inflation Contributing to Higher Food Prices | Armstrong Economics
    Food prices are expected to rise going into 2022, and one major contributing factor is the rising price of fertilizer. The American Farm Bureau Federation stated that all nutrients had risen dramatically in cost over the last year: ammonia has increased over 210%; liquid nitrogen has increased over 159%; urea is up 155%; MAP has
  • iceagefarmer #2448 09:24 PM, 03 Jan 2022
    Interview with Marjory Wildcraft is dropping now! Join the stream:

    Building Food Security through Community - Marjory Wildcraft

    As supply chain disruptions and fertilizer shortages disrupt the "mainstream" food supply, Marjory Wildcraft joins the Ice Age Farmer broadcast to discuss how and why YOU must work within your community to stand up a local, de-centralized, regenerative, abundant "alternative" food system. This is not just about growing food (although it does that better than industrial farming!), but is also a key method to thwart the technocrats' planned "Great Food Transformation" intended to render us wholly dependent on their lab-grown meat and insect protein. We discuss how to craft a project plan, how to build support within the community, finding land and setting up the space, and how to leverage volunteers. You CAN do this!

    FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/01/03/building-food-security-through-community-marjory-wildcraft/

    youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtnwReH24Ls
    bitchute: [ processing ]

    #iafvideo #FoodPrices #FoodShortages #Community #Solutions
    Building Food Security through Community - Marjory Wildcraft
    As supply chain disruptions and fertilizer shortages disrupt the "mainstream" food supply, Marjory Wildcraft joins the Ice Age Farmer broadcast to discuss how and why YOU must work within your community to stand up a local, de-centralized, regenerative, abundant "alternative" food system. This is not just about growing food (although it does that better than industrial farming!), but is also a key method to thwart the technocrats' planned "Great Food Transformation" intended to render us wholly dependent on their lab-grown meat and insect protein. We discuss how to craft a project plan, how to build support within the community, finding land and setting up the space, and how to leverage volunteers. You CAN do this! Register here for FREE webinar on growing your own food: https://iceagefarmer.com/grow Marjory's 1st interview on IAF: 3-part system to grow half your food in small space: https://iceagefarmer.com/marjory FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/01/03/building-food-security-through-community-marjory-wildcraft/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS: Register here for FREE webinar on growing your own food: https://iceagefarmer.com/grow Marjory's 1st interview on IAF: 3-part system to grow half your food in small space: https://iceagefarmer.com/marjory How to grow more vegetables than you ever thought possible (John Jeavons): https://amzn.to/3FNjxMO
  • 04 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2449 12:27 PM, 04 Jan 2022
    Meat industry warns food shortages imminent unless workers can access rapid antigen testing

    Australians are being warned there could be meat shortages within two weeks unless meat workers are being given priority rapid antigen testing.

    The meat industry says it’s now an emergency, with hundreds of workers forced into COVID isolation.

    In some supermarkets, meat shelves are completely bare, emptied by a perfect storm of holiday shortages and the COVID effect.

    The big grocery chains such as Woolworths and Coles say the stock is often there - the problem is getting it into stores, because COVID is causing high absentee rates among retail staff and distribution workers.

    “We do expect the supply chain issues will continue for at least 12 months,” Retailers Association’ spokesperson Fleur Brown told 7NEWS.

    “However, they are critical at the moment.

    Meat Industry Council CEO Patrick Hutchinson has called it an “emergency” situation right now. “We’re now seeing a large amount of meat workers who actually can’t get to work,” he said. “There’s hundreds and hundreds of staff up and down the eastern seaboard, certainly QLD, NSW and VIC who aren’t able to get to work at this stage.” He’s also calling for rapid COVID tests to keep meat workers on the job or risk meat shortages within two weeks.

    #WarOnMeat #Australia

    Meat shortages loom as hundreds of workers forced into COVID isolation
    The meat industry predicts “critical” shortages in Australia within two weeks.
  • iceagefarmer #2450 01:24 PM, 04 Jan 2022
    “Though the problems of our world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

    - Bill Mollison

  • iceagefarmer #2451 01:26 PM, 04 Jan 2022
    NEWS BREAK: German farmer arranges his sheep in the shape of a syringe for photo op. Says it was easy, just put out some bread crumbs.

    There’s something to be explored here about using FOOD to get sheep to line up for vaccines. But I think we’ll just leave it unsaid…

    Sheep, Goats Dip Into COVID Vaccine Debate With Giant Syringe Formation
    “Sheep are such likable animals — maybe they can get the message over better."
  • iceagefarmer #2452 01:32 PM, 04 Jan 2022
    Wastewater samples reveal record levels of Covid-19 across U.S.

    Who needs faulty PCR tests when we can just trust the government to use municipal sewage to check for C19? Perfect surveillance of everything that goes IN and comes OUT of your body is part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, after all… so cue the shortage of tests.

    If you missed my 2020 report on BioBots to monitor sewage, not just c19 but also for DIETS:

    "Wastewater is going to be a leading indicator for what's going on in a given community and what's to come," said a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center [IAF: naturally…] for Health Security.

    With at-home Covid-19 tests in high demand and their efficacy in question, health departments from California to Massachusetts are turning to sewage samples to get a better idea of how much the coronavirus is spreading through communities and what might be in store for health care systems.

    Experts say wastewater holds the key to better understanding the public health of cities and neighborhoods, especially in underserved areas that do not have equal access to care. [Nice woke appeal to the “disadvantaged”]

    #ir4 #IoT #IoB #5g

    Wastewater samples reveal record levels of coronavirus across U.S.
    "Wastewater is going to be a leading indicator for what's going on in a given community and what's to come," said a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
  • iceagefarmer #2453 01:36 PM, 04 Jan 2022
    USDA’s new rules for GMO foods have gone into effect — be aware that it is now bioengineered that indicates a GMO. They don’t even hide the fact that this is because people don’t want GMO:

    “This choice was in large measure because “GMO” had come to be perceived as pejorative.”

    You don’t say! We don’t want your CRISPR-modified fake food trash.


  • iceagefarmer #2454 02:07 PM, 04 Jan 2022
    How To Grow Lots Of Food In A Grid Down Situation Even If You Have No Experience, Are Older, And Out Of Shape

    If you enjoyed our interview, Marjory Wildcraft is hosting a FREE webinar this SATURDAY, including her take on:

    - Status of global food shortages
    - How long the crisis will last
    - How much space you need to grow food
    - Easiest, highest calorie foods you can produce
    - A complete plan for producing all the food you need
    - How to get started today (regardless of season)

    Check it out here: https://iceagefarmer.com/grow
    The safest, fastest way to produce food
    This is how anyone can start growing food right now, even if you have no experience at all
  • 05 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2455 12:49 PM, 05 Jan 2022
    Cotton production in Mexico plummets 33% due to seed shortage

    Cotton production in Mexico plummets 33% due to seed shortage
    Cotton production in Mexico has plummeted 33% from its all-time high in 2018-2019, to 1 million 201,000 bales (261,000 tons), noted the United States
  • iceagefarmer #2456 01:42 PM, 05 Jan 2022
    OPEN THREAD: What surprising lessons have you learned about preserving / storing food?

    Many people are JUST getting started — this thread is for sharing stories of what works well, or even what HASN’T worked, to help everyone with this critical undertaking.

    Vacuum sealing, freeze drying ($!), dehydrating, canning, salting, smoking, burying tubers, root cellars, fermenting/pickling, sun-drying …

    N.b. There is also a room dedicated to this topic in the IAF guilded server (like discord, but we were banned from there for too much truth!): https://iceagefarmer.com/guilded

    #FoodStorage #OpenThread
  • iceagefarmer #2457 02:28 PM, 05 Jan 2022
    Important to note the PORT is shut down as well — another wrench thrown into gears of global #shipping / #SupplyChain!

    As well as the insanity of not being able to buy food...


    Locked-down residents of Chinese city Xi'an struggle to secure food, turn to bartering

    Residents of the locked-down Chinese city of Xi'an are being forced to barter for food and essentials, while a second city has been put under restrictions following the discovery of just a handful of COVID-19 cases.

    Social media posts from residents of Xi'an, who have been confined indoors since December 23, show them swapping things like cigarettes and skincare products for food.

    People living in the epicentre of the outbreak are not allowed to go out at all, and must have goods delivered to them.

    "[We are] returning to primitive society," one person complained on Weibo. "I'm starving to death, there is no food, but my community won't let me go out, help me!" said another.

    A video that went viral on Chinese social media shows a man trading a Chinese cabbage, a carrot and a tomato for two packs of cigarettes. "The most reliable hard currency in Xi'an now is the cigarette," a Weibo user wrote.

    One resident offered a one-hour maths tutorial for three potatoes.

    "Five eggs for a piano lesson," another posted.


    'Five eggs for a piano lesson': Locked-down Chinese struggling to secure food turn to bartering
    Residents of the locked-down Chinese city of Xi'an are being forced to barter for food and essentials, while a second city has been put under restrictions following the discovery of just a handful of COVID cases.
  • iceagefarmer #2458 02:39 PM, 05 Jan 2022
    DIY Oxygen absorption packs can be made very cheaply !

    Step 1) buy a box of super fine steel wool (0000)or (00000)
    Step 2) buy regular salt
    Step3) get your gloves on (those steel wool slivers are a beatch)
    Step4) grind and rub the salt into the steel wool that is cut to about 2”-3”
    of course the larger the container the larger the steel wool and more salt
    Step5)place in a bag, I use second hand baggies leave the baggy open at one end,
    then I put that in an old holly sock
    Step 6) place on top your product and seal your pail,jar, etc.
    I have used this method for over 50 years and my grandmother used it for about 80 years.
    As the reaction of steel wool and salt takes place you will see the steel wool go rusty,
    have no fear it’s just absorbing the oxygen.
  • iceagefarmer #2459 03:26 PM, 05 Jan 2022
    Cole the Cornstar shares how his bill for fertilizer & seeds has exploded year-over-year — this is real, and farmers can NOT absorb these kinds of costs.

    This is part of the Great Food Transformation to destroy farming and ranching, and force people into dependency on the technocrats. Grow your own, with your own compost! Start now!

    #Fertilizer #FoodPrices #WarOnFarms #SupplyChain

    full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP9oP09wars
  • iceagefarmer #2460 10:14 PM, 05 Jan 2022
    Australian supermarket Coles starts rationing meat (purchase limits) as even asymptomatic workers not allowed to work!

    Supermarket giant Coles is introducing purchase limits on meat products across NSW, as staff shortages cause major issues in supply chains.

    Customers will be allowed to buy a maximum of two packets of mince, chicken breast, chicken thigh and sausages.

    Australian Meat Industry Council CEO Patrick Hutchinson said supply chains were being disrupted by workers getting sick at the same time, contributing to increasingly bare shelves in supermarkets and meat shortages.

    "We're seeing abattoirs and processing facilities on the eastern seaboard, either working at next-to-no staff or closed and that's now causing gaps in our supply chain," Mr Hutchinson said.
    "It's all food that's being affected here … farmers will be the ones who suffer."

    He said the crisis in the industry meant demand for meat on Australia Day may not be met.

    The Meat Industry Council called on the government to allow employees to ask asymptomatic close contacts to come back to work — the same isolation conditions as healthcare workers.

    #WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #AnimalAg #FoodShortages

    Purchase limits, transport services cut, meat shortage on Australia Day: COVID-driven staff shortages taking a toll
    Coles is introducing purchase limits on its meat products as all industries across NSW are hit with drastic staff shortages, amid a warning the situation will worsen as more people fall ill.
  • 06 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2461 08:11 AM, 06 Jan 2022
    KFC to launch plant-based fried chicken made with Beyond Meat nationwide

    KFC restaurants nationwide will add Beyond Meat’s plant-based chicken to its menus, starting Monday for a limited time.

    The launch comes after years of testing from the Yum Brands chain and Beyond Meat to create a meat substitute that mimicked the taste and texture of whole muscle chicken, like chicken breast, rather than the ground-up consistency of nuggets.

    Nearly a year ago, Beyond Meat announced a formal partnership with Yum to make exclusive plant-based substitutes for Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC. Chipotle Mexican Grill rolled out plant-based chorizo Monday at its restaurants nationwide. It also is targeting customers who are trying to eat less meat in 2022.

    [IAF: Now it’s clear why they rebranded as “KFC” — there is no more chicken!]

    #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #PostAnimalEconomy

    KFC to launch plant-based fried chicken made with Beyond Meat nationwide
    KFC restaurants nationwide will add Beyond Meat's plant-based chicken to their menus, starting Monday for a limited time.
  • iceagefarmer #2462 12:19 PM, 06 Jan 2022
    Dr. Frederic Leroy makes an interesting point about how “mass formation psychosis” is used with food: “meat-eaters” become a scapegoat (“the other”) for vegan/plant-based “save the world from global warming” cult members, just as the unv'd are scapegoated by the C19 true believers.

    "Contemporary agricultural and dietary narratives often – and increasingly so – represent plant-derived foods as mostly beneficial whereas animal source foods are depicted as mostly harmful. “

    Read more of his thoughts on crowd behaviour, scapegoating & mass psychosis in times of isolation, anxiety & technocracy:


    If you missed it, see this fantastic recent interview: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/05/26/dr-frederic-leroy-hostile-takeover-of-food-production-ice-age-farmer-broadcast/

    #WarOnMeat #MassPsychosis
  • iceagefarmer #2463 12:26 PM, 06 Jan 2022
    Whoa!! The IAF groups are expanding! Check out the new groups:

    * Beekeeping -> @IAF_Bees
    * Rabbits -> @IAF_Rabbits
    * Goats and medium livestock -> @IAF_Goats

    and these groups are still rocking!

    * Gardening, preserving, food prepping -> @iaf_garden (6,600 green thumbs who love talking gardens!)
    * Chickens, Quail, Ducks, etc -> @iaf_birds (3,400+ members who love talking about our birds!)

    (you will need to pass anti-spam measures to keep the groups free from spambots)

    And don't forget about the guilded group (like discord, but no censorship): https://iceagefarmer.com/guilded

    See you there and thanks for being a part of these awesome communities! :)
    Ice Age Farmer - Guilded
    Founded 07-06-2020 by Ice Age Farmer
  • iceagefarmer #2464 03:53 PM, 06 Jan 2022
    David the Good of the Survival Gardening channel will be joining me for a conversation about how to stand up off-grid food production for your family. Many people are seeing the light and asking me how to get started, and David has been answering that question for over a decade -- will be a fun chat!

    Q: What questions do you have that you’d like us to hit?

    Also: what other inspirational guests would you like to see on the Ice Age Farmer broadcast?
  • iceagefarmer #2465 04:03 PM, 06 Jan 2022
    World food prices hit 10-year high in 2021

    World food prices jumped 28% in 2021 to their highest level in a decade and hopes for a return to more stable market conditions this year are slim, the U.N.'s food agency said on Thursday.

    "While normally high prices are expected to give way to increased production, the high cost of inputs, ongoing global pandemic and ever more uncertain climatic conditions leave little room for optimism about a return to more stable market conditions even in 2022," FAO senior economist Abdolreza Abbassian said in a statement.

    Crop futures have seen volatile trading at the start of 2022, with oilseed markets stirred by drought in South America and floods in Malaysia.


    World food prices hit 10-year high in 2021
    World food prices jumped 28% in 2021 to their highest level in a decade and hopes for a return to more stable market conditions this year are slim, the U.N.'s food agency said on Thursday.
  • iceagefarmer #2466 04:09 PM, 06 Jan 2022
    You thought NFTs were just about digital art? Nope -- this is the beast system, tracking every coffee bean across the supply chain:

    Non-Fungible Tokens for the Supply Chain

    Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have the opportunity to completely disrupt the supply chain industry (in a good way) by simply and efficiently eliminating common pain points that result in massive disruptions. That’s in part because of their digital footprint and data tracking capabilities.

    Instead of long, extensive and complex paper trails that go along with transactional ownership and activity of a variety of items, NFTs create digital footprints or a “token ID” that attaches to that item throughout its lifespan. The uniqueness of each NFT is specifically defined by the information stored within the NFT’s metadata – pointing to valuable digital resources that are updated in real-time on the blockchain.

    For the supply chain, NFTs enable participants to access the same immutable record on the ledger reducing and potentially eliminating discrepancies in information flow between parties. That transparency and immutability traits of blockchain ensure the reliability and authenticity of the supply chain data. As such, NFTs can increase efficiencies and reduce costs incurred in the process of sourcing and acquiring goods and services a company needs. NFTs also produce an end-to-end view of a parts location, quantity and other useful information.

    Because NFTs create a digital identity to any item (from chips to car batteries), the item’s real-world metadata, such as its identity, current physical location, responsible party, possession, container temperature and other metrics, to be attached to it – garnering useful insights about its condition, location, etc. This data is automatically updated as conditions change (via time-stamping to the geolocation of a transported good), which presents an accurate and timely view of the physical object to all involved parties.

    Therefore, if a part in China is delayed, the manufacturer will know well in advance and have options to source from another location like India, keeping the supply chain working.

    Many organizations have already started using blockchain for tracing their product’s journey through the supply chain from point of origin to the customer.

    While the technology can be used to identify fake prescriptions, it also can be deployed as an extremely effective solution to pharmaceutical viability. That’s because when using this technology, customers have visibility into the conditions of each product on its supply chain journey, including storage locations, environmental factors (temperatures and humidity) and duration of storage. An NFT attached to a pharmaceutical product has the potential to protect consumers from some seriously bad medicine. [IAF: obvious applications to food supply here too]

    #SupplyChain #Blockchain #IoT

    Non-Fungible Tokens for the Supply Chain
    NFTs have the opportunity to completely disrupt the supply chain industry (in a good way) by simply and efficiently eliminating common pain points that result in massive disruptions.
  • 07 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2468 01:04 PM, 07 Jan 2022
    Israel: McDonald’s now completely refusing service to those without a green pass.

    Food is being used as a weapon to ensure compliance with the technocratic agenda.

    Access to everything, from social services to the mainstream food supply, is being restricted.

    We MUST be standing up our own food production for our community.

    [ Yes, McD’s isn’t food, but this is a bellweather… ]

    < telegram exclusive @iceagefarmer >
  • iceagefarmer #2469 01:30 PM, 07 Jan 2022
    UK: "Apocalyptic Bird Flu" Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds

    Zoonotic transmission of an "apocalyptic bird flu," H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans. However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic "patient zero" was tested "constantly" until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities need to justify the ongoing culling of tens of millions of birds and claim that YOU cannot be allowed to raise your own animals to feed your family. Meanwhile, Australian grocers are rationing meat as asymptomatic workers are kept from work, resulting in abattoirs shutting down in Australia. How long will this test fraud scamdemic be allowed to continue? Until we stop it.


    Youtube: https://youtu.be/99LO7V2IlIE
    Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xZllpp69tvz9/

    #WarOnMeat #SupplyChain #iafvideo
    UK: "Apocalyptic Bird Flu" Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds
    Zoonotic transmission of an "apocalyptic bird flu," H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans. However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic "patient zero" was tested "constantly" until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities need to justify the ongoing culling of tens of millions of birds and claim that YOU cannot be allowed to raise your own animals to feed your family. Meanwhile, Australian grocers are rationing meat as asymptomatic workers are kept from work, resulting in abattoirs shutting down in Australia. How long will this test fraud scamdemic be allowed to continue? Until we stop it. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/01/07/uk-apocalyptic-bird-flu-jumps-to-humans-as-authorities-cull-millions-of-birds/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • iceagefarmer #2471 02:29 PM, 07 Jan 2022
    Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic

    [IAF: keep your eye on this bird flu narrative — remember the predictive headlines we’ve seen in the past (“Apocalyptic Bird Flu May Wipe Out Half of Humanity”)? ... this could move quickly beyond merely a cover reason to cull millions of chickens …]

    Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.

    Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.

    The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal. Most strains or variants of avian flu, H5N1, are relatively difficult to transmit to people.

    #BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized

    Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic
    Hadas Kahaner/Israel Nature and Parks AuthorityIsrael’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The
  • 09 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2472 11:03 AM, 09 Jan 2022
    Climate Censorship accelerating: even Professor Dr. Roy Spencer, who produces the UAH temperature data set, has been targeted by Google:

    It's no accident that the increase in censorship on climate front is happening as the C19 narrative falls apart — they are pivoting to climate lockdowns and the zero-carbon agenda.

    #censorship #AbsoluteZero

  • iceagefarmer #2473 11:04 AM, 09 Jan 2022
    Aldi getting desperate in Australia

    Aldi Australia CEO just sent this to everyone on the Aldi mailing list, desperately trying to tell people to "rest assured, there isn’t a food shortage, just complications and delays associated with less employees", as Australians walk around empty shelves.

    Functionally it is the same thing - people can’t get food. It hasn't been sent to us, or processed and packaged, or stacked on the shelves, or picked and harvested, or fertalized due to ongoing Adblue shortages in Australia or...

    Meanwhile abbatoirs are shutting down due as asymptomatic workers are required to stay at home. Meat IS running short already.

    The shortest supply chain is the one that starts and ends right in your own home! Grow your own.

    #SupplyChain #Australia #WarOnMeat #FoodShortage
  • iceagefarmer #2474 11:06 AM, 09 Jan 2022
    Another “asymptomatic outbreak” is promising to shutdown yet another Aussie abbatoir.

    This is an unabashed and unmitigated war on ranchers, the meat industry, and fundamentally, your ability to feed your family.

    #Australia #WarOnMeat
  • iceagefarmer #2475 11:11 AM, 09 Jan 2022
    Australian media pushing the idea of C19 shots for your pups.

    Between this and the pope (next post), time to start a tag for #WarOnPets.

    Part of the #PostAnimalEconomy …

  • iceagefarmer #2476 11:14 AM, 09 Jan 2022
    Pope declares that pet owners are “selfish” for squandering resources instead of using them on children.

    The key point here is that it establishes we are somehow competing for limited resources with animals. Just like the media narrative about China using too many soybeans to feed their pigs.

    They are making animals into “the other” and villianizing them, following the classic genocide-justifying script.

    And this is a blatant part of the WEF-driven agenda to move to a #PostAnimalEconomy, and end #AnimalAg.


    Pope suggests pet owners without children are selfish
    The pontiff encouraged couples to “not be afraid” of parenthood.
  • iceagefarmer #2477 12:08 PM, 09 Jan 2022
    Russia: potato production comes in more than a half million ton short of expectations due to unfavorable weather (a 200,000 ton drop from 2020).

    According to the operational information of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, as of November 17, 2021, the potato harvest in the organized sector of the Russian Federation amounted to 6,6 million tons (against 6,8 million tons in 2020).

    The result turned out to be lower than planned (the department's experts expected that the country would receive at least 7,15 million tons of potatoes), the main reason for the shortage is unfavorable weather conditions. An emergency regime was introduced in 16 regions of Russia this year, which could not but affect the amount of harvest, the quality of potatoes, as well as the costs of production and the level of provision of certain territories with vegetables and potatoes.


  • iceagefarmer #2478 01:02 PM, 09 Jan 2022
    A few people wrote me, frustrated that they are unable to find a seed swap nearby.

    From where I sit, that’s great news… IT MEANS YOU CAN START ONE and EVERYONE be thrilled to join!

    It’s time to change your thinking guys. Get ACTIVE. Make it HAPPEN.

    - Seed swaps
    - Community gardens
    - Skillshares
    - “Help a farmer days" in exchange for fresh veg/eggs/whatever! (Almost every farmer would love the help these days -- valuable relationships!)

    What other creative ideas to encourage community food systems do you have?

    Don’t let your goals fall short of your reach… (L. Cohen)

  • iceagefarmer #2479 10:11 PM, 09 Jan 2022
    Food shortage narrative hitting US:

    Omicron’s Spread Means More Food Outages at U.S. Grocery Stores
    From farm to fork, every aspect of the food supply chain is under increasing pressure from the latest virus surge

    The highly contagious [AND HARMLESS] omicron virus variant is disrupting already stressed food supply chains, sickening so many workers that more shortages at grocery stores are all but certain.

    Supermarkets have been struggling to keep food fully stocked throughout the pandemic as a result of labor shortfalls in every part of the food system, from farms to manufacturers to distributors. Now omicron is bringing the problem to a new level. The variant is raging across the U.S. and raising health concerns that many thought vaccines had put to rest. Schools and daycares are seeing closures again, keeping more Americans from work.

    “We’re already seeing bare shelves,” said Bindiya Vakil, chief executive of supply-chain consultant Resilinc Corp. “Labor shortages due to Omicron are going to exacerbate the issue.”

    More food inspectors are calling in sick, too, said Paula Soldner, chair of the National Joint Council of Food Inspections Locals. “The Delta variant didn’t have a whole lot of impact on the workforce,” she said, but “Omicron is nailing us.” This comes at a time when inspectors are already in short supply throughout the country [because they quit due to mandates]. In central Nebraska, for example, vacancies are as high as 35%, she said. Inspectors are integral in meat plants, where they look at every processed animal by law.

    When it comes to farms, the story is the same: Omicron is making it harder to produce food. Egg Innovations, one of the biggest U.S. producers of free-range eggs, has been short-staffed for about a year due to the pandemic, CEO John Brunnquell said. Now, Omicron is making it even more difficult to keep workers both in his business and across the industry.

    There’s seemingly no solution. Brunnquell said he can’t mandate vaccinations without taking a hit to his operations: “Because it’s such a tight labor market, and because we’re already short of people, I don’t feel I have the ability to mandate it without losing a couple more,” he said.


    Omicron's spread means more food shortages at grocery stores
    Supermarkets have been struggling to keep food fully stocked throughout the pandemic as a result of labor shortfalls. Now omicron is bringing the problem to a new level
  • 10 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2480 09:02 AM, 10 Jan 2022
    #BareShelvesBiden is trending on twitter.

    Photos of empty shelves across the nation…

    The 85,000 people on the @iceagefarmer channel knew this was coming!
  • iceagefarmer #2481 05:47 PM, 10 Jan 2022
    DARPA funds Soylent Green as Empty Shelves in USA - #BareShelvesBiden Trends

    DARPA is funding the creation of 3D printed food from "mixed waste," to be served "when traditional food is unavailable." #BareShelvesBiden is trending as empty shelves are found across the USA, and the LA Times promises the situation is only going to get worse. The food supply chain is buckling under the pressure of mandates and quarantines. What is the agenda behind this engineered shortage? Find out in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.




    #iafvideo #FoodShortages #FakeFood #SupplyChain
    DARPA funds Soylent Green as Empty Shelves in USA - #BareShelvesBiden Trends
    DARPA is funding the creation of 3D printed food from "mixed waste," to be served "when traditional food is unavailable." #BareShelvesBiden is trending as empty shelves are found across the USA, and the LA Times promises the situation is only going to get worse. The food supply chain is buckling under the pressure of mandates and quarantines. What is the agenda behind this engineered shortage? Find out in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast. FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/01/10/darpa-funds-soylent-green-as-empty-shelves-in-usa-bareshelvesbiden-trends/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ LINKS:
  • 11 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2482 12:23 PM, 11 Jan 2022
    Aussie gov warns many will test positive in the days ahead.

    Telling that they know in advance…

    Aussies urged to get Panadol, Ibuprofen as many to test positive to Covid in ‘coming days’

    Australians have been warned many of us will likely test positive to Covid in “coming days” and are being urged to be prepared by having paracetamol before becoming infected.
    It comes as the country reached a major vaccine milestone with more than 44 million doses administered.

    “With the rising case numbers we’ve seen over the past week in many parts of the country, it’s likely that many of us will test positive for Covid-19 over the coming days and weeks if we haven’t already done so,” he said.

    Warning to get item before catching Covid

    Australians have been warned many of us will likely test positive to Covid in “coming days” and are being urged to be prepared by having paracetamol before becoming infected.

  • iceagefarmer #2483 12:48 PM, 11 Jan 2022
    African Swine Fever reported in Thailand, (and in Italy, see next post)

    #AfricanSwineFever in Thailand: First case reported in slaughterhouse

    Authorities launched a probe at the weekend, after growing public speculation that the disease was already decimating Thai pig herds, and amid accusations of a cover-up.

    ASF Thailand: First case reported in slaughterhouse
    Thai authorities confirmed the detection of ASF in a surface swab sample collected at a slaughterhouse in Nakhon Pathom province.
  • iceagefarmer #2484 12:50 PM, 11 Jan 2022
    African Swine Fever confirmed in North Italy

    The westward spread into central/western Europe is likely unavoidable, and will result in enormous culls of pig populations over the next decade, like what we’ve seen in China & S. Korea.

    The risk of appearing in USA also grows…

    A case of African swine fever has been detected in a wild boar in Italy, news agency ANSA said Friday, raising fears of a blow to the country’s meat industry.

    Highly transmissible and fatal for pig populations, African swine fever (ASF) does not present a risk for human health but risks serious repercussions for pork producers.

    Italy, with about 8.9 million pigs, is the seventh biggest pork producer in the European Union, representing an 8 billion euro (9.1 billion U.S. dollars) industry, according to the agricultural association Confagricoltura.

    “The events observed in the last six months confirm the global threat of ASF, which continues to spread with serious impacts on pig production systems, animal health and welfare, as well as the socio-economic impacts on livelihoods, national food security and international trade,” the report said.

    #AfricanSwineFever #Italy #WarOnMeat
  • iceagefarmer #2486 02:06 PM, 11 Jan 2022
    Federal Reserve starts monitoring Logistics challenges

    Above is the Federal Reserve Bank of NY’s new “Global Supply Chain Pressure Index”


    Supply chain disruptions have become a major challenge for the global economy since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Factory shutdowns (particularly in Asia) and widespread lockdowns and mobility restrictions have resulted in disruptions across logistics networks, increases in shipping costs, and longer delivery times. Several measures have been used to gauge these disruptions, although those measures tend to focus on selected dimensions of global supply chains. In this post, we propose a new gauge, the Global Supply Chain Pressure Index (GSCPI), which integrates a number of commonly used metrics with an aim to provide a more comprehensive summary of potential disruptions affecting global supply chains.

    More here:


    #Shipping #SupplyChain
  • iceagefarmer #2487 05:51 PM, 11 Jan 2022
    The WEF’s new “2022 Global Risk Report” dropped today.

    They are not terribly optimistic about the next years!

    Report forthcoming…
  • 12 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2488 03:11 PM, 12 Jan 2022
    Federal government holds urgent talks with industry leaders to address supply chain issues

    The federal government has held urgent talks with industry leaders to find a solution to widespread supply chain issues caused by COVID-19.

    Essential services have been severely impacted by the Omicron outbreak, with thousands of workers isolating after having contracted the virus or being designated a close contact.

    The staffing crisis has lead to bare shelves at supermarkets and forced some major food retailers to enforce product limits on several items.

    Coles this week restricted the amount of meat products, pain killers and toilet paper customers can buy, among other products.

    #Australia #SupplyChain

    Urgent talks held between government and industry leaders to address supply chain crisis
    The staffing crisis has lead to bare shelves at supermarkets and forced some major food retailers to enforce product limits on several items.
  • iceagefarmer #2489 03:13 PM, 12 Jan 2022
    Pet food shortage affecting stores, owners [and pets…]

    If you’ve gone to the pet store recently, you may have noticed the shelves are emptier than usual.

    Some pet stores, such as Paisley Paw in Spartanburg, S.C., says they’re seeing the impact of the pet food shortage.

    Owner Robin Snelgrove said they’re taking their biggest hit on canned cat foods.

    Snelgrove has owned the shop for 7 years. She said the never had a problem getting pet food before the pandemic.

    “We have trouble with the canned cat food, the raw frozen food, sometimes getting that, and we have trouble with some of the dehydrated or freeze-dried food,” she said.


  • iceagefarmer #2490 03:14 PM, 12 Jan 2022
    Two weeks to flatten ... the supply chain. I'm sure things will be fine then.

    Can’t Find Pasta or Cat Food? Empty Store Shelves Are Here to Stay

    Social-media sites are full of photographs of empty grocery-store shelves, and the head of one of the biggest U.S. supermarket chains says the situation will take weeks to improve. [Just two weeks to flatten the supply chain]

    Albertsons Cos. had been expecting that supply outages would be improving by now, but “omicron has put a bit of a dent” in that, Chief Executive Officer Vivek Sankaran said Tuesday. As a result, the company is still contending with a range of products that are out of stock after months of similar headaches.

    #USA #SupplyChain

    Can’t Find Pasta or Cat Food? Empty Store Shelves Are Here to Stay
    Social-media sites are full of photographs of empty grocery-store shelves, and the head of one of the biggest U.S. supermarket chains says the situation will take weeks to improve.
  • iceagefarmer #2491 05:46 PM, 12 Jan 2022
    USDA just released January data, lowering global carryout of soybeans by 9mil bushels, and corn by 2m — this reflects how bad growing season is going in South America.

    Supplies remain tight, ie., neither bad weather nor fertilizer shortages / supply chain disruptions will be easily tolerated in 2022. And with China just closing another port — there is good reason to be concerned.

    - more expensive food
    - more expensive animal feed = less ranchers, more expensive meat

    #Soybeans #Corn
  • iceagefarmer #2492 06:51 PM, 12 Jan 2022
    Italians Face More Expensive Spaghetti After Pasta Costs Soar
    Pasta increased after price of durum wheat soared last year

    #Wheat #FoodPrices

  • iceagefarmer #2493 06:53 PM, 12 Jan 2022
    50% Surge in Fertilizer Prices Adds $128,000 in On-Farm Costs for 2022, Finds Texas A&M Study

    As the nation struggles to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of supply chain disruptions continue to wreak havoc on agricultural input markets, both in terms of availability [!!] and cost of inputs. In the case of fertilizer, prices have exploded over the past year

    As farmers furiously try to price and source fertilizer ahead of the spring rush, a new report from the Texas A&M Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) shows supply chain disruptions are wreaking havoc on nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous prices, costing feedgrain farms the most.

    #Fertilizer #FoodPrices

    50% Surge in Fertilizer Prices Adds $128,000 in On-Farm Costs for 2022, Finds Texas A&M Study
    A new report from Texas A&M Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) a 50% rise in fertilizer prices equates to an average of $128,000 per farm. The largest per-acre impact would falls on rice farms at $62.04 an acre.
  • 13 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2494 04:26 PM, 13 Jan 2022
    Hungary puts price caps on staple food items to “fight inflation” (because price controls are so good at … causing shortages!) ahead of election.

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said his government has ordered a cap on the cost of six basic food items to help temper the impact of spiraling inflation as the nation prepares for its most closely contested election in more than a decade. The price of sugar, flour, sunflower oil, chicken breast, pork leg and milk with a fat content of 2.8% must be sold at Oct. 15 price levels in all stores starting next month.

    #FoodPrices #Hungary

  • iceagefarmer #2495 04:35 PM, 13 Jan 2022
    NOW - Biden: "I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets — please deal with the 'misinformation and disinformation' that's on your shows. It has to stop."

  • iceagefarmer #2496 04:36 PM, 13 Jan 2022
    Expect to see censorship ramping up.

    And for my German friends, where they are considering blocking telegram : GET A VPN.
  • iceagefarmer #2497 10:38 PM, 13 Jan 2022
    Canada has dropped the mandate for truckers — the US still has not. It was set to go into effect Saturday (1/15).

    The Canadian federal government is backing down from its vaccine mandate for Canadian truckers three days before it was set to take effect.

    The new rule will still take effect for American truckers, who will be turned away at the border unless they've been inoculated starting this weekend.

    About 10 per cent of the 120,000 Canadian truckers who traverse the border may not have been able to work those routes because they haven't been jabbed, according to the trucking alliance.

    The vaccine mandate had already started to impact trucking operations.

    American Trucking Association chief economist Bob Costello estimates that just under half of the 28,000 U.S. drivers who regularly haul freight across the border will no longer be able to do so, posing a threat to the smooth supply of goods.


    Feds make last-minute reversal on vaccine mandate for truckers
    MONTREAL — The federal government is backing down from its vaccine mandate for Canadian truckers three days before it was set to take effect. Ottawa announced in mid-November that truck drivers crossing into Canada would need to be fully vaccinated by this Saturday. But on Wednesday evening Canada Border Services Agency spokeswoman Rebecca Purdy told The Canadian Press that Canadian big-riggers will not have to quarantine if they are...
  • iceagefarmer #2498 10:51 PM, 13 Jan 2022
    CORRECTION: Canada now HAS NOT dropped the requirement for truckers!

    They now claim the representative made “an error” in her announcement. Supply chain disruptions back on.

    What an obscene performance.


    COVID-19 vaccines still mandatory for Canadian cross-border truckers, feds say - National | Globalnews.ca
    The federal government said Thursday a vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers is going forward, clearing up an incorrect statement from the Canada Border Services Agency.
  • 14 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2499 09:21 AM, 14 Jan 2022
    China’s latest covid lockdowns are again affecting global supply chains

    China’s aggressive pursuit of covid-zero has revved into high gear against omicron, locking down whole cities for weeks, closing factories, and throttling ports, raising concerns that China’s efforts to control omicron’s runaway transmissibility will prolong or worsen manufacturing and shipping delays for the battered global supply chain.

    Already, companies are seeing production delays. This week, Toyota said that operations had come to a halt at its factory in Tianjin, the Wall Street Journal reported, after the city imposed mandatory testing after detecting two cases of the omicron variant [just two]. Volkswagen also closed a plant there as well as in the port city of Ningbo, where a small outbreak occurred, the Journal reported.

    Hong Kong-listed Shenzhou International, a supplier for Nike, Adidas, and Uniqlo, said in a disclosure to the stock exchange that it had to suspend operations at several production sites in Ningbo from Jan. 3, and that operations had not fully resumed as of Monday (pdf).

    #SupplyChain #China

    China’s latest covid lockdowns are again affecting global supply chains
    China's limits on port activity and lockdowns in manufacturing hubs are snarling exports and production.
  • iceagefarmer #2500 10:19 AM, 14 Jan 2022
    BNSF unions preparing to strike, threatening further interruptions to supply chain and particularly US West coast ports.

    17,000 operators have initiated steps to go on strike following the railroad’s announcement of its so-called “Hi-Viz” attendance policy, “the worst and most egregious attendance policy ever adopted by any rail carrier.”

    The policy is so restrictive that employees would be penalized for missing work to attend the funeral of an immediate family member.

    It forces “our members to report for duty without regard for their medical condition as we struggle to come out of a pandemic.

    Workers “are routinely called without warning due to the complete lack of reliable train lineups, thus creating the potential for an even more unsafe railroad operation.”

    #SupplyChain #USA

    More: https://smart-union.org/news/smart-td-blet-rail-unions-initiate-steps-to-strike-bnsf-properties-over-new-hi-viz-attendance-policy-punishing-sick-rail-workers-during-the-pandemic/
  • iceagefarmer #2501 11:59 AM, 14 Jan 2022
    Meat section completely cleaned out at Aldi, Victoria, #Australia.

    via JoJoSpark in @iaf_chat

    #WarOnMeat #FoodShortages #SupplyChain
  • iceagefarmer #2502 12:24 PM, 14 Jan 2022
    No more sashimi? Hongkongers’ favourite Japanese fare part of looming supply shortage as tough Covid-19 aircrew rules bite into cargo capacity

    - Experts have warned reduced capacity for imports in general will hurt city’s status as global cargo hub if stringent rules for aircrew continue

    - High-end Japanese restaurants will be ‘highly affected’ as more than 90 per cent of sashimi they use are flown into Hong Kong

    Hong Kong’s catering sector is bracing itself for a shortage of Japanese seafood, especially sashimi, a favourite fare among residents, as tightened Covid-19 quarantine rules for cargo aircrew are expected to drastically restrict the supply of goods into the city.

    Experts have warned that the reduced capacity will hurt the city’s status as a global cargo hub, if the stringent rules on such aircrew – requiring them to isolate in a designated hotel for seven days upon returning – continue.

    #SupplyChain #HongKong

    No more sashimi? Covid-19 rules create looming supply shortage for Hong Kong
    High-end Japanese restaurants expected to be ‘highly affected’ as more than 90 per cent of sashimi they use are flown into Hong Kong.
  • iceagefarmer #2503 01:49 PM, 14 Jan 2022
    Ukraine: Government websites down after “huge cyberattack”

    The websites contained a message in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish, saying that Ukrainians' personal data has been leaked into the public domain. “Be afraid and expect the worst. This is for your past, present and future," the message read, in part.

    The country's minister for digital transformation [!], Mykhailo Fedorov, insisted that personal data was safe, since “the operability of the websites, not the registries,” was affected by the hack. Fedorov said that some of the attacked websites were blocked by their administrators in order to contain the damage and investigate the attacks.


    Ukraine hacks add to worries of cyber conflict with Russia
    Hackers have temporarily shut down dozens of Ukrainian government websites, causing no major damage but adding to simmering tensions while Russia amasses troops on the Ukrainian border
  • iceagefarmer #2504 09:20 PM, 14 Jan 2022
    BREAKING: USA/Canada trucker v4x mandate for border crossing already affecting flow of grains.

    It is hard to believe this was allowed to go into effect even with ALL experts insisting it would cause devastating effects -- and that so few are aware of it -- but it has. And we will all feel it.

    With the C19 narrative crumbling, they need a next crisis. Brace.
  • 15 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2505 07:36 PM, 15 Jan 2022
    Tonga's Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai underwater volcanic eruption today is significant — and WILL absolutely contribute to #GlobalCooling in the years ahead. This isn’t just about TikTok videos of tsunamis in Santa Cruz.

    This was likely a VEI6 — not a VEI7 like Tambora before the “Year without a Summer”— but non-trivial to say the least!
  • 18 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2506 02:58 AM, 18 Jan 2022
    So truckers are stopped at the border for mandates, train operators are striking, airlines are being grounded for 5G, and major ports are closing.

    Who needs a #SupplyChain anyway.
  • iceagefarmer #2507 02:58 AM, 18 Jan 2022
    U.S. Airlines Warn of “Catastrophic Disruption” to Global Supply Chain When New 5G Service is Deployed

    📡@G3News: U.S. airlines and cargo carriers on Monday (Jan. 17) warned that the new 5G wireless service set to deploy Wednesday (Jan. 19) could ground flights, potentially stranding thousands of Americans overseas and delaying the delivery of key goods.

    In a letter to Biden administration officials, executives of major carriers wrote that C-band 5G causes disruptions to airplanes’ instruments that could make “huge swaths” of the U.S. fleet unusable. They noted that by Wednesday’s deadline, most of the nation’s large airports will be under 5G-related flight restrictions from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

    "This means that on a day like yesterday, more than 1,100 flights and 100,000 passengers would be subjected to cancellations, diversions or delays," chief executives of Delta Airlines, United Airlines, FedEx, UPS and others wrote in the letter.

    The executives urged U.S. officials to prevent 5G from being implemented within 2 miles of affected airports until the FAA figures out a way for affected airplanes to fly safely or risk a “catastrophic disruption” to passenger flights and the global supply chain.

    “Immediate intervention is needed to avoid significant operational disruption to air passengers, shippers, supply chain and delivery of needed medical supplies,” they wrote in a letter to the White House.
  • iceagefarmer #2508 01:39 PM, 18 Jan 2022
    WATCH: Canadian truckers against Covid mandates BLOCK all lanes of traffic to and from the United States.

    A sign on one truck reads: "MANDATE FREEDOM"
  • iceagefarmer #2509 09:17 PM, 18 Jan 2022
    🇨🇦 "The trucker vaccine mandate is “working”. These images were take at the Sarnia - Port Huron border crossing. Normally the trucks are lined up for 2-3 kilometres before the bridge. Today there is no lineup whatsoever. Freight isn’t moving."

    Message from a subscriber
  • iceagefarmer #2510 09:19 PM, 18 Jan 2022
    Grocery store closures loom amid labour, product shortages - Canada

    Grocery stores are struggling with rising labour and product shortages that could threaten Canada's food security, experts say.

    Employee absenteeism due to workers calling in sick and COVID-19 protocols has hit about 30 per cent at some stores and is continuing to rise, Gary Sands, senior vice-president of public policy with the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, said Tuesday.

    If the situation worsens, some grocery stores won't be able to stay open — threatening food security in rural and remote areas that rely on a sole independent grocer, Sands said.

    "If we have to keep sending people home, at a certain point stores are not going to be able to operate," he said. "We're very frustrated with the lack of rapid test kits for grocers."

    "Independent grocers are in a myriad of communities in this country where there is no other grocery store," Sands said. "If those stores close, you've got a food security issue."

    Meanwhile, stores are also experiencing a shortage of goods stemming from supply chain issues, including a shortage of truckers, packaging and processing delays and the Canadian winter.

    But some supply chain issues could be longer lasting, such as the trucker shortage intensified by the federal government's new vaccine mandate.

    "The issue with the truckers having to be vaccinated is causing some delays, especially with the supply of fruit and vegetables from California," Sands said.

    #SupplyChain #Canada

    Grocery store closures loom amid labour, product shortages
    Grocery stores are struggling with rising labour and product shortages that could threaten Canada's food security, experts say. Employee absenteeism due to workers calling in sick and COVID-19 protocols has hit about 30 per cent at some stores and is continuing to rise, Gary Sands, senior vice-president of public policy with the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, said Tuesday. Without access to rapid testing in many provinces, he said...
  • 19 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2511 07:37 PM, 19 Jan 2022
    As we’ve anticipated — the big pivot to climate.

    #WEF #ClimateLockdown
  • 21 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2512 08:59 PM, 21 Jan 2022
    Alberta: cattle feeders face increasingly desperate feed shortage.

    “Several larger feedlots have indicated that they will run out of all feed in a few days.”

    This is beyond catastrophic, with 1.5 million cattle unable to secure feed.



    Elevators working in reverse as Alberta cattle feeders face increasingly desperate feed shortage.

    “It’s a mess,” notes Kevin Serfas, of Serfas Farms, based at Turin, Alta. “If you only bought exactly what you needed on a week-to-week basis, you are in panic mode right now. I started November 1 and probably have half my orders. I’m not sure what needs to change. Everyone just blames the prior link in the chain.”

    That chain includes grain companies, railways and railways, as well as trucking companies.

    In some cases, grain handlers, such as Cargill, P&H, Richardson, and Viterra, are essentially trying to run their elevators in reverse. Rather than taking delivery from producers and loading grain onto trains, they are taking delivery of corn by train and transferring it onto trucks to fill sales contracts they’ve signed with cattle feeders — many of which are the same producers who otherwise sell grain to these companies.

    Labour shortages, due to COVID-19 and more, have exacerbated the challenge in some situations, causing delays with loading and unloading trains and trucks. Several feedlots say delays in unloading trains have resulted in the railway putting a lower priority on these shipments. In some cases, they’ve been penalized financially with demurrage fees. [IAF: Stunning that the railway can simply stop shipping animal feed.]

    There’s also concern the Canadian and U.S. government’s cross-border vaccination mandates, taking effect January 15 and 22, respectively, are removing a significant number of truck drivers from the road. Several sources told RealAgriculture they’ve also heard of a train being delayed due to crew members not wanting to have to quarantine in Canada.

    To put the amount of feed that’s needed in context, ACFA says one rail car — the equivalent of approximately two super B trailers — will feed approximately 8,000 head of cattle for one day. There are approximately 1.5 million head in the province, meaning the industry requires more than a 100 unit train every day to replace the barley and wheat that would normally be sourced closer to home.

    #Canada #SupplyChain

  • iceagefarmer #2513 09:10 PM, 21 Jan 2022
    Hong Kong orders mass-euthanasia of small mammals

    After “several hamsters tested positive,” Hong Kong officials have ordered the mass killing of 2,000 hamsters and “other small mammals” at pet stores.

    I hope people are starting to see this trend of separating humanity from animals and God’s creation, towards their transhumanist future.

    Hence this narrative that “animals are dirty and dangerous,” and bird flu, swine fever, rabbit ebola, deer with c19, and on and on… and yes they are coming for your pets.


    Environmental samples taken at the shop's warehouse, where other species of small animals are held, also confirmed traces of coronavirus, officials said. The hamsters at the pet store were imported from the Netherlands in two batches -- on December 22 and January 7.

    On Tuesday, authorities seized all the small animals in the shop, including hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas, to be tested and euthanized -- regardless of the test result -- citing a health hazard to the public.

    All pet stores selling hamsters in the city have been ordered to hand the animals over to be put down, with similar orders for anybody who bought a hamster in the lead-up to Christmas, beginning December 22.

    #WarOnPets #PostAnimalEconomy #AnimalAg

    Hong Kong plans to cull 2,000 hamsters over Covid fears. Pet owners are outraged
    Hong Kong will euthanize about 2,000 hamsters and other small animals after a pet store worker and several rodents tested positive for coronavirus, as the city pursues an uncompromising zero-Covid strategy two years into the pandemic.
  • 22 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2514 04:21 PM, 22 Jan 2022
    Lab monkeys escape after van crashes, one on the run—shots fired:

    The crash in Pennsylvania of a truck transporting 100 monkeys to a laboratory allowed four of them to escape, triggering a search by police who warned the public not to approach the animals.

    The vehicle collided with a dump truck near Danville, Pennsylvania on Friday afternoon, en route to a lab in Florida.

    Police said on Twitter that four moneys had “fled the crash scene into the surrounding area.”

    Three were later captured, but one was still on the loose on Saturday morning.

    The local WNEP news site said a police helicopter with thermal cameras was used to track down the cynomolgus monkeys, while officers on the ground used powerful flashlights.

    A reporter said police surrounded the monkey before shots were fired from an unidentified weapon.

    Lab monkeys escape after truck crashed in Pennsylvania
    The crash in Pennsylvania of a truck transporting 100 monkeys to a laboratory allowed four of them to escape, triggering a search
  • iceagefarmer #2515 04:24 PM, 22 Jan 2022
    The CDC has demanded the area be secured after monkeys escaped the vehicle (see previous post).

    Isn’t this a plot straight from one of those Hollywood…ahh nevermind:

    WUT? CDC Demands Area Secured After Truck Carrying Monkey's Crashes in PA - The Newark Daily Times
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructed authorities to secure an area around a crash that involved a truck carrying “a few hundred monkeys” some that escaped into Pennsylvania, according to an NBC report. “Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Andrea Pelachick confirmed the hunt for the escaped monkeys in…
  • 23 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2516 07:20 AM, 23 Jan 2022
    DC Mayor asks people to “voluntarily ration” food due to supply chain issues, launching a new “Only Take What You Need” campaign.

    A troubling sign - we know what comes after the “voluntary” part - and this starts to cast those who are prepared as enemies/hoarders, enemies of the collective.

    Cue the CBDCs as ultimate purchase limits…

    #SupplyChain #FoodShortage
  • iceagefarmer #2517 07:27 AM, 23 Jan 2022
    Bird Flu confirmed in South Carolina

    Guidance issued for bio security includes “keeping poultry inside.” As I’ve covered before, the UK and other countries also use this as an excuse to cull backyard flocks and free range operations.

    “These three positive samples tell us that high path avian influenza is currently present in the American Atlantic migratory flyway,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “While this virus is not a food safety issue, anyone with commercial or backyard flocks of poultry need to implement strict biosecurity measures. These measures include keeping your flock inside.”

    #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #BirdFlu

  • iceagefarmer #2518 11:22 AM, 23 Jan 2022
    Isle of Man pulling the bird flu card as well: no backyard poultry flocks.

    Keepers urged to keep birds housed after second outbreak of avian flu

    Poultry keepers on the Isle of Man are being asked to keep their birds housed and members of the public are being urged not to touch ill or dead birds.

    No live poultry can be moved on or off the Island without consultation and agreement with the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture.


    Keepers urged to keep birds housed after second outbreak of avian flu
    No live poultry to be moved on or off Island
  • 24 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2519 08:09 PM, 24 Jan 2022
    Turkey institutes 3-days a week of NO ELECTRICITY due to Nat Gas shortages. These rolling blackouts are the kiss of death to industry — anyone who imports from them needs to be considering the implications of an enforced throttling of all economic activity.

    Resetting right into the post-industrial, “zero-carbon” age …

    … and hey Europe — you’re next!


    The government has imposed three days of power outages a week in the country’s hundreds of organised industrial zones. The main electricity distribution company TEIAS verbally informed zone managers over the weekend and said written notices would follow.

    Car maker Renault SA announced it will stop production at its Bursa plant for 15 days, according to reports in the Turkish press, as the outages compound the global chip shortage already battering the automotive industry.

    Turkey’s automotive sector is the country’s top exporter, accounting for 11% of all exports in 2021.

    #Turkey #AbsoluteZero

    Largest-ever power cuts hit Turkey's industrial production: Report
    The government has imposed three days of power outages a week in the country's hundreds of organised industrial zones
  • 25 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2520 12:07 PM, 25 Jan 2022
    China knew.

    Between fertilizer shortages and Ukraine situation - global grain supply very precarious.
  • iceagefarmer #2521 02:57 PM, 25 Jan 2022
    Witness at scene of CDC lab monkeys crash has developed symptoms
    By: Caroline Machiraju Danville, PA – Michele Fallon is living a nightmare. And, she’s ready to put that nightmare on record. The Danville woman is now experiencing symptoms, believed to be r…
  • iceagefarmer #2522 02:58 PM, 25 Jan 2022
    An eyeful of saliva ! You can NOT make this stuff up.

    Victory! Monkeys Will No Longer Be Flown by Kenya Airways | PETA
    Four monkeys escaped the scene of a highway wreck, likely terrified and potentially carrying disease. Help PETA end the transport of these sensitive animals.
  • 26 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2523 08:28 PM, 26 Jan 2022
    Survival Gardening with David the Good ! (part 1)

    Mega interview with David the Good of the Survival Gardening channel! In this first part, we cover the priorities that help frame one's approach to a survival garden. And while many people get caught up in different techniques and dogma, we stress the importance of just getting started, focusing on yield, and experimenting to see what works best where you are.

    Part two coming soon!

    #iafvideo #Interview #Solutions


    Youtube: https://youtu.be/n8QCeKkSVuc
    Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5Caul0mPLNUu/
    Survival Gardening with David the Good - Ice Age Farmer Broadcast (part one)
    Mega interview with David the Good of the Survival Gardening channel! In this first part, we cover the priorities that help frame one's approach to a survival garden. And while many people get caught up in different techniques and dogma, we stress the importance of just getting started, focusing on yield, and experimenting to see what works best where you are. Part two coming soon! Find David at thesurvivalgardener.com and @The Survival Gardening Channel with David The Good FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2022/01/26/survival-gardening-with-david-the-good-ice-age-farmer-broadcast-part-one/ GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW! On TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iceagefarmer SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmer On Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT: https://patreon.com/iceagefarmer https://paypal.me/iceagefarmer - other methods: https://iceagefarmer.com/support Ice Age Farmer Guilded (chat) group: http://iceagefarmer.com/guilded The Victory Seed -- easy pamphlet to share: http://thevictoryseed.org __ ⇒ IAF Wiki - read history, understand cycles, know what's coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Strategic_Relocation:_Maps ⇒ Join the email list - stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS - I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: https://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): https://iceagefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: https://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 https://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: https://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep ___ David's books: Grow or Die - Survival Gardening: https://amzn.to/3rMe8jm Grocery Row Gardening: https://amzn.to/3u0Qcvc Push the Zone (Ice Age Farming!): https://amzn.to/3ADBVpB
  • 27 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2524 04:01 PM, 27 Jan 2022
    Russia and Ukraine account for 29% of global wheat trade.

    If that wheat stops moving, global food supply gets REAL interesting, real fast.

    #wheat #russia #ukraine
  • iceagefarmer #2525 06:04 PM, 27 Jan 2022
    Officials warn US Water supply “absolutely vulnerable” to cyberattacks.

    Amazing how all our infrastructure is “suddenly” so vulnerable! #Cyberpandemic


    Cyber defenses for US drinking water supplies are "absolutely inadequate" and vulnerable to large-scale disruption by hackers, a senior official said Thursday.
    "There's inadequate resilience to even a criminal sector," the official said. "The threshold of resilience is not what it needs to be."
    President Joe Biden has attempted to address infrastructure cybersecurity but is limited by the fact that the vast majority of services are provided by private, not government, companies.

    (But given the right crisis I’m sure the feds could take control..!)

  • 28 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2526 01:49 PM, 28 Jan 2022
    Taiwan is experiencing a rare shortage of chicken eggs that may not ease until April, according to the agricultural authorities.

    Consumers in northern Taiwan have been complaining about empty egg shelves at retailers, and strained supplies have seen the price of the protein source soar. According to China Times, the price has been hiked to NT$35 (US$1.26) per catty (台斤, 0.6 kg) from NT$24 before the pandemic.

    A daily shortfall of 1.2 million eggs is being reported as nationwide demand averages 23.6 million eggs per day, said Agriculture and Food Agency Director-General Hu Jong-i (胡忠一).

    The authorities are taking measures to address the scarcity of the staple. A total of 600,000 eggs will be imported from Australia and the U.S. every week, while some of northern Taiwan's need will be met by eggs from the south, CNA quoted Hu as saying.

    Multiple factors are behind the shortage, including the slump in demand last year during the Level 3 COVID-19 alert that discouraged breeders from replenishing their stocks of chicks. Recent cold fronts and avian flu outbreaks have further exacerbated instability in the supply of eggs.

    #BirdFlu #FoodShortages #Taiwan

    Taiwan hit by egg supply woes
    Council of Agriculture expects shortage to ease within a few months | 2022-01-27 16:48:00
  • iceagefarmer #2527 01:52 PM, 28 Jan 2022
    As the #AbsoluteZero plan promised, they are attacking your appliances, replacing everything with electric from wood burning stoves to gas kitchens:

    #Propaganda towards the “zero carbon future…”


    Your gas-powered stove may be more damaging than it looks!

    Research shows gas stoves leak methane even when turned off
    The appliances contribute more to global warming than previously thought.

    Gas stoves send about 2.6 million tons of methane into the atmosphere each year, the study found.

    Methane contributes far more to global warming than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (around 80x more, in fact, although it doesn’t linger as long).

  • 29 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2528 05:28 PM, 29 Jan 2022
    Klaus Schwab: “We have to prepare for an angrier world.”

    also Klaus Schwab: “We have penetrated their presidents and high level cabinet members”

    To be clear: it’s not that the “covid narrative is crumbling” somehow. The play here is removal of all confidence in national governments. Burn it all down, that from the ashes shall rise their NWO.

    I’m not saying the trucker convoy is somehow bad. I AM saying we need to know what we are building as an alternative to their technocratic dystopia, and focus on building that future now, and fast.

  • 31 January 2022
  • iceagefarmer #2529 01:31 PM, 31 Jan 2022
    Farming Insider Warns The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be Far Worse Than We're Being Told

    As I’ve been warning, I’m hearing these same things from farmers: prices for inputs have exploded IF they are available at all! A controlled demolition of our food supply is ongoing.

    #FoodShortage #fertilizer #SupplyChain
